683 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
    1. Since September 27, 2004, the jinmeiyō kanji (人名用漢字, kanji for use in personal names) consist of 3,119 characters, containing the jōyō kanji plus an additional 983 kanji found in people's names.

      人名用漢字(じんめいよう・かんじ)literally means "person's-name-use kanji" or "kanji for use in peoples' names."

      Kanji have been added and (re)moved from the list several times throughout its history. See the page Wikipedia: Jinmeiyoo Kanji

  2. Mar 2018
  3. Jan 2018
    1. sebum

      n. "a small gland in the skin which secretes a lubricating oily matter (sebum) into the hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair." - Google

  4. Dec 2017
  5. Nov 2017
  6. Oct 2017
  7. Apr 2017
    1. concomitant

      adj. "naturally accompanying or associated." n. "a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something."

      This instance is an adjective.

  8. Feb 2017
    1. Polemics

      n. A person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument, or refutation. - wordnik

    1. mental and psychological health.

      His vocabulary is severely impoverished. With constant repetition of simple meaningless words, e.g., very, very, very, great, great, great. Much of what he said at the presser with PM Abe was senseless blather. He's covering up for a serious cognitive deficit.

  9. Jan 2017
    1. hyperbolic,

      "of, relating to, or marked by language that exaggerates or overstates the truth : of, relating to, or marked by hyperbole <hyperbolic claims="">". Merriam-Webster' Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbolic

  10. Dec 2016
  11. Oct 2016
  12. Sep 2016
    1. studies indicate that a text needs to be about 98% comprehensible in order for it to help the reader acquire new vocabulary

      Source: Hu and Nation - seems to contradict "context clue" argument for uncovering new vocab. This may work if 98% is already there. May still be dark for jargon and technical terms.

  13. Jul 2016
    1. much

      Momentous; a big deal

    2. had

      Would have

    3. Breast Work

      A makeshift fortification or defense.

    4. for Carriage

      To be carried (elsewhere)

    5. Fusees

      Light muskets or firelocks

    6. Tours


    7. Original


    8. had

      Would have

    9. Algerine

      People from Algeria

    10. Bays

      Baize, a coarse woolen cloth now commonly used on billiard tables.

    11. Spirits

      Galenic theories of medicine proposed that illness was caused by a disproportionate quantity of bad humors in the body, which could be drained by bloodletting.

    12. had

      Would have

    13. had

      Would have

    14. straiten

      Make his financial situation tight

    15. Barco-Longo

      Spanish fishing boat

    16. Yard-Arm

      Outer extremity of a yard or shipyard

    17. Round-House

      The uppermost cabin in the stern of the ship

    18. Hands


    19. upon their Behaviour

      Well behaved

    20. Brow


    21. had

      Would have

    22. set them over

      Transport them inland, closer to the voices

    23. it was all one

      It was no use

    24. hollowing

      Halloaing, calling

    25. make a Waft with her Antient

      Hoist a particular flag up the mast to signal the boat to return.

    26. stave

      Break up, dismantle

    27. Husbands

      Stewards; caretakers

    28. defaced

      Removed all traces of

    29. pretty much


    30. without

      Out of

    31. yearling

      Adolescent (~2 years)

    32. by the Way

      Of little consequence; extraneous information

    33. bad


    34. fain


    35. cock, and present

      To prepare a loaded gun for firing by raising the hammer (cocking) and aiming it (presenting)

    36. Skirt


    37. though

      Even if

    38. I fetch’d a Compass to my Right-Hand, of near a Mile

      He took a mile-long detour to the right-hand side ("compass" here refers to a circuitous route, not a navigation tool)

    39. fleet


    40. gyb’d

      Turned downwind

    41. Boom

      A long spar running from different places in the ship to the base of a mast

    42. pitch’d upon


  14. Jun 2016
    1. Hangers


    2. Laths

      Thin, narrow strips of wood used to form a groundwork upon which to fasten the slates of a roof

    3. discover


    4. discover’d


    5. Stock

      The butt of a gun

    6. clapp’d


    7. Curlieu

      A bird with a long, curved bill.

    8. Supra-Cargo

      An official on a merchant ship responsible for overseeing the cargo and its sale.


      Alluding to Adam and Eve's consumption of the forbidden fruit, termed "original sin" in the Christian tradition.

    10. Pumps

      Heeled shoes

    11. glaz’d Powder

      The process of glazing involves tumbling the gunpowder grains in revolving drums with graphite, to smooth them and make them water resistant.

    12. Till

      Drawer, especially for holding money

    13. Succades

      Candied fruit

    14. Cordial Waters

      Medicinal concoctions

    15. Boltsprit

      Bowsprit; a large spar or beam extending forth from the front of a ship

    16. next


    17. found it

      Experienced these emotions

    18. wave

      Waive, set aside

    19. happy


    20. nicest

      Most careful

    21. But it was otherwise directed

      Providence decreed otherwise

    22. Strait

      Narrow opening

    23. Goat’s Tallow

      Made from mutton fat

    24. some wild-fire in the Pan

      Dry rags or some other fuel, to catch the spark from the flint.

    25. Tinder-box

      A box containing flint and steel for striking a light to make fire

    26. Converse

      Conversation or communication (of spirits with humans)

    27. chop’d upon them

      Happened upon them accidentally

    28. Disposition

      Arrangement or organization; setting forth

    29. Glasses


    30. Swan-shot

      Small lead pellets - so called, of course, because a fowling piece is ordinarily used to shoot birds

    31. Brace of Slugs

      A handful of musket balls

    32. Ambuscade


    33. had

      would have

    34. Design

      Plan or scheme

    35. Cutlashes

      Cutlasses (a sailor's sword with a curved blade)

    36. least


    37. distinguish’d

      Physically separated

    38. Cockpit

      Here alluding to the cockpit of a ship, or the part of the helm where the steering wheel is

    39. Prospective Glass

      A spyglass, or sailor's telescope

    40. Temper


    41. Application to my Maker

      Prayer or supplication

    42. Osier

      A variety of Eurasian willows

    43. start


    44. Chimera

      Monstrous imagining (more literally, a monster in Greek mythology, with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail)

    45. Chequer Work


    46. made

      Arrived at

    47. a Stone’s Cast

      A stone's throw, or a very short distance

    48. Magazine

      Supply or storehouse

    49. Squab

      A cushion forming part of the inside fittings of a carriage

    50. Muschatoes


    51. a large Pair of Mahometan Whiskers

      A long moustache, such as a Muslim man might have worn

    52. Moletta

      A variation of the word "mulatto," here used to refer to brown skin

    53. Frog

      A loop attached to a belt, designed to hold a sword or bayonet

    54. Thongs


    55. Spatter-dashes

      Long gaiters or leggings of leather, to keep boots and trousers from being spattered with mud

    56. Buskins

      Calf-high or knee-high boots

    57. Pantaloons

      Breeches or trousers

    58. crazy


    59. answer’d my End

      Served my purpose

    60. Forecast

      Crusoe's comical failure to anticipate that, the larger his enclosure is, the harder it will be to catch the goats inside

    61. Drills

      Small streams or rills

    62. Contrivance

      Foresight; planning or ingenuity

    63. Graplin


    64. Memorandum

      In Latin, literally "a thing which must be remembered"

    65. answer’d

      Served the need

    66. made shift

      Contrived (ie. a makeshift waistcoat)

    67. neither had they been wanting to me

      Neither had they failed

    68. flea

      To flay or skin them

    69. Want


    70. a Gross

      A square dozen, or 144 of something

    71. dress


    72. Fewel


    73. Declivity

      A downward slope, so that the boat might slide down into the water.

    74. Periagua

      A small, flat-bottomed Caribbean boat similar to a canoe, but with a sail.

    75. to rub it out

      To remove the seed from the husk

  15. May 2016
    1. Puddings

      In Britain, pudding can refer to a number of sweet and savory dishes, including desserts and various types of sausages made from entrails. Here, it refers to a sweetened bread.

    2. Search

      Searce; another word for a sieve

    3. against


    4. to raise Past

      To make pastry

    5. Pipkins

      Small earthenware pots

    6. bruised


    7. to my Mind

      To my liking

    8. Thrash

      Threshing, or the process of separating the seeds of corn from the husks

    9. Harrow

      A very large frame set with iron teeth that is dragged over arable land to break up clods of earth

    10. Peck-loaf

      A two-gallon loaf; Crusoe's crop is so small to begin with, that every grain the birds eat is a significant loss

    11. fain

      Eagerly, gladly

    12. Case-Bottles-Square

      A bottle with a square-shaped base, often used for gin

    13. Peck

      An imperial unit of dry volume, approximately 2 gallons

    14. Humiliation

      In this context, meaning humility, rather than embarrassment

    15. cast


    16. Meat

      Food generally, not necessarily restricted to animal's flesh

    17. 100 Weight

      An imperial hundredweight, or about 112 lb

    18. light


    19. above half a Hundred Weight

      More than 56 lb (a full hundredweight is 112 lb)

    20. Traffick

      Violent altercation

    21. Of which in its Place

      Crusoe will describe this predicament at greater length farther along in the narrative (i.e. "More about this later.")

    22. Chickens Meat

      Chicken's food; in this case, barley (referred to here sometimes as corn), which Crusoe realizes must have germinated and sprouted.

    23. Staves

      Wooden planks from which barrels are made.

    24. Cask to be hooped

      A typical wooden barrel, consisting of vertical wooden staves bound with lateral metal hoops.

    25. Runlet

      A roundlet, or, in wine-measure, a barrel holding about 48 gallons.

    26. jealous

      Fearful, apprehensive, or wary.