15 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. This lovely old file cabinet is 52" high x 14-3/4" wide x 27-1/2" deep. Each drawer is 6-1/8" wide x 4-6/8" high x 18-1/4" deep. It has a few scratches on the side, but nothing that can't be touched up. Otherwise, it's in good condition. In the early 80's, I worked on a TV series called "Cassie & Co." starring Angie Dickinson. This (and another antique file cabinet) was purchased and used as set dressing in Angie/Cassie's office. When the show was canceled, I bought the cabinets and have had them ever since. I don't have specific background info on them.


      Sold · Antique 16-Drawer Library Card File Cabinet

      Purchased for $250

      cost per drawer $15.63

  2. Apr 2024
    1. And have not we affections,Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?Then let them use us well, else let them know,The ills we do, their ills instruct us so

      Firstly, sort of an allusion to Adam and Eve, since Eve is built of Adam, so what Adam has is inherited or learnt by Eve. Secondly, she is one of the first characters to accept their vices, and therefore be immune or unbelieving to the devil (Iago's whispers). She sees him not as a honest man.

  3. Jan 2023
  4. May 2022
    1. jquery绑定input的change事件 背景:在做一个登录页时,如果用户未输入验证码则无法点击登录按钮,所以想到了用input的change事件,但是在写完后发现无法监听input值的改变。 解决办法:改为了input事件
  5. Dec 2021
    1. We are all familiar with the Christian answer: peopleonce lived in a state of innocence, yet were tainted by original sin.We desired to be godlike and have been punished for it; now we livein a fallen state while hoping for future redemption.

      Compare this with the Indigenous idea of Skywoman in the opening chapter of Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer, which tells a dramatically different story.

  6. Nov 2021
    1. On one side of the world were people whose relationship with the liv-ing world was shaped by Skywoman, who created a garden for the

      well-being of all. On the other side was another woman with a garden and a tree. But for tasting its fruit, she was banished from the garden and the gates clanged shut behind her. That mother of men was made to wander in the wilderness and earn her bread by the sweat of her brow, not by filling her mouth with the sweet juicy fruits that bend the branches low. In order to eat, she was instructed to subdue the wilder-ness into which she was cast.

      Its amazing how two origin stories with such similarities lead us to such different cultures and civilizations. The founder effects can be incredibly powerful.

  7. Nov 2020
    1. When this article was first published, BioLogos was informed it was misleading (1, 2 and 3). Eventually edits were made, but this article still has issues.

      See the history of edits on this page at Peaceful Science.

    1. Asked how likely it is that we all descended from Adam and Eve, Dennis Venema, a biologist at Trinity Western University, replies: "That would be against all the genomic evidence that we've assembled over the last 20 years, so not likely at all."

      This scientific statement turns out to be mistaken. Entirely consistent with the evidence, if Adam and Eve were real people in a real past, we expect that we all descend from them. https://henrycenter.tiu.edu/2020/08/the-genealogical-adam-and-eve-a-rejoinder/

  8. icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
    1. EVE

      Eve... interesting to think that it's possible Eveline could be a parallel of the woman the boy pines for in Araby. What the boy imagines as some angelic beautiful woman, could be in just such a state of paralysis as Eveline is in her own story. Everyone is stuck, and nobody wins.

  9. Dec 2019
    1. A new species would bless me as its creator and source

      The religious connotations of the passage connect Victor to the human project of playing God, much as Adam was said to be formed of clay. Historically, Jewish rabbis were also thought to have created golems from clay to seek revenge on enemies. However, following orders literally, the golems inevitably became destructive. Cautionary tales about technology and hubris were not only frequent in Shelley's time but have proliferated. In Karel Čapek's R.U.R (1920), for example, robots confound expectations by violently rebelling against their creators. Cadavers for anatomical training in this period were scarce, and thus a medical education meant to study and extend life also fostered serial killers who committed murders for the sake of selling fresh corpses. Such killing sprees were ended by the Anatomical Act of 1832 in England, which made corpses legally available for medical research.

  10. Aug 2018
    1. Not equal, as thir sex not equal seemd;

      I suspect that this is referring to what Milton wrote earlier about Eve being created to serve Adam, or to the inaccurate translation saying that Eve was created from Adam's rib. But note the many articles (as well as contemporary translations of Genesis, such as Mary Korsak's At the Start: Genesis Made New - see http://www.maryphilkorsak.com/1publiceng.html ) that note that the Hebrew word for RIB is the same as the word for SIDE, and that word is used throughout the old and New Testament to mean SIDE, never rib. So there is no reason - except patriarchal reasons seeking to justify male superiority - to believe that this one use of the word in Genesis is an exception to use of the word elsewhere in the Bible. According to one of the stories of Eve's creation in the Bible, she was created from Adam's side and may indeed be from half of Adam; according to the other story of creation in Genesis - and there are two - Adam and Eve were created together.

  11. Nov 2016
  12. Sep 2015
  13. Aug 2015
    1. Writing a program is an error-prone exercise in translation. Even math, from which our programming languages are born, has to be translated into something like this:

      Using old-school C++ here to demonstrate the verbosity of code compared to a maths-expression exaggerates the status quo somewhat.