11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Great song in Supernatural...

      Fun trivia: The actor's reactions are genuine as Sam and Dean (well, the actors) had not heard the song beforehand.

      Although not in this scene; earlier in the episode.

  2. May 2024
    1. Many religious and mystical traditions see religious experiences (particularly the knowledge which comes with them) as revelations caused by divine agency rather than ordinary natural processes. They are considered real encounters with God or gods, or real contact with higher-order realities of which humans are not ordinarily aware.[5

      Religious experience as a revelation. As coming into contact with god(s) or other supernatural beings.

  3. Sep 2023
    1. purpose as not my purpose, what does the greater purpose want (power of now written through Eckhart) "what does god/life want from me, rather than what do I want from life" (finding place in the whole)

    1. The invisible hand is a metaphor used by the Scottish moral philosopher Adam Smith that describes the inducement a merchant has to keep his capital, thereby increasing the domestic capital stock and enhancing military power, both of which are in the public interest and neither of which he intended.[1]

      See invisible hand as a force that aids us in our life journey as a metaphor of Adam Smith his metaphor of the invisible hand

      • Joseph Campbell also coined this term somewhere, in his explanation of the hero’s journey