16 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. It is through afield of such valid objects that I must pick my way, every day and in everyway. I put a lot of effort into making such distinctions I need to make them. Ineed to be very clear, in my own mind

      And yet, these associations are true. But her sanity won't take it. It also connects to the separation of mind and body that happens. It becomes less a part of her.



  2. Oct 2024
    1. I apply it to the Commander,but it seems too simple for him, too crude. Surely his motivations are moredelicate than that.

      It is only vanity, she is being tricked, the world is being manipulated beyond her with all control out of her hands -- and she then surrenders her only control to have sex with nick



  3. Sep 2024
    1. We lived, as usual, by ignoring. Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, youhave to work at it.

      Complacency is something she actively does to keep her sanity in check.

    2. These are the kinds of litanies I use, to compose myself

      She periodically brings herself back from the past to regain and maintain her sanity, her composure, her intellect. She tries yet again to separate mind and body when she is treated only as a vessel.

    3. I revise that: within limits.

      The freedom is all relative -- all these pleasures are nothing in the past, but so much now. She has to remind herself to truly compare so she doesn't fall into insanity.

    4. Not a hope. I know where I am, and who, and what day it is. These arethe tests, and I am sane

      They test for sanity, because they try and erase the sanity of individuals.

  4. Dec 2017
    1. I'm sure there isn't anything nefarious about this random Rubik's Cube. It's just so colorful and fun!

      rubik cube ain't grow in trees


      ain't an idea

      /merry cubemaz

      go shopping, and gone by chopping

  5. May 2017
    1. But where the greater malady is fixed, fixed (adj.) 2 rooted, established, in place KL III.iv.9  The lesser is scarce felt.

      whenever you feel a larger pain, the smaller one disappears.

  6. Jan 2016
    1. It is not pleasant to sacrifice your illusions. And again, this is why it is imperative for you to connect with me frequently, if not absolutely constantly, so as to have the opportunity to stand in the presence of your Sanity, your unflawed experience of what is Really going on, because you will be able to catch the feel of Joy which will further illuminate You to you as Who You truly Are, and thus promote greater willingness to release, without reason or thought, the fantasy you.
    2. Raj: It all depends on where you’re standing as you’re observing it. Because I will tell you, again, that from my vantage point this is cause for great Joy and great Joy is being experienced by those of us standing in attendance, you might say, as you reach out and desire to embrace, and thus express Mind, thus express your natural inherent Sanity.
    3. You must stop valuing the inputs which bolster the ego and satisfy it. I mean by that, the actions that get approval. You must at this point value the marvelous fact that you are, at this instant, connecting with me from That of you which is Fourth-dimensional. It is a concrete demonstration of your Sanity—your presence of Mind—and therefore an illuminated experience of your Being, with no distortion present.

      Approval bolsters the ego............ leads to distortion...

    1. Therefore, the more consistently you dialogue with me, the more consistently you are letting in the possibility of an experience of Reality different from what you have decided reality is going to be for you. And that is the beginning of Sanity, of waking up! Your practice of Listening is your practice of coming out from seclusion in your own private, tiny sense of self and world.

      Your practice of Listening is your practice of coming out from seclusion in your own private, tiny sense of self and world.

    2. As I said earlier, our dialoguing like this does constitute your connection with Reality, with Sanity, and you are now beginning to grasp why it is that the one who is dreaming must reach out, and why one’s Guide cannot enforce his or her presence upon the one guided. The one being guided has been engaging in the denial of Reality, the effective blocking of It, and that resistance cannot be penetrated. It isn’t actually a shell, but an insistence upon ignoring. And no one can penetrate an act of ignoring—you could say, an act of ignorance.

      I need to reach out to my guide because I have been in denial of Reality and blocking it, I have been insisting on ignoring it.

    3. Again I am going to reiterate: Avoid thinking! If you want to have the stimulation of insight, don’t think. Listen! And listen to me. Then the amplifications which you expect to arrive at through thinking, but will not, will be present in the nature of the dialogue, the connection. Then the specifics that you would hope to arrive at through thinking will come as Knowing, and further substantiate the shift of weight of emphasis of attention to you, and thus disengage you further from the distorted self-perception that you have thought was really you. Again: If you want to understand, don’t think. Listen. Dialogue. Actively speak with me. Actively be with me. This is another way of saying, actively let me in, because to the degree that you let me in, you let yourself into your right Mind, and your full Sanity, and your full embrace of what is Really going on—Reality, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Movement of Creation, the experience of unity, integrity.

      "Don't think, communicate with inner guidance,LISTEN, in this way Real Knowing can occur as it cannot come from the thinking mind.

    4. You are right. You are still not getting it. But, I will tell you something: What you mean is, you are not getting an intellectual grasp of it. But, to the degree that you continue to talk [with me], whether you are intellectually getting it or not, you again are being the willingness and the invitation to experiencing yourself in your right Mind by operating, even in this limited fashion, as you in your right Mind. You, as your ego, cannot talk to me at all. It is You, in your real Being, who is talking with me and hearing me. And so you are substantiating your Sanity, your Wholeness, the Reality of You, whether you are “getting it” or not, whether you are allowing a Conversation with Raj to occur or not.

      Paul is not 'getting it' in his thinking mind and Raj shares that that this does not matter, it is the willingness and the invitation to experience yourself in right Mind that is important.

      By offering willingness to Be in right Mind even if the mind doesn't get it leads to the wholeness of Reality of Self....

    1. Why do you think that I said to my disciples, “Follow thou me”? Because it gave them the opportunity to make the choice, from within themselves, for their own reasons, for their Sanity. And why do you think I said to “sell everything that thou hast, and follow me,” or to forget about the mother who needed to be buried because she had died? Because the ego always has loose ends to distract one from waking up. Just one more thing to take care of. One last thing to do within the context of the dream. One last thing to do from the three-dimensional frame of reference.

      Raj reveals himself as Jeshua!