187 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
  2. Oct 2017
    1. ollowingly,a second cluster contains the Citation Betweenness Centrality and Pagerank measures that rely on thegraph-properties of the citation network.

      It seems like the network based, either citation or usage based, are clustering more strongly than the rest.

    1. O(N2−N2)

      Same as \([N(N-1)]/2\)

    2. FIG. 1: System outlin

      Main point of the paper in one figure

    3. Such systems for the generation of metadata can besaid to operate on a “Robin Hood” principle; they takefrom metadata-rich resources and give to metadata-poorresources, with the exception that metadata is not azero-sum resource

      Hahaha nice analogy.

    4. Collaborative filtering systemsare commonly employed in online retail systems to rec-ommend items of interest to individual users. Using theprinciple that similar users are more likely to appreciatesimilar items, users are recommended items that aremissing from their profiles but occur in the profiles ofsimilar users.

      Would need to be careful with this because it also promotes homogeneity.

    1. However, it is inadequate for recording an audit trail of a cross-repository value chain, which needs identity expressed at the granularity of copies of digital objects in specific repositories.

      In the end, the DOI will become obsolete because it is not a necessity to refer to the original version of record (i.e., it can be adjusted)

    1. schol-arly usage data as a tool to study the dynamics of scholar-ship in real time

      it is a bit different from my scholarly network idea (one step later maybe)

    2. t is thus conceivable that us-age data can provide new insights in the scholarly process,and that novel measures

      or not. Let's see where this goes.

    3. ESUR has collected nearly1 billion usage events as well as all associated bibliographicand citation data from significant publishers, aggregatorsand institutional consortia to construct a large-scale usagedata reference set

      Sounds more like alternative metrics in the common sense, based on social media and sharing instead of direct relation in scholarly efforts?

    1. “In this way [of regional approaches], Europe could move forward to achieve its goals without waiting for international consensus,”

      Incorrect. Goals of Open Access are not geographically bound and country specific goals would not be functionable within this.

      Open access is like encryption, cannot have just a bit of it. Limiting geographic availability undermines open access.

  3. Jul 2017
    1. Given that retractions are an extremely rare occurrence, this method identifies with high likelihood individuals who are responsible for scientific misconduct.

      This reasoning strikes me as odd, given that not all are due to misconduct and in some fields, retraction occurs after non-replication. This assumption is essential to all the results in this paper.

    2. retractions, which are usually the consequence of research misconduct,

      will be interesting to see the reasoning behind this.

  4. Jun 2017
    1. Only journal impact factor showed a consistent effect on citation.

      I am happy this isn't classified as research quality --- finally someone who gets it! :-)

    2. possible that positive articles are of a higher quality.

      But there is no evidence to support that claim whatsoever, only to counter it (given the low power and the excessive publication bias present in some fields)

    3. Relationship between direction of the results (regardless of their significance) and citation frequency

      Q: How was expected direction determined? I know from my own work it's very difficult and often opaque.

    4. Data extraction was performed in duplicate (BD and MJEU).

      Q1: Interrater reliability?

      Q2: What with discrepancies?

    5. We brought together all available evidence on citation bias across scientific disciplines and quantified its impact.

      This seems a bit overselling to me, all?

    1. Investigators who have invested time and effort into developing a trial should have a period of exclusivity in which to pursue their aims

      If properly explicited and defined how long, within reason.

    2. There must be a strong scientific argument or other legitimate rationale for the data to be used for the requested purpose

      Assuming that the purpose can be defined beforehand? Not always possible, especially for exploratory research.

    3. A controlled access approach may bring opportunities for collaboration that an open access approach cannot.

      Because there is time available for this? This is rather inconsistent with the lack of resources mentioned before, because better preparation of data for release can then pay itself in collaboration opportunities as well.

    4. An open access approach demands that the burdensome process of making all data ready for sharing is undertaken for all trials, regardless of the likelihood of future use of the data and whether support to prepare datasets is available.

      But all data should be verifiable and the potential use cannot be foreseen, which is exactly the point of sharing.

    5. Neither do we support attempts to distort data to anonymise or de-identify it, specifically to de-couple it from the original patients. We consider that such manipulation has not been addressed adequately in any of the published policy documents, and currently we do not regard it as feasible.

      This is a rather short justification for removing this as an option. One can randomly distort data such that it is possible to receive meaningful higher level trends while decreasing the potential for re-identification. No work is being cited that shows otherwise.

    6. re likely to be able to identify themselves in open access datasets from combinations of variables

      This is beside the point, because self-identification requires intimate knowledge to begin with. That is exactly what others don't have.

    7. None of our clinical trials have asked for consent to disclose IPD data on the Internet.

      This highlights that ethical review procedures need to include explicit statements on this (either to receive consent or inform explicitly that the data will not be shared).

    1. We inspected this possible dependency with the intra-class correlation (ICC), where ICC = 1 indicates full dependency and ICC = 0 indicates full independence. For the set of observed results, the ICC for nonsignificant p-values was 0.001, indicating independence of p-values within a paper (the ICC of the log odds transformed p-values was similar, with ICC = 0.00175 after excluding p-values equal to 1 for computational reasons).

      This is highlighted in response to this question.

    1. An independent samples t-test confirmed the significance of this differencet(320.7) = -4.456, p < .01

      But weren't these within-subjects measures, where everyone assessed each medium? If so, an independent samples t-test seems inappropriate. Moreover, equal variances assumption was violated, I see based on the df? If based on proportions, this seems somewhat odd at first glance.

    2. Annotations,such as definitions or references,aredisplayed in asidebar.

      Using hypothes.is :-)?

    3. Our findings indicate that the PC was the predominant readingdevice type among respondents, with 92% having read an article from PC in the last two weeks, as opposed to 19% for mobile and 51% for paper.

      What role does tablet play in this?

    4. five key aspects of the articleformat

      Potential confounder: variation of these aspects across the articles that the participants read.

  5. May 2017
    1. I will focus on how researchers can instigate a cultural shift to change the incentive structure by valuing the improvement of research rigor through ethical publishing.

      The main question of this piece

  6. Apr 2017
    1. We do not find empirical support that mandatory data disclosure policies or the availability of data or code have a significant effect on the incidence of replication

      Not a surprise, because replication needs the materials.

    1. Cells printed in bold had sufficient results to inspect for evidential value.

      The bold somehow got removed in the HTML. The cells with numbers 11, 75, and 87 should be bold (as in the PDF)

    1. How will flipping to a different business model address our need for a sustainable infrastructure covering our data and code, at the same time as it is addressing this (non-exhaustive) list of missing/lacking functionalities in our scholarly literature? Link-rot No scientific impact analysis Lousy peer-review No global search No functional hyperlinks Useless data visualization No submission standards (Almost) no statistics No content-mining No effective way to sort, filter and discover No semantic enrichment No networking feature

      Good points raised by Bjoern Brembs on what the scholarly communication system is lacking at the moment.

  7. datproject.org datproject.org
    1. Some of my unanswered questions: How do DOI resolvers decide when it is acceptable to modify the metadata associated with the DOI in order to 'fix' link rot? Do all resolvers follow the same policy? If a resolver were to act maliciously, could they start returning false results without detection? Is there any version control for metadata over time, to see how different resolvers behaved at a certain point? How many resolvers use the cryptographic signing functionality offered by the Handle system? Do any resolvers integrate web capturing and content fingerprints to prove the link they fixed is the same content that the original DOI pointed at?

      Some good Qs by Max Ogden on DOI resolving and other persistent urls.

  8. Mar 2017
    1. “Simply giving people an affiliation and an e-mail address means that when they submit a paper to a journal or a conference, it will get read and their work will have a shot at surviving on its own merits,

      It is a shame this is true and it is wholly nonsensical: an affiliation should not be a prerequisite to being taken serious.

    1. By "open access" to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

      Open Access definition.

    1. Authors have a duty to give appropriate credit to previous work. Almost every scientist stands on the shoulders of those who came before, to paraphrase a quote made by Isaac Newton in the 17th century.

      This quote is often attributed to Newton but did not originate with him --- he just 'popularized' it... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standing_on_the_shoulders_of_giants

    1. these forensic tools are useful in the absence of transparency, but they are no substitute for it.

      Simine gets it right AGAIN!

    2. There is, of course, the risk that we will go too far in the other direction and impose so many burdens on scientists to make everything transparent that science will grind to a halt (Lewandowsky & Bishop, 2016).

      I think transparency will only alleviate the burden. What is now often seen as "additional burden" is actually similar to not putting depreciation costs on the books and having to retroactively. The costs are made (e.g., data needs to be documented properly) but not put into the books (e.g., not actually documented during but only when requested).

    3. If a critical mass of scientists become untrustworthy, a tipping point is possible in which the scientific enterprise itself becomes inherently corrupt and public trust is lost, risking a new dark age with devastating consequences to humanity”

      The irony is that this publication is published in a closed and unreusable manner, which detracts transparency (because it requires people to pay to see which cars are for sale pretty much...)

  9. Feb 2017
    1. What’s more, disconnecting humans from peer review would ease the tension between the academics who want open access and the commercial publishers who are resisting it.

      This is too quick and brushes over several in-between steps, it seems. I don't understand what is meant here, at all.

    1. Rather than viewing predatory publishers as a disease in themselves, I suggest we should regard them instead as a symptom of malaise within the academic research establishment

      Hear hear.

    1. As a reminder, academics literally invented the internet, I think we can and should be doing better.

      This is such an underappreciated fact...

  10. Jan 2017
  11. Dec 2016
    1. But the decentralized model of content distribution is not without its challenges. To understand them, we need to review some of the fundamentals behind the BitTorrent protocol

      Which is exactly why it needs to be decentralized and distributed. E.g., with an IPFS

  12. Oct 2016
    1. the Union which grant different terms of protection, the country whose legislation grants the shortest term of protection;

      So this has to be 50Y Post-mortem given that otherwise not in union.

  13. Sep 2016
    1. Member States shall encourage rightholders and research organisations to define commonly-agreed best practices concerning the application of the measures referred to in paragraph 3.

      Very important to do this in accordance with researchers... See also this article titled "Responsible Content Mining"

    2. research organisations

      Now includes both private- and public research organisations (got rid of the "Public Research Organisations", which nobody knew what it meant).

    3. n order to carry out text and data miningof works or other subject-matter to which they have lawful access for the purposes of scientific research.

      Right to read is the right to mine for scientific research.

    4. contractual provision contrary to the exception provided for in paragraph 1 shall be unenforceable

      So the contracts universities make with publishers are de facto unenforcable? Definite win.

  14. Aug 2016
    1. While a conscious deliberative choice is an option in principle for adult humans with normal cognitive capacities, it is surprisingly rarely made in everyday contexts of action. Often we simply follow our familiar routines.

      This is strong. Habits shape behavior, so we need to conduct ourselves in a way that creates "ethical habits"

    1. .grid { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; } .grid > * { flex-basis: 10em; flex-grow: 1; }

      This. Is. Beautiful. Makes CSS grids easy for newbs like me.

    1. Cannot provide insights into the sizes and directions of the coefficients

      It can ascertain the effect size based on effect size formulae that include the statistic and df.


    1. the researcher has to keep a very detailed record of each and every decision made along the way. This is very difficult to achieve using a point-and-click method.

      This aptly summarizes and is good tl;dr!

    1. If a scientist made a deviation from the methods and procedures described in the paper that had no impact on the data or results, then this deviation would not be treated as fabrication or falsification.

      But when a researcher reports doing a multilevel analysis on data but never did, although he/she has data and they do show these results, it would be considered fabrication. So this is a difficult issue and not unequivocally refuted by this argument.

    2. s, then they believe that an aim of scientific research is to develop true theories and hypotheses about entities that exist, including unobservable ones.

      That is quite the logical leap. Empirical realism can also catch this by stating the reliability of the account of the observations.

    1. Discoverability, Accessibility, Transparency, and Actionability (DATA)

      Same idea as FAIR principles (i.e., Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)

    1. Similar to chemistry laboratory, the emphasis is on the right answer not the right practice. Ironically, some research suggests that the inherent openness and ambiguity of science laboratory experiments, including opportunities to design one’s own messy experiments, has the potential to promote critical thinking skills and collaborative problem solving similar to that which takes place in everyday practice of science, e.g., (Roth 1994; Etkina et al. 2010).

      This resonates so well. :-)

    1. machine learning canreify existing patterns of discrimination—if they are foundin the training dataset, then by design an accurate classifierwill reproduce them

      See ProPublica for a very practical example of machine bias in action.

    1. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (Ulrichs) is regarded as the most complete and consistent source for monitoring the number of periodical titles

      This is a ProQuest product.

    2. More than 30 % Newly Created journals provide Open Access.

      I.e., includes hybrid journals (not fully open access)

    1. Video requires a fixed frame rate, so streaming video stalls when its input queue runs dry. To overcome such problems, FCC rules allow special codes that give priority passage for packets of data carrying voice calls or video frames, so that they flow quickly and uniformly through the Internet.

      Anyone know which rules these are? They seem to set a dangerous precedent for repackaging packets with video/voice headers to get priority on the network.

  15. Jun 2016
    1. <xsl:template match="h:div[@id='header']"/>

      When you see a div with 'header', do nothing. This effectively creates a non-copy (paraphrase: delete from copy).

    2. h:

      look in html namespace

    3. <xsl:template match="h:head"> <head> <style> div { border: 1px solid red; margin: 2 2 2 2; } </style> </head> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="comment()" priority="1.0"/>

      When you come to the head element, apply this template.

    4. <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" /> </xsl:copy>

      Copy all attributes and nodes.

    5. <xsl:template match="@*|node()">

      Take top of document, process all children

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    3. It infringes any intellectual property rights proprietary to us or any other third party;

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    5. opy, download, or store any content, files, feeds or data from the Site, whether publically available or not, to make or populate a database or publication of any kind whatsoever,

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    2. , shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

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    3. the link will not result in any automatic download.

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      (k) fair use under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act, educational exceptions, or other similar provisions of the copyright laws or other intellectual property right laws in the United States.

    6. (g) Data for Research as defined further in Section 14.3 below.

      (g) Data for Research as defined further in Section 14.3 below.

    7. (a) research activities; 

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    1. they only store electronic copies of the subscribed Content needed for their TDM project and they delete all copies of the Content when the project ends

      they only store electronic copies of the subscribed Content needed for their TDM project and they delete all copies of the Content when the project ends

    2. Through the Crossref Text and Data Mining Service we are extending text and data mining rights to researchers at subscribing institutions worldwide for non commercial research purposes under the terms and conditions below. 

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    1. Notwithstanding any of the above, this clause is governed by the laws of England.

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    2. e Courts in the  users  stated country location

      e Courts in the users stated country location Preview

    3. To scrape, build databases or otherwise create permanent copies of any part of a website, or keep cached copies longer than permitted by the cache header.

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  16. Aug 2015
    1. other members of the Reproducibility Project at the Center for Open Science. Dr. Nosek and his team led an attempt to replicate the findings of 100 social science studies

      From left to right: Mallory Kidwell, Courtney Soderberg, Johanna Cohoon, and Brian Nosek

    1. We note that Dr. Imanishi-Kari has long suggested that her questioned experiments could be rerun by investigators to verify that the reported results would be obtained and that she would be willing to let somebody with doubts spend time in her laboratory to repeat those experiments

      Reproducing does not prove or clear fraud charges

  17. May 2015
    1. (After the statement’s release, LaCour told the New York Times that he did not use Qualtrics, but another unidentified company.)

      The linked article does not mention Qualtrics.