5,647 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. iconism

      for - to - youtube video - Charles Saunders Pierce's semiotics

      to - youtube - Charles Saunders Pierce's semiotics - second correlate - icons, indexes & symbols - https://hyp.is/8Ct3ciqJEe-hDk-AcaCCbg/docdrop.org/video/t4miexCUZWg/

    2. I'm no longer truly an individual I'm always parasitic on this 00:13:10 larger relationship

      for - adjacency - symbolic language - no longer individual - parasitic on larger relationship - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt

      adjacency - between - Terrence Deacon explanation of symbolic language - symbolic language - no longer individual but parasitic on collective - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - adjacency relationship - Deacon asserts that the successful use of symbolic language implies we are no longer truly individual, that is - isolated, but rather are dependent on the collective - The Deep Humanity praxis recognizes the same intertwingledness in defining the individual/collective gestalt

    3. how was it that our symbols became so dislocated 00:09:34 from physical uh materiality and the biophysical reality that we've created an economy that's destroying the biosphere

      for - question - Planet Critical podcast - What is the role of language in creating an ecocidal economy?

    4. I certainly think 00:05:50 it's our symbolic abilities that have gotten us here tremendous capacities

      for - answer - Planet Critical podcast - Terrence Deacon - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why? - human symbolic abilities - mass collaboration

      answer - Planet Critical podcast - Terrence Deacon - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why? - Our symbolic abilities have given us tremendous capacities - Over the past two thousand years, - our ability to communicate - has allowed us to create amazing technologies - Example: James Web telescope - millions of hours of human thought - thousands of people collaborating - now we an look back billions of years - We are no longer isolated minds - Our symbolic capacity allows us to - share thoughts, - collectively plan futures - unlike any other species

    5. we're going to hit some very very hard limits to growth um and yet it's almost like we can't find the language for it

      for - question - Planet Critical podcast - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why?

    6. we're disconnected from the physical 00:04:07 world at the same time as being intricately and desperately connected

      for - answer - why is the world in crisis?

      answer - why is the world in crisis? - We're disconnected from the physical world at the same time as - being intricately and desperately connected - We take resources away and - produce a lot of waste very rapidly - due to our capacities through science and technology

    7. why is the world in crisis

      for - question - why is the world in crisis? - Planet Critical

    8. for - podcast - Planet Critical - host - Rachel Donald - The Symbolic Species - Terrence Deacon

      Interview - Terrence Deacon - Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley - https://anthropology.berkeley.edu/terrence-w-deacon

    1. for - Anthropocene - cross-scale spatial and temporal connectivity of water - governance - water - Anthropocene - cross scale - complexity - water governance - Anthropocene - from - Linked In post - new publication alart - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene

      summary - This is a good review paper that summarizes findings from two decades of water research on river basins and watersheds, - It highlights how recent Anthropocene research shows the global interconnected nature of water systems, - which makes the traditional River Basin Organization form of local governance challenging since - variability in localities far from the governed river basin or watershed can have significant impact on it and vice versa - New governance systems must emerge to deal with this complexity

      from - Linked In post - new publication alert - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene - https://hyp.is/GdXo1ipKEe-_FbMMhZGIMQ/www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7207337444281659392-66RF/

    1. when you're dealing with living systems you have to be careful that you 01:00:25 don't get caught in engineering responses

      for - quote - Nora Bateson - book - Combining

      quote - Nora Bateson - book - Combining - (see below)

      • When you're dealing with living systems
        • you have to be careful that you don't get caught in engineering responses
    2. the SGS are a match what are the problems 00:59:31 there they are they're in the boxes if you look at the woman nursing her baby that's the meat

      for - book - combining - Nora Bateson - chapter - meet, not match - examples

      book - combining - Nora Bateson - chapter - meet, not match - examples - match - SDGs - parenting - reward and punishment - problem / solution - poverty / money - climate change / negative emissions technology - war / peace - meet - mother nursing baby - parenting - understanding and communication

    3. I promise to show you my whole 00:57:00 self in so much as I can

      for - book - Combining - Nora Bateson - Meet, not Match - Wedding Vows

    4. story of getting lost

      for - book - Combining - Nora Bateson - Meet, not Match - Getting lost together story

      book - Combining - Nora Bateson - Meet, not Match - Getting lost together story - Getting lost together, when embraced creates the space to learn together - Nora learned that from getting lost with her children - Together, they learned how to cocreate a solution

    5. hat meet not match chapter is 00:50:10 a hard chapter

      for - book - Combining - Nora Bateson - chapter - Meet, not Match - a difficult chapter

    6. let's face it if you create a traumatized child you then have 00:44:39 to have the capacity for dealing with the traumatized child so it's not just out of benevolence to him but also that it's a lot easier to be in relationship 00:44:51 with someone for the rest of your life that a that you haven't damaged

      for - progress trap - parenting - traumatizing our children - Nora Bateson - quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - traumatizing our children

      quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - traumatizing our children (see below) - Let's face it, - If you create a traumatized child - you then have to have the capacity - for dealing with the traumatized child - So it's not just out of benevolence to him but also that - it's a lot easier to be in relationship with someone for the rest of your life that - you haven't damaged

    7. I think one of the things that you're describing is what it looks 00:44:00 like to try to do something without breaking something else

      for - progress traps - Nora Bateson - response to interviewer's comment on everyday example of complexity - parent encouraging children to go to school - example of mitigating progress traps - complexity is hard!

    8. like when it's time to go to school and it's okay let's put your boots on it's time to go to school no no 00:43:09 I don't want to

      for - podcast - Entangled Worlds - interviewer comment - dealing with complexity - everyday example - mother encouraging child to go to school

    9. how do we sort of cultivate an 00:40:56 intuition for complex systems right for those second third nth order effects

      for - question - Entangled Worlds podcast - How do we cultivate intuition for complex systems - to access those higher order effects? - answer - Nora Bateson - practice everywhere

    10. what life might be that baby could be 00:38:31 born in an era 10,000 years ago and would be coming into its World learning to make sense of the relationships and the way that you 00:38:45 survive in this world

      for - Nora Bateson - response to interview question - Is English language more separating? - Gedanken - Entangled Worlds podcast

      response - Nora Bateson - Entangled Worlds podcast question - Is English more separating than other languages? - yes - Gedanken - Nora responds by posing a Gedaken that shows how culturally relative our worldviews are - Our enculturation plays a major role in shaping our worldviews - Ronald Wright's famous quotation about how the human brain has not substantially changed in the past 50,000 years implies that - between the present and anytime less than 50,000 years ago, - if we were transported back in time, we would simply adapt the same culturally norms at that time

      epiphany - time travel and a clue to the deepest part of nature within human nature - This Gedanken suggests something important, namely that - if the seemingly immovable worldviews we adopt are a consequence of enculturation - then perhaps that which is the most fundamental aspect of our nature is not dependent on culture? - In other words, if we remove our enculturation, what is left is the most profound set of qualities of being human, - one that transcends all relative cultural perspectives

      reference - Ronald Wright computer metaphor on progress traps - Ronald Wright's computer metaphor helps us see how fluid the enculturation of a neonate is - https://hyp.is/6Lb6Uv5NEe2ZerOrftOHfA/www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/321797-a-short-history-of-progress

    11. it's really 00:40:26 important to to to tickle that to loosen it to to start to approach things in really different ways because they you get really different 00:40:40 responses and then things are shifting

      for - Nora Bateson - response to interview question - Is English language more separating? - loosen up!

    12. when babies are born right they are just naturally taking in the world right before they have language they don't seate things 00:35:27 into little things and label them

      for - adjacency - Entangled World host comment - Gerald Edelman observation - neonates do not separate the world

      adjacency - between - Entangled World podcast host comment - Gerald Edelman observation - neonates do not separate the world - adjacency relationship - Entangled World podcast host commented that - neonates do not separate the world using language - This is similar to the observation the late neuroscientist Gerald Edelman made when he said - when a baby is first born into the world, the biggest puzzle is how that baby begins to separate the world when there was no separation to begin with

    13. it's very abstract to break life into boxes and create supposedly linear causal processes

      for - book - Combining - rationale for title

      book - Combining - rationale for title - Combining is the opposite of breaking apart and analysis

    14. that's why it's called combining because you as a reader are combining um just like you do when you listen to a piece of music

      for - book - Combining - rationale of title

      book - Combining - rationale of title - The person who buys the book interacts with it in a unique way - based on their unique lebenswelt, meaningverse and perspectival knowing of reality

    15. this is where we get into trouble is trying to solve problems in isolated ways

      for - quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap

      quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - (see below)

      • This is where we get into trouble
        • trying to solve problems in isolated ways
    16. this image of a mother feeding her baby is every single one 00:28:58 of those sustainable development goals

      for - comparison - complexity - SDG logo vs baby - response - Nora Bateson - to Entangled World podcast interviewer's comment - unintended consequences can be paralyzing

      comparison - complexity - Nora Bateson response - SDG logo vs baby - In response to the podcasters's question about how do we act for social change when - it appears that every action can have an unintended consequence? - Nora compares - UN SDG logo with 17 different areas of change - an image of a mother and baby - and she talks about how the image of the mother and baby is so intertwingled that it includes all 17 areas (and probably more)

    17. the solution to the consequence is likely to perpetuate the actual problem

      for - quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - book - Combining

      quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - book - Combining - (see below)

      • In the singularity of its mission to hastily fix one malady at a time
        • the cure may be more harmful than the wound
      • Most identified problems as they have emerged
        • are really the consequence or symptoms of other conditions
      • The solution to the consequence is likely to perpetuate the actual problem
    18. what's the point what am i g to get out of this it's the same question actually

      for - question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - adjacency - what's the point? - what's in it for me? - human attention - progress traps

      question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - When these questions pop up, - it can be a good opportunity to engage the other in deeper dialogue to reveal deeper complexity

      adjacency - between - questions - what's in it for me? - what's the point? - human attention - progress trap - complexity - emptiness - adjacency relationship - These questions come up a lot - and they indicate a normative human tendency: - When we focus attention on what we consider salient in our dynamic, constructed salience landscape - at the same time it defocuses our attention from the rest of the field the salient feature occurs within - In this sense, overemphasize on these questions could reveal a dependency on oversimplification - of the complexity inherent all every life situation - Remember that emptiness, with its pillars of - intertwingledness and - change - pervades everything, everywhere and everytime - and such continuous oversimplification is tantamount to - ignoring the empty nature of reality and - leads to progress traps

    19. the real issues are Insidious they're 00:22:00 underground they're down in our our Baseline premises of understanding what life is and what it means

      for - key insight - the unconscious - fundamental assumptions are the root problem - Nora Bateson

      key insight, quote - the unconscious - fundamental assumptions are the root problem - Nora Bateson - (see below) - Even though we can point with - language and - statistics and - all sorts of measurements - to all the aspects of what we might call - the meta crisis or - the poly crisis - the real issues are: - insidious - they're underground - they're down in our our baseline premises of understanding - what life is and - what it means - To ask - what's in it for me - what's the point of this - where is this going - what am I going to get out of this - These type of questions that have to do with in some way embellishing our individual takeback - are deeply and totally unecological responses - so they're disrupting our possibility for perception

    20. we can't solve this problem

      for - epiphany - we can't solve this problem

      epiphany - we can't solve this problem - We need another name to replace the dualistic framework of - problem - solving - I've felt this for awhile but only this morning in listening here to Nora that the implicit surfaced to explicit articulation - From the etymology, the word "problem" comes from "to put forward" - This is like noticing something salient from an entire complex phenomenological perspective and field of view and salience landscape - We choose one from many - From the etymology of the word "solution", it means - from Latin solutionem (nominative solutio) "a loosening or unfastening," - A holistic replacement for the problem/solution framework which has led to progress traps is absolutely necessary to create new imaginations of alternatives

      to - problem etymology - means to put forward - https://hyp.is/8qr_miFlEe-Lx6ubSiCR6w/www.etymonline.com/word/problem - solution etymology - means to loosen, unfasten - https://hyp.is/yIcQciFmEe-LzBs-xcXIag/www.etymonline.com/search?q=solution

    21. if we just had a big enough spreadsheet we could get the data in and then we could get you know something like AI or some you know some other computational 00:12:32 process in to help us deal with all this complexity because our little brains can't handle it and my feeling about this is that 00:12:44 actually no

      for - adjacency - AI - Nora Bateson - solving wicked problems - no - Human Intelligence - HI - yes - @gyuri

    22. you can take a lot more than you are and have a lot more information

      for - adjacency - open source - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - objective - Nora Bateson comment on more information - diversity - Indyweb/Indranet - progress trap mitigation

      adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping<br /> - open source - progress trap mitigation - Indyweb/Indranet

      • adjacency relationship
        • When Nora talks about the
          • oversimplified,
          • reductionist
        • problem-solving approach that most of modernity employs to tackle wicked problems,
        • it boils down to oversimplification.
        • There are usually far more causes and conditions to a problem than are known to construct the solution
        • In Deep Humanity praxis, this is how we get into progress traps, the shadow side of progress
        • The Stop Reset Go complexity mapping system is designed to reveal greater information by
          • creating a space for diverse perspectives to systematically engage in addressing the same wicked problem
        • This system must be open source in order to create the space for maximum diversity
        • The Stop Reset Go process is specifically designed as a workspace for diversity for the purpose of
          • mitigating progress traps and
          • helping find more effective ways to address wicked problems
        • This is done by using Trailmark Markin notation within the Indyweb/Indranet people-centered, interpersonal software ecosystem
    23. that causality is not singular and so if you address a problem 00:11:06 that's created by a multiple causal process with a singular response you don't actually do anything but make it worse

      for - quote, key insight - progress trap - Nora Bateson

      quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - Nora hits the head of the nail with this observation - There are always multiple causes to one result - and by addressing only one cause, we cannot solve the problem, but in fact - allow it to continue and often make it worse - This is essentially another way of stating the teachings of millenia of Eastern philosophy, - that the universe is - infinitely interconnected - and its inherent nature of continuous transformation - Therefore, any state, which might be recognized as a problem state - is the result of many different causes and conditions coalescing

    24. that first order 00:10:10 response does not take into account the next and the next and the next order of consequences

      for - progress trap - Nora Bateson

    25. I think important in this moment of trying to get out of orientation to these structures and habits 00:07:14 semantics um and and and epistemological patterns that that lock us into the kind of thinking that is the source of the 00:07:27 colonial violence and the industrial violence that we're living within

      for - quote - unconscious patterns locking us into colonial and industrial violence - Nora Bateson

      quote - unconscious patterns locking us into colonial and industrial violence - Nora Bateson - (see below) - It's actually I think important in this moment of trying to get out of orientation to these - structures and - habits, - semantics and - epistemological patterns - that that lock us into the kind of thinking - that is the source of - the colonial violence and - the industrial violence - that we're living within

    26. you don't meet something head-on you meet it around you meet it within you meet it 00:04:24 totally in ecological systems nothing is happening one thing at a time there's not a solution to a problem

      for - key insight - problem solving paradox - emptiness

      key insight- problem solving paradox - emptiness - Due to the complex nature of reality - in which everything we perceive is connected to so many other things beyond our wildest imagination - a - *problem" doesn't have - a "solution" - Why not? - because a problem is human attention devoted to one aspect in our entire field of view (nature) - It's like looking at one stitch in the entire fabric of a weave - That one stitch could be so critical that tearing it off - can cause the entire fabric to fall apart - This massive connectedness and innumerable relationships is also described by the Eastern philosophical terms - emptiness - interdependent origination - references already provided in earlier annotations of this video.

    27. there are many um and that that pulls us into 00:00:26 reaction mode that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness which is to the first order

      for - quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson

      quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - (see below) - it's really easy to get distracted by the alarms that are ringing - and like you said, there are many that pulls us into reaction mode - that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness - which is to the first order - that is, if something is happening we want to stop that thing from happening - whatever it is, whether it's - a refugee crisis or - a nuclear war threat or a this or a that - and that first order response does not take into account - the next and the next and the next order of consequences - so it's a kind of thinking that is very much appropriate for - engineering, - for building machines - but it's not appropriate for complex living systems

      adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment on first order industrial responsiveness - progress trap - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - progress trap - emptiness/shunyata - adjacency relationship - What Nora is saying is articulated within the Deep Humanity praxis using the language of progress traps - Dan O'Leary - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dan+o%27leary - Ronald Wright - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=ronald+wright - which are the unintended consequences of progress - Deep Humanity praxis relates progress traps to the intertwingled Eastern philosophical ideas of - emptiness (shunyata) - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=emptiness - dependent arising and - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dependent+arising - interdependent origination - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=interdependent+origination - In the context of the Stop Reset Go complexity mapping process, - to be integrated into the Indyweb / Indranet web 3 software ecosystem, - is designed to map multiple perspectives of how to solve a problem - so that we can see the many different solutions and avoid simply adopting a first order response solution - in so doing, it integrates complexity into our problem solving process and helps to mitigate - future progress traps in our solutions - The Indyweb / Indranet is a technology ecosystem designed to reflect the two pillars of emptiness: - (evolutionary) change and - interdependent origination / intertwingularity, - reflecting a universe that is fractally connected in all - dimensions and - scales - Stop Reset Go will be integrated into the Indyweb/Indranet as a specific Markin notation.

    28. we're getting nowhere because the thinking that we're using to address the uh the problems is the same thinking that's creating them

      for - quote - Einstein

      quote - Einstein - Nora opens with the quote often attributed to Einstein but who's likely source is Ram Dass misquoting Einstein

      to - page discussing Einstein's misquote and attributing to Ram Dass - https://hyp.is/GffY3iFNEe-4Lft-dGCoPA/hsm.stackexchange.com/questions/7751/did-einstein-say-we-cannot-solve-our-problems-with-the-same-thinking-we-used-to

    29. for - book - Combining - Nora Bateson - podcast - Entangled World - Navigating the greatest challenges of our time - interview - A New World Combining - Nora Bateson

      summary - Nora discusses her book, Combining




    1. you have now  written a paper which I've read on this   concept. You're now referring to it as  immature versus authentic progress

      for - definition - immature progress - definition - authentic progress

    2. We talk about what is progress, the history  of progress, who gets to write the progress   00:01:18 narrative and whether progress itself  actually means betterment for society,

      for - progress - progress trap

    1. for - nonduality - nondual therapy - Georgi Y. Johnson - The Greatest Lie - Nonduality & the Myth of Negation

      summary - A well written essay drawing on the deep personal experience of the author who - in a moment of life and death, realized with clarity that - "all that exists cannot become non-existent" - This phrase is very profound and requires deep processing to understand

    1. for - progress trap - food - artificial sweetener - xylitol - erythritol

      progress trap - food - artificial sweetener - xylitol - erythritol Abstract - Low-calorie sweeteners are widely used sugar substitutes in processed foods with presumed health benefits. - Many low-calorie sweeteners are - sugar alcohols that also - are produced endogenously, - albeit at levels - over 1000-fold lower than observed following - consumption as a sugar substitute.

      conclusion - Xylitol is associated with incident MACE risk. - Moreover, xylitol both - enhanced platelet reactivity and - thrombosis potential in vivo. - Further studies examining the cardiovascular safety of xylitol are warranted.

    2. Many low-calorie sweeteners are sugar alcohols that also are produced endogenously, albeit at levels over 1000-fold lower than observed following consumption as a sugar substitute.

      for - progress trap - food - artificial sweetener - xylitol - erythritol

      progress trap - food - artificial sweetener - xylitol - erythritol - Low-calorie sweeteners are widely used sugar substitutes in processed foods with presumed health benefits. - Many low-calorie sweeteners are - sugar alcohols that also - are produced endogenously, - albeit at levels - over 1000-fold lower than observed following - consumption as a sugar substitute.

    1. Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 will require a whopping 460% increase in copper production, which will require 194 new large-scale mines to be brought online over the next 32 years.

      for - green growth - mineral and metal shortages

      green growth - mineral and metal shortages

      • Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 will require
        • a whopping 460% increase in copper production,
        • which will require 194 new large-scale mines to be brought online over the next 32 years.
    2. Have you noticed the plateauing (or the taper off) of fossil fuels

      for - key insight - fossil fuels tapering off

      key insight - fossil fuels tapering off - Take a look at the first chart above. Have you noticed the plateauing (or the taper off) of fossil fuels: - first coal, then - oil, and as of late: - natural gas?

    3. the Maximum Power Principle

      for - definition - Maximum Power Principle

      definition - Maximum Power Principle - Complex systems (like the human economy) tend to evolve in ways that - maximize their power intake or energy throughput. - As long as there is a viable energy source, society will not stop using it: - It has to run out first, or - become unavailable

    4. Despite all the hand-waving, there are still no viable, scalable, truly renewable energy sources waiting in the wings

      for - question - no viable replacement for fossil fuels? - energy futures - deep geothermal

      question - no viable replacement for fossil fuels? - That may not be true - Deep geothermal may be the viable answer in the short-to-medium term and - nuclear fusion may be the solution on the medium term - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=Deep+geothermal

    1. when will the critical mass threshold be passed for the chain reaction to be sustained by the virtuous circle of people living more meaningful lives, cooperating and being in solidarity and helping to make the planet healthier?

      for - question - social tipping points - anthropology of

      question - social. tipping point - When will the critical mass threshold be passed - for the chain reaction to be sustained - by the virtuous circle of people - living more meaningful lives, - cooperating and being in solidarity and - helping to make the planet healthier?

    2. Although many projects and ideas share Elinor Ostrom's personal, cooperative and Earth-helping significance, they lack the chain reaction that keeps them going.

      for - quote - chain reaction - why good projects fail - (see below)

      • Although many projects and ideas share Elinor Ostrom's personal, cooperative and Earth-helping significance,
        • they lack the chain reaction that keeps them going.
      • On the contrary, this flame is extinguished by
        • the direct action (fakes), or
        • indirect action (ignoring or taking our attention elsewhere)
      • of the mainstream media that in a certain sense has lost that "code of ethics" of journalism that upheld values; such as
        • truthfulness,
        • independence,
        • objectivity,
        • fairness,
        • accuracy,
        • respect for others,
        • public accountability...
    3. the flame does not go out as long as there is fuel and oxygen, the chain reaction is necessary. In the last 10 years I have seen synergistic

      for - definition - chain reaction

    4. in a capitalist society like the USA the collective element failed and in a communist society like the former USSR the individual element failed

      for - quote - comparing capitalism and communism

      quote - comparing capitalism and communism - ( see below)

      • in a capitalist society like the USA
        • the collective element failed and
      • in a communist society like the former USSR
        • the individual element failed.

      comment - polar abstractions don't work because reality is somewhere in the middle

    1. for - paper

      paper - title: Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Class - year: 2020 - authors: Never et al.

      summary - This is an important paper that shows the pathological and powerful impact of the consumer story to produce a continuous stream of consumers demanding a high carbon lifestyle - By defining success in terms of having more stuff and more luxurious stuff, it sets the class transition up for higher carbon consumption - The story is socially conditioned into every class, ensuring a constant stream of high carbon emitters. - It provides the motivation to - escape poverty into the lower middle class - escape the lower middle class into the middle class - escape the middle class into the middle-upper class - escape the middle-upper class into the upper class - With each transition, average carbon emissions rise - Unless we change this fundamental story that measures success by higher and higher levels of material consumption, along with their respectively higher carbon footprint, we will not be able to stay within planetary boundaries in any adequate measure - The famous Oxfam graphs that show that - 10% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 50% of all emissions - 1% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 16% of all emissions, equivalent to the bottom 66% of emissions - but it does not point out that the consumer story will continue to create this stratification distribution

      from - search - google - research which classes aspire to a high carbon lifestyle? - https://www.google.com/search?q=research+which+classes+aspire+to+a+high+carbon+lifestyle%3F&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgGECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gLSAQk4OTE5ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - search results returned of salience - Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Classes- This discussion paper aims to help close this research gap by shedding light on the lifestyle choices of the emerging middle classes in three middle-income ... - https://www.idos-research.de/uploads/media/DP_13.2020.pdf

    1. Essentially it analyzes the process of an illusion crystallizing out of emptiness and being taken for reality.

      for - key insight - the real is the illusory - interdependent origination - emptiness

      key insight - the real is the illusory - There is profundity in this single statement that takes huge effort to truly understand - because we've been heaped with so much social conditioning - For example, a lot of psychological science research distinguishes between - what is real and - what is an illusion - However, the investigations that these teachings are referring to reveal that what both - conventional science and - the ordinary, mundane view of reality - take for real are both illusory when we deeply understand interdependent origination - The illusion is extraordinarily real and - it is a huge leap to know, feel and experience that ALL of reality, including both your - inner private world and the - outer shared world are illusory - That is, that while appearing, everything that appears is only due to other causes and conditions - Another way to say this is that nouns (things/objects) are temporary designations - underneath them is always verbs (processes)

    2. The four noble truths

      for - adjacency - Buddhist teachings - Four Noble Truths - life and death - mortality salience - terror management technique

      adjacency - between - Buddhist teachings - Four Noble Truths - life and death - mortality salience - terror management technique - adjacency relationship - The Four Noble Truths are: - the recognition of inherent suffering - the cause of suffering - understanding the cause of suffering - the cessation of suffering - and are really - a way to deal with mortality salience and therefore - a terror management technique

    3. three marks of existence

      for - Buddhist teachings - 3 marks of existence - birth and death

      Buddhist teachings - 3 marks of existence - The 3 marks of existence - there is no unchanging self - it is characterized by impermanence and suffering - whatever comes into being must pass away - also describe that we ourselves as human INTERbeCOMings, are aspects of reality - that come into being - and must pass away

    4. The late Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said that the whole range of teachings, from the shravakayana to dzogchen, has only the meaning of interdependent origination.

      for - adjacency - primacy of interdependent origination - Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

    5. According to this law, nothing has independent, permanent, or absolute existence. Everything is part of a limitless web of interconnections and undergoes a continual process of transformation.

      for - definition - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - definition - interdependent origination - Francesca Fremantle

      definition - interdependent origination - According to this law (of interdependent origination), - nothing has - independent, - permanent, or - absolute - existence. - Everything is - part of a limitless web of interconnections and - undergoes a continual process of transformation. - Every appearance arises from - complex causes and - conditions, - and in turn combines with others to produce countless effects. - By interrupting the causal chain at certain key points, - the course of existence can be altered and - effects prevented by eliminating their causes.

      comment - This definition of interdependent origination is very closely related to that of - emptiness (shunyata) and - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh - dependent arising - relationship between - dependent arising and - emptiness - from his Holiness, the Dalai Lama - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh

      adjacency - between - emptiness - dependent arising - interdependent origination - Indyweb/Indranet - adjacency relationship - The Indyweb/Indranet is epistemologically designed to reflect this trilogy of intertwingled Buddhist ideas: - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - within the sphere of human thinking - The Indyweb/Indranet is designed as people-centered, - which means that individual human beings are the locus which their entire world of ideation - evolving moment by moment - can be captured to detect the evolutionary flow of ideation - The Deep Humanity praxis employs the term - "human INTERbeCOMing" to shift the frame of a person - from a noun / object - to a verb / evolutionary process - Ideas are intrinsically dependently arising - from other causes and conditions - which are the source ideas that inspired the new ones - The Indyweb/Indranet's people-centered provenance feature assures that - any idea generated by a person is ASSOCIATED to that person - and tracks the exact time of the occurrence of that idea - The other half of the Indyweb/Indranet is that it is INTERPERSONAL - allowing all people, - with their people-centered nexus of evolutionary ideas to - SHARE them with OTHER people - Hence, from looking at a record of our evolutionary history of ideas - we can see that we are psychologically fundamentally following interdependent origination - Ideas are in constant flux, giving rise to new ideas - in a continuous process of transformation

    1. he read Buddhapalita’s commentary and came to a full realisation of emptiness

      for - quote - emptiness - Je Tsongkhapa's realization

      quote - (see below) - Je Tsongkhapa was dissatisfied with explanations he had - received - sought out and - read - all the extant texts on emptiness and their commentaries and - analysed what he read to reach the correct view. - In retreat he had a vision of Manjushri, after which - he read Buddhapalita’s commentary and - came to a full realisation of emptiness. - He understood that - because things are dependent on other factors - they are empty of inherent existence; - but they are not non-existent. - Neither - non-existent nor - inherently existent, - they exist as functional phenomena, - but only by way of designation.

    2. Je Tsongkhapa’s text, ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ which emphasises the importance of both emptiness and dependent arising

      for - adjacency - emptiness - dependent arising - Je Tsongkhapa

      adjacency - between - emptiness - dependent arising - Je Tsongkhapa - adjacency relationship - (quote - see below) - His Holiness then announced his intention to give a transmission of Je Tsongkhapa’s text, - ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ - which emphasizes the importance of both - emptiness and - dependent arising. - He suggested that it would be good to recite the Heart Sutra followed by this text daily. - He said that - emptiness and - dependent arising - are complementary. - If - dependent arising makes you think of emptiness and - emptiness makes you think of dependent arising - at the same time, - you have a proper understanding of emptiness.

    3. Perfection of Wisdom literature, among which the Heart Sutra is one of the shortest.

      for - emptiness - Heart Sutra - Perfection of Wisdom - HH Dalai Lama

      adjacency - between - Heart Sutra - Perfection of Wisdom - attainment of enlightenment - emptiness - adjacency relationship, - (quote - see below) - His Holiness mentioned that the Heart Sutra is revered and recited across the Northern Buddhist World of - China, - Korea, - Japan, - Vietnam, - Tibet, - Mongolia and - the Himalayan Region. - On the basis of what it says, - whatever practice we do - must be qualified by - an understanding of emptiness, - otherwise we will not reach enlightenment.

    4. it’s important to know that it is the perfection of wisdom rather than the perfection of meditation that is stressed as the key to attaining enlightenment.

      for - quote - HH Dalai Lama - attaining enlightenment through wisdom, not just meditation

      quote - HH Dalai Lama - attaining enlightenment through wisdom, not just meditation - (see below) - Even today I meet Buddhists in Japan for example - who tell me that Buddhahood can be attained through non-conceptual meditation, - but there seems little room for wisdom. - I feel it’s important to know that - it is the perfection of wisdom rather than - the perfection of meditation - that is stressed as the key to attaining enlightenment

    5. Emptiness implies dependent arising.

      for - adjacency - emptiness - dependent arising

    6. for - emptiness - teachings - Dalai Lama

    1. Since it is well known that the Web is a huge garbage-bin, this information can be well unreliable, perhaps even invented.

      for - quote - web is a huge garbage-bin - adjacency - Indyweb / Indranet provenance - web is a huge garbage bin

      quote - web is a huge garbage-bin - (see below) - Since it is well known that the Web is a huge garbage-bin, this infomration can be well unreliable, perhaps even invented.

      adjacency - between - Indyweb / Indranet provenance - quote - web is a huge garbage-bin - adjacency relationship - Indyweb / Indranet feature of provenance, - the permanent, immutable association with information with the original information source person(s) - can eliminate the problem of misquoting information sources through its inherent people-centered design philosophy - which associates all information created with the information creator - Information that is created within the Indyweb is naturally and permanently associated to the creator in a provable, immutable way

      from - Nora Bateson discussion of her new book Combining opening with a phrase that sounds much like the misattributed Einstein quote - Nora does not attribute the quote to Einstein, but I am just noting how it is often attributed to him - https://hyp.is/i1BRviFNEe-vdOMVw3775g/docdrop.org/video/kb-hsIv9zoE/

  2. May 2024
    1. Well said. But then why are so many prominent voices, business interests, and documentaries about Regenerative Ag pitching wildly unrealistic levels of carbon removal as the primary benefit?

      for post comment - LinkedIn - carbon sequestration - Jonathan Foley - Regenerative Agriculture

    1. There's so many different worlds So many different suns 00:02:58 And we have just one world But we live in different ones

      for - Indyweb - connecting the multimeaningverse - multimeaningverse - lebenswelt - perspectival knowing - quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - private inner world / public outer world - self other gestalt - adjacency - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - Deep Humanity salience landscape - John Vervaeke

      quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - (See quote below)

      • There's so many different worlds
      • So many different suns
      • And we have just one world
      • But we live in different ones

      adjacency - between - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - John Vervaeke - salience landscape - Deep Humanity - meaningverse - multimeaningverse - adjacency relationship - This verse is so beautiful in summarizing the human condition - We each have our own unique lifeworld, what Edmund Husserl called "Lebenswelt" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=lebenswelt - The self / other gestalt has its two poles, each belonging to two complimentary worlds: - The self has a private inner space only accessible to the individual organism - At the same time, the individual self phenomenologically experiences other living organisms, both of the same and different species - Different individual organisms can share a common public space, which for humans is navigated using the instrument of language - Deep Humanity defines the words - "meaningverse" - the individuals world of meaning - "multi-meaningverse" - the shared meaning of many individuals converging their respective individual meaningverses together - The song employs these verses to articulate the complimentary and sometimes contradictory-appearing worlds of the private-inner ad the public-outer - The semantic fingerprint of each word in an individual's vocabulary is unique to that individual as a function of - varying enculturation and social conditioning - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=semantic+fingerprint - and all these different perspectives - something cognitive scientist John Vervaeke calls "perspectival knowing" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=John+Vervaeke - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=perspectival+knowing - can lead to what we call in Indyweb / Deep Humanity terminology "salience mismatch" (ie. misunderstanding) - derived from John Vervaeke's popularization of the term "salience landscape" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=salience+landscape - War, hatred, crime and violence are all extreme forms of othering which emerge when we fail to understand the nature of the self/other and individual/collective gestalt

    1. Global, deep synchronization is the hashtag#philosophersStone and hashtag#HolyGrail that we are all after, in our silo'd, fragmented attempts at unity

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - global synchronization and unity - holy grail

    1. for - Brehon Laws - of early Ireland - etymology - glossary - reading between the lines - adjacency - Brehon Laws - Indyweb - reading between the lines - glossary

      adjacency - between - Brehon Laws - Indyweb - reading between the lines - etymology - glossary - adjacency relationship - Brehon Laws of early Ireland emerged from the people themselves over many generations - and were not imposed by some authority - For a long time, these laws were orally transmitted and memorized - When writing emerged, the style of writing used by the early Irish was to write with many gaps in between written verses of text - for the purpose of readers to be able to be writers and contribute to the text with their own perspectives - In other words, they were early annotators! - The etymology of the world glossary comes from "gloss" from the practice of writing meaning between the lines - "Glosses were common in the Middle Ages, usually rendering Hebrew, Greek, or Latin words into vernacular Germanic, Celtic, or Romanic. Originally written between the lines, later in the margins." ( https://www.etymonline.com/word/glossary)

      source - Zoom meeting this evening with Paul and Trace, as Paul introduced from his understanding of his Irish roots

    1. I don't think that anything can happen that influence Russian people to protest or to stand up to disagree whatever if they give their own children Sons with 00:45:48 their own hands

      for - key insight - Russian oppression - zero chance of protest and uprising

      key insight - Russian oppression - zero chance of protest and uprising - Putin is so ruthless as a dictator that anyone who protests risks death. - Under these conditions, noone dares to organize - If there is a synchronized movement, Putin can be overthrown, but Putin's brutality insures that no such synchronization can happen

      to - Jake Broe interview - Russian citizen complacency - like German citizens allowing millions of Jews to die - https://hyp.is/sXpZth5fEe-Xtj_-DhT_BQ/docdrop.org/video/XX3zU5QNvCw/

    2. Ivan papov

      for - key insight - geopolitics - arrest of General Ivan Papov - suppress uprising

      key insight - geopolitics - Russia - arrest of general Papov - The arrest sends a signal to all the generals - do not try to overthrow Putin

    3. there 00:40:08 are many hundreds of thousands now and their uh their rights are being threatened of course not that any of them are inviting the Kremlin to come in and save them but we kind of know how this 00:40:19 works

      for - geopolitics - Russian play book for political takeover

      geopolitics - Russian playbook for political takeover of ex- Soviet satellite countries - claim that Russian citizens are being threatened - send Putin loyalists into the local government - have fake referendum and rigged elections - install Putin loyalists to take over the country

    4. Putin Mafia style autocratic environment um wherever he can

      for - key insight - Putin is trying to create autocratic governments all over the world - geopolitics - Putin's influence in Georgia

    5. economic tsunami is just that Russian gas and oil that's the 00:33:08 foundation of Russian economy the bread makers and you take those away and then what is left Russia doesn't produce anything

      for - adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - oil and gas industry destruction leading to economic collapse

      adjacency - between - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Oil & Gas industry - Economic collapse - drone attacks on oil refineries - adjacency relationship - Konstantin' insider news is that the economic collapse is beginning due to the significant damage that the oil & gas refinery infrastructure has been damaged by effective Ukrainian drone attacks and the Western sanctions

    6. trosky came out with which is turning more and more and more of the economy to the service of the state a kind of mass 00:20:41 nationalization

      for - geopolitics - Russia war economy strategy

      geopolitics - Russia's war economy strategy - Putin is moving the country in this direction - following Trotsky to turn the entire economy into a war economy and following Lenin to use brute force to coerce the population to join the cause - However, looking at this basic economic game analysis of the Russia Ukraine war, it does not look feasible -

    7. Putin's Russia is based on corruption corruption is the crime 00:06:30 that uh binds everyone together

      for - key insight - geopolitics - Russian government is a mafia

      key insight - geopolitics - Russian government is a mafia - everyone is corrupt and almost everyone in Putin's government is loyal to Putin and have committed crimes that Putin can use against them

    8. for - interview - Russian war commentator Konstantin Samoilov

      summary - Kostantin often talks about the rapidly deteriorating state of the Russian economy. - Having worked in building energy plants for many years in Russia, he is aware of how unique the unprecedented deterioration of the Soviet-style central district heating plant failures sprouting up everywhere are going to impact the Russian people. - The rapid destruction of the vulnerable Russian oil refining plants is having a devastating impact on the economy as well - Konstatin has his own Youtube channel reporting on the growing domestic problems caused by the war, something he uniquely reports on

    1. human Minds have to find a way to cope so that you can get that six to eight hours of sleep at night or whatever and there's a lot of evil things that people will accept just so they can get through the day

      for - key insight, adjacency - conformity bias - accepting evil - Russian citizen complacency - no protest

      adjacency, key insight - between - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - complacency - oppression - adjacency relationship - Just like how ordinary German citizens accepted the death of millions of Jews, the same thing is happening in Russia. - Millions of ordinary Russian citizens are just doing what they can individually to survive day to day - If that means accepting the death of hundreds of thousands of innocents, then that is the price they will pay - Putin's oppression is so brutal that individuals risk their lives if they put up any resistance or protest

    2. militarily I don't 00:19:43 think Ukraine can win if Russia can keep regenerating their forces you look at how many casualties Russia's taking today according to the ukrainians it's close to a thousand how many new contract soldiers is Russia recruiting a 00:19:57 day it's about a th Russia has figured out how to regenerate their losses and they don't care about losses so the only way to defeat Russia is a political or economic collapse

      for - adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - How Ukraine wins - Russian economic collapse

      adjacency - between - geopolitics - Russia - Ukraine War - polycrisis - How Ukraine wins - Russian economic collapse - adjacency statement - Since Putin is psychopathic and has no regards for how many Russian soldiers are sent to their death, he will continue to force Russian men to their death in large numbers - Russian commentator Konstantin Samoilov best summarizes it by saying: - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FA-9kLZ19OAE%2F&group=world

    3. Russia is going for genocide

      for - genocide - Russia

    4. let's just start blockading Russian ports nothing gets in or 00:16:57 out we're not going to s sink anything we're not going to kill anyone but we will detain some ships if Russia tries to get stuff in and out

      for - suggestion - Russia Ukraine war - shipping blockade of illegal oil tankers

    5. since 1992 it's been a good deal The Pact that the Western Alliance has made with dictators around the world we'll buy your oil you can get rich 00:15:16 we'll look the other way when you kill your own people but you just can't attack your neighbors

      for - key insight, quote - the Pact between the West and dictators since 1992

      quote - Since 1992 it's been a good deal - The Pact that the Western Alliance has made with dictators around the world - we'll buy your oil you can get rich - we'll look the other way when you kill your own people - but you just can't attack your neighbors

    6. Putin looks at the borders of the old Russian Empire and he wants to roll back the clock to 00:14:49 1918

      for - adjacency - colonialism - polycrisis - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War

      adjacency - between - colonialism - Russia - Putin - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - adjacency relationship - Putin violated the US rule of keeping bloodshed and abuse in your own country by attacking the Ukraine in the manner that it did - Putin is acting as a colonialist to try to rebuild the borders of the Soviet Union

    7. the United States was suppressing Democratic movements around the world because if an authoritarian if a communist can win an 00:13:59 election fairly one time that's the end of free and fair elections

      for - key insight - why US geopolitics installed dictatorships - progress trap- US foreign policy that shaped modernity

      key insight - why US geopolitics installed dictatorships - This was the US's rationale to justify the geopolitical mess it created this century: - If you allow democracy in the age of Communism - people might vote for communism, then - kill all the rich people, then - take their stuff, then - redistribute it - You can get a majority support for that in an impoverished country and that was perceived as a threat - So the United States was suppressing Democratic movements around the world - because if an authoritarian if a communist can win an election fairly one time, - that's the end of free and fair elections - So for decades, the US foreign policy agenda was to install dictators to suppress the threat that democracy could produce communism. - But after "communism was defeated" - all these installed dictators around the world that are the direct result of the pathological US foreign policy posed a new, unexpected quagmire - The decades of US foreign policy had created an enormous progress trap that we are all living through now - The US now had to normalize relations with the new world of dictators it had helped created out of its own fears<br /> - A new US foreign policy rule emerged to deal with this fiasco - Stay in your own country - If you want to kill, imprison, brutalize or subjegate your own people, it is fine with the US government as long as it is done within your own state borders - As long as a nation state abuses their own people, the US will continue to: - buy your oil - trade with you - show up at the UN - even have an occasional State event for you - However, Russia broke that rule

    8. Russia always seeks to out escalate always seems to do something outside of our frame of reference that we won't expect be more brutal um you know work through proxies

      for - polycrisis - Russia's subversive geopolitics via proxies

    9. what Trump cares about is polling numbers and uh supporting Russia is a losing issue here in America when you look at polls for Americans do you 00:08:53 support additional military aid for Ukraine it's consistently above 60% so Trump flipped on Russia support for this Aid Bill to relieve the political 00:09:05 pressure

      for - US 2024 election - why Trump flipped to support Ukraine aid bill

    10. another 00:04:11 mobilization another 300,000 Russian men

      for - Russia Ukraine war - Russia's unsustainable attrition rate - economic game analysis

      reference - economic game analysis video of unsustainable Russian war attrition rate - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FA-9kLZ19OAE%2F&group=world

    11. come this winter if you were paying attention last winter with all the utility failures

      for - Russian economy - domestic problems

      reference - see interview with Russian war domestic economy commentator Kostantin Samoilov - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FXX3zU5QNvCw%2F&group=world

    12. we have to get past the November election no politician wants to talk about 00:03:19 additional military aid prior to November 5th

      for - November US 2024 election - Ukraine Aid - hot potato

    13. for - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - polycrisis - russia war - metacrisis - russia war - Jake Broe - Russia Ukraine war analysis

      summary - An intelligent analysis of the complexity of the Russia- Ukraine war. - Key points: - Russia's successful misinformation campaign has - created the MAGA disinformed political party and has - delayed the US Aid package - enabled the rapid rise of extreme right wing politics

    1. they'll be continuing this hollowing out in attrition because the the Atri rate for Russia is significantly more than Ukraine

      from - Jake Broe - Russia Ukraine war analysis - https://hyp.is/6kSnPh5PEe-eKw9uZp-QOQ/docdrop.org/video/AYvyNr4ZMSs/

      from - Times Radio analysis of Russian's unsustainable attrition rate - https://hyp.is/avvydB5QEe-aheM72r6J4Q/docdrop.org/video/A-9kLZ19OAE/

    2. for - polycrisis - Russia Ukraine war - game analysis

      summary - A simplified but interesting economic game analysis of the trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine war. - Drones have become a critical technology in this war and especially their mobile and cost advantage over much heavier, more expensive and slow-moving Russian equipment. - Drones conserve Ukrainian soldiers and minimize risk substantially. The 3 million drones being manufactured this year will likely accelerate the destruction of the Russian economy, bringing the war closer to ending. - Russia is critically dependent on its oil and gas industry and with the major destruction of its refineries, it will no longer be able to finance the war.

    1. their defense industrial base can't keep up with replacing that um they have replaced a lot of the stuff that they lost in the first 18 months of the 00:00:38 conflict but even at at the rates of losing that mean they can't keep that up so that's hollowing the Russian forces out

      for - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Russia's unsustainable attrition rate

      to - economic game analysis of Russia Ukraine War - https://hyp.is/avvydB5QEe-aheM72r6J4Q/docdrop.org/video/A-9kLZ19OAE/

    1. The Law of Unintended Consequences is the only certainty of complex systems, and the biosphere of the planet is the most complex system we know of

      for - progress traps - transcending capitalism

      progress trap - transcending capitalism - As Stop Reset Go and Deep Humanity has consistently advocated: - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=progress+trap - there is an urgent need to establish a science of progress traps in order to develop a way to integrate systematically into all human activities. - It is a new field of research for risk analysis and praxis that is based on explicitly recognizing the difference between nature and human nature, between the fundamental nature of reality (emptiness / shunyata - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=emptiness and the symbolosphere we inhabit as humans which is inherently limited by our current reductionist way of knowing reality - Applying systems thinking and complexity is dependent on the explicit recognition of the gap between the inherent limitations of the evolutionary process of human learning which results from - human bias and which always produces - finite number of relationships which we use to make decisions upon and enact in the world

    1. Dillman and colleagues33Dillman KJ Czepkiewicz M Heinonen J DavíÐsdóttir B A safe and just space for urban mobility: a framework for sector-based sustainable consumption corridor development.Global Sustainability. 2021; 4: e28Crossref Scopus (16) Google Scholar noted that allocating the remaining planetary capacity to cope with the various barriers among countries and smaller units is morally and mathematically challenging.

      for - followup - downscaling planetary boundaries - challenges - Dillman et al.

    2. Steffen and colleagues20Steffen W Richardson K Rockström J et al.Planetary boundaries: guiding human development on a changing planet.Science. 2015; 3471259855 Crossref PubMed Scopus (6576) Google Scholar stated that the planetary boundaries framework was “not designed to be downscaled or disaggregated to smaller levels

      .> for - key insight - downscaling planetary boundaries - Steffen et al.

    3. Degrowth Declaration

      for - critique - Degrowth - suggestion - replace degrowth with - rebalance critique - Degrowth Declaration - There has been a number of critiques of the terminology of "degrowth" as the prefix "de" is associated with "taking away". - The words "grow" and its derivatives such as "growing", "growth" all usually have good connotations such as "growing up", "growing children", "growing food", "growing knowledge"

      suggestion - replace degrowth with rebalance - Perhaps a better word to use to describe the transition we must undertake is "rebalance". - This word suggests that our world is out-of-balance with too much excess in some araea and too much defficiency in others

    1. How long will we ignore the urgency of adopting responsible, sustainable policies worldwide? How long will the victims of such tragedies keep being ignored?

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - Brazil floods

    1. so

      for - definition - food literacy

      definition - food literacy - being informed about our food choices and encourage us to ask questions that help us make healthier decisions for ourselves, family and planet

    1. nines nine is thought to be largely produced by labs in China

      for - new synthetic opiod - nitazene produced by Chinese labs

      to - The Conversation - Nitazenes are a powerful class of street drugs emerging across the US - https://hyp.is/aeMEIBYeEe-VK49zALV-KA/theconversation.com/nitazenes-are-a-powerful-class-of-street-drugs-emerging-across-the-us-222244

    2. how exactly has Europe managed to avoid an American style opioid crisis surprisingly it 00:06:18 turns out we can thank authentic Afghan heroin for the relative lack of deaths

      for - question - how EU avoided synthetic opiod crisis until now?

      question - how did EU avoid synthetic opiod crisis until now? - answer - authentic Afghan Heroin - but with the crackdown on poppy in Afghanistan, EU drug users are primed to start using synthetic opiods

    3. for - wicked problems - synthentic opiods coming to EU faster due to successful Taliban war on poppy industry

      summary - the new synthetic opiod "Nitazene" is being manufactured in China and replaces the banned fentanyl. It is 300x stronger than heroin. - Due to the Taliban's successful war on drugs that has stamped out 95% of the poppy production, EU drug addicts are turning to the far more deadly nitazine

      from - youtube - BBC - Inside the Taliban's war on Drugs - https://hyp.is/hKPiKBYbEe-2ZCPwUTz0Lg/docdrop.org/video/W-gMRFEZOGY/

    1. the whole world is affected by it opium ferret from Afghan Fields produces nearly all of the heroines sold in Europe how will prices be impacted

      for - question - how will the Taliban's successful destruction of the poppy industry affect drug supplies in Europe?

      to - youtube - Vice - The new fentanyl killing drug users in Europe - https://hyp.is/MDez0BYcEe-rq0sJ-I6FRg/docdrop.org/video/JqqfI-bIvnI/

    2. I asked him why he defied the ban if you don't have enough food in your 00:02:22 house and your children are going hungry what else will you do if we grew wheat instead we won't earn enough to survive

      for - complexity - wicked problem - polycrisis - afghanistan Taliban drug war

      wicked problem - Taliban drug war - Afghanistan produced 80% of the world's opium for heroin and now it has lauched an aggressive and successful campaign to eradicate opium production - The farmers grow opium because it is a lucrative crop and they can feed their family - It is now illegal to grow opium and the Taliban enforce by monitoring and destroying poppy fields - This is one of the ironies that poor families grow poppy to try to survive, yet are disconnected from the chaos their product causes in other parts of the world

    1. generally 00:58:40 speaking the answer has been zero no response no attempt I wrote an article just two years ago outlining the 00:58:52 four Illusions as I call of the mod senses including the S of Dogma the vican barrier the self-replication of genomes and nobody's answered it there's something funny 00:59:05 going on

      for - adjacency - scientific revolution in action - paradigm shift - ignored by scientific community - critique of gene centricity

      adjacency - between - scientific revolution - paradigm shift - critique of gene centricity - ignored by scientific community - adjacency relationship - Ray and Denis Noble's work advocating for an alternative to gene centricity demonstrates scientific revolution in realtime. - They are at the stage of being ignored by the peers for scientifically invalid reasons. That's a good indicator of the early stages of a paradigm shift. - As they point out, this refusal to openly debate has realworld consequences. - The entire medical community is oriented towards the wrong direction, looking for medical interventions in gene therapies which aren't going to happen because the science does not allow it.

    2. I started to use in the 00:58:01 little book the music of Life a way of exploring that metaphor

      for - follow up - book - The Music of Life - Biology Beyond Genes

      to - book - The Music of Life - Biology Beyond Genes - https://hyp.is/OI8RVBYIEe-t-rObPCPKoQ/www.univ.ox.ac.uk/book/the-music-of-life-biology-beyond-genes/

    3. if you want to age well do something it can be dancing it can be music it can be all sorts swimming 00:56:47 whatever but do something that's the first bit of advice to those who want to make sure that they stay um on top

      for - health advice - aging well - Denis Noble

      health advice - aging well - ll if you want to age well do something! - It can be - dancing - music - swimming - whatever but do something - That's the first bit of advice to those who want to make sure that they stay on top

    4. found something extremely interesting that certain proteins had evolved by an almost legol like 00:54:01 recombination of components that had already been tested and tried to make a new very interesting legol like object which is a new protein

      for - follow up - 2001 human genome Nature paper - proteins synthesized by higher level processes, not just genes - 2001 Nature paper on human genome project

      to - 2001 human genome project Nature paper - https://hyp.is/KMjUJBYFEe-U9JdKN9-cVw/www.nature.com/articles/35057062

    5. the misconception about the relationship between genes and proteins and the idea that it that causality can only go in one direction from Gene to protein to 00:53:06 functionality and that it cannot go back the other way which and that is the crucial thing that denies agency to the organism and that was Watson and Crick

      for - critique - of Watson & Cricks DNA - agency of organisms

      critique - of Watson & Cricks DNA - agency of organisms - Watson & Cricks advocated the now disproven idea that causality is only one direction - from genes to - proteins to - functionality of living organisms - when in fact, it goes the other way, giving the high level living organism agency

    6. we also challenge in the book The Very concept of selfishness itself

      for - book - Understanding living systems - challenging selfishness - critique - of Richard Dawkins' Selfish Gene

      • Ray Noble points out a contradiction in Richard Dawkin's use of the word selfish in his "Selfish gene".
        • Unless there is purposefulness, choice and agency, there cannot be any concept of selfishness
    7. one of the problems of the 00:44:54 behaviorists back in the 1960s and so on was that to some extent they unrooted organisms from their environment and put them into boxes and tested how they 00:45:08 behaved under these extraordinary artificial circumstances

      for - paradigms - science - gene centrism - critique - reductionism - behaviorists

      paradigms - science - gene centrism - critique - reductionism - behaviorists - One of the problems of the behaviorists back in the 1960s and so on was that - to some extent they unrooted organisms from their environment and - put them into boxes and tested how they behaved under these extraordinary artificial circumstances - You you cannot understand intelligence by doing that because - intelligence is how we respond to the niche that we're involved in - People are increasingly aware of just how extraordinarily intelligent in the moment organisms are the decision making process even of the tiniest organisms

      comment - see Michael Levin and problem solving spaces of organisms at different scales

    8. a forest actually moves um and and trees move but one of the things that they do is utilize other organisms to move them to move them 00:41:41 because reproduction is a way in which they plant transplant themselves further away from their sight of of of of their rooted site

      for - key insight - reproduction is for adaptability, not to reproduce the gene pool

      key insight - reproduction is for adaptability, not to reproduce the gene pool - for example, trees reproduce so they can move themselves - They are rooted so they cannot get up and walk - so they produce seeds that are transported by over living organisms and by the wind

    9. temperature can be a major factor in determining the proportion of males and females within a population

      for - question - impact of climate change on male and female population distribution of the biosphere

      question - impact of climate change on male and female population distribution of the biosphere - How will climate change affect the proportion of males and females of the many species that are and will be impacted by dramatic temperature changes?

    10. reproduction is not to produce the same it it's not about producing another Perry or another r or another Dennis 00:38:39 it's actually to produce another organism that is adapting and adaptable

      for - key insight - evolution - not producing the same, but different, more adaptive

      key insight - evolution - not producing the same, but different, more adaptive - The goal of evolution is not to replicate the same individual, but to create a different one that is BETTER ADAPTED to its environment - and towards this end, physiology is evolution, evolution is physiology (via epigenetics)

    11. I think one of the other mistakes that have been made in biology of the 20th century was

      for - individual / collective gestalt - gene centrism - paradigm shift - adjacency - mistake of 20th century biology - reductionism - separating organism from environment - individual / collective gestalt, individual / environment gestalt - quote - mistake of 20th century biology - Ray Noble - key insight - mistake of 20th century biology- Ray Noble

      quote - mistake of 20th century biology - Ray Noble - (see below)

      • I think one of the other mistakes that have been made in biology of the 20th century
        • was to treat organisms as if they existed within an environment that was sort of like some nebulous box as it were
        • and you could study the organism by taking it out
        • and you study it in isolation
      • It's the beginning of reductionism in a sense because
        • you taken it away from the environment but the organism has an intimate relationship with the environment
      • It's feeding both
        • to the environment and
        • from the environment
      • What is that environment?
        • That environment in large part is
          • other organisms of the same species but
          • other organisms of different species
      • and it's in a continuous bubble of change
      • It's like a cauldron of change
      • So the big question for life is
        • how do you maintain yourself in this cauldron of change?
      • You cannot do it by standing still
      • You have to respond to it
        • so it's not surprising therefore that you find that you know organisms have mechanisms for responding to those changes

      adjacency - mistake of 20th century biology - between - reductionism - separating organism from environment - individual / collective gestalt, - individual / environment gestalt - adjacency relationship - The mistake that 20th century biology has made is in - ascribing too much power to the gene, and - minimizing the role of epigenetics - Focusing the majority of attention and resources on the genes of the organism, and - defocusing attention on the organisms (epigenetic) interactions with the environment, including both - biotic elements and - abiotic elements - It's not the case that the genes are the major determinant factor and the epigenetics play a minor role - It IS the case that epigenetics play an equally important role in transmitting and assimilating features into the genome - The individual organism is intertwingled with its environment and with other living organisms - The individual / collective gestalt and the individual / environment gestalt is the appropriate unit of study

    12. there is a neuron in a seans that responds to temperature and if you take a normal temperature worm 00:36:26 and you put it in high temperature

      for - paradigm shift - evolutionary biology - epigenetic's critical role in inheritance - experimental proof - C. Elegan - Oded Rechavi

    13. odad rev

      for - follow up - Oded Rechavi - Israeli neurobiologist

      to - Oded Rechavi - Israeli neurobiologist - https://hyp.is/qAmEVhXqEe-1e1OUyXnC2A/english.tau.ac.il/profile/odedrech_66

    14. it means that you can change the course of history for your Offspring based on your exercise and your diet and whether you're drinking or not and what 00:35:59 kind of habits

      for - explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first

      explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first - The change in narrative has enormous ramifications. - It means that you can change the course of history for your offspring based on: - your exercise - your diet - your drinking habits - and many other behavioral and lifestyle choices and environmental explosure you exist in

    15. it's an advantage for epigenetic changes to be temporary because if the environment is only a temporary change you can forget about it if the environment is 00:35:19 longlasting it can get a similation in the genome and you've got speciation that's the extraordinary thing natural selection is not the origin of speciation it's epigenetics 00:35:34 followed by the genetic changes the epigenetic leades

      for - key insight - natural selection happens by epigenetic change followed by genetic change

      key insight - natural selection happens by epigenetic change followed by genetic change - It's an advantage for epigenetic changes to be temporary because - if the environment is only a temporary change you can forget about it - if the environment is long lasting it can get assimilation in the genome and you've got speciation - That's the extraordinary thing - natural selection is not the origin of speciation, - it's epigenetics - followed by the genetic changes - The epigenetic leads - therefore, the environment leads

    16. you may never change it back just as we 00:34:52 may not change back genetic manipulation we might do in in the germline which is a reason we should be very cautious about doing it

      for - progress trap - genetic engineering - Denis Noble

    17. Ray emphasized this answer which is very usual well epigenetic inheritance only goes on for a generation or two no

      for - explanation - evolutionary biology - neo-darwinian mistake - view of epigenetic inheritance

      explanation - evolutionary biology - neo-darwinian mistake - view of epigenetic inheritance - Neo-darwinians believe that epigenetic inheritance is only short lived. - However, the Noble brothers contend that if the changes in the environment last for many generations, - the epigenetic change can exceed a threshold and become permanently assimilated into the genome - Such a threshold is plausible because without it, a permanent change encoded into the genome would be maladaptive if the environmental change reverted back to the previous state

    18. magic wand idea that somehow or other there was going to be personalized medicine

      for - adjacency - magic wand -;gene therapy - personalized medicine

    19. so much that has been happening in the last 30 years to show 00:30:20 how it is possible for characteristics in one generation to pass across to the germ life

      for - evolutionary biology - non-genetic inheritance


    20. the real answer doesn't lie there because all they can do is to go on associating groups of gene expression with particular proteins or particular diseases or whatever and with 00:28:39 the tiniest associations and um that creates all sorts of problems and biomedical sense it creates all sorts of ethical problems

      for - problem with gene therapy - Very little association between genes and disease - very complex associations

    21. there's something wrong with what Humanity has being doing to the Earth and our environment you know there is a sense in which all 00:27:33 of this relates to the eological reasons for which we're in such a mess

      for - adjacency - ecological crisis - gene centrism

      adjacency - between - ecological crisis - gene centrism - adjacency relationship - The ecological crisis and climate crisis is a symptom of separation and alienation of humans from nature - Scientific paradigms that take away human agency and minimise it, treating it as secondary reinforced this lack of agency

    22. for - Denis Noble - Ready Noble - evolutionary biology - critique of Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene theory - critique of gene centrism - book - Understanding Living Systems - human agency

      summary - In this informative interview, brothers Denis and Ray Noble discuss their new book - Understanding Living Systems, and - dispel the 70 year old narrative of Gene centrism and the selfish gene as determining the high level behaviour of living organisms

    23. what formed the basis all the way from the 1950s to now so over a period 00:25:25 of over 70 years has really to be undone it has to be revised fundamentally root and Branch there can't be compromises about it

      for - quote - 70 years of evolutionary biology has to be undone

    24. Spinosa was the great enemy of decart's idea which is 00:23:42 that organisms are mathematically determined from what is in the sperm and the Egg

      for - adjacency - Spinoza - Descartes

      adjacency - between - Spinoza - Descartes - adjacency relationship - Spinosa was the great enemy of Decartes idea which is that - organisms are mathematically determined from what is in the sperm and the Egg - It is a version 300 years earlier of the central dogma of molecular biology - which has been the disaster that has affected biology ever since

    25. I said a little while ago at at another meeting I said that I don't know what it is that controls Richard Dawkins but it isn't his jeans

      for - quote - genes don't control Richard Dawkins - Ray Noble

    26. they created this mythical world called the gene pole they it's like a fairy tale really

      for - quote - critique of Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene - Ray Noble

      quote - critique of Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene - Ray Noble - (see below)

      • they created this mythical world called the gene pole they it's like a fairy tale really
    27. the Age of Reason became unreasonable in the sense of treating us as

      for - quote - the age of reason became unreasonable - Ray Noble

      quote - the age of reason became unreasonable - Ray Noble - (see below)

      • The Age of Reason became unreasonable
        • in the sense of treating us as machines
      • Reason requires openness ,
        • it doesn't require a closed view of life and of humanity
    28. ghost in the machine

      for - metaphor - genes - ghost in that machine

    29. it had to give us something which all the other 00:11:37 organisms didn't have which was a cell that was different a mind that was different that gave us agency but denied it to other organisms and that unfortunately I think 00:11:50 persisted

      for - quote - human agency - Ray Noble

      quote - (see below)

      • It had to give us something which all the other organisms didn't have which was
        • a cell that was different
        • a mind that was different
      • that gave us agency
        • but denied it to other organisms
        • and that unfortunately I think persisted
    30. what actually is so fundamentally wrong with the gene Center view

      for - purpose in nature - exorcism of - Ray Noble - quote - gene centered view - organisms as machines - exorcism - Ray Noble - gene centered view

    31. your 00:07:20 generation and the generation after it rejected purpose in nature but you guys said no

      for - evolutionary biology - purpose in nature Denis Noble - Ray Noble

    32. we've created a very complex psychosocial World in which we live and we have to adapt to and it changes so rapidly it creates all sorts of problems for us

      for - quote - progress trap - speed of cultural evolution - Ray Noble




    1. for - recombination of proteins in higher level proteins - from - youtube - Evolution 2 podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Denis Noble - Ray Noble

      from - youtube - Evolution 2 podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Denis Noble - Ray Noble - https://hyp.is/OttWABYFEe--gLNFyeNyTw/docdrop.org/video/oHZI1zZ_BhY/

    1. for - Oded Rechavi - neurobiology - gene centrism - critique - from - youtube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble

      summary - Rechavi performed experiments with C Elegan and demonstrated that it possesses a type of neuron that - produces RNA that in response to elevated temperature change is transmitted to reproductive cells so that the offsprings encode it in the genome, and it is better adapted to deal with elevated temperatures

      question - How many species do this? Is it generally found throughout nature?

      from - outube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble - https://hyp.is/OUlGVBXrEe-iaBeZhH_4DQ/docdrop.org/video/oHZI1zZ_BhY/

    1. a more holistic approach to the organism rather than a reductionist one I'm afraid we have to because 00:26:36 reductionism has failed

      for - quote - reductionism has failed - Denis Noble

    2. we have hundreds of physiological models now on a site which is called the salamel it's a technical term website

      for - follow up - CellML website

      to - CellML website - https://hyp.is/_rzI8hVVEe-s8-MOILfNQQ/models.cellml.org/e/2a6

    3. could physiology rescue genomics

      for - follow up - paper - Could physiology rescue genomics?

      to - Could physiology rescue genomics? - https://hyp.is/bslQ-BVVEe-hgF-rrNmjrA/academic.oup.com/biolinnean/article/139/4/357/6604006

    4. if you could correct this Gene would we have the future reassured and we can then avoid all of these diseases I very much doubt it and I think it's very dangerous 00:23:49 because

      for - adjacency - progress trap - Crispr - gene therapy - Denis Noble - human genome project

      adjacency - between - human genome project - gene therapy - Crispr - progress trap - adjacency relationship - The idea that we can find specific causal relationships between genes and disease and use gene therapy to cure disease, - an envisioned goal of the human genome project - can be very dangerous because - usually one gene collaborates with many other genes to bring about an effect - If we don't know all the relationships, we can bring about a progress trap

    5. if I met a robot that looked very much like a beautiful girl and everything went fine together with her and me but

      for - comparison - human vs AI robot - Denis Noble

    6. organisms can actually go and use the chance and they're doing that all the time see the way our immune systems work shows that what happens when a new virus or new bacterium or new 00:02:56 anything else arrives

      for - key insight - living systems use chance to adapt

      key insight - living systems use chance to adapt - immune system defends against novel viruses - cancers grow - bacteria become resistant to antibiotics

    7. the organism has that ability already the reason is simply 00:17:41 because it could use the chance events that occur in his molecular mechanisms there's where the creativity comes from then the question is what what emerges from that do you want to keep and what do you want to reject

      for - key insight - eliminating cartesian dualism in biology - creativity - multi-scale explanation

      key insight - eliminating cartesian dualism in biology - Noble advances a radical and simple explanation to explain how<br /> - higher level organisms and cellular mechanisms make the decisions that inform the genetic switches which decision path to make - The higher level system takes advantage of the random events in molecular mechanisms and chooses the ones that are most fit - This has the potential to explain creativity at all living scales, up to human consciousness itself!

    8. we've spent 20 years now sequencing as many genomes as we can the output as 00:08:46 promised simply hasn't appeared

      for - key insight - failure of the gene coding uni-causal model - key insight - failure of genetic determinism

    9. we can then shift to a better way of doing it and we knew what that was before genome sequencing

      for - quote - better approach than gene sequence as universal panecea

      quote - better approach than gene sequence as universal panecea - (see quote below)

      • Look at the high-level organization of the system
        • the living system
      • Locate what is going wrong there and then work down to find what you might do
      • at lower levels with a drug or any other kind of treatment for that matter to put it right
      • That works much better than trying to go the other way because
        • going the other way, the space for
          • possible molecules and
          • possible effects and
          • even more possible combinations of effects
        • because those complex diseases are going to require combinations of treatment
        • There are too many
        • You can't do clinical trials on all of those possibilities
        • It's just far too expensive
        • So I think we just take need to take a different approach to medical research
          • to try to benefit from the human genome sequencing
          • in a way that's different from what they originally promised
    10. essentially Darwin would never have been a neo-darwinian

      for - quote - Darwin would never have been a Neo-Darwinian - Denis Noble

    11. you've used a metaphor in the past of thinking of genes not as a as a code as you said but as a kind of musical score

      for - metaphor - genes - musical scores - Denis Noble

    12. if we didn't have people who were wrong we wouldn't be where we are

      for - quote - being wrong - Denis Noble

      quote - Being wrong - Denis Noble - If we didn't have people who were wrong - we wouldn't be where we are

    1. four 00:08:25 major common misunderstandings that have infected our understanding of what it is to be a living system

      for - molecular biology - paradigm shift - living system - 4 common misunderstandings - book - Understanding Living Systems - 4 common misunderstandings

      4 common misunderstandings of living systems - 1. The central dogma of molecular biology - one way causation - Genes (DNA) to - proteins to - organism - 2. The Weismann Barrier - 3. DNA as self-replicator - 4. Separation of Replicator (DNA) and Vehicle (Living cell) are completely separate

    2. there are no genes for any of those membranes all the lipids that form the membranes and the complicated 00:07:27 structures that you can see in a typical cell none of that is coded for in the genome all of that is inherited

      for - key insight - decision-making structures are in the cell membrane, not the genes

      key insight - The codes that enable us to make choices are located in - the membranes of our cells and - their protein channels - There are no genes for - any of those membranes - all the lipids that form the membranes and the complicated structures that you can see in a typical cell - None of that is coded for in the genome - All of that is inherited

    3. the gene plays a passive role as a Vital Information store

      for - quote - gene plays passive role - quote - Keith Baverstock

      quote - gene plays a passive role - (see quote below)

      • the gene plays a passive role as a Vital Information store
      • it enables us to make all the proteins we need,
        • all the rnas we need but
      • it is the phenotype,
        • that is you and me
      • that plays the active role
    4. the Gene and Appraisal

      for - author - Keith Baverstock - follow up - research paper - The Gene and Appraisal

      to - paper - The Gene and Appraisal - https://hyp.is/UrvwdhVDEe-QWrPAx9y1aw/docdrop.org/video/bzXFSufDDn8/

    5. if you look for those in the genome you will not find them 00:05:26 anywhere in the genome

      for - comparison - genome coding to computer program

    6. the message I've put here we wish them all 00:03:44 well because that's the ending of my new book coming out next month

      for - metaphor - refuting genome as - book of life

    7. a bit of size comparison

      for - size comparison - genome to cell

    8. a baby cannot be born selfish it simply has needs

      for - quote - Denis Noble - quote - baby not born selfish

    9. biology Beyond The 00:00:19 genome

      for - book - Biology Beyond the Genome - author - scientist - biologist - Denis Noble - book - Understanding Living Systems

    1. Our rivers and lakes are crying out for help as they grapple with pollution, illegal construction and climate crisis.

      for - artificial wetlands - applications - reciprocating wetlands

    1. Whenever I say man/son, I intend this irrespective of gender, which is such a rudimentary concept for spiritual beings that we are temporarily incarnated, housed in these bodies of ours for a lifetime.

      Not sure if I should use trailmarks and listicle here or not? I will choose to use it.

      gendered syntax - I understand, but I also pointed out that the evolutionary nature of a language's syntax gives it unique gender characteristics. - I gave the example of my own mother tongue of Cantonese which is syntactically more gender neutral instead of English, which is patriarchal: - Cantonese (play the audio at the following links) - person - https://www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - man - https://www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - woman - https://www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - In the Cantonese language, the suffix (Yan) means person, - It is then modified by the respective female and male prefix - Noi (female) - Nam (male) - This gives us gender neutral syntax, as opposed to English where we have patriarchal gender syntax, where the suffix is male and the female is constructed as a secondary concatenation using the male syntactical suffix - male - FEmale - man - WOman - HUman - HUmanITY - men - WOmen - The English language gives syntactical primacy to the male gender, while a language such as Cantonese does not - What the psychological effects are, I'm not sure of. For within the Cantonese language, there is as much patriarchism as any other culture. It is not a particularly feminine culture. - And the gender neutrality does not even take into account of the more recent transgender category.

      to - Cantonese syntax - person - man - woman - https://hyp.is/3wgg0BQOEe-uRQ-kpQf8Eg/www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - With English, we have to read between the lines and project the author's salience landscape because it's not explicit in the syntax.

      PROBLEM - This page does not generate a unique URL for each of the onpage search results returned. - Can Indyweb create unique CID for this?

    1. for - post comment - Linked I - Daniel Schmachtenberger - why good people comply with evil - direct citizen action - networked commons

      summary - A great short video that is a teaser to a longer podcast conversation on the topic of confirmation bias, and recognizing it to empower citizens during this time of rapid whole system change.