- Sep 2020
docs.google.com docs.google.com
I’ve seen some version of this conversation happen more times than I can remember. And someone will always say ‘it’s because you’re too used to thinking in the old way, you just need to start thinking in hooks’.
But after seeing a lot of really bad hooks code, I’m starting to think it’s not that simple — that there’s something deeper going on.
Customers care more about the value our application adds to their lives than the programming language or framework the application is built with. Visible Technical Debt such as bugs and missing features and poor performance takes precedence over Hidden Technical Debt such as poor test code coverage, modularity or removing dead code
- Aug 2020
www.nap.edu www.nap.edu
Open Science by Design
ciencia abierta
DOI:10.17226/25116 ISNB:978-0-309-47627-0
- Jul 2020
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
This isn’t an accident. OpenOffice’s sidebar code was copied and incorporated into LibreOffice. The Apache OpenOffice project uses the Apache License, while the LibreOffice uses a dual LGPLv3 / MPL license. The practical result is LibreOffice can take OpenOffice’s code and incorporate it into LibreOffice — the licenses are compatible. On the other hand, LibreOffice has some features — like font embedding — that don’t appear in OpenOffice. This is because the two different licenses only allow a one-way transfer of code. LibreOffice can incorporate OpenOffice’s code, but OpenOffice can’t incorporate LibreOffice’s code. This is the result of the different licenses the projects chose.
What part of LGPLv3 / MPL prevents LibreOffice code from being incorporated back into OpenOffice's Apache Licensed code??
www.differencebetween.com www.differencebetween.com
Take a look at the slogans of some of the popular companies.
Hmm, are these taglines or slogans? According to https://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/slogan-vs-tagline-12643.html:
A tagline should represent your business, while a slogan represents a single product or is part of an advertising campaign
it seems that these are more taglines than slogans.
In the Set class we already called this - and difference, which it is ok but not really accurate because of the previous explanation, but probably not worthwhile to change it.
Is this saying that the name difference is inaccurate?
Why is it inaccurate? You even called it the "theoretic difference" above.
Is that because "relative complement" would be better? Or because the full phrase "theoretic difference" [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/set-theoretic_difference] is required in order for it to be accurate rather than just "difference"?
How is the use of - for sets inaccurate?
- May 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Related concepts in other fields are: In natural language, the coordinating conjunction "and". In programming languages, the short-circuit and control structure. In set theory, intersection. In predicate logic, universal quantification.
Strictly speaking, are these examples of dualities (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duality_(mathematics))? Or can I only, at strongest, say they are analogous (a looser coonection)?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
ssh-add <(echo "$PRIVATE_KEY")
Does this have any advantage over simply saving that key to a key file under ~/.ssh?
Like they do on https://stackoverflow.com/a/61944004/47185:
mv "$DEPLOY_KEY_PRIVATE" ~/.ssh/id_rsa
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Where does
come from? Is this a placeholder or a well-known hard-coded value specific to __ (GitLab? my.company.com?)? Where is it documented?
www.digital-democracy.org www.digital-democracy.org
By putting our data in the corporate cloud, we are that kid. We are giving corporations and governments a way to see where we are looking towards, and they can predict our future and decide whether and how to intervene or subvert.
From a game theoretic standpoint, we’ve already lost. Too many of our civil society adversaries have too much of our data, and we have so little of theirs.
www.chromestatus.com www.chromestatus.com
Mojofication, Onion Souping, and the Network Service.
What is Mojofication?
What is Onion Souping?
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
The consent provided by the user is saved in some cookies within the host page’s domain. By verifying the presence or the absence of these cookies you can determine whether the user has given their consent or not.
But how do you check if they've given consent to a specific category??
complianz.io complianz.io
A complete snapshot of the user’s browser window at that moment in time will be captured, pixel by pixel (!)
The mix of a fingerprint and first-party cookies is pervasive as Google can give a very high level of entropy when it comes to distinguishing an individual person.
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Google encouraging site admins to put reCaptcha all over their sites, and then sharing the resulting risk scores with those admins is great for security, Perona thinks, because he says it “gives site owners more control and visibility over what’s going on” with potential scammer and bot attacks, and the system will give admins more accurate scores than if reCaptcha is only using data from a single webpage to analyze user behavior. But there’s the trade-off. “It makes sense and makes it more user-friendly, but it also gives Google more data,”
For instance, Google’s reCaptcha cookie follows the same logic of the Facebook “like” button when it’s embedded in other websites—it gives that site some social media functionality, but it also lets Facebook know that you’re there.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Make it clear that signing up is optional. Consent must be “freely given”; you may not coerce users into joining your mailing list or make it appear as if joining the list is mandatory. For this reason, you must make it clear that signing up is optional. This is especially relevant in cases where you offer free white-papers (or e-books) for download. While the user’s email address is required for the delivery of the service, signing up for your newsletter is not. In such a case, you must not make it appear as if signing-up to the newsletter list mandatory and must make it clear that it is optional.
Question (answer below)
Are they saying that it's not allowed to make signing up for a mailing list a precondition/requirement for anything? This was surprising to me.
So if you have a newsletter sign-up page that sends a digital bonus gift (like an e-book) to new subscribers, are required to completely change/repurpose your "newsletter sign-up page" into a "download e-book page" (that has an optional checkbox to also sign up for the newsletter, if you want)? That seems dumb to me, since it requires completely reversing the purpose of the page — which was, in my mind, primarily about signing up for the newsletter, with a bonus (an essentially optional one) thrown in for those who do so. Are you required to either repurpose it like that or remove the free bonus offer that would be sent to new subscribers?
The irony of this is that it requires websites that have a newsletter sign-up page like that to change it into a "newsletter sign-up page" where the newsletter sign-up part is optional. Which make you look kind of stupid, making a page that claims to be one thing but doesn't necessarily do what it says it's for.
Does this mean, in effect, that you may not lawfully provide any sort of incentive or reward for signing up for something (like a mailing list)? As long as it's very clear that some action is required before delivery of some thing, I don't see why this sort of thing should not be permitted? Would this fall under contract law? And as such, wouldn't such a contract be allowed and valid? Are mailing lists a special class of [service] that has special requirements like this? Or is it part of a broader category to which this requirement applies more generally?
Why is requiring the user to provide an email address before they can download a digital reward allowed but not requiring signing up to a mailing list? Why isn't it required that even the email address be optional to provide? (To answer my own question, probably because it's allowed to allow a user to request a specific thing to be sent via email, and an email address is required in order to fulfill that request. But...) It seems that the website could just provide a direct link to download it via HTTP/FTP/etc. as an option for users that chose not to provide an email address. (But should they be required to provide that option anytime they / just because they provide the option to have the same thing delivered via email?)
Looks like my question was answered below:
Explicit Form (where the purpose of the sign-up mechanism is unequivocal). So for example, in a scenario where your site has a pop-up window that invites users to sign up to your newsletter using a clear phrase such as: “Subscribe to our newsletter for access to discount vouchers and product updates!“, the affirmative action that the user performs by typing in their email address would be considered valid consent.
So the case I described, where it is made very clear that the incentive that is offered is conditional on subscribing, is listed as an exception to the general rule. That's good; it should be allowed.
- Apr 2020
www.brucebnews.com www.brucebnews.com
Before we get to passwords, surely you already have in mind that Google knows everything about you. It knows what websites you’ve visited, it knows where you’ve been in the real world thanks to Android and Google Maps, it knows who your friends are thanks to Google Photos. All of that information is readily available if you log in to your Google account. You already have good reason to treat the password for your Google account as if it’s a state secret.
gavinmiller.io gavinmiller.io
You see entropy is information leaking. When it comes to passwords (and secure systems in general) you want to leak as little information as possible. Otherwise an attacker has information they can use to their advantage.
Chrome first sends an encrypted, 3-byte hash of your username to Google, where it is compared to Google's list of compromised usernames. If there's a match, your local computer is sent a database of every potentially matching username and password in the bad credentials list
Why do they only send password matches if username also matches?? A password should be deemed compromised and never used again if the password is found in a breach/paste anywhere, even if in connection with a different username/email.
www.csoonline.com www.csoonline.com
Download the billions of breached passwords and blacklist them all. Attackers have a copy; so should you.
blog.1password.com blog.1password.com
This isn’t the first time Kerckhoffs’ Principle has come up. I specifically discussed it when talking about creating good, strong Master Passwords, when I said that we should use a system for coming up with Master Passwords that doesn’t lose its strength if the attacker knows the system that we used
Kerckhoffs’ Principle states that you should assume that your adversary knows as much about the system you use as you do. This is why – despite what I may have said on April Fools Day last year – security experts are skeptical of security systems that hide the details of how they operate. They are particularly skeptical of systems that derive their security from keeping the details of how they work secret. I could go on at great length about why openness about the system improves security. Indeed, my first draft of this article did go on at great length.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"the enemy knows the system"
"one ought to design systems under the assumption that the enemy will immediately gain full familiarity with them"
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I had never considered it that in nearly a decade of using GNU find! Thank you for that! It will definitely change the way I think about -prune from now on.
I think this structure is much easier and correlates to the right approach
www.w3.org www.w3.org
We expect a kind of permanence to publications, which we don’t typically expect of web sites.
- Mar 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The idea that Bernie is some kind of grouchy ogre is an old and ugly snipe. Nobody ever spends time talking about his smiles or immediate concern for people's physical safety or intensely deep sense of empathy for the blue collar working populace. He's not our friend. He won't call to wish us a happy birthday. He won't make us chuckle with a well-timed joke.
That's not his job.
His job is to, hopefully, become president and start working to change America into the land our Constitution promised. It's nowhere near impossible, but it won't be easy wresting control from the corporate establishment (AKA; The DNC). They are engineering the nomination process as we speak to keep Bernie from taking the nomination.
- Feb 2020
geoff.greer.fm geoff.greer.fmAbout Me1
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Stack Overflow is an open community for anyone that codes. We help you get answers to your toughest coding questions, share knowledge with your coworkers in private, and find your next dream job.
what is stackover flow?
kickass.partners kickass.partners
- Oct 2019
corp.7-eleven.com corp.7-eleven.com
Oh Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven!®A success story fueled by customers’ needs “Give the customers what they want, when and where they want it.” Joe C. Thompson Jr. | 7‑Eleven Founder The 7‑Eleven brand is known and loved around the world, and our iconic products are a big part of the American culture. And although we’ve grown significantly over the years, our focus stays fixed on making life easier for customers. This simple idea is the reason we’re the marketplace leader. It’s also why our customers, employees, Franchisees and community leaders are proud to be part of the 7‑Eleven story. Nonstop Innovation & Customer Obsession We Did 7‑Eleven has a legacy of innovation. We were the first to provide to-go coffee cups, offer a self-serve soda fountain, operate for 24 hours a day, and yes, we even coined the phrase “BrainFreeze®” in honor of the world’s favorite frozen drink. Then came the innovation of some of our most popular menu items: the SLURPEE® drink, the BIG GULP® and then the BIG BITE®. Now, we continue our history of innovation and power it through digital initiatives. We Will From our humble beginning as the world’s first convenience store, 7‑Eleven continues its pursuit of innovative ways to cater to a new, digital-savvy generation of shoppers. As technology redefines how customers shop, we make sure to remain two steps ahead. At 7‑Eleven, we are customer-obsessed. We always poll customers to ensure we are bringing them solutions that they can’t even imagine. From offering convenient and user-friendly technology that earns our customers free products to having an ice-cold SLURPEE® drink delivered straight to their door, we are the leader in convenience and we constantly put our customers at the center of design and development. We Are It’s no secret: customers are starved for time as our world becomes increasingly connected and on the go. Our digital team strives to be at the forefront of innovation, providing effortless and convenient solutions for our customers’ needs before they even know to ask for them. We are committed to developing experiences of the future by bringing our stores to our customers wherever they are and whenever they need us. We are continuing our long-standing legacy of innovation through software and technology enhancements. We are transforming our business, one digital initiative at a time. We are redefining convenience. Learn More About Our Apps The best kind of neighbor Convenience may be our focus, but serving is our business. And that business extends beyond our stores into the communities where our customers, employees and Franchisees live, work and play. Being a great neighbor is all about investing and getting involved. It’s also about responsibility, which is one of our key business principals. That’s why we put such a focus on serving people, improving our products and protecting the planet. 7‑Eleven is proud to set the standard for responsible retailing in the convenience industry. Learn more Our Culture To lead, we serve 7‑Eleven has always been about serving the needs of our customers. This philosophy has also extended to our 7‑Eleven team, which is why our Leadership Principles play such a big part in our organization. To lead, we serve. It’s a big idea and it makes a tremendous difference in the lives of our customers, our Franchisees and our licensees. All kinds of people with one focus: making life easier We’re the convenience leader for a reason – and it has everything to do with our diverse and multi-talented team of men and women who are passionate about making life convenient. For decades – nine to be exact – we’ve counted on their unique perspectives to help us innovate and grow. They are the reasons we continue to lead in the industry. Room to move around and grow Cross-functional learning is not just allowed at 7‑Eleven, it’s applauded. We’ve got the size, stability and resources that make it possible for employees to find rewarding careers. People in all facets of our global organization discover opportunities with room to move around, try on new roles and discover untapped talents. We know that when people love what they do, everyone wins. A top-five franchisor 7‑Eleven is a brand that’s recognized worldwide. We’ve also made a reputable name for ourselves in the franchise business, and are consistently ranked as a top-five franchisor. A turnkey business model, world-class training, ongoing corporate support and special financing programs are available to increase the success rates of our Franchisees. The Store Support Center: the engine behind our stores If our stores are the fuel for busy communities, then our Store Support Center is the fuel for our stores. This is where the innovating, strategizing, forecasting, training and troubleshooting take place. From operations management and logistics to real estate, IT and human resources, our Store Support Center teams work hard to further our mission of convenience, not only for customers, but also for our Franchisees, employees and the communities we serve.
- Aug 2019
www.robinwieruch.de www.robinwieruch.de
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I am confused by the fact that people do not seem to be discussing which one to use according to these criteria. Most article I find are talking about arguments like speed or compatibility. But is this not the most relevant point?
juststories.uoregon.edu juststories.uoregon.edu
Note - this is only the about me section. Going to have some basic information about the organization, but clearly you'll have to dig through to get more.
resources for Oregonians working to improve our shared environment.
what other kinds of resources besides stories? Clarity if possible.
- Jul 2019
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Also been thinking about this for a while, but generally most of the so-called platforms aren't pushing a particular message, but are simply pushing the most acceleratable messages, regardless of their content, so that they can leverage the advertising perspective.
The Russian government apparently leveraged this to cause issues in the 2016 election and in that case they did have a specific message.
Rather, we ought to take away the rapid fire and reach portions of these tools which give far too much power to people who don't know how to wield it or aren't responsible enough.
I should expound on all of these more in the future.
- Jun 2019
mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com
Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
In the play Much Ado About Nothing, the concepts of love and romance are concretized in two different forms, represented by the relationship between Claudio and Hero, and the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick. These two couples express their love in contrasting ways, with Claudio and Hero’s relationship representing the more traditional lust filled romance, and that of Beatrice and Benedick representing a much more unconventional relationship. At first, this unconventional romance seems to lack love but in the end, it endures longer than Claudio and Hero’s does. The issue with the latter relationship is that it seems to be forced by tradition and even though there is much love or. lust at the surface of the relationship, it’s substance proves to be quite shallow. This is why trust quickly becomes a major issue. In Beatrice and Benedick’s lackluster relationship, the key factor is that although there seems to be less love in the romantic sense, there is much more thinking which overpowers the emotional aspect. This is why the shallow issues which usually befall a conventional couple are not a problem for Beatrice and Benedick. In a sense, Shakespeare is using irony to make the statement that conventional love, filled only with emotion is what leads to a faulty relationship.
engl201.opened.ca engl201.opened.ca
I have been trying to avoid the word "money" in my annotations to avoid coming off as anti-capitalist as I really am, but yes: Corporations do not give a care about individuals or marginalized groups outside of how they can profit off of their oppression. Remember this June; this Pride Month; that any company selling you rainbow merchandise is not doing it out of legitimate care about LGBTQ+ rights but because it's profitable! Yes, even if they're giving 20% of proceeds to charity - where do you think the other 80% goes?
- Jan 2019
inclusive-components.design inclusive-components.design
indieweb.org indieweb.org
This is the current model of Perkeep.
First mention: https://youtu.be/PlAU_da_U4s?start=630&end=651
More discussion including a very interesting note on what they call Namespace later: https://youtu.be/PlAU_da_U4s?start=2677&end=2787
aragon.org aragon.orgAragon2
Freedom to organizeAragon lets you freely organize and collaborate without borders or intermediaries. Create global, bureaucracy-free organizations, companies, and communities.
The world’s first digital jurisdictionAragon organizations are not only great because they are decentralized, global and unstoppable. They will also benefit from the Aragon Network, the world’s first digital jurisdiction.
"digital jurisdiction"
IPFS is the Distributed Web A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
developers.google.com developers.google.com
- Oct 2018
forboredom.com forboredom.com
Do you do you OMG jinx Go ahead no no you go first Naaaa after u no but I interrupted you tho On the contrary I'm tired we're not in shape how about a little deep breathing I'm tired of breathing word
Mimicking content/ information
- Sep 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
I believe people in sometimes feel they have no voice are say. There are pathways were people try there best to find change and still see no result i believe to have to change we have to write congress men and people in the government letters to how we may feel. We must be aware together but, its better sometimes to be the odd person out the bunch. It takes one person doing something different to see results.
- Feb 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
My daughter will be brought up to understand her true value. That’s a promise. As for all the little girls to be born around the world, the creation of these ads is an effort to show how imagination can change the conversation around their lives.
archive.org archive.org
All that I have given up to this let them serve as examples of the way in which the Connaught peasant puts his love-thoughts into song and verse, whether it be hope or despair, grief or joy, that affect him. (147)
In these final lines of the book, the reader is offered Hyde’s selection of songs as a faithful and complete insight into vernacular Connacht song about the theme of love. Moreover, Hyde suggests that in reading this anthology one achieves a good degree of familiarity with an idealized, essentially native ‘Connaught peasant’.
Although speakers in the songs are variously male and female, and the reasons for separation from absent lovers differ, the experience of love is fairly uniform throughout. It is a sore experience of unrealized desire. That scenario produces a pronouncedly virtuous image of the ‘Connaught peasant’ for a number of reasons.
The reader encounters deep loyalty where admiration is unstinted by forbiddance of love because of emigration, lack of requital, or death. ‘Úna Bhán,’ for example, is preceded by a long passage explaining how deeply a bereaved lover missed the fair Úna after, until he himself passed away. Also, Hyde’s anthology is particularly rich in its examples of similes drawn from the natural world. See ‘my love is of the colour of the blackberries’ (5) in ‘If I Were to Go West’, ‘I would not think the voice of a thrush more sweet’ (27) in ‘Long I Am Going,’ and ‘My love is like the blossom of the sloe on the brown blackthorn’ (31) in ‘An Droighneán Donn’. In the vivid rendering of these images, the beauty of the desired lover is stressed, and the delicate sensibility of the speaker is inherently implied. The Connaught peasant is thoroughly valorized as a result.
Accounting for consistencies among what anthologies include, and among what they exclude, can highlight their organizing agenda. One obvious example in the area of Irish Studies is the Field Day Anthology controversy, detailed in depth by Caitríona Crowe in The Dublin Review: https://thedublinreview.com/article/testimony-to-a-flowering/
In the case of Hyde’s Love Songs, consistencies among excluded material strengthen our perception of how actively he sought to contrive an estimable image of the Connaught peasant. Though Hyde claims his selection is emblematic of the love-thought of that idealized personage, he does not provide any examples of la chanson de la malmariée. This variety of song is so widespread that Seán Ó Tuama, who was the principal authority on the theme of love in Irish folksong, included it as one of five major genres in his article ‘Love in Irish Folksong’ (in the book Repossessions: Selected Essays on the Irish Literary Heritage. Such songs are an expression of grief by a young woman unhappily married to an elderly man.
If we are to view the songs anthologized by Hyde in a broader context of Connacht songs about love, an awareness of the chanson de la malmariéé is required. Faoi Rothaí na Gréine (1999) is a relatively recently published collection of Connacht songs. The collecting work was done in Galway between 1927 and 1932 by Máirtín Ó Cadhain, and latterly edited by Professor Ríonach Uí Ógáin. ‘An Droigheán Donn’, ‘Úna Bhán’, and ‘Mal Dubh an Ghleanna’ are common to Faoi Rothaí na Gréine and Love Songs of Connacht. The inclusion in the former of two famous songs of the malmariée genre, ‘Dar Mo Mhóide Ní Phósfainn Thú’ (I Swear I Wouldn’t Marry You), and ‘Amhrán an Tae’ (The Tea Song) demonstrate the strong presence of that genre in the ‘love-thought’ of vernacular Connacht song.
This way of framing discussion of Love Songs of Connacht invites close interrogation of Hyde’s biases. The choice of material for inclusion and exclusion is ideologically cohesive, to the specific end of creating a valorous image of the idealized native peasant. In my M.A. thesis, I might further refine the line of argument pursued in this annotation, and use it as the basis on which to build a discussion of Hyde’s particular ideological motivations.
"I have, in the following little volume, collected a few of these, the Love-Songs of a single province merely, which I either took down in each county of Connacht from the lips of the Irish-speaking peasantry - a class which is disappearing with most alarming rapidity - or extracted from MSS, in my own possession, or from some lent to me, made by different scribes during this century, or which I came upon while examining the piles of modern manuscript Gaelic literature that have found their last resting-place on the shelves of the Royal Irish Academy." (iv)
The way Hyde makes reference to sources is casual and non-specific. It would be difficult for a reader to access his sources. Because we have such little insight, it is important to be alert to potential biases in the collecting and editing process.
If we can identify consistencies among the anthologized songs in terms of their depiction of love and lovers, and/or among songs which are excluded from the anthology, we will have reason to regard the very partial disclosure of sources with suspicion.
As I have already noted, part of Hyde’s project is to bring the reader into contact with language which has an ‘unbounded’ power to excite the Irish Muse. Perhaps part of the way he contrives this encounter is to control the kind of subject matter that will appear to the reader as that which occurs most naturally in the Irish language.
The recordings in the archive are drawn from the TG4 programmes ‘Abair Amhrán’, ‘Amhrán is Ansa Liom’, and ‘Sean-Nós’, as well as their broadcasting of the singing competitions of the annual An tOireachtas festival. Virtually all singers of unaccompanied song in Irish, practicing at any point over the past 110 years, are included in the archive’s recordings. Representation of different regions of origin, age groups, and themes of song is highly diverse.
- Sep 2017
hpalms22.gsucreate.org hpalms22.gsucreate.org
- Mar 2017
Bio-Response, based in Danville, Indiana, specializes in building machines for liquid cremation, a fast, environmentally-friendly, and controversial method for disposing of the deceased.
- Jan 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
until black women on social media began calling out the press for ignoring the story. Many reached for one word — ‘‘erasure’’ — for what they felt was happening. ‘‘Not covering the #Holtzclaw verdict is erasing black women’s lives from notice,’’ one woman tweeted. ‘‘ERASURE IS VIOLENCE.’’ Deborah Douglas, writing for Ebony magazine, argued that not reporting on the case ‘‘continues the erasure of black women from the national conversation on race, police brutality and the right to safety.’’
black women are being erased from the discussion. Race in general plays a role on how much a topic is spoken about. This case was not even mentioned or discussed until black women started the talk.
- Nov 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Gabby Douglas i
Hardy Williams
ommie Smith a
- Oct 2016
- Apr 2016
www.gaudi.ch www.gaudi.ch
GaudiLabs are creative spaces for working, thinking and living where culture and technology meet. We conduct open research in open source culture technology. Developing methods, process and devices to unite people and knowledge from different fields and backgrounds. GaudiLabs consists of two complementary types of labs: A small physical lab space in Lucern, Switzerland with the head office. This is where longer term projects are elaborated, where people can meet for hack sessions, discussions and coordination. Then there is GaudiLabs mobile, a set of boxes and portable devices, workshops, concepts and formats to be taken to any place or institution, public space or events and there create a temporary lab space for collaboration. GaudiLabs is active part of the hackteria.org open source biology art network.
publiclab.org publiclab.org
Public Lab is a community where you can learn how to investigate environmental concerns. Using inexpensive DIY techniques, we seek to change how people see the world in environmental, social, and political terms.
- Sep 2015
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Who first seduced them to that foul revolt?