- Feb 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
success rate in AA is 5 to 8%
> for - stats - AA - success rate - 8% - ego fatigue
addicts have a really hard time with that an extremely hard time because they have to suppress control inhibit their impulses for hours at a time days at a time weeks at a time
> for - addiction - hard time controlling impulses - ego fatigue
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"ego investment" ist das problem.<br /> wir mit der impfung seine gesundheit geopfert hat,<br /> der kann nicht zugeben dass die impfung ein fehler war,<br /> der hat falsche hoffnung ("mich trifft es nicht") bis zum bitteren ende.
- Jul 2024
www.nature.com www.nature.com
for - magic mushrooms - distorts space-time perception and dissolves the ego
- Mar 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In experiments first reported in 1998, Baumeister and his collaborators discovered that the will, like a muscle, can be fatigued. Immediately after students engage in a task that requires them to control their impulses — resisting cookies while hungry, tracking a boring display while ignoring a comedy video, writing down their thoughts without thinking about a polar bear or suppressing their emotions while watching the scene in “Terms of Endearment” in which a dying Debra Winger says goodbye to her children — they show lapses in a subsequent task that also requires an exercise of willpower, like solving difficult puzzles, squeezing a handgrip, stifling sexual or violent thoughts and keeping their payment for participating in the study rather than immediately blowing it on Doritos. Baumeister tagged the effect “ego depletion,” using Freud’s sense of “ego” as the mental entity that controls the passions.
Baumeister his notion of will as being a muscle. Also ego depletion (tagged from Freud).
- Feb 2024
Thomas metzinger's the ego tunnel
for - book - Thomas Metzinger - The Ego Tunnel
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
36:00 after a flow experience, "the ego comes roaring back"
The ego takes pride in flow and hijacks it, and then doing and saying all sorts of weird stuff
- Oct 2023
MICE 'em!
M.I.C.E. stands for Money, Ideology, Compromise, and Ego.
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The epoche is always performed and we don't know it. We don't realize it. 00:19:42 This was said, for instance, by Michel Henry. But maybe even more strikingly by Jean-Paul Sartre in his book, The Transcendence Of The Ego
- for: epoche - Jean Paul Satre, epoche, question, question - epoche - symbolosphere, Jean-Paul Satre - Nausea
- paraphrase
- Jean-Paul Satre
- The Transcendence of the Ego
- Nausea (book)
- both the subject and object are cocreated and emerge simultaneously
- Jean-Paul Satre
- definition start
- Bitbol calls this "symmetrical effort"
- definition end
- it takes symmetrical effort to
- extract invariance from experience (objectification and object permanence)
- stabilize an experiencing pole (construction of self)
- when some event causes
- it takes symmetrical effort to
- example: epoche
- reading a book on history
- you suddenly realize there is no past, no medieval events, just black marks on paper (or on a screen)
- question
- Is realizing the epoche the same as realizing the symbolosphere?
lessfoolish.substack.com lessfoolish.substack.com
It is wiser to become less foolish instead of more wise, which avoids “wisdom signaling.”
- for: wisdom signaling, ego - reifying, foolbodied, definition, definition - foolbodied, definition - wisdom signaling, humbleness
- definition: foolbodied
- to be aware of how ignorant (foolish) one is in an embodied way
definition: wisdom signaling
- the act of talking about wisdom that conveys a sense of epistemic authority or that may sound wise regardless of the actual presence of wisdom
- this subtle shift is actually quite important
- the centrality of our ignorance, in contrast to the focus on our wisdom is a natural antidote to reifying ego
- Wisdom signaling appears to be a movement towards the direction of reifying ego and self-righteousness
- Many of the greatest minds (and hearts) of humanity talk genuinely about how ignorant they are about reality because of the paradox that
- the more you know, the greater your discovery of how much you don't know, and therefore the awareness of how expansive our ignorance is
- in this sense, the continual reminder and awareness of the enormity of one's ignorance creates authentic sense of humbleness, not a contrived one
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
07:00 ego as real personality, has a more complete knowledge
Jung seems to have a diff concept of ego than, for example, Eckhart Tolle
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- ego as illusion
- not I, but we? (relate to concept of environments/ extending mind/extending self)
- awareness to what is (all of our experience, surroundings, organisms)
- body "I?" as part of a greater nature, Allah, and everything else (part of oneness we participate in)
- ego as construct (things we tell ourselves, beliefs)
- ego as illusion (are we a center of consciousness/energy? it causes opposition)
- we are the body, as part of the natural environment
- no self, as system (organs)
- self as organism that goes together with other organisms/see extended mind as extended self, maybe different phrasing)
- I as organism/environment, but ego as opposing it
- confusing symbols with reality of the world itself (see Tolle on interpretation as removing from present)
- caused by stories to ourselves, by others, looking at mirror/listening etc. "creating of image of self/mask" (persona), as a social institution (construct of self/ego), it is useful (helpful for navigation, but it is abstract)
- hides of ourselves, entirely unconscious, to external world etc. (things that are essential to us, we don't perceive, bec of the ego)
- sensations of "I" is false (cutting off your complete experience, all organisms, everything in ones awareness, not closed off)
- forcing the mind/concentrate is thinking to ourselves (for example, how we ought to read thst difficult book)
- distracting ourselves from reality
- destroying environment as destroying the body
- "you can't rid of it" (that is the ego, trying to get rid of the ego, a circle) answer: do nothing (ego asking the question)
- you can't control anything, like thoughts, feelings, other organisms, they are as they are, so you don't do anything, you see, you feel, observe, you are not "you" , you as the whole world (and creator), as experience
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- misunderstanding nafs as misunderstanding quran
- doctor doesn't use ego, but self
- ego as ana? (not same?), ego as term by freud
- how science and religion can be compatible (removing materialism)
- key to world as in hands of man (self), thirtieth word
- Nursi as using quranic definition of self and philosophical
- Nursi studied himself, not attending medrese (at early life)
- Nursi memorised 90 collections of books, reciting those books every 3 months, read quran in his early 40s
- self/nafs 300 times in quran (& different meanings of self)
- other component than self, directing you?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ego as personal history (see my view on history, as ongoing presence)
- Jun 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"Despair is the too-little of responsibility. Pride is the too-much." -- Wendell Berry
- Mar 2023
www.zen-occidental.net www.zen-occidental.net
it is a mental construct
Good explanation of what self-consciousness attempts to do:
Self-consciousness is not something obviously "self-existing" it is a fiction, - it is ungrounded because it is - a mental construct.
Rather than being selfsufficient, - consciousness is like the surface of the sea: dependent on unknown depths ("conditions," as the Buddha called them) that it cannot grasp - because it is a manifestation of them.
The problem arises because this conditioned, and therefore unstable, consciousness wants to - ground itself, to make itself real.
But to real-ize itself is to objectify itself - meaning to grasp itself, since an object is that-which-is-grasped.
The ego-self is this continuing attempt to objectify oneself by grasping oneself, something we can no more do than a hand can grasp itself.
repressed intuition "returns to consciousness in distorted form" as the symbolic ways we compulsively try to ground ourselves and make ourselves real in the world: such as power, fame, and of course money.
//* Loy is stating... - Those engaging compulsively in money, fame, power, materialism - are actually deeply repressing - the fact that the ego-self, and therefore self-consciousness is a construction - To continually reify the ego-self, we engage in these activities - and of course, this is fueling the polycrisis we now find ourselves in
- Oct 2022
www.volkskrant.nl www.volkskrant.nl
Ik zeg niet dat ik gelijk heb, want wie ben ik, maar ik geef de voorkeur aan mijn benadering.
i love this!
in english it would be something like, *I am not saying I am right, because who am I, but I give priority to my approach. *
- Jun 2022
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
It would lack a unique personality or an “alter ego,” which is what Luhmann’s system aimed to create. (9)
Is there evidence that Luhmann's system aimed to create anything from the start in a sort of autopoietic sense? Or is it (more likely) the case that Luhmann saw this sort of "alter ego" emerging over time and described it after-the-fact?
Based on his experiences and note takers and zettelkasten users might expect this outcome now.
Are there examples of prior commonplace book users or note takers seeing or describing this sort of experience in the historical record?
Related to this is the idea that a reader might have a conversation with another author by reading and writing their own notes from a particular text.
The only real difference here is that one's notes and the ability to link them to other ideas or topical headings in a commonplace book or zettelkasten means that the reader/writer has an infinitely growable perfect memory.
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
Even though results of these studies are currently under intensescrutiny and have to be taken with a grain of salt (Carter andMcCullough 2014; Engber and Cauterucci 2016; Job, Dweck andWalton 2010), it is safe to argue that a reliable and standardisedworking environment is less taxing on our attention, concentration
and willpower, or, if you like, ego. It is well known that decision-making is one of the most tiring and wearying tasks...
Having a standardized and reliable working environment or even workflow can be less taxing on our attention, our concentration, and our willpower leaving more energy for making decisions and thinking which can have a greater impact.
Does the fact that the relative lack of any decision making about what to see or read next seen in doomscrolling underlie some of the easily formed habit of the attention economy? Not having to actively decide what to read next combined with the random rewards of interesting tidbits creating a sense of flow is sapping not our mental energy, but our time. How can we better design against this?
- Jun 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gronfeldt, B., Cichocka, A., Cislak, A., Sternisko, A., & Irem. (2021). A Small Price to Pay: National Narcissism Predicts Readiness to Sacrifice In-group Members to Defend the In-group’s Image [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7fmrx
- Sep 2020
cosmicchrist.net cosmicchrist.net
Maybe the egoic self doesn’t get “balanced” by doing good inner work but it was a catalyst to diving down and in.
The egoic self doesn't get "balanced"... it gets out of the way for a more upgraded, informed, improved version of the self! Is the ego the "husk" that Francis joked about in himself? The husk protects the fruit, until the fruit "outgrows" the husk!
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kubo, T., Sugawara, D., & Masuyama, A. (2020). The effect of ego-resiliency and COVID-19-related stress on mental health among the Japanese population. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/up6c3
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Skalski, S., Uram, P., Dobrakowski, P., & Kwiatkowska, A. (2020, May 18). The Link Between Ego-resiliency, Social Support, SARS-CoV-2 Anxiety and Trauma Effects. Polish Adaptation of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/28tnw
- Jun 2019
qualiacomputing.com qualiacomputing.com
So I learned very quickly that non-dual states of awareness coincide with balanced bilateral symmetry and the ego almost always functions through some form of energetic asymmetry.
Does the writer imply that ego emerges on energetic asymmetry? I would argue that it is possible to be perfectly balanced when "ego is in".
- May 2019
о «трех владыках материализма» – это «владыка формы», «владыка речи» и «владыка ума»
Понятие «владыки формы» подразумевает невротическое стремление к физическим удобствам, безопасности и удовольствию.
понятие «владыки формы» не относится к созданным вами физически комфортным и безопасным жизненным ситуациям самим по себе. Оно, скорее, связано с невротической, чрезмерной озабоченностью, которая побуждает нас создавать все это, пытаться подчинить себе природу. Эго стремится обезопасить и занять себя. Поэтому мы привязываемся к своим удовольствиям, к своей собственности; поэтому мы боимся перемен или форсируем перемены, стараемся создать для себя гнездо или игровую площадку.
Под иллюзией continuous improvement скрывается хаотичное движение неуправляемой частицы с глубоко скрытым экзистенциальным кризисом. И на векторы этого движения влияет бесконечность разных факторов: настроение, меняющиеся краткосрочные приоритеты, возможность быстрых маленьких побед.
- Jul 2018
www.nea.org www.nea.org
Our hipper, more progressive (and perhaps younger) colleagues brag about their prowess
I don't think there is an upper or lower age limit to bragging about how well we can multitask.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
above all else Woolf abhorred egotism, which she saw as the male besetting sin
- Dec 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
the third level of education requires profound honesty. It asks that you become a person who can look at life objectively with honesty and consistency. You are not trying to be a wonderful person now; you are not trying to be a villain, either. You're not even trying "to be." You are freed from the attempt to be someone. This is the greatest freedom you can experience in life. In a way, the quest to be someone has to be relinquished before you can be someone. Knowledge does not require that you become exemplary according to your standards. You cannot say, "I am going to use Knowledge to get more of this or less of that," because Knowledge is the Master in your life. It is moving you. You have set sails, and God is now blowing you across the world.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
You must stop valuing the inputs which bolster the ego and satisfy it. I mean by that, the actions that get approval. You must at this point value the marvelous fact that you are, at this instant, connecting with me from That of you which is Fourth-dimensional. It is a concrete demonstration of your Sanity—your presence of Mind—and therefore an illuminated experience of your Being, with no distortion present.
Approval bolsters the ego............ leads to distortion...
christmind.info christmind.infoAbout4
Graduation. What could one possibly graduate into? Well, isn’t graduation the process of releasing education—an educational process, a learning process? Indeed, the movement into an ego sense of Self is like starting school, and graduation is what happens when you abandon the ego sense and all of the interesting dynamics of becoming educated. In effect, it is truly a moving back into the elemental and fundamental natural perfection of one’s Being, which I will say constitutes a complete invalidation of everything which was ever learned in the educational process. Therefore, necessarily, graduation means forsaking the value which has been placed upon the learning.
Raj shares what is meant by Graduation.... it is to abandon the ego sense of all the interesting dynamics of becoming educated and "it is truly a moving back into the elemental and fundamental natural perfection of one’s Being, which I will say constitutes a complete invalidation of everything which was ever learned in the educational process."**
Now, whatever excitement or trepidation might be being felt is, of course, not being felt by you, but by the ego—the fantasy sidekicks which both of you and everyone else who is not Awake thinks they companion with. In fact, they think that they are the fantasy partner. The excitement comes from the sense that what is going to be heard is foreign—therefore, perhaps threatening. And I am saying “threatening” with a certain sense of thrill, because the ego likes a little bit of threat. It provides the motivation for challenge. And it is all bull-shit!
Wow Raj is straight to the point here... the ego likes a bit of a threat, it provides the motivation for challenge and its all bullshit!!!
Now, there is concern about finances. I will tell you, that concern is arising out of thinking. At this time, you are letting yourself be open to Knowing. Knowing, identified as You/Me speaking, is not addressing money, is It? Therefore, that is not the issue. That is not where congruence is needed. That is not what congruence is needed about. What we are talking about is specifically relevant to your finances, among other things. It is only the ego, the sidekick, which would demand that Knowing address what it sees to be a problem. Knowing doesn’t address problems. Knowing specifically uncovers resolution, solutions.
It is only the ego that perceives a problem, in Being there are none...
Knowing specifically uncovers resolution, solutions.
We are simply bringing these elements forward for you to see, so that this shift of emphasis from thinking to Knowing can occur without your being hooked by preconditioning and old ego habits.
christmind.info christmind.info
Remember—and this is the key of our conversation today—it is the act of being in dialogue, it is the event of being connected, and not what happens during the connection, which constitutes the bridge that allows you to move from the ego sense of self to the Conscious experience of Who You Are. Indeed, you can ask me to simply say, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” when you are afraid of the content of what you might hear, because it isn’t the content but the connection that constitutes the bridge.
"it is the event of being connected, and not what happens during the connection, which constitutes the bridge that allows you to move from the ego sense of self to the Conscious experience of Who You Are."
? Real dialogue is not about what is said?
You see, from the three-dimensional-only frame of reference, from the ego’s vantage point, all you ever experience is a sense of what is going on, and that is a far cry from the experience of what is going on. A sense of what is going on is a conceptualization, rather than a direct experience. If that conceptualization is believed to be an experience, then misunderstanding is the result. But it is always a misunderstanding of something Real, as I have said before. I have also said before that you will not understand your way into the Kingdom of Heaven, because the fantasy partner, since it has no actual existence, has no means of understanding the Reality which it is the active denial of.
I do not know what is going on if I am focussed in 3d, just some concept of it.... and if this concept is believed a misunderstanding occurs. the ego cannot understand what is Real because it is the active denial of it...
christmind.info christmind.info
I know. The ego suggests that that is a nice escape from dealing with what needs to be dealt with. It says, “Come back. You have a few loose ends to take care of.” But, as I have said before, your income, your abundance, comes from being Centered. I did not say it comes from taking care of loose ends which are perceived from uncenteredness. Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating.
"Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating."
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
I want you to consider for a moment that you are very structural regarding what is and what is not right, and what is and what is not done properly when it comes to yourself. it takes very little for you to feel that you have not done well enough—or that you have not measured up to the mark—and therefore, you are deserving of those negative feelings which are appropriate for such a person. This is unfortunate, because each successive, little dig you have made at yourself—by pointing out to yourself those ways in which you have not measured up—has developed into a rather strong subjective “put down” of yourself. This subjective “put down” is part of what tells you that you can’t move beyond where you are, or you can’t see this, or you don’t know what the answer is to that, et cetera.
Paul's Belief that he is not measuring up and therefore deserving of negative feelings adds up to a big subjective put down that tells him that he can't go beyond where he is, etc.
It's an Ego strategy - a 3dRef perspective.
Raj gives perspective in the next paragraph.
christmind.info christmind.info
Stay with the Fact that your Being is totally present. THAT’S FACT. Your Being is totally functioning. THAT’S FACT. Your Being is being totally successful in fully identifying Itself. THAT’S FACT. You are not a small part of the totality of God’s Universe. THAT’S FACT. And you are not part of God’s Universe, because God is the only Identity you have. Therefore, your Being is infinite and cannot be contained. Do not let yourself be coerced into accepting the pea-sized concept of Identity called three-dimensional man. You must stay with the Infinity of your Being, together with Its Omnipresence and Omnipotence. You are all of It. It is all of You. God is the only thing going on. it is the Happening. Do not buy the hypnotic suggestions being put forth by “ego.“
Being is present, Being is your Identity, **Being is infinite and cannot be contained.
You are Infinite - Do Not allow yourself to be coerced into accepting the pea-sized concept of identity as 3d man.
christmind.info christmind.info
It is amazing that one can be tempted to forfeit experiencing the Oneness of Being in order to play the chancy game of “look How Great I am,” knowing full well that he could just as easily be the one who is the least. It is, indeed, a game of chance.
This suggests that the life experienced in an incarnation is by chance.
I cannot make myself any clearer than to say: Paul, do not waste your time with heady trips of greatness, of holiness, of grand purpose, of fulfilling a Divine Purpose in the universal scheme of things that is outside or other than “simply existing.“ Existence is all of those things, but it is nothing “special.“ It is only by comparison with ignorance that that which is “normal” can seem special, and you will weaken yourself greatly if you indulge in such nonsense! This had better be a fundamental point in your awareness of what is happening here, or you will lose the Value.
The Infinity of Being is "normal"
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: You are at a point where you need to see that there is only One Cause, only One Action, only One Life, Mind, Being, Consciousness. This does not mean that everything you seem to experience is included in that One Mind, Being, Consciousness, but it means that the step that needs to be taken here is to not deal with specific little “causes.” It means that it is time to have no other gods but God. I don’t care what anybody else seems to have to be doing at the present moment, or whether they are seeming to have to learn this, or be faced with what you are being faced with. YOU HAVE GOT TO HANDLE THIS AS THOUGH YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE! AND YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO HANDLE THIS AS THOUGH THERE IS ONLY ONE PRESENCE AND POWER! The time is past to handle anything from the standpoint of “handling” this or that or the other “thing,“—whether it be thought, belief, object, or circumstance.
There is only Oneness, one Cause, one Action, one Life, one Mind, one Being, one Consciousness.
The solution to problems we experience is not to deal with the little "causes" but to lay aside idols and Seek First the Kingdom.
It doesn't matter what is happening for or with anybody else, it is between you and God.
Handle the problems you experience as though You are their only cause, as though you are 100% responsible.
And deal with those problems in Reality - using the only Power and Presence that exists!! That of Being (God).
Raj is making a strong point here, that: There is no other way.
Any other way is the way of illusion and illusion is a mistaken idea that has no existence and can therefore never be a solution. Never.
christmind.info christmind.info
You see, Paul, whether you have misidentified your Self as “ego,” or whether you have correctly identified yourSelf as Fourth-dimensional Man, your Being has effortlessly been being Itself totally, perfectly, and successfully by being rather than “doing.” Anything ego has thought it has done was pure nonsense.
Quote - Anything ego has thought it has done was pure nonsense.
Being is being Itself perfectly regardless of how I have identified myself, by being not doing.
.t:EIP - everything is perfect.
christmind.info christmind.info
PAUL: I feel as though I’m really going out on a limb here by maintaining the position which you outlined this morning and previously. RAJ: Why? PAUL: Because it appears that I might lose something. RAJ: There it is! Ego. If nothing can get outside the infinitude of your Being, then how can You lose anything? Paul, you must be very strict. If you can’t lose anything, then you haven’t lost anything. All of You is still present and functioning, and all of You will continue to be present and functioning.
Throughout this entire book Raj has been teaching Paul about Being and that Beings is what is True about him.
Here is a great example of learning to lean on what you know even if you have not yet had the experience - that Raj suggested earlier.
This is a good use of the logical mind - to argue against ego attempts to bring us back into its system of beliefs. (WoM mentions this).
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
As I observe myself, it seems incredible to me that there is this definite reluctance to get into the subject of Substance, or into the specific answer to the problems we have been faced with over the past number of months. It is extremely strong. RAJ: And, Paul, it is entirely operating at the level of belief. It is a totally ignorant experience. That is what makes it most incredible. It simply means that you are going to have to move through it purposely, and not hope for some way to get around it.
Paul is having financial problems. He is following Raj's suggestions but it is not helping. I think he is feeling victimized - no matter what he does it is not helping - even being open and receptive to Guidance.
Now he doesn't want this conversation because he wants to maintain his belief about his situation and is afraid he won't be able to - that Raj will tell him something where he won't be able to maintain his belief. He wants to keep it!!
Raj says his reluctance and its physical result is a totally ignorant experience operating at the level of belief.
He needs to be honest about it and purposefully move through it and stop hoping for some magical means to get around it.
christmind.info christmind.info
The Kingdom of Heaven is apparently guarded by “demons,” “evils,” “devils,” because that is the only way ego can see the impersonal existence of Being. It is very EVIL because it means the demise of ego. Ego is the only baggage that cannot go through the eye of the needle. Since it can’t go through, it applies fearful images around the eye to ensure that one will not proceed through it.
Ego is 3d, being is 4d, plain and simple
The Kingdom of Heaven is apparently guarded by “demons,” “evils,” “devils,” because that is the only way ego can see the impersonal existence of Being. It is very EVIL because it means the demise of ego. Ego is the only baggage that cannot go through the eye of the needle. Since it can’t go through, it applies fearful images around the eye to ensure that one will not proceed through it. You may think what has been happening is rugged, but hindsight will show you that you are coming through almost unscathed. This is because of the strength of your perceptions of what’s Real, and your conviction in its Reality. No one can do this for you. That’s why you seem to be alone in this—without communication, without understanding of what’s happening to you, et cetera.
The impersonal existence of Being appears to ego. This way of living is the demise of ego.
You find strength from your perception of what's Real and your conviction in its Reality.
PAUL: Raj, we are trying to understand why this illusion of ongoing interference, lack, and blockage of free-flowing expression and experience of good is appearing in our lives. We are trying to understand the cause of it, so that we can handle the right thing to correct the situation. Can you shed any light on it? You say there is no evil presence, force, or power. Yet there certainly appears to be the effect of something opposed to or different from God, Good, Harmony, et cetera. RAJ: Paul, you are being confused by the process of three-dimensional thinking. It will always suggest some finite cause. It will always suggest that the reason for events comes from either finite objective causes or finite mental causes.
Paul wants to understand why he is experiencing lack, etc so that it can be corrected.
Raj says this attempt is coming from 3d thinking and is causing confusion.
3d thinking always suggests a finite cause and Raj suggests an expanded approach. Read on...
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: Very well, Paul. I want you to consider the fact that “pedestals” are for show. They exist for the purpose of exhibiting whatever is resting upon them. As a matter of fact, the pedestal itself has become an object of art. I want you to consider the fact that a pedestal is used to set something apart from everything else. It is a divisive structure, three-dimensionally speaking. It is also divisive from an inner standpoint, wherein it equates with “ego”—”a liar and the father of it.“1 It is the liar, in that it holds up that which is not separate and says, “This is separate.” It is the father of the lie, in that what it holds up as separate is concocted of its own fantasy. The pedestal, together with what it shows off, is total illusion. One truly does not exist without the other.
The pedestal is used as metaphor for ego and specialness. It is divisive in its claims as separate a thing that is not separate.
The pedestal along with that which it holds as separate, is total illusion.
christmind.info christmind.info
PAUL: Alright, Raj. I shall forge forward. I will tell you this: It would be much easier if my family’s needs were being better met. RAJ: You are right, absolutely right. Now, do something about it! You’ve got the necessary tools.
Paul is complaining, feeling self-pity, but Raj is not buying it. He says, Do something about it.
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
Participants consistently reported that awe produced “a reduced sense of self importance relative to something larger and more powerful that they felt connected to,” says Piff. And subsequent analysis confirmed that this feeling of the “small self” was responsible for their ethical behavior. This seems to suggest that experiencing awe prompts people to help others.
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PAUL: Okay. I know that all of me has to be present and functioning… RAJ: Don’t add that “but.” Stay with the simple Fact you have just stated. The “but” is the hooker! “All is infinite Mind and Its infinite manifestation.“1 There aren’t any “buts” about it! Being is “neither behind the point of perfection nor advancing towards it. It is at that point and must be understand therefrom.“2 It will never be understood from the standpoint of the three-dimensional frame of awareness (ego). You must stop looking for clues, helpful hints, or reassurances objectively. Being doesn’t need them, and “ego” only needs them in order to hook you. Remember, as you “do battle,” that there is no battle going on at all. It is a process by which you are becoming less slipshod in your self-identification. It seems as though it is an attempt to influence you in the direction of misidentification, but you are at a point where the thrust truly cannot reach you because you are hidden in the Secret Place of the Most High. You have experienced It.
“All is infinite Mind and Its infinite manifestation," so any 'buts' is the ego attempting to hook.
Raj tells Paul that Being can never be understood in 3d, ego and it is pointless to look for hints or reassurance. That the ego only looks for these things to rehook, to attempt to influence in the direction of mis-identification.
Raj again refers to the 'battle' and clarifies that this is the process of becoming less fooled by the attempted seductions of the egoic mind towards misidentification.
Being is my Identity!
PAUL: I feel really shaky. RAJ: No, Paul, it is not You. Ego is feeling really shaky right now. That’s a positive indicator! PAUL: I feel as though I’m really going out on a limb here by maintaining the position which you outlined this morning and previously. RAJ: Why? PAUL: Because it appears that I might lose something. RAJ: There it is! Ego. If nothing can get outside the infinitude of your Being, then how can You lose anything? Paul, you must be very strict. If you can’t lose anything, then you haven’t lost anything. All of You is still present and functioning, and all of You will continue to be present and functioning.
Raj reminds Paul that it is the ego that feels shaky and that this is a good sign.
Raj illustrates to Paul that the belief that he might lose something is ego because in Being, nothing can be lost.
PAUL: Okay, Raj, I’m alone… RAJ: Although you caught it, I want to amplify on it. “Alone” is a three-dimensional concept implying that there’s everyone else, and then there’s “me.” This is ego. You’ve got to be alert. Notice that your body is having physical sensations that you recognize as feeling disheartened, worried, or fearful. Notice that it has an intent; it is not just a feeling. It is there to motivate you to “do” something objective. Notice that in observing it, the I that is You that is observing is clear, unmoved, and at peace.
Raj reminds Paul to be alert to the the ego. That 'alone' is a 3d concept, ego, suggesting that there is everyone else and then there is me. Raj brings Paul's attention to witnessing the body which is having physical sensations and feeling e.g. disheartened. Raj goes onto share that the ego has an intent to motivate Paul to do something objective. And even though this is occurring, it can be observed and the 'I' the Being observing is unmoved and at peace.
PAUL: Okay, Raj, I’m alone… RAJ: Although you caught it, I want to amplify on it. “Alone” is a three-dimensional concept implying that there’s everyone else, and then there’s “me.” This is ego. You’ve got to be alert. Notice that your body is having physical sensations that you recognize as feeling disheartened, worried, or fearful. Notice that it has an intent; it is not just a feeling. It is there to motivate you to “do” something objective. Notice that in observing it, the I that is You that is observing is clear, unmoved, and at peace. To be alone with one’s Being is to be totally Present, Universally Present, without one iota projected “out there.” It is to have no other Mind but God. Notice that Its intent is not directed at you. Notice that It does not try to coerce you. Notice that you are not aware of a separate selfhood upon which It can act. Don’t try to reason it out or figure it out. Just notice It. At the present moment, you are not completely free of the inclination to believe that you are what ego says, and that you are in a pickle. On the other hand, you are not buying the story, either. Just notice. You have never had to go all the way before, so this is new territory for you. But, as long as you don’t relinquish any of the territory you have gained so far, you will find yourself moving forward. You will not lose any ground. Okay, Let’s get back to your opening statement.
The belief that I can be alone is ego. Notice the feeling and intent of being alone. It is there to motivate you to do something objective.
This presents a deeper perspective than I've previously considered. The Experience of aloneness stemming from ego generates a physical feeling and an intent directed outward.
And now he contrasts that with being alone with one's Being. This is being totally Present with nothing projected outward. Being Present is to have no other Mind but God...
Isn't this a description of Conscious Being given in terms of Presence?
Paul is still inclined to believe what the ego says - but he does not buy it completely. Moving forward implies that the temptation to agree with ego decreases.
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Only if you are willing to be alone with your own Being will you be alone with the Reality of “things.” It is the undistorted awareness of the Reality of “things” which will constitute the resolution of the conflict that seems to be going on “out there.“ If you try to work it out from the standpoint of the Many, as though It were separate from You, you will be operating within “ego’s” bailiwick. You must remain steadfastly and abidingly with the Fact that your Being is One and that that One is You. That One, being Omnipresent, is Omnipotently Omniactive as every last little detail of Its Infinitude—including every bill collector, every dollar owed, every process server, and every dollar paid. It is fulfilling Itself perfectly in identifying Its completeness with absolute success. It is, Paul! No matter what the three-dimensional insinuation is. You see, it’s the whole dream we’re talking about waking up from! And you can do it. You are able.
I choose to be willing to be alone in my Being, aware in Reality..
I choose to remain steadfast and to abide with the fact that my Being is One... The One being inclusive of all that is, now matter how it can be perceived in 3d.
I choose to receive the encouragement that I am able to do this, to wake up fully from the dream, thank you Raj.......
Only if you are willing to be alone with your own Being will you be alone with the Reality of “things.” It is the undistorted awareness of the Reality of “things” which will constitute the resolution of the conflict that seems to be going on “out there.“ If you try to work it out from the standpoint of the Many, as though It were separate from You, you will be operating within “ego’s” bailiwick. You must remain steadfastly and abidingly with the Fact that your Being is One and that that One is You. That One, being Omnipresent, is Omnipotently Omniactive as every last little detail of Its Infinitude—including every bill collector, every dollar owed, every process server, and every dollar paid. It is fulfilling Itself perfectly in identifying Its completeness with absolute success. It is, Paul! No matter what the three-dimensional insinuation is. You see, it’s the whole dream we’re talking about waking up from! And you can do it. You are able
I choose to be willing to be alone in my Being, aware in Reality..
I choose to remain steadfast and to abide with the fact that my Being is One... The One being inclusive of all that is, now matter how it can be perceived in 3d.
I choose to receive the encouragement that I am able to do this, to wake up fully from the dream, thank you Raj...
It is imperative that you be alone with your own Being—absolutely alone! Don’t compare (that’s ego!). Don’t try to find affirmation or agreement with your stance from “out there” (that’s ego!). Don’t—and I say this especially—don’t let any feeling of pride enter the picture because of what you might have to do, and the fact that you are willing to do it (that’s ego!). This is a dirty fight! Fight it dirty! I say this because you will have a tendency to be “polite,” “civilized,” “courteous” if you can. Once again, you will be abiding by a set of concepts which drip with “ego.“
Comparing, looking for agreement, looking outside of oneSelf are ego...
Feelings such as pride are ego.
Perceptions such as being polite, courteous are ego.
Any set of concepts are ego..
Raj encourages Paul to fight... i.e. to really see the ego for what it is, how it attempts to seduce and keep going no matter what...
Let’s handle that thought right now—that it’s not this hard for others. First of all, that’s ego whining! It’s not You. Secondly, this idea of “others” is another ploy of ego. Only ego divides things into me and thee. Ego, ego, ego!} Watch out for it! Realize right now that ego is ego is ego. Consciously or purposely putting it down will evoke the same whining, pleading, pitiful “show,” no matter who is putting it down. I told you, Paul, it’s a liar! lies, lies, lies!
Raj clearly points out the way of the ego e.g. believing that it is not hard for others, believing there are others.... and alerts Paul to watch out for it... and judging ego is ego itself!
Do not indulge in the mistaken belief that it is going to be anything less than hard work, Paul. Accept that right now! Do not look at this “stage” of your growth as being peaches and cream. Do not indulge in self-pity or indignation at it not being easier since you “know the Truth” and are “having these conversations with me.“ Realize right now that indignation and self-pity are ego, ego, ego right down the line. You’ve got to not give a damn about whether it’s easy, hard, pleasant, unpleasant, quick or slow. These are all three-dimensional, “ego-bound” concepts. Even if they seem to parade as your feelings or thinking, do not “connect” up with them. I reiterate, Paul: Plan on it being hard work! Fight the fight! Follow through to the end wherein “ego’s” claims become the nonsense that they are, just as when HAL began reciting nursery rhymes and singing children’s songs. Do not misunderstand. I am not saying there is a real fight. I’m not saying there is a real antagonist. I am saying that if you don’t behave as though there were one—if you don’t tend to follow through “come hell or high water”—then you will be lazy and slipshod in your approach. One way or another, ego will insinuate itself into and as your self-awareness, because it is a habit through long years of apparent Self-ignorance.
Raj seems to be really nailing it here..... he shares that remembering our real Identity isn't easy, it is hard work and he encourages Paul to really keep going no matter what.....
Raj reminds Paul that to let go of concepts such as easy or hard though, to let go of the feelings associated with them, this is all 3d ego...
Stay with the Fact that your Being is totally present. THAT’S FACT. Your Being is totally functioning. THAT’S FACT. Your Being is being totally successful in fully identifying Itself. THAT’S FACT. You are not a small part of the totality of God’s Universe. THAT’S FACT. And you are not part of God’s Universe, because God is the only Identity you have. Therefore, your Being is infinite and cannot be contained. Do not let yourself be coerced into accepting the pea-sized concept of Identity called three-dimensional man. You must stay with the Infinity of your Being, together with Its Omnipresence and Omnipotence. You are all of It. It is all of You. God is the only thing going on. it is the Happening. Do not buy the hypnotic suggestions being put forth by “ego.“
Raj really clearly spells it out here.... Being IS my only identity..... it IS the ONLY identity I have.
God IS the only thing going on...
And do not be fooled by the ego....
Only if you are willing to be alone with your own Being will you be alone with the Reality of “things.” It is the undistorted awareness of the Reality of “things” which will constitute the resolution of the conflict that seems to be going on “out there.“ If you try to work it out from the standpoint of the Many, as though It were separate from You, you will be operating within “ego’s” bailiwick. You must remain steadfastly and abidingly with the Fact that your Being is One and that that One is You. That One, being Omnipresent, is Omnipotently Omniactive as every last little detail of Its Infinitude—including every bill collector, every dollar owed, every process server, and every dollar paid. It is fulfilling Itself perfectly in identifying Its completeness with absolute success. It is, Paul! No matter what the three-dimensional insinuation is. You see, it’s the whole dream we’re talking about waking up from! And you can do it. You are able.
The process of Awakening requires that you be alone with your Being where the undistorted Reality of "things" is known.
The attempt to work it out from the standpoint that all is separate from You, you will be operating from ego.
Let’s handle that thought right now—that it’s not this hard for others. First of all, that’s ego whining! It’s not You. Secondly, this idea of “others” is another ploy of ego. Only ego divides things into me and thee. Ego, ego, ego!} Watch out for it! Realize right now that ego is ego is ego. Consciously or purposely putting it down will evoke the same whining, pleading, pitiful “show,” no matter who is putting it down. I told you, Paul, it’s a liar! lies, lies, lies! It is imperative that you be alone with your own Being—absolutely alone! Don’t compare (that’s ego!). Don’t try to find affirmation or agreement with your stance from “out there” (that’s ego!). Don’t—and I say this especially—don’t let any feeling of pride enter the picture because of what you might have to do, and the fact that you are willing to do it (that’s ego!). This is a dirty fight! Fight it dirty! I say this because you will have a tendency to be “polite,” “civilized,” “courteous” if you can. Once again, you will be abiding by a set of concepts which drip with “ego.“
More ways in which ego attitude manifests.
- comparison (it's not this hard for others)
- the idea of others (belief in separation)
- attempt to find agreement with your stance from out there
- the feeling of pride because of your willingness to do what must be done.
- the belief of the need to be polite
Do not misunderstand. I am not saying there is a real fight. I’m not saying there is a real antagonist. I am saying that if you don’t behave as though there were one—if you don’t tend to follow through “come hell or high water”—then you will be lazy and slipshod in your approach. One way or another, ego will insinuate itself into and as your self-awareness, because it is a habit through long years of apparent Self-ignorance.
There is not are real fight, but we must maintain the attitude that there is because ego identity is a habit that can easily reinstate itself.
RAJ: Do not indulge in the mistaken belief that it is going to be anything less than hard work, Paul. Accept that right now! Do not look at this “stage” of your growth as being peaches and cream. Do not indulge in self-pity or indignation at it not being easier since you “know the Truth” and are “having these conversations with me.“ Realize right now that indignation and self-pity are ego, ego, ego right down the line. You’ve got to not give a damn about whether it’s easy, hard, pleasant, unpleasant, quick or slow. These are all three-dimensional, “ego-bound” concepts. Even if they seem to parade as your feelings or thinking, do not “connect” up with them. I reiterate, Paul: Plan on it being hard work! Fight the fight! Follow through to the end wherein “ego’s” claims become the nonsense that they are, just as when HAL began reciting nursery rhymes and singing children’s songs.
Moving away from ego identification is hard work.
Be aware of ego tactics of self-pity and indignation or whether the journey is easy or hard, fast or slow, or pleasant or unpleasant. These are 3d, ego bound beliefs.
Do not connect with them even if they seem to be your feelings or thinking.
Fortunately for you, ego is not presenting itself in a constructive manner. It is relatively easy for you to see that succumbing to its suggestions would not be constructive for you. I urge you to remain steadfast during these last days of the attempt of “ego” to convince you that it is you, and that everything must be worked out on its basis. I have warned you, so that you will not be taken in, that it is likely to use every dirty trick it knows. “HAL” is very busy now, whining and cooing and remonstrating against its demise. Do not be moved!
For Paul, ego is demanding and nasty and is therefore clearly not supportive of him.
RAJ: Paul, do not let your Universe become broken up into bits and pieces, each acting on its own, each attempting to fulfill its own ends. This is exactly what I was talking about this morning. Do not believe any form, organization, or manifestation when it seems to declare that it can demand or cause something, irritate you, et cetera. Not only should you not identify yourself as form, you need to be sure that you don’t allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose and can successfully act independent from the Whole. It is a trick of ego to suck you into believing that you, among these other forms, are a form to be battered about, manipulated, coerced—and that you must defend yourself against them. It is utterly false. Do not buy it for a second.
All is One - do not fall into the belief that any form, organization, or manifestation can make demands, cause something, or irritate you, etc. In doing so hold the belief that Oneness is not true, I hold the belief that All is fragmented and that a fragment has power over me.
Raj says,
- don't identify yourself as form and
- don't allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose independent from the Whole.
This is an ego trick - don't buy into it for a second!!
Diagram this concept.
RAJ: Paul, do not let your Universe become broken up into bits and pieces, each acting on its own, each attempting to fulfill its own ends. This is exactly what I was talking about this morning. Do not believe any form, organization, or manifestation when it seems to declare that it can demand or cause something, irritate you, et cetera. Not only should you not identify yourself as form, you need to be sure that you don’t allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose and can successfully act independent from the Whole. It is a trick of ego to suck you into believing that you, among these other forms, are a form to be battered about, manipulated, coerced—and that you must defend yourself against them. It is utterly false. Do not buy it for a second.
All is One - do not fall into the belief that any form, organization, or manifestation can make demands, cause something, or irritate you, etc. In doing so hold the belief that Oneness is not true, I hold the belief that All is fragmented and that a fragment has power over me.
Raj says,
- don't identify yourself as form and
- don't allow any form to convince you that it has a purpose independent from the Whole.
This is an ego trick - don't buy into it for a second!!
Diagram this concept.
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Ego behaves exactly like a drug. As one gets used to it, it requires a bigger “fix” in order to get the thrill. It also engages one in a quest which had no foundation to begin with. Each additional “fix” requires the further development of a personality and an intellectual originality which can then become identified in a “thrilling” way, so that a higher “high” can be achieved. Since ego has no basis in Actuality, this superstructure of “fixes” has not the strength to support itself. Therefore, the so-called ego is met with interminable collapses of one sort or another. Its “importance,” its “skill,” its “ability” are fabulous in nature—substanceless, incapable of providing a sustained high.
The ego cannot support itself because it has no Real foundation, so needs 'fixes' to support itself.
It is very important to realize that Identity is something far different from ego. Identity is what exists before ego can seem to be formed. Yet, once ego develops, Identity becomes practically invisible. This is because ego supplies one with a “high,” a thrill, an excitement which Identity does not.
Our true Identity is our Beingness in 4d..... it is eternal and exists before ego develops in our human experience. Once the ego develops though we loose conscious contact with our true Identity in the 3d experience..
There is only one infinite Life/Principle, one infinite Identity, infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what constitutes the center and circumference of Being—Your Self as you experience It, Susan’s Self as she experiences It, and my Self as I experience It. Its omnipotence or strength is constituted of Its absolute omnipresent Integrity, which is Its Intelligent Nature. it is not thrilling or exciting when contemplated from an egotistical standpoint. But It is satisfying in ways that are so meaningful that they cannot compare to the “thrills” of the ego. It also has this benefit: The satisfaction is eternal and unchanging.
There is only one infinity Identity infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what makes up the center and circumference of Being.
Identity is not exciting when compared from an egotistical standpoint.
Since ego has no basis in Actuality, this superstructure of “fixes” has not the strength to support itself. Therefore, the so-called ego is met with interminable collapses of one sort or another. Its “importance,” its “skill,” its “ability” are fabulous in nature—substanceless, incapable of providing a sustained high.
Ego has no basis in Actuality.
Ego behaves exactly like a drug. As one gets used to it, it requires a bigger “fix” in order to get the thrill. It also engages one in a quest which had no foundation to begin with. Each additional “fix” requires the further development of a personality and an intellectual originality which can then become identified in a “thrilling” way, so that a higher “high” can be achieved.
Ego is like a drug (Analogy/Simile), it engages one on a quest with no foundation which moves deeper into development of personality and intellectual originality.
It is very important to realize that Identity is something far different from ego. Identity is what exists before ego can seem to be formed. Yet, once ego develops, Identity becomes practically invisible. This is because ego supplies one with a “high,” a thrill, an excitement which Identity does not.
Ego obscures Identity. Ego supplies a thrill, a high, that Identity does not.
April 29, 1982 Thursday
Review this chapter - there's a lot in it.
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I know that you do not yet trust your Self completely, but by the same token, your Self-trust is greatly increased over what it was when we began our conversations. At that point, you were not even consciously aware of the experience of your Self—of your True Identity—as opposed to your concept and experience of yourself as three-dimensional man. Right now ego is confused—you are not, even though what seems most forcible in your thought at the moment is the feeling of confusion.
The ego in 3d can be confused, the True Self in 4d cannot be.
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You have not made the distinction between you as Fourth-dimensional Man, and you as three-dimensional conglomeration of thoughts, concepts, physical reactions, emotional reactions, et cetera. You are going to have to be very alert now, because more often than not, the mythical structure called “ego” is going to be in the process of dissolving. Much like HAL, the computer in the film, “2001”, there will be subtle, insistent, plaintive pleas. There will be an even seemingly human capacity to imply that it is capable of truly fearing its own demise. You must realize that ego is a fraud from the beginning, and you must learn to properly identify your Self as Being, Itself, and not as “ego.“ So that there is no confusion, whatsoever, about this process, it had better be clear to you that you will have to listen to, and even seemingly experience, whatever charade is attempted by this false sense of individuality as it gives up the ghost. You will have to remain unmoved and steadfast in the proper identification of your Being. Ego is what Jesus referred to as “the devil,” being a liar and the father of it. It is imperative that you understand that there is no other evil. The only sin there is is the misidentification of one’s Self as “ego” rather than Being, as Conscious Being.
Raj calls the 'ego' mythical here which is interesting. In psychology there are three aspects of the ego, the id which focusses on basic biological needs and desires. It is there at birth. The ego which is conscious, the the rational part of personality which emerges in infancy and the superego which begins to emerge from 3 years is often referred to as conscience. This is referenced Freud's Psychosexual stages of development in lifespan theory. I generally resonate more with Eriksons Psychosocial stages of development.
In our humanity the ego fulfils the purpose of functioning in this 3d experience, I feel it is neither bad nor good.... it supports the individuated human experience. In the ego though we only identify ourselves as a body mind with no deeper recognition of self other than the development of conscience. This 'operating program' for our human experience is geared with a security system to keep this body mind, this organism safe. This is the job given to it to do and it does it well. Our security system, the trauma response which is inclusive of the fight, flight freeze response responds to real or perceived threat.
The flight, fight freeze is in the id, it is an honest response, yet in adulthood it can go into ego with perceived threat and include reaction, yet in itself it is intrinsicly occurring as a neurbiological response....
There is much to this. Too much to share here in this space.
I wonder that Raj calls the ego mythical because the body mind is not in Reality who we really are, yet we are having a human experience. It is our identification with ourselves as the egoic body mind that is disolving.
In time as we come to experience, to know our Being in 4d, to learn our True identity is not the body mind. The ego wants to maintain its authority and resists our journey to remember our true identity, pure essence, Love in form, Being.
You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.
So I am hearing that in Reality, in Being, everything is connected, is One, there is no separation in this place...
Again I reflect that the ego is what supports the 3d experience, we chose to experience this and now it is time to remember that real Reality is 4d and the world of separation, 3d does not exist in Reality... it is a journey into this remembrance though..
You must beware of the withdrawal symptoms, since the “ego habit” is going to demand another “fix”—and another, and another, and another. It will do so with less and less strength, but it will do so, nevertheless. I am forewarning you of this, so that you may understand the method of its operation, and will not take it seriously.
Fixing is to see that there is something that needs fixing and in Reality in 4d Being, there is nothing to fix..... all fixing, desire to fix can only be 3d, ego... So here Raj warns us of this trap...
This conversation is, perhaps, one of the most important ones we’ve had. I would suggest that you make an extra copy which you can keep separate from the rest and refer to a number of times each day. You may not seem to feel particularly comfortable and at ease objectively or three-dimensionally speaking. Therefore, it will be well for you to be able to easily remind yourself that ego is an “android” and, therefore not even capable of dying. it had no life to begin with. Although it will seem to present itself as the downfall and destruction of your individuality, such will not be the case.
Your opportunity for activity is as infinite as your Being. You do not need to concern yourself about the ability of your Being to fulfill Itself completely as that which will be recognizable to you as the meeting of your every need—unless, of course, you wish to indulge in the misidentification of your Self as “ego.” Such misidentification will not affect the Reality of your Being in any way, but, as you know, it will seem to engage your conscious awareness in an ongoing blindness to the Reality and an uphill climb which is really downhill all the way.
Being will meet your every need unless you misidentify yourself as ego. This will not affect the Reality of your Being but it will engage your conscious awareness in an ongoing blindness to Reality.
Practice being conscious of Being.
You must beware of the withdrawal symptoms, since the “ego habit” is going to demand another “fix”—and another, and another, and another. It will do so with less and less strength, but it will do so, nevertheless. I am forewarning you of this, so that you may understand the method of its operation, and will not take it seriously.
There is a habit of ego that does not want to give up the doer.
You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.
Quote: Only from the standpoint of ego can there seem to be a "connection".
Quote: There is no connection between Mind and its manifestation. They are one.
The ego must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve in order to find a connection between disconnected parts. These endeavors are not aspects of Conscious Being because the illusion of separation does not exist there.
Ego is what Jesus referred to as “the devil,” being a liar and the father of it. It is imperative that you understand that there is no other evil. The only sin there is is the misidentification of one’s Self as “ego” rather than Being, as Conscious Being.
There is no evil other than what arises from our misidentification as Ego. Ego is what the Bible identifies as the devil.
RAJ: Good evening, Paul. You are aware of having felt nervous or tense with an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach all day today. You have not made the distinction between you as Fourth-dimensional Man, and you as three-dimensional conglomeration of thoughts, concepts, physical reactions, emotional reactions, et cetera. You are going to have to be very alert now, because more often than not, the mythical structure called “ego” is going to be in the process of dissolving. Much like HAL, the computer in the film, “2001”, there will be subtle, insistent, plaintive pleas. There will be an even seemingly human capacity to imply that it is capable of truly fearing its own demise. You must realize that ego is a fraud from the beginning, and you must learn to properly identify your Self as Being, Itself, and not as “ego.“ So that there is no confusion, whatsoever, about this process, it had better be clear to you that you will have to listen to, and even seemingly experience, whatever charade is attempted by this false sense of individuality as it gives up the ghost. You will have to remain unmoved and steadfast in the proper identification of your Being.
Become clear about the difference between 3dRef and 4dRef and properly identify yourself as Being, not Ego.
To let the Ego dissolve you're going to have to remain steadfast in Being while it complains and you seemingly experience it's charade.
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You will find that as ego fades away, so will feeling good and bad. This is because in the long run, feeling good or bad depends upon how much “ego” has been fed or not fed. This is why so few individuals are able to make the transition from the three-dimensional frame of reference to the being of Fourth-dimensional Man, because in the process, ego is on its way out and that’s b-a-a-a-d news.
The feeling of good and bad - of duality - is a function of ego.
christmind.info christmind.info
You are very fortunate that your concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, goal or purpose, are not coming to fruition because, when they do, they continue to support the false sense of ego, thus keeping hidden your true Identity.
My concepts (belief) of right and wrong, good and bad, support the false sense of ego and keep Identity hidden.
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
psychiatrists estimate that only one percent of the general population meets the clinical criteria for narcissistic disorders. However, narcissistic characteristics are found in all individuals in varying degrees. Early childhood is marked by egocentrism, the inability to take another’s perspective. This preoccupation with one’s own internal world is a normal stage of human development. Over time, most of us evolve out of this restricted perceptual lens. However those who continue to see the world primarily from the inside out slide down the slope from ordinary egocentrism to entitled narcissism.
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
from a three-dimensional frame of reference, nothing seems to work together or harmonize for the well-being of the individual
From a 3d frame of reference (3dRef, Ego) the experience is that nothing works together. The opposite must be true for a 4d frame of reference (4dRef, Christ) that everything works together to harmonize for the well-being of the individual.
- Nov 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Their senses nowhere lead to truth; on the contrary, they are content to receive stimuli and, as it were, to engage in a groping game on the backs of things.
Easily entertained and distracted in a battle of egos on the surface of "forms"
a continuous fluttering around the solitary flame of vanity-is so much the rule and the law among men that there is almost nothing which is less comprehensible than how an honest and pure drive for truth could have arisen among them
Good point. On the other hand, this "drive for truth" could arise from an innate need to see beyond the constructs of the ego.
As a means for the preserving of the individual, the intellect unfolds its principle powers in dissimulation, which is the means by which weaker, less robust individuals preserve themselves-since they have been denied the chance to wage the battle for existence with horns or with the sharp teeth of beasts of prey, This art of dissimulation reaches its peak in man.
The sword of intellect and dissimulation equated to the physical defensive characteristics of all living things for preservation, yet with the unique capacity to be misused. Highlighting the vulnerability of humans and over-reaching amplification of intellect to disguise a deep insecurity that originates in the fundamental physical inferiority of humans among beasts.
For this pride contains within itself the most flattering estimation of the value of knowing.
The pride connected with knowing and sensing lies like a blinding fog over the eyes and senses of men, thus deceiving them concerning the value of existence.
The human pride, synonymous with ego.
- Sep 2013
www.scribd.com www.scribd.com
First comes renunciation of instinct owing to fear of aggression by the external authority. (This is, ofcourse, what fear of the loss of love amounts to, for love is a protection against this punitive aggression.)After that comes the erection of an internal authority, and renunciation of instinct owing to fear of it - owingto fear of conscience
In (2) internal authority, bad intentions=bad actions, leads to guilt and punishment
instinctual renunciation (i.e. renunciation of instinct)--is it the source of conscience?