16 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Many intellectuals of that generation were deeply influenced by thatprogram – Saul Bellow, Susan Sontag, and Joseph Epstein, just to namea few.

      University of Chicago's great books program

  2. Apr 2024
  3. Oct 2023
  4. Jul 2023
    1. readers typically turn to translations not to hear about culinary ephemera but to read literature.

      Part of literature is the Great Conversation, which often turns on the ability for writers to be understood and appreciated, often in translation. Gary Saul Morson takes P&V to task for their Russian translations which often focus on the incredibly specific nuances of direct translation, but which simultaneously lose the beauty and sense of literature. He says, "[...] readers typically turn to translations not to hear about culinary ephemera but to read literature."

  5. Apr 2023
    1. Bericht von Bloomberg Green über grüne Investitionen von Venture-Kapitalisten. Im Vordergrund stehen - oft mit öffentlicher Beteiligung - nicht mehr die schon eingeführten Technologien zur Energieerzeugung sondern Elektrifizierung neuer Bereiche und auch das Speichern von CO2. 2022 würden ca. 70 Milliarden USD venture Capital und insgesamt 652 Milliarden in Climate Tech investiert. Der International Renewable Energy Agency zufolge müssen sich die Investitionen jährlich vervierfachen. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-climate-tech-startups-where-to-invest/?srnd=green&leadSource=uverify%20wall

  6. Jan 2023
    1. Facing the Philistine army is King Saul, his general Abner, son of Ner,and the Israelite warriors. They gather between Socoh and Azekah, at theplace referred to as “Ephes-dammim,” or, in another tradition, “Pas-dammim.” Various battles in which David’s heroes were involved (1Chronicles 11:13) occurred at this place. The name Ephes-dammim doesnot appear in the list of the cities of the tribe of Judah, or in traditions laterthan the time of David. Recently, David Adams, who has worked at KhirbetQeiyafa, has proposed understanding the word “Ephes” in this context asthe border, while “dammim” means blood in Hebrew. He therefore explainsthe name as meaning the “border of blood,” in other words, the bloodybattle zone.3
  7. Nov 2022
  8. Aug 2022
  9. Apr 2021
    1. Eventually I figured out that the spiral was created from a single ellipse that rotates and scales at an exponential rate. The shape spends a lot of time small and slowly rotating, but as it accelerates, it spins and grows faster.

      This is the sort of trivia any film buff should research and know.

  10. Sep 2019
  11. Aug 2019
    1. that biology is not destiny: the sex we’re born with needn’t determine the sort of life we live.

      Perhaps traditional feminist philosophy could help with my notion of gender for more modern debates. Biology is not destiny could apply to transgender debates

    2. This pressure has come in part from the recognition that there are huge and important differences between(p.197)women from different classes, races, nationalities, religions, and so on.

      Issue for my idea of gender. How can gender fit together all these people, especially if you include individuals who have not always been treated by society in a way that aligns with their gender (treated as a man when in fact they are a woman)