- Jun 2024
hypermedia.systems hypermedia.systems
- Oct 2023
htmx.org htmx.org
- Jul 2023
thesephist.com thesephist.com
- Jun 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
sameas.org sameas.orgsameAs1
- May 2023
graphdb.ontotext.com graphdb.ontotext.com
graphdb.ontotext.com graphdb.ontotext.com
For example, when merging four different datasets, you can use the following query on DBpedia to select everything about Sofia:
sparql SELECT * { { <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sofia> ?p ?o . } UNION { <http://data.nytimes.com/nytimes:N82091399958465550531> ?p ?o . } UNION { <http://sws.geonames.org/727011/> ?p ?o . } UNION { <http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/m/0ftjx> ?p ?o . } }
sparql SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o FILTER (?s IN ( <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sofia>, <http://data.nytimes.com/nytimes:N82091399958465550531>, <http://sws.geonames.org/727011/>, <http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/m/0ftjx>)) }
www.w3.org www.w3.org
srconstantin.github.io srconstantin.github.io
jonudell.net jonudell.net
Them: So what are we really talking about here?
Me: Do you want the cosmic answer?
Them: Sure.
Me: OK. We're in the process of creating a planetary nervous system.
www.softphd.com www.softphd.com
On devient « utilisateur » de sa propre mémoire par l’extériorisation d’une fonction cognitive dans la machine. L’artificialité des indexations rigides des anciens classements va être dépassée par le recours à la capacité associative du cerveau humain
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
“Consider a future device … in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.”
- Apr 2023
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
If you work with hateos better supply a link to your own resource.
- Feb 2023
stateless.co stateless.co
- Nov 2022
gist.github.com gist.github.com
- Sep 2022
alexanderobenauer.com alexanderobenauer.com
The concept involves having an item just like every other in your itemized system: it has a type, attributes, and references to other items.
I wonder if there's a good way to evolve wiki systems into the OS of the future by adding more sophisticated views and adding the abilities for computation. Seems like a good way to get multiplayer built in from the start. Maybe add the ability to have content addressed items as well.
- Aug 2022
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
www.emerald.com www.emerald.com
tobyshorin.github.io tobyshorin.github.io
subpixel.space subpixel.space
www.cognexus.org www.cognexus.org
www.nngroup.com www.nngroup.com
www.ariadne.ac.uk www.ariadne.ac.uk
worldwideweb.cern.ch worldwideweb.cern.ch
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
digital-archaeology.org digital-archaeology.org
www.w3.org www.w3.org
www.ischool.berkeley.edu www.ischool.berkeley.edu
Historical Hypermedia: An Alternative History of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 and Implications for e-Research. .mp3. Berkeley School of Information Regents’ Lecture. UC Berkeley School of Information, 2010. https://archive.org/details/podcast_uc-berkeley-school-informat_historical-hypermedia-an-alte_1000088371512. archive.org.
Interface as Thing - book on Paul Otlet (not released, though he said he was working on it)
- W. Boyd Rayward 1994 expert on Otlet
- Otlet on annotation, visualization, of text
- TBL married internet and hypertext (ideas have sex)
- V. Bush As We May Think - crosslinks between microfilms, not in a computer context
- Ted Nelson 1965, hypermedia
- Michael Buckland book about machine developed by Emanuel Goldberg antecedent to memex
- Emanuel Goldberg and His Knowledge Machine: Information, Invention, and Political Forces (New Directions in Information Management) by Michael Buckland (Libraries Unlimited, (March 31, 2006)
- Otlet and Goldsmith were precursors as well
four figures in his research: - Patrick Gattis - biologist, architect, diagrams of knowledge, metaphorical use of architecture; classification - Paul Otlet, Brussels born - Wilhelm Ostwalt - nobel prize in chemistry - Otto Neurath, philosophher, designer of isotype
Paul Otlet
- wrote bibliography on law
- book: Something on Bibliography #wanttoread
- universal decimal classification system
- mundaneum
- Le Corbusier - architect worked with Otlet for building for Mundaneum; See: https://socks-studio.com/2019/05/05/the-shape-of-knowledge-the-mundaneum-by-paul-otlet-and-henri-la-fontaine/
Otlet was interested in both the physical as well as the intangible aspects of the Mundaneum including as an idea, an institution, method, body of work, building, and as a network.<br /> (#t=1020)
Early iPhone diagram?!?
(roughly) armchair to do the things in the web of life (Nelson quote) (get full quote and source for use) (circa 19:30)
compares Otlet to TBL
Michael Buckland 1991 <s>internet of things</s> coinage - did I hear this correctly? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things lists different coinages
Turns out it was "information as thing"<br /> See: https://hypothes.is/a/kXIjaBaOEe2MEi8Fav6QsA
sugane brierre and otlet<br /> "everything can be in a document"<br /> importance of evidence
The idea of evidence implies a passiveness. For evidence to be useful then, one has to actively do something with it, use it for comparison or analysis with other facts, knowledge, or evidence for it to become useful.
transformation of sound into writing<br /> movement of pieces at will to create a new combination of facts - combinatorial creativity idea here. (circa 27:30 and again at 29:00)<br /> not just efficiency but improvement and purification of humanity
put things on system cards and put them into new orders<br /> breaking things down into smaller pieces, whether books or index cards....
Otlet doesn't use the word interfaces, but makes these with language and annotations that existed at the time. (32:00)
Otlet created diagrams and images to expand his ideas
Otlet used octagonal index cards to create extra edges to connect them together by topic. This created more complex trees of knowledge beyond the four sides of standard index cards. (diagram referenced, but not contained in the lecture)
Otlet is interested in the "materialization of knowledge": how to transfer idea into an object. (How does this related to mnemonic devices for daily use? How does it relate to broader material culture?)
Otlet inspired by work of Herbert Spencer
space an time are forms of thought, I hold myself that they are forms of things. (get full quote and source) from spencer influence of Plato's forms here?
Otlet visualization of information (38:20)
S. R. Ranganathan may have had these ideas about visualization too
atomization of knowledge; atomist approach 19th century examples:S. R. Ranganathan, Wilson, Otlet, Richardson, (atomic notes are NOT new either...) (39:40)
Otlet creates interfaces to the world - time with cyclic representation - space - moving cube along time and space axes as well as levels of detail - comparison to Ted Nelson and zoomable screens even though Ted Nelson didn't have screens, but simulated them in paper - globes
Katie Berner - semantic web; claims that reporting a scholarly result won't be a paper, but a nugget of information that links to other portions of the network of knowledge.<br /> (so not just one's own system, but the global commons system)
Mention of Open Annotation (Consortium) Collaboration:<br /> - Jane Hunter, University of Australia Brisbane & Queensland<br /> - Tim Cole, University of Urbana Champaign<br /> - Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory annotations of various media<br /> see:<br /> - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311366469_The_Open_Annotation_Collaboration_A_Data_Model_to_Support_Sharing_and_Interoperability_of_Scholarly_Annotations - http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core/20130205/index.html - http://www.openannotation.org/PhaseIII_Team.html
trust must be put into the system for it to work
coloration of the provenance of links goes back to Otlet (~52:00)
Creativity is the friction of the attention space at the moments when the structural blocks are grinding against one another the hardest. —Randall Collins (1998) The sociology of philosophers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (p.76)
- atomist philosophy
- Michael Buckland
- semantic web
- Le Corbusier
- Hypothes.is
- hypermedia
- W. Boyd Rayward
- xanadu
- evidence
- Mundaneum
- atomic ideas
- materialization of knowledge
- index cards
- Otto Neurath
- Ted Nelson
- history
- Emanuel Goldberg
- octagonal index cards
- Paul Otlet
- listen
- Web 2.0
- Universal Decimal Classification
- Open Annotation Collaboration
- memex
- mnemonic devices
- S. R. Ranganathan
- atomic notes
- Wilhelm Ostwalt
- Charles van den Heuvel
- material culture
- Tim Berners-Lee
- idea links
- Tim Cole
- Vannevar Bush
- Herbert Van de Sompel
- urn:itunes:podcast:episode:1000088371512
- Randall Collins
- Herbert Spencer
- references
- Jane Hunter
podcasts.apple.com podcasts.apple.com
www.w3.org www.w3.org
- May 2022
www.arthurperret.fr www.arthurperret.fr
www.nngroup.com www.nngroup.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Apr 2022
habitatchronicles.com habitatchronicles.com
sentido-labs.com sentido-labs.com
- Mar 2022
blog.mozilla.org blog.mozilla.org
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
- Feb 2022
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
- Jan 2022
The key thing about the REST approach is that the server addresses the client state transitions. The state of the client is almost totally driven by the server and, for this reason, discussions on API versioning make little sense, too. All that a client should know about a RESTful interface should be the entry point. The rest should come from the interpretation of server responses.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Apr 2021
Zu der im Working Paper angesprochenen "medienintegralen Verknüpfung von Dokumenten und Gegenständen" und deren Bezug auf Hypertextualität: In offen gehaltenen digitalen Publikationen (wie living handbooks) können stetig neue Knoten dazustoßen. Diesen Aspekt könnte man an dieser Stelle auch kurz erwähnen - in der Hypertextforschung häufig unter den Schlagwörtern "Prozessualität" oder "rhizomatisches Schreiben" verhandelt.
Siehe bereits bei Nelson (1993): Literary Machines, Vers. 93.1, S. 2/17.; zusammengefasst auch bei Żebrowska, Ewa (2013): Text – Bild – Hypertext. / Eibl (2004): Hypertext.
In diesem Zusammenhang ebenfalls relevant: Über die Verknüpfung von Knoten hinaus kann die Anreicherung mit Informationen und (Meta-)Daten auch über die Gestaltung der Knoten selbst erfolgen: 1.) Auf der Ebene der Granularität von Knoten: Die in einem Knoten aufgeführten Informationen können in unterschiedlichen Detailgraden eingeblendet werden, oder auch mehr oder weniger (Meta-)Daten integrieren/referenzieren. (s. Iske (2002): Vernetztes Wissen, S. 29). Ted Nelson hat dies bereits unter dem Begriff "stretch text" eingeführt (zusammengefasst bei Eibl, S. 58 f.). 2.) Versionierungen der Knoten ermöglichen ständige Veränderungen an den Knoten und gleichzeitig das Anzeigen dieser verschiedenen Versionen (s. dazu zusammenfassend Krameritsch (2007): Geschichte(n) im Netzwerk, S. 117 f.).
- Apr 2020
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. The term was coined by Ted Nelson around 1965 (see History ).
HyperMedia is a term used for hypertext which is not constrained to be text: it can include graphics, video and sound , for example. Apparently Ted Nelson was the first to use this term too. https://www.w3.org/WhatIs.html
Most Web navigation is done by clicking text-based links that open new pages in a Web browser. These links, which are often blue and underlined, are referred to as hypertext, since they allow the user to jump from page to page. Hypermedia is an extension of hypertext that allows images, movies, and Flash animations to be linked to other content.
The most common type of hypermedia is an image link. Photos or graphics on the Web are often linked to other pages. For example, clicking a small "thumbnail" image may open a larger version of the picture in a new window. Clicking a promotional graphic may direct you to an advertiser's website. Flash animations and videos can also be turned into hyperlinks by embedding one or more links that appear during playback. https://techterms.com/definition/hypermedia
See also
tags in hypothes.is
- Aug 2017
www.fredshack.com www.fredshack.com
- Feb 2017
www.atlasobscura.com www.atlasobscura.com
In fact, some media scholars argue that commonplace books and zibaldones were precursors to the Internet, which is similarly scrappy and mixed-up, rich in influences and perfectly willing to zig-zag between genres.
A precursor to hypertext!
- Jan 2017
www9.org www9.org
- Oct 2016
www.donationcoder.com www.donationcoder.com
Way back in the beginning of time, IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system shipped with a web browser (sorry, I can't remember its name) that would show your browsing history as an outline.
- Sep 2016
- Aug 2016
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The most popular application to embrace the category approach was the original Agenda.[60]
An example of available PKB software.
www.cs.colorado.edu www.cs.colorado.edu
As can be seen, the system we prescribe is largely composed of elements of various applications that already exist. Yet no system that we know of implements this vision entirely. Mind mapping tools, for instance, promote structure-based rather than sentence-based representation, but their data model (a tree) is too limiting to support the breadth of human thought. PersonalBrain supports a full graph model, but not transclusion, and thus every knowledge element can be seen only in a single context. Tinderbox’s transclusion overcomes this, but with a file-based architecture the limitations of which we have
For anyone interested in what kind of (transclusive) hyperdocument systems there are available: this is an obscure review, along with individual programs' shortcomings.
kftf.ischool.washington.edu kftf.ischool.washington.edu
www.csdl.tamu.edu www.csdl.tamu.eduht91.pdf1
smgprojects.github.io smgprojects.github.io
This document is used as an example in this page about using Hypothesis in conjunction with Atom. Very useful.
aworkinglibrary.com aworkinglibrary.com
as much as I know that transmitting writing via cables and air is a hell of a lot easier and cheaper than transmitting video, I’m not sure I can really stand here and say that the writing is—or should be—primary.
This argument, that technologists love writing because it’s easier for them, I love. It often gets cast as, writing is the grain of the web, what the media and the network does easily, without effort. A Dao of Textual Supremacy. But! Priority of Constituencies! Users > authors > specs. If the people want images, then images belong and images will win, even if they’re harder to deliver. See also, the GUI.
I worry that the push to keep the web defined to words, while pragmatic and reasonable in many ways, may also be used to decide what stories get told, and what stories are heard.
Coming off of the last ¶, is this about class? The essay (especially in its enthusiastic quoting and framing of Ze Frank) participates in the assumption that writing is practiced more by people of privilege, than other media. (Dunno how I think about that). At the same time, it says, that association is not causation, privelidge isn't worth, the writing isn't making the people better, and the “sophisticated” people writing aren't intrinsically better than their less textually literate, more gif-y, YouTube-y, (4-chan-y?) counterparts. Feels like there are many separate variables about people here all being lumped together under the categories "text" and "image" in ways that could maybe use a little teasing apart. Many image-based forms of expression on the internet are super elietist/privelidged/“classy”! Vimeo videos of artisanal crafts. The-Big-Picture-style, professional photojournalism. At the same time, a lot of writing is of course low-class and amature. Facebook posts from your aunt. Less so now, but blogs. As she mentions, SMS/Twitter. At the same time, the first time I read this essay, I bought her categorization, the lumping rang somewhat true? That mental image of flashing garish myspace for and of the people is pretty powerful. So I dunno.
You can describe what happens in each of those videos in words, but those words will never equal watching them.
YES. Images have unique powers!
There’s more than a hint of disparagement and elitism in that saying: everyone should have taken up writing, which is obviously superior to reading or watching or (gasp!) consuming. And I worry that that same sentiment creeps in when we argue the supremacy of text over image on the web.
Conflating a producer/consumer elitism with type-of-media elitism. The “old saw” seems to be that we should have become active empowered producers but instead we all settled into lazy consumption; not that words > images.
I think that history is telling: in that, given a canvas on which to play, many people opted to express themselves with color and image, often spending much more effort there then on the words, and often in surprising ways.
The web should be what people make it and the people want colors and images
And yet:
Counter-argument strengthened by making a strong argument for the other side first
So, okay, as a design constraint, the web sure does look like it’s text all the way down, and all this other stuff is extra. And I’m distinctly sympathetic to that notion: I happen to like text over other mediums, not only as a reader, but as someone who doesn’t particularly like to spend all day waiting for pages to load. I also like text because it’s more accessible than other mediums, and more easily archived. If the web is primarily text, then accessibility and preservation are both easy (if not trivial) problems to solve.
Arguments for text:
- acessibility
- weight
- easy to archive
- personal bias
is hypertext constrained to text?
Central question of the piece
- Oct 2015
www.hydra-cg.com www.hydra-cg.com
Example 10
This is not defining a property / predicate; it is describing a dereferenceable link. Strange intermingling of describing material (links) and meaning (predicates).
Also: is this thing a Link or should it just be a Resource?
Weird tension between identifying resources (REST view) and identifying predicates / types of relationships (RDF view).
Essential features flow seamlessly between online and offline modes; examples include cross-references, user annotations, access to online databases, as well as licensing and rights management.
- Sep 2014
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Most systems av ailable today use a single database.
Even after all these years...this is essentially still true.
Hy per Card
Anyone else think Hyper Card was amazing?!