- May 2024
martin.kleppmann.com martin.kleppmann.com
When updates are generatedconcurrently and then merged, the next update containsmultiple predecessors
Given many updates are merged at the same time pointers are = many. But given we merge right away having learned an update - we always merge two updates - hence two pointers.
- Apr 2024
If the context has changed
"Ny is a great city."
Alice removes "great".
Bob wonts to replace it with "gorgeous", by removing "reat" and adding "orgeous".
Having merged:
"Ny is a orgeous city."
Begs for semantic intent preservation, such as "reword great to gorgeous".
Rather than seeing document history as a linear sequence of versions,we could see it as a multitude of projected views on top of a database of granular changes
That would be nice.
As well as preserving where ops come from.
Screams to have gossip-about-gossip. I'm surprised people do not discover it.
Another approach is to maintain all operations for a particular document version in anordered log, and to append new operations at the end when they are generated. To mergetwo document versions with logs 𝐿1 and 𝐿2 respectively, we scan over the operations in𝐿1, ignoring any operations that already exist in 𝐿2; any operations that do not exist in 𝐿2are applied to the 𝐿1 document and appended to 𝐿1 in the order they appear in 𝐿2.
This much like Chronofold's subjective logs.
Do the docs need to be shared in full? The only thing we need is delta ops.
Peritext works bycapturing a document’s edit history as a log of operations
How that works is not mentioned.
I guess ops are collected into logs, per member, based on their IDs.
A step short from having gossip-about-gossip.
span can be deleted once causalstability [2] has ensured that there will be no more concurrent insertions into that span
arxiv.org arxiv.org
The black agent mints a black coin, increasing its balance from 3 to 4 coins
Why to capture
? Ops likeburn(10)
do the same, yet being more semantic, as they convey what happens, rather than the result.E.g., when green has 3 green_coins, and we see
send(1, green_coin, (to) black), send(3, green_coins, (to) green)
did green just miscalculated his balance (should be 2), or did he sent and minted one at the same time?
Local file Local file
Furthermore, due to its design, the garbage collector inYATA may break late join mechanisms. This is becausewhen a user is offline for a period longer than t seconds,it will still hold references to deleted operations, while on-line users who already performed certain removals do not.Therefore, YATA does not support garbage collection for asite while it is offline.
So, whenever there's constantly > 1 users offline on a doc - can't garbage collect / compact.
From our practical experi-ences and the use in production, such a delay is sufficientto ensure that content will be removed safely, without anylosses that may lead to inconsistencies
User may go offline for more than 30 seconds. The approach seems brittle
Conceptually, an insertion marked for deletioncan be garbage collected when all sites received the removeoperation and have in their internal representation the op-eration that is to be garbage collected
- Nov 2023
www.baoholaodongtot.com www.baoholaodongtot.com
Tấm ốp tường 3D nhựa PVC là một loại vật liệu trang trí được làm từ polyvinyl chloride (PVC) dùng ốp tường tạo ra hiệu ứng chiều sâu và thị giác ba chiều.
blog.weareopen.coop blog.weareopen.coop
soundcloud.com soundcloud.comSeason 81
Podcast of the We are Open co-op<br /> https://blog.weareopen.coop/
- May 2023
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
- Aug 2022
www.baoholaodongtot.com www.baoholaodongtot.com
Gỗ thông ốp tường còn được gọi là gỗ thông lamri, gỗ thông ốp trần là một loại gỗ thông trắng Phần Lan có mắt được xử lý tạo mộng và phủ sơn bóng (cán UV).
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
OP VAK is a concerted effort to make the hyperthreat visible and knowable across the broad spectrum of society. This has practical, educational aspects, including increasing CEC literacy and improving ecoproduct and services labeling. It also links to the integration of CEC into the remit of mainstream intelligence agencies. To address sensory and affective knowing, as well as the deep framing and meaning-making dimension of hyperthreat “knowing,” it will partner with the communications, arts, and humanities sectors in line with the “60,000 artists” concept.24 It will also harness the potential of virtual reality technologies, which have already proven effective in CEC communication.25 Finally, it will involve fast-tracking relevant research and improved mechanisms for conveying and sharing research and knowledge.
Deep Humanity open access education program in museums, workshops and at public festivals can use the tool of compelling, engaging, interactive BEing Journeys to make the invisible hyperthreat visible.
The aim of OP NewNet is to build a new material security system for humans that is ecologically viable and just. The hyperthreat at present has humanity entangled in a type of enormous material security net on which it has become dependent for energy, shelter, transport, food and even water. Accordingly, OP NewNet aims to build a new ecologically viable form of material security and assist humanity unravel from the old net and transition onto the new net. A critical requirement is to hold humanity and creatures safely throughout the process, to ensure that the new net is in place before they are asked to jump, and to hold their hands firmly as they make the jump. This will require a type of leadership that accepts vulnerability and is able to provide strength and care to people while they are in this phase. The strong members of human society must step up. This will involve raising new workforce capabilities, to include transition teams and ecocoaches.
The Stop Reset Go WEALTH2WELLTH program and sister city programs between wealthier and adjacent poorer communities can be an instantiation of OP NewNet. As the latest IPCC report shows, the wealthy play an outsized role in contributing to the hyperthreat so have a greater burden of responsiblity to reduce their footprint. One way to do this is transferring their excessive wealth to less fortunate so that they can have a viable safety net
Combined with open access Deep Humanity education, worldviews and value systems can shift and financial wealth can be seen as a tool for system change in which their ROI is an even greater satisfaction in playing a critical role in the transition.
- Jan 2022
accessmedicine-mhmedical-com.proxy.library.maryville.edu accessmedicine-mhmedical-com.proxy.library.maryville.edu
Acute respiratory failure is defined as the requirement for mechanical ventilation longer than 48 hours postoperatively or unplanned reintubation for cardiac or respiratory failure.
Respiratory failure defined.
- Dec 2021
assets.ctfassets.net assets.ctfassets.net
If you cancel within 30 days of the date you received a document called your policy schedule, we’ll refund any monthly payments that you have made. You can cancel after 30 days has passed, but you won’t get any refund.
If you cancel within 30 days of the date you received a document called your policy schedule, we’ll refund any monthly payments that you have made. You can cancel after 30 days has passed, but you won’t get any refund.
Your cover doesn’t rise over time
Your cover doesn’t rise over time
You can only increase the level of your Payout or monthly payments by taking out extra policies with us. If you’re accepted for an additional policy, the policy will be subject to the terms and conditions applicable at that time.The most we’ll pay out across all Co-op Over 50 Life Insurance policies you hold is £10,000. We’ll change or cancel policies if they would break this limit.
You can only increase the level of your Payout or monthly payments<br> by taking out extra policies with us.<br> If you’re accepted for an additional policy, the policy will be subject<br> to the terms and conditions applicable at that time. The most we’ll pay out across<br> all Co-op Over 50 Life Insurance policies you hold is £10,000.<br> We’ll change or cancel policies<br> if they would break this limit.
After each payment holiday you will have the option to make up all the missed payments, otherwise we’ll reduce your Payout by the amount of missed payments against the total payments you make for your policy during the Payout term.
After each payment holiday you will have the option to make up all the missed payments, otherwise we’ll reduce your Payout by the amount of missed payments against the total payments you make for your policy during the Payout term.
age and whether or not you smoke.
age and whether or not you smoke.
If less than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, we’ll cancel your policy. You won’t get any payments back and you’ll no longer qualify for a Payout when you die.If more than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, your policy will still qualify for a Payout when you die, under our Payout Promise feature.
If less than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, we’ll cancel your policy. You won’t get any payments back and you’ll no longer qualify for a Payout when you die. If more than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, your policy will still qualify for a Payout when you die, under our Payout Promise feature.
f you miss a payment and don’t pay it back within 60 days, our next step will depend on how long the payments have been made for
If you miss a payment and don’t pay it back within 60 days, our next step will depend on how long the payments have been made for
If you’d like to take a break of up to 6 months f
If you’d like to take a break of up to 6 months f
You can only take up to 2 payment holidays and these must be at least 12 months apart.
You can only take up to 2 payment holidays and these must be at least 12 months apart.
You can reduce the monthly payments to as little as £3.95 a month. But this will reduce the amount that we pay out when you die. If you already pay £3.95 or less, you cannot reduce the monthly payments further.
You can reduce the monthly payments to as little as £3.95 a month. But this will reduce the amount that we pay out when you die. If you already pay £3.95 or less, you cannot reduce the monthly payments further.
The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited
The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited
- Oct 2021
github.com github.com
You're right, this discussion is starting to go off on a tangent.
Honestly, I think the current discussion has nothing to do with my original issue anymore.
- Aug 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This could be achieved using a dummy validating function. const validateType = <T> (obj:T) => undefined
github.com github.com
<ITest>foo; //a useless javascript line, but checks the var `foo` is assignable to `ITest`
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you really don't want to use any, you could use an empty interface - {} - instead:
Provides empty Module#ruby2_keywords method, for the forward source-level compatibility against ruby2.7 and ruby3.
- Apr 2021
boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.comUranus!1
- Dec 2020
felt.dev felt.dev
a co-op of worker-owners, and hopefully one day a platform co-op (communities owning themselves? absurd)
github.com github.com
Our team is building open source community tools and Svelte fits our identity as an independent labor of love with an organic community.
- Aug 2020
unix.meta.stackexchange.com unix.meta.stackexchange.com
"When an OP rejects your edit, please do not edit it back in!" Correspondingly, when a user repeatedly does try to edit, understand that something in your framing isn't working right, and you should reconsider it.
I honestly don't know what you find unclear about this question. I think you initially misread. I edited out your title change because it wasn't what I'd intended and it misled others. I edited in two more sections to clarify. The last section makes it as clear as I can: A single question provokes 1 of 3 responses (not necessarily answers). To chose between them I need to understand acceptable scope of both question and answers. Yes this topic is a muddy one, that's why I'm asking! I want others to help me clarify the unclear!
- Jul 2019
accesssurgery-mhmedical-com.pitt.idm.oclc.org accesssurgery-mhmedical-com.pitt.idm.oclc.org
Anytime you are keen to a blockage in the CBD -- elevated LFTs, CBD dilation, stone, elevated pancreatic enzymes, jaundice