- May 2023
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
Or, propose and build your own system for bootstrapping granular addressability onto your publishing system
I did. PurpleSlurple and QuiP (in 2002 and 2003 respectively)
Either way, _please_ start using purple numbers.
I did.
- Apr 2023
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
We came up with a clever workaround
:) ah, transcoding
- Aug 2022
link.springer.com link.springer.com
it is a dream if there ever was one, the notion that an information system we build today could still be running three hundred or more years from now. And yet this is the case for printed reference works
Yea, print works (and will outlast today's digital versions - as anyone's old hard drives and floppy disks demonstrate)
In other words, they have worked. This is a good quality for any technology.
Indeed. (Working hacks beat, elegant vaporware always.)
Priestley believed that the largest present impediment to progress in ideas was the cloistering of knowledge within small domains, whether languages, nations, or disciplines.
Yes, within the ivory towers.
Without some sort of fix, Diderot and d’Alembert argued, books would simply pile up until, in their words, “It will be almost as convenient to search for some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden away in an immense multitude of bound volumes.”
I sometimes think we've reached that point now. As good as Google is, one just can't realistically keep up with all the ideas, even in there own field of interest.
What Ted expressed in this passage from Literary Machines resonates strongly with what the Enlightenment philosophers understood the world of paper texts to look like, and, it resonates still more strongly with what they argued it should look like.
Is it only philosophers that understand this dream?
- Jul 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
After Hannity was praised by non-rightwing media for his seemingly pro-vaccine stance, he angrily told viewers on Thursday: “I never told anyone to get a vaccine.”
Wait... What? :)
First Sean Hannity, on Monday, told his viewers to “please take Covid seriously – I can’t say it enough.”Hannity added: “I believe in the science of vaccination.”
What the network might not have expected was for the message to be almost immediately undermined by the network’s biggest star, Tucker Carlson.
The guy is dangerous, just doesn't care about anything but ratings (reminds me of someone...)
The rightwing channel has urged viewers to get the vaccine but some opinion hosts see stoking scepticism as a ratings winner
While vaccine skepticism might win those ratings and revenue, it is surely a law of diminishing returns. The median age of a Fox News viewer was 65 years old in 2017, suggesting many of those viewers are in the highest risk category.Cameron said: “This is literally the metaphor of the lemmings running to their own slaughter. People who are listening to that sort of stuff instead of the science that goes way, way back.
Thanks Tucker.
At least 99% of people in the US who died from coronavirus in the last six months were not vaccinated, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said.
Vaccines work.
- Jun 2021
thereader.mitpress.mit.edu thereader.mitpress.mit.edu
capitalism preserved its momentum by molding the ordinary person into a consumer with an unquenchable thirst for its “wonderful stuff.”
Any (current) slow down is temporary. https://purpleslurple.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/greed-is-good/
Those who create wants rank amongst our most talented and highly paid citizens
To Galbraith, who had just published “The Affluent Society,” the wastefulness he observed seemed foolhardy, but he was pessimistic about curtailment; he identified the beginnings of “a massive conservative reaction to the idea of enlarged social guidance and control of economic activity,” a backlash against the state taking responsibility for social direction.
Don't tell me what kind of light bulb I need buy!
thefinanser.com thefinanser.com
The obvious thing about these times is that, for the first time in my life, we’ve given up the focus upon money, greed, growth and profit.
Did he miss the great recession of 2008-09? https://purpleslurple.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/greed-is-good/
- Dec 2020
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Except for circular dies, it is virtually impossible todesign a die geometry to achieve a quality extrudateproduct for a wide range of polymers and extrusionprocess conditions.
Black art.
- Nov 2020
hal.archives-ouvertes.fr hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
We presentthe first steps we have taken towards building a scientificworkbench in Pharo
Thank you to people who share.
ia802804.us.archive.org ia802804.us.archive.org
thereare longhairswhothinkSmalltalkandits descendantswillhavethemostexplosiveeffecton theworldsincetheintegratedcircuit.(Indeed,thereare thosewhosuspectevenbusinessprogrammingmaybe upendedby thesedevelopments.)But a strollthroughthe prominentAI labsmightalsogivethe impressionthatthesedevelopmentsare strictlyfor ivorytowerloons.
I believetherealrelationbetweensnazzygraphicsandsuchlan-guagesconsistsin theirpowerfulcapa-bilitiesfor deepprogramrevisionandtheorderlycreationof big systems.
Deep program revisions and the orderly creation of big systems
Parallelismamongprocesses- and,in thefuture,withinmulti-processorcomputersystems- becomeeasiertohandlein software
- When did we get multi-processor CPUs?
Changinga programsimplymeanschangingtheresponsesof theactors,incrementally- addingto theirlistsofthingsto do andthe circumstancesunderwhichto do them.
Thereis alsoan interestingtrickhere:if twodifferenttypesof Actorsare set up to respondto the samemessage-word,like,say,"edit"or "show,"thatmessage-wordcomesto seemlike a generalcommandof the language.In factit is adifferentscriptfor eachtypeof actor.Wemaycallthisdistinctiveapproachdis-tributedparsing.
CarlHewittof MIThas introducedtheterm"actors"forthemultifariousinteractivebeastiesthattheselanguagesgenerate.We'lluse thistermhere,becauseit is mentallymoreemphaticthanthe term"object"(usedby theSmalltalkschool).
Actors = Objects
Howaboutacomputersimulationof an invasionof killerbeeswithyoutryingto finda wayof keepingthemundercontrol?
A splendid idea!
Lookat yourmessage,andact accord-ingly.
Easy as pie.
sbuweb.tcu.edu sbuweb.tcu.edu
The last reason is especially compelling, because it does not matter how large a problem a modern computer can optimally process, nor how fast a meta-heuristic can reach a near-optimal solution, nor how good that solution is, if a project does not have the requisite input—an accurate activity network model (which is actually quite rare for PD projects).
We don't have the activity network model!
PRs can be gainfully employed by managers even without the formal activity network models requiredfor the application of meta-heuristics ( Browning and Yassine 2010b).
The easy button!
The RCMPS problem is strongly NP-hard (Lenstra and Kan 1978), so exact solution methods are impractical for large problems (Herroelen 2005).
On the other hand, most models of iteration in PD projects do not account for resource constraints at all, or do so only in a general way (e.g., without accounting for different resource types and dynamic requirements from other projects), and deal only with single projects (e.g., Cho and Eppinger 2005; Joglekar and Ford 2005; Lee et al.
Not generally the real world scenario.
However, conventional project management (and scheduling) literature and techniques (e.g., Meredith and Mantel 2012; PMI 2013) assume that projects are acyclical and do not account for iteration.
A basic misunderstanding.
I teration and rework have been established empirically as significant drivers of PD time, cost, and quality (Cooper 1993a; Osborne 1993; Sosa et al. 2013)
When faced with chronic, day-to-day resource contentions among projects within his or her portfolio, a portfolio manager will find little guidance for a prioritization decision from the PPM literature (Engwall and Jerbrant 2003; Blichfeldt and Eskerod 2008)
Shane and Ulrich (2004) found that, out of the technological innovation, PD, and entrepreneurship research published from 1954-2003 in Management Science, “product planning and portfolios” comprised the second largest sub-stream—although they noted that this research had “found very little use in practice.”
Only so much navel gazing?
- Oct 2020
resources.kanban.university resources.kanban.university
It might be considered that Kanban, as a “start with what you do now” method, comes with no agenda as to the type or purpose of the change it initiates. In fact, Kanban recognizes three agendas—three compelling calls to action based on organizational need
Some motivation.
vintageapple.org vintageapple.org
The other bill, The Family Opportunity Act (HR6397), was recently introduced by U.S. Rep. Newt Gingrich, a Republican from Georgia. The Family Opportunity Act would offer a $100 per year, per family member, tax credit for up to 50 percent of the cost of a home-computer hardware or software system, with five years to write off the investment. With this bill, a family of four could buy a $4000 system and, over five years, take $2000 in tax credits.
Sounds good. One only needed to have $4000 in disposable income. The industrial occupations hourly wage in the U.S. in 1979 was $9.09 (Figure 3). So ~22% ($4000/$18000) of annual wages to purchase a PC. :/
Today the same worker, making $14.33/hr, can get an entry "gaming" PC for about 1% ($300/$30000).
Note: If wages had kept pace with inflation, the same worker would be making $32.59. So their purchasing power has halved. :/
The best way to make your voice heard is to contact the chairman of that committee, Dan Rostenkowski, at the House Ways and Means Committee
I didn't realize Byte was politically active.
Gingrich says. "That's why working Ameri-cans should have the same kinds of tax breaks corpora-tions get automatically."
"working". Seems are tax breaks are not for the working Americans.
Servan-Schreiber takes the somewhat radical view that, in several years, human beings will no longer work the production lines. All such work, he believes, will be done by robots and machines. Therefore, he warns, peo-ple will have to learn to be processors of information. Whether or not you subscribe to this view, the trend is undeniable. Robots are attractive in many ways, not the least of which is their cost of operation. Figure 3 indicates that robots currently cost less than human workers to "employ." It 's obvious to me that we must all become computer literate to survive in the future world. Yet our government is doing virtually nothing to ensure that sur-vival.
40 years on and Donald Trump thinks he can "fix" manufacturing. Robots, no surprise, our displacing workers everywhere, China is now the biggest tech threat, and we're not smart enough, still, to emphasize computer literacy (we'd rather shackle the kids with college loan debt).
[AI and ML will soon even upset that calculus.]
As U.S. Rep. Albert Gore Jr. (D., Tenn.) said recently at a Washington brief-ing, 'We have some serious thinking to do when scientists as distinguished as Nicholas Negroponte and Seymour Papert leave the United States in order to be part of the World Computer Center."
Al was ahead of his time, like the scientists who left.
vintageapple.org vintageapple.org
Who's going to win the 16-bit operating system sweepstakes? My guess is that there'll be no clear winner for several years; maybe never.
Operating Systems IBM has decided to let the marketplace determine which of its three operating systems will become dominant (if any). Thus, you can get UCSD Pascal, CP/M-86, or the IBM Personal Computer operating system from Microsoft. You can have all three if you want; it's a nice choice.
... and the rest is history.
www.ccs.neu.edu www.ccs.neu.edudownload1
Encompassed in Doug Engelbart’s ”bootstrap” philosophy [6] is the notion of a networkedimprovement community collaborating to develop a collective intelligence by improving onan improvement infratsructure. In particular, a virtual community using a collaboration toolto develop and continuously improve on their collaboration and their collaboration tools isone instantiation of ”bootstrapping”.
vintageapple.org vintageapple.org
Otherwise, you should have at least 256 K bytes of memory. This much memory is required because the whole integrated environment lives in one address space.
:) now that's compact.
- Sep 2020
www.jonathangrudin.com www.jonathangrudin.com
I have continually spent time inquiring into the history of human-computer interaction and thinking about its future.
Me too (well... off and on).
- Aug 2020
www.nccoe.nist.gov www.nccoe.nist.gov
Establish an action plan to implement these recommendations and track progress.
WBS and Kanban anyone?
nvlpubs.nist.gov nvlpubs.nist.gov
This document is intended to describe zero trust for enterprise security architects.
Standard question applies: "Who is are architect?"
- Jul 2020
ondemand.microfocus.com ondemand.microfocus.com
A client can for example be a customer or a division within a company.
Need to establish clients
After successful login, the user can use the corresponding application based on the respective user rights.
Need to create a Test Manager account.
no port information required if Silk Central runs on IIS
port appears to be required on evaluation version on IIS
called silkforyou.
silk in evaluation version
invention.si.edu invention.si.edu
“If in your office, you, as an intellectual worker, were supplied with a computer display backed up by a computer that was alive for you all day, and was instantly responsive to every action you have—how much value could you derive from that?”
50+ years on and I'm still waiting for "instantly responsive". :)
www.microfocus.com www.microfocus.com
It also enables unattended Silk Performer tests,which are tests that are run automatically by Silk Central based on pre-configured schedules.
Should we run Silk Performer tests against our Tools applications, when configurations change, OS gets patched etc.? Yes.
www.huffpost.com www.huffpost.com
Conservative elites, threatened by changing social norms and an accelerating generational handover, are attempting to amplify their feelings of aggrievement into a national crisis.
Old white dudes: your time has passed.
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Withthe benefit of 15 years’ hindsight, we can see the failure of so manyhypertext DR systems to be adopted as symptomatic of the moregeneral problem of fostering ‘hypertext literacy’ in real workingenvironments
Hypertext literacy, or lack thereof, is a very real problem.
www.cognexus.org www.cognexus.org
Hypertext systems that use typed nodesgenerally provide a specialized color, size,or iconic form for each node type. The dis-tinguishing features help the user di fferen-tiate at a glance the broad classes of typednodes that he is working with.
OneNote Tags.
- Jun 2020
itrevolution.com itrevolution.com
Both Anderson and Dumitriu were at Microsoft at the time, and they described an abysmal previous state that is likely familiar to most IT practitioners:too long to finish work requested from the business: average lead time was 155 daysdissatisfaction with lateness and long lead times forced IT management to do “more work estimation,” forcing managers to spend all their time building PowerPoints (because business conclusion was that they didn’t do a good job estimating), instead of doing real workwhenever the business asked for anything, the response was “it’ll take 5 months”every task was estimated at 20 days, but no one knew where the other 135 days went
Sound familiar?
- May 2020
resources.kanban.university resources.kanban.university
The method can-not be applied faithfully without embracing them.
Hmm... Does every processing method have to have values? I'm a little suspect of the motivation of enumerating these. Was there any mention of these values in the blue book?
- Apr 2020
www.cognexus.org www.cognexus.org
One of thechallengesof good writing, especiallygoodtechnical writing, isto presentseveral par-allellines of astoryoran argument in awaythat weaves them together coherently
Maybe that's where I've failed. It's not the ideas that people don't like or understand, it's that I've, perhaps, done a not so good job of conveying them.
- Feb 2020
www.sos.state.tx.us www.sos.state.tx.us
If I vote in a party’s primary, am I required to vote for that party’s candidates in the November 6, 2018 general election? No. A voter who votes in the primary is not required to vote for a particular party’s candidates in the succeeding general election.
You can change your mind. :)
In a county where the Republican and Democratic parties are sharing polling places, the vote must identify what primary they would like to vote in order to ensure they receive the correct ballot and are marked as voting in the correct primary election.
So you have to say (affiliate) with one party or the other.
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
With Azure Dev Spaces, you can share your dev space with others on your team. Each developer can work in their own space without fear of breaking others. Also, working together in one space can enable you to test code end-to-end without having to create mocks or simulate dependencies.
No mocks!
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
A dev space can be used by anyone with contributor access to the dev space's resource group.
Contributor access only required.
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
Azure Dev Spaces intercepts requests that come in with this URL prefix and routes them appropriately.
Strangler pattern?
aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com
VPC Flow Logs capture network flow information for a VPC, subnet, or network interface in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Flow logs can help you with a number of tasks, such as troubleshooting why specific traffic is not reaching an instance
Time to implement VPC flow logs...
static.e-publishing.af.mil static.e-publishing.af.mil
www.afpc.af.mil www.afpc.af.mil
AF rolls out phased retirement program for eligible civilians By Richard Salomon, Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs / Published July 14, 2017
Here we go...
www.chcoc.gov www.chcoc.gov
Who have attained their minimum retirement age (between ages 55 and 57 depending on year of birth) or who have at least 20 years of service and who are at least age 60.
- Jan 2020
He, Rulifson, and fellow Augmented Research Center engineer Bill Paxton demonstrated how the team used the hypertext system to collaborate.
The key concept.
explains Jeff Rulifson, the computer scientist who developed much of the software on display at the Mother of All Demos. "The idea was to create tools and then use those tools to improve the tools," Rulifson says. Instead of making the tool once, it would be continually improved, based on the experiences of its users. As the tools improve, they make it possible to make new, more useful tools. Engelbart called the approach "bootstrapping," named for the bootstrap circuit in radar systems.
Agile, but better, before there was agile.
scobleizer.blog scobleizer.blog
Brian Donovan's Ahoy. See: https://web.archive.org/web/20091125140936/http://dev.lophty.com/
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
I'm eager for more powerful writing tools that will make it even easier to gather documents and messages and shape them into a project narrative. By pushing current tools to their limits and beyond, we'll discover what those next-generation tools need to be.
Twenty years later, our tools don't seem to have progressed much ("it's not the tools"), but more importantly, it seems the utility of a project web remains largely unknown to folks generally. And that is a shame.
A simple Web-accessible repository augmented with brief commentary explaining what has been posted and why turns out to be a powerful team coordination aid.
It really is that simple. OneNote is a great tool for this.
"As a project manager, I wish I had an authoring interface that has the same ease of use as weblog writing interfaces, but allows for more logical structuring of information, rather than putting everything on a calendar roll."
Ah, our "user story".
No matter how effective your navigational scheme, there's no substitute for full text search when you need to find something that's vanished from current view.
OneNote's search is powerful and serves just this purpose well.
- Dec 2019
www.microsoft.com www.microsoft.com
Virtual access to customer data is restricted based on business need by role-based access control, multifactor authentication, minimizing standing access to production data, and other controls. Access to customer data is also strictly logged, and both Microsoft and third parties perform regular audits (as well as sample audits) to attest that any access is appropriate.
Secret and safe (it would seem).
myclass.dau.edu myclass.dau.edu
FY19 Course Schedule-ISA 201
myclass.dau.edu myclass.dau.edu
We passed Milestone A!
Annotation (or tag) required to make this visible to Public/group. But you can still "Post to Only Me".
washingtontechnology.com washingtontechnology.com
Only 1 percent of [Defense Industrial Base (DIB)] companies have implemented all 110 controls from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. We need to get to scale where the vast majority of DIB partners can defend themselves from nation state attacks.
Only 1%! Yikes!
- Nov 2019
www.ccs.neu.edu www.ccs.neu.edudownload1
The power of the viewspecs and jumpcommands is that they can be embedded directly into a URL. This allows a user to pass alongURLs to another user which point to specific locations in a document with a particular viewof that document.
Such an important concept!
(Demo'd in PurpleSlurple, via "expand/collapse")
www.brainpickings.org www.brainpickings.org
Illustration by Julie Paschkis
sharepoint.fpweb.net sharepoint.fpweb.net
And knowing which version contains what information can only be done by opening every file.
Ok, good point. (You can diff the Excel versions, within Excel.)
Saving the information in a SharePoint list makes it a single source of truth, all the time, for everyone.
Why not save the Excel file to SharePoint and turn on versioning?
One of the pain points present in many SharePoint implementations is slow user adoption. There may be any number of reasons for this, but one commonality is an unfamiliarity of how to use SharePoint properly; meaning, how to use it efficiently.
We can do better.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Indeed a seamless integration of web, email, newsgroup and a searchable document database are the components that make a formidable groupware application.
20 years on, folks still struggle to grasp the utility of collaboration. Cobbling together one's own system is easy, but as Jon pointed out in his article on the weblog as project management tool - in the end the tools don't matter, what does is that someone has to take the initiative to create/maintain the project web (or champion its use among team members).
www.nngroup.com www.nngroup.com
According to Raskin, too many people working on hypertext have concentrated on mechanisms instead of on the user interface. It is necessary to look at the entire spectrum of interaction and to do continuous user testing.
- Oct 2019
disciplinedagiledelivery.com disciplinedagiledelivery.com
How do I raise the issue of technical debt to ensure it is prioritized alongside value? Can you measure the cost of support? How many workarounds exist in production? What are the costs of the workarounds to the business? Is the current technology easy to update and release for business innovation? What is the cost of not innovating or releasing something your competitor has?
- Sep 2019
www.mitre.org www.mitre.org
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is designed to synchronize time across an IP-based network. NTP has been an Internet standard for over 20 years
Now 30+ years.
disciplinedagiledelivery.com disciplinedagiledelivery.com
Breaking down functional silos, which traditional organizations tend to have, to form cross-functional silos, which agilists tend to prefer, takes a lot of time and effort. We need to help people become cross functional themselves, what I would call generalizing specialists.
Yea, this is likely our Achilles heel. We need generalizing specialists
www.agilemodeling.com www.agilemodeling.com
A traditional software development team.
An agile software development team.
blog.codinghorror.com blog.codinghorror.com
Therefore, if a team is converting to agile work methods, people need to be coached to stretch themselves and learn new things.
And afforded the opportunity to do so!
A generalizing specialist is someone with one or more technical specialties who actively seeks to gain new skills in both their existing specialties as well as in other areas, including both technical and domain areas.
"actively seeks"
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Recently I was thrilled to learn that the web platform offers such an affordance in the form of the <details> tag.
Let employees write and publish a ‘user manual to me,’ starting by yourself.
OneNote :)
Create an easily accessible and changeable handbook containing all policies, and make them easy to understand and repeatable.
make the decision smaller, quickly decide, and learn if it is right. If it’s the wrong decision, it’s easy to go back.
Succeed early, succeed often.
- Aug 2019
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Montaigne called “On Vanity” one of those essays which, being quite long and not at all confined by the titles he gave them, “require a decision to read them and time set aside.”
seekingalpha.com seekingalpha.com
Today, everybody knows about this system because the system was not fail-proof, it lacked robustness to deal with erroneous data. As engineers say, “If you feed garbage into a system, garbage will come out.” That's what happened with MCAS, and there was no proper layering around that to prevent catastrophic failure.
Chaos engineering failure example?
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
What would it take, I wonder, to post-process the kinds of PDF files that governments typically produce, in order to add Purple Numbers?
- Jul 2019
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
A project blog [19, 19] linked to a project document repository is a potential partial solution to this problem. Instead of sending email when creating or revising documents, project members simply add an entry to the blog. This requires less work than sending email and has other attractive features discussed below. The result is an easily-skimmed chronologically-ordered record of the important information events of a project. These include status changes of project documents in the associated repository. Project blogs are collaborative; any team member can add an entry.
www.construx.com www.construx.com
Ensure that everyone understands and agrees to the policies for the work that moves through the system. When are various activities and work items done?
Have the conversation with your downstream customer regarding what they need from you in the work product you're delivering. What does constitute done? Then deliver it, a high quality product, once. (Have the conversation upstream too, to convey what you need.)
www.humankode.com www.humankode.com
I strongly recommend encrypting the entire contents of your configuration file, and to use in memory caching to cache the decrypted values.
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
Mr Sette adds that while the world coffee industry sees revenues over $200bn each year, only $20bn reaches producing countries and ultimately, less than 10% of that reaches growers.
Only a 1 penny of every dollar the coffee industry sees in revenue goes to the grower. What's wrong with this picture?
techcommunity.microsoft.com techcommunity.microsoft.com
Virtualization capabilities enabled in BIOS
Windows Sandbox: an isolated, temporary, desktop environment where you can run untrusted software without the fear of lasting impact to your PC. Any software installed in Windows Sandbox stays only in the sandbox and cannot affect your host. Once Windows Sandbox is closed, all the software with all its files and state are permanently deleted.
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
Verisk Maplecroft expects governments to act on waste issues
In the US?
azure.microsoft.com azure.microsoft.com
These capabilities come together to enable Azure Sphere to meet all 7 properties of a highly secured device – making it a first of its kind solution.
Is this a bug in hypothesis? What's happening here? Why is my hypothesis page served in-line? (See below.)
- Jun 2019
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
IP iterations fulfill another critical role by providing an estimating buffer for meeting PI objectives and enhancing the predictability of PI performance.
This seems like a bad idea, leading to sloppy estimates or loosely controlled WIP. The work (not IP iteration activities) should be done in the work iterations (not here).
It acts as an estimating buffer for meeting PI Objectives
What? A buffer? Too finish up unfinished work?
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Every search deserves its own URL.
Come on Slack! :/
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
Since the iteration plans did not take into account the story acceptance criteria, it’s likely that adjustments will need to be made to the first and subsequent iteration plans.
Why are these not considered here, during PI planning?
azure.microsoft.com azure.microsoft.com
az network nsg create \--resource-group azuremolchapter5 \--name remotensg
missing: --location eastus
For developers, you can also enableremote debugging with Visual Studio under the Application Settings area or configureApplication Insights to allow your web application to provide telemetry
Developers need access to this feature.
FTP username
Can be found under Properties. See: https://hyp.is/VPNJuoSjEem_BNd5Y1c7dA/docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/deploy-configure-credentials
When you pushed your site with Gitin the previous example, Git wrote the file to this directory. Instead, you could FTPfiles straight to here; but Git offers additional features once you get used to it, such asversioning, history, and branches.
So why are we still using FTP?
If you create a Windows VM, a rule is added that allows RDP
Not by default. You must add the rule to allow RDP.
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
as an authorized.
Something is missing here. "... as an authorized... [what?]"
- May 2019
azure.microsoft.com azure.microsoft.com
Don’t forget that even as a business moves from IaaS toward the PaaS model, theIT pro remains relevant!
Getting squeezed out.
up to $200 of freecredit. This free credit should be enough to make it through all the chapters andexercises, with room to explore a little and have fun along the way
So if I don't have a free account (no longer qualify), this is going to cost ~$200?
There are no tools to install on your machine, and you can use any com-puter and OS you wish, provided it supports a modern web browser.
Nice. We've come a long way.
This book is designed to give you a solid foundation to be successful as a developer orIT engineer in Azure. You learn about both Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Plat-form as a Service (PaaS) solutions, along with when to use each approach. As youwork through the chapters, you learn how to plan appropriately for availability andscale, keep security in mind, and consider cost and performance. By the end of thebook, you should be able to integrate upcoming technologies such as containers andKubernetes, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI + ML), and the Internetof Things (IoT).
That's a pretty high bar for 21 days of lunches.
scobleizer.blog scobleizer.blog
I think it is important to note that the purple number solutions mentioned here are for publishers and authors of content – not for consumers. In other words the publisher must implement the solution or no purple numbers are available for the consumer. Relative to the Web at larger, not many Web sites implement purple numbers.
Things are finally changing.
Select text to link to, click bookmarklet, optionally add note (something Ahoy doesn’t do)[3].
QuiP process.
philip.greenspun.com philip.greenspun.com
Aerodynamics (slides)
Lift (correctly) explained.
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
However, SAFe is a flow-based system. Its economics are optimized by job-sequencing rather than theoretical job return on investment (or worse, first-come, first-served job selection, loudest voice, or other historical patterns).
Depending on one's situation (in the RCMPSP space), FCFS has been shown to be the most efficacious priority rule in terms of project (not portfolio) flow (shortest make span).
github.com github.com
Since you can't move annotations between groups in Hypothesis, if students create (possibly many) annotations in the wrong group they need to delete them and manually recreate them one by one.
Why can't we edit the annotations (en masse preferably) to change group or tags? (Jon has something for editing tags...)
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
Granular Addressability in HTML Documents - ON THE FLY
Original announcement of PurpleSlurple.
groups.yahoo.com groups.yahoo.com
One thing I found with new KM projects is the tendency to dive into complexity. In other words: these projects attempt to slice and dice available knowledge in so many ways that it is almost impossible to understand. This, in my view, can tank a project. My recommendation: Start simple. Get that working and then add complexity when there is demand for it.
Still valid 17 years later.
ontolog.cim3.net ontolog.cim3.net
Collaboration Tools Employed by this Community
CIM3 tool set. :) They worked.
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The issue of citing particular phrases in web documents has also been raised previously,with paragraph-level identifiers added by the purpleslurple29 tool,
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Assuming that we can determine that we are dealing with the same document
This can be (nearly always) determined using "Matt's Rule of Text" which is as follows: "Any 8 to 10 word string uniquely identifies a document". Yep, mind-boggling, I know.
Here's an example (for this page): https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Assuming%20that%20we%20can%20determine%20that%20we%20are%22
Another example for this page: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22this%20fast%20and%20straightforward%20method%20will%20find%20a%22
And for completeness, one more: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22This%20is%20an%20old%20problem,%20and%20over%20the%22
Note that the last example returns two results. The second result does not include the quoted ",". The first result is (nearly always) the source document.
This algorithm has some very important ramifications, I feel. Its use here, in this type of application (e.g. documents returning a 404 could be passed to Google for reattachment of annotations) and another pressing one, determining the source of fake news. There are other uses clearly.
Please share with those who care. Thank me later. :)
ASIDE: I "discovered" this algorithm in 2003 during my work with PurpleSlurple and QuIP.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
In February 2017, the World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C, the international standards body for the web, formally recommended a web-annotation standard that allows developers to make annotation a native feature of their browsers. So far, none has done so.
We fight on! (See for example: https://keynet.blogs.com/networks/2004/06/purpleslurple_m.html and https://hyp.is/TpluxHsuEembdFcYuJI8_Q/knutties.livejournal.com/24270.html)
I do feel some satisfaction :) in the appearance of "purple numbers" in numerous document systems now (Github, Microsoft, for example)
knutties.livejournal.com knutties.livejournal.com
I agree that functionality like this should be natively built into browsers.
Still not available in 2019.
futureofcoding.org futureofcoding.org
We don’t have to “move fast and break things.” We can move slowly and build good things to last. We can return to the traditions of architects that built cathedrals to last hundreds of years, mathematicians who have collaborated on imaginary structures for thousands of years, and scientists who have pulled back the curtain on reality since people began to doubt their senses.
I'll be a stone on which giants might pass.
the web was created by unsophisticated perspectives (Tim Burners-Lee has apologized for missing Engelbart).
TBL missed Engelbart (what? really?)
Alan admires his former professor Bob Barton. Despite not liking students or teaching, Bob spent the time to do it “for the field.” I think that’s ultimately Alan’s aim in meeting with people like me. Maybe there’s a fraction of a percent chance that I have the potential to help the field and so Alan was there to nurture that chance. In other words, he was getting lunch with me in for pure benevolence. He wants there to be good people in his field (don’t ask him what it should be called unless you have all afternoon), ultimately to further humanity.
Cool Alan Kay.
www.pcworld.com www.pcworld.com
What makes it different, though, is that you can export your Collection to Word or Excel, and Microsoft will add a bit of intelligence to make it even more useful: citations within Word
Finally. Something I've wanted since 2002.
Automatically creating bibliography, and footnotes (or endnotes) from my clippings. (Planned for but never delivered in PSNotes.)
For collecting notes, Opera had a very similar capability years and years ago.
See the image here: https://images.idgesg.net/images/article/2019/05/collections-4-100795598-large.jpg
www.cl.cam.ac.uk www.cl.cam.ac.uk
Noted in Rheingold's "Tools for Thought".
And both influenced Alan Kay and Smalltalk.
www.rheingold.com www.rheingold.com
You can't understand where mind-amplifying technology is going unless you understand where it came from.
So much seems to be crumbling away. Often previous hard earned gains are reinvented. How does one find this knowledge in the flood of information? I'm not sure even Google can help in some cases.
- Apr 2019
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
The budget is ‘the elephant in the room.’ An organization can never be truly agile unless you also address that budget mindset
Where does this leave us in our "transformation"?
Their success has been less obvious in big top-down siloed, inward-looking hierarchies that are faced with the challenge of delighting external customers.
Our situation.
As a result, “fixing the budget” usually involves a lot more than fixing the budget. You have to fix a tangle of other big issues if you are really going to make sustained progress.
"Fixing the budget" then seems nearly insurmountable for the Air Force. If agile (implementation) is truly crippled by this, our agile prospects seem dim.
The notion of throughput accounting, which measures and tracks progress of delivering value to customers, is still unknown in many large organizations.
Hmm... throughput matters?
Organizational structure: The budget often reflects, reinforces and aggravates the siloed organizational structure, which gets in the way of delivering value to customers. Rather than having truly cross-functional teams, with end-to-end responsibilities to deliver value to customers, Agile teams work within their silo (say Tech) and hand off work to another silo (say Product) to be incorporated in their work program. If Product has yet to embrace Agile, then Product is likely to be working at a slower pace than Tech, so Product–and subsequently Sales–become the key organizational constraints to gaining the real value from Agile.
Herein lies our problem.
agileuprising.com agileuprising.com
Agile Uprising is a purpose-built network that focuses on the advancement of the agile mindset and global professional networking between leading agilists. We will remain agnostic of certifying bodies and focus purely on the advancement of the agile craft. Our network will evolve over time, and at the core our online community will remain free to join – forever.
Yea, paying to access the SAFe community... is a prospect that grated on me.
www.agile-moose.com www.agile-moose.com
Or they say, that the failures in the SAFe community surround folks who haven’t had enough training (sigh!) or invested in enough SPC qualified consultants (bigger sigh!).
I just can’t be associated any longer with something this big, this focused on pursuing revenue, and this far removed from true agile principles.
I was a skeptic going in...
It’s too focused on certifications and training – a cash cow.
It creates far too many roles, layers, flows, etc.
Way too complex. Can't be done without training the troops (i.e. $$ for SAI).
As I looked at the diagram, I imagined $$$ at specific points where the SAFe folks (Scaled Agile proper, consulting firms, SPC consultants, tooling firms, etc.) could “cash in” on SAFe training, consulting, and tooling.In other words, I followed the path and heard an ongoing CHA-CHING in the air!
This was precisely the impression I had when I took SAFe Implementation training!
www.scrumalliance.org www.scrumalliance.org
Hire and develop the right mix of talent: The report cites Millennials as “particularly well-suited to enhance an Agile enterprise’s talent pool.”
Out with the old, in with the new.
A huge majority – 83 percent – of leaders surveyed cited their talent mix as being crucial to their organizations increased agility. Meanwhile, 70 percent of respondents reported that lack of engagement on the part of executives and employees to the main factor to hold back transformational success in their organization.
Maybe it's who you ask?
areomagazine.com areomagazine.com
The software industry, in general, has become obsessed with measuring the inputs and outputs of Agile at the employee level—an obsession that has resulted in the neglect of the original Agile ethos, and a misguided focus on employee-level work statistics instead of process improvement on the organizational level
www.infoq.com www.infoq.com
Reduce resistance to change when moving to agile by showing critics that agile represents a better way of doing business using the data collected on your projects.
We need data!
www.infoq.com www.infoq.com
Exploitation Measures: some suggestions for exploiting agile productivity gains include:
How do we address these short comings / problems with Enterprise Agile?
Product versus project management conflicts that can raise questions as to who’s in charge.
Portfolio Kanban.
those firms that use Kanban principles and lean approaches as part of their methodology tend to make better productivity gains because they focus their energy on getting rid of waste and inefficiency.
Can you say Kanban?
they replace instead of reduce management overhead and bureaucracy with a rebranded set of practices.
So agile in name only, for management.
It is interesting to note that these software productivity increases are not being realized by those pursuing either large agile projects or enterprise-wide utilization. These productivity gains, while still advantageous, drop to just 3 to 5 percent better than their previous norms.
Only 3 to 5 percent better for enterprise wide initiatives.
tkmg.com tkmg.com
Percent Complete and Accurate (%C&A). A quality metric used to measure the degree to which work from an upstream supplier is determined by the downstream customer to be complete and accurate (or error free). In other words, to what degree does the downstream customer need to: 1) correct information that is incorrect; 2) add missing information that should have been supplied by an upstream supplier; and/or 3) clarify information provided. Out of 100 “things” passing to the downstream customer, what percentage of them are complete and accurate and do not require one of the three above actions before completing the task? The number is obtained by asking the immediate, or successive, downstream customer(s) what percentage of the time they receive work that is 100% complete and accurate.
A critical metric. Each team member in the process chain should strive for 100% (be accountable).
blog.drinkbird.com blog.drinkbird.com
To set themselves up for success, software development and operation teams need to allocate 20% of their schedule (e.g. one day per week or one week per month) to slack time. That is, time they won’t have to spend implementing any new functionality, but rather investing on refactoring, automation, architecture, design, and other non-functional requirements that can improve quality.
Long live Technical Debt Friday!
The deal [between product owners and] engineering goes like this: Product management takes 20% of the team’s capacity right off the top and gives this to engineering to spend as they see fit. They might use it to rewrite, re-architect, or re-factor problematic parts of the code base…whatever they believe is necessary to avoid ever having to come to the team and say, ‘we need to stop and rewrite [all our code].’ If you’re in really bad shape today, you might need to make this 30% or even more of the resources. However, I get nervous when I find teams that think they can get away with much less than 20%.
The 20% Rule (of technical debt)
deviq.com deviq.com
Reckless Accidental debt is the least desirable, since the team has no choice about incurring it and either doesn’t recognize it or cannot correct it once it exists. This quadrant is red, because ideally the team should stop and self-improve (through training, hiring, or whatever other means is available) such that it is able to at least recognize the kind of debt it is incurring currently.
We can move towards reducing/alleviating Reckless Accidental technical debt through training.
www.construx.com www.construx.com
“Where in the organization will Scrum work best, and where will Kanban work best?”
Choose Your WoW! (Way of Working): https://disciplinedagiledelivery.com/dad-handbook/
When work item size and cycle time are consistent, it becomes relatively easy to forecast how long it will take to complete a known set of work.
Yep, we might, just maybe, be able to produce reasonable schedules (once we have some real data).
Kanban at the portfolio and program level to visualize and manage the top-level workflow in the product, product, or organization
Portfolio Management? Yep doable.
Kanban’s greatest strength is that it models anything and is very flexible.
No special roles required. Start where you are!
Its flow-based approach tolerates rapidly changing priorities much better than a timeboxed approach like Scrum.
Some would argue (rightly IMO) that Kanban is better suited for our type of work than Scrum. See: DAD Lean Lifecycle: https://hyp.is/ne2_JFb-Eem8rVN2bpUt1g/disciplinedagiledelivery.com/lifecycle/lean-lifecycle/
For a single person managing his or her work alone, a simple Kanban board similar to the one shown in Figure 1 is often all that is necessary.
Great tool, even if only used in isolation. Because your work is "visualized" and WIP limited, it helps you to defend your time from the boss that wants to pile on everything and alleviates ever having to answer the question: "What's the status" (Simply [re]send your boss the link to the board.)
WIP limits help unburden individuals and optimize flow
If one's time is at full utilization, queue times to gain access to or assistance from that person are nearly infinite! (See resource utilization and wait time graph: https://hyp.is/ud84tFb2EemKoqfvc4mLJg/itrevolution.com/resource-guide-for-the-phoenix-project-kanbans-part-2/
make the workflow visible
Make it visible!
Kanban advocates starting with how the work is done today
Start today! (No new roles/processes needed.)
drive evolutionary change
It's evolutionary!
disciplinedagiledelivery.com disciplinedagiledelivery.com
Work is difficult to predict in advance. For example, teams that are focused on fixing defects or handling support issues are good candidates for this lifecycle
Sounds like the work we do for HIH/HRSTS.
itrevolution.com itrevolution.com
Why Do We Need To Visualize IT Work And Control WIP?
Resource utilization and wait time graph.
- Mar 2019
www.dhs.gov www.dhs.gov
A worksheet for collecting POA&M data is located in Appendix H5.T
POA&M Data Collection worksheet
For program-level issues,such as those that are enterprise-wide, the maximum time for remediation is five (5)years
Enterprise wide program level is 5 years for remediation.
controls to monitor and update the POA&M to demonstrate weekly to monthly progress