- Nov 2024
openknowledge.worldbank.org openknowledge.worldbank.org
2021 paper looking at data governance legal frameworks globally in 80 countries, EU and USA are absent (Estonia, UK included though), and lumps Europe and Central Asia together, which leads to phrases like 'UK and Estonia have this, but elsewhere in the region Kyrgyzstan hasn't' so the region is mediocre at best. Apples/pears. Mentions GDPR more or less as the single EU framework here, despite the 2018 free flow of non-personal data regulation which became applicable in May 2019. (others within the EU Data Strategy / single market for data had been announced or proposed by 2021 but not in place and aren't mentioned here either.)
- Apr 2023
Bei der Tagung von Weltbank und Internationalem Währungsfonds wurden nur winzige Reformschritte unternommen. Nach der Ansicht der Fachleute von NGOs werden sie nicht ausreichen um ärmeren Ländern den Kampf gegen die globale Erhitzung zur erleichtern. Nach wie vor stellt die Weltbank hohe Summen für die Finanzierung fossiler Energien zur Verfügung.
- Mar 2022
openknowledge.worldbank.org openknowledge.worldbank.org
About 49 percent of the World Bank's policy reports, which are published Economic and Sector Work or Technical Assistance reports, have the stated objective of informing the public debate or influencing the development community. This study uses information on downloads and citations to assesses whether policy reports meet this objective. About 13 percent of policy reports were downloaded at least 250 times while more than 31 percent of policy reports are never downloaded. Almost 87 percent of policy reports were never cited
- Oct 2019