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A1 初級文法Search:內容分類建議順序初級文法 10介詞:à / de + 城市和國家介詞1初級文法 11介詞:上下前後內介詞2初級文法 12介詞:離...很近 / 很遠 près de, loin de介詞3初級文法 26表示存在:il y a表達:空間4初級文法 13疑問形式:qui, que, c'est vs il est問答5初級文法 14c'est 和 il est 的分別問答6初級文法 17部分冠詞 - du, de la, des限定詞7初級文法 27比較級表達:比較8初級文法 28最高級表達:比較9初級文法 01第二組 -ir 動詞變位規則動詞10初級文法 02不規則動詞變位動詞11初級文法 03動詞 faire & jouer:活動與嗜好動詞12初級文法 04動詞 aller 與地方動詞13初級文法 05最近將來時 futur proche:aller + 不定式動詞14初級文法 06複合過去時 passé composé動詞15初級文法 07未完成過去時 imparfait動詞16初級文法 08複合過去時 vs 未完成過去時動詞17初級文法 09簡單將來時 futur simple動詞18初級文法 25基本時間標誌介詞:depuis, pendant, il y a...表達:時間19初級文法 15基本疑問詞問答20初級文法 16三種疑問句形式:雅語、日常語言、通俗語言問答21初級文法 18法文直接受詞 COD vs 間接受詞 COI總論22初級文法 19直接受詞代名詞 pronom COD:le, la, les...代詞23初級文法 20間接受詞代名詞 pronom COI:lui, leur代詞24初級文法 21代詞 en代詞25初級文法 22代詞 y代詞26初級文法 23重讀人稱代詞 pronom tonique:moi, toi, lui...代詞27初級文法 24關係代詞 pronom relatif:qui, que代詞28Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries
法文雞 detailed discussions of A1 grammar
A1 初級文法 Search: 內容 分類 建議順序 初級文法 10 介詞:à / de + 城市和國家 介詞 1 初級文法 11 介詞:上下前後內 介詞 2 初級文法 12 介詞:離...很近 / 很遠 près de, loin de 介詞 3 初級文法 26 表示存在:il y a 表達:空間 4 初級文法 13 疑問形式:qui, que, c'est vs il est 問答 5 初級文法 14 c'est 和 il est 的分別 問答 6 初級文法 17 部分冠詞 - du, de la, des 限定詞 7 初級文法 27 比較級 表達:比較 8 初級文法 28 最高級 表達:比較 9 初級文法 01 第二組 -ir 動詞變位規則 動詞 10 初級文法 02 不規則動詞變位 動詞 11 初級文法 03 動詞 faire & jouer:活動與嗜好 動詞 12 初級文法 04 動詞 aller 與地方 動詞 13 初級文法 05 最近將來時 futur proche:aller + 不定式 動詞 14 初級文法 06 複合過去時 passé composé 動詞 15 初級文法 07 未完成過去時 imparfait 動詞 16 初級文法 08 複合過去時 vs 未完成過去時 動詞 17 初級文法 09 簡單將來時 futur simple 動詞 18 初級文法 25 基本時間標誌介詞:depuis, pendant, il y a... 表達:時間 19 初級文法 15 基本疑問詞 問答 20 初級文法 16 三種疑問句形式:雅語、日常語言、通俗語言 問答 21 初級文法 18 法文直接受詞 COD vs 間接受詞 COI 總論 22 初級文法 19 直接受詞代名詞 pronom COD:le, la, les... 代詞 23 初級文法 20 間接受詞代名詞 pronom COI:lui, leur 代詞 24 初級文法 21 代詞 en 代詞 25 初級文法 22 代詞 y 代詞 26 初級文法 23 重讀人稱代詞 pronom tonique:moi, toi, lui... 代詞 27 初級文法 24 關係代詞 pronom relatif:qui, que 代詞 28 Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries
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A2 初中級文法Search:內容分類建議順序初中級文法 08形容詞概論形容詞1初中級文法 12泛指詞 indéfinis代詞 / 限定詞2初中級文法 17基本時間空間表達補遺表達:時間、空間3初中級文法 09副詞概論副詞4初中級文法 11代名詞的順序代詞6初中級文法 01代詞式動詞的四種意義動詞7初中級文法 02命令式 impératif動詞9初中級文法 13關係代詞 pronom relatif:où, dont代詞9初中級文法 03條件式 conditionnel動詞10初中級文法 14關係代詞:ce qui, ce que, ce dont代詞10初中級文法 15複合關係代詞:auquel, duquel, pour lequel...代詞11初中級文法 10ne...pas 外的否定形式否定12初中級文法 16間接引語表達:引語13初中級文法 04過去分詞、現在分詞和副動詞 gérondif動詞14初中級文法 05被動語態動詞15初中級文法 06愈過去時 plus-que-parfait 和先將來時 futur anterieur動詞16初中級文法 18三種條件句表達:假設17初中級文法 07虛擬式 subjontif動詞18初中級文法 19邏輯關係表達:邏輯19Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
法文雞 detailed discussions of A2 grammar
A2 初中級文法 Search: 內容 分類 建議順序 初中級文法 08 形容詞概論 形容詞 1 初中級文法 12 泛指詞 indéfinis 代詞 / 限定詞 2 初中級文法 17 基本時間空間表達補遺 表達:時間、空間 3 初中級文法 09 副詞概論 副詞 4 初中級文法 11 代名詞的順序 代詞 6 初中級文法 01 代詞式動詞的四種意義 動詞 7 初中級文法 02 命令式 impératif 動詞 9 初中級文法 13 關係代詞 pronom relatif:où, dont 代詞 9 初中級文法 03 條件式 conditionnel 動詞 10 初中級文法 14 關係代詞:ce qui, ce que, ce dont 代詞 10 初中級文法 15 複合關係代詞:auquel, duquel, pour lequel... 代詞 11 初中級文法 10 ne...pas 外的否定形式 否定 12 初中級文法 16 間接引語 表達:引語 13 初中級文法 04 過去分詞、現在分詞和副動詞 gérondif 動詞 14 初中級文法 05 被動語態 動詞 15 初中級文法 06 愈過去時 plus-que-parfait 和先將來時 futur anterieur 動詞 16 初中級文法 18 三種條件句 表達:假設 17 初中級文法 07 虛擬式 subjontif 動詞 18 初中級文法 19 邏輯關係 表達:邏輯 19 Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries
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動詞我是誰 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動) 反身動詞 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir 後接不定式的動詞 語式和時態直陳式最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形 現在進行時和最近過去時 複合過去時 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞 未完成過去時 愈過去時 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時 簡單過去時 最近將來時和簡單將來時 不規則的簡單將來時動詞命令式條件式虛擬式虛擬式現在時 虛擬式過去時分詞式不規則過去分詞 過去分詞的性數配合 被動語態 現在分詞 副動詞 en faisant… 限定詞定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes… 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de… 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…. 代詞重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle… 非人稱代詞 il 直接和間接代詞 代詞 en 和 y 代詞的位置與順序 關係代詞 qui、que、où 複合關係代詞 中性的關係代詞和強調法 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…. 主有代詞 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci… 否定簡單否定 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun 提問以 quel 提問 封閉式問題 開放式問題 表達C'est & il est Il y a 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a 表達原因 表達結果 表達目的 表達對立 表達讓步 人、事物、動作的比較 數量的比較 引語 假設 其他國藉 國家與城市 年齡 星期一至日 職業 品質形容詞 談論季節、介詞 日子、月份大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
法文雞 Same TOC in POS:
動詞 我是誰 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動) 反身動詞 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir 後接不定式的動詞
最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形 現在進行時和最近過去時 複合過去時 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞 未完成過去時 愈過去時 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時 簡單過去時 最近將來時和簡單將來時 不規則的簡單將來時動詞
虛擬式現在時 虛擬式過去時
不規則過去分詞 過去分詞的性數配合 被動語態 現在分詞 副動詞 en faisant…
定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes… 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de… 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains….
重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle… 非人稱代詞 il 直接和間接代詞 代詞 en 和 y 代詞的位置與順序 關係代詞 qui、que、où 複合關係代詞 中性的關係代詞和強調法 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…. 主有代詞 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci…
簡單否定 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun
以 quel 提問 封閉式問題 開放式問題
C'est & il est Il y a 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a 表達原因 表達結果 表達目的 表達對立 表達讓步 人、事物、動作的比較 數量的比較 引語 假設
國藉 國家與城市 年齡 星期一至日 職業 品質形容詞 談論季節、介詞 日子、月份
大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
www.lecoqfr.com www.lecoqfr.com
A1: 初學階段入門級〈隱藏 A1 文法〉1.1. 自我介紹1.1.1. 我是誰1.1.2. 國藉1.1.3. 國家與城市1.1.4. 年齡1.1.5. 否定1.1.6. 以 quel 提問1.1.7. 封閉式問題1.1.8. 開放式問題1.2. 談論活動1.2.1. 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動)1.2.2. 星期一至日1.2.3. 反身動詞1.2.4. 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來1.2.5. 重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle…1.2.6. 最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形1.3. 要求和提議1.3.1. 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces1.3.2. 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想1.4. 描述1.4.1. C'est & il est1.4.2. 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes…1.4.3. 職業1.4.4. 品質形容詞1.4.5. Il y a1.4.6. 人、事物、動作的比較1.5. 建議他人1.5.1. 命令式1.5.2. 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir1.6. 談論食物1.6.1. 定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les1.6.2. 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de…1.7. 談論天氣1.7.1. 非人稱代詞 il1.7.2. 談論季節、介詞1.8. 談論過去1.8.1. 複合過去時1.8.2. 日子、月份 A2: 初學階段初級〈隱藏 A2 文法〉2.1. 談論過去2.1.1. 未完成過去時2.1.2. 不規則過去分詞2.1.3. 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a2.1.4. 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞2.2. 談論事物和人2.2.1. 關係代詞 qui、que、où2.2.2. 主有代詞2.2.3. 直接和間接代詞2.2.4. 數量的比較2.2.5. 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains…2.2.6. 代詞 en 和 y2.2.7. 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun2.3. 談論動作2.3.1. 現在進行時和最近過去時2.4. 談論將來2.4.1. 最近將來時和簡單將來時2.4.2. 不規則的簡單將來時動詞 B1: 獨立階段中級〈隱藏 B1 文法〉3.1. 談論各種事情3.1.1. 被動語態3.1.2. 愈過去時3.1.3. 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時3.1.4. 引語3.1.5. 假設3.1.6. 過去分詞的性數配合3.2. 談論動作3.2.1. 副動詞 en faisant…3.2.2. 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci…3.3. 解釋和議論3.3.1. 表達原因3.3.2. 表達結果3.3.3. 表達目的3.3.4. 表達對立3.3.5. 複合關係代詞3.3.6. 代詞的位置與順序3.3.7. 條件式的運用3.3.8. 中性的關係代詞和強調法3.3.9. 表達讓步3.3.10. 虛擬式的運用 B2: 獨立階段中高級〈隱藏 B2 文法〉4.1. 談論過去4.1.1. 簡單過去時4.1.2. 虛擬式過去時4.2. 談論動作4.2.1. 後接不定式的動詞4.2.2. 現在分詞 大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
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C2 程度法文學習者,幾年前開始在香港教授小班法文。希望網站能提供循序漸進、有系統和容易檢閱的文法教學。有任何問題、想查詢開班或網課事宜等,歡迎發電郵,又或在下方聯絡欄留言給我。
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A1: 初學階段入門級
〈隱藏 A1 文法〉 1.1. 自我介紹
1.1.1. 我是誰 1.1.2. 國藉 1.1.3. 國家與城市 1.1.4. 年齡 1.1.5. 否定 1.1.6. 以 quel 提問 1.1.7. 封閉式問題 1.1.8. 開放式問題
1.2. 談論活動
1.2.1. 動詞 faire 做 (一項活動) 1.2.2. 星期一至日 1.2.3. 反身動詞 1.2.4. 動詞 aller 去 和 venir 來 1.2.5. 重讀人稱代詞 moi, toi, lui, elle… 1.2.6. 最近將來時 aller + 動詞原形
1.3. 要求和提議
1.3.1. 指示形容詞 ce / cet / cette / ces 1.3.2. 動詞 pouvoir 可、devoir 要 和 vouloir 想
1.4. 描述
1.4.1. C'est & il est 1.4.2. 主有形容詞 mon / ma / mes… 1.4.3. 職業 1.4.4. 品質形容詞 1.4.5. Il y a 1.4.6. 人、事物、動作的比較
1.5. 建議他人
1.5.1. 命令式 1.5.2. 條件式的 devoir 和 pouvoir
1.6. 談論食物
1.6.1. 定冠詞和不定冠詞 un / une / des、le / la / les 1.6.2. 部份冠詞及數量表達 du、beaucoup de…
1.7. 談論天氣
1.7.1. 非人稱代詞 il 1.7.2. 談論季節、介詞
1.8. 談論過去
1.8.1. 複合過去時 1.8.2. 日子、月份
A2: 初學階段初級
〈隱藏 A2 文法〉 2.1. 談論過去
2.1.1. 未完成過去時 2.1.2. 不規則過去分詞 2.1.3. 時間表達:ça fait、il y a…que、pendant、il y a 2.1.4. 複合過去時的反身動詞和有兩個助動詞的動詞
2.2. 談論事物和人
2.2.1. 關係代詞 qui、que、où 2.2.2. 主有代詞 2.2.3. 直接和間接代詞 2.2.4. 數量的比較 2.2.5. 泛指形容詞和泛指代詞 tout、plusieurs、certains… 2.2.6. 代詞 en 和 y 2.2.7. 複雜否定 ne…rien、ne…plus、ne…jamais、ne…personne、ne…aucun
2.3. 談論動作
2.3.1. 現在進行時和最近過去時
2.4. 談論將來
2.4.1. 最近將來時和簡單將來時 2.4.2. 不規則的簡單將來時動詞
B1: 獨立階段中級
〈隱藏 B1 文法〉 3.1. 談論各種事情
3.1.1. 被動語態 3.1.2. 愈過去時 3.1.3. 過去時比較:複合過去時、未完成過去時、愈過去時 3.1.4. 引語 3.1.5. 假設 3.1.6. 過去分詞的性數配合
3.2. 談論動作
3.2.1. 副動詞 en faisant… 3.2.2. 指示代詞 celui-ci、celle-là、ceux-ci…
3.3. 解釋和議論
3.3.1. 表達原因 3.3.2. 表達結果 3.3.3. 表達目的 3.3.4. 表達對立 3.3.5. 複合關係代詞 3.3.6. 代詞的位置與順序 3.3.7. 條件式的運用 3.3.8. 中性的關係代詞和強調法 3.3.9. 表達讓步 3.3.10. 虛擬式的運用
B2: 獨立階段中高級
〈隱藏 B2 文法〉 4.1. 談論過去
4.1.1. 簡單過去時 4.1.2. 虛擬式過去時
4.2. 談論動作
4.2.1. 後接不定式的動詞 4.2.2. 現在分詞
大部分譯自《新觀察家》(L'OBS) ,法文原版:傳送門
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用法虛擬式用於無關現實的事實,表達主觀的態度;相對於直陳式用於關於現實中的事實的陳述、表達客觀的態度。在表達情感 (害怕、喜悅、悲傷、期待、欲望、主觀必要性等)的動詞或非人稱構成、它們所後接的分句中,我們經常使用虛擬式。J'ai peur qu'il soit en retard. 我擔心他遲到。Il est important que vous puissiez être là. 重要的是,你能到場。在下面三種情況之下,分句都要使用虛擬式:一)當主句動詞表達必要性Il faut qu'il soit à la réunion demain. 他明天必須出席會議。Il est nécessaire que vous appreniez votre leçon par cœur. 你一定要用心學習你的課。二)當主句動詞表達可能性或不可能性Il est possible que nous soyons dans l'incapacité de venir à la conférence. 我們可能不能前來參加會議。Il est impossible qu'il sache la vérité. 他不可能知道真相。三)當主要動詞表達偏好Je déteste que tu fasses autant de bruit. 我討厭你制造這麼多噪音。Je préfère que vous veniez seul. 我寧可你一個人來。特殊情況表達意見的動詞後的分句,如 penser que, croire que, trouver que 等,只有否定時才用虛擬式。Il ne pense pas que nous soyons mauvais. 他不認為我們很壞。Je ne crois pas qu'il faille prévenir le directeur. 我不認為要告訴導演。espérer 不使用虛擬式。J'espère qu'il viendra à la fête. 我希望他會來派對。構成虛擬式構成:直陳式現在時第三人稱眾數 ils 的詞根 + 詞尾 -e、-es、-e、-ions、-iez、-ent。動詞 finir: ils finissent (現在時) -> je finisse / tu finisses / il finisse / nous finissions / vous finissiez / ils finissent注意!:當直陳式現在時中,nous 與 vous 的詞根和 ils 不同的時候,我們在虛擬式中也保留這個分別。動詞 prendre : ils prennent (現在時) -> je prenne/tu prennes/il prenne/ils prennent nous prenons (現在時) -> nous prenions/vous preniez 人稱現在時 ils 詞根詞尾虛擬式que jefiniss–efinisseque tu–esfinissesqu'il / elle / on–efinisseque nous-ionsfinissionsque vous–iezfinissiezqu'ils / elles–entfinissent 以下是虛擬式常用的不規則動詞:êtreavoirfaireallerpouvoirsavoirque je soisque j'aieque je fasseque j'ailleque je puisseque je sacheque tu soisque tu aiesque tu fassesque tu aillesque tu puissesque tu sachesqu'il/elle soitqu'il/elle aitqu'il/elle fassequ'il/elle aillequ'il/elle puissequ'il/elle sacheque nous soyonsque nous ayonsque nous fassionsque nous allionsque nous puissionsque nous sachionsque vous soyezque vous ayezque vous fassiezque vous alliezque vous puissiezque vous sachiezqu'ils/elles soientqu'ils/elles aientqu'ils/elles fassentqu'ils/elles aillentqu'ils/elles puissentqu'ils/elles sachent其他還有: Vouloir -> que je veuille Falloir -> qu'il faille Pleuvoir -> qu'il pleuve
subjunctive: all usages
虛擬式用於無關現實的事實,表達主觀的態度;相對於直陳式用於關於現實中的事實的陳述、表達客觀的態度。在表達情感 (害怕、喜悅、悲傷、期待、欲望、主觀必要性等)的動詞或非人稱構成、它們所後接的分句中,我們經常使用虛擬式。
J'ai peur qu'il soit en retard. 我擔心他遲到。
Il est important que vous puissiez être là. 重要的是,你能到場。
Il faut qu'il soit à la réunion demain. 他明天必須出席會議。
Il est nécessaire que vous appreniez votre leçon par cœur. 你一定要用心學習你的課。
Il est possible que nous soyons dans l'incapacité de venir à la conférence. 我們可能不能前來參加會議。
Il est impossible qu'il sache la vérité. 他不可能知道真相。
Je déteste que tu fasses autant de bruit. 我討厭你制造這麼多噪音。
Je préfère que vous veniez seul. 我寧可你一個人來。
表達意見的動詞後的分句,如 penser que, croire que, trouver que 等,只有否定時才用虛擬式。
Il ne pense pas que nous soyons mauvais. 他不認為我們很壞。
Je ne crois pas qu'il faille prévenir le directeur. 我不認為要告訴導演。
espérer 不使用虛擬式。
J'espère qu'il viendra à la fête. 我希望他會來派對。
虛擬式構成:直陳式現在時第三人稱眾數 ils 的詞根 + 詞尾 -e、-es、-e、-ions、-iez、-ent。
動詞 finir: ils finissent (現在時) -> je finisse / tu finisses / il finisse / nous finissions / vous finissiez / ils finissent
注意!:當直陳式現在時中,nous 與 vous 的詞根和 ils 不同的時候,我們在虛擬式中也保留這個分別。
動詞 prendre : ils prennent (現在時) -> je prenne/tu prennes/il prenne/ils prennent nous prenons (現在時) -> nous prenions/vous preniez
人稱 現在時 ils 詞根 詞尾 虛擬式 que je finiss –e finisse que tu –es finisses qu'il / elle / on –e finisse que nous -ions finissions que vous –iez finissiez qu'ils / elles –ent finissent
être avoir faire aller pouvoir savoir que je sois que j'aie que je fasse que j'aille que je puisse que je sache que tu sois que tu aies que tu fasses que tu ailles que tu puisses que tu saches qu'il/elle soit qu'il/elle ait qu'il/elle fasse qu'il/elle aille qu'il/elle puisse qu'il/elle sache que nous soyons que nous ayons que nous fassions que nous allions que nous puissions que nous sachions que vous soyez que vous ayez que vous fassiez que vous alliez que vous puissiez que vous sachiez qu'ils/elles soient qu'ils/elles aient qu'ils/elles fassent qu'ils/elles aillent qu'ils/elles puissent qu'ils/elles sachent 其他還有: Vouloir -> que je veuille Falloir -> qu'il faille Pleuvoir -> qu'il pleuve
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語式上的用法語式指說話人對他自己說的話所表達的態度。條件式可用於表達以下東西:一)禮貌(常見於動詞 pouvoir 和 vouloir)Je voudrais un café s'il vous plait. 我想要一杯咖啡,謝謝。Je pourrais parler avec M. Dupontel ? 我可以跟 Dupontel 先生說話嗎?二)建議(常見用於動詞 devoir)Tu devrais parler à ton père. 你應該跟你的爸爸談談。Vous devriez appeler le médecin. 你應該叫醫生。三)欲望(常見於動詞 vouloir 和 aimer)J'aimerais devenir pianiste. 我想成為鋼琴家。Nous voudrions déménager dans le sud de la France. 我們想搬往南法。四)未經核實的事實Le ministre rencontrerait son homologue allemand très prochainement. 部長快將會見他的德國同行。Un accident a eu lieu sur l'autoroute A4. Il y aurait trois blessés. 在 A4 公路發生了意外,有三名傷者。五)後悔(常見於動詞 vouloir、devoir、aimer 的虛擬式過去時)J'aurais voulu être un artiste. 我希望我是一個藝術家。Nous aurions aimé le connaître. 我們本想認識他。Tu aurais dû lui parler. 你應和他談談的。假設中的用法想像一些不存在的東西,及對現在進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 未完成過去時 及 虛擬式現在時。Si tu avais de l'argent, tu achèterais une nouvelle voiture. (但你沒有錢) 如果你有錢,你會買一輛新車。S'il faisait beau, nous irions à la mer et nous ferions une balade à vélo. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣很好,我們會去海邊騎單車。想像一些不存在的東西,及對過去進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 愈過去時 及 虛擬式過去時。Si tu avais quitté Paris, tu aurais habité dans une belle et grande maison avec un jardin. (但你沒有離開巴黎) 如果你離開了巴黎,你便會住在一間又大又漂亮、有花園的房子了。Si vos enfants étaient partis en Italie, vous les auriez rejoints. (但你的孩子沒有到意大利去) 如果你的孩子到了意大利去,你便會跟他們重聚了。
French conditional tense: all usages
一)禮貌(常見於動詞 pouvoir 和 vouloir)
Je voudrais un café s'il vous plait. 我想要一杯咖啡,謝謝。
Je pourrais parler avec M. Dupontel ? 我可以跟 Dupontel 先生說話嗎?
二)建議(常見用於動詞 devoir)
Tu devrais parler à ton père. 你應該跟你的爸爸談談。
Vous devriez appeler le médecin. 你應該叫醫生。
三)欲望(常見於動詞 vouloir 和 aimer)
J'aimerais devenir pianiste. 我想成為鋼琴家。
Nous voudrions déménager dans le sud de la France. 我們想搬往南法。
Le ministre rencontrerait son homologue allemand très prochainement. 部長快將會見他的德國同行。
Un accident a eu lieu sur l'autoroute A4. Il y aurait trois blessés. 在 A4 公路發生了意外,有三名傷者。
五)後悔(常見於動詞 vouloir、devoir、aimer 的虛擬式過去時)
J'aurais voulu être un artiste. 我希望我是一個藝術家。
Nous aurions aimé le connaître. 我們本想認識他。
Tu aurais dû lui parler. 你應和他談談的。
想像一些不存在的東西,及對現在進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 未完成過去時 及 虛擬式現在時。
Si tu avais de l'argent, tu achèterais une nouvelle voiture. (但你沒有錢) 如果你有錢,你會買一輛新車。
S'il faisait beau, nous irions à la mer et nous ferions une balade à vélo. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣很好,我們會去海邊騎單車。
想像一些不存在的東西,及對過去進行假設的時候,我們用 si + 愈過去時 及 虛擬式過去時。
Si tu avais quitté Paris, tu aurais habité dans une belle et grande maison avec un jardin. (但你沒有離開巴黎) 如果你離開了巴黎,你便會住在一間又大又漂亮、有花園的房子了。
Si vos enfants étaient partis en Italie, vous les auriez rejoints. (但你的孩子沒有到意大利去) 如果你的孩子到了意大利去,你便會跟他們重聚了。
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passé simple = passé composé
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對未來的假設構成是 si + 現在時 及 簡單將來時。它表達一種不肯定性以及實現的可能。Si les enfants sortent plus tard de l'école, on viendra les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們將會來接他們。 = 孩子們可能會晚點離開。對現在的假設構成是 si + 未完成過去時 及 條件式現在時。它是一種想像,涉及當下不存在的東西。Si les enfants sortaient plus tard de l'école, on viendrait les chercher. 如果孩子們會晚點離開學校,我們便會來接他們。 = 孩子們不會晚點離開學校,我們不會來接他們。對過去的假設構成是 si + 愈過去時 及 條件式過去時。它經常用於表達對一個已完結的東西、無法重回的處境的傷感、惋惜、後悔。Si les enfants étaient sortis plus tard de l'école, on serait venus les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們便能來接他們了。 = 孩子們並沒有晚點離開,我們也沒去接他們。Si j'avais été riche, j'aurais acheté une villa. 如果我很富有,我便會買一棟別墅了。 = 我從不富有,也從沒買別墅。
This page explains the same thing in terms of "hypotheticals" using si clause.
Refer to main explanation that clarifies it for me: https://www.lecoqfr.com/%e6%b3%95%e6%96%87%e7%9a%84%e4%b8%89%e7%a8%ae%e6%a2%9d%e4%bb%b6%e5%8f%a5%e5%92%8c%e6%99%82%e6%85%8b%e8%a6%81%e6%b1%82/
構成是 si + 現在時 及 簡單將來時。它表達一種不肯定性以及實現的可能。
Si les enfants sortent plus tard de l'école, on viendra les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們將會來接他們。 = 孩子們可能會晚點離開。
構成是 si + 未完成過去時 及 條件式現在時。它是一種想像,涉及當下不存在的東西。
Si les enfants sortaient plus tard de l'école, on viendrait les chercher. 如果孩子們會晚點離開學校,我們便會來接他們。 = 孩子們不會晚點離開學校,我們不會來接他們。
構成是 si + 愈過去時 及 條件式過去時。它經常用於表達對一個已完結的東西、無法重回的處境的傷感、惋惜、後悔。
Si les enfants étaient sortis plus tard de l'école, on serait venus les chercher. 如果孩子們晚點離開學校,我們便能來接他們了。 = 孩子們並沒有晚點離開,我們也沒去接他們。
Si j'avais été riche, j'aurais acheté une villa. 如果我很富有,我便會買一棟別墅了。 = 我從不富有,也從沒買別墅。
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法文的假設:三種條件句法文最主要會用 si 「如果」來表達條件或假設。其基本的構成是:Si 分句 (作為條件) + 主句(作為結果的動作)Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。Si tu as moins de 21 ans, tu peux obtenir une réduction de prix. 如果你未滿 21 歲,你可以獲得減價優惠。而根據分句中的條件的性質,法文的條件句有三種條件句,因而要求在主句和分句使用不同時式、時態的動詞。三種條件句分別是:1) 一般條件、2) 關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件和 3) 關於過去的不真實或想像的條件。第一種條件句:一般條件——肯定性、可能性或命令在這種條件句,條件可以被正常實現,而大多數情況我們按不同時式、時態的一般價值來使用。不同時式、時態的配合表達的意義有細微的差別。Si 現在時 + 現在時——慣性動作或接近肯定發生的事情Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。S'il pleut, je reste chez moi. 如果下雨,我留在家。Si 現在時 + 簡單將來時——大機會發生的事情Si j'ai le temps, je ferai du sport. 如果我有時間,我會做運動。Si je vais en France, je prendrai le train. 如果我去法國,我會乘火車。Si 現在時 + 命令式——命令Si tu peux, dis-moi. 如果你可以,告訴我。Si 未完成過去時 + 未完成過去時——在過去的慣性動作Autrefois, s'il pleuvait, nous jouions aux jeux vidéo. 以前,下雨時,我們玩遊戲機。只有一種我們不按正常價值使用時態,這就是用複合過去時來表達在未來發生或完成的事件:Si 複合過去時 + 現在時 / 簡單將來時 / 命令式Si j'ai fini mes devoirs, je vous rejoindrai plus tard. 如果我完成我的功課,我會晚點加入你們。而在後面第二和第三種條件句,時式和時態都失去了一般使用時的價值。第二種條件句:關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件第二種條件句關乎當下或未來的、不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與現實的情況不符。它由未完成過去時和條件式現在時構成。在這裡,這種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義——即未完成過去時不再關乎過去,條件式現在時不是對過去而言的將來時。Si 未完成過去時 + 條件式現在時S'il faisait beau, je ferais du sport. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣好,我會做運動。Si j'étais toi, je ferais mieux. (但我不是你) 如果我是你,我會做得更好。第三種條件句:關於過去的、不真實或想像的條件第三種條件句關乎在過去的不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與過去發生的現實不符。它由愈過去時和條件式過去時構成。同上,這兩種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義。這種條件句常用於表達後悔與遺憾。Si 愈過去時 + 條件式過去時Si j'avais eu le temps, j'aurais fait du sport. (而過去的我沒有時間) 如果我有時間,我便會做運動了。Si tu m'avais dit la vérité, je ne serais pas parti. (而過去的你沒有告訴我真相) 如果你告訴了我真相,我便不會離開了。
This entire page in Chinese answers one question I have been puzzled with: does si + imparfait + main cause conditional tense always express irrealis? Answer: Yes!
法文最主要會用 si 「如果」來表達條件或假設。其基本的構成是:
Si 分句 (作為條件) + 主句(作為結果的動作)
Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。
Si tu as moins de 21 ans, tu peux obtenir une réduction de prix. 如果你未滿 21 歲,你可以獲得減價優惠。
而根據分句中的條件的性質,法文的條件句有三種條件句,因而要求在主句和分句使用不同時式、時態的動詞。三種條件句分別是:1) 一般條件、2) 關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件和 3) 關於過去的不真實或想像的條件。
第一種條件句:一般條件——肯定性、可能性或命令 在這種條件句,條件可以被正常實現,而大多數情況我們按不同時式、時態的一般價值來使用。不同時式、時態的配合表達的意義有細微的差別。
Si 現在時 + 現在時——慣性動作或接近肯定發生的事情
Si tu veux, tu peux venir. 如果你想,你可以來。
S'il pleut, je reste chez moi. 如果下雨,我留在家。
Si 現在時 + 簡單將來時——大機會發生的事情
Si j'ai le temps, je ferai du sport. 如果我有時間,我會做運動。
Si je vais en France, je prendrai le train. 如果我去法國,我會乘火車。
Si 現在時 + 命令式——命令
Si tu peux, dis-moi. 如果你可以,告訴我。
Si 未完成過去時 + 未完成過去時——在過去的慣性動作
Autrefois, s'il pleuvait, nous jouions aux jeux vidéo. 以前,下雨時,我們玩遊戲機。
Si 複合過去時 + 現在時 / 簡單將來時 / 命令式
Si j'ai fini mes devoirs, je vous rejoindrai plus tard. 如果我完成我的功課,我會晚點加入你們。
第二種條件句:關於現在或將來的、不真實或想像的條件 第二種條件句關乎當下或未來的、不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與現實的情況不符。它由未完成過去時和條件式現在時構成。在這裡,這種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義——即未完成過去時不再關乎過去,條件式現在時不是對過去而言的將來時。
Si 未完成過去時 + 條件式現在時
S'il faisait beau, je ferais du sport. (但天氣不好) 如果天氣好,我會做運動。
Si j'étais toi, je ferais mieux. (但我不是你) 如果我是你,我會做得更好。
第三種條件句:關於過去的、不真實或想像的條件 第三種條件句關乎在過去的不真實或想像的條件,這個條件與過去發生的現實不符。它由愈過去時和條件式過去時構成。同上,這兩種時式、時態都失去了原本的時態意義。這種條件句常用於表達後悔與遺憾。
Si 愈過去時 + 條件式過去時
Si j'avais eu le temps, j'aurais fait du sport. (而過去的我沒有時間) 如果我有時間,我便會做運動了。
Si tu m'avais dit la vérité, je ne serais pas parti. (而過去的你沒有告訴我真相) 如果你告訴了我真相,我便不會離開了。
docs.aws.amazon.com docs.aws.amazon.com
This topic provides an overview a traditional application development, then explain the shift in thinking needed shift to serverless development.
Lol. Should probably have been proofread maybe?
Should say:
This topic provides an overview of traditional application development, then explains the shift in thinking needed to shift to serverless development
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
grammar is incredibly powerful, because grammar is this one component of language which takes this finite vocabulary that all of us have and allows us to convey an infinite amount of information, an infinite amount of ideas. It's the way in which you can put things together in order to convey anything you want to
for - the power of grammar - infinite permutations if meaning using a finite set of symbols - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
this means that the switch in growth from towards exclusive efficiency
for - grammar - 'from towards' - I think you meant 'from'
tim.blog tim.blog
On its surface, Google Images is a humble image search engine. But hiding beneath that surface is a language-learning goldmine: billions of illustrated example sentences, which are both searchable and machine translatable
Suggest that google image headlines are a good source of additional example sentences for grammar learning, as it includes machine translation in the search results on mouse over. Grabs those sentences for flash cards. I think the time used to make the cards may well be the key intervention.
How do you learn all the complicated bits of “My homework was eaten by my dog”? Simple: Use the explanations and translations in your grammar book to understand what a sentence means, and then use flashcards to memorize that sentence’s component parts, like this:
Suggests making flashcards for each of the three types of changes, in any given example. allows speeding up compared to the book, as you do them w visuals on flash cards, and the spaced rep takes out most examples in a grammar book, leaving you with the repetition you need only.
n every single language, grammar is conveyed using some combination of three basic operations: grammar adds words (You like it -> Do you like it?), it changes existing words (I eat it -> I ate it), or it changes the order of those words (This is nice -> Is this nice?). That’s it. It’s all we can do. And that lets us break sentences down into grammatical chunks that are very easy to memorize.
Boils grammar down to adding words, changing existing words, changing the order of words. Allows [[Chunking 20210312215715]] that makes it easier to memorise.
2-3 months Now it’s time to crack open your grammar book. And when you do, you’ll notice some interesting things: First, you’ll find that you’ve built a rock-solid foundation in the spelling and pronunciation system of your language. You won’t even need to think about spelling anymore, which will allow you to focus exclusively on the grammar. Second, you’ll find that you already know most of the words in your textbook’s example sentences. You learned the most frequent words in Stage 2, after all. All you need to do now is discover how your language puts those words together.
3rd stage is the grammar. Suggests using a book, but with the advantage of already knowing the words and spelling of any examples, allowing focus on the grammar. Takes 2-3 months.
- Nov 2024
en.wikisource.org en.wikisource.org
From my experience I cannot doubt but that man, when lost to terrestrial consciousness, is indeed sojourning in another and uncorporeal life of far different nature from the life we know, and of which only the slightest and most indistinct memories linger after waking.
the way the word another takes certain meaning
- Jul 2024
truthsocial.com truthsocial.com
I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
via Donald J. Trump on Truth Social
His grammar here just sounds "off" to me.
Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening.
- May 2024
embark the path
better phrased as "embark on the path"
seems more correct here to write "reflecting on".
andgo on a digital search for knowledge turn on my device
A comma is crucially missing after "knowledge", to make it clear that "turn on my device" is an action, rather than "knowledge turn" being a weird thing to search for on my device.
the question of how the digitallyentangled practice of learning, can be appropriately shaped
comma seems inappropriate here
the new situation they place us in our learning activity
There is an "in" missing, as it is required both for what "they place us in" and also for how that placement is in our activity: "the new situation they placed us in in our learning activity".
there is no fulfilling learning, no creativity, and innovative thought
seems ambiguous to leave out negation for the last part of a repeated list. Also, feels confusing albeit technically correct to tie the parts with "and" when negated. Together, seems better to rephrase like this: "there is no fulfilling learning, <del>no</del> creativity, <del>and</del>or innovative thought". Alternatively, if the intent is to emphasize stronger each part, then it feels better to at least explicitly negate the last part, like this: "there is no fulfilling learning, no creativity, and no** innovative thought".
sentence seems incomprehensive - perhaps replace with "those", or is something else misread or wrong?
can therefore, as Frigga Haug points out, maybe betterdescribed
grammatical error: Change to either "is [...] described" or "can [...] be described".
- Apr 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
As Ramadiro worked his way through this period, he reached severaloverarching conclusions about the available materials. He concluded that muchof the available materials had been written in English, and back-translated toisiXhosa, and as such were not based on the linguistic logic of isiXhosa. They didnot take advantage of the home (oral) language resources of children in isiXhosaas the basis to build reading and writing skills. Second, taken together they didnot constitute a balanced reading programme guided by contemporary readingresearch (Pressley, 2006). There was no set of materials that combined a wholereading approach with systematic language skills (phonics, grammar etc.) inBefore... After...
Much of the available resources have been written in English and then back-translated, which is a problem; I need to find a way to ensure that's not a problem when doing my master's. I will need linguistic experts in each language. Where do I find these unicorns?
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
◆ a row of ugly, squat houses *一排低矮難看的房子My edit:一排醜陋的違建;一排難看的違建 ★ squat houses 是「違建」,不是低矮的房子。
蘇老師在此改掉錯誤理解 squat house 為「低矮的房子」,稱正解為「違建」,但我有不同看法如下。
a row of ugly squat houses
問題就來了,這樣寫,squat house視爲一個複合名詞(名詞+名詞)的機會更大,這裡名詞squat源自動詞squat(非法占用房屋)的意思,而squat house意思就是:被人非法占用的房屋。
然而,理解為「違建」則是錯的。違建是建築物本身違法興建起來,但 squat house 本身除非特例,否則當爲合法的建築,只是恰被非法占用、占住,尤其在貧民區裡經常有遊民非法占用空置建築的情形。
例如,以下找到某書中的 squat house 實際用例:有個人非法占住某間 squat house,被警察趕出。
結論:a row of ugly, squat houses 的確是「一排低矮難看的房子」,文法上不允許把「squat house」理解為「被占用的房子」,如果更進一步,不僅無視文法且誤解「squat」而誤解爲房子本身「違建」,那就該反省自己是否真的理解這句英文了!
- Mar 2024
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA)
Formatting suggestion: H3. (I like that you include the acronym here. I'd do that for CTA as well, which uses an acronym.)
Missing the word "of" between "variety" and "task.". Alternatively, you might say "There are myriad task analysis methods."
- Feb 2024
athenaze.com athenaze.comAthenaze1
Cross reference with Hans H. Ørberg's LINGVA LATINA for Latin.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
exposure with compensating
*exposure, compensating
- Jan 2024
www.books.com.tw www.books.com.tw
Tall dark arched windows, framed with stone bricks, punctuated the front wall, equidistant from each other.
這裡,punctuate 是句子的及物動詞,動詞的主詞是拱窗,不是石磚。
是拱窗點綴前牆,不是石磚延伸到牆。 是拱窗彼此間等距,不是石磚等距排列。
如要描述石磚,punctuated 會寫成 punctuating。
- Dec 2023
github.com github.com
the class'
the class's
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
London Grammar - Nightcall (Live at Lowlands 2017) [YouTube]
site:: [[YouTube]] channel:: Magic Punk url:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkF9w86XXKU accessed:: 2023-12-09 17:20
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
London Grammar - Sights [Official Video] - YouTube
site:: [[YouTube]] channel:: London Grammar url:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBxxEyVIdO4 accessed:: 2023-12-09 12:10
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
London Grammar (2009-) - Wikipedia, English
site:: [[Wikipedia]] url:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Grammar accessed:: 2023-12-09 12:05
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
London Grammar - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)
site:: [[YouTube]] date:: 2013-11-11 url:: https://youtu.be/v-cmmT3YoF0 accessed:: 2023-12-08 19:15
- Nov 2023
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
剛剛 在 一英英字典裡 看到 這個例句, 我很是納悶.We're dealing wiht decades of bad decisions that are coming back to roost now.一般來說, 若我要翻譯, 看到of我會由後往前翻, 但這裡的 decades of bad decisions 若這樣翻, 會很奇怪. 所以 來請教大家.
這應該是填鴨式教育(rote learning)的遺害吧?看到「of」就自動由後往前翻,分明就是不問理由,只被教導要這樣做、這樣解題,我彷彿可以聽到某某國中英語老師或某補習班名師如此耳提面命:
看到 A of B,意思就是 (屬於)B 的 A B 要先翻出來 不要問爲什麼,老師是教你如何秒殺 OF 介系詞。
This is a doozy of an example of rote learning. 這是最棒的一個填鴨式教育的範例。
www.okta.com www.okta.com
When users sign in to an app or site
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
They only will see
"People won't see your struggles. They only will see your success."
Actually, I will place "only" only before "your success". No other position is precise enough.
這裡的only,我只會放在 your success 前面,因它修飾的對象是名詞 your success,不是 people,不是 will,也不是 see。
www.mdek12.org www.mdek12.org
dverbial: Any structure (word, phrase, or clause) that functions as a modifier ofa verb and fills the role of an adverb.
根據CamGEL的定義: adverbial 是 function (功能) adverb 是 category (詞類)
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Participants were asked to listen to 40 short English speech samples, half of which contained grammatical errors against articles (e.g., a/an, the).
Only grammatical articles of English (the, a/an) are used for measurement in this study. While valid, it's a rather small (though important) subset of grammar. (note using Hypothesis)
2nd para added (testing 3-min auto sync)
languagetool.org languagetool.org
- Oct 2023
www.thoughtco.com www.thoughtco.com
In this book, grammar refers to the manner in which the language functions, the ways that the blocks of speech and writing are put together. Usage refers to using specific words in a manner that will be thought of as either acceptable or unacceptable. The question of whether or not to split an infinitive is a consideration of grammar; the question of whether one should use literally in a nonliteral sense is one of usage."
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Is there a list of every possibility a Latin verb can take on, and it's English meaning? .t3_17hvr75._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
I've not used Mango before, but if it's like other similar apps (Duolingo, Babel, etc.) which focus primarily on spoken language and general understanding over grammar (and you've never learned other languages or had a good grounding in grammar) you're likely going to be a tad lost. These apps usually focus on spoken fluency over reading/writing which is how most Latin grammar books and high school/college courses are traditionally laid out.
You've got options:
- ignore your question(s) and move on with what the app presents and you'll slowly/eventually catch on naturally, which is how many apps geared toward fluency are meant to be done. Trust that eventually your questions will be cleared up, or
- pick up a Latin grammar and begin working your way through the structured reading/writing approach, or
- do a little of both approaches depending on what your focus for reading, writing, and speaking Latin may be.
Your question will become much clearer to you when you've seen how verbs are parsed within a grammar textbook (using person, number, and tense) as they're very logically and rigidly structured outside of a handful of irregular verbs. (Most books present these as a grid of two columns (by number: singular/plural) and three rows (first, second, third person).) As a beginner, you'll be glad to know there hasn't been a huge jump in the state of the art in Latin for several hundred years, so even inexpensive, used copies of Wheelock, Allen & Greenough, or Jenny/Scudder/Baade or a trip to the library for one of them should help you along your way. Once you've seen some of the grammatical structure of verbs and how they work, you'll come to understand that a list like what you're looking for isn't really what you're looking for.
You could, likely, in a couple of days have a rote memorization of most of the forms of almost all verbs such that when you encounter them, but in practice this means that you have to pick each one apart like a formula as you encounter them. You may be better off practicing/drilling each of the ones you encounter to make it an elemental part of you. This way you'll be able to sight read or listen and respond much more quickly and much faster than anyone who learns from standard grammars.
Good luck!
Local file Local file
Motherese is not grammatically simple. That impression is an illusion; grammar is so instinctive thatwe do not appreciate which constructions are complex, until we try to work out the rules behindthem. Motherese is riddled with questions containing who, what, and where, which are among themost complicated constructions in English
Interesting point, that makes sense when you think about it. I do consider them myself, but only because of extensive exposure to relevant theory and some practice.
www-nybooks-com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk www-nybooks-com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk
At the time of the publication of Aspects of the Theory of Syntax it seemed that all of the semantically relevant parts of the sentence, all the things that determine its meaning, were contained in the deep structure of the sentence. The examples we mentioned above fit in nicely with this view. “I like her cooking” has different meanings because it has different deep structures though only one surface structure; “The boy will read the book” and “The book will be read by the boy” have different surface structures, but one and the same deep structure, hence they have the same meaning.
This section helped me understand a key feature
- Aug 2023
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
I am also considering to pursue a PhD in “Machine Learning & Data Analytics for IoT” based on my learnings from the MSc in Analytics.
I am also considering pursuing a PhD in “Machine Learning & Data Analytics for IoT” based on my learnings from the MSc in Analytics.
After graduation, I look forward to becoming an analytics expert and take up data scientist roles and continue to research further to the field of data sciences.
After graduation, I look forward to becoming an analytics expert, taking up data scientist roles, and continuing to research further in the field of data sciences.
The UChicago’s vast and in-depth curriculum across analytics verticals acts as a true differentiator from other universities.
UChicago's vast and in-depth curriculum across analytics verticals acts as a true differentiator from other universities.
The research and patents of Professor Anil D. Chaturvedi continue to inspire me to further continue working on this and research in on Marketing Analytics.
The research and patents of Professor Anil D. Chaturvedi continue to inspire me to further continue working on this and conduct research in Marketing Analytics.
We have filed a patent5,6 on this initiative with Intellectual Property India and completing PCT filing with World Intellectual Property Organization.
We have filed a patent5,6 on this initiative with Intellectual Property India and are completing PCT filing with the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Our device encompasses advanced technologies4 to accomplish this.
Our device uses advanced technologies4 to accomplish this.
We employ IoT3 to collect various data-points from every garbage bins in an area and help save costs by optimizing collection routes between overflowing bins.
We employ IoT3 to collect various data-points from every garbage bin in an area and help save costs by optimizing collection routes between overflowing bins.
As a graduate student at University of Chicago, I would continue learning essential management concepts and grow as a leader through capstone projects, corporate projects and aligned course as well as learn more about NLP courses from courses like “Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Cognitive”.
As a graduate student at the University of Chicago, I will continue learning essential management concepts and grow as a leader through capstone projects, corporate projects, and aligned courses. I will also learn more about NLP from courses like "Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Cognitive".
My work also involves project management and understanding and working with cross-functional technology and business teams while managing stringent timelines.
My work also involves project management, understanding, and working with cross-functional technology and business teams while managing stringent timelines.
If I had a deeper knowledge of NLP techniques, I could improve this bot extensively to even handle complex queries and also take up transactions like payments and change of subscription packages.
If I had a deeper knowledge of NLP techniques, I could improve this bot significantly to handle complex queries and manage transactions such as payments and changes to subscription packages.
I recently developed a conversational chatbot which handles FAQ based queries for one of the USA’s largest direct broadcast satellite service provider.
I recently developed a conversational chatbot that handles FAQ-based queries for one of the USA's largest direct broadcast satellite service providers.
Along with this, I am currently exploring other segments, where we focus on utilizing chatbots for conversations and hence further bring down the operation cost.
Along with this, I am currently exploring other segments where we focus on utilizing chatbots for conversations, thereby further reducing operational costs.
As a part of the Data Sciences group, we design models which identify customers who need assistance with their purchase, hence improving customer’s experience, engagement and conversions while lowering operational cost.
As a part of the Data Sciences group, we design models that identify customers who need assistance with their purchases, thereby improving customers' experiences, engagement, and conversions while lowering operational costs.
This then led our client change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
This then led our client to change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of world’s largest retailer’s ecommerce business.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of the world’s largest retailers' ecommerce business.
I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science and this lead me further to my under-graduation in Information Science engineering in 2010.
I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science, which led me to pursue my undergraduate degree in Information Science Engineering in 2010.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
This then led our client change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
This then led our client to change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of world’s largest retailer’s ecommerce business.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of the world’s largest retailers' ecommerce business.
I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science and this lead me further to my under-graduation in Information Science engineering in 2010.
I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science, which led me to pursue my undergraduate degree in Information Science Engineering in 2010.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
- Jun 2023
www.semanticscholar.org www.semanticscholar.org
We strongly advocate conducting future studies to evaluate the performance of LLMs in annotating other linguistic phenomena
- Apr 2023
www.dekudeals.com www.dekudeals.com
The first Mr. DRILLER game for the Nintendo Switch™ featuring updated graphics and HD cutscenes!
Ambiguous. Missing a comma before "featuring"?
- Mar 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
"Built in to" appears when you use the phrasal verb "build in" followed by an infinitive, but that is not what you are trying to do in your sentence.There's an electronic switch built in to stop all data transfers.
www.chompchomp.com www.chompchomp.com
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
Using a hyphen is the wrongest thing to do here.
archive.org archive.org
An interesting find! This Latin Grammar appears to be that of Francis James Childs, the eminent folklorist and Harvard's first Professor of English.
- Feb 2023
duome.eu duome.eu
Duolingo progress with words and grammar tabs
mnscu-my.sharepoint.com mnscu-my.sharepoint.com
Wolff, Tobias. “Bullet in the Brain.” The New Yorker, September 17, 1995. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1995/09/25/bullet-in-the-brain.
- Jan 2023
www.cde.state.co.us www.cde.state.co.us
Collaborates with apercentage teachers
A percentage of teachers?
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
Nice try, but it's still full of exceptions. To make the above jingle accurate, it'd need to be something like: I before e, except after c Or when sounded as 'a' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh' Unless the 'c' is part of a 'sh' sound as in 'glacier' Or it appears in comparatives and superlatives like 'fancier' And also except when the vowels are sounded as 'e' as in 'seize' Or 'i' as in 'height' Or also in '-ing' inflections ending in '-e' as in 'cueing' Or in compound words as in 'albeit' Or occasionally in technical words with strong etymological links to their parent languages as in 'cuneiform' Or in other numerous and random exceptions such as 'science', 'forfeit', and 'weird'.
- Dec 2022
- Nov 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
To setup it
writingexplained.org writingexplained.org
“Have you brought your time sheet up to date yet?”
web.archive.org web.archive.org
- Oct 2022
raku.org raku.org
grammar Parser { rule TOP { I <love> <lang> } token love { '♥' | love } token lang { < Raku Perl Rust Go Python Ruby > } } say Parser.parse: 'I ♥ Raku'; # OUTPUT: 「I ♥ Raku」 love => 「♥」 lang => 「Raku」 say Parser.parse: 'I love Perl'; # OUTPUT: 「I love Perl」 love => 「love」 lang => 「Perl」
Definable grammars for pattern matching and generalized string processing
annotation meta: may need new tag: "definable __"?
Local file Local file
Rhetoric should be taken at aboutfourteen, the first category of pupil should study Grammar from about nineto eleven, and Dialectic from twelve to fourteen;
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
openvalidation.io openvalidation.io
Machines understand languages, that are formal and rigid, with unique and unambiguous instructions that are interpreted in precisely one way. Those formal, abstract languages, and programming languages in general, are hard to understand for humans like ourselves. Primarily, they are tailored towards the requirements of the machine. The user is therefore forced to adapt to the complexity of the formal language.
Instead of forcing humans to understand the complex inner workings of machines, we should construct machines in a way, so they better understand us humans!
- Sep 2022
www.probizwriters.com www.probizwriters.com
- Aug 2022
Local file Local file
The most challenging theoretical problem in linguistics is that of discoveringthe principles of universal grammar that interweave with the rules of particulargrammars to provide explanations for phenomena that appear arbitrary andchaotic.
I use the asterisk in the conventional way, to indicate a sentence that deviates in some respectfrom grammatical rule.
In practice, the linguist is always involved in the study of both universal andparticular grammar.
The death-knell of philosophical grammar was soundedwith the remarkable successes of comparative Indo-European studies, whichsurely rank among the outstanding achievements of nineteenth-century science.
such major figures of renaissancegrammar as the Spanish scholar Sanctius. Sanctius, in particular, had developeda theory of ellipsis that had great influence on philosophical grammar.
It seems that one of the innovations of the Port-RoyalGrammar of 1660 – the work that initiated the tradition of philosophical gram-mar – was its recognition of the importance of the notion of the phrase as agrammatical unit.
the Port-RoyalGrammar and Logic,
Leonard Bloom-field gives an account of philosophical grammar in his major work, Language,
open.library.okstate.edu open.library.okstate.edu
everywhere it seems
everywhere, it seems
- Jul 2022
Local file Local file
there has been a tendency in popular discussion to confuse “deep structure”with “generative grammar” or with “universal grammar.” And a number of pro-fessional linguists have repeatedly confused what I refer to here as “the creativeaspect of language use” with the recursive property of generative grammars, avery different matter.
Noam Chomsky felt that there was a tendency for people to confuse the ideas of deep structure with the ideas of either generative grammar or universal grammar. He also thought that professional linguists confused what he called "the creative aspect of language use" with the recursive property of generative grammars.
- May 2022
yt-project.github.io yt-project.github.io
in particular ?
support or supporting
This collection of three classes of fields
hanging sentence
a researcher or researchers
- Apr 2022
style.mla.org style.mla.org
In most cases, you need not use a comma before too at the end of a sentence or commas around it midsentence:
- Mar 2022
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Capitalization conveys a certain distinction, the elevated position of humans and their creations in the hierarchy of beings. Biologists have widely adopted the convention of not capital-izing the common names of plants and animals unless they include the name of a human being or an official place name. Thus, the first blossoms of the spring woods are written as bloodroot and the pink star of a California woodland is Kellogg’s tiger lily. This seemingly trivial grammatical rulemaking in fact expresses deeply held assump-tions about human exceptionalism, that we are somehow different and indeed better than the other species who surround us. Indigenous ways of understanding recognize the personhood of all beings as equally important, not in a hierarchy but a circle.
Rules for capitalization in English give humans elevated hierarchical positions over animals, plants, insects, and other living things. We should revise this thinking and capitalize words like Maple, Heron, and Mosquito when we talking of beings and only use only use the lower case when referring to broad categories or concepts like maples, herons, and humans.
- Feb 2022
thelatinlibrary.com thelatinlibrary.com
purpose clause
eo minus
adverbial - "that much less", "because of that...less"
pluris esse a Syracusanis istius adventu deos quam victoria Marcelli homines desideratos
pluris...quam sets up a comparison between deos and homines desideratos
2nd person plural imperative - "think of it this way," "understand the situation this way"
archaic imperative - "let it be so," "granted"
comparative neuter singular adjective: "a more respectable thing"
supine form - "unbelievable to say/in saying"
ornamento urbi
double dative - ornamento is a dative of purpose, urbi a dative of advantage
periculi nihil
periculi is a partitive genitive with nihil: no amount of danger
thelatinlibrary.com thelatinlibrary.com
- Jan 2022
thelatinlibrary.com thelatinlibrary.com
adverbial - =quo or quomodo
plurimum valet
internal accusative - plurimum "the most", "to the greatest degree"
tam servi illi dominorum quam tu libidinum
tam...quam are correlatives, "as...as" (comparing dominorum with libidinum)
Venit enim mihi fani, loci, religionis illius in mentem
venit in mentem + gen
With gen. (so mostly in Cic.): non minus saepe ei venit in mentem potestatis, quam aequitatis tuae, he bethought himself of, Cic. Quint. 2, 6: tibi tuarum virtutum veniat in mentem, id. de Or. 2, 61, 249: venit mihi Platonis in mentem, id. Fin. 5, 1, 2: solet mihi in mentem venire illius temporis, id. Fam. 7, 3, 1.—
ad muliebrem vestem conficiendam
gerundive expressing purpose - muliebrem vestem is the object
gerund, active in voice infitior, ari - to deny
classe quondam Masinissae regis ad eum locum adpulsa
ablative absolute
antecedent is Eo [loco]
in iis praesertim sacris polluendis
polluendis is a gerund-replacing gerundive which takes iis sacris as its object, it's active in voice
sacrari spoliandi
spoliandi is a gerund-replacing gerundive, so it's active in meaning and takes sacrari as its object
ad spoliandum fanum
passive periphrastic (like Carthago delenda est)
ne ornandi quidem causa
ne...quidem: even ornandi is a gerund (active verbal noun) causa takes a genitive before it: "for the sake of ___"
double dative with tibi - tibi is the dative of advantage, auxilio the dative of purpose
genitive of value/price
faciendum est? num argumentis utendum in re eius modi? Quaerendum
faciendum, utendum, and quaerendum are all passive periphrastic uses of the gerundive (like "Carthago delenda est")
quod ubique erit pulcherrimum auferet
note the tense
Facilius enim perspicietur qualis apud eos fueris qui te oderunt, qui accusant, qui persequuntur, cum apud tuos Mamertinos inveniare improbissima ratione esse praedatus.
Facilius enim perspicietur
- qualis apud eos fueris
- __qui te oderunt, qui accusant, qui persequuntur,
- __cum [apud tuos Mamertinos] inveniare improbissima ratione esse praedatus.
<br><br> inveniare is a second person singular passive subjunctive form.
For centuries the standard work on Latin grammar was the 12th- century Doctrinale, by Alexander of Villedieu, in 2,000 lines of doggerel. Versified rules were easier to remember, though their crudity appalled Aldus Manutius when he reprinted this work in 1501.
Alexander de Villedieu's Latin grammer Doctrinale from the 12th century was the standard work on the subject. Its 2,000 lines of doggerel were used as a mnemonic device because they were easier to remember. Famed publisher Aldus Manutius was appalled at their crude nature when he reprinted the book in 1501.
Local file Local file
podcasts.ox.ac.uk podcasts.ox.ac.uk
J.R.R. Tolkien purchased a copy of John Morris-Jones's (1864-1929) A Welsh Grammar when he was at Exeter.
timestamp [8:13]
human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
add space
delete "s"
- your choice of editing software
suggested: ...or your choice of editing software. The various software....
not the
Create separate sentences vs using hyphenation
- Dec 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
thelatinlibrary.com thelatinlibrary.com
sigilla perparvula
diminutives of signum and parvus
accusative of extent of time
convulsis repagulis ecfractisque valvis
ablative absolute<br> convulsus - shaken, torn apart<br> repagula, -ae - bolt<br> valva, -ae - door
duce Timarchide
ablative absolute
comparative neuter singular adjective - "more" or "rather" attritum
non tam multum in istis rebus intellego quam multa vidi
tam and quam are correlatives: "as as_"
i.e., publicae litterae sunt in quas dicitur...
commodo, -are - to lend future active participle (esse implied makes it a future infinitive)
2nd person singular deponent imperfect subjunctive
praesidi nihil esse
praesidi is a partitive genitive here - "nothing of/no amount of praesidium" = no praesidium
introduces an either/or question (an is or)
Quo cruciatu sit adfectus
indirect question
cum domi nobilem tum summo magistratu praeditum
cum - tum are correlatives, "not only - but also"
Carthagine capta
ablative absolute
ut urbi quoque esset ornamento
result clause containing a double dative - urbi (dative of advantage) and ornamento (dative of purpose)
potius incipiam quam
potius is a comparative adverb ("rather") with quam ("than")
quo pacto distinguere ac separare possim
indirect question
potential subjunctive
= futurum esse
Quod cum illis qui aderant indignum, qui audiebant incredibile videretur
i.e. "quod indignum videretur illis
- qui aderant, [et illis]
- qui audiebant <br>incredibile videretur...
defensor [postulat]
ne sit
jussive subjunctive
desinat queri
desinat = jussive subjunctive queri = deponent infinitive
iudex, iudicis
plurimum posse
internal accusative - "can do the most" or "has the most power"
second person future passive/deponent
Carthagine deleta
ablative absolute