221 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2019
    1. The problem with the annotation notion is that it's the first time that we consider a piece of data which is not merely a projection of data already present in the message store: it is out-of-band data that needs to be stored somewhere.

      could be same, schemaless datastore?

    2. many of the searches we want to do could be accomplished with a database that was nothing but a glorified set of hash tables

      Hello sql and cloure.set ns! ;P

    3. There are objects, sets of objects, and presentation tools. There is a presentation tool for each kind of object; and one for each kind of object set.

      very clojure-y mood, makes me think of clojure REBL (browser) which in turn is inspired by the smalltalk browser and was taken out of datomic (which is inspired by RDF, mentioned above!)

  2. May 2019
  3. Oct 2018
  4. Sep 2018
  5. Apr 2018
    1. The takeaway from the article: Choose document-oriented database only when the data can be treated as a self-contained document

  6. Dec 2017
  7. alleledb.gersteinlab.org alleledb.gersteinlab.org
    1. AlleleDB is a repository, providing genomic annotation of cis-regulatory single nucleotide variants (SNVs) associated with allele-specific binding (ASB) and expression (ASE).
  8. Nov 2017
    1. select top 1 * from newsletters where IsActive = 1 order by PublishDate desc

      This doesn't require a full table scan or a join operation. That's just COOL

    1. They have a very simplistic view of the activity being monitored by only distilling it down into only a few dimensions for the rule to interrogate

      Number of dimensions need to be large. In normal database systems these dimensions are small.

  9. Aug 2017
    1. Football Leaks, which consists of 1.9 terabytes of information and some 18.6 million documents, ranging from player contracts to emails revealing secret transfer fees and wages, is the largest leak in the history of sport.

      "Football Leaks, which consists of 1.9 terabytes of information and some 18.6 million documents, ranging from player contracts to emails revealing secret transfer fees and wages, is the largest leak in the history of sport."

      A pity this information is not available to the public.

      Given the limited release of documents, is it really the largest leak in the history of sport?

      The ICIJ offshore database may not be complete, but there is at least something, and it is searchable.

      Hopefully EIC will also follow this example.

  10. Jun 2017
    1. The vertices and edges of a graph, known as Atoms, are used to represent not only "data", but also "procedures"; thus, many graphs are executable programs as well as data structures.

      Rohan indicated that procedures are also part of the graph. let us find out why.

  11. May 2017
  12. Mar 2017
    1. Genome Sequence Archive (GSA)

      Database URL is here: http://gsa.big.ac.cn/

      Note: metadata is INSDC format, but this database isn't part of the INSDC, so you'll still need to submit your data to one of those databases to meet internationally recognised mandates

  13. Feb 2017
  14. Jan 2016
  15. Mar 2015
    1. ImageNet is an image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy (currently only the nouns), in which each node of the hierarchy is depicted by hundreds and thousands of images. Currently we have an average of over five hundred images per node. We hope ImageNet will become a useful resource for researchers, educators, students and all of you who share our passion for pictures.
  16. Dec 2014
  17. Sep 2014
  18. Jan 2014
    1. The initial inputs for deriving quantitative information of gene expression and embryonic morphology are raw image data, either of fluorescent proteins expressed in live embryos or of stained fluorescent markers in fixed material. These raw images are then analyzed by computational algorithms that extract features, such as cell location, cell shape, and gene product concentration. Ideally, the extracted features are then recorded in a searchable database, an atlas, that researchers from many groups can access. Building a database with quantitative graphical and visualization tools has the advantage of allowing developmental biologists who lack specialized skills in imaging and image analysis to use their knowledge to interrogate and explore the information it contains.

      1) Initial input is raw image data 2) feature extraction on raw image data 3) extracted features stored in shared, searchable database 4) database available to researchers from many groups 5) quantitative graphical and visualization tools allow access to those without specialized skill in imaging and image analysis