2 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. Checkins and ItinerariesBoth of this represent similar things: I was in a place, or I moved from a place to another. I like the flexibility of having both types of contents and in the future I would love to have an interactive map

      Itineraries as content type. I have some check-ins on my site (dubbed Plazes after that early app), and deeply miss Dopplr (even as travel stalled early 2020 due to the pandemic, and I don't know if travel will return in the same way to my life, given climate impact and surge in online collab). Can I envision Itineraries on my site as content type? Dopplr kept that within a trusted network, how do I do that on my site? Where would the type of coincidental meet-ups come from that made Dopplr so immensely valuable.

  2. Jul 2022
    1. nennt man Regesten, Regesta, eine Ableitung von dem Verbumregerere, das schon bei Quintilian in der Bedeutung ,abschreiben,eintragen“ vorkommt. Spezielle Zusammenstellungen der Auf-enthaltsorte historischer Persinlichkeiten aus den Quellen nenntman Itinerare.

      Derartige geordnete Eintragungen historischer Materialien nennt man Regesten, Regesta, eine Ableitung von dem Verbum regerere, das schon bei Quintilian in der Bedeutung ,abschreiben, eintragen“ vorkommt. Spezielle Zusammenstellungen der Aufenthaltsorte historischer Persönlichkeiten aus den Quellen nennt man Itinerare. (p 556-557)

      Google translation:

      Such ordered entries of historical material are called regesta, regesta, a derivation of the verb regerere, which already occurs in Quintilian in the meaning "to copy, to enter". Special compilations of the whereabouts of historical figures from the sources are called itineraries.

      Regesta in this context are complete copies of ordered entries of historical material. One might also translate this as historical copies or entries.

      While Bernheim is talking about historical records and copies thereof in his discussion of regesta, he does bring up a useful point about manual note taking practice: one needn't completely copy the original context, just do enough work to create context for yourself so as not to be overburdened with excess material later. Some working in digital contexts may find it easy to simply copy and paste everything from an original document, but capturing just the useful synopsis may be enough, particularly when the original context can be readily revisited.