20 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. Feb 2024
    1. a fellowlexicographer and one of the Dictionary People, John Stephen Farmer, hadhis own legal drama. Farmer was writing a slang dictionary with WilliamHenley, and was struggling to publish the second volume (containing theletters C and F) of his work on grounds of obscenity. Farmer took hispublisher to court for breach of contract in 1891, and tried to convince a jurythat writing about obscene words in a dictionary did not make him personallyguilty of obscenity, but he lost the case and was ordered to pay costs.Eventually, he found fresh printers and avoided the Obscene Publications Actby arguing that his dictionary was published privately for subscribers only, notthe public, and the remarkable Slang and Its Analogues by Farmer and Henleywas published in seven volumes (from 1890 to 1904), with cunt and fuck andmany other words regarded as lewd on its pages. Farmer’s legal case and thepublic outcry that ensued was a clear deterrent for Murray.
  3. Sep 2023
  4. May 2021
  5. Mar 2021
    1. traditionellen

      warum hier der Begriff "traditionell"? Handelt es sich nicht vielmehr um digitale Versionen, die ihren Ursprung bei den konventionellen Publikationstypen nehmen und sich noch analog zu diesen verarbeiten/verbreiten lassen, die aber bereits schon in ihrer flachsten PDF-Form ganz neue Formen der Anreicherung (z.B. durch digitale Annotationen) neue Formen der Interaktion und Anreicherung ermöglichen?

  6. Jan 2021
  7. Jul 2020
  8. Jun 2020
  9. Apr 2020
    1. We ex­pect a kind of per­ma­nence to pub­li­ca­tions, which we don’t typ­i­cally ex­pect of web sites.
    2. the Web has be­come many things, but doc­u­ments and, by ex­ten­sion, pub­li­ca­tions, have re­mained close to the heart of the Web.
  10. Mar 2020
  11. Jan 2014
    1. We regularly provide scholars with access to content for this purpose. Our Data for Research site (http://dfr.jstor.org)

      The access to this is exceedingly slow. Note that it is still in beta.