- Jan 2025
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Ephorus (quoted by Strabo)offers the insight that the Celts are careful to avoid becoming fat orpot-bellied and a young man is punished if his stomach hangs overhis belt.
The term Galli/Galatae, which may mean ‘stranger’ or‘enemy’, is more likely to be a general-purpose name by whichnorthern barbarians, among them the Celts, were referred to byothers. Whether all Galli/Galatae regarded themselves as Celtsis completely unknown.
Classical sources - Greek and Roman writerswith their references to Celti, Celtae, Keltoi, Celtici, Galli, Gallic,and Galatae -
When SirAugustus Wollaston Franks, a Keeper at the British Museum,produced a catalogue of British decorated metalwork in 1863, hechose the term ‘Late Keltic’ to describe items of Iron Age date. Thephrase was used throughout the first edition of the British MuseumGuide to the Antiquities of the Early Iron Age (1905), but by thetime of the second edition (1925) the characterization was droppedbecause, as the preface cautiously noted, ‘There is some uncertaintyas to the existence or date of an earlier Keltic civilization in theseislands.’
John Collis who, in ‘States without Centres’,complains that Celtic society described by some modern authorsmerely represents a mishmash of information from different timesand different places which is often of little value for understandingthe societies being described. Descriptions, or rather caricature, ofsocieties cannot be transposed in time and space under an inventedconcept of the ‘Celts’; indeed the whole use of the terms Celt andCeltic is something which should be avoided as it distorts ourunderstanding of the archaeological record.
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I'm a cloud, congealed around acentral object, the shape of a pear, which is hard and more real than I am andglows red within its translucent wrapping.
Her true identity, that is, what differentiates her from other women is "cloud" like now, and what is more real is her central object, her womb, her fertility. Much more real than her entirety.
Also symbolizes the way men pick women apart into components rather than as a whole.
Theymight as well be nowhere, as I am for them. I too am a missing person.
She loses her identity in Gilead. Especially without their names, which plays such a big role in identification. And so she conjures stories of what happened, even if they are contradictory to save herself.
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
these winds, right— these energies—are already flowing, of course, and they flow in very deep patterns that basically constitute one's own ordinary identity. And so quite literally one's own ordinary identity is, is the patterning of these winds.
for - key insight - one's ordinary identity IS the pattern of the flow of the winds - this makes practice of Tukdam very difficult - from Youtube - Between Life and Death: Understanding Tukdam - John D. Dunne - a tendency towards lust, aversion, etc is accompanied by a flow of wind. - to practice this during life, we have to get out of the deep patterns we identify with in life
- Nov 2024
zenodo.org zenodo.org
TRSP Desirable Characteristics
Identification checks for depositors.
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This is who we are: the richest country on earth, with more poverty thanany other advanced democracy.
billyoppenheimer.com billyoppenheimer.com
Emerson is, “I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.”
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
it isn't just about alleviating their own personal suffering it's also about alleviating Universal suffering so this is where the the bodh satra or the Christ or those kinds of archetypes about being concerned about the whole
for - example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt - adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
adjacency - between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER - adjacency relationship - When I heard John Churchill explain the second turning, - the Mahayana approach, - I was already familiar with it from my many decades of Buddhist teaching but with - those teachings in the rear view mirror of my life and - developing an open source, non-denominational spirituality (Deep Humanity) - Hearing these old teachings again, mixed with the new ideas of the individual / collective gestalt - This becomes an example of Indyweb idea of recording our individual evolutionary learning journey and - the present self meeting the old self - When this happens, new adjacencies can often surface - In this case, due to my own situatedness in life, the universal compassion of the bodhisattva can be articulated from a Deep Humanity perspective: - The Freudian, Klinian, Winnicott and Becker perspective of the individual as being constructed out of the early childhood social interactions with the mOTHER, - a Deep Humanity re-interpretation of "mother" to "mOTHER" to mean "the Most significant OTHER" of the newly born neonate. - A deep realization that OUR OWN SELF IDENTITY WAS CONSTRUCTED out of a SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP with mOTHER demonstrates our intertwingled individual/collective and self/other - The Deep Humanity "Common Human Denominators" (CHD) are a way to deeply APPRECIATE those qualities human beings have in common with each other - Later on, Churchill talks about how the sacred is lost in western modernity - A first step in that direction is treating other humans as sacred, then after that, to treat ALL life as sacred - Using tools like the CHD help us to find fundamental similarities while divisive differences might be polarizing and driving us apart - A universal compassion is only possible if we vividly see how we are constructed of the other - Another way to say this is that we see others not from an individual level, but from a species level
- adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
- example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Guilt pride is something of a modern construction. Unlike Walsers, who experienced his guilt (because he served in WW2 under the Nazis), most Germans haven't experienced WW2. Guilt pride is thus an attempt to build a new collective identity for Germany, devoid of any authenticity (instead hinges more on profilicity).
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when putting thoughts into words. Words that remain in our head are freeto exist independent of how they’re used by other people.
On one level, the reason is obvious: accountability. There’s a lot at stake...
except somehow for Donald J. Trump and some in identity politics...
How do they get around it? system 1 vs system 2
- Aug 2024
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We learned to whisper almost without sound. In the semi-darkness wecould stretch out our arms, when the Aunts weren't looking, and touch eachother's hands across space. We learned to lip-read, our heads flat on the beds,turned sideways, watching each other's mouths. In this way we exchangednames, from bed to bed:
In some way, bonds and the exchanging of words/communication is what defines individuality. Individuals cannot be individuals without differentiation of the other.
They crave human interaction with an equal (intimacy) and this kind of gives the women power. Like huey said Gilead used the method of seperating women in order to oppress them.
This is a form of rebellion, subversion. This cannot be stamped out as shown in the "palimpset".
newdesigncongress.org newdesigncongress.org
www.w3.org www.w3.org
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However,they are both skirting around the ambivalence of language to commu-nicate,
Adds depth to my argument surrounding words as deception, as although the unstable meaning of words can detract from the truthfulness of expression of desire and therefore, identity, the ambiguity of words can also play for time and serve, here, as a secret space of understanding, perhaps because both Oliver and Elio are queer, but maybe also because they desire one another and to have is to be? No clue
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The quotation of Elio’s language usage here—as well as the repetition, inversion, and changes inemphasis—places focus structurally on the actual words to represent the implications of thisutterance (the implications being that Elio desires Oliver).
I guess the fact that the meaning of the repetition in words can so obviously shift and is unstable can also represent the instability of the identity and the contradictions that can occur even when the same body (or words) is being expressed.
researchportal.hkr.se researchportal.hkr.se
This instability of language leads to an instability of the self as our discourses areunstable, and meaning has to be rearranged in accordance with dominant ideologies at anygiven time
The point Jette is making is that language itself is a unstable system that produces meaning, formed from comparisons, and therefore self-expression via. language makes identity equally as unstable.
- Jul 2024
newamerica.org newamerica.org
DPI can be seen as part of a broader effort to reinvent our relationship to the internet—and, more generally, our digital ecosystem. A large part of its normative appeal stems from the “P” in the acronym: the sense that core functionality on the internet (i.e., identity, payments, data exchange) should not merely serve private ends but rather be reimagined as a set of public goods
Who needs Venmo when you have this?
he redefines collec-tivism as the handmaiden of individ-ualism;
john.philpin.com john.philpin.com
The myth of California right? You are who you say you are.
substack.com substack.com
“Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.” You live wherever your attention is, and become whatever you most focus on, so steer your curiosity toward your desired fate.
- Jun 2024
www.lrb.co.uk www.lrb.co.uk
In 1880 Britain could with some justification be called the ‘workshop of the world’: it produced more than 20 per cent of global industrial output and about 40 per cent of the world’s manufactured exports. In the nearly half-century since Samuel published his essay of that name, historians have done much to undermine the narrative of an ‘industrial revolution’ bookended by the invention of the spinning jenny in 1764 and the New Poor Law of 1834.
There's an interesting linkage going on here between the industrial revolution (and thus possibly Capitalism) with the creation and even litigation of "the poor" classes in Britain.
Did "the poor" exist in the same way they do today prior to the Industrial Revolution? What are the subtle differences? (Compare with Thompson, E. P. “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism.” Past & Present, no. 38 (1967): 56–97.)
Oral tradition, too, entangled national identity and religion.
I can't help but wonder how this is currently working in the deep South with respect to political identity (far right, Trump, MAGA) and religious identity (born again, ultra-nationalist Christians, etc.)
disruptedjournal.postdigitalcultures.org disruptedjournal.postdigitalcultures.org
from SenorG’s comment that began with the caveat “Allow me to push back a bit here,” and which inspired four replies from three other annotators, to actualham’s observation
Comment by chrisaldrich: There's something discordant here in a scholarly article about having academic participants with names like SenorG and actualham. It's almost like a 70's farce starring truckers with bizarre CB handles. It's even more bizarre since I know some of the researchers behind these screennames.
Is the pseudonymous nature of some of these handles useful in hiding the identity of the participants and thereby forcing one to grapple only with their ideas and not the personas, histories and contexts behind them?
thedankoe.com thedankoe.com
Someone whose true identity is a gamer doesn’t have difficulty trolling people online, having a doomer mindset, and ruining their health in front of a screen for 8-10 hours a day.
XD this sounds fun
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
(16:30) I finally get the holistic view of time...
The future dictates (or should) our present beliefs, mindsets, thoughts, etc. which therefore changes how we view the past, its meaning. So when we change our vision of the future, our present mutates, and therefore the meaning of the past too.
When we in the present change, we alter the meaning of the past and gain new possibilities for the future.
When the meaning of our past changes, it is because of a change in the present and potentially the future.
In this way, all of time (past, present, future) exists at the same time.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
it learned of the possibility that one student admitted to Georgetown may have engaged in inappropriate transfer of online credits.
pay for credit scandal - where identity was not confirmed.
kb.ecampus.uconn.edu kb.ecampus.uconn.edu
State Issued Driver’s License, State Identification Card, Military Identification Card, Passport/Visa, Permanent Residence Card
Valid Ids shown and compared to student school ids - you ight could fake this but it would take effort
Method: Instructors use check-ins and/or office hours to discuss content, previous assignments, and progress on existing assignments. Process: Instructors ask for identification and/or confirm student identity via official UConn photo in StudentAdmin.
This is an interesting way to verify student identity. Required check-ins. but it also makes the professor feel more "real"
Instructors should check student identity by verifying IDs in a one-on-one online meeting prior to the presentation.
I didn't realize that instructors had to verify student identity via ID.
Federal Regulation §602.17: Application of Standards in Reaching Accreditation Decisions requires that all public universities have processes in place through which the institution establishes that a student who registers in any course offered via distance education or correspondence is the same student who academically engages in the course or program; and makes clear in writing that institutions must use processes that protect student privacy and notify students of any projected additional student charges associated with the verification of student identity at the time of registration or enrollment. Please see the Electronic Code Federal Regulations for more information.
regulation about identify verification of students in Online courses
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Memory is the soul. Memory is identity.
Identity is determined by memory, for without our memory, we become mere husks.
- May 2024
blockchains are too expensive, too complex, too hard to scale, and too slow-moving in their governance
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Also more recently theTrusted Computing Group (TCG) uses the term “implicit identity” and “embedded certificateauthority” to describe the process whereby device identifiers are automatically generated by theassociated computing device [143]
thedankoe.com thedankoe.com
It is the byproduct of knowing what you want and accepting nothing less from yourself. It is the byproduct of an ordered mind. That is, maintaining a clear vision for your future and filling clarity gaps with education and action. The reason people struggle with self-discipline is because they get distracted from what matters. They forget who they want to become. They forget what they are capable of. They forget the impact they want to have.
100X goals force one to filter action... Impossible goals = Mental Clarity of the HIGHEST degree.
100X come from vision which in turn comes from future identity (future-self)
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I should have learned to do what he’d have done. Shrugged myshoulders—and been okay with pre-come. But that wasn’t me. It wouldnever have occurred to me to say, So what if he saw? Now he knows
Juxtaposition with the fear of expressing one's identity (Elio) and the carefree nature of Oliver, who is honest about his body whereas Elio feels shameful with the honesty of his body's expression of identity.
- Apr 2024
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I was going forthe devious smile that would suddenly light up his face each time he’d readmy mind, when all I really wanted was skin, just skin.
Yet again the skin motif -- his duality is what Elio had been searching for -- and it appears in a sexual manner but it really connects to the matter of Oliver's security of identity and of being a whole, even when he recognises that he cannot be one.
I had put reading last on my list, thinking that, with the willful, brazenattitude he’d displayed so far, reading would figure last on his.
An assumption, like many others (such as the bathing suit situation) about Oliver's identity that is quickly refuted, because identities never make sense. A person as a whole cannot be summarized in rules or statements or if.. then.. conditions.
He asked what I did. I played tennis. Swam. Went out at night. Jogged.Transcribed music. Read.
How does this structure, without the quotations, deviate from other dialogue. What does it imply about these listing of hobbies, or listing of identity, and what is its effect on us, reading? How does this tie into Aciman's exploration of what identity really is? How does it connect to what WORDS mean?
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Trust anchors affirm the provenance of identitiesand public attributes (DIDDocs)
DID is an id + a way to resolve associated to ID info (DIDDoc). Seems strange to couple the two. I'd like to have one ID and plenty of methods to resolve info behind it. A kind of MultiDID.
www.identityblog.com www.identityblog.com
https://web.archive.org/web/20240421060823/https://www.identityblog.com/ Kim Cameron (died 2021)'s blog wrt [[7 Laws of Identity 20201024210040]] with the last post being from mid 2020, but the last pertinent posts from fall 2018, having started in 2004. There seems to be a large amount of useful material here around identity. Cameron was a chief architect at MS wrt identity. His 7 laws sought to tie our human understanding of how identity works to the digital realm, putting things like consent, minimal disclosure which people do fluently irl, and seeing people as part of the system when you design something at the heart.
www.glamourmagazine.co.uk www.glamourmagazine.co.uk
15 sexuality terms you might not have heard of <br /> https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/sexuality-terms-you-might-not-have-heard-of
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Weassume that the identity (public key) of the node can be ex-tracted from its signature, e.g., using ECDSA.
- Mar 2024
A court of heraldry was added to this strange brew: in overseeingmarriages and maintaining pedigree, it provided further evidence of theintention to fix (and police) class identity.
Presumably these early ideas of marriage and pedigree in the Carolinas heavily influenced not only class laws but issues with miscegenation which still have root there today.
The master of ceremonies was their Indian interpreter, Squanto, who hadhelped the English survive a difficult winter. Left out of this story is thedetail (not so minor) that Squanto only knew English because he had beenkidnapped and sold as a slave to an English ship’s captain.
The fact that early Americans needed to be bailed out by others also doesn't seem to do anything to dampen either the mythology of American exceptionalism nor their "can-do attitude".
Exceptionalism emerges from a host of earlier myths of redemption andgood intentions. Pilgrims, persecuted in the Old World, brave the Atlanticdreaming of finding religious freedom on America’s shores; wagon trains ofhopeful pioneer families head west to start a new life. Nowhere else, we aremeant to understand, was personal freedom so treasured as it was in theAmerican experience. The very act of migration claims to equalize thepeople involved, molding them into a homogeneous, effectively classlesssociety.
Do some of these same types of stories and mythologies also erase the harm of an over-armed populace with respect to the lack of appropriate gun control and mass shootings versus gun rights in America?
As a country our gun mythology is stronger than our desire to act to improve our (collective) lives....
And so the great American saga,as taught, excludes the very pertinent fact that after the 1630s, less than halfcame to Massachusetts for religious reasons.
Beyond the web of stories the founding generation itself wove, ourmodern beliefs have most to do with the grand mythmakers of thenineteenth century. The inspired historians of that period were nearly allNew Englanders; they outpaced all others in shaping the historicalnarrative, so that the dominant story of origins worked in their favor. That ishow we got the primordial Puritan narrative of a sentimental communityand a commendable work ethic.
A fascinating thesis about American historical perspective and our identity.
Does this play out with respect to Max Weber's thesis?
Lest the reader misconstrue the book’s purpose, I want to make the pointunambiguously: by reevaluating the American historical experience in classterms, I expose what is too often ignored about American identity. But I’mnot just pointing out what we’ve gotten wrong about the past; I also want tomake it possible to better appreciate the gnawing contradictions still presentin modern American society.
The author lays out what she hopes to accomplish with the book.
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I’ll tear her all to pieces
You can see he is ever switching between every single new piece of "evidence" he comes across, showing his little conviction and yet his desire for absolute truth
By the world,I think my wife be honest and think she is not.I think that thou art just and think thou art not
Like Reza, he is easily swayed by outside whispers because he has not built his identity, his true convictions, besides the insecurity that his convictions are not real.
There’s none so foul and foolish thereunto,But does foul pranks which fair and wise ones do.
Generalisation about women, that all are the same, like in-group out-group, the alienisation of women as if they are another kind.
To fall in love with what she feared to look on?
Is she a mirror of Brabantio's own fears, and ideals, and therefore so appeals to him -- he compliments what he sees in Desdemona that resembles him, himself.
- Feb 2024
rwu.brightspace.com rwu.brightspace.com
Other people are the mirror in witch we see ourselves. Individual judge himself in the light of what he percives to be the way in wich others judge him in comparison to thenselves.
- Jan 2024
infullflow.net infullflow.net
Stable pseudonymity is helpful in maintaining civility. You can be anonymous, but you still have a reputation within a context or across several contexts. The mentioned article is based on Huffpost comment section account experiments. Strongly reminds me of Jimmy Wales on Wikipedia at Reboot7 in CPH 2005: [[Situationele identiteit vs absolute identiteit 20050621121100]] "I don’t need to know who you are exactly, as long as I am able to know you in Wikipedia. " I dubbed it 'situational identity' in 2005. The consistency of behaviour over time is enough for a reputation. This also connects to the importance of time dimension, Vgl [[Blogs als avatar 20030731084659]] where time is the key factor in id stability.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it's easy for us to look at us and think okay we're 30 trillion human cells give or take we're about 39 trillion bacterial cells at what point do we consider ourselves bacteria or at what point do we consider ourselves 00:07:46 human
for - question - identity - individual cell vs multicellular organism
question - identity - individual cell vs multicellular organism - This is a fascinating question as it looks at our evolutionarily composite nature - as a multi-scale competency architecture - Certainly our ordinary consciousness operates as the governance system for the entire population of collaborating cells and microbes - but can we actually directly identify with each individual cell or microbe in this vast integrated collection? - how does Levin's computational boundary of self help to shed light on this question?
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Desdemona represents Othello's ties to Venetian society and his Venetian identity that he is already insecure about and holding so desperately onto.
Even now, now, very now, an old black ramIs tupping your white ewe.
Dehumanization and picturing the relationship as a horrid rape and beastiality between Desdemona and Othello, capturing the Social Identity Theory at its finest.
you’ll have yourdaughter covered with a Barbary horse. You’ll have yournephews neigh to you. You’ll have coursers for cousinsand gennets for germans.
The comparison of Black people to beastly beings, such as horses. It nearly shows a predatory danger for Desdemona like getting eaten up by wolves. He describes a human loving relationship as an animalistic dynamic
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
Cosmo-local identities. A new type of glue, based on the commons
for - cosmo local identity - new social glue - cosmo local identity - new social laminin
What does contributing to a common mean?
Take permaculture as an example:
- you stand with your feet in the mud, a metaphor for reconnecting with the land and the earth, without whose cultivation no one can survive.
- The permaculturists’ heart is in their local community, but
- their brain and
- the other part of their heart
- are in the commons of global permaculture.
- They have extended their identity beyond the local,
- acquiring a trans-local and trans-national identity.
- They haven’t done so through an alienating concept of corporate globalisation,
- like an uprooted elite individual,
- but through deep participation in a true constructive community,
- which is helping to solve the metacrisis that alienates most of us.
- Cosmolocalism is synonymous with deep-rooted but extremely rapid global innovation
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:10:00 identity politics: the only stable "identity" is personality type, which is inborn and constant for life.<br /> my heresy: i found a hypothesis for the question: how must we connect different personality types to create stable groups?<br /> "the system" likes my work so much, they are threatening to bust my door, steal my stuff, and throw me in jail for five years, as a punishment for publishing my radical answer to the question: who are my friends?<br /> my book: pallas. who are my friends. group composition by personality type
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Yong, Ed. “The Tipping Point When Minority Views Take Over.” The Atlantic (blog), June 7, 2018. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/06/the-tipping-point-when-minority-views-take-over/562307/.
Centola's Experiments Suggest 25% Activists Will Tip a Population
Relationship with @Schelling1971 work?
Schelling, Thomas C. “Dynamic Models of Segregation.” The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1, no. 2 (July 1, 1971): 143–86. https://doi.org/10.1080/0022250X.1971.9989794.
epjdatascience.springeropen.com epjdatascience.springeropen.com
as Computational Social Science (CSS) grows up, it must strike a balance between its own practices and those of neighboring disciplines to achieve scientific rigor and refine its identity.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Associated individuals[edit] In a New York Times editorial, Bari Weiss listed individuals associated with the intellectual dark web, including Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Harris, Heather Heying, Claire Lehmann, Bill Maher, Douglas Murray, Maajid Nawaz, Camille Paglia, Jordan Peterson, Steven Pinker, Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, Michael Shermer, Christina Hoff Sommers, Bret Weinstein, and Eric Weinstein.
It's somewhat interesting and potentially non-coincidental that the entirety of this list aside from Sam Harris and Camille Paglia are highlighted as anti-trans (red) by the browser extension Shinigami Eyes.
The intellectual dark web (IDW) is a term used to describe some commentators who oppose identity politics, political correctness, and cancel culture in higher education and the news media within Western countries.
- Dec 2023
harpers.org harpers.org
Now consider the World Encyclopedia from the point of view of the ordinary educated citizen—and I suppose in a really modernized state the ordinary citizen will be an educated one. From his perspective the World Encyclopedia would be
The problem is that the material of such a World Encyclopedia would need to be believed as truth. Many in 2023 certainly don't believe in science, much less "truth". Its a complicated issue of identity, mass movements, and belief systems. Something which might be teased apart by cultural anthropologists?
developers.google.com developers.google.com
This describes account linking from the opposite direction than I'm used to: starting with the Google App, which requests your app to share data from your service with Google.
As it says on https://developers.google.com/identity/account-linking overview:
The secure OAuth 2.0 protocol lets you safely link a user's Google Account with their account on your platform, thereby granting Google applications and devices access to your services.
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Use cases
developers.google.com developers.google.com
To perform account linking with OAuth and Google Sign-In, follow these general steps: First, ask the user to give consent to access their Google profile. Use the information in their profile to check if the user account exists. For existing users, link the accounts. If you can't find a match for the Google user in your authentication system, validate the ID token received from Google. You can then create a user based on the profile information contained in the ID token.
developers.google.com developers.google.com
After you have verified the token, check if the user is already in your user database. If so, establish an authenticated session for the user. If the user isn't yet in your user database, create a new user record from the information in the ID token payload, and establish a session for the user. You can prompt the user for any additional profile information you require when you detect a newly created user in your app.
- Nov 2023
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
Okta supports the following enterprise and social Identity Provider types:
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
Users can use multiple Identity Providers to sign in, and Okta can link all of those profiles to a single Okta user. This is called account linking. For example, a user signs in to your app using a different Identity Provider than they used for registration. Account linking can then establish that the user owns both identities. This allows the user to sign in from either account.
Identity Providers can significantly reduce sign-in and registration friction. This allows your users to easily access applications without needing to create passwords or remember usernames.
External Identity Providers
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
When a user signs in, you can link the user’s Facebook account to an existing Okta user profile or choose to create a new user profile using Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning.
peskeflog.blogspot.com peskeflog.blogspot.com
How about an example that doesn't make you cringe: a piece of code known as Foo.java from conception through all its revisions to the most recent version maintains the same identity. We still call it Foo.java. To reference a specific revision or epoch is what Fielding is getting at with his "temporally varying member function MR(t), where revision r or time t maps to a set of spatial parts" stuff. In short, line 15 of Foo.java is just as much a part as version 15 of Foo.java, they just reference different subsets of its set of parts (one spatial and one temporal).
- Oct 2023
blog.ayjay.org blog.ayjay.org
I assumed, unreflectively, that he had made up the whole thing, simply because for a long time that’s what I would have done.
Is it possible that many on the far right don't believe science or facts about how people live because they've got a fabulist streak in themselves? They're so used to lying about basic facts about themselves that their first thought is that "everyone else is doing it".
Now compound this with their utter lack of context as well as their privilege and you've got a terrific cocktail for bad decisions.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Managing a half-dozen identities on a half-dozen platforms is too much work!
quoteinvestigator.com quoteinvestigator.com
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”
This quote is a feature of toxic capitalism, which should be efficient enough to allow a person to quickly obtain another job to thereby make the issue moot.
Part of it is tied into identity as well.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
06:30 focus on info (input/output) as building identity
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Foucault notes in The History ofSexuality that the emergence, in the 19th centuiy, of medical andpsychiatric discourses defining homosexuals as a deviant classfacilitated social control, but also made possiblethe formation of a ‘reverse’ discourse: homosexuality began tospeak in its own behalf, to demand that its legitimacy or ‘naturality’be acknowledged, often in the same vocabulary, using the samecategories by which it was medically disqualified
Group identification by non-members of that group can allow the group to anti-identify, thereby forming identity
- Sep 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
We use the term"canonical" to refer to such books; in an older tradition wemight have called them "sacred" or "holy," but those wordsno longer apply to all such works, though they still apply tosome of them.
they provide a broader definition of sacred/holy texts that extend to books which form the basis of a groups' identity and often involve orthodoxy.
relation to politics, gender identity, cults, etc.
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Executive Summary
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Six Conundrums of Global Identity
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. The problem with Identity (a summary of why the current identity ecosystem is broken)
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. High Level Requirements (The key stakeholders perspective on Identity 3.0)
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
Ten Reason Why Identity Ecosystems Fail
- Fail #1 - Reliance on a “Locus of Control”
- Fail #2 - A lack of anonymity at the root of an entity's identity
- Fail #3 - Maintaining or using attributes that are non-authoritative
- Fail #4 - Federating identity systems
- Fail #5 - Fixation on “my product” solving all your problems
- Fail #6 - A lack of context in risk calculations
- Fail #7 - The ecosystem only supports people (not all entities)
- Fail #8 - Not understanding the level of immutable linkage to the Entity
- Fail #9 - Turning a variable into a binary
- Fail #10 - Reduced privacy by consolidating attributes from disparate personas
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Why identity ecosystems fail (A primer on key aspects of Identity 3.0)
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Why Identity 3.0? (or; what must we do that is fundamentally different?)
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Identity 3.0 Principles
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Personas as a basis for Context and Trust (A primer on key aspects of Identity 3.0)
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Briefing: Privacy
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Briefing: Usability
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Glossary: Identity 3.0 Definitions
www.globalidentityfoundation.org www.globalidentityfoundation.org
The Global Identity Foundation - A single global identity for humanity. Briefing: Infrastructure & the Internet of Things
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Thus my social location is not my identity. My stories define my relation-ship to my social location. Stories are social activities of making meaning.My identity is fluid, forming and reforming in my stories as they relate tothe contexts and relationships I engage in, both constituting them and beingreconstituted in turn. My identity is plural and emergent not only from theintersection of these evolving stories but also based on how I perform themagainst the backdrop of the historical and social narratives. I have come to callthis hyperlinked identity
This paragraph is empowering! I imagine this process took a lot of self-reflection and strength. There is a lure to defining your social location as a leading part of your identity. In there can lay shame, or a big ego. To reject this idea of having to define yourself is incredible. As you wrote, your "identity is fluid, forming, and reforming."
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In psychology and sociology, masking is the process in which an individual camouflages their natural personality or behavior to conform to social pressures, abuse, or harassment.
Masking as camouflaging real self
Also see persona
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:41 identifying with a persona, consequence of society/expectations on oneself, & compromising the self
Persona is fine, as long as you don’t “identify” with it
- Aug 2023
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
The researchers did observe a change in their referral population in recent years, however. More kids assigned female at birth have been transitioning in recent years than those assigned male at birth. Many studies have captured this difference—including the 2018 survey proposing ROGD—but experts are unsure of its cause.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
David E. Williams, Spencer P. Greenhalgh. (2022). Pseudonymous academics: Authentic tales from the Twitter trenches. The Internet and Higher Education. Volume 55, October 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2022.100870
quoteinvestigator.com quoteinvestigator.com
Was Ronald Reagan's shift in politics an example of “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” (Upton Sinclair)? (see also: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/11/30/salary/)
Link to https://hypothes.is/a/Kft7kDOrEe6TQKcW-dREwQ in The Big Myth on Regan's shift in political views while working for General Electric.
Upton Sinclair ran for Governor of California in the 1930s, and the coverage he received from newspapers was unsympathetic. Yet, in 1934 some California papers published installments from his forthcoming book about the ill-fated campaign titled “I, Candidate for Governor, and How I Got Licked”. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:[1] 1934 December 11, Oakland Tribune, I, Candidate for Governor and How I Got Licked by Upton Sinclair, Quote Page 19, Column 3, Oakland, California. (Newspapers_com) I used to say to our audiences: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”
via https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/11/30/salary/
Some underlying tension for the question of identity/misinformation and personal politics vis-a-vis work and one's identity generated via work.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
In a workist culture that believes dignity is grounded in accomplishment, simply reclaiming this alternative form of dignity becomes a radical act.
Workist cultures are built on the principle that identity, worth, and dignity are grounded in an individual's accomplishments.
twitter.com twitter.com
Local storytelling creating identity.
Suggested by Aram Zucker-Scharff
- Jul 2023
Object identity, which allows objects to be referenced from other objects in terms of IDs and UUIDs.
the problem of individuality is (ironically enough) actually composed of two problems: identity and individuation.
- The problem of individuality is composed of two problems:
- identity
- what does it mean for a thing to remain the same thing if it changes over time?
- what makes tow entities the same kind of thing?
- identity is fundamentally about the nature of sameness and continuity
- individuation
- how do we tell two things apart?
- what are the boundaries of an object?
- indivduation is about differences and breaks
- identity
- These two properties are abstractions and are really two sides of the same coin
- One can often reframe one in terms of the other to suit your focus.
- To pick something out in the world you need to know both what
- makes it one thing, and also
- what makes it different than other things
– identity and individuation,
- sameness and difference.
- The problem of individuality is composed of two problems:
- Jun 2023
healthyselfesteem.org healthyselfesteem.org
It is quite “normal,” and human, to not enjoy making mistakes! That is why we often feel embarrassed, deny their existence, and/or blame others for our errors. We believe that the best way is to admit your mistakes, learn from them and take corrective action. After all, a mistake is a mistake – no more, no less.
some thoughts i have on this:
- personally, i find that the biggest challenge on admitting mistakes is people defining you by a single mistake and constantly bringing it up in similar future situations. there is this fear of being stuck with this identity or perception from others and it can be quite daunting.
i wonder if this is so because we often derive our understanding of ourselves through other people's perspectives. consequently, when they see us as failures in certain departments, we might easily adopt that belief too.
this is in connection with the "spyglass self" where we view ourselves through others' eyes and shape and our identities accordingly.
- a fascinating detail i noticed when faced with admitting a mistake is how we often shift the blame or focus onto others to avoid this uncomfortable and inconvenient situation. this behavior is interesting to me considering our pursuit of self-improvement and goodness. in these instances, empathy and compassion seem to vanish as self-preservation takes priority.
this is a great instance in which we become trapped in our own thoughts, creating a dangerous bubble where only our well-being seem to matter. the contrast between this self-centered mindset and our usual desire for growth presents an interesting aspect of human nature.
- May 2023
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose” Dolly Parton
www.mercurynews.com www.mercurynews.com
Josh Sargent, a member of the Akwesasne Mohawk community in upstate New York, where Hoover researched the impact of industrial contamination in the St. Lawrence River for her dissertation, said she’s “a good person and always welcome here.” Debates about her identity seem to be taking place in the “bubble of academia,” he said, while the real challenges facing Native people are being overlooked. He said she’s doing important work, and her book, “The River Is in Us,” accurately depicted the environmental harm suffered by his community. “I hope people read it.”
An important question here: her identity may not have been completely authentic, but is this a reason not to heed and consider her work on its own merit?
How do any of us really know our identities?
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In Vice, Maggie Puniewska points to the moral foundations theory, according to which liberals and conservatives prioritize different ethics: the former compassion, fairness and liberty, the latter purity, loyalty and obedience to authority.
- Mar 2023
www.nybooks.com www.nybooks.com
Primary care physician Gavin Francis reviews two books on the importance of forgetting, as part of a larger reflection on memory.
- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
so this was something that was in the air was that if they mainstreamed white supremacy correctly they could get 00:06:13 people to buy into it and not back away because they were afraid of being called racist
- strategy adopted by racists
- to mainstream their agenda
- consisted of rebranding racism
- with the more people-friendly word of
- white nationalism or white identity
trying to figure out ways 00:06:38 that you could access people and make them feel like it's okay to lean into white nationalism that they don't have to be afraid of being branded with that label
- scaling racism
- the strategy consisted of rebranding racism as "white nationalism" or "white identity"
- and people wouldn't have to be afraid of being called a racist
www.politifact.com www.politifact.com
PolitiFact - People are using coded language to avoid social media moderation. Is it working?<br /> by Kayla Steinberg<br /> November 4, 2021
"The coded language is effective in that it creates this sense of community," said Rachel Moran, a researcher who studies COVID-19 misinformation at the University of Washington. People who grasp that a unicorn emoji means "vaccination" and that "swimmers" are vaccinated people are part of an "in" group. They might identify with or trust misinformation more, said Moran, because it’s coming from someone who is also in that "in" group.
A shared language and even more specifically a coded shared language can be used to create a sense of community or define an in group identity.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
I am the despots Díaz and Huertaand the apostle of democracy, Francisco Madero.
While Joaquin identifies with beloved figures in Mexican history, such as Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Maria Morelos, Vicente Guerrero etc, he also identifies with the infamous dictator of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz, who served as president for over 20 years until he was overthrown in 1911, during the Mexican Revolution. Why do y'all think Joaquin identifies with both the good and the bad of his people? Is it because he does not have a choice? I am not sure but I would like to know what y'all think.
I am the masses of my people and I refuse to be absorbed. I am Joaquín.The odds are greatbut my spirit is strong, my faith unbreakable, my blood is pure.I am Aztec prince and Christian Christ. I SHALL ENDURE! I WILL ENDURE!
The final stanza adequately represents the theme of "Yo Soy Joaquin", which is cultural identity. Joaquin represents his people and rejects assimilation into American society at large. Joaquin's pledge of endurance demonstrates his resolve to uphold his cultural identity in the face of any difficulties.
Local file Local file
the cosmos and Islanders’ cultural identity is the reason a star is featured at the centre ofthe Torres Strait Islander flag, designed by Bernard Namok in 1992.
The close connection between
- Jan 2023
thedreammachine.substack.com thedreammachine.substack.com
then, books were as much a part of this landscape, the noise of other people's thoughts, as anything else. and yet even then, she touched on this theme that around this time became a meme among self-aware gen z kids, with viral tiktoks and tweets like "i have to consume like 8 forms of media at once to prevent myself from ever having a thought."
Link with forming identity through association with brands; negation of the self, filled by the curation of self-chosen media
citejournal.org citejournal.org
Standards codify and institutionalize values.
This is a very important point. When approaching Common Core and State Standards, we should be mindful of the values these standards impose and approach them from a position insistant on issues of race, socio-economic class, identity, and power..
www.civicsoftechnology.org www.civicsoftechnology.org
The funny thing is, despite having already reflected on this “trap of accuracy” before, Michelle still fell for it when she saw her inaccurately targeted ads staring at her on the screen. The promise of accuracy and of being seen is just too alluring.
What does it say about a society where the power of "being seen" is so much filled by advertising and corporate relationships? Maybe nothing, maybe the craving to be part of a group marked by consumption patterns has always been there. But even so I feel like there's a difference between the active behavior of being a "regular" at a bar or restaurant, or an "Oldsmobile Man", and being assigned a statistical bin of user profiles.
Local file Local file
For some scholars, it is critical thatthis new Warburg obsessively kept tabs on antisemitic incidents on the Easternfront, scribbling down aphorisms and thoughts on scraps of paper and storingthem in Zettelkasten that are now searchable.
Apparently Aby Warburg "obsessively kept" notes on antisemitic incidents on the Eastern front in his zettelkasten.
This piece looks at Warburg's Jewish identity as supported or not by the contents of his zettelkasten, thus placing it in the use of zettelkasten or card index as autobiography.
Might one's notes reflect who they were as a means of creating both their identity while alive as well as revealing it once they've passed on? Might the use of historical method provide its own historical method to be taken up on a meta basis after one's death?
- Dec 2022