32 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. Genomics

      The study of whole genomes of the organisms and incorporates elements from genetics. The genomics uses a combo of DNA, DNA sequencing, and bioinformatics to sequence, assembly, and analyze the structure and the function of the genomes.

    1. ribonucleases

      A type of nuclease that catalyzes a degradation for the RNA into smaller parts.

    2. proteases

      Is a group of enzymes whose catalytic function is hydrolyzing peptide bonds of proteins. Also referred to as proteolytic enzymes or even proteinases.

    1. histone acetylation

      Allows for DNA binding proteins to interact with sites to activate gene transcription and alters the accessibility of chromatin.

    1. transcriptionalleve

      This is the process of a complementary mRNA copy of a single gene on the DNA that is created in the nucleus. The mRNA is smaller than the DNA so it can carry the genetic code into the ribosome and into the cytoplasm that enables the protein creation.

    1. reading fram

      The reading frame is the way of dividing each sequence of nucleotides in the DNA or RNA molecule into a set of consecutive, non-overlapping triplets.

    1. Single-strand binding proteins

      These bind to single-stranded regions of the DNA and during DNA replication they bind to newly formed DNA strands. They help keep the DNA strands in place as a framework for new DNA synthesis.

    1. Chromosomal:eory of Inheritanc

      This states that chromosomes drive the genetic heredity of living organisms. Chromosome behavior takes part in segregation, assortment, and sometimes linkage.

    1. trait

      A trait is a characteristic of an organism. These can be determined by the environment, genes, or interactions within the traits. A genotype is the trait being genetically passed on to the offspring.

    1. law of dominance

      This law tells us that in a heterozygote, one trait is going to mask the presence of another trait that holds the same characteristic. Only the dominant allele will be expressed instead of both.

    1. gametes

      These are an organisms reproductive cells which are commonly called sex cells. There are female gametes which are ova or egg cells and the male gametes which are called sperm. Gametes are haploid cells that carry only one copy for each chromosome.

    1. Tumor suppressor genes

      These are genes that slow down cell division, repair DNA errors, and/or tell cells to terminate. If these Tumor Suppressor Genes fail to function properly, they go rouge and become cancer cells.

    1. intracellular signaling

      This is an important mechanism that cells can respond to their environment and extracellular cues. Cells sense their environment and modify genes, mRNA splicing, protein expression and protein modifying to respond to these cues.

    1. heterotrophs

      A heterotroph is an organism that eats plants or animals for nutrients and energy. The words is derived from Greek as hetero means other and trophe means nourishment. Organisms are either autotrophs or heterotrophs.

    1. ATP

      ATP better known as Adenosine triphosphate is an energy carrying molecule found in all living things cells. ATP takes the chemical energy from the process of breaking down food molecules to releases it as fuel for cellular processes.

    1. active site

      This is the part of the enzyme where the substrate binds. The substrate enters the active site to form an enzyme-substrate complex.

  2. Oct 2020
    1. catabolic

      This is the process of breaking down complex substances within a living organism into smaller ones. This process also releases energy unlike anabolism.

    1. Passive transport

      The process of moving ions and other atomic/molecular substances across the cell membranes without the need of an input of energy. Instead, it relies on the system to grow during entropy.

    1. Cholesterol

      This is a fat-like substance found in every single cell in the body. It aides the body to create hormones, vitamin D, and it also helps to digest food. Many dairy products are rich in Cholesterol which can be harmful if intaking high levels of it. This is due to fat deposits in the blood vessels which increases the risks of heart disease.

    1. micro9laments

      Microfilaments are also known as actin filaments; which, are protein filaments that are within the cytoplasm that form part of the cytoskeleton of an Eukaryotic Cell. They help in the process of cell movement via the actin working with another protein myosin that create muscle movements, cytoplasmic streaming, and cell division.

    1. light microscopes

      This scientific instrument is used to visually depict the details of an object through the use of a magnified image shown by a series of glass lenses. These glass lenses focus the light shining down onto the object and then the lenses magnify the object for better depiction. The lenses can rotate out to for more/less magnification, and the floor platform the object is held onto can also be lowered/risen for a better focus as well.

    1. messenger RNA (mRNA)

      This is a single strand on an RNA molecule that leaves the the nucleus of a cell in order to relocate to the cytoplasm. This is where the mRNA can help create the protein for the cell in a process known as protein synthesis. The mRNA takes in information passed into it by DNA and decode it for the ribosomes to make more protein for the cell to live on.

    1. Plants store starch in the form of sugars.

      The plant stores the starch inside of its cell organelles known better as the amyloplasts. The starch is created on a bright sunny day when the plant retrieves and creates an over abundance of sugar for energy. Making the excess into starch allows for the plant to retrieve it later on when it's harder to get the energy it needs on the gloomier days.

  3. Sep 2020
    1. synthesize

      To synthesize in definition is create something chemically. This means that if out of 118 elements, 20 of those are man-made via a nuclear reactor and/or a particle accelerator. These elements are unstable because they are built upon fusing an Atom's nucleus with more proton's than it may usually have which causes the stability to become dangerously chaotic as it is not natural for the element. This is the building block for the Atomic Bombs creation.

    1. natural sciences

      The definition for natural science are fields related to that of the physical side of the world and how it runs. This being said; wouldn't Sociology be considered up there as a Natural Science? It is the study of Social patterns which can be physical trends that influence some outcomes/events in which the world works.