24 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Some conjugation systems, such as IncF, IncH, and IncI plasmids, transfer DNA efficiently in liquid media, while others, including the IncN, IncM, IncP, and IncW plasmids, achieve higher DNA transfer frequencies on solid media [28]. It is suspected that the ability to transfer DNA in different environmental conditions is related to variation in pilus formation, structure, and stability of cells during the conjugation process.
  2. Nov 2023
    1. rigid pili, such as Inc N, P and W, conjugate at rates 2–4 orders of magnitude higher on solid surfaces
    2. flexible pili (e.g. Inc F, H and I), transfer equally well in liquid as in solid surfaces
  3. Jun 2023
  4. Mar 2023
    1. conjugative plasmids have broad-host ranges23, are resistant to restriction-modification systems24, are easy to engineer with large coding capacities25, and do not require a cellular receptor26 that would provide a facile mechanism for bacterial resistance.
  5. Nov 2022
    1. Identification of type IV conjugative systems that are systematically excluded from metagenomic bins
  6. Jun 2022
    1. Donor and recipients cells were mixed 1:1 (vol/vol, 0.1 to 1 ml), pelleted (2,000g for 10 min), resuspended in 10–100 µl LB + 300 µM DAP, pipetted onto a LB + 300 µM DAP plate and incubated at 37 °C for 2 h

      conjugation with DAP

  7. May 2021
  8. Mar 2021
    1. filtered onto a track-etched membrane (pore size: 0.2 µm, Whatman CycloporeTM, UK). Filters were placed on agar-solidified (15 g/l) SW or MC medium

      Indicative / Present

      damay dem (I go)

      dangay dem (you go) singular

      dafay dem (he/she goes)

      dañuy dem (we go)

      dangeen dem (you go) plural

      deñuy dem (they go)

      Indicative / Imperfect

      dama doon dem (I went)

      danga doon dem (you went) singular

      dafa doon dem (he/she went)

      dañu doon dem (we went)

      dangeen doon dem (you went) plural

      deñu doon dem (they went)

      Indicative / Pluperfect

      demoon naa (I had gone)

      demoon nga (you had gone) singular

      demoon na (he/she had gone)

      demoon nañu (we had gone)

      demoon ngeen (you had gone) plural

      demoon nañu (they had gone)

      Indicative / Future

      dinaa dem (I will go)

      dinga dem (you will go) singular

      dina dem (he/she will go)

      dinañu dem (we will go)

      dingeen dem (you will go) plural

      dinañu dem (they will go)

      Imperative / Active

      demal (go!) singular

      demleen (go!) plural


      demumaa (I didn’t go)

      demul (he/she didn’t go)

      demunu (we didn’t go)

      demuleen (you didn’t go)

      demuñu (they didn’t go)

  9. Dec 2020
    1. Transfer of plasmid RP4 during bacterial conjugation requires the plasmid-encoded TraJ protein, which binds to a 19-base pair invert sequence repetition within the transfer origin

      can it not be encoded in the host or a helper plasmid? Donor E. coli MFDpir already has it

  10. Mar 2020
    1. oriT mimic, minimally contains a 126-bp region encompassing three overlapping inverted-repeat sequences (IR1-3), at least one copy of an accessory repeat (AR) and a defined relaxase core region
    2. recently documented “relaxase-in trans” mechanism of conjugative mobilization facilitated by conjugative plasmids

      in Staphylococcus aureus

    1. Mobilizable plasmids carry only the relaxosomal components oriT, a relaxase gene, and one or more nicking auxiliary proteins
    1. IncP plasmids are considered mobilizing plasmids and may transfer other nonconjugative plasmids into new hosts

      Aren't all conjugative plasmids capable of mobilizing? According to the paper -

      IncP, IncN, and IncW are conjugative plasmids that transfer and can be maintained in a diverse array of bacterial hosts

  11. Feb 2020
    1. The host range for three of the plasmids (pBF1, pB7, and pB9) was further investigated by the GFP method described above

      Does the host range of transfer go wider than the population where GFP is observed?

      This is my idea of distinctive overlapping categories of host range as venn diagrams.

    2. Consequently, the plasmid donor cells do not express gfp

      Does the leaky expression not hinder the detecting and quantification of transconjugants in epifluorescence microscopy?

  12. Jan 2020
    1. mobilizable plasmids, possess their own transfer origin and encode a relaxase but need the help of a conjugative plasmid for their transfer from a donor to a recipient

      Why do mobilizable plasmids encode the mob gene? Can't it be provided in trans by the mobilizing helper strain?

  13. Oct 2019
    1. We tested a broad range of Enterobacteriaceae conjugative plasmids for their sensitivity to the growth stage of the donors and identified three distinct regulation types.
  14. Sep 2019
    1. Plasmids (IncP/N/W)with 373short and rigid pili only transfer efficiently on solid surfaces, unlike those with longand flexible 374pili (IncF/H/T/J),capable of transferring equally well in liquidand on solid surfaces[35,36]

      Plasmid group vs pili length

  15. Mar 2018
    1. For English, telling the difference between instantaneous and continuative verbs is easy, because we seldom, if ever, use “be +ing” form for the former. For Japanese, however, the situation is complicated, as ていますcan be used with both kinds of verb.

      There is no way to tell the continuity of a verb by simply looking at it. One must understand the concept before knowing the full meaning when paired with ています.