8,799 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors sequence 45 new samples of S. Gallinarum, a commensal Salmonella found in chickens, which can sometimes cause disease. They combine these sequences with around 500 from public databases, determine the population structure of the pathogen, and coarse relationships of lineages with geography. The authors further investigate known anti-microbial genes found in these genomes, how they associate with each other, whether they have been horizontally transferred, and date the emergence of clades.


      (1) It doesn't seem that much is known about this serovar, so publicly available new sequences from a high-burden region are a valuable addition to the literature.

      (2) Combining these sequences with publicly available sequences is a good way to better contextualise any findings.


      There are many issues with the genomic analysis that undermine the conclusions, the major ones I identified being:

      (1) Recombination removal using gubbins was not presented fully anywhere. In this diversity of species, it is usually impossible to remove recombination in this way. A phylogeny with genetic scale and the gubbins results is needed. Critically, results on timing the emergence (fig2) depend on this, and cannot be trusted given the data presented.

      (2) The use of BEAST was also only briefly presented, but is the basis of a major conclusion of the paper. Plot S3 (root-to-tip regression) is unconvincing as a basis of this data fitting a molecular clock model. We would need more information on this analysis, including convergence and credible intervals.

      (3) Using a distance of 100 SNPs for a transmission is completely arbitrary. This would at least need to be justified in terms of the evolutionary rate and serial interval.

      (4) The HGT definition is non-standard, and phylogeny (vertical inheritance) is not controlled for.<br /> The cited method:<br /> 'In this study, potentially recently transferred ARGs were defined as those with perfect identity (more than 99% nucleotide identity and 100% coverage) in distinct plasmids in distinct host bacteria using BLASTn (E-value {less than or equal to}10−5)'<br /> This clearly does not apply here, as the application of distinct hosts and plasmids cannot be used. Subsequent analysis using this method is likely invalid, and some of it (e.g. Figure 6c) is statistically very poor.

      (5) Associations between lineages, resistome, mobilome, etc do not control for the effect of genetic background/phylogeny. So e.g. the claim 'the resistome also demonstrated a lineage-preferential distribution' is not well-supported.

      (6) The invasiveness index is not well described, and the difference in means is not biologically convincing as although it appears significant, it is very small.

      (7) 'In more detail, both the resistome and mobilome exhibited a steady decline until the 1980s, followed by a consistent increase from the 1980s to the 2010s. However, after the 2010s, a subsequent decrease was identified.'<br /> Where is the data/plot to support this? Is it a significant change? Is this due to sampling or phylogenetics?

      (8) It is not clear what the burden of disease this pathogen causes in the population, or how significant it is to agricultural policy. The article claims to 'provide valuable insights for targeted policy interventions.', but no such interventions are described.

      (9) The abstract mentions stepwise evolution as a main aim, but no results refer to this.

      (10) The authors attribute changes in population dynamics to normalisation in China-EU relations and hen fever. However, even if the date is correct, this is not a strongly supported causal claim, as many other reasons are also possible (for example other industrial processes which may have changed during this period).

      (11) No acknowledgment of potential undersampling outside of China is made, for example, 'Notably, all bvSP isolates from Asia were exclusively found in China, which can be manually divided into three distinct regions (southern, eastern, and northern).'. Perhaps we just haven't looked in other places?

      (12) Many of the conclusions are highly speculative and not supported by the data.

      (13) The figures are not always the best presentation of the data:<br /> a. Stacked bar plots in Figure 1 are hard to interpret, the total numbers need to be shown. Panel C conveys little information.<br /> b. Figure 4B: stacked bars are hard to read and do not show totals.<br /> c. Figure 5 has no obvious interpretation or significance.

      In summary, the quality of analysis is poor and likely flawed (although there is not always enough information on methods present to confidently assess this or provide recommendations for how it might be improved). So, the stated conclusions are not supported.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Temperature is a critical factor affecting the progression of viral diseases in vertebrates and invertebrates. In the current study, the authors investigate mechanisms by which high temperatures promote anti-viral resistance in shrimp. They show that high temperatures induce HSF1 expression, which in turn upregulates AMPs. The AMPs target viral envelope proteins and inhibit viral infection/replication. The authors confirm this process in drosophila and suggest that there may be a conserved mechanism of high-temperature mediated anti-viral response in arthropods. These findings will enhance our understanding of how high temperature improves resistance to viral infection in animals.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but some aspects of data analysis need to be clarified and extended. Further investigation on how WSSV infection is affected by AMP would have strengthened the study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study, based on their previous findings that TFH cells can be converted into TR1 cells, conducted a highly detailed and comprehensive epigenetic investigation to answer whether TR1 differentiation from TFH is driven by epigenetic changes. Their evidence indicated that the downregulation of TFH-related genes during the TFH to TR1 transition depends on chromatin closure, while the upregulation of TR1-related genes does not depend on epigenetic changes.


      A significant advantage of their approach lies in its detailed and comprehensive assessment of epigenetics. Their analysis of epigenetics covers chromatin open regions, histone modifications, DNA methylation, and using both single-cell and bulk techniques to validate their findings. As for their results, observations from different epigenetic perspectives mutually supported each other, lending greater credibility to their conclusions. This study effectively demonstrates that 1. the TFH-to-TR1 differentiation process is associated with massive closure of OCRs, and 2. the TR1-poised epigenome of TFH cells is a key enabler of this transdifferentiation process. Considering the extensive changes in epigenetic patterns involved in other CD4+ T lineage commitment processes, the similarity between TFH and TR1 in their epigenetics is intriguing.

      They performed correlation analysis to answer the association between "pMHC-NP-induced epigenetic change" and "gene expression change in TR1". Also, they have made their raw data publicly available, providing a comprehensive epigenomic database of pMHC-NP induced TR1 cells. This will serve as a valuable reference for future research.


      A major limitation is that this study heavily relies on a premise from the previous studies performed by the same group on pMHC-NP-induced T cell responses. This significantly limits the relevance of their conclusion to a broader perspective. Specifically, differential OCRs between Tet+ and naïve T cells were limited to only 821, as compared to 10,919 differential OCRs between KLH-TFH and naïve T cells (Fig. 2A), indicating that the precursors and T cell clonotypes that responded to pMHC-NP were extremely limited. I acknowledge that this limitation has been added and discussed in the Discussion section of the revised manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      It is challenging to study the biophysical properties of organelle channels using conventional electrophysiology. The conventional reconstitution methods requires multiple steps and can be contaminated by endogenous ionophores from the host cell lines after purification. To overcome this challenge, in this manuscript, Larmore et al. described a fully synthetic method to assay the functional properties of the TRPP channel family. The TRPP channels are an important organelle ion channel family that natively traffic to primary cilia and ER organelles. The authors utilized cell-free protein expression and reconstitution of the synthetic channel protein into giant unilamellar vesicles (GUV), the single channel properties can be measured using voltage-clamp electrophysiology. Using this innovative method, the authors characterized their membrane integration, orientation, and conductance, comparing the results to those of endogenous channels. The manuscript is well-written and may present broad interest to the ion channel community studying organelle ion channels. Particularly because of the challenges of patching native cilia cells, the functional characterization is highly concentrated in very few labs. This method may provide an alternative approach to investigate other channels resistant to biophysical analysis and pharmacological characterization.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have addressed my concerns. This excellent method manuscript would benefit the study of organelle channels.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The relationships between genes and phenotypes are complex and the impact of deleting or a gene can often have multifaceted and unforeseen consequences. This paper dissected the role of calcineurin, encoded by tax-6, in various phenotypes in C. elegans, including lifespan, pathogen susceptibility, the defecation motor program, and nutrient absorption or calorie restriction, through a series of genetic and behavioral analyses. Many genes in these pathways were tested yielding robust results. Classic epistasis analyses were used to distinguish between genes operating in the same or separate pathways. Researchers in the related fields will be very interested in looking through the data presented in this paper in great detail and benefit from it.

      Overall, this paper supports a model in which the increased lifespan and heightened pathogen susceptibility observed following calcineurin inhibition result from the disruptions in the defecation motor program but through distinct pathways. A defective defecation motor program leads to intestine bloating and compromised nutrient absorption. Calorie restriction resulting from poor nutrient absorption affects lifespan, whereas increased colonization in the bloated intestine heightens pathogen susceptibility. The observation that knockdown of several other DMP-related genes also results in increased lifespan and pathogen susceptibility further reinforces the proposed model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors inquire in particular whether the receptor Gpr156, which is necessary for hair cells to reverse their polarities in the zebrafish lateral line and mammalian otolith organs downstream of the differential expression of the transcription factor Emx2, also controls the mechanosensitive properties of hair cells and ultimately an animal's behavior. This study thoroughly addresses the issue by analyzing the morphology, electrophysiological responses, and afferent connections of hair cells found in different regions of the mammalian utricle and the Ca2+ responses of lateral line neuromasts in both wild-type animals and gpr156 mutants. Although many features of hair cell function are preserved in the mutants-such as development of the mechanosensory organs and the Emx2-dependent, polarity-specific afferent wiring and synaptic pairing-there are a few key changes. In the zebrafish neuromast, the magnitude of responses of all hair cells to water flow resembles that of the wild-type hair cells that respond to flow arriving from the tail. These responses are larger than those observed in hair cells that are sensitive to flow arriving from the head and resemble effects previously observed in Emx2 mutants. The authors note that this behavior suggests that the Emx2-GPR156 signaling axis also impinges on hair cell mechanotransduction. Although mutant mice exhibit normal posture and balance, they display defects in swimming behavior. Moreover, their vestibulo-ocular reflexes are perturbed. The authors note that the gpr156 mutant is a good model to study the role of opposing hair cell polarity in the vestibular system, for the wiring patterns follow the expression patterns of Emx2, even though hair cells are all of the same polarity. This paper excels at describing the effects of gpr156 perturbation in mouse and zebrafish models and will be of interest to those studying the vestibular system, hair cell polarity, and the role of inner-ear organs in animal behavior.

      The study is exceptional in including, not only morphological and immunohistochemical indices of cellular identity but also electrophysiological properties. The mutant hair cells of murine maculæ display essentially normal mechanoelectrical transduction and adaptation-with two or even three kinetic components-as well as normal voltage-activated ionic currents.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Here the authors describe a model for tracking time-varying coupling between neurons from multi-electrode spike recordings. Their approach extends a GLM with static coupling between neurons to include dynamic weights, learned by a long-short-term-memory (LSTM) model. Each connection has a corresponding LSTM embedding and is read-out by a multi-layer perceptron to predict the time-varying weight.


      This is an interesting approach to an open problem in neural data analysis. I think, in general, the method would be interesting to computational neuroscientists.


      It is somewhat difficult to interpret what the model is doing. I think it would be worthwhile to add some additional results that make it more clear what types of patterns are being described and how.

      Major Issues:

      Simulation for dynamic connectivity. It certainly seems doable to simulate a recurrent spiking network whose weights change over time, and I think this would be a worthwhile validation for this DyNetCP model. In particular, I think it would be valuable to understand how much the model overfits, and how accurately it can track known changes in coupling strength. If the only goal is "smoothing" time-varying CCGs, there are much easier statistical methods to do this (c.f. McKenzie et al. Neuron, 2021. Ren, Wei, Ghanbari, Stevenson. J Neurosci, 2022), and simulations could be useful to illustrate what the model adds beyond smoothing.

      Stimulus vs noise correlations. For studying correlations between neurons in sensory systems that are strongly driven by stimuli, it's common to use shuffling over trials to distinguish between stimulus correlations and "noise" correlations or putative synaptic connections. This would be a valuable comparison for Fig 5 to show if these are dynamic stimulus correlations or noise correlations. I would also suggest just plotting the CCGs calculated with a moving window to better illustrate how (and if) the dynamic weights differ from the data.

      Minor Issues:

      Introduction - it may be useful to mention that there have been some previous attempts to describe time-varying connectivity from spikes both with probabilistic models: Stevenson and Kording, Neurips (2011), Linderman, Stock, and Adams, Neurips (2014), Robinson, Berger, and Song, Neural Computation (2016), Wei and Stevenson, Neural Comp (2021) ... and with descriptive statistics: Fujisawa et al. Nat Neuroscience (2008), English et al. Neuron (2017), McKenzie et al. Neuron (2021).

      In the sections "Static DyNetCP ...reproduce". It may be useful to have some additional context to interpret the CCG-DyNetCP correlations and CCG-GLMCC correlations (for simulation). If I understand right, these are on training data (not cross-validated) and the DyNetCP model is using NM+1 parameters to predict ~100 data points (It would also be good to say what N and M are for the results here). The GLMCC model has 2 or 3 parameters (if I remember right?).

      In the section "Static connectivity inferred by the DyNetCP from in-vivo recordings is biologically interpretable"... I may have missed it, but how is the "functional delay" calculated? And am I understanding right that for the DyNetCP you are just using [w_i\toj, w_j\toi] in place of the CCG?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper tackles the problem of understanding when the dynamics of neural population activity do and do not align with some target output, such as an arm movement. The authors develop a theoretical framework based on RNNs showing that an alignment of neural dynamics to an output can be simply controlled by the magnitude of the read-out weight vector while the RNN is being trained: small magnitude vectors result in aligned dynamics, where low-dimensional neural activity recapitulates the target; large magnitude vectors result in "oblique" dynamics, where encoding is spread across many dimensions. The paper further explores how the aligned and oblique regimes differ, in particular that the oblique regime allows degenerate solutions for the same target output.


      - A really interesting new idea that different dynamics of neural circuits can arise simply from the initial magnitude of the output weight vector: once written out (Eq 3) it becomes obvious, which I take as the mark of a genuinely insightful idea

      - The offered framework potentially unifies a collection of separate experimental results and ideas, largely from studies of motor cortex in primate: the idea that much of the ongoing dynamics do not encode movement parameters; the existence of the "null space" of preparatory activity; and that ongoing dynamics of motor cortex can rotate in the same direction even when the arm movement is rotating in opposite directions.

      - The main text is well written, with a wide-ranging set of key results synthesised and illustrated well and concisely

      - Shows the occurrence of the aligned and oblique regimes generalises across a range of simulated behavioural tasks

      - A deep analytical investigation of when the regimes occur and how they evolve over training

      - Shows where the oblique regime may be advantageous: allows multiple solutions to the same problem; and differs in sensitivity to perturbation and noise

      - An insightful corollary result that noise in training is needed to obtain the oblique regime

      - Tests whether the aligned and oblique regimes can be seen in neural recordings from primate cortex in a range of motor control tasks

      - The revised text offers greater clarity and precision about when the aligned and oblique regimes occur and in the interpretation of the analyses of neural data


      - The depth of analytical treatment in the Methods is impressive; however, the paper and the Methods analyses are largely independent, with the numerous results in the latter not being mentioned in the Results or Discussion. It in effect operates as two papers.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In the revised manuscript, the authors investigated the role of a presynaptic protein, Rab3A, in the homeostatic synaptic plasticity in cultured cortical neurons. The study was motivated by their previous findings that Rab3A is required for expression of similar homeostatic mechanisms at the neuromuscular junction. The authors first show that untreated WT neurons express homeostatic synaptic plasticity in response to 48h of TTX treatment (upregulation of both mEPSC amplitude and frequency), whereas neurons lacking Rab3A or carrying a dominant negative mutated Rab3A (earlybird) do not. They also demonstrate that only neuronal, but not glial Rab3A is responsible for this defect. Furthermore, they confirm the increased mEPSC amplitudes in WT neurons reflect the addition of GluA2-containing AMPA receptors rather than calcium-permeable ones, as previously reported by multiple labs. However, the increase in mEPSC amplitude is not accompanied by a corresponding upregulation of GluA2 synaptic clusters according to their IHC data (cluster size and intensity trend slightly upwards but not reaching significance). They further show that this modest upward trend is absent in Rab3A KO neurons, and conclude that Rab3A is involved in postsynaptic GluA2 upregulation during homeostatic synaptic plasticity.

      When compared to the original version, the authors have done an admirable job in switching to more established ways to assess homeostatic synaptic plasticity by comparing the mean mEPSC amplitude and frequency, which has greatly improved the legibility of the manuscript to the public. Their data in Figures 1,2, and 8 clearly demonstrate that functional Rab3A in cortical neurons is required for the homeostatic regulation of mEPSCs.

      However, the authors still have not provided further investigation of the mechanisms behind the role of Rab3A in this form of plasticity, and the revision therefore has added little to the significance of the study. Moreover, the experimental design for the investigation of the mismatch between mEPSC amplitude and GluA2 cluster fluorescence remains questionable, making it difficult to draw any credible conclusions from groups of data that not only look similar to the eye but also show no significance statistically.

      A major claim the authors want to make is that Rab3A, although a presynaptic protein, regulates postsynaptic GluA2, and they do this by showing in Figure 5 that the upward trend of GluA2 cluster size and intensity is absent in Rab3A KO neurons. First, it is difficult to convince readers that this upward trend is real in Figures 5B-D without getting more samples. Second, the authors pick GluA2 clusters on the primary dendrites, whereas mEPSC events come from a much larger synapse population (e.g., more distal), therefore it makes sense that these two forms of measurement do not show matching changes, and this caveat could be addressed by sampling more diverse dendritic locations. Without a convincing phenotype in WT neurons, the support for this claim is weak.

      Another claim of the authors is that this mismatch between mEPSC amplitude and GluA2 cluster sizes with the same culture suggests there are other factors contributing to the mEPSC amplitude. They do this by comparing results from individual culture dissociations, which greatly suffer from undersampling (Figure 6). In particular, they point out that 2 out of 3 dissociations show "matching" upward trends in mEPSC and GluA2 cluster (figure 6A and 6B) while the third one shows opposite trends, and use this to support their claim. Anyone who has done culture preparation would know the high variability between dissociations, which is why culture data are always pooled for assessment of any population trend. Anything could have happened to this particular dissociation (culture #3, figure 6C), and drawing conclusion from this single incident does little to support this claim. At least, they should double the dissociation numbers, and their claim would be much more convincing if a similar phenomenon occurs again. Besides, as mentioned above, all these mismatching trends could just be due to sampling differences.

      In summary, this study establishes that neuronal Rab3A plays a role in homeostatic synaptic plasticity, but so do a number of other molecules that have been implicated in homeostatic synaptic plasticity in the past two decades (only will grow with the new techniques such as RNAseq). Without going beyond this finding and demonstrating how exactly Rab3A participates in the induction and/or expression of this form of plasticity, or maybe the potential Rab3A-mediated functional and behavioral defects in vivo, the contribution of the current study to the field is limited. However, given the presynaptic location of Rab3A, this finding could serve as a starting point for researchers interested in pre-postsynaptic cross-talk during homeostatic plasticity in general.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The present manuscript addresses a longstanding challenge in neuroscience: how the brain assigns credit for delayed outcomes, especially in real-world learning scenarios where decisions and outcomes are separated by time. The authors focus on the lateral orbitofrontal cortex and hippocampus, key regions involved in contingent learning. By integrating fMRI data and behavioral tasks, the authors examined how neural circuits maintain a causal link between past decisions and delayed outcomes. Their findings offer insights into mechanisms that could have critical implications for understanding human decision-making.


      (1) The experimental designs were extremely well thought-out. The authors successfully coupled behavioral data and neural measures (through fMRI) to explore the neural mechanisms of contingent learning. This integration adds robustness to the findings and strengthens their relevance.

      (2) The emphasis on the interaction between the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC) and hippocampus (HC) in this study is very well-targeted. The reported findings regarding their dynamic interactions provide valuable insights into contingent learning in humans.

      (3) The use of an advanced modeling framework and analytical techniques allowed the authors to uncover new mechanistic insights regarding a complex case of the decision-making process. The methods developed will also benefit analyses of future neuroimaging data on a range of decision-making tasks as well.


      Given the limited temporal resolution of fMRI and that the measured signal is an indirect measure of neural activity, it is unclear the extent to which the reported causality reflects the true relationship/interactions between neurons in different regions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Deshmukh and colleagues studied the evolution of mimetic morphs in the Papilio polytes species group. They investigate the timing of origin of haplotypes associated with different morphs, their dominance relationships, associations with different isoform expressions, and evidence for selection and recombination in the sequence data. P. polytes is a textbook example of a Batesian mimic, and this study provides important nuanced insights into its evolution, and will therefore be relevant to many evolutionary biologists. I find the results regarding dominance and the sequence of events generally convincing, but I have some concerns about the motivation and interpretation of some other analyses, particularly the tests for selection.


      This study uses widespread sampling, large sample sizes from crossing experiments, and a wide range of data sources.


      (1) Purpose and premise of selective sweep analysis

      A major narrative of the paper is that new mimetic alleles have arisen and spread to high frequency, and their dominance over the pre-existing alleles is consistent with Haldane's sieve. It would therefore make sense to test for selective sweep signatures within each morph (and its corresponding dsx haplotype), rather than at the species level. This would allow a test of the prediction that those morphs that arose most recently would have the strongest sweep signatures.

      Sweep signatures erode over time - see Figure 2 of Moest et al. 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000597), and it is unclear whether we expect the signatures of the original sweeps of these haplotypes to still be detectable at all. Moest et al show that sweep signatures are completely eroded by 1N generations after the event, and probably not detectable much sooner than that, so assuming effective population sizes of these species of a few million, at what time scale can we expect to detect sweeps? If these putative sweeps are in fact more recent than the origin of the different morphs, perhaps they would more likely be associated with the refinement of mimicry, but not necessarily providing evidence for or against a Haldane's sieve process in the origin of the morphs.

      (2) Selective sweep methods

      A tool called RAiSD was used to detect signatures of selective sweeps, but this manuscript does not describe what signatures this tool considers (reduced diversity, skewed frequency spectrum, increased LD, all of the above?). Given the comment above, would this tool be sensitive to incomplete sweeps that affect only one morph in a species-level dataset? It is also not clear how RAiSD could identify signatures of selective sweeps at individual SNPs (line 206). Sweeps occur over tracts of the genome and it is often difficult to associate a sweep with a single gene.

      (3) Episodic diversification

      Very little information is provided about the Branch-site Unrestricted Statistical Test for Episodic Diversification (BUSTED) and Mixed Effects Model of Evolution (MEME), and what hypothesis the authors were testing by applying these methods. Although it is not mentioned in the manuscript, a quick search reveals that these are methods to study codon evolution along branches of a phylogeny. Without this information, it is difficult to understand the motivation for this analysis.

      (4) GWAS for form romulus

      The authors argue that the lack of SNP associations within dsx for form romulus is caused by poor read mapping in the inverted region itself (line 125). If this is true, we would expect strong association in the regions immediately outside the inversion. From Figure S3, there are four discrete peaks of association, and the location of dsx and the inversion are not indicated, so it is difficult to understand the authors' interpretation in light of this figure.

      (5) Form theseus

      Since there appears to be only one sequence available for form theseus (actually it is said to be "P. javanus f. polytes/theseus"), is it reasonable to conclude that "the dsx coding sequence of f. theseus was identical to that of f. polytes in both P. javanus and P. alphenor" (Line 151)? Looking at the Clarke and Sheppard (1972) paper cited in the statement that "f. polytes and f. theseus show equal dominance" (line 153), it seems to me that their definition of theseus is quite different from that here. Without addressing this discrepancy, the results are difficult to interpret.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Pluripotent stem cells are powerful tools for understanding development, differentiation, and disease modeling. The capacity of stem cells to differentiate into various cell types holds great promise for therapeutic applications. However, ethical concerns restrict the use of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Consequently, induced human pluripotent stem cells (ihPSCs) offer an attractive alternative for modeling rare diseases, drug screening, and regenerative medicine. A comprehensive understanding of ihPSCs is crucial to establish their similarities and differences compared to hESCs. This work demonstrates systematic differences in the reprogramming of nuclear and non-nuclear proteomes in ihPSCs.


      The authors employed quantitative mass spectrometry to compare protein expression differences between independently derived ihPSC and hESC cell lines. Qualitatively, protein expression profiles in ihPSC and hESC were found to be very similar. However, when comparing protein concentration at a cellular level, it became evident that ihPSCs express higher levels of proteins in the cytoplasm, mitochondria, and plasma membrane, while the expression of nuclear proteins is similar between ihPSCs and hESCs. A higher expression of proteins in ihPSCs was verified by an independent approach, and flow cytometry confirmed that ihPSCs had larger cell size than hESCs. The differences in protein expression were reflected in functional distinctions. For instance, the higher expression of mitochondrial metabolic enzymes, glutamine transporters, and lipid biosynthesis enzymes in ihPSCs was associated with enhanced mitochondrial potential, increased ability to uptake glutamine, and increased ability to form lipid droplets.


      While this finding is intriguing and interesting, the study falls short of explaining the mechanistic reasons for the observed quantitative proteome differences. It remains unclear whether the increased expression of proteins in ihPSCs is due to enhanced transcription of the genes encoding this group of proteins or due to other reasons, for example, differences in mRNA translation efficiency. Another unresolved question pertains to how the cell type origin influences ihPSC proteomes. For instance, whether ihPSCs derived from fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and other cell types all exhibit differences in their cell size and increased expression of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial proteins. Analyzing ihPSCs derived from different cell types and by different investigators would be necessary to address these questions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors work to extend their previous observation that galectin-9 interacts with arabinogalactans of Mtb in their EMBO reports 2021 manuscript. Here they provide evidence for the CARD2 domain of galectin-9 can inhibit the growth of Mtb in culture. In addition, antibodies that also bind to AG appear to inhibit Mtb growth in culture. These data indicate that independent of the common cell-associated responses to galectin-9 and antibodies, interaction of these proteins with AG of mycobacteria may have consequences for bacterial growth.


      The authors provided several lines of evidence in culture media that the introduction of galectin-9 proteins and antibodies inhibit the growth rate of Mtb.


      The methodology for generating and screening the anti-AG antibodies lacks pertinent details for recapitulating and interpreting the results.

      The figure legends and methods associated with the microscopy assays lack sufficient details to appropriately interpret the experiments conducted.

      The galectin-9 measured in the sera of TB patients does not approach the concentrations required for Mtb growth restriction in the in vitro assays performed by the authors. It remains difficult to envision how greater levels of galectin-9 release might contribute to Mtb control in severe forms of TB, since higher levels of serum Gal9 has been observed in other human studies and correlate with poorly controlled infection. The authors over-interpret the role of Gal9 in bacterial control during disease/infection without any evidence of impact on in vivo (animal model) control.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this work, Witten et al. assess visual acuity, cone density, and fixational behavior in the central foveal region in a large number of subjects.<br /> This work elegantly presents a number of important findings, and I can see this becoming a landmark work in the field. First, it shows that acuity is determined by the cone mosaic, hence, subjects characterized by higher cone densities show higher acuity in diffraction limited settings. Second, it shows that humans can achieve higher visual resolution than what is dictated by cone sampling, suggesting that this is likely the result of fixational drift, which constantly moves the stimuli over the cone mosaic. Third, the study reports a correlation between the amplitude of fixational motion and acuity, namely, subjects with smaller drifts have higher acuities and higher cone density. Fourth, it is shown that humans tend to move the fixated object toward the region of higher cone density in the retina, lending further support to the idea that drift is not a random process, but is likely controlled. This is a beautiful and unique work that furthers our understanding of the visuomotor system and the interplay of anatomy, oculomotor behavior, and visual acuity.


      The work is rigorously conducted, it uses state-of-the-art technology to record fixational eye movements while imaging the central fovea at high resolution, and examines exactly where the viewed stimulus falls on individuals' foveal cone mosaic with respect to different anatomical landmarks in this region. Figures are clear and nicely packaged. It is important to emphasize that this study is a real tour-de-force in which the authors collected a massive amount of data on 20 subjects. This is particularly remarkable considering how challenging it is to run psychophysics experiments using this sophisticated technology. Most of the studies using psychophysics with AO are, indeed, limited to a few subjects. Therefore, this work shows a unique set of data, filling a gap in the literature.


      Data analysis has been improved after the first round of review. The revised version of the manuscript is solid, and there are no weaknesses that should be addressed. The authors added more statistical tests and analyses, reported comparable effects even when different metrics are used (e.g., diffusion constant), and removed the confusing text on myopia. I think this work represents a significant scientific contribution to vision science.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study focused on using strictly the slope of the power spectral density (PSD) to perform automated sleep scoring and evaluation of the durations of sleep cycles. The method appears to work well because the slope of the PSD is highest during slow-wave sleep, and lowest during waking and REM sleep. Therefore, when smoothed and analyzed across time,there are cyclical variations in the slope of the PSD, fit using an IRASA (Irregularly resampled auto-spectral analysis) algorithm proposed by Wen & Liu (2016).


      The main novelty of the study is that the non-fractal (oscillatory) components of the PSD that are more typically used during sleep scoring can be essentially ignored because the key information is already contained within the fractal (slope) component. The authors show that for the most part, results are fairly consistent between this and conventional sleep scoring, but in some cases show disagreements that may be scientifically interesting.


      The previous weaknesses were well-addressed by the authors in the revised manuscript. I will note that from the fractal cycle perspective, waking and REM sleep are not very dissimilar. Combining these states underlies some of the key results of this study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Liu et al. applied hidden Markov models (HMM) to fMRI data from 64 participants listening to audio stories. The authors identified three brain states, characterized by specific patterns of activity and connectivity, that the brain transitions between during story listening. Drawing on a theoretical framework proposed by Berwick et al. (TICS 2023), the authors interpret these states as corresponding to external sensory-motor processing (State 1), lexical processing (State 2), and internal mental representations (State 3). States 1 and 3 were more likely to transition to State 2 than between one another, suggesting that State 2 acts as a transition hub between states. Participants whose brain state trajectories closely matched those of an individual with high comprehension scores tended to have higher comprehension scores themselves, suggesting that optimal transitions between brain states facilitated narrative comprehension.

      Overall, the conclusions of the paper are well-supported by the data. Several recent studies (e.g., Song, Shim, and Rosenberg, eLife, 2023) have found that the brain transitions between a small number of states; however, the functional role of these states remains under-explored. An important contribution of this paper is that it relates the expression of brain states to specific features of the stimulus in a manner that is consistent with theoretical predictions.

      (1) It is worth noting, however, that the correlation between narrative features and brain state expression (as shown in Figure 3) is relatively low (~0.03). Additionally, it was unclear if the temporal correlation of the brain state expression was considered when generating the null distribution. It would be helpful to clarify whether the brain state expression time courses were circularly shifted when generating the null.

      (2) A strength of the paper is that the authors repeated the HMM analyses across different tasks (Figure 5) and an independent dataset (Figure S3) and found that the data was consistently best fit by 3 brain states. However, it was not entirely clear to me how well the 3 states identified in these other analyses matched the brain states reported in the main analyses. In particular, the confusion matrices shown in Figure 5 and Figure S3 suggests that that states were confusable across studies (State 2 vs. State 3 in Fig. 5A and S3A, State 1 vs. State 2 in Figure 5B). I don't think this takes away from the main results, but it does call into question the generalizability of the brain states across tasks and populations.

      (3) The three states identified in the manuscript correspond rather well to areas with short, medium, and long temporal timescales (see Hasson, Chen & Honey, TiCs, 2015). Given the relationship with behavior, where State 1 responds to acoustic properties, State 2 responds to word-level properties, and State 3 responds to clause-level properties, the authors may want to consider a "single-process" account where the states differ in terms of the temporal window for which one needs to integrate information over, rather than a multi-process account where the states correspond to distinct processes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors inspect the stability and compensatory plasticity in the retinotopic mapping in patients with congenital achromatopsia. They report an increased cortical thickness in central (eccentricities 0-2 deg) in V1 and the expansion of this effect to V2 (trend) and V3 in a cohort with an average age of adolescents.

      In analyzing the receptive fields, they show that V1 had increased receptive field sizes in achromats, but there were no clear signs of reorganization filling in the rod-free area.<br /> In contrast, V3 showed an altered readout of V1 receptive fields. V3 of achromats oversampled the receptive fields bordering the rod-free zone, presumably to compensate and arrive at similar receptive fields as in the controls.

      These findings support a retention of peripheral-V1 connectivity, but a reorganization of later hierarchical stages of the visual system to compensate for the loss, highlighting a balance between stability and compensation in different stages of the visual hierarchy.


      The experiment is carefully analyzed, and the data convey a clear and interesting message about the capacities of plasticity.


      The existence of unstable fixation and nystagmus in the patient group is alluded to, but not quantified or modeled out in the analyses. The authors may want to address this possible confound with a quantitative approach.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Ziółkowska et al. characterize the synaptic mechanisms at the basis of the REdCA1 contribution to the consolidation of fear memory extinction. In particular, they describe a layer specific modulation of RE-dCA1 excitatory synapses modulation associated to contextual fear extinction which is impaired by transient chemogenetic inhibition of this pathway. These results indicate that RE activity-mediated modulation of synaptic morphology contributes to the consolidation of contextual fear extinction


      The manuscript is well conceived, the statistical analysis is solid and methodology appropriate. The strength of this work is that it nicely builds up on existing literature and provides new molecular insight on a thalamo-hippocampal circuit previously known for its role in fear extinction. In addition, the quantification of pre- and post-synapses is particularly thorough.


      The findings in this paper are well supported by the data more detailed description of the methods is needed.

      (1) In the paragraph Analysis of dCA1 synapses after contextual fear extinction (CFE), more experimental and methodological data should be given in the text: -how was PSD95 used for the analysis, what was the difference between RE. Even if Thy1-GFP mice were used in Fig.2, it appears they were not used for bouton size analysis. To improve clarity, I suggest moving panel 2C to Figure 3. It is not clear whether all RE axons were indiscriminately analysed in Fig. 2 or if only the ones displaying colocalization with both PSD95 and GFP were analysed. If GFP was not taken into account here, analysed boutons could reflect synapses onto inhibitory neurons and this potential scenario should be discussed<br /> (2) in the methods: The volume of intra-hippocampal CNO injections should be indicated. The concentration of 3 uM seems pretty low in comparison with previous studies. More details of what software/algorithm was used to score freezing should be included. CNO source is missing. Antibody dilutions for IHC should be indicated. Secondary antibody incubation time should be indicated

      No statement about code and data availability is present.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      McDougal et al. describe the surprising finding that IFIT1 proteins from different mammalian species inhibit the replication of different viruses, indicating that the evolution of IFIT1 across mammals has resulted in host species-specific antiviral specificity. Before this work, research into the antiviral activity and specificity of IFIT1 had mostly focused on the human ortholog, which was described to inhibit viruses including vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) but not other viruses including Sindbis virus (SINV) and parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3). In the current work, the authors first perform evolutionary analyses on IFIT1 genes across a wide range of mammalian species and reveal that IFIT1 genes have evolved under positive selection in primates, bats, carnivores, and ungulates. Based on these data, they hypothesize that IFIT1 proteins from these diverse mammalian groups may show distinct antiviral specificities against a panel of viruses. By generating human cells that express IFIT1 proteins from different mammalian species, the authors show a wide range of antiviral activities of mammalian IFIT1s. Most strikingly, they find several IFIT1 proteins that have completely different antiviral specificities relative to human IFIT1, including IFIT1s that fail to inhibit VSV or VEEV, but strongly inhibit PIV3 or SINV. These results indicate that there is potential for IFIT1 to inhibit a much wider range of viruses than human IFIT1 inhibits. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) suggest that some of these changes in antiviral specificity can be ascribed to changes in the direct binding of viral RNAs. Interestingly, they also find that chimpanzee IFIT1, which is >98% identical to human IFIT1, fails to inhibit any tested virus. Replacing three residues from chimpanzee IFIT1 with those from human IFIT1, one of which has evolved under positive selection in primates, restores activity to chimpanzee IFIT1. Together, these data reveal a vast diversity of IFIT1 antiviral specificity encoded by mammals, consistent with an IFIT1-virus evolutionary "arms race".

      Overall, this is a very interesting and well-written manuscript that combines evolutionary and functional approaches to provide new insight into IFIT1 antiviral activity and species-specific antiviral immunity. The conclusion that IFIT1 genes in several mammalian lineages are evolving under positive selection is supported by the data, although there are some important analyses that need to be done to remove any confounding effects from gene recombination that has previously been described between IFIT1 and its paralog IFIT1B. The virology results, which convincingly show that IFIT1s from different species have distinct antiviral specificity, are the most surprising and exciting part of the paper. As such, this paper will be interesting for researchers studying mechanisms of innate antiviral immunity, as well as those interested in species-specific antiviral immunity. Moreover, it may prompt others to test a wide range of orthologs of antiviral factors beyond those from humans or mice, which could further the concept of host-specific innate antiviral specificity. Additional areas for improvement, which are mostly to clarify the presentation of data and conclusions, are described below.


      (1) This paper is a very strong demonstration of the concept that orthologous innate immune proteins can evolve distinct antiviral specificities. Specifically, the authors show that IFIT1 proteins from different mammalian species are able to inhibit the replication of distinct groups of viruses, which is most clearly illustrated in Figure 4G. This is an unexpected finding, as the mechanism by which IFIT1 inhibits viral replication was assumed to be similar across orthologs. While the molecular basis for these differences remains unresolved, this is a clear indication that IFIT1 evolution functionally impacts host-specific antiviral immunity and that IFIT1 has the potential to inhibit a much wider range of viruses than previously described.

      (2) By revealing these differences in antiviral specificity across IFIT1 orthologs, the authors highlight the importance of sampling antiviral proteins from different mammalian species to understand what functions are conserved and what functions are lineage- or species-specific. These results might therefore prompt similar investigations with other antiviral proteins, which could reveal a previously undiscovered diversity of specificities for other antiviral immunity proteins.

      (3) The authors also surprisingly reveal that chimpanzee IFIT1 shows no antiviral activity against any tested virus despite only differing from human IFIT1 by eight amino acids. By mapping this loss of function to three residues on one helix of the protein, the authors shed new light on a region of the protein with no previously known function.

      (4) Combined with evolutionary analyses that indicate that IFIT1 genes are evolving under positive selection in several mammalian groups, these functional data indicate that IFIT1 is engaged in an evolutionary "arms race" with viruses, which results in distinct antiviral specificities of IFIT1 proteins from different species.


      (1) The evolutionary analyses the authors perform appear to indicate that IFIT1 genes in several mammalian groups have evolved under positive selection. However, IFIT1 has previously been shown to have undergone recurrent instances of recombination with the paralogous IFIT1B, which can confound positive selection analyses such as the ones the authors perform. The authors should analyze their alignments for evidence of recombination using a tool such as GARD (in the same HyPhy package along with MEME and FUBAR). Detection of recombination in these alignments would invalidate their positive selection inferences, in which case the authors need to either analyze individual non-recombining domains or limit the number of species to those that are not undergoing recombination. While it is likely that these analyses will still reveal a signature of positive selection, this step is necessary to ensure that the signatures of selection and sites of positive selection are accurate.

      (2) The choice of IFIT1 homologs chosen for study needs to be described in more detail. Many mammalian species encode IFIT1 and IFIT1B proteins, which have been shown to have different antiviral specificity, and the evolutionary relationship between IFIT1 and IFIT1B paralogs is complicated by recombination. As such, the assertion that the proteins studied in this manuscript are IFIT1 orthologs requires additional support than the percent identity plot shown in Figure 3B.

      (3) Some of the results and discussion text could be more focused on the model of evolution-driven changes in IFIT1 specificity. In particular, the chimpanzee data are interesting, but it would appear that this protein has lost all antiviral function, rather than changing its antiviral specificity like some other examples in this paper. As such, the connection between the functional mapping of individual residues with the positive selection analysis is somewhat confusing. It would be more clear to discuss this as a natural loss of function of this IFIT1, which has occurred elsewhere repeatedly across the mammalian tree.

      (4) In other places in the manuscript, the strength of the differences in antiviral specificity could be highlighted to a greater degree. Specifically, the text describes a number of interesting examples of differences in inhibition of VSV versus VEEV from Figure 3C and 3D, but it is difficult for a reader to assess this as most of the dots are unlabeled and the primary data are not uploaded. A few potential suggestions would be to have a table of each ortholog with % infection by VSV and % infection by VEEV. Another possibility would be to plot these data as an XY scatter plot. This would highlight any species that deviate from the expected linear relationship between the inhibition of these two viruses, which would provide a larger panel of interesting IFIT1 antiviral specificities than the smaller number of species shown in Figure 4.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors try to demonstrate that PD-1 regulates not only the quantity but also the quality of the immune response determining the Th differentiation. The authors suggest that the ability of PD-1 agonists to dampen Th2 differentiation could be exploited in allergies or classical Th2-mediated disease as a therapeutical approach.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors performed a series of elegant experiments using OVA-specific CD4 T cells from mice, showing a strong reduction of Th2 differentiation in vitro. They also perform some experiments with a model of allergies, showing an amelioration of the phenotype after administration of PD-1 agonist with a reduction of Th2 cells.


      The authors perform all the experiments using DO11.10 mouse cells. Such cells have a TCR with very high affinity, it would be relevant to repeat at least some of the in vitro assays in a more physiological setting (you can immunise mice with ova to increase the pool of OVA-specific T cells, and then repeat the restimulation experiment). Also, a longer kinetic would be of interest to see the effect of the agonist on Th1 cells.

      Another drawback is the lack of experiments with human cells. It would be really important to repeat the experiments with CD4 T cells from healthy donors (the antibody that the authors use as PD-1 agonist is human, so it would not be a complicated experiment).

      It would be also interesting to show in the allergic disease model the effect of the agonism on the T cell response in general.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors have set out to investigate and explain how early members of the Pterosauria were able to maintain stiffness in the vane of their tails. This stiffness, it is said, was crucial for flight in early members of this clade. Through the use Laser-Stimulated Fluorescence imaging, the authors have revealed that certain pterosaurs had a sophisticated dynamic tensioning system that has previously been unappreciated.


      The choice of method of investigation for the key question is sound enough, and the execution of the same is excellent. Overall the paper is well written and well presented, and provides a very succinct, accessible and clear conclusion.



    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study evaluated the aperiodic component in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) using resting-state EEG recordings from 149 individuals with chronic pain and 115 healthy participants. The findings showed no significant differences in the aperiodic component of the mPFC between the two groups, nor was there any correlation between the aperiodic component and pain intensity. These results were consistent across various chronic pain subtypes and were corroborated by whole-brain analyses. The study's robustness was further reinforced by preregistration and multiverse analyses, which accounted for a wide range of methodological choices.


      This study was rigorously conducted, yielding clear and conclusive results. Furthermore, it adhered to stringent open and reproducible science practices, including preregistration, blinded data analysis, and Bayesian hypothesis testing. All data and code have been made openly available, underscoring the study's commitment to transparency and reproducibility.


      The aperiodic exponent of the EEG power spectrum is often regarded as an indicator of the excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance. However, this measure may not be the most accurate or optimal for quantifying E/I balance, a limitation that the authors might consider addressing in the future.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This article presents an analysis of the chemical composition of head-space generated by fruit at differing stages of ripeness. The authors used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to record the chemical makeup of the respective head-space samples. The authors process the data and present it in a low dimensional space. They then draw conclusions from the geometry of that representation about the process of fermentation.

      I have a number of major concerns with some of the stages in the argument advanced by the authors:

      (1) As far as I understand, the authors restrict their analysis to 13 molecules which appear in samples of all three levels of ripeness. This choice causes the analysis to overlook the very likely (and meaningful) possibility that different molecules present at different levels of ripeness are informative and might support different results.

      (2) It is unclear what was used as control? Empty bag? Please include the control results in your supplementary table, or indicate in the text if you eliminated compounds that were found in the control.

      (3) It is not clear that Figure 2-H _looks_ like a spiral. The authors should provide a quantifiable measure of the quality of the fit of a spiral rather than other paths. Furthermore, in the section "collective spiral ..." the end of paragraph one, "the points were best fitted by a two parameter archemedian spiral" best out of what? best out of all two parameter spirals? Please explain

      (4) In the section "estimating odor source phenotype ... " the authors write: "we first calculated the association of odorant compounds with different phenotypes in this dataset" how was that done?

      (5) Even if hyperbolic space MDS is slightly better, an R^2 value for Euclidean MDS of 0.797 is very good and one could say that Euclidean MDS is also an option.

      (6) In the section "collective spiral ..." near end of paragraph two: " we removed outlier samples for days 10 and 17 for two reasons...". Why does a smaller number of samples should make a certain day an outlier.

      (7) In section titles "collective spiral progression of multiple..." the authors write: the hyperbolic t-sne embedding exhibited batch effects across runs that amounted to rotation of the data. To compensate for these effects and combine data across runs we performed Procrustes analysis to align data across runs".

      Can we be sure that this process does itself not manufacture an alignment of data? The authors should apply the same process to random or shuffled data and see if the result is different from the actual data.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      The present study used an experimental procedure involving time-pressure for responding, in order to uncover how the control of saccades by exogenous and endogenous attention unfolds over time. The findings of the study indicate that saccade planning is influenced by the locus of endogenous attention, but that this influence was short-lasting and could be overcome quickly. Taken together, the present findings reveal new dynamics between endogenous attention and eye movement control and lead the way for studying them using experiments under time-pressure.

      The results achieved by the present study advance our understanding of vision, eye movements, and their control by brain mechanisms for attention. In addition, they demonstrate how tasks involving time-pressure can be used to study the dynamics of cognitive processes. Therefore, the present study seems highly important not only for vision science, but also for psychology, (cognitive) neuroscience, and related research fields in general.

      I think the authors' addressed all of the reviewers' points successfully and in detail, so that I don't have any further suggestions or comments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors aim to combine automated whole-cell patch clamp recording simultaneously from multiple cells. Using a 2-electrode approach, they are able to sample as many cells (and connections) from one slice, as would be achieved with a more technically demanding and materially expensive 8-electrode patch clamp system. They provide data to show that this approach is able to successfully record from 52% of attempted cells, which was able to detect 3 pairs in 71 screened neurons. The authors state that this is a step forward in our ability to record from randomly connected ensembles of neurons.


      The conceptual approach of recording multiple partner cells from another in a step wise manner indeed increases the number of tested connections. An approach that is widely applicable to both automated and manual approaches. Such a method could be adopted for many connectivity studies using dual recording electrodes.

      The implementation of automated robotic whole-cell patch-clamp techniques from multiple cells simultaneously is a useful addition to the multiple techniques available to ex vivo slice electrophysiologists.

      The approach using 2 electrodes, which are washed between cells is economically favourable, as this reduces equipment costs for recording multiple cells, and limits the wastage of capillary glass that would otherwise be used once.


      (1) Based on the revised manuscript - a discussion of the implementation of this approach to manual methods is still lacking,

      (2) A comparison of measurements shown in Figure 2 to other methods has not been addressed adequately.

      (3) The morphological identification of neurons is understandably outside the remit of this project - but should be discussed and/or addressed. It was not suggested to perform detailed anatomical analysis - but to highlight the importance of this, and it should still be discussed

      (4) The revised manuscript does not clearly state which cells were included in the analysis as far as I can see - and indeed cells with Access Resistance >40 MOhm appear to still be included in the data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Summary and strengths:

      O'Brien et al. present a compelling strategy to both understand rare disease that could have a neuronal focus and discover drugs for repurposing that can affect rare disease phenotypes. Using C. elegans, they optimize the Brown lab worm tracker and Tierpsy analysis platform to look at movement behaviors of 25 knockout strains. These gene knockouts were chosen based on a process to identify human orthologs that could underlie rare diseases. I found the manuscript interesting and a powerful approach to make genotype-phenotype connections using C. elegans. Given the rate that rare Mendelian diseases are found and candidate genes suggested, human geneticists need to consider orthologous approaches to understand the disease and seek treatments on a rapid time scale. This approach is one such way. Overall, I have a few minor suggestions and some specific edits.


      (1) Throughout the text on figures, labels are nearly impossible to read. I had to zoom into the PDF to determine what the figure was showing. Please make text in all figures a minimum of 10 point font. Similarly, Figure 2D point type is impossible to read. Points should be larger in all figures. Gene names should be in italics in all figures, following C. elegans convention.

      (2) I have a strong bias against the second point in Figure 1A. Sequencing of trios, cohorts, or individuals NEVER identifies causal genes in the disease. This technique proposes a candidate gene. Future experiments (oftentimes in model organisms) are required to make those connections to causality. Please edit this figure and parts of the text.

      (3) How were the high-confidence orthologs filtered from 767 to 543 (lines 128-131)? Also, the choice of the final list of 25 genes is not well justified. Please expand more about how these choices were made.

      (4) Figures 3 and 4, why show all 8289 features? It might be easier to understand and read if only the 256 Tierpsy features were plotted in the heat maps.

      (5) The unc-80 mutant screen is clever. In the feature space, it is likely better to focus on the 256 less-redundant Tierpsy features instead of just a number of features. It is unclear to me how many of these features are correlated and not providing more information. In other words, the "worsening" of less-redundant features is far more of a concern than "worsening" of 1000 correlated features.Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Summary and strengths:

      O'Brien et al. present a compelling strategy to both understand rare disease that could have a neuronal focus and discover drugs for repurposing that can affect rare disease phenotypes. Using C. elegans, they optimize the Brown lab worm tracker and Tierpsy analysis platform to look at movement behaviors of 25 knockout strains. These gene knockouts were chosen based on a process to identify human orthologs that could underlie rare diseases. I found the manuscript interesting and a powerful approach to make genotype-phenotype connections using C. elegans. Given the rate that rare Mendelian diseases are found and candidate genes suggested, human geneticists need to consider orthologous approaches to understand the disease and seek treatments on a rapid time scale. This approach is one such way. Overall, I have a few minor suggestions and some specific edits.


      (1) Throughout the text on figures, labels are nearly impossible to read. I had to zoom into the PDF to determine what the figure was showing. Please make text in all figures a minimum of 10 point font. Similarly, Figure 2D point type is impossible to read. Points should be larger in all figures. Gene names should be in italics in all figures, following C. elegans convention.

      (2) I have a strong bias against the second point in Figure 1A. Sequencing of trios, cohorts, or individuals NEVER identifies causal genes in the disease. This technique proposes a candidate gene. Future experiments (oftentimes in model organisms) are required to make those connections to causality. Please edit this figure and parts of the text.

      (3) How were the high-confidence orthologs filtered from 767 to 543 (lines 128-131)? Also, the choice of the final list of 25 genes is not well justified. Please expand more about how these choices were made.

      (4) Figures 3 and 4, why show all 8289 features? It might be easier to understand and read if only the 256 Tierpsy features were plotted in the heat maps.

      (5) The unc-80 mutant screen is clever. In the feature space, it is likely better to focus on the 256 less-redundant Tierpsy features instead of just a number of features. It is unclear to me how many of these features are correlated and not providing more information. In other words, the "worsening" of less-redundant features is far more of a concern than "worsening" of 1000 correlated features.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The paper by Hydaiberdiev and Ovcharenko offers comprehensive analyses and insights about the 'high-occupancy target' (HOT) loci in the human genome. These are considered genomic regions that overlap with transcription factor binding sites. The authors provided very comprehensive analyses of the TF composition characteristics of these HOT loci. They showed that these HOT loci tend to overlap with annotated promoters and enhancers, GC-rich regions, open chromatin signals, and highly conserved regions and that these loci are also enriched with potentially causal variants with different traits.


      Overall, the HOT loci' definition is clear and the data of HOT regions across the genome can be a useful dataset for studies that use HepG2 or K562 as a model. I appreciate the authors' efforts in presenting many analyses and plots backing up each statement.

      Comments on revised version:

      In the second round of review, I think the authors have sufficiently addressed all of my previous comments. The study itself is very comprehensive, tackling all aspects of the HOT loci, though I still find the paper to be unnecessarily long and long-winded. That said, being consistent with the long and detailed paper, the provided Github repository and Zenodo archive is well-documented. I appreciate that the authors include detailed readme about the different datafiles available for readers. The list of HOT loci is probably the most useful asset in this manuscript and the authors did a good job documenting data availability in both Github and Zenodo.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Wang et al. investigated the role of dynein axonemal heavy chain 3 (DNAH3) in male infertility. They found that variants of DNAH3 were present in four infertile men, and the deficiency of DNAH3 in sperm affects sperm mobility. Additionally, they showed that Dnah3 knockout male mice are infertile. Furthermore, they demonstrated that DNAH3 influences inner dynein arms by regulating several DNAH proteins. Importantly, they showed that intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can rescue the infertility in Dnah3 knockout mice and two patients with DNAH3 variants.


      The conclusions of this paper are well-supported by data.


      The sample/patient size is small; however, the findings are consistent with those of a recent study on DNAH3 in male infertility with 432 patients.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Zhang et al. explores the effect of autophagy regulator ATG6 on NPR1-mediated immunity. The authors propose that ATG6 directly interacts with NPR1 in the nucleus to increase its stability and promote NPR1-dependent immune gene expression and pathogen resistance. This novel role of ATG6 is proposed to be independent of its role in autophagy in the cytoplasm. The authors demonstrate through biochemical analysis that ATG6 interacts with NPR1 in yeast and very weakly in vitro. They further demonstrate using overexpression transgenic plants that in the presence of ATG6-mcherry the stability of NPR1-GFP and its nuclear pool is increased.

      Comments on latest version:

      The term "invasion" has to be replaced with infection, as it doesn't have much meaning to this particular study. I already explained this point in the first review, but authors did not address it throughout the manuscript.

      In fig. 1e there's no statistical analysis. How can one show measurements from multiple samples without statistical analysis? All the data points have to be shown in the graph and statistics performed. In the arg6-npr1 and snrk-npr1 pairs no nuclear marker is included. How can one know where the nucleus is, particularly in such poor quality low res. images? The nucleus marker has to be included in this analysis and shown. This is an important aspect of the study as nuclear localization of ATG6 is proposed to be essential for its new function. Co-localization provided in the fig. S2 cannot complement this analysis, particularly since no cytoplasmic fraction is present for NPR1-GFP in fig. S2.

      In the alignment in fig 2c, it is not explained what are the species the atg6 is taken from. The predicted NLS has to be shown in the context of either the entire protein sequence alignment or at least individual domain alignment with the indication of conserved residues (consensus). They have to include more species in the analysis, instead of including 3 proteins from a single species. Also, the predicted NLS in atg6 doesn't really have the classical type architecture, which might be an indication that it is a weak NLS, consistent with the fact that the protein has significant cytoplasmic accumulation. They also need to provide the NLS prediction cut-off score, as this parameter is a measure of NLS strength.

      Line 150: the NLS sequence "FLKEKKKKK" is a wrong sequence.

      In fig. 3d no explanation for the error bars is included, and what type of statistical analysis is performed is not explained.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors aimed to understand whether polarised moonlight could be used as a directional cue for nocturnal animals homing at night, particularly at times of night when polarised light is not available from the sun. To do this, the authors used nocturnal ants, and previously established methods, to show that the walking paths of ants can be altered predictably when the angle of polarised moonlight illuminating them from above is turned by a known angle (here +/- 45 degrees).


      The behavioural data are very clear and unambiguous. The results clearly show that when the angle of downwelling polarised moonlight is turned, ants turn in the same direction. The data also clearly show that this result is maintained even for different phases (and intensities) of the moon, although during the waning cycle of the moon the ants' turn is considerably less than may be expected.


      The final section of the results - concerning the weighting of polarised light cues into the path integrator - lacks clarity and should be re-worked and expanded in both the Methods and the Results (also possibly with an extra methods figure). I was really unsure of what these experiments were trying to show or what the meaning of the results actually are.


      The authors have discovered that nocturnal bull ants, while homing back to their nest holes at night, are able to use the dim polarised light pattern formed around the moon for path integration. Even though similar methods have previously shown the ability of dung beetles to orient along straight trajectories for short distances using polarised moonlight, this the first evidence of an animal that uses polarised moonlight in homing. This is quite significant, and their findings are well supported by their data.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors identified ORMDL3 as a negative regulator of the RLR pathway and anti-tumor immunity. Mechanistically, ORMDL3 interacts with MAVS and further promotes RIG-I for proteasome degradation. In addition, the deubiquitinating enzyme USP10 stabilizes RIG-I and ORMDL3 disturbs this process. Moreover, in subcutaneous syngeneic tumor models in C57BL/6 mice, they showed that inhibition of ORMDL3 enhances anti-tumor efficacy by augmenting the proportion of cytotoxic CD8-positive T cells and IFN production in the tumor microenvironment (TME).


      The paper has a clearly arranged structure and the English is easy to understand. It is well written. The results are clearly supporting the conclusion.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      An interesting feature of cilia in vertebrates and many, if not all, invertebrates is the striking heterogeneity of their lengths among different cell types. As mutations interfering with ciliary length usually impair ciliary functions, ciliary length appears to be tuned for proper ciliary functions in a given type of cells. Although ciliary length is known to be affected by multiple factors, including intraflagellar transport (IFT), a cilia-specific, train-like bidirectional transportation, and ciliary proteins regulating microtubule dynamics, how it is intrinsically controlled remains largely elusive.

      In the manuscript, the authors addressed this question from the angle of IFT by using zebrafish as a model organism. They demonstrated that ectopically expressed Ift88-GFP induced by heat shock treatment was able to sustain the normal development of and the cilia formation in ovl-/- zebrafish that would otherwise be dead by 7 dpf and lack of cilia due to the lack of Ift88, a critical component of IFT-B complex, suggesting a full function of the exogenous protein. They next live imaged Ift88-GFP in wild-type zebrafish larvae to visualize the IFT. Interestingly, they found that both anterograde and retrograde velocities of Ift88-GFP puncta differed in cilia of different cell types (crista, neuromast, pronephric duct, spinal chord, and epidermal cells) and displayed a positive correlation with the inherent length of the cilia. Similar results were obtained with ectopically expressed tdTomato-Ift43 driven by a beta-actin promoter. In the same cell type, however, the velocities of Ift88-GFP puncta did not alter in cilia of different lengths or at different developmental stages. Depletion of proteins such as Bbs4, Ttll3, Ttll6, and Ccp5 did not substantially alter the IFT velocities, excluding contributions of the BBSome or the enzymes involved in tubulin glycylation or glutamylation. They also used a cilia-localized ATP reporter to exclude the possibility of different ciliary ATP concentrations. When they compared the size of Ift88-GFP puncta in crista cilia, which are inherently long, and spinal chord cilia, which are relatively short, by imaging with a STED super-resolution microscope, they noticed a positive correlation between the puncta size, which presumably reflected the size of IFT trains, and the length of the cilia. Furthermore, in morphant larvae with slightly decreased Ift88 levels, judged by the grossly normal body axis, IFT particle sizes, their velocities, and ciliary lengths were all reduced as compared to control morphants. Therefore, they proposed that longer IFT trains facilitate faster IFT to result in longer cilia.


      The authors demonstrated that: (1) both anterograde and retrograde IFT velocities can differ markedly in cilia of different cell types in zebrafish larvae; (2) specific IFT velocities are intrinsic to cell types; (3) IFT velocities in different types of cells are positively correlated with inherent ciliary lengths; and (4) IFT velocities are positively correlated with the size of IFT trains. These findings provide both new knowledge on IFT properties in zebrafish and insights that would facilitate understandings on mechanisms underlying the diversity of ciliary lengths in multicellular organisms. The experiments were carefully done and results are generally convincing. The imaging methods for tracing IFT in cilia of multiple cell types in zebrafish larvae are expected to be useful to other researchers in the field.


      (1) Although the proposed model is reasonable, it is largely based on correlations.<br /> (2) The effects of anti-sense RNA-induced Ift88 downregulation on IFT and ciliary length are artificial. It is unclear whether the levels of one or more IFT components are indeed regulated to control IFT train sizes and ciliary lengths in physiological conditions. Similarly, whether IFT velocities are indeed dictated by the size of IFT trains remains to be clarified.<br /> (3) In the Discussion section, Kif17 is described as an important motor for IFT in mouse olfactory cilia. In the cited literature (Williams et al., 2014), however, Kif17 is reported to be dispensable for IFT in mouse olfactory cilia. This makes the discussions on Kif17 absurd.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors provided benchmarking study results on tRNA-seq in terms of read alignment and quantification software with optimal parameterization. This result can be a useful guideline for choosing optimal parameters for tRNA-seq read alignment and quantification.


      Benchmarking results for read alignment can be a useful guideline for choosing optimal parameters and mapping strategy (mapping to amino acid) for various tRNAseq.


      Some explanation on sequencing data analysis pipeline is not clear for general readers.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This work aims to demonstrate how recent advances in thermal stability assays can be utilised to screen chemical libraries and determine compound mechanism of action. Focusing on 96 compounds with known mechanisms of action, they use the PISA assay to measure changes in protein stability upon treatment with a high dose (10uM) in live K562 cells and whole cell lysates from K562 or HCT116. They intend this work to showcase a robust workflow which can serve as a roadmap for future studies.


      The major strength of this study is the combination of live and whole cell lysates experiments. This allows the authors to compare the results from these two approaches to identify novel ligand-induced changes in thermal stability with greater confidence. More usefully, this also enables the authors to separate primary and secondary effects of the compounds within the live cell assay.

      The study also benefits from the number of compounds tested within the same framework, which allows the authors to make direct comparisons between compounds.

      These two strengths are combined when they compare between CHEK1 inhibitors and suggest that AZD-7762 likely induces secondary destabilisation of CRKL through off-target engagement with tyrosine kinases.


      One of the stated benefits of PISA compared to the TPP in the original publication (Gaetani et al 2019) was that the reduced number of samples required allows more replicate experiments to be performed. Despite this, the authors of this study performed only duplicate experiments. They acknowledge this precludes use of frequentist statistical tests to identify significant changes in protein stability. Instead, they apply an 'empirically derived framework' in which they apply two thresholds to the fold change vs DMSO: absolute z-score (calculated from all compounds for a protein) > 3.5 and absolute log2 fold-change > 0.2. They state that the fold-change threshold was necessary to exclude non-specific interactors. While the thresholds appear relatively stringent, this approach will likely reduce the robustness of their findings in comparison to an experimental design incorporating more replicates. Firstly, the magnitude of the effect size should not be taken as a proxy for the importance of the effect. They acknowledge this and demonstrate it using their own data for PIK3CB and p38α inhibitors (Figure 2B-C). They have thus likely missed many small, but biological relevant changes in thermal stability due to the fold-change threshold. Secondly, this approach relies upon the fold-changes between DMSO and compound for each protein being comparable, despite them being drawn from samples spread across 16 TMT multiplexes. Each multiplex necessitates a separate MS run and the quantification of a distinct set of peptides, from which the protein-level abundances are estimated. Thus, it is unlikely the fold-changes for unaffected proteins are drawn from the same distribution, which is an unstated assumption of their thresholding approach. The authors could alleviate the second concern by demonstrating that there is very little or no batch effect across the TMT multiplexes. However, the first concern would remain. The limitations of their approach could have been avoided with more replicates and use of an appropriate statistical test. It would be helpful if the authors could clarify if any of the missed targets passed the z-score threshold but fell below the fold-change threshold.

      The authors use a single, high, concentration of 10uM for all compounds. Given that many of the compounds may have low nM IC50s, this concentration could be orders of magnitude above the one at which they inhibit their target. This makes it difficult to assess the relevance of the off-target effects identified to clinical applications of the compounds or biological experiments. The authors acknowledge this and use ranges of concentrations for follow-up studies (e.g. Figure 2E-F). Nonetheless, this weakness is present for the vast bulk of the data presented.

      Aims achieved, impact and utility:

      The authors have achieved their main aim of presenting a workflow which serves to demonstrate the potential value of this approach. However, by using a single high dose of each compound and failing to adequately replicate their experiments and instead applying heuristic thresholds, they have limited the impact of their findings. Their results will be a useful resource for researchers wishing to explore potential off-target interactions and/or mechanisms of action for these 96 compounds but are expected to be superseded by more robust datasets in the near future. The most valuable aspect of the study is the demonstration that combining live cell and whole cell lysate PISA assays across multiple related compounds can help to elucidate the mechanisms of action.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Based on the controversy of whether the Desmodium intercrop emits bioactive volatiles that repel the fall armyworm, the authors conducted this study to assess the effects of the volatiles from Desmodium plants in the push-pull system on behavior of FAW oviposition. This topic is interesting and the results are valuable for understanding the push-pull system for the management of FAW, the serious pest. The methodology used in this study is valid, leading to reliable results and conclusions. I just have a few concerns and suggestions for improvement of this paper:

      (1) The volatiles emitted from D. incanum were analyzed and their effects on the oviposition behavior of FAW moth were confirmed. However, it would be better and useful to identify the specific compounds that are crucial for the success of the push-pull system.

      (2) That would be good to add "symbols" of significance in Figure 4 (D).

      (3) Figure A is difficult for readers to understand.

      (4) It will be good to deeply discuss the functions of important volatile compounds identified here with comparison with results in previous studies in the discussion better.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors set out to visualize the molecular architecture of the adult forebrain glutamatergic synapses in a near-native state. To this end, they use a rapid workflow to extract and plunge-freeze mouse synapses for cryo-electron tomography. In addition, the authors use knockin mice expression PSD95-GFP in order to perform correlated light and electron microscopy to clearly identify pre- and synaptic membranes. By thorough quantification of tomograms from plunge- and high-pressure frozen samples, the authors show that the previously reported 'post-synaptic density' does not occur at high frequency and therefore not a defining feature of a glutamatergic synapse.

      Subsequently, the authors are able to reproduce the frequency of post-synaptic density when preparing conventional electron microscopy samples, thus indicating that density prevalence is an artifact of sample preparation. The authors go on to describe the arrangement of cytoskeletal components, membraneous compartments, and ionotropic receptor clusters across synapses.

      Demonstrating that the frequency of the post-synaptic density in prior work is likely an artifact and not a defining feature of glutamatergic synapses is significant. The descriptions of distributions and morphologies of proteins and membranes in this work may serve as a basis for the future of investigation for readers interested in these features.


      The authors perform a rigorous quantification of the molecular density profiles across synapses to determine the frequency of the post-synaptic density. They prepare samples using two cryogenic electron microscopy sample preparation methods, as well as one set of samples using conventional electron microscopy methods. The authors can reproduce previous reports of the frequency of the post-synaptic density by conventional sample preparation, but not by either of the cryogenic methods, thus strongly supporting their claim.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In an effort to elucidate the role of the ECM protein Svep1 in lung development, Foxworth and colleagues have generated a Svep1 mutant (lacking exon 8). Based on their developmental analyses of branching morphogenesis and expression of epithelial, mesenchymal, and mesothelial markers in these mutants, the authors conclude that Svep1 is essential for normal lung growth, morphogenesis, and patterning. They propose that the Svep1 protein regulates, in part, FGF9 signalling. Overall, the paper demonstrates that the ECM is important for lung development and tries to implicate the ECM in the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during lung development.


      The strengths of this paper are the careful spatiotemporal characterization of 1) lung growth 2) branching morphogenesis 3) epithelial marker expression. The differential perturbation of growth and branching morphogenesis along the D-V axis and the progressive perturbation of branching morphogenesis are both very interesting and noteworthy phenotypes.


      The weakness of this paper is that it does not present a convincing explanation for how Svep1 regulates any of the phenotypes described. In this regard, a demonstration of a genetic interaction between Svep1 and FGF9 mutants or a careful characterization of a tissue-specific knockdown of Svep1, could be insightful. In addition, a comparison of the phenotype of Svep1 mutants and the phenotypes of other mutants affecting ECM components would be worthwhile.

      A minor weakness is that the title of the paper is not fully supported by the data presented. While the defects in the morphogenesis of the distal lung in Svep1 mutants presage a defect in alveolar differentiation, this cannot be formally demonstrated since the animals die soon after birth.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Zhang et al. present very well-illustrated specimens of the artiopodan Cinderella eucalla from the Chengjiang Biota. Multiple specimens are shown with preserved appendages, which is rare for artiopodans and will greatly help our understanding of this taxon. The authors use CT scanning to reveal the ventral organization of this taxon. The description of the taxon needs some modification, specifically expansion of the gut and limb morphology. The conclusion that Cinderella was a fast-moving animal is very weak, comparisons with extant fast animals and possibly FEA analyses are necessary to support such a claim. Although the potential insights provided by such well-preserved fossils could be valuable, the claims made are tenuous and based on the available evidence presented herein.


      The images produced through CT scanning specimens reveal the very fine detail of the appendages and are well illustrated. Specimens preserve guts and limbs, which are informative both for the phylogenetic position and ecology of this taxon. The limbs are very well preserved, with protopodite, exopodite, and endopodites visible. Addressing the weaknesses below will make the most of this compelling data that demonstrates the morphology of the limbs well.


      Although this paper includes very well-illustrated fossils, including new information on the eyes, guts, and limbs of Cinderella, the data are not fully explained, and the conclusions are weakly supported.

      The authors suggest the preservation of complex ramifying diverticular, but it should be better illustrated and the discussion of the gut diverticulae should be longer, especially as gut morphology can provide insights into the feeding strategy.

      The conclusion that Cinderella eucalla was fast, sediment feeding in a muddy environment, is not well supported. These claims seem to be tenuously made without any evidence to support them. The authors should add a new section in the discussion focused on feeding ecology where they explicitly compare the morphology to suspension-feeding artiopodans to justify whether it fed that way or not. To further explore feeding, the protopodite morphology needs to be more carefully described and compared to other known taxa. The function of endites on the endopodite to stir up sediment for particle feeding in a muddy environment would also need to be more thoroughly discussed and compared with modern analogs. The impact of their findings is not highlighted in the discussion, which is currently more of a review of what has been previously said and should focus more on what insights are provided by the great fossils illustrated by the authors.

      The authors argue that their data supports fast escaping capabilities, but it is not clear how they reached that conclusion based on the data available. Is there a way this can be further evaluated? The data is impressive, so including comparisons with extant taxa that display fast escaping strategies would help the authors make their case more compelling. The authors also claim that the limbs of Cinderella are strong, again this conclusion is unclear. Comparison with the limbs of other taxa to show their robustness would be useful. To actually test how these limbs deal with the force and strain applied to them by a sudden burst of movement, the authors could conduct Finite Element Analyses.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      More and more genes and genetic loci are being linked to bone fragility disorders like osteoporosis and osteogenesis imperfecta through GWAS and clinical sequencing. In this study, the authors seek to develop a pipeline for validating these new candidate genes using crispant screening in zebrafish. Candidates were selected based on GWAS bone density evidence (4 genes) or linkage to OI cases plus some aspect of bone biology (6 genes). NGS was performed on embryos injected with different gRNAs/Cas9 to confirm high mutagenic efficacy and off-target cutting was verified to be low. Bone growth, mineralization, density, and gene expression levels were carefully measured and compared across crispants using a battery of assays at three different stages.


      (1) The pipeline would be straightforward to replicate in other labs, and the study could thus make a real contribution towards resolving the major bottleneck of candidate gene validation.

      (2) The study is clearly written and extensively quantified.

      (3) The discussion attempts to place the phenotypes of different crispant lines into the context of what is already known about each gene's function.

      (4) There is added value in seeing the results for the different crispant lines side by side for each assay.


      (1) The study uses only well-established methods and is strategy-driven rather than question/hypothesis-driven.

      (2) Some of the measurements are inadequately normalized and not as specific to bone as suggested:

      (a) The measurements of surface area covered by osteoblasts or mineralized bone (Figure 1) should be normalized to body size. The authors note that such measures provide "insight into the formation of new skeletal tissue during early development" and reflect "the quantity of osteoblasts within a given structure and [is] a measure of the formation of bone matrix." I agree in principle, but these measures are also secondarily impacted by the overall growth and health of the larva. The surface area data are normalized to the control but not to the size/length of each fish - the esr1 line in particular appears quite developmentally advanced in some of the images shown, which could easily explain the larger bone areas. The fact that the images in Figure S5 were not all taken at the same magnification further complicates this interpretation.

      (b) Some of the genes evaluated by RT-PCR in Figure 2 are expressed in other tissues in addition to bone (as are the candidate genes themselves); because whole-body samples were used for these assays, there is a nonzero possibility that observed changes may be rooted in other, non-skeletal cell types.

      (3) Though the assays evaluate bone development and quality at several levels, it is still difficult to synthesize all the results for a given gene into a coherent model of its requirement.

      (4) Several additional caveats to crispant analyses are worth noting:

      (a) False negatives, i.e. individual fish may not carry many (or any!) mutant alleles. The crispant individuals used for most assays here were not directly genotyped, and no control appears to have been used to confirm successful injection. The authors therefore cannot rule out that some individuals were not, in fact, mutagenized at the loci of interest, potentially due to human error. While this doesn't invalidate the results, it is worth acknowledging the limitation.

      (b) Many/most loci identified through GWAS are non-coding and not easily associated with a nearby gene. The authors should discuss whether their coding gene-focused pipeline could be applied in such cases and how that might work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Solomon and colleagues demonstrate that trained immunity induced by BCG can reprogram myeloid cells within localised tissue, which can sustain prolonged protective effects. The authors further demonstrate an activation of STAT1-dependent pathways.


      The main strength of this paper is the in-depth investigation of cell populations affected by BCG training, and how their transcriptome changes at different time points post-training. Through use of flow cytometry and sequencing methods, the authors identify a new cell population derived from classical monocytes. They also show that long-term trained immunity protection in the spleen is dependent on resident cells. Through sequencing, drug and recombinant inhibition of IFNg pathways, the authors reveal STAT1-dependent responses are required for changes in the myeloid population upon training, and recruitment of trained monocytes.


      A significant amount of work has already been performed for this study. No significant weaknesses found.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors investigate miRNA miR-195 in the context of B-cell development. They demonstrate that ectopic expression of miR-195 in hematopoietic progenitor cells can, to a considerable extent, override the consequences of deletion of Ebf1, a central B-lineage defining transcription factor, in vitro and upon short-term transplantation into immunodeficient mice in vivo. In addition, the authors demonstrate that the reverse experiment, genetic deletion of miR-195, has virtually no effect on B-cell development. Mechanistically, the authors identify Foxo1 phosphorylation as one pathway partially contributing to the rescue effect of miR-195. An additional analysis of epigenetics by ATACseq adds potential additional factors that might also contribute to the effect of ectopic expression of miR-195.


      The authors employ a robust assay system, Ebf1-KO HPC, to test for B-lineage promoting factors. The manuscript overall takes on an interesting perspective rarely employed for the analysis of miRNA by overexpressing the miRNA of interest. Ideally, this approach may reveal, if not the physiological function of this miRNA, the role of distinct pathways in developmental processes.


      At the same time, this approach constitutes a major weakness: It does not reveal information on the physiological role of miR-195. In fact, the authors themselves demonstrate in their KO approach, that miR-195 has virtually no role in B-cell development, as has been demonstrated already in 2020 by Hutter and colleagues. While the authors cite this paper, unfortunately, they do so in a different context, hence omitting that their findings are not original.

      Conceptually, the authors stress that a predominant function of miRNA (in contrast to transcription factors, as the authors suggest) lies in fine-tuning. However, there appears to be a misconception. Misregulation of fine-tuning of gene expression may result in substantial biological effects, especially in developmental processes. The authors want to highlight that miR-195 is somewhat of an exception in that regard, but this is clearly not the case. In addition to miR-150, as referenced by the authors, also the miR-17-92 or miR-221/222 families play a significant role in B-cell development, their absence resulting in stage-specific developmental blocks, and other miRNAs, such as miR-155, miR-142, miR-181, and miR-223 are critical regulators of leukocyte development and function. Thus, while in many instances a single miRNA moderately affects gene expression at the level of an individual target, quite frequently targets converge in common pathways, hence controlling critical biological processes.

      The paper has some methodological weaknesses as well: For the most part, it lacks thorough statistical analysis, and only representative FACS plots are provided. Many bar graphs are based on heavy normalization making the T-tests employed inapplicable. No details are provided regarding the statistical analysis of microarrays. Generation of the miR-195-KO mice is insufficiently described and no validation of deletion is provided. Important controls are missing as well, the most important one being a direct rescue of Ebf1-KO cells by re-expression of Ebf1. This control is critical to quantify the extent of override of Ebf1-deficiency elicited by miR-195 and should essentially be included in all experiments. A quantitative comparison is essential to support the authors' main conclusion highlighted in the title of the manuscript. As the manuscript currently stands, only negative controls are provided, which, given the profound role of Ebf1, are insufficient, because many experiments, such as assessment of V(D)J recombination, IgM surface expression, or class-switch recombination, are completely negative in controls. In addition, the authors should also perform long-term reconstitution experiments. While it is somewhat surprising that the authors obtained splenic IgM+ B cells after just 10 days, these experiments would be certainly much more informative after longer periods of time. Using "classical" mixed bone marrow chimeras using a combination of B-cell defective (such as mb1/mb1) bone marrow and reconstituted Ebf1-KO progenitors would permit much more refined analyses.

      With regard to mechanism, the authors show that the Foxo1 phosphorylation pathway accounts for the rescue of CD19 expression, but not for other factors, as mentioned in the discussion. The authors then resort to epigenetics analysis, but their rationale remains somewhat vague. It remains unclear how miR-195 is linked to epigenetic changes.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript describes a genetic tool utilizing mutant mitfa-Cas9 expressing zebrafish to knockout genes to analyze their function in melanocytes in a range of assays from developmental biology to tumorigenesis. Overall, the data are convincing and the authors cover potential caveats from their model that might impact its utility for future work.


      The authors do an excellent job of characterizing several gene deletions that show the specificity and applicability of the genetic mitfa-Cas9 zebrafish to studying melanocytes.


      Variability across animals not fully analyzed.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Summary:<br /> In this observational study, Barth et al. investigated the association between menopausal hormone therapy and brain health in middle- to older-aged women from the UK Biobank. The study evaluated detailed MHT data (never, current, or past user), duration of mHT use (age first/last used), history of hysterectomy with or without bilateral oophorectomy, APOEE4 genotype, and brain characteristics in a large, population-based sample. The researchers found that current mHT use (compared to never-users), but not past use, was associated with a modest increase in gray and white matter brain age gap (GM and WM BAG) and a decrease in hippocampal volumes. No significant association was found between the age of mHT initiation and brain measures among mHT users. Longer duration of use and older age at last MHT use post-menopause were associated with higher GM and WM BAG, larger WMH volumes, and smaller hippocampal volumes. In a sub-sample, after adjusting for multiple comparisons, no significant associations were found between detailed mHT variables (formulations, route of administration, dosage) and brain measures. The association between mHT variables and brain measures was not influenced by APOEE4 allele carrier status. Women with a history of hysterectomy with or without bilateral oophorectomy had lower GM BAG compared to those without such a history. Overall, these observational data suggest that the association between mHT use and brain health in women may vary depending on the duration of use and surgical history.


      The study has several strengths, including a large, population-based sample of women in the UK, and comprehensive details of demographic variables such as menopausal status, history of oophorectomy/hysterectomy, genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease (APOE ε4 status), age at mHT initiation, age at last use, duration of mHT, and brain imaging data (hippocampus and WMH volume).

      In a sub-sample, the study accessed detailed mHT prescription data (formulations, route of administration, dosage, duration), allowing the researchers to study how these variables were associated with brain health outcomes. This level of detail is generally missing in observational studies investigating the association of mHT use with brain health.


      While the study has many strengths, it also has some weaknesses. As highlighted in an editorial by Kantarci & Manson (2023), women with symptoms such as subjective cognitive problems, sleep disturbances, and elevated vasomotor symptoms combined with sleep disturbances tend to seek mHT more frequently than those without these symptoms. The authors of this study have also indicated that the need of mHT use which might be associated with these symptoms may be indicators of preexisting neurological changes, potentially reflecting worse brain health scores, including higher BAG and lower hippocampal volume and/or higher WMH. However, among current users, how many of these women have these symptoms could not be reported in the study. Women with these vasomotor symptoms who are using mHT are more likely to stay longer in the healthcare system compared with those without these symptoms and no MHT use history. The authors noted that the UK Biobank lacks detailed information on menopausal symptoms and perimenopausal staging, limiting the study's ability to understand how these variables influence outcomes.

      Earlier observational studies have reported conflicting results regarding the association between mHT use and the risk of dementia and brain health. Contrary to some observational studies, three randomized trials (WHI, KEEPS, ELITE) (Espeland et al 2013, Gleason et al 2015; Henderson et al 2016) demonstrated neither beneficial nor harmful effects of mHT (with varying doses and formulations) when initiated closer to menopause (<5 years). While strong efforts were made to run proper statistical analyses to investigate the association between mHT use and brain health, these results reflect mainly associations, but not causal relationships as also stated by the authors.

      Furthermore, observational studies have intrinsic limitations, such as a lack of control over switching mHT doses and formulations, a lack of laboratory measures to confirm mHT use, and reliance on self-reported data, which may not always be reliable. The authors caution that these findings should not guide individual-level decisions regarding the benefits versus risks of mHT use. However, the study raises new questions that should be addressed by randomized clinical trials to investigate the varying effects of MHT on brain health and dementia risk.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Hanna et al., addresses the question of energy metabolism in the retina, a neuronal tissue with an inordinately high energy demand. Paradoxically, the retina appears to employ to a large extent glycolysis to satisfy its energetic needs, even though glycolysis is far less efficient than oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). The focus of the present study is on the early development of the retina and the retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) that proliferate and differentiate to form the seven main classes of retinal neurons. The authors use different genetic and pharmacological manipulations to drive the metabolism of RPCs or the retina towards higher or lower glycolytic activity. The results obtained suggest that increased glycolytic activity in early retinal development produces a more rapid differentiation of RPCs, resulting in a more rapid maturation of photoreceptors and photoreceptor segment growth. The study is significant in that it shows how metabolic activity can determine cell fate decisions in retinal neurons.


      This study provides important findings that are highly relevant to the understanding of how early metabolism governs the development of the retina. The outcomes of this study could be relevant also for human diseases that affect early retinal development, including retinopathy of maturity where an increased oxygenation likely causes a disturbance of energy metabolism.


      The restriction to only relatively early developmental time points makes it difficult to assess the consequences of the different manipulations on the (more) mature retina. Notably, it is conceivable that early developmental manipulations, while producing relevant effects in the young post-natal retina, may "even out" and may no longer be visible in the mature, adult retina.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Siddiqui et al. show that C. elegans prefers certain bacterial strains that have been supplemented with the essential amino acid (EEA) leucine. They convincingly show that some leucine enriched bacteria stimulate the production of isoamyl alcohol (IAA). IAA is an attractive odorant that is sensed by the AWC. The authors an identify a receptor, SRD-12, that is expressed in the AWC chemosensory neurons and is required for chemotaxis to IAA. The authors propose that IAA is a predominant olfactory cue that determines diet preference in C. elegans. Since leucine is an EAA, the authors propose that worm IAA sensing allows the animal provides a proxy mechanism to identify EAA rich diets.


      The authors propose IAA as a predominant olfactory cue that determines diet preference in C. elegans providing molecular mechanism underlying diet selection. They show that wild isolates of C. elegans have a strong chemotactic response to IAA indicating that IAA is an ecologically relevant odor for the worm. The paper is well written, and the presented data are convincing and well organized. This is an interesting paper that connects chemotactic response with bacterially produced odors and thus provides an understanding of how animals adapt their foraging behavior through the perception of molecules that may indicate the nutritional value.



      While I do like the way the authors frame C. elegans IAA sensing as mechanisms to identify leucine (EAA) rich diets it is not fully clear whether bacterial IAA production is a proxy for bacterial leucine levels.

      (1) Can the authors measure leucine (or other EAA) content of the different CeMbio strains? This would substantiate the premise in the way they frame this in the introduction. While the authors convincingly show that leucine supplementation induces IAA production in some strains, it is not clear if there are lower leucine levels in the different in non-preferred strains.

      (2) It is not clear whether the non-preferred bacteria in Figure 1A and 1B have the ability to produce IAA. To substantiate the claim that C. elegans prefers CEent1, JUb66, and BIGb0170 due to their ability to generate IAA from leucine, it would measure IAA levels in non-preferred bacteria (+ and - leucine supplementation). If the authors have these data it would be good to include this.

      (3) The authors would strengthen their claim if they could show that deletion or silencing ilvE enzyme reduces IAA levels and eliminates the increased preference upon leucine supplementation.

      (4) While the three preferred bacteria possess the ilvE gene, it is not clear whether this enzyme is present in the other non-preferred bacterial strains. As far as I know, the CeMbio strains have been sequenced so it should be easy to determine if the non-preferred bacteria possess the capacity to make IAA. Does the expression of ilvE in e.g. E. coli increase its preference index or are the other genes in the biosynthesis pathway missing?

      (5) It is strongly implied that leucine-rich diets are beneficial to the worm. Do the authors have data to show the effect on leucine supplementation on C. elegans healthspan, life-span or broodsize?

      Other comments:

      Page 6. Figure 2c. While the authors' conclusions are correct based on AWC expts. it would be good at this stage to include the possibility that odors that enriched in the absence of leucine may be aversive.

      Page 6. IAA increases 1.2-4 folds upon leucine supplementation. If the authors perform a chemotaxis assay with just IAA with 1-2-4 fold differences do you get the shift in preference index as seen with the bacteria? i.e. is the difference in IAA concentration sufficient to explain the shift in bacterial PI upon leucine supplementation? Other attractants such as Acetoin and isobutanol go up in -Leu conditions.

      Page 14-15. The authors identify a putative IAA receptor based on expression studies. I compliment the authors for isolating two CRISPR deletion alleles. They show that the srd-12 mutants have obvious defects in IAA chemotaxis. Very few ligand-odorant receptors combinations have been identified so this is an important discovery. CenGen data indicate that srd-12 is expressed in a limited set of neurons. Did the authors generate a reporter to show the expression of srd-12? This is a simple experiment that would add to the characterization of the SRD-12 receptor. Rescue experiments would be nice even though the authors have independent alleles. To truly claim that SRD-12 is the ligand for IAA and activates the AWC neurons would require GCamp experiments in the AWC neuron or heterologous expression system. I understand that GCamp imaging might not be part of the regular arsenal of the lab but it would be a great addition (even in collaboration with one of the many labs that do this regularly). Comparing AWC activity using GCaMP in response IAA-producing bacteria with high leucine levels in both wild-type and SRD-12-deficient backgrounds, would further support their narrative. I leave that to the authors.


      Page 4 "These results suggested that worms can forage for diets enriched in specific EAA, leucine...." More precise at this stage would be to state " These results indicated that worms can forage for diets supplemented with specific EAA...".

      Page 5."these findings suggested that worms not only rely on odors to choose between two bacteria but also to find leucine enriched bacteria" This statement is not clear to me and doesn't follow the data in Fig. S2. Preferred diets in odorant assays are the IAA producing strains.

      Page 5. Figure S2A provides nice and useful data that can be part of the main Figure 1.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study was designed to test the hypothesis that motor neurons play a causal role in circuit assembly of the vestibulo-ocular reflex circuit, which is based on the retrograde model proposed by Hans Straka. This circuit consists of peripheral sensory neurons, central projection neurons, and motor neurons. The authors hypothesize that loss of extraocular motor neurons, through CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis of the phox2a gene, will disrupt sensory selectivity in presynaptic projection neurons if the retrograde model is correct.

      Account of the major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results:

      The work presented is impressive in both breadth and depth, including the experimental paradigms. Overall, the main results were that the loss of function paradigm to eliminate extraocular motor neurons did not 1) alter the normal functional connections between peripheral sensory neurons and central projection neurons, 2) affect the position of central projection neurons in the sensorimotor circuit, or 3) significantly alter the transcriptional profiles of central projection neurons. Together, these results strongly indicate that retrograde signals from motor neurons are not required for the development of the sensorimotor architecture of the vestibulo-ocular circuit.

      Appraisal of whether the authors achieved their aims, and whether the results support their conclusions:

      The results of this study showed that extraocular motor neurons were not required for central projection neuron specification in the vestibulo-ocular circuit, which countered the prevailing retrograde hypothesis proposed for circuit assembly. A concern is that the results presented may be limited to this specific circuit and may not be generalizable to other circuit assemblies, even to other sensorimotor circuits.

      Discussion of the likely impact of the work on the field, and the utility of the methods and data to the community:

      As mentioned above, this study sheds valuable new insights into the developmental organization of the vestibulo-ocular circuit. However, different circuits likely utilize various mechanisms, extrinsic or intrinsic (or both), to establish proper functional connectivity. So, the results shown here, although they begin to explain the developmental organization of the vestibulo-ocular circuit, whether generalizable to other circuits is debatable. At a minimum, this study provides a starting point for the examination of the patterning of connections in this and other sensorimotor circuits.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Using in vitro and in vivo approaches, the authors first demonstrate that BEST4 inhibits intestinal tumor cell growth and reduces their metastatic potential, possibly via downstream regulation of TWIST1.

      They further show that HES4 positively upregulates BEST4 expression, with direct interaction with BEST4 promoter region and protein. The authors further expand on this with results showing that negative regulation of TWIST1 by HES4 requires BEST4 protein, with BEST4 required for TWIST1 association with HES4. Reduction of BEST1 expression was shown in CRC tumor samples, with correlation of BEST4 mRNA levels with different clinicopathological factors such as sex, tumor stage and lymph node metastasis, suggesting a tumor-suppressive role of BEST4 for intestinal cancer.


      • Good quality western blot data<br /> • Multiple approaches were used to validate the findings<br /> • Logical experimental progression for readability<br /> • Human patient data / In vivo murine model / Multiple cell lines were used, which supports translatability/reproducibility of findings


      • Figure quality should still be improved<br /> • The discussion should still be improved

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The study by Jaime-Tobon & Moser is a truly major effort to bridge the gap between classical observations on how auditory neurons respond to sounds and the synaptic basis of these phenomena. The so-called spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are the primary auditory neurons connecting the brain with hair cells in the cochlea. They all respond to sounds increasing their firing rates, but also present multiple heterogeneities. For instance, some present a low threshold to sound intensity, whereas others have high threshold. This property inversely correlates with the spontaneous rate, i.e., the rate at which each neuron fires in the absence of any acoustic input. These characteristics, along with others, have been studied by many reports over years. However, the mechanisms that allow the hair cells-SGN synapses to drive these behaviors are not fully understood.

      The level of experimental complexity described in this manuscript is unparalleled, producing data that is hardly found elsewhere. The authors provide strong proof for heterogeneity in transmitter release thresholds at individual synapses and they do so in an extremely complex experimental settings. In addition, the authors found other specific differences such as in synaptic latency and max EPSCs. A reasonable effort is put in bridging these observations with those extensively reported in in vivo SGNs recordings. Similarities are many and differences are not particularly worrying as experimental conditions cannot be perfectly matched, despite the authors' efforts in minimizing them.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      This paper presents convincing data from technically demanding dual whole cell patch recordings of stellate cells in medial entorhinal cortex slice preparations during optogenetic stimulation of PV+ interneurons. The authors show that the patterns of postsynaptic activation are consistent with dual recorded cell close to each other receiving shared inhibitory input and sending excitatory connections back to the same PV neurons, supporting a circuitry in which clusters of stellate cells and PV+IN interact with each other with much weaker interactions between clusters. These data are important to our understanding of the dynamics of functional cell responses in the entorhinal cortex. The experiments and analysis are quite complex and would benefit from some revisions to enhance clarity.


      These are technically demanding experiments, but the authors show quite convincing differences in the correlated response of cell pairs that are close to each other in contrast to an absence of correlation in other cell pairs at a range of relative distances. This supports their main point of demonstrating anatomical clusters of cells receiving shared inhibitory input.


      The overall technique is complex, but the authors have made every effort to present this in a clear manner. In addition, due to this being a slice preparation they cannot directly relate the inhibitory interactions to the functional properties of grid cells which was possible in a complementary approach using 2-photon in vivo imaging by Heys, Rangarajan and Dombeck, 2014.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this paper by de Guglielmo and colleagues, the authors were interested in analyzing addiction-like behaviors using a very large number of heterogeneous outbred rats in order to determine the relationships among these behaviors. The paper used both males and females on the order of hundreds of rats, allowing for detailed and complex statistical analyses of the behaviors. The rats underwent cocaine self-administration, first via 2-hour access and then via 6-hour access. The rats also underwent a test of punishment resistance in which footshocks were administered a portion of the times a lever was pressed. The authors also conducted a progressive ratio test to determine the break point for "giving up" pressing the lever and a bottle-brush test to determine the rats "irritability". Ultimately, principal component analysis revealed that escalation of intake during 6-hour access, punishment resistance, and breakpoint all loaded onto the same principal component. Moreover, the authors also identified a subgroup of "resilient" rats that qualitatively differed from the "vulnerable" rats and also identified sex differences in their work.


      The use of heterogeneous rats and the use of so many rats are major strengths for this paper. Moreover, the statistical analyses are particular strengths as they enabled the identification of the three measures as likely reflecting a single underlying construct. The behavioral methods themselves are also strong, as the authors used behavioral measures commonly used in the field that will enable comparison with the field at large. In general, the results support the conclusions and provide a wealth of data to the field. The addition of effect sizes is also a strength, as this provides critical information to other researchers.

      Additionally, the changes made to the manuscript are another strength, as the authors clearly took the reviewers' points seriously and made strong efforts incorporate the reviewers' ideas.

      The manuscript also uses both males and females and provides a good analysis of how findings differed by sex as well as how large the effect sizes were for those differences.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      General comments:

      The authors investigated the effects of tDCS on brain dynamics in awake and anesthetized monkeys using functional MRI. They claim that cathodal tDCS disrupts the functional connectivity pattern in awake monkeys while anodal tDCS alters brain patterns in anesthetized monkeys. This study offers valuable insight into how brain states can influence the outcomes of noninvasive brain stimulation. However, there are several aspects of the methods and results sections that should be improved to clarify the findings.

      Major comments

      (1) For the anesthetized monkeys, the anode location differs between subjects, with the electrode positioned to stimulate the left DLFPC in monkey R and the right DLPFC in monkey N. The authors mention that this discrepancy does not result in significant differences in the electric field due to the monkeys' small head size. However, this is not correct, as placing the anode on the left hemisphere would result in much lower EF in the right DLPFC compared to placing the anode on the right side. Running an electric field simulation would confirm this. Additionally, the small electrode size suggested by the Easy cap configuration for NHP appears sufficient to focally stimulate the targeted regions. If this interpretation is correct, the authors should provide additional evidence to support their claim, such as a computational simulation of the EF distribution.

      (2) For the anesthetized monkeys, the authors applied 1 mA tDCS first, followed by 2 mA tDCS. A 20-minute stimulation duration of 1 mA tDCS is strong enough to produce after-effects that could influence the brain state during the 2 mA tDCS. This raises some concerns. Previous studies have shown that 1 mA tDCS can generate EF of over 1 V/m in the brain, and the effects of stimulation are sensitive to brain state (e.g., eye closed vs. eye open). How do the authors ensure that there are no after-effects from the 1 mA tDCS? This issue makes it challenging to directly compare the effects of 1 mA and 2 mA stimulation.

      (3) The occurrence rate of a specific structural-functional coupling pattern among random brain regions shows significant effects of tDCS. However, these results seem counterintuitive. It is generally understood that noninvasive brain stimulation tends to modulate functional connectivity rather than structural or structural-functional connectivity. How does the occurrence rate of structural-functional coupling patterns provide a more suitable measure of the effectiveness of tDCS than functional connectivity alone? I would recommend that the authors present the results based on functional connectivity itself. If there is no change in functional connectivity, the relevance of changes in structural-functional coupling might not translate into a meaningful alteration in brain function, making it unclear how significant this finding is without corresponding functional evidence.

      (4) The authors recorded data from only two monkeys, which may limit the investigation of the group effects of tDCS. As the number of scans for the second monkey in each consciousness condition is lower than that in the first monkey, there is a concern that the main effects might primarily reflect the data from a single monkey. I suggest that the authors should analyze the data for each monkey individually to determine if similar trends are observed in both subjects.

      (5) Anodal tDCS was only applied to anesthetized monkeys, which limits the conclusion that the authors are aiming for. It raises questions about the conclusion regarding brain state dependency. To address this, it would be better to include the cathodal tDCS session for anesthetized monkeys. If cathodal tDCS changes the connectivity during anesthesia, it becomes difficult to argue that the effects of cathodal tDCS varies depending on the state of consciousness as discussed in this paper. On the other hand, if cathodal tDCS would not produce any changes, the conclusion would then focus on the relationship between the polarity of tDCS and consciousness. In that case, the authors could maintain their conclusion but might need to refine it to reflect this specific relationship more accurately.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work examines an important question in the planning and control of reaching movements - where do biases in our reaching movements arise and what might this tell us about the planning process? They compare several different computational models to explain the results from a range of experiments including those within the literature. Overall, they highlight that motor biases are primarily caused by errors in the transformation between eye and hand reference frames. One strength of the paper is the large number of participants studied across many experiments. However, one weakness is that most of the experiments follow a very similar planar reaching design - with slicing movements through targets rather than stopping within a target. Moreover, there are concerns with the models and the model fitting. This work provides valuable insight into the biases that govern reaching movements, but the current support is incomplete.


      The work uses a large number of participants both with studies in the laboratory which can be controlled well and a huge number of participants via online studies. In addition, they use a large number of reaching directions allowing careful comparison across models. Together these allow a clear comparison between models which is much stronger than would usually be performed.


      Although the topic of the paper is very interesting and potentially important, there are several key issues that currently limit the support for the conclusions. In particular I highlight:

      Almost all studies within the paper use the same basic design: slicing movements through a target with the hand moving on a flat planar surface. First, this means that the authors cannot compare the second component of a bias - the error in the direction of a reach which is often much larger than the error in reaching direction. Second, there are several studies that have examined biases in three-dimensional reaching movements showing important differences to two-dimensional reaching movements (e.g. Soechting and Flanders 1989). It is unclear how well the authors' computational models could explain the biases that are present in these much more common-reaching movements.

      The model fitting section is under-explained and under-detailed currently. This makes it difficult to accurately assess the current model fitting and its strength to support the conclusions. If my understanding of the methods is correct, then I have several concerns. For example, the manuscript states that the transformation bias model is based on studies mapping out the errors that might arise across the whole workspace in 2D. In contrast, the visual bias model appears to be based on a study that presented targets within a circle (but not tested across the whole workspace). If the visual bias had been measured across the workspace (similar to the transformation bias model), would the model and therefore the conclusions be different? There should be other visual bias models theoretically possible that might fit the experimental data better than this one possible model. Such possibilities also exist for the other models.

      Although the authors do mention that the evidence against biomechanical contributions to the bias is fairly weak in the current manuscript, this needs to be further supported. Importantly both proprioceptive models of the bias are purely kinematic and appear to ignore the dynamics completely. One imagines that there is a perceived vector error in Cartesian space whereas the other imagines an error in joint coordinates. These simply result in identical movements which are offset either with a vector or an angle. However, we know that the motor plan is converted into muscle activation patterns which are sent to the muscles, that is, the motor plan is converted into an approximation of joint torques. Joint torques sent to the muscles from a different starting location would not produce an offset in the trajectory as detailed in Figure S1, instead, the movements would curve in complex patterns away from the original plan due to the non-linearity of the musculoskeletal system. In theory, this could also bias some of the other predictions as well. The authors should consider how the biomechanical plant would influence the measured biases.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Recent cochlear micromechanical measurements in living animals demonstrated outer hair cell-driven broadband vibration of the reticular lamina that contradicts frequency-selective cochlear amplification. The authors hypothesized that motile outer hair cells can drive cochlear fluid circulation. This hypothesis was tested by observing the effects of acoustic stimuli and salicylate, an outer hair cell motility blocker, on kainic acid-induced changes in the cochlear nucleus activities. It was found that acoustic stimuli can reduce the latency of the kainic acid effect, and a low-frequency tone is more effective than broadband noise. Salicylate reduced the effect of acoustic stimuli on kainic acid-induced changes. The authors also developed a computational model to provide the physical basis for interpreting experimental results. It was concluded that experimental data and simulations coherently indicate that broadband outer hair cell action is for cochlear fluid circulation.


      The major strengths of this study include its high significance and the combination of electrophysiological recording of the cochlear nucleus responses with computational modeling. Cochlear outer hair cells have been believed to be responsible for the exceptional sensitivity, sharp tuning, and huge dynamic range of mammalian hearing. Recent observation of the broadband reticular lamina vibration contradicts frequency-specific cochlear amplification. Moreover, there is no effective noninvasive approach to deliver the drugs or genes to the cochlea for treating sensorineural hearing loss, one of the most common auditory disorders. These important questions were addressed in this study by observing outer hair cells' roles in the cochlear transport of kainic acid. The well-established electrophysiological method for recording cochlear nucleus responses produced valuable new data, and the purposely developed computational model significantly enhanced the interpretation of the data.

      The authors successfully tested their hypothesis, and both the experimental and modeling results support the conclusion that active outer hair cells can drive cochlear fluid circulation in the living cochlea.<br /> Findings from this study will help auditory scientists understand how the outer hair cells contribute to cochlear amplification and normal hearing.


      While the statement "The present study provides new insights into the nonselective outer hair cell action (in the second paragraph of Discussion)" is well supported by the results, the authors should consider providing a prediction or speculation of how this hair cell action enhances cochlear sensitivity. Such discussion would help the readers better understand the significance of the current work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, Nartker et al. examine how much observers are conscious of using variations of classic inattentional blindness studies. The key idea is that rather than simply asking observers if they noticed a critical object with one yes/no question, the authors also ask follow-up questions to determine if observers are aware of more than the yes/no questions suggest. Specifically, by having observers make forced choice guesses about the critical object, the authors find that many observers who initially said "no" they did not see the object can still "guess" above chance about the critical object's location, color, etc. Thus, the authors claim, that prior claims of inattentional blindness are mistaken and that using such simple methods has led numerous researchers to overestimate how little observers see in the world. To quote the authors themselves, these results imply that "inattentionally blind subjects consciously perceive these stimuli after all... they show sensitivity to IB stimuli because they can see them."

      Before getting to a few issues I have with the paper, I do want to make sure to explicitly compliment the researchers for many aspects of their work. Getting massive amounts of data, using signal detection measures, and the novel use of a "super subject" are all important contributions to the literature that I hope are employed more in the future.

      Main point 1: My primary issue with this work is that I believe the authors are misrepresenting the way people often perform inattentional blindness studies. In effect, the authors are saying, "People do the studies 'incorrectly' and report that people see very little. We perform the studies 'correctly' and report that people see much more than previously thought." But the way previous studies are conducted is not accurately described in this paper. The authors describe previous studies as follows on page 3:

      "Crucially, however, this interpretation of IB and the many implications that follow from it rest on a measure that psychophysics has long recognized to be problematic: simply asking participants whether they noticed anything unusual. In IB studies, awareness of the unexpected stimulus (the novel shape, the parading gorilla, etc.) is retroactively probed with a yes/no question, standardly, "Did you notice anything unusual on the last trial which wasn't there on previous trials?". Any subject who answers "no" is assumed not to have any awareness of the unexpected stimulus.

      If this quote were true, the authors would have a point. Unfortunately, I do not believe it is true. This is simply not how many inattentional blindness studies are run. Some of the most famous studies in the inattentional blindness literature do not simply as observes a yes/no question (e.g., the invisible gorilla (Simons et al. 1999), the classic door study where the person changes (Simons and Levin, 1998), the study where observers do not notice a fight happening a few feet from them (Chabris et al., 2011). Instead, these papers consistently ask a series of follow-up questions and even tell the observers what just occurred to confirm that observers did not notice that critical event (e.g., "If I were to tell you we just did XYZ, did you notice that?"). In fact, after a brief search on Google Scholar, I was able to relatively quickly find over a dozen papers that do not just use a yes/no procedure, and instead as a series of multiple questions to determine if someone is inattentionally blind. In no particular order some papers (full disclosure: including my own):

      (1) Most et al. (2005) Psych Review<br /> (2) Drew et al. (2013) Psych Science<br /> (3) Drew et al. (2016) Journal of Vision<br /> (4) Simons et al. (1999) Perception<br /> (5) Simons and Levin (1998) Perception<br /> (6) Chabris et al. (2011) iPerception<br /> (7) Ward & Scholl (2015) Psych Bulletin and Review<br /> (8) Most et al. (2001) Psych Science<br /> (9) Todd & Marois (2005) Psych Science<br /> (10) Fougnie & Marois (2007) Psych Bulletin and Review<br /> (11) New and German (2015) Evolution and Human Behaviour<br /> (12) Jackson-Nielsen (2017) Consciousness and cognition<br /> (13) Mack et al. (2016) Consciousness and cognition<br /> (14) Devue et al. (2009) Perception<br /> (15) Memmert (2014) Cognitive Development<br /> (16) Moore & Egeth (1997) JEP:HPP<br /> (17) Cohen et al. (2020) Proc Natl Acad Sci<br /> (18). Cohen et al. (2011) Psych Science

      This is a critical point. The authors' key idea is that when you ask more than just a simple yes/no question, you find that other studies have overestimated the effects of inattentional blindness. But none of the studies listed above only asked simple yes/no questions. Thus, I believe the authors are mis-representing the field. Moreover, many of the studies that do much more than ask a simple yes/no question are cited by the authors themselves! Furthermore, as far as I can tell, the authors believe that if researchers do these extra steps and ask more follow-ups, then the results are valid. But since so many of these prior studies do those extra steps, I am not exactly sure what is being criticized.

      To make sure this point is clear, I'd like to use a paper of mine as an example. In this study (Cohen et al., 2020, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA) we used gaze-contingent virtual reality to examine how much color people see in the world. On the critical trial, the part of the scene they fixated on was in color, but the periphery was entirely in black and white. As soon as the trial ended, we asked participants a series of questions to determine what they noticed. The list of questions included:

      (1) "Did you notice anything strange or different about that last trial?"<br /> (2) "If I were to tell you that we did something odd on the last trial, would you have a guess as to what we did?"<br /> (3) "If I were to tell you we did something different in the second half of the last trial, would you have a guess as to what we did?"<br /> (4) "Did you notice anything different about the colors in the last scene?"<br /> (5) We then showed observers the previous trial again and drew their attention to the effect and confirmed that they did not notice that previously.<br /> In a situation like this, when the observers are asked so many questions, do the authors believe that "the inattentionally blind can see after all?" I believe they would not say that and the reason they would not say that is because of the follow-up questions after the initial yes/no question. But since so many previous studies use similar follow-up questions, I do not think you can state that the field is broadly overestimating inattentional blindness. This is why it seems to me to be a bit of a straw-man: most people do not just use the yes/no method.

      Main point 2: Let's imagine for a second that every study did just ask a yes/no question and then would stop. So, the criticism the authors are bringing up is valid (even though I believe it is not). I am not entirely sure that above chance performance on a forced choice task proves that the inattentionally blind can see after all. Could it just be a form of subliminal priming? Could there be a significant number of participants who basically would say something like, "No I did not see anything, and I feel like I am just guessing, but if you want me to say whether the thing was to the left or right, I will just 100% guess"? I know the literature on priming from things like change and inattentional blindness is a bit unclear, but this seems like maybe what is going on. In fact, maybe the authors are getting some of the best priming from inattentional blindness because of their large sample size, which previous studies do not use.<br /> I'm curious how the authors would relate their studies to masked priming. In masked priming studies, observers say the did not see the target (like in this study) but still are above chance when forced to guess (like in this study). Do the researchers here think that that is evidence of "masked stimuli are truly seen" even if a participant openly says they are guessing?

      Main point 3: My last question is about how the authors interpret a variety of inattentional blindness findings. Previous work has found that observers fail to notice a gorilla in a CT scan (Drew et al., 2013), a fight occurring right in front of them (Chabris et al., 2011), a plane on a runway that pilots crash into (Haines, 1991), and so forth. In a situation like this, do the authors believe that many participants are truly aware of these items but simply failed to answer a yes/no question correctly? For example, imagine the researchers made participants choose if the gorilla was in the left or right lung and some participants who initially said they did not notice the gorilla were still able to correctly say if it was in the left or right lung. Would the authors claim "that participant actually did see the gorilla in the lung"? I ask because it is difficult to understand what it means to be aware of something as salient as a gorilla in a CT scan, but say "no" you didn't notice it when asked a yes/no question. What does it mean to be aware of such important, ecologically relevant stimuli, but not act in response to them and openly say "no" you did not notice them?

      Overall: I believe there are many aspects of this set of studies that are innovative and I hope the methods will be used more broadly in the literature. However, I believe the authors misrepresent the field and overstate what can be interpreted from their results. While I am sure there are cases where more nuanced questions might reveal inattentional blindness is somewhat overestimated, claims like "the inattentionally blind can see after all" or "Inattentionally blind subjects consciously perceive thest stimuli after all" seem to be incorrect (or at least not at all proven by this data).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Recent findings in the field of motor learning have pointed to the combined action of multiple mechanisms that potentially contribute to changes in motor output during adaptation. A nearly ubiquitous motor learning process occurs via the trial-by-trial compensation of motor errors, often attributed to cerebellar-dependent updating. This error-based learning process is slow and largely unconscious. Additional learning processes that are rapid (e.g., explicit strategy-based compensation) have been described in discrete movements like goal-directed reaching adaptation. However, the role of rapid motor updating during continuous movements such as walking has been either under-explored or inconsistent with those found during the adaptation of discrete movements. Indeed, previous results have largely discounted the role of explicit strategy-based mechanisms for locomotor learning. In the current manuscript, Rossi et al. provide convincing evidence for a previously unknown rapid updating mechanism for locomotor adaptation. Unlike the now well-studied explicit strategies employed during reaching movements, the authors demonstrate that this stimulus-response mapping process is largely unconscious. The authors show that in approximately half of subjects, the mapping process appears to be memory-based while the remainder of subjects appear to perform structural learning of the task design. The participants that learned using a structural approach had the capability to rapidly generalize to previously unexplored regions of the perturbation space.

      One result that will likely be particularly important to the field of motor learning is the authors' quite convincing correlation between the magnitude of proprioceptive recalibration and the magnitude error-based updating. This result beautifully parallels results in other motor learning tasks and appears to provide a robust marker for the magnitude of the mapping process (by means of subtracting off the contribution of error-based motor learning). This is a fascinating result with implications for the motor learning field well beyond the current study.

      A major strength of this manuscript is the large sample size across experiments and the extent of replication performed by the authors in multiple control experiments.

      Finally, I commend the authors on extending their original observations via Experiment 2. While it seems that participants use a range of mapping mechanisms (or indeed a combination of multiple mapping mechanisms), future experiments may be able to tease apart why some subjects use memory versus structural mapping. A future ability to push subjects to learn structurally-based mapping rules has the potential to inform rehabilitation strategies.

      Overall, the manuscript is well written, the results are clear, and the data and analyses are convincing. The manuscript's weaknesses are minor, mostly related to the presentation of the results and modeling.


      The overall weaknesses in the manuscript are minor and can likely be addressed with textual changes.

      (1) A key aspect of the experimental design is the speed of the "ramp down" following the adaptation period. If the ramp-down is too slow, then no after-effects would be expected even in the alternative recalibration-only/error-based only hypothesis. How did the authors determine the appropriate rate of ramp-down? Do alternative choices of ramp-down rates result in step length asymmetry measures that are consistent with the mapping hypothesis?

      (2) Overall, the modeling as presented in Figure 3 (Equation 1-3) is a bit convoluted. To my mind, it would be far more useful if the authors reworked Equations 1-3 and Figure 3 (with potential changes to Figure 2) so that the motor output (u) is related to the stride rather than the magnitude of the perturbation. There should be an equation relating the forward model recalibration (i.e., Equation 1) to the fraction of the motor error on a given stride, something akin to u(k+1) = r * (u(k) - p(k)). This formulation is easier to understand and commonplace in other motor learning tasks (and likely what the authors actually fit given the Smith & Shadmehr citation and the derivations in the Supplemental Materials). Such a change would require that Figure 3's independent axes be changed to "stride," but this has the benefit of complementing the presentation that is already in Figure 5.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The titin protein, a large component of striated muscle, plays a crucial role in the formation of the sarcomere during muscle development. As myocytes merge, titin integrates into the sarcomere structure, creating a stable myofilament system. The authors of the present study have shed light on the intricate process of myofilament assembly and disassembly, which is made possible by tracking labeled sarcomere components. In this study, they introduced the mCherry marker into titin's Z-disk to investigate its role in skeletal muscle development and remodeling. Their findings demonstrate that the integration of titin into the sarcomere is tightly regulated, with its unexpected mobility aiding in the uniform distribution of titin post-cell fusion. This distribution is crucial for the formation and maturation of skeletal muscle syncytium. In adult mice with mCherry-labeled titin, treating muscle injuries by introducing titin-eGFP myoblasts illustrates how myocytes integrate, fuse, and contribute to a seamless myofilament system across cell boundaries. The manuscript is well written, and the study is very novel.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Purine nucleoside metabolism in intestinal flora is integral to the purine nucleoside metabolism in the host. This study identified the iunH gene in Lactobacillus plantarum that regulates its purine nucleoside metabolism. Oral gavage of Lactobacillus plantarum and subsequent analysis showed it maintains homeostasis of purine nucleoside metabolism in the host.

      Strengths:<br /> This study presents sufficient evidence for the role of Lactobacillus plantarum in alleviating hyperuricaemia, combining microbiomics, whole genomics, in vitro bacterial culture, and metabolomics. These results suggest the iunH gene of Lactobacillus plantarum is crucial in host purine nucleoside metabolism. The experimental design is robust, and the data are of high quality. This study makes significant contributions to the fields of hyperuricaemia, purine nucleoside metabolism, and Lactobacillus plantarum investigation.

      Weaknesses:<br /> A key limitation of this manuscript is the absence of an in-depth study on the alleviation metabolism of Lactobacillus plantarum. Notable questions include: What overall metabolic changes occur in a purine nucleoside-enriched environment? How do the metabolites of Lactobacillus plantarum vary? Do these metabolites influence host purine nucleoside metabolism? These areas merit further investigation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Watanabe, Takashi et al. investigated the use of the Golden Gate dual-expression vector system to enhance the modern standard for rapid screening of recombinant monoclonal antibodies. The presented data builds upon modern techniques that currently use multiple expression vectors to express heavy and light chain pairs. In a single vector, they express the linked heavy and light chain variable genes with a membrane-bound Ig which allows for rapid and more affordable cell-based screening. The final validation of H1 and H2 strain influenza screening resulted in 81 "H1+", 48 "H2+", and 9 "cross" reactive clones. The kinetics of some of the soluble antibodies were tested via SPR and validated with a competitive inhibition with classical well-characterized neutralizing clones.


      In this study, Watanabe, Takashi et al. further develop and refine the methodologies for the discovery of monoclonal antibodies. They elegantly merge newer technologies to speed up turnaround time and reduce the cost of antibody discovery. Their data supports the feasibility of their technique.

      This study will have an impact on pandemic preparedness and antibody-based therapies.


      Limitations of this new technique are as follows: there is a significant loss of cells during FACs, transfection and cloning efficiency are critical to success, and well-based systems limit the number of possible clones (as the author discussed in the conclusions).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The study focuses on the vomeronasal organ, the peripheral chemosensory organ of the accessory olfactory system, by employing single-cell transcriptomics. The author analyzed the mouse vomeronasal organ, identifying diverse cell types through their unique gene expression patterns. Developmental gene expression analysis revealed that two classes of sensory neurons diverge in their maturation from common progenitors, marked by specific transient and persistent transcription factors. A comparative study between major neuronal subtypes, which differ in their G-protein sensory receptor families and G-protein subunits (Gnai2 and Gnao1, respectively), highlighted a higher expression of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) associated genes in Gnao1 neurons. Moreover, distinct differences in ER content and ultrastructure suggest some intriguing roles of ER in Gnao1-positive vomeronasal neurons. This work is likely to provide useful data for the community and is conceptually novel with the unique role of ER in a subset of vomeronasal neurons.


      (1) The study identified diverse cell types based on unique gene expression patterns, using single-cell transcriptomic.

      (2) The analysis suggest that two classes of sensory neurons diverge during maturation from common progenitors, characterized by specific transient and persistent transcription factors.

      (3) A comparative study highlighted differences in Gnai2- and Gnao1-positive sensory neurons.

      (4) Higher expression of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) associated genes in Gnao1 neurons.

      (5) Distinct differences in ER content and ultrastructure suggest unique roles of ER in Gnao1-positive vomeronasal neurons.

      (6) The research provides conceptually novel on the unique role of ER in a subset of vomeronasal neurons, offering valuable insights to the community.

      Comments on latest version:

      In the revised manuscript, the authors have thoroughly addressed all of this reviewer's concerns.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors describe elevated GSDMD expression in psoriatic skin, and knock-out of GSDMD abrogates psoriasis-like inflammation.


      The study is well conducted with transgenic mouse models. Using mouse-models with GSDMD knock-out showing abrogating inflammation, as well as GSDMD fl/fl mice without neutrophils having a reduced phenotype.

      I fear that some of the conclusions cannot be drawn by the suggested experiments. My major concern would be the involvement of other inflammasome and GSDMD bearing cell types, esp. Keratinocytes (KC), which could be an explanation why the experiments in Fig 4 still show inflammation.


      The experiments do not entirely support the conclusions towards neutrophils.

      Specific questions/comments:

      Fig 1b: mainly in KC and Neutrophils?

      Fig 2a: PASI includes erythema, scaling, thickness and area. Guess area could be trick, esp. in an artificial induced IMQ model (WT) vs. the knock-out mice.

      Fig 2d: interesting finding. I thought that CASP-1 is cleaving GSDMD. Why would it be downregulated?

      Line 313: as mentioned before (see Fig 1b). KC also show a stron GSDMD staining positivity and are known producers of IL-1b and inflammasome activation. Guess here the relevance of KC in the whole model needs to be evaluated.

      Fig 4i - guess here the conclusion would be that neutrophils are important for the pathogenesis in the IMQ model, which is true. This experiment does not support that this is done by pyroptosis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study integrated single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptome data from mouse heart tissue at different time points post-MI. They identified four transcriptionally distinct subtypes of lymphatic endothelial cells and localized them in space. They observed that LECs subgroups are localized in different zones of infarcted heart with functions. Specifically, they demonstrated that LEC ca III may be involved in directly regulating myocardial injuries in the infarcted zone concerning metabolic stress, while LEC ca II may be related to the rapid immune inflammatory responses of the border zone in the early stage of MI. LEC ca I and LEC collection mainly participate in regulating myocardial tissue edema resolution in the middle and late stages post-MI. Finally, cell trajectory and Cell-Chat analyses further identified that LECs may regulate myocardial edema through Aqp1, and likely affect macrophage infiltration through the galectin9-CD44 pathway. The authors concluded that their study revealed the dynamic transcriptional heterogeneity distribution of LECs in different regions of the infarcted heart and that LECs formed different functional subgroups that may exert different bioeffects in myocardial tissue post-MI.


      The study addresses a significant clinical challenge, and the results are of great translational value. All experiments were carefully performed, and their data support the conclusion.


      (1) Language expression must be improved. Many incomplete sentences exist throughout the manuscript. A few examples: Line 70-71: In order to further elucidate the effects and regulatory mechanisms of the lymphatic vessels in the repair process of myocardial injury following MI. Line 71-73. This study, integrated single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptome data from mouse heart tissue at different time points after MI from publicly available data (E-MTAB-7895, GSE214611) in the ArrayExpress and gene expression omnibus (GEO) databases. Line 88-89: Since the membrane protein LYVE1 can present lymphatic vessel morphology more clearly than PROX1.<br /> (2) The type of animal models (i.e., permeant MI or MI plus reperfusion) included in ArrayExpress and gene expression omnibus (GEO) databases must be clearly defined as these two models may have completely different effects on lymphatic vessel development during post-MI remodeling.<br /> (3) Line 119-120: Caution must be taken regarding Cav1 as a lymphocyte marker because Cav1 is expressed in all endothelial cells, not limited to LEC.<br /> (4) Figure 1 legend needs to be improved. RZ, BZ, and IZ need to be labeled in all IF images. Day 0 images suggest that RZ is the tissue section from the right ventricle. Was RZ for all other time points sampled from the right ventricular tissue section?<br /> (5) The discussion section needs to be improved and better focused on the findings from the current study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Yi-Ting Tsai and colleagues conducted a systematic analysis of the correlation between the expression of retrotransposable elements (RTEs) and aging, using publicly available transcriptional and methylome microarray datasets of blood cells from large human cohorts, as well as single-cell transcriptomics. Although DNA hypomethylation was associated with chronological age across all RTE biotypes, the authors did not find a correlation between the levels of RTE expression and chronological age. However, expression levels of LINEs and LTRs positively correlated with DNA demethylation, and inflammatory and senescence gene signatures, indicative of "biological age". Gene set variation analysis showed that the inflammatory response is enriched in the samples expressing high levels of LINEs and LTRs. In summary, the study demonstrates that RTE expression correlates with "biological" rather than "chronological" aging.


      The question the authors address is both relevant and important to the fields of aging and transposon biology.

      Comments on latest version:

      The authors introduced the analysis of RNA-seq data, addressing the key concerns raised by Reviewer #1 and myself. They also adopted more explicit terminology in their latest version, reducing ambiguity. The RNA-seq analysis demonstrating that the expression of different transposon groups is not associated with chronological aging is convincing, though, in my opinion, it still lacks granularity.

      I have two minor points:

      (1) Previously, I have mentioned the following:

      "The authors pool signals from RTEs by class or family, despite the fact that these groups include subfamilies and members with very different properties and harmful potentials. For example, while older subfamilies might be expressed through readthrough transcription, certain members of younger groups could be autonomously reactivated and cause inflammation... The aggregation of signals from different RTE biotypes may obscure potential reactivation of smaller groups or specific subfamilies."

      The authors responded that they would lose statistical power by studying RTE subfamilies with limited microarray probes, which is a fair point. However, the suggested analysis could have been conducted using the RNA-seq data they explored in the second round of revision. Choosing not to leverage RNA-seq to increase the granularity of their analysis is a matter of choice. In my opinion, however, the authors could have acknowledged in the discussion that some smaller yet potentially influential RTE species may be masked by their global approach.

      (2) Previously, I mentioned that 10x scRNA-seq is not ideal for analysing RTEs and requested a classical UMAP plot to visualize RTE expression across cell populations. The authors argued that they could only achieve sufficient statistical power by quantifying RTE classes through cumulative read counts for each cell type, which I accept. However, they divided cells into "high" and "low" BAR gene signature groups. I am surprised that the comparison of BAR signature expression between these groups was not presented using standard visualization methods commonly applied in scRNA-seq data analysis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors have addressed most of my concerns sufficiently. There are still a few serious concerns I have. Primarily, the temporal resolution of the technique still makes me dubious about nearly all of the biological results. It is good that the authors have added some vessel diameter time courses generated by their model. But I still maintain that data sampling every 42 seconds - or even 21 seconds - is problematic. First, the evidence for long vascular responses is lacking. The authors cite several papers:

      Alarcon-Martinez et al. 2020 show and explicitly state that their responses (stimulus-evoked) returned to baseline within 30 seconds. The responses to ischemia are long lasting but this is irrelevant to the current study using activated local neurons to drive vessel signals.<br /> Mester et al. 2019 show responses that all seem to return to baseline by around 50 seconds post-stimulus.<br /> O'Herron et al. 2022 and Hartmann et al. 2021 use opsins expressed in vessel walls (not neurons as in the current study) and directly constrict vessels with light. So this is unrelated to neuronal activity-induced vascular signals in the current study.

      There are other papers including Vazquez et al 2014 (PMID: 23761666) and Uhlirova et al 2016 (PMID: 27244241) and many others showing optogenetically-evoked neural activity drives vascular responses that return back to baseline within 30 seconds. The stimulation time and the cell types labeled may be different across these studies which can make a difference. But vascular responses lasting 300 seconds or more after a stimulus of a few seconds are just not common in the literature and so are very suspect - likely at least in part due to the limitations of the algorithm.

      Another major issue is that the time courses provided show that the same vessel constricts at certain points and dilates later. So where in the time course the data is sampled will have a major effect on the direction and amplitude of the vascular response. In fact, I could not find how the "response" window is calculated. Is it from the first volume collected after the stimulation - or an average of some number of volumes? But clearly down-sampling the provided data to 42 or even 21 second sampling will lead to problems. If the major benefit to the field is the full volume over large regions that the model can capture and describe, there needs to be a better way to capture the vessel diameter in a meaningful way.

      It still seems possible that if responses are bi-phasic, then depth dependencies of constrictors vs dilators may just be due to where in the response the data are being captured - maybe the constriction phase is captured in deeper planes of the volume and the dilation phase more superficially. This may also explain why nearly a third of vessels are not consistent across trials - if the direction the volume was acquired is different across trials, different phases of the response might be captured.

      I still have concerns about other aspects of the responses but these are less strong. Particularly, these bi-phasic responses are not something typically seen and I still maintain that constrictions are not common. The authors are right that some papers do show constriction. Leaving out the direct optogenetic constriction of vessels (O'Herron 2022 & Hartmann 2021), the Alarcon-Martinez et al. 2020 paper and others such as Gonzales et al 2020 (PMID: 33051294) show different capillary branches dilating and constricting. However, these are typically found either with spontaneous fluctuations or due to highly localized application of vasoactive compounds. I am not familiar with data showing activation of a large region of tissue - as in the current study - coupled with vessel constrictions in the same region. But as the authors point out, typically only a few vessels at a time are monitored so it is possible - even if this reviewer thinks it unlikely - that this effect is real and just hasn't been seen.

      I also have concerns about the spatial resolution of the data. It looks like the data in Figure 7 and Supplementary Figure 7 have a resolution of about 1 micron/pixel. It isn't stated so I may be wrong. But detecting changes of less than 1 micron, especially given the noise of an in vivo prep (brain movement and so on), might just be noise in the model. This could also explain constrictions as just spurious outputs in the model's diameter estimation. The high variability in adjacent vessel segments seen in Figure 6C could also be explained the same way, since these also seem biologically and even physically unlikely.

      I still think the difference in distance-to-nearest-neuron between dilators and constrictors is insignificant. These points were not addressed - the difference in neuronal density between cortical layers and the ~ 5 micron difference in this parameter between dilators and constrictors. Given the concerns raised above, there is very little confidence in even knowing which vessels constricted and which dilated.

      All-in-all, I think this is potentially a very useful pipeline for automating numerous tasks which are very time consuming and vulnerable to subjective judgements (which leads to reproducibility problems and others). However, I think the challenge of capturing large volumes at high speed and with high resolution is very real and hasn't been adequately accomplished for the claims the authors want to make about their data. It is encouraging that with the right technology, such data could be captured and this pipeline would be excellent for processing it. But given the limitations in the data collection here, I think that many of the biological claims are hard to fully accept.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study deepens the former authors' investigations of the mechanisms involved in gating the long-term consolidation of an associative memory (LTM) in Drosophila melanogaster. After having previously found that LTM consolidation 1. costs energy (Plaçais and Préat, Science 2013) provided through pyruvate metabolism (Plaçais et al., Nature Comm 2017) and 2. is gated by the increased tonic activity in a type of dopaminergic neurons ('MP1 neurons') following only training protocol relevant for LTM, i.e. interspaced in time (Plaçais et al., Nature Neuro 2012), they here dig into the intra-cell signalling triggered by dopamine input and eventually responsible for the increased mitochondria activity in Kenyon Cells. They identify a particular PKC, PKCδ, as a major molecular interface in this process and describe its translocation to mitochondria to promote pyruvate metabolism, specifically after spaced training.

      Methodological approach

      To that end, they use RNA interference against the isozyme PKCδ, in a time-controlled way and in the whole Kenyon cells populations or in the subpopulation forming the α/β lobe. This knock-down decreased the total PKCδ mRNA level in the brain by ca. 30%, and is enough to observe decreased in flies performances for LTM consolidation. Using Pyronic, a sensor for pyruvate for in vivo imaging, and pharmacological disruption of mitochondrial function, the authors then show that PKCδ knock-down prevents high level of pyruvate from accumulating in the Kenyon cells at the time of LTM consolidation, pointing towards a role of PKCδ in promoting pyruvate metabolism. They further identify the PDH kinase PDK as a likely target for PKCδ since knocking down both PKCδ and PDK led to normal LTM performances, likely counterbalancing PKCδ knock-down alone.

      To understand the timeline of PKCδ activation and to visualise its mitochondrial translocation in subpart of Mushroom body lobes they imported in fruitfly the genetically-encoded FRET reporters of PKCδ, δCKAR and mitochondria-δCKAR (Kajimoto et al 2010). They show that PKCδ is activated to the sensor's saturation only after spaced training, and not other types of training that are 'irrelevant' for LTM. Further, adding thermogenetic activation of dopaminergic neurons and RNA interference against Gq-coupled dopamine receptor to FRET imaging, they identify that a dopamine-triggered cascade is sufficient for the elevated PKCδ-activation.

      Strengths and weaknesses

      The authors use a combination of new fluorescent sensors and behavioral, imaging, and pharmacological protocols they already established to successfully identify the molecular players that bridge the requirement for spaced training/dopaminergic neurons MP1 oscillatory activity and the increased metabolic activity observed during long-term memory consolidation.<br /> The study is dense in new exciting findings and each methodological step is carefully designed. The experiments one could think of to make this link have been done in this study and the results seem solid.<br /> The discussion is well conducted, with interesting parallel with mammals, where the possibility that this process takes place as well is yet unknown.


      Their findings should interest a large audience:<br /> They discover and investigate a new function for PKCδ in regulating memory processes in neurons in conjunction with other physiological functions, making this molecule a potentially valid target for neuropathological conditions. They also provide new tools in drosophila to measure PKCδ activation in cells. They identify the major players for lifting the energetic limitations preventing the formation of a long-term memory.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors investigated the mechanisms behind breeding season-dependent feeding behavior using medaka, a well-known photoperiodic species, as a model. Through a combination of molecular, cellular, and behavioral analyses, including tests with mutants, they concluded that AgRP1 plays a central role in feeding behavior, mediated by ovarian estrogenic signals.


      This study offers valuable insights into the neuroendocrine mechanisms that govern breeding season-dependent feeding behavior in medaka. The multidisciplinary approach, which includes molecular and physiological analyses, enhances the scientific contribution of the research.


      While medaka is an appropriate model for studying seasonal breeding, the results presented are insufficient to fully support the authors' conclusions.

      Specifically, methods and data analyses are incomplete in justifying the primary claims:<br /> - the procedure for the food intake assay is unclear;<br /> - the sample size is very small;<br /> - the statistical analysis is not always adequate.

      Additionally, the discussion fails to consider the possible role of other hormones that may be involved in the feeding mechanism.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The manuscript by Shibata proposed a potentially interesting idea that variation in methylcytosine across cells can inform cellular lineage in a way similar to single nucleotide variants (SNVs). The work builds on the hypothesis that the "replication" of methylcytosine, presumably by DNMT1, is inaccurate and produces stochastic methylation variants that are inherited in a cellular lineage. Although this notion can be correct to some extent, it does not account for other mechanisms that modulate methylcytosines, such as active gain of methylation mediated by DNMT3A/B activity and activity demethylation mediated by TET activity. In some cases, it is known that the modulation of methylation is targeted by sequence-specific transcription factors. In other words, inaccurate DNMT1 activity is only one of the many potential ways that can lead to methylation variants, which fundamentally weakens the hypothesis that methylation variants can serve as a reliable lineage marker. With that being said (being skeptical of the fundamental hypothesis), I want to be as open-minded as possible and try to propose some specific analyses that might better convince me that the author is correct. However, I suspect that the concept of methylation-based lineage tracing cannot be validated without some kind of lineage tracing experiment, which has been successfully demonstrated for scRNA-seq profiling but not yet for methylation profiling (one example is Delgado et al., nature. 2022).

      (1) The manuscript reported that fCpG sites are predominantly intergenic. The author should also score the overlap between fCpG sites and putative regulatory elements and report p-values. If fCpG sites commonly overlap with regulatory elements, that would increase the possibility that these sites being actively regulated by enhancer mechanisms other than maintenance methyltransferase activity.

      (2) The overlap between fCpG and regulatory sequence is a major alternative explanation for many of the observations regarding the effectiveness of using fCpG sites to classify cell types correctly. One would expect the methylation level of thousands of enhancers to be quite effective in distinguishing cell types based on the published single-cell brain methylome works.

      (3) The methylation level of fCpG sites is higher in hindbrain structures and lower in forebrain regions. This observation was interpreted as the hindbrain being the "root" of the methylation barcodes and, through "progressive demethylation" produced the methylation states in the forebrain. This interpretation does not match what is known about methylation dynamics in mammalian brains, in particular, there is no data supporting the process of "progressive demethylation". In fact, it is known that with the activation of DNMT3A during early postnatal development in mice or humans (Lister et al., 2013. Science), there is a global gain of methylation in both CH and CG contexts. This is part of the broader issue I see in this manuscript, which is that the model might be correct if "inaccurate mC replication" is the only force that drives methylation dynamics. But in reality, active enzymatic processes such as the activation of DNMT3A have a global impact on the methylome, and it is unclear if any signature for "inaccurate mC replication" survives the de novo methylation wave caused by DNMT3A activity.

      (3) Perhaps one way the author could address comment 3 is to analyze methylome data across several developmental stages in the same brain region, to first establish that the signal of "inaccurate mC replication" is robust and does not get erased during early postnatal development when DNMT3A deposits a large amount of de novo methylation.

      (4) The hypothesis that methylation barcodes are homogeneous among progenitor cells and more polymorphic in derived cells is an interesting one. However, in this study, the observation was likely an artifact caused by the more granular cell types in the brain stem, intermediate granularity in inhibitory cells, and highly continuous cell types in cortical excitatory cells. So, in other words, single-cell studies typically classify hindbrain cell types that are more homogenous, and cortical excitatory cells that are much more heterogeneous. The difference in cell type granularity across brain structures is documented in several whole-brain atlas papers such as Yao et al. 2023 Nature part of the BICCN paper package.

      (5) As discussed in comment 2, the author needs to assess whether the successful classification of cell types (brain lineage) using fCpG was, in fact, driven by fCpG sites overlapping with cell-type specific regulatory elements.

      (6) In Figure 5E, the author tried to address the question of whether methylation barcodes inform lineage or post-mitotic methylation remodeling. The Y-axis corresponds to distances in tSNE. However, tSNE involves non-linear scaling, and the distances cannot be interpreted as biological distances. PCA distances or other types of distances computed from high-dimensional data would be more appropriate.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This paper from Sutlief et al. focuses on an apparent contradiction observed in experimental data from two related types of pursuit-based decision tasks. In "forgo" decisions, where the subject is asked to choose whether or not to accept a presented pursuit, after which they are placed into a common inter-trial interval, subjects have been shown to be nearly optimal in maximizing their overall rate of reward. However, in "choice" decisions, where the subject is asked which of two mutually-exclusive pursuits they will take, before again entering a common inter-trial interval, subjects exhibit behavior that is believed to be sub-optimal. To investigate this contradiction, the authors derive a consistent reward-maximizing strategy for both tasks using a novel and intuitive geometric approach that treats every phase of a decision (pursuit choice and inter-trial interval) as vectors. From this approach, the authors are able to show that previously reported examples of sub-optimal behavior in choice decisions are in fact consistent with a reward-maximizing strategy. Additionally, the authors are able to use their framework to deconstruct the different ways the passage of time impacts decisions, demonstrating that time cost contains both an opportunity cost and an apportionment cost, as well as examining how a subject's misestimation of task parameters impacts behavior.


      The main strength of the paper lies in the authors' geometric approach to studying the problem. The authors chose to simplify the decision process by removing the highly technical and often cumbersome details of evidence accumulation that are common in most of the decision-making literature. In doing so, the authors were able to utilize a highly accessible approach that is still able to provide interesting insights into decision behavior and the different components of optimal decision strategies.


      While the details of the paper are compelling, the authors' presentation of their results is often unclear or incomplete:

      (1) The mathematical details of the paper are correct but contain numerous notation errors and are presented as a solid block of subtle equation manipulations. This makes the details of the authors' approach (the main contribution of the paper to the field) highly difficult to understand.

      (2) One of the main contributions of the paper is the notion that time cost in decision-making contains an apportionment cost that reflects the allocation of decision time relative to the world. The authors use this cost to pose a hypothesis as to why subjects exhibit sub-optimal behavior in choice decisions. However, the equation for the apportionment cost is never clearly defined in the paper, which is a significant oversight that hampers the effectiveness of the authors' claims.

      (3) Many of the paper's figures are visually busy and not clearly detailed in the captions (for example, Figures 6-8). Because of the geometric nature of the authors' approach, the figures should be as clean and intuitive as possible, as in their current state, they undercut the utility of a geometric argument.

      (4) The authors motivate their work by focusing on previously-observed behavior in decision experiments and tell the reader that their model is able to qualitatively replicate this data. This claim would be significantly strengthened by the inclusion of experimental data to directly compare to their model's behavior. Given the computational focus of the paper, I do not believe the authors need to conduct their own experiments to obtain this data; reproducing previously accepted data from the papers the authors' reference would be sufficient.

      (5) While the authors reference a good portion of the decision-making literature in their paper, they largely ignore the evidence-accumulation portion of the literature, which has been discussing time-based discounting functions for some years. Several papers that are both experimentally-(Cisek et al. 2009, Thurs et al. 2012, Holmes et al. 2016) and theoretically-(Drugowitsch et al. 2012, Tajima et al. 2019, Barendregt et al. 22) driven exist, and I would encourage the authors to discuss how their results relate to those in different areas of the field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Mechanically activated ion channels PIEZOs have been widely studied for their role in mechanosensory processes like touch sensation and red blood cell volume regulation. PIEZO in vivo roles are further exemplified by the presence of gain-of-function (GOF) or loss-of-function (LOF) mutations in humans that lead to disease pathologies. Hereditary xerocytosis (HX) is one such disease caused due to GOF mutation in Human PIEZO1, which are characterized by their slow inactivation kinetics, the ability of a channel to close in the presence of stimulus. But how these mutations alter PIEZO1 inactivation or even the underlying mechanisms of channel inactivation remains unknown. Recently, MDFIC (myoblast determination family inhibitor proteins) was shown to directly interact with mouse PIEZO1 as an auxiliary subunit to prolong inactivation and alter gating kinetics. Furthermore, while lipids are known to play a role in the inactivation and gating of other mechanosensitive channels, whether this mechanism is conserved in PIEZO1 is unknown. Thus, the structural basis for PIEZO1 inactivation mechanism, and whether lipids play a role in these mechanisms represent important outstanding questions in the field and have strong implications for human health and disease.

      To get at these questions, Shan et al. use cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) to investigate the molecular basis underlying differences in inactivation and gating kinetics of PIEZO1 and human disease-causing PIEZO1 mutations. Notably, the authors provide the first structure of human PIEZO1 (hPIEZO1), which will facilitate future studies in the field. They reveal that hPIEZO1 has a more flattened shape than mouse PIEZO1 (mPIEZO1) and has lipids that insert into the hydrophobic pore region. To understand how PIEZO1 GOF mutations might affect this structure and the underlying mechanistic changes, they solve structures of hPIEZO1 as well as two HX-causing mild GOF mutations (A1988V and E756del) and a severe GOF mutation (R2456H). Unable to glean too much information due to poor resolution of the mutant channels, the authors also attempt to resolve MCFIC-bound structures of the mutants. These structures show that MDFIC inserts into the pore region of hPIEZO1, similar to its interaction with mPIEZO1, and results in a more curved and contracted state than hPIEZO1 on its own. The authors use these structures to hypothesize that differences in curvature and pore lipid position underlie the differences in inactivation kinetics between wild-type hPIEZO1, hPIEZO1 GOF mutations, and hPIEZO1 in complex with MDFIC.


      This is the first human PIEZO1 structure. Thus, these studies become the stepping stone for future investigations to better understand how disease-causing mutations affect channel gating kinetics.


      Many of the hypotheses made in this manuscript are not substantiated with data and are extrapolated from mid-resolution structures.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Prével et al. present an in vivo study in which they reveal an interesting aspect of β-glucan, a known inducer of enhanced immune responses termed trained immunity in sterile inflammation. The authors can show, that β-glucan's can reprogram alveolar macrophages (AMs) in the lungs through neutrophils and IFNγ signaling and independent of Dectin1. This reprogramming occurs at both transcriptional and metabolic levels. After β-glucan training, LPS-induced sterile inflammation exacerbated acute lung injury via enhanced immunopathology. These findings highlight a new aspect of β-glucan's role in trained immunity and its potential detrimental effects when enhanced pathogen clearance is not required.


      (1) This manuscript is well-written and effectively conveys its message.

      (2) The authors provide important evidence that β-glucan training is not solely beneficial, but depending on the context can also enhance immunopathology. This will be important to the field for two reasons. It shows again, that trained immunity can also be harmful. Jentho et al. 2021 have already provided further evidence for this aspect. And it highlights anew that LPS application is an insufficient infection model.


      (1) Only a little physiological data is provided by the in vivo models.

      (2) The effects in histology appear to be rather weak.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This is an interesting study with a lot of data. Some of these ideas are intriguing. But a few major points require further consideration.

      Major points:

      (1) What disease is this model of whole animal hypoxia supposed to mimic? If one is focused on the brain, can one just use a model of focal or global cerebral ischemia?

      (2) If this model subjects the entire animal to hypoxia, then other organs will also be hypoxic. Should one also detect endothelial upregulation and release of extracellular vesicles containing hemoglobin mRNA in non-CNS organs? Where do these vesicles go? Into blood?

      (3) What other mRNA are contained in the vesicles released from brain endothelial cells?

      (4) Where do the endothelial vesicles go? Only to neurons? Or to other cells as well?

      (5) Neurons can express endogenous hemoglobin. Is it useful to subject neurons to hypoxia and then see how much the endogenous mRNA goes up? How large is the magnitude of endogenous hemoglobin gene upregulation compared to the hypothesized exogenous mRNA that is supposed to be donated from endothelial vesicles?

      (6) Finally, it may be useful to provide more information and data to explain how the expression of this exogenous endothelial-derived hemoglobin binds to neuronal mitochondria to alter function.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Kirschner and colleagues test whether methamphetamine (MA) alters learning rate dynamics in a validated reversal learning task. They find evidence that MA can enhance performance for low-performers and that the enhancement reflects a reduction in the degree to which these low-performers dynamically up-regulate their learning rates when they encounter unexpected outcomes. The net effect is that poor performers show more volatile learning rates (e.g. jumping up when they receive misleading feedback), when the environment is actually stable, undermining their performance over trials.


      The study has multiple strengths including large sample size, placebo control, double-blind randomized design, and rigorous computational modeling of a validated task.


      The limitations, which are acknowledged, include that the drug they use, methamphetamine, can influence multiple neuromodulatory systems including catecholamines and acetylcholine, all of which have been implicated in learning rate dynamics. They also do not have any independent measures of any of these systems, so it is impossible to know which is having an effect.

      Another limitation that the authors should acknowledge is that the fact that participants were aware of having different experiences in the drug sessions means that their blinding was effectively single-blind (to the experimenters) and not double-blind. Relatedly, it is difficult to know whether subjective effects of drugs (e.g. arousal, mood, etc.) might have driven differences in attention, causing performance enhancements in the low-performing group. Do the authors have measures of these subjective effects that they could include as covariates of no interest in their analyses?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors aimed to explore and better understand the complex topographical organization of the human pulvinar, a brain region crucial for various high-order functions such as perception and attention. They sought to move beyond traditional histological subdivisions by investigating continuous 'gradients' of cortical connections along the dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. Using advanced imaging techniques and a comprehensive PET atlas of neurotransmitter receptors, the study aimed to identify and characterize these gradients in terms of structural connections, functional coactivation, and molecular binding patterns. Ultimately, the authors targeted to provide a more nuanced understanding of pulvinar anatomy and its implications for brain function in both healthy and diseased states.


      A key strength of this study lies in the authors' effort to comprehensively combine multimodal data, encompassing both functional and structural connectomics, alongside the analysis of major neurotransmitter distributions. This approach enabled a more nuanced understanding of the overarching organizational principles of the pulvinar nucleus within the broader context of whole-brain connectivity. By employing cortex-wide correlation analyses of multimodal embedding patterns derived from 'gradients,' which provide spatial maps reflecting the underlying connectomic and molecular similarities across voxels, the study offers a thorough characterization of the functional neuroanatomy of the pulvinar.


      Despite its strengths, the current manuscript falls short in presenting the authors' unique perspectives on integrating the diverse biological principles derived from the various neuroimaging modalities. The findings are predominantly reported as correlations between different gradient maps, without providing the in-depth interpretations that would allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the pulvinar's role as a central hub in the brain's network. Another limitation of the study is the lack of clarity regarding the application of pulvinar and its subnuclei segmentation maps to individual brains prior to BOLD signal extraction and gradient reconstruction. This omission raises concerns about the precision and reproducibility of the findings, leaving their robustness less transparently evaluable.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This study examines monosomies in yeast in comparison to synthetic lethals resulting from combinations of heterozygous gene deletions that individually have a detrimental effect. The survival of monosomies, albeit with detrimental growth defects, is interpreted as positive epistasis for fitness. Gene expression was examined in monosomies in an attempt to gain insight into why monosomies can survive when multiple heterozygous deletions on the respective chromosome do not. In the RNAseq experiments, many genes were interpreted to be increased in expression and some were interpreted as reduced. Those with the apparent strongest increase were the subunits of the ribosome and those with the apparent strongest decreases were subunits of the proteasome.

      The initiation and interpretation of the results were apparently performed in a vacuum of a century of work on genomic balance. Classical work in the flowering plant Datura and in Drosophila found that changes in chromosomal dosage would modulate phenotypes in a dosage sensitive manner (for references see Birchler and Veitia, 2021, Cytogenetics and Genome Research 161: 529-550). In terms of molecular studies, the most common modulation across the genome for monosomies is an upregulation (Guo and Birchler, Science 266: 1999-2002; Shi et al. 2021, The Plant Cell 33: 917-939).

      It was also apparently performed in a vacuum of results of evolutionary genomics that indicate the classes of genes for which dosage causes fitness consequences. It was from yeast genomics that it was realized that there is a difference in the fate of duplicate genes that are members of molecular complexes following whole genome duplications (WGD) versus small segmental duplications (SSD) with longer retention times from WGD than other genes and an underrepresentation in small scale duplications (e.g. Papp et al. 2003, Nature 424: 194-197; Hakes et al 2007, Genome Biol 8: R209). This pattern arises from negative fitness consequences of deletion of some but not all members of a complex after WGD or the overexpression of individual subunits after SSD (Defoort et al., 2019 Genome Biol Evol 11: 2292-2305; Shi et al., 2020, Mol Biol Evol 37: 2394-2413). In order for this pattern to occur, there must be a reasonably close relationship between mRNA and the respective protein levels. This pattern of retention and underrepresentation has been found throughout eukaryotes (e.g. Tasdighian et al 2017, Plant Cell 29: 2766-2785) indicating that yeast is not an outlier in its behavior.

      In the present yeast study, not only are there apparent increases for ribosomal subunits but also for many genes in the GAAC pathway, the NCR pathway, and Msn2p. The word "apparent" is used because RNAseq studies can only determine relative changes in gene expression (Loven et al., 2012, Cell 151: 476-482). Because aneuploidy can change the transcriptome size in general (Yang et al., 2021, The Plant Cell 33: 1016-1041), it is possible and maybe probable that this occurs in yeast monosomies as well. If there is an increase in the general transcriptome size, then there might not be as much reduction of the proteosome subunits as claimed and the increases might be somewhat less than indicated.

      Indeed, the authors claim that there is an increased cell volume in the monosomies. Given that cell volume correlates very well with the total transcriptome size (Loven et al., 2012, Cell 151: 476-482; Sun et al 2020, Current Biol 30: 1217-1230; Swaffer et al., 2023, Cell 186: 5254-5268), it could well be that there is an increased transcriptome size in the monosomies. Thus, the interpretation of the relative changes from RNAseq is compromised.

      It should be noted that contrary to the claims of the cited paper of Torres et al 2007 (Science 317: 916-924), a reanalysis of the data indicated that yeast disomies have many modulated genes in trans with downregulated genes being more common (Hou et al, 2018, PNAS 115: E11321-E11330). The claim of Torres et al that there are no global modulations in trans is counter to the knowledge that transcription factors are typically dosage sensitive and have multiple targets across the genome. The inverse effect trend is also true of maize disomies (Yang et al., 2021, The Plant Cell 33: 1016-1041), maize trisomies (Shi et al., 2021), Arabidopsis trisomies (Hou et al. 2018), Drosophila trisomies (Sun et al. 2013, PNAS 110: 7383-7388; Sun et al., 2013, PNAS 110: 16514-16519; Zhang et al., 2021, Scientific Reports 11: 19679; Zhang et al., genes 12: 1606) and human trisomies (Zhang et al., 2024, genes 15: 637). Taken as a whole it would seem to suggest that there are many inverse relationships of global gene expression with chromosomal dosage in both yeast disomies and monosomies.

      In a similar vein, the authors cite Muenzner et al 2024, Nature 630 149-157 that there is an attenuation of protein levels from aneuploid chromosomes while the mRNA levels correlate with gene dosage. This interpretation also seems to have been made in a vacuum of the evolutionary genomics data noted above and there was no consideration of transcriptome size change in the aneuploids. Also, Muenzner et al make the remarkable suggestion that there is degradation of overproduced proteins from hyperploidy, but for monosomies there is greater degradation of the proteins from the remainder of the genome.

      To clarify the claims of this study, it would be informative to produce distributions of the various ratios of individual gene expression in monosomy versus diploid as performed by Hou et al. 2018. This will better express the trends of up and down regulation across the genome and whether there are any genes on the varied chromosome that are dosage compensated. The authors claim in the Abstract that "There is no evidence of increased (compensatory) gene expression on the monosomic chromosomes", but then note after describing the increased cell volume of monosomies that this observation likely signals an increased transcriptome size: "Indeed, one explanation for the observed epistasis for viability could be an ample overproduction of all transcripts, so that even those halved by monosomy are sufficiently abundant". It is not clear to this reviewer what conclusions can be made from this work other than the empirical observation that monosomy does not reflect the cumulative effect of multiple haplo-insufficiencies of individual heterozygous deletions and that there are some RELATIVE changes in gene expression, but it is unclear what the ABSOLUTE PER CELL expression is across the whole genome. Clarifying this issue would be important for understanding the nature of any epistasis and fitness consequences.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Yang et al. presents a novel and significant investigation into the role of SIRT4 For CCN2 expression in response to TGF-β by modulating U2AF2-mediated alternative splicing and its impact on the development of kidney fibrosis.


      The authors' main conclusion is that SIRT4 plays a role in kidney fibrosis by regulating CCN2 expression via pre-mRNA splicing. Additionally, the study reveals that SIRT4 translocates from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm through the BAX/BAK pore under TGF-β stimulation. In the cytoplasm, TGF-β activated the ERK pathway and induced the phosphorylation of SIRT4 at Ser36, further promoting its interaction with importin α1 and subsequent nuclear translocation. In the nucleus, SIRT4 was found to deacetylate U2AF2 at K413, facilitating the splicing of CCN2 pre-mRNA to promote CCN2 protein expression. Overall, the findings are fully convincing. The current study, to some extent, shows potential importance in this field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      New comments are added after authors responses to my initial comments.


      Zhang et al. performed a proteogenomic analysis of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) in 169 female never-smokers from the Xuanwei area (XWLC) in China. These analyses reveal that XWLC is a distinct subtype of LUAD and that BaP is a major risk factor associated with EGFR G719X mutations found in the XWLC cohort. Four subtypes of XWLC were classified with unique features based on multi-omics data clustering.


      The authors made great efforts in performing several large-scale proteogenomic analyses and characterizing molecular features of XWLCs. Datasets from this study will be a valuable resource to further explore the etiology and therapeutic strategies of air-pollution-associated lung cancers, particularly for XWLC.



      (2) Importantly, while providing the large datasets, validating key findings is minimally performed, and surprisingly there is no interrogation of XWLC drug response/efficacy based on their findings, which makes this manuscript descriptive and incomplete rather than conclusive. For example, testing the efficacy of XWLC response to afatinib combined with other drugs targeting activated kinases in EGFR G719X mutated XWLC tumors would be one way to validate their datasets and new therapeutic options.

      Response: We appreciate your suggestion. In reference to testing the efficacy of XWLC response to afatinib combined with drugs targeting kinases, we have planned to establish PDX and organoid models to validate the effectiveness of our therapeutic approach. Due to the extended timeframe required, we intend to present these results in a subsequent study.

      Comments: All conclusions in the manuscript made by authors are based on interpretations of large-scale multi-omics data, which should be properly validated by other approaches and methods. Without validation, these are all speculations and any conclusions without supporting evidence are not acceptable. This reviewer suggested an example of validation experiment, and Reviewer #3 also pointed out several data that need to be validated. However, authors do not agree to perform any of these validation experiments without reasonable justification.

      (3) The authors found MAD1 and TPRN are novel therapeutic targets in XWLC. Are these two genes more frequently mutated in one subtype than the other 3 XWLC subtypes? How these mutations could be targeted in patients?

      Response: Thank you for your question. We have investigated the TPRN and MAD1 mutations in our dataset, identifying five TPRN mutations and eight MAD1 mutations. Among the TPRN mutations, XWLC_0046 and XWLC_0017 belong to the MCII subtype, XWLC_0012 belongs to the MCI subtype, and the subtype of the other three samples is undetermined, resulting in mutation frequencies of 1/16, 2/24, 0/15, and 0/13, respectively. Similarly, for the MAD1 mutations, XWLC_0115, XWLC_0021, and XWLC_0047 belong to the MCII subtype, XWLC_0055 containing two mutations belongs to the MCI subtype, and the subtype of the other three samples is undetermined, resulting in mutation frequencies of 1/16, 3/24, 0/15, and 0/13 across subtypes, respectively. Fisher's test did not reveal significant differences between the subtypes. For targeting novel therapeutic targets such as MAD1 and TPRN, we propose a multi-step approach. Firstly, we advocate for conducting functional in vivo and in vitro experiments to verify their roles during cancer progression. Secondly, we suggest conducting small molecule drug screening based on the pharmacophore of these proteins, which may lead to the identification of potential therapeutic drugs. Lastly, we recommend testing the efficacy of these drugs to further validate their potential as effective treatments.

      Comments: Please properly incorporate the above explanation into the main text.

      (4) In Figures 2a and b: while Figure 2a shows distinct genomic mutations among each LC cohort, Figure 2b shows similarity in affected oncogenic pathways (cell cycle, Hippo, NOTCH, PI3K, RTK-RAS, and WNT) between XWLC and TNLC/CNLC. Considering that different genomic mutations could converge into common pathways and biological processes, wouldn't these results indicate commonalities among XWLC, TNLC, and CNLC? How about other oncogenic pathways not shown in Figure 2b?

      Response: Thank you for your question. Based on the data presented in Fig. 2a, which encompasses all genomic mutations, it appears that the mutation landscape of XWLC bears the closest resemblance to TSLC (Fig. 2a). However, when considering oncogenic pathways (Fig. 2b) and genes (Fig. 2c), there is a notable disparity between the two cohorts. These findings suggest that while XWLC and TSLC exhibit similarities in terms of genomic mutations, they possess distinct characteristics in terms of oncogenic pathways and genes.<br /> Regarding the oncogenic signaling pathways, we referred to ten well-established pathways identified from TCGA cohorts. These members of oncogenic pathways are likely to serve as cancer drivers (functional contributors) or therapeutic targets, as highlighted by Sanchez-Vega et al. in 2018(Sanchez-Vega et al., 2018).

      Comments: It is unclear to this reviewer how authors defined "distinct characteristics" in terms of oncogenic pathways and genes. Would 10-20% differences in "Fraction of samples affected" in Fig2b be sufficient to claim significance? How could authors be sure whether mutations in genes involved in each oncogenic pathway are activating or inactivating mutations (rather than benign, thus non-affecting mutations)?


      (6) Supplementary Table 11 shows a number of mutations at the interface and length of interface between a given protein-protein interaction pair. Such that, it does not provide what mutation(s) in a given PPI interface is found in each LC cohort. For example, it fails to provide whether MAD1 R558H and TPRN H550Q mutations are found significantly in each LC cohort.

      Response: We appreciate your careful review. In Supplementary Table 11, we have provided significant onco_PPI data for each LC cohort, focusing on enriched mutations at the interface of two proteins. Our emphasis lies on onco_PPI rather than individual mutations, as any mutation occurring at the interface could potentially influence the function of the protein complex. Thus, our Supplementary Table 11 exclusively displays the onco_PPI rather than mutations. MAD1 R558H and TPRN H550Q were identified through onco_PPI analysis, and subsequent extensive literature research led us to focus specifically on these mutations.

      Comments: Are authors referring to Table S9 (Onco_PPIs identified in four cohorts) instead of Supplementary Table 11? There is no Table 11 among submitted files. In Table S9, the Column N (length of protein product of gene1) does not make sense: MYO1C (8152), TP53 (3924), EGFR (12961). These should not be the number of amino acids residues of each protein. Then, what do these numbers mean?

      (7) Figure 7c and d are simulation data not from an actual binding assay. The authors should perform a biochemical binding assay with proteins or show that the mutation significantly alters the interaction to support the conclusion.

      Response: We appreciate your suggestion. The relevant experiments are currently in progress, and we anticipate presenting the corresponding data in a subsequent study.

      Comments: The suggested experiment is to support the simulated data. Again, without supporting experimental results, authors could not make a conclusion simply based on simulated data. Where else could the supporting experimental results be presented?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The article uses a cell-based model to investigate how mutations and cells spread throughout a tumour. The paper uses published data and the proposed model to understand how growth and death mechanisms lead to the observed data. This work provides an insight into the early stages of tumour development. From the work provided here, the results are solid, showing a thorough analysis. The article is well written and presents a very suitable and rigorous analysis to describe the data. The authors did a particularly nice job of the discussion and decision of their "metrics of interest", though this is not the main aim of this work.


      Due to the particularly nice and tractable cell-based model, the authors are able to perform a thorough analysis to compare the published data to that simulated with their model. They then used their computational model to investigate different growth mechanisms of volume growth and surface growth. With this approach, the authors are able to compare the metric of interest (here, the direction angle of a new mutant clone, the dispersion of mutants throughout the tumour) to quantify how the different growth models compare to the observed data. The authors have also used inference methods to identify model parameters based on the data observed. The authors performed a rigorous analysis and have chosen the metrics in an appropriate manner to compare the different growth mechanisms.


      Improved mechanistic understanding into the early developmental stages of tumours will further assist in disease treatment and quantification. Understanding how readily and quickly a tumour is evolving is key to understanding how it will develop and progress. This work provides a solid example as to how this can be achieved with data alongside simulated models.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors developed an imaging-based device, that provides both spatial confinement and stiffness gradient, to investigate if and how amoeboid cells, including T cells, neutrophils and Dictyostelium can durotax. Furthermore, the authors showed that the mechanism for the directional migration of T cells and neutrophils depends on non-muscle myosin IIA (NMIIA) polarized towards the soft-matrix-side. Finally, they developed a mathematical model of an active gel that captures the behavior of the cells described in vitro.


      The topic is intriguing as durotaxis is essentially thought to be a direct consequence of mechanosensing at focal adhesions. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first report on amoeboid cells that are not dependent on FAs to exert durotaxis. The authors developed an imaging-based durotaxis device that provides both spatial confinement and stiffness gradient and they also utilized several techniques such as quantitative fluorescent speckle microscopy and expansion microscopy. The results of this study have well-designed control experiments and are therefore convincing.


      Overall this study is well performed but there are still some minor issues I recommend the authors address:<br /> (1) When using NMIIA/NMIIB knockdown cell lines to distinguish the role of NMIIA and NMIIB in amoeboid durotaxis, it would be better if the authors take compensatory effects into account.<br /> (2) The expansion microscopy assay is not clearly described and some details are missed such as how the assay is performed on cells under confinement.<br /> (3) In this study, an active gel model was employed to capture experimental observations. Previously, some active nematic models were also considered to describe cell migration, which is controlled by filament contraction. I suggest the authors provide a short discussion on the comparison between the present theory and those prior models.<br /> (4) In the present model, actin flow contributes to cell migration while myosin distribution determines cell polarity. How does this model couple actin and myosin together?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The manuscript by Yorek et al explores the role of fatty acids, particularly unsaturated fatty acids, in lipid droplet accumulation and lipolysis in tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs). Using flow cytometry, immunofluorescent imaging, and TEM, the authors observed that unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acids (LA), tend to induce lipid droplet accumulation in the ER of macrophages, but not in the lysosomes. This phenomenon led them to examine the key enzymes involved in lipid droplet/TAG biosynthesis, where they found incubation of LA upregulates GPAT/DGAT and C/EBPα. In vitro studies, data from public databases, single-cell RNA sequencing of splenic macrophages, and more show that FABP4 emerges as an important mediator for C/EBPα activation. This is further confirmed by FABP4-knockout macrophages, where lipid accumulation and utilization of unsaturated fatty acids were compromised in macrophages through inhibition of LA-induced lipolysis. Using the co-culture system and immunohistochemical analysis, they found that the high FABP4 expression in TAMs, which are observed in metastatic breast cancer tissue, promotes breast cancer cell migration in vitro.

      This study is important since the impact of tumor microenvironment is crucial for the development of breast cancer. The individual experiments are well-designed and structured. However, the logic connecting to the next step is a bit difficult to follow, especially when combined with incomplete statistical analysis in some figures, making the conclusion less convincing. For instance, the comparison of macrophage FABP4 expression between breast cancer patients with or without metastasis illustrates the importance of FABP4 expression in metastasis, yet there is no examination of the expression of other key enzymes in the lipolysis or lipid biosynthesis pathway nor there is any correlation with parameters that would reflect patients' consumption of fatty acids. Similarly, an in vivo study comparing FABP4 knockout mice with or without unsaturated fatty acids would yield more compelling evidence. The statistical analysis was largely focused on the sets of unsaturated fatty acids when data from both types of fatty acids were present. In some cases, significant changes are observed in the sets of saturated fat, but there is no explanation of why only the data from unsaturated fats are important for investigation.

      Overall, there is solid evidence for the importance of FABP4 expression in TAMs on metastatic breast cancer as well as lipid accumulation by LA in the ER of macrophages. A stronger rationale for the exclusive contribution of unsaturated fatty acids to the utilization of TAMs in breast cancer and a more detailed description and statistical analysis of data will strengthen the findings and resulting claims.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors extend their earlier findings with bacterial adenylyl cyclases to mammalian enzymes. They show that certain aliphatic lipids activate adenylyl cyclases in the absence of stimulatory G proteins and that lipids can modulate activation by G proteins. Adding lipids to cells expressing specific isoforms of adenylyl cyclases could regulate cAMP production, suggesting that adenylyl cyclases could serve as 'receptors'.


      This is the first report of lipids regulating mammalian adenylyl cyclases directly. The evidence is based on biochemical assays with purified proteins, or in cells expressing specific isoforms of adenylyl cyclases.


      It is not clear if the concentrations of lipids used in assays are physiologically relevant. Nor is there evidence to show that the specific lipids that activate or inhibit adenylyl cyclases are present at the concentrations required in cell membranes. Nor is there any evidence to indicate that this method of regulation is seen in cells under relevant stimuli.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The manuscript investigates oviductal responses to the presence of gametes and embryos using a multi-omics and machine learning-based approach. By applying RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), single-cell RNA sequencing (sc-RNA-seq), and proteomics, the authors identified distinct molecular signatures in different regions of the oviduct, proximal versus distal. The study revealed that sperm presence triggers an inflammatory response in the proximal oviduct, while embryo presence activates metabolic genes essential for providing nutrients to the developing embryos. Overall, this study offers valuable insights and is likely to be of great interest to reproductive biologists and researchers in the field of oviduct biology. However, further investigation into the impact of sperm on the immune cell population in the oviduct is necessary to strengthen the overall findings.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Previously, the authors developed a zebrafish model for cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) via CRISPR/Cas9-based mosaic inactivation of the ccm2 gene. This model yields CCM-like lesions in the caudal venous plexus of 2 days post-fertilization embryos and classical CNS cavernomas in 8-week fish that depend, like the mouse model, on the upregulation of the KLF2 transcription factor. Remarkably, the morpholino-based knockdown of the gene encoding the Beta1 adrenergic receptor or B1AR (adrb1; a hemodynamic regulator) in fish and treatment with the anti-adrenergic S enantiomer of propranolol in both fish and mice reduce the frequency and size of CMM lesions.

      In the present study, the authors aim to test the model that adrb1 is required for CCM lesion development using adrb1 mutant fish (rather than morpholino-mediated knockdown and pharmacological treatments with the anti-adrenergic S enantiomer of propranolol or a racemic mix of metoprolol (a selective B1AR antagonist).


      The goal of the work is important, and the findings are potentially highly relevant to cardiovascular medicine.


      (1) The following figures do not report sample sizes, making it difficult to assess the validity of the findings: Figures 1B and D (the number of scored embryos is missing), Figures 2G and 3B (should report both the number of fish and lesions scored, with color-coding to label the lesions corresponding to individual fish in which they where found).

      (2) Figure 4 has a few caveats. First, the use of adrb1 morphants (rather than morphants) is at odds with the authors' goal of using genetic validation to test the involvement of adrb1 in CCM2-induced lesion development.

      Second, the authors should clarify if they have validated that the tnnt (tnnt2a) morpholino phenocopies tnnt2a mutants in the context in which they are using it (this reviewer found that the tnnt2a morpholino blocks the heartbeat just like the mutant, but induces additional phenotypes not observed in the mutants).

      Third, the data in Figure 4E is from just two embryos per treatment, a tiny sample size. Furthermore, judging from the number of points in the graph, only a few endothelial PCV cells appear to have been sampled per embryo. Also, judging from the photos and white arrowheads and arrows (Figure 4A-D), only the cells at the ventral side of the vessel were scored (if so, the rationale behind this choice requires clarification).

      Fourth, it is unclear whether and how the Tg(kdrl:mcherry)is5 endothelial reporter was used to mask the signals from the klf2a reporter. The reviewer knows by experience that accuracy suffers if a cytosolic or cell membrane signal is used to mask a nuclear green signal.

      Finally, the text and legend related to Figure 4 could be more explicit. What do the authors mean by a mosaic pattern of endothelial nuclear EGFP intensity, and how is that observation reflected in graph 4E? When I look at the graph, I understand that klf2a is decreased in C-D compared to A-B. Are some controls missing? Suppose the point is to show mosaicism of Klf2a levels upon ccm2 CRISPR. Don't you need embryos without ccm2 CRISPR to show that Klf2a levels in those backgrounds have average levels that vary within a defined range and that in the presence of ccm2 mosaicism, some cells have values significantly outside that range? Also, in 4A-D, what are the white arrowheads and arrows? The legend does not mention them.

      Given the practical relevance of the findings to cardiovascular medicine, increasing the strength of the evidence would greatly enhance the value of this work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Ma et. al. utilizes a zebrafish melanoma model, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), a mammalian in vitro co-culture system, and quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) gene expression analysis to investigate the role keratinocytes might play within the melanoma microenvironment. Convincing evidence is presented from scRNA-seq analysis showing that a small cluster of melanoma-associated keratinocytes upregulates the master EMT regulator, transcription factor, Twist1a. To investigate how Twist-expressing keratinocytes might influence melanoma development, the authors use an in vivo zebrafish model to induce melanoma initiation while overexpressing Twist in keratinocytes through somatic transgene expression. This approach reveals that Twist overexpression in keratinocytes suppresses invasive melanoma growth. Using a complementary in vitro human cell line co-culture model, the authors demonstrate reduced migration of melanoma cells into the keratinocyte monolayer when keratinocytes overexpress Twist. Further scRNA-seq analysis of zebrafish melanoma tissues reveals that in the presence of Twist-expressing keratinocytes, subpopulations of melanoma cells show altered gene expression, with one unique melanoma cell cluster appearing more terminally differentiated. Finally, the authors use computational methods to predict putative receptor-ligand pairs that might mediate the interaction between Twist-expressing keratinocytes and melanoma cells.


      The scRNA-seq approach reveals a small proportion of keratinocytes undergoing EMT within melanoma tissue. The use of a zebrafish somatic transgenic model to study melanoma initiation and progression provides an opportunity to manipulate host cells within the melanoma microenvironment and evaluate their impact on tumour progression. Solid data demonstrate that Twist-expressing keratinocytes can constrain melanoma invasive development in vivo and reduce melanoma cell migration in vitro, establishing that Twist-overexpressing keratinocytes can suppress at least one aspect of tumour progression.


      While the scRNA-seq analysis of melanoma tissue and RT-PCR analysis of EMT gene expression in isolated keratinocytes provide evidence that a subpopulation of host keratinocytes upregulates Twist and other EMT marker genes and potentially undergoes EMT, the in vivo evidence for keratinocyte EMT within the melanoma microenvironment is based on cell morphology in a single image without detailed characterization and quantification. No EMT marker gene expression was examined in melanoma tissue sections to determine the proportion and localization of Twist+ve keratinocytes within the melanoma microenvironment.

      The scRNA-seq UMAP suggests the proportion of EMT keratinocytes within the melanoma microenvironment is very small, raising questions about their precise location and significance within the tumour microenvironment. Although both in vivo and in vitro evidence demonstrates that Twist-expressing keratinocytes can suppress melanoma progression, the conditions modelled by the authors involve over-expression of Twist in all keratinocytes, which do not naturally occur within the melanoma microenvironment and, therefore, might not be relevant to naturally occurring melanoma progression. The author did not test whether blocking EMT through down-regulation of Twist in keratinocytes may influence melanoma development, which would establish the role of Twist expression keratinocytes in the melanoma microenvironment.

      To address the potential mechanism by which Twist-expressing keratinocytes suppress melanoma progression, a second scRNA-seq analysis was conducted. However, this analysis is not adequately presented to provide strong evidence for proposed mechanisms for how Twist-expressing keratinocytes suppress melanoma cell invasion. CellChat analysis was used to attempt to identify receptor-ligand pairs that might mediate keratinocyte-melanoma cell interaction, but the interactions between tumour-associated keratinocytes (TAK) and melanoma cells were not included in the analysis. Furthermore, although genetic reporters were used to label both keratinocytes and melanoma cells, no images showing the detailed distribution and positional information of these cells within melanoma tissue are presented in the report. None of the gene expression changes detected through Q-PCR or scRNA-seq were validated using immunostaining or in situ hybridization.

      Overall, the data presented in this report draw attention to a less-studied host cell type within the tumour microenvironment, the keratinocytes, which, similar to well-studied immune cells and fibroblasts, could play important roles in either promoting or constraining melanoma development.

      Counterintuitively, the authors show that Twist-expressing EMT keratinocytes can constrain melanoma progression. While the detailed mechanisms remain to be uncovered, this is an interesting observation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This is important work that helps to uncover how the process of autophagy is initiated - via structural analyses of the initiating ULK1 complex. High-resolution structural details and a mechanistic insight of this complex have been lacking and understanding how it assembles and functions is a major goal of a field that impacts many aspects of cell and disease biology. While we know components of the ULK1 complex are essential for autophagy, how they physically interact is far from clear. The work presented makes use of AlphaFold2 to structurally predict interaction sites between the different subunits of the ULK1 complex (namely ULK1, ATG13, and FIP200). Importantly, the authors go on to experimentally validate that these predicted sites are critical for complex formation by using site-directed mutagenesis and then go on to show that the three-way interaction between these components is necessary to induce autophagy in cells.


      The data are very clear. Each binding interface of ATG13 (ATG13 with FIP300/ATG13 with ULK1) is confirmed biochemically with ITC and IP experiments from cells. Likewise, IP experiments with ULK1 and FIP200 also validate interaction domains. A real strength of the work in in their analyses of the consequences of disrupting ATG13's interactions in cells. The authors make CRISPR KI mutations of the binding interface point mutants. This is not a trivial task and is the best approach as everything is monitored under endogenous conditions. Using these cells the authors show that ATG13's ability to interact with both ULK1 and FIP200 is essential for a full autophagy response.


      I think a main weakness here is the failure to acknowledge and compare results with an earlier preprint that shows essentially the same thing (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.01.543278). Arguably this earlier work is much stronger from a structural point of view as it relies not only on AlphaFold2 but also actual experimental structural determinations (and takes the mechanisms of autophagy activation further by providing evidence for a super complex between the ULK1 and VPS34 complexes). That is not to say that this work is not important, as in the least it independently helps to build a consensus for ULK1 complex structure. Another weakness is that the downstream "functional" consequences of disrupting the ULK1 complex are only minimally addressed. The authors perform a Halotag-LC3 autophagy assay, which essentially monitors the endpoint of the process. There are a lot of steps in between, knowledge of which could help with mechanistic understanding. Not in the least is the kinase activity of ULK1 - how is this altered by disrupting its interactions with ATG13 and/or FIP200?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors tried to determine how PA28g functions in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells. They hypothesized it may act through metabolic reprogramming in the mitochondria.


      They found that the genes of PA28g and C1QBP are in an overlapping interaction network after an analysis of a genome database. They also found that the two proteins interact in coimmunoprecipitation and pull-down assays using the lysate from OSCC cells with or without expression of the exogenous genes. They used truncated C1QBP proteins to map the interaction site to the N-terminal 167 residues of C1QBP protein. They observed the levels of the two proteins are positively correlated in the cells. They provided evidence for the colocalization of the two proteins in the mitochondria, the effect on mitochondrial form and function in vitro and in vivo OSCC models, and the correlation of the protein expression with the prognosis of cancer patients.


      Many data sets are shown in figures that cannot be understood without more descriptions, either in the text or the legend, e.g., Figure 1A. Similarly, many abbreviations are not defined.

      Some of the pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation data do not support the conclusion about the PA28g-C1QBP interaction. For example, in Appendix Figure 1B the Flag-C1QBP was detected in the Myc beads pull-down when the protein was expressed in the 293T cells without the Myc-PA28g, suggesting that the pull-down was not due to the interaction of the C1QBP and PA28g proteins. In Appendix Figure 1C, assume the SFB stands for a biotin tag, then the SFB-PA28g should be detected in the cells expressing this protein after pull-down by streptavidin; however, it was not. The Western blot data in Figure 1E and many other figures must be quantified before any conclusions about the levels of proteins can be drawn.

      The immunoprecipitation method is flawed as it is described. The antigen (PA28g or C1QBP) should bind to the respective antibody that in turn should binds to Protein G beads. The resulting immunocomplex should end up in the pellet fraction after centrifugation and be analyzed further by Western blot for coprecipitates. However, the method in the Appendix states that the supernatant was used for the Western blot.

      To conclude that PA28g stabilizes C1QBP through their physical interaction in the cells, one must show whether a protease inhibitor can substitute PA28q and prevent C1QBP degradation, and also show whether a mutation that disrupts the PA28g-C1QBP interaction can reduce the stability of C1QBP. In Figure 1F, all cells expressed Myc-PA28g. Therefore, the conclusion that PA28g prevented C1QBP degradation cannot be reached. Instead, since more Myc-PA28g was detected in the cells expressing Flag-C1QBP compared to the cells not expressing this protein, a conclusion would be that the C1QBP stabilized the PA28g. Figure 1G is a quantification of Western blot data that should be shown.

      The binding site for PA28g in C1QBP was mapped to the N-terminal 167 residues using truncated proteins. One caveat would be that some truncated proteins did not fold correctly in the absence of the sequence that was removed. Thus, the C-terminal region of the C1QBP with residues 168-283 may still bind to the PA29g in the context of full-length protein. In Figure 1I, more Flag-C1QBP 1-167 was pulled down by Myc-PA28g than the full-length protein or the Flag-C1QBP 1-213. Why?

      The interaction site in PA28g for C1QBP was not mapped, which prevents further analysis of the interaction. Also, if the interaction domain can be determined, structural modeling of the complex would be feasible using AlphaFold2 or other programs. Then, it is possible to test point mutations that may disrupt the interaction and if so, the functional effect

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Gao et al. use RNA-seq to identify Hspa2 as one of the earliest transcripts heterogeneously distributed between blastomeres. Functional studies are performed using siRNA knockdown showing Hspa2 may bias cells toward the ICM lineage via interaction with the known methyltransferase CARM1.


      This study tackles an important question regarding the origins of the first cell fate decision in the preimplantation embryo. It provides novelty in its identification of Hspa2 as a heterogeneous transcript in the early embryo and proposes a plausible mechanism showing interactions with Carm1. Multiple approaches are used to validate their functional studies (FISH, WB, development rates, proteomics). Given only 4 other transcripts/RNA have been identified at or before the 4-cell stage (LincGET, CARM1, PRDM14, HMGA1), this would be an important addition to our understanding of how TE vs ICM fate is established.


      The RNA-seq results leading the authors to focus on Hspa2 are not included in the manuscript. This dataset would serve as an important resource but is neither included nor discussed. Nor is it mentioned whether Hspa2 was identified in prior RNA-seq embryos studies (for example Deng Science 2014).

      In addition, the functional studies are centered on Hspa2 knockdown at the zygote (1-cell) stage, which would largely target maternal transcript. Given the proposed mechanism relies on Hspa2 heterogeneity post-ZGA (late 2-cell stage), the knockdown studies don't necessarily test this and thus don't provide direct support to the authors' conclusions. The relevance of the study would be improved if the authors could show that zygotic knockdown leads to symmetric Hspa2 levels at the late 2-cell and/or 4-cell stage. It may be possible that zygotic knockdown leads to lower global Hspa2 levels, but that asymmetry is still generated at the 4-cell stage.

      Furthermore, the authors show that Hspa2 knockdown at the 1-cell stage lowers total Carm1 levels at the 4-cell stage. However, it is unclear how total abundance within the embryo alters lineage specification within blastomeres. The authors go on to propose a plausible mechanism involving Hspa2 and Carm1 interaction, but do not discuss how expression levels may be involved.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript by Bisson et al describes the role of GATA6 to regulate cardiac progenitor cell (CPC) specification and cardiomyocyte (CM) generation using human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). The authors found that GATA6 loss-of-function hESC exhibits early defects in mesendoderm and lateral mesoderm patterning stages. Using RNA-seq and CUT&RUN assays the genes of the Wnt and BMP programs were found to be affected by the loss of GATA6 expression. Modulating Wnt and BMP during early cardiac differentiation can partially rescue CPC and CM defects in GATA6 hetero- and homozygous mutant hESCs.


      The studies performed were rigorous and the rationale for the experimental design was logical. The results obtained were clear and supported the conclusions that the authors made regarding the role of GATA6 on Wnt and BMP pathway gene expression.


      Given the wealth of studies that have been performed in this research area previously, the amount of new information provided in this study is relatively modest. Nevertheless, the results and quite clear and should make a strong contribution to the field.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      If synaptic input is functionally clustered on dendrites, nonlinear integration could increase the computational power of neural networks. But this requires the right synapses to be located in the right places. This paper aims to address the question of whether such synaptic arrangements could arise by chance (i.e. without special rules for axon guidance or structural plasticity), and could therefore be exploited even in randomly connected networks. This is important, particularly for the dendrites and biological computation communities, where there is a pressing need to integrate decades of work at the single-neuron level with contemporary ideas about network function.

      Using an abstract model where ensembles of neurons project randomly to a postsynaptic population, back-of-envelope calculations are presented that predict the probability of finding clustered synapses and spatiotemporal sequences. Using data-constrained parameters, the authors conclude that clustering and sequences are indeed likely to occur by chance (for large enough ensembles), but require strong dendritic nonlinearities and low background noise to be useful.


      (1) The back-of-envelope reasoning presented can provide fast and valuable intuition. The authors have also made the effort to connect the model parameters with measured values. Even an approximate understanding of cluster probability can direct theory and experiments towards promising directions, or away from lost causes.

      (2) I found the general approach to be refreshingly transparent and objective. Assumptions are stated clearly about the model and statistics of different circuits. Along with some positive results, many of the computed cluster probabilities are vanishingly small, and noise is found to be quite detrimental in several cases. This is important to know, and I was happy to see the authors take a balanced look at conditions that help/hinder clustering, rather than to just focus on a particular regime that works.

      (3) This paper is also a timely reminder that synaptic clusters and sequences can exist on multiple spatial and temporal scales. The authors present results pertaining to the standard `electrical' regime (~50-100 µm, <50 ms), as well as two modes of chemical signaling (~10 µm, 100-1000 ms). The senior author is indeed an authority on the latter, and the simulations in Figure 5, extending those from Bhalla (2017), are unique in this area. In my view, the role of chemical signaling in neural computation is understudied theoretically, but research will be increasingly important as experimental technologies continue to develop.


      (1) The paper is mostly let down by the presentation. In the current form, some patience is needed to grasp the main questions and results, and it is hard to keep track of the many abbreviations and definitions. A paper like this can be impactful, but the writing needs to be crisp, and the logic of the derivation accessible to non-experts. See, for instance, Stepanyants, Hof & Chklovskii (2002) for a relevant example.

      It would be good to see a restructure that communicates the main points clearly and concisely, perhaps leaving other observations to an optional appendix. For the interested but time-pressed reader, I recommend starting with the last paragraph of the introduction, working through the main derivation on page 7, and writing out the full expression with key parameters exposed. Next, look at Table 1 and Figure 2J to see where different circuits and mechanisms fit in this scheme. Beyond this, the sequence derivation on page 15 and biophysical simulations in Figures 5 and 6 are also highlights.

      (2) I wonder if the authors are being overly conservative at times. The result highlighted in the abstract is that 10/100000 postsynaptic neurons are expected to exhibit synaptic clustering. This seems like a very small number, especially if circuits are to rely on such a mechanism. However, this figure assumes the convergence of 3-5 distinct ensembles. Convergence of inputs from just 2 ensembles would be much more prevalent, but still advantageous computationally. There has been excitement in the field about experiments showing the clustering of synapses encoding even a single feature.

      (3) The analysis supporting the claim that strong nonlinearities are needed for cluster/sequence detection is unconvincing. In the analysis, different synapse distributions on a single long dendrite are convolved with a sigmoid function and then the sum is taken to reflect the somatic response. In reality, dendritic nonlinearities influence the soma in a complex and dynamic manner. It may be that the abstract approach the authors use captures some of this, but it needs to be validated with simulations to be trusted (in line with previous work, e.g. Poirazi, Brannon & Mel, (2003)).

      (4) It is unclear whether some of the conclusions would hold in the presence of learning. In the signal-to-noise analysis, all synaptic strengths are assumed equal. But if synapses involved in salient clusters or sequences were potentiated, presumably detection would become easier? Similarly, if presynaptic tuning and/or timing were reorganized through learning, the conditions for synaptic arrangements to be useful could be relaxed. Answering these questions is beyond the scope of the study, but there is a caveat there nonetheless.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In the present work, the authors present an engineering solution to sample preparation in 96-well plates for high-throughput super resolution microscopy via Expansion Microscopy. This is not a trivial problem, as the well cannot be filled with the gel, which would prohibit expansion of the gel. They thus engineered a device that can spot a small droplet of hydrogel solution and keep it in place as it polymerises. It occupies only a small portion space at the center of each well, the gel can expand into all directions and imaging and staining can proceed by liquid handling robots and an automated microscope.


      In contrast to Reference 8, the authors system is compatible with standard 96 well imaging plates for high-throughput automated microscopy and automated liquid handling for most parts of the protocol. They thus provide a clear path towards high throughput exM and high throughout super resolution microscopy, which is a timely and important goal.

      Addition upon revision:

      The authors addressed this reviewer's suggestions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This important work by Meisner et al., developed an automated apparatus (MarmoAPP) to collect a wide array of behavioral data (lever pulling, gaze direction, vocalizations) in marmoset monkeys, with the goal of modernizing collection of behavioral data to coincide with the investigation of neurological mechanisms governing behavioral decision making in an important primate neuroscience model. The authors show a variety of "proof-of-principle" concepts that this apparatus can collect a wide range of behavioral data, with higher behavioral resolution than traditional methods. For example, the authors highlight that typical behavioral experiments on primate cooperation provide around 10 trials per session, while using their approach the authors were able to collect over 100 trials per 20-minute session with the MarmoAAP.

      Overall the authors argue that this approach has a few notable advantages:

      (1) It enhances behavioral output which is important for measuring small or nuanced effects/changes in behavior;

      (2) Allows for more advanced analyses given the higher number of trials per session;

      (3) Significantly reduces the human labor of manually coding behavioral outcomes and experimenter interventions such as reloading apparatuses for food or position;

      (4) Allows for more flexibility and experimental rigor in measuring behavior and neural activity simultaneously.


      The paper is well-written and the MarmoAPP appears to be highly successful at integrating behavioral data across many important contexts (cooperation, gaze, vocalizations), with the ability to measure significantly many more behavioral contexts (many of which the authors make suggestions for).

      The authors provide substantive information about the design of the apparatus, how the apparatus can be obtained via a long list of information Apparatus parts and information, and provide data outcomes from a wide number of behavioral and neurological outcomes. The significance of the findings is important for the field of social neuroscience and the strength of evidence is solid in terms of the ability of the apparatus to perform as described, at least in marmoset monkeys. The advantage of collecting neural and freely-behaving behavioral data concurrently is a significant advantage.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this work, the authors propose an extension to some of the last author's previous work, where a compositional restricted Boltzmann machine was considered as a generative model of neuron-assembly interaction. They augment this model by recurrent connections between the Boltzmann machine's hidden units, which allow them to explicitly account for temporal dynamics of the assembly activity. Since their model formulation does not allow the training towards a compositional phase (as in the previous model), they employ a transfer learning approach according to which they initialise their model with a weight matrix that was pre-trained using the earlier model so as to essentially start the actually training in a compositional phase. Finally, they test this model on synthetic and actual data of whole-brain light-sheet-microscopy recordings of spontaneous activity from the brain of larval zebrafish.


      This work introduces a new model for neural assembly activity. Importantly, being able to capture temporal assembly dynamics is an interesting feature that goes beyond many existing models. While this work clearly focuses on the method (or the model) itself, it opens up an avenue for experimental research where it will be interesting to see if one can obtain any biologically meaningful insights considering these temporal dynamics when one is able to, for instance, relate them to development or behaviour.


      For most of the work, the authors present their RTRBM model as an improvement over the earlier cRBM model. Yet, when considering synthetic data, they actually seem to compare with a "standard" RBM model. This seems odd considering the overall narrative and that when considering whole-brain zebrafish data, the comparisons were made between RTRBM and cRBM models. For that, the RTRBM model was initialised with the cRBM weight matrix to overcome the fact that RTRBM alone does not seem to converge to a compositional phase, so to cite the latter as reason does not really make sense.

      Furthermore, whether the clusters shown in Figure 3E can indeed be described as "spatially localized" is debatable. Especially in view of clusters 3 and 4, this seems a stretch. If receptive fields are described as "spatially localized", arguably, one would expect that they are contained in some small (compared to the overall size of the brain) or specific anatomical brain region. However, this is clearly not the case here.

      In addition, the performance comparison for the temporal dynamics of the hidden units actually suggests that the RTRBM (significantly) underperforms where the text says (Line 235f) it outperforms the cRBM model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This article explores the regenerative effects of recombinant PTH analogues on osteogenesis.


      Although PTH has known to induce the activity of osteoclasts, accelerating bone resorption, paradoxically its intermittent use has become a common treat for osteoporosis. Previous studies successfully demonstrated this phenomenon in vivo, but most of them used rodent animal models, inevitably having a limitation. In this article, the authors tried to address this, using a beagle model, and assessed the osseointegrative effect of recombinant PTH analogues. As a result, the authors clearly observed the regenerative effects of PTH analogues, and compared the efficacy, using histologic, biochemical, and radiologic measurement for surgical-endocrinal combined large animal models. The data seem to be solid, and has potential clinical implications.


      All the issues that I raised have been resolved in the revision process.

      Overall, this paper is well-written and has clarity and consistency for a broader readership.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors follow up on their previous work showing that in the absence of the Sir2 deacetylase the MCM replicative helicase at the rDNA spacer region is repositioned to a region of low nucleosome occupancy. Here they show that the repositioned displaced MCMs have increased firing propensity relative to non-displaced MCMs. In addition, they show that activation of the repositioned MCMs and low nucleosome occupancy in the adjacent region depend on the chromatin remodeling activity of Fun30.


      The paper provides new information on the role of a conserved chromatin remodeling protein in regulation of origin firing and in addition provides evidence that not all loaded MCMs fire and that origin firing is regulated at a step downstream of MCM loading.


      The relationship between the authors results and prior work on the role of Sir2 (and Fob1) in regulation of rDNA recombination and copy number maintenance is not explored, making it difficult to place the results in a broader context. Sir2 has previously been shown to be recruited by Fob1, which is also required for DSB formation and recombination-mediated changes in rDNA copy number. Are the changes that the authors observe specifically in fun30 sir2 cells related to this pathway? Is Fob1 required for the reduced rDNA copy number in fun30 sir2 double mutant cells?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This is an interesting work where Wen et al. aimed to shed light on the mechanisms driving the protective role of soluble uric acid (sUA) toward avoiding excessive inflammation. They present biochemical data to support that sUA inhibits the enzymatic activity of CD38 (Figures 1 and 2). In a mouse model of acute response to sUA and using mice deficient in CD38, they find evidence that sUA increases the plasma levels of nicotinamide nucleotides (NAD+ and NMN) (Figure 3) and that sUA reduces the plasma levels of inflammasome-driven cytokines IL-1b and IL-18 in response to endotoxin, both dependent on CD38 (Figure 4). Their work is an important advance in the understanding of the physiological role of sUA, with mechanistic insight that can have important clinical implications.


      The authors present evidence from different approaches to support that sUA inhibits CD38, impacts NAD+ levels, and regulates inflammatory responses through CD38.


      The authors investigate macrophages as the cells affected by sUA in promoting immunoregulation, proposing that sUA's inhibition of CD38 and the resulting increase in NAD+ promotes inflammasome inhibition through a previously established mechanism of NLRP3 regulation by NAD+-dependent sirtuins. However, they were unable to validate their in vivo findings using murine bone marrow-derived macrophages, a standard model for assessing inflammasome activation, due to the low uptake of sUA in these cells. Pharmacological blockage in THP-1 cells provides mechanistic evidence that sUA inhibits NLRP3-mediated secretion of IL-1β through CD38, but genetic evidence and direct assessment of the activation of inflammasome components would be necessary to fully validate the model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Summary / Strengths:

      In this manuscript, Klemm et al., build on past published findings (Klemm et al., 2021) to characterize caspase activation in distal cells following necrotic tissue damage within the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. Previously in Klemm et al., 2021, the authors describe necrosis-induced-apoptosis (NiA) following the development of a genetic system to study necrosis that is caused by the expression of a constitutive active GluR1 (Glutamate/Ca2+ channel), and they discovered that the appearance of NiA cells were important for promoting regeneration.

      In this manuscript, the authors aim to investigate how tissues regenerate following necrotic cell death. They find that:<br /> (1) the cells of the wing pouch are more likely to have non-autonomous caspase activation than other regions within the wing imaginal disc (hinge and notum),<br /> (2) two signaling pathways that are known to be upregulated during regeneration, Wnt (wingless) and JAK/Stat signaling, act to prevent additional NiA in pouch cells, and may explain the region specificity,<br /> (3) the presence of NiA cells promotes regenerative proliferation in late stages of regeneration,<br /> (4) not all caspase-positive cells are cleared from the epithelium (these cells are then referred to as Necrosis-induced Caspase Positive (NiCP) cells), these NiCP cells continue to live and promote proliferation in adjacent cells,<br /> (5) the caspase Dronc is important for creating NiA/NiCP cells and for these cells to promote proliferation. Animals heterozygous for a Dronc null allele show a decrease in regeneration following necrotic tissue damage.

      The study has the potential to be broadly interesting due to the insights into how tissues differentially respond to necrosis as compared to apoptosis to promote regeneration.


      However, here are some of my current concerns for the manuscript in its current version:

      (1) The presence of cells with activated caspase that don't die (NiCP cells) is an interesting biological phenomenon but is not described until Figure 5. How does the existence of NiCP cells impact the earlier findings presented? Is late proliferation due to NiA, NiCP, or both? Does Wg and JAK/STAT signaling act to prevent the formation of both NiA and NiCP cells or only NiA cells? Moreover, the authors are able to specifically manipulate the wound edge (WE) and lateral pouch cells (LP), but don't show how these manipulations within these distinct populations impact regeneration. The authors provide evidence that driving UAS-mir(RHG) throughout the pouch, in the LP or the WE all decrease the amount of NiA/NiCP in Figure 3G-O, but no data on final regenerative outcomes for these manipulations is presented (such as those presented for Dronc-/+ in Fig 7M). The manuscript would be greatly enhanced by quantification of more of the findings, especially in describing if the specific manipulations that impacted NiA /NiCP cells disrupt end-point regeneration phenotypes.

      (2) How fast does apoptosis take within the wing disc epithelium? How many of the caspase(+) cells are present for the whole 48 hours of regeneration? Are new cells also induced to activate caspase during this time window? The author presented a number of interesting experiments characterizing the NiCP cells. For the caspase sensor GC3Ai experiments in Figure 5, is there a way to differentiate between cells that have maintained fluorescent CG3Ai from cells that have newly activated caspase? What is the timeline for when NiA and NiCP are specified? In addition, what fraction of NiCP cells contribute to the regenerated epithelium? Additional information about the temporal dynamics of NiA and NiCP specification/commitment would be greatly appreciated.

      (3) The notum also does not express developmental JAK/STAT, yet little NiA was observed within the notum. Do the authors have any additional insights into the differential response between the pouch and notum? What makes the pouch unique? Are NiA/NiCP cells created within other imaginal discs and other tissues? Are they similarly important for regenerative responses in other contexts?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      A simple and effective method for combinatorial assembly of microbes in synthetic communities of <12 species.


      Overall this manuscript is a useful contribution. The efficiency of the method and clarity of the presentation is a strength. It is well-written and easy to follow. The figures are great, the pedagogical narrative is crisp. I can imagine the method being used in lots of other contexts too.


      The authors could better clarify what HOIs mean. They could address challenges with assaying community function. However, neither of these "weaknesses" affects the primary goal of the paper which is methodological.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      A gustatory receptor and neuron enhances an olfactory behavioral response, proboscis extension.

      This manuscript clearly establishes a novel mechanism by which a gustatory receptor and neuron evokes an olfactory-driven behavioral response. The study expands recent observations by Dweck and Carlson (2023) that suggest new and remarkable properties among GRNs in Drosophila. Here, the authors articulate a clear instance of a novel neural and behavioral mechanism for gustatory receptors in an olfactory response.


      The systematic and logical use of genetic manipulation, imaging and physiology, and behavioral analysis makes a clear case that gustatory neurons are bona fide olfactory neurons with respect to proboscis extension behavior.


      No weaknesses were identified by this reviewer.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Hill and colleagues use a novel reinforcement-based motor learning task ("RML"), asking how aspects of RML change over the course of development from toddler years through adolescence. Multiple versions of the RML task were used in different samples, which varied on two dimensions: whether the reward probability of a given hand movement direction was deterministic or probabilistic, and whether the solution space had continuous reach targets or discrete reach targets. Using analyses of both raw behavioral data and model fits, the authors report four main results: First, developmental improvements reflected 3 clear changes, including increases in exploration, an increase in the RL learning rate, and a reduction of intrinsic motor noise. Second, changes to the task that made it discrete and/or deterministic both rescued performance in the youngest age groups, suggesting that observed deficits could be linked to continuous/probabilistic learning settings. Overall, the results shed light on how RML changes throughout human development, and the modeling characterizes the specific learning deficits seen in the youngest ages.


      (1) This impressive work addresses an understudied subfield of motor control/psychology - the developmental trajectory of motor learning. It is thus timely and will interest many researchers.

      (2) The task, analysis, and modeling methods are very strong. The empirical findings are rather clear and compelling, and the analysis approaches are convincing. Thus, at the empirical level, this study has very few weaknesses.

      (3) The large sample sizes and in-lab replications further reflect the laudable rigor of the study.

      (4) The main and supplemental figures are clear and concise.


      (1) Framing.<br /> One weakness of the current paper is the framing, namely w/r/t what can be considered "cognitive" versus "non-cognitive" ("procedural?") here. In the Intro, for example, it is stated that there are specific features of RML tasks that deviate from cognitive tasks. This is of course true in terms of having a continuous choice space and motor noise, but spatially correlated reward functions are not a unique feature of motor learning (see e.g. Giron et al., 2023, NHB). Given the result here that simplifying the spatial memory demands of the task greatly improved learning for the youngest cohort, it is hard to say whether the task is truly getting at a motor learning process or more generic cognitive capacities for spatial learning, working memory, and hypothesis testing. This is not a logical problem with the design, as spatial reasoning and working memory are intrinsically tied to motor learning. However, I think the framing of the study could be revised to focus in on what the authors truly think is motor about the task versus more general psychological mechanisms. Indeed, it may be the case that deficits in motor learning in young children are mostly about cognitive factors, which is still an interesting result!

      (2) Links to other scholarship.<br /> If I'm not mistaken a common observation in studies of the development of reinforcement learning is a decrease in exploration over-development (e.g., Nussenbaum and Hartley, 2019; Giron et al., 2023; Schulz et al., 2019); this contrasts with the current results which instead show an increase. It would be nice to see a more direct discussion of previous findings showing decreases in exploration over development, and why the current study deviates from that. It could also be useful for the authors to bring in concepts of different types of exploration (e.g. "directed" vs "random"), in their interpretations and potentially in their modeling.

      (3) Modeling.<br /> First, I may have missed something, but it is unclear to me if the model is actually accounting for the gradient of rewards (e.g., if I get a probabilistic reward moving at 45˚, but then don't get one at 40˚, I should be more likely to try 50˚ next then 35˚). I couldn't tell from the current equations if this was the case, or if exploration was essentially "unsigned," nor if the multiple-trials-back regression analysis would truly capture signed behavior. If the model is sensitive to the gradient, it would be nice if this was more clear in the Methods. If not, it would be interesting to have a model that does "function approximation" of the task space, and see if that improves the fit or explains developmental changes. Second, I am curious if the current modeling approach could incorporate a kind of "action hysteresis" (aka perseveration), such that regardless of previous outcomes, the same action is biased to be repeated (or, based on parameter settings, avoided).

      (4) Psychological mechanisms.<br /> There is a line of work that shows that when children and adults perform RL tasks they use a combination of working memory and trial-by-trial incremental learning processes (e.g., Master et al., 2020; Collins and Frank 2012). Thus, the observed increase in the learning rate over development could in theory reflect improvements in instrumental learning, working memory, or both. Could it be that older participants are better at remembering their recent movements in short-term memory (Hadjiosif et al., 2023; Hillman et al., 2024)?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work introduces a novel framework to systematically learn the latent dimensions of single-cell data, grounded in the theory of the Riemannian manifold. The authors demonstrate how this framework can be applied to various important tasks, such as estimating intrinsic dimensionalities, annotating cell types, etc. They did a great job of tackling an important but not yet established problem in the field and approaching it with a theoretically sound and novel approach. I think after a more rigorous and comprehensive validation, this work could be impactful.


      (1) Dimensionality reduction is a routine step in analyzing many high-dimensional data, such as molecular data. While the downstream analysis results depend heavily on this step, existing methods rely on strong assumptions and are sometimes heuristic. The authors present a novel, theoretically grounded approach to address this important problem.

      (2) The authors demonstrated its usability in downstream analysis in a comprehensive manner. In particular, they show evidence suggesting novel T-cell subpopulations.

      (3) I commend the authors for releasing and maintaining their software well with comprehensive documentation. This significantly increases the usability and accessibility of the method.


      (1) To encourage the single-cell community to adopt this method, the authors should more clearly demonstrate its advantages over existing methods. There are many single cell analysis algorithms that are proposed in each task and some of them are widely used by biologists. However, the comparison in this work is somewhat limited. For example, Even methods mentioned in the relevant work paragraph (2nd paragraph) on page 2 are not all compared, or the reason why they are not included is not discussed. Also, I am curious how PC dimensions are determined. The choice of 300 PCs on page 11 seems arbitrary. Furthermore, the usefulness of dimension-reduced data also depends a lot on the preceding processing steps, such as highly variable gene selection. I understand it is hard to control all those factors, but I think there is room for improvement.

      (2) The paper lacks experiments that validate the results. It would be beneficial to see additional evaluation settings with better-established ground truths to more strongly demonstrate the method's effectiveness.

      (3) The effect of various parameters, such as those involved in k-nearest neighbors (KNN) or choosing the appropriate Laplacian operator, is not comprehensively explored. How can we ensure the analysis is not overly sensitive to these parameters?

      (4) Batch effects are prevalent in single-cell data. The paper does not adequately address how the proposed method handles this issue.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In a previous study, the investigators had identified through genetic analysis of lines derived from natural populations that lectin-24A was an important gene required for protection against the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardii, albeit only in a specific genetic context depending on an unidentified locus on the third chromosome (Arunkumar, et al., PNAS, 2023). They had documented that the gene is induced upon wasp infection and that the corresponding Lectin-24A binds to the wasp egg prior to hemocyte, mediating a faster encapsulating cellular response. They had identified a polymorphism in susceptible lines that correlated with a 21 nt deficiency in the lectin-24A promoter that removed a proximal NF-kappaB binding site. Here, they follow up this work by first performing a transgenic dissection of this promoter, including the mutations of putative transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) of the JAK-STAT, the Toll pathway, and the GATA family transcription factors. Secondly, they directly affect the expression of genes of the JAK-STAT pathway, of the DIF or Dorsal NF-kappaB transcription factors (and also Relish), and of pannier, the one induced gene of five GATA family members. Of note, the lectin is preferentially expressed in the posterior part of the fat body.


      The combination of the analysis of the expression of the lectin-24A gene in cis through mutations in putative TFBS for three families of transcription factors and the analysis in trans of either the genetic pathway (JAK-STAT) or the STAT/DIF/Dorsal/Pannier transcription factors provides a fine-grained description of the regulation of the expression of a humoral effector gene that is induced by parasitoid wasp infestation. Thus, this work goes much beyond the bioinformatics analysis by using a rather thorough experimental approach. The finding of an induction of lectin-24A in the posterior rather than the anterior fat body is interesting yet puzzling. Is it known whether this species of parasitoid wasps deposits its eggs preferentially in the posterior part of the larva?


      There are some discrepancies between the "cis" and "trans" approaches as regards their effects on basal or induced expression of lectin-24A:

      JAK-STAT:<br /> Figure 4D shows that mutating three of six predicted STAT TFBS in the 314 bp promoter leads to a reduction of both basal and induced lectin-24A expression levels, with the gene still being inducible. In contrast, knocking down or out the Drosophila JAK and STAT genes abolished the inducibility of the lectin-24A reporter down or close to basal levels. Conversely, the overactivation of the JAK-STAT pathway led to basal levels that increased to those of induced ones.

      Toll pathway:<br /> Figure 4D shows that mutating the proximal Dif-Dorsal TFBS reduces both basal and induced levels of the reporter gene to a common level that is below that of the wild-type basal activity. These data suggest that NF-kappaB signaling is required for both basal and induced expression of Lectin-24A. Affecting either Dif or dorsal gene expression led to opposite changes essentially in the basal expression level of the lectin-24A reporter. Conversely, dorsal overexpression in the fat body and other tissues (hemocytes) led to an enhanced basal expression of the lectin gene.

      GATA:<br /> The mutation of the single GATA TFBS in the promoter led to a reduced expression phenotype very similar to that of JAK-STAT TFBS mutations. In contrast, ubiquitous somatic KO mutations of pannier did not affect the basal or induced lectin-24A expression levels. The overactivation of pannier using an allele that cannot be negatively regulated leads to a higher induction of Lectin-24A gene expression, strikingly with basal expression going up to induced levels.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Through a serial of four experiments, Yuan, Wang and Jiang examined pupil size responses to emotion signals in point-light motion stimuli. Experiment 1 examined upright happy, sad and neutral point-light biological motion (BM) walkers. The happy BM induced a significantly larger pupil response than the neutral, whereas the sad BM evoked a significantly smaller pupil size than the neutral BM. Experiment 2 examined inverted BM walkers. Experiment 3 examined BM stimuli with acceleration removed. No significant effects of emotion were found in neither Experiment 2 nor Experiment 3. Experiment 4 examined scrambled BM stimuli, in which local motion features were preserved while the global configuration was disrupted. Interestingly, the scrambled happy and sad BM led to significant greater pupil size than the scrambled neutral BM at a relatively early time, while no significant difference between the scrambled happy and sad BM was found. Thus, the authors argue that these results suggest multi-level processing of emotions in life motion signals.


      The experiments were carefully designed and well-executed, with point-light stimuli that eliminate many potential confounding effects of low-level visual features such as luminance, contrast, and spatial frequency.

      Overall, I think this is a well-written paper with solid experimental results that support the claim of the authors, i.e., the human visual system may process emotional information in biological motion at multiple levels. Given the key role of emotion processing in normal social cognition, the results will be of interest not only to basic scientists who study visual perception, but also to clinical researchers who work with patients of social cognitive disorders. In addition, this paper suggests that examining pupil size responses could be a very useful methodological tool to study brain mechanisms underlying emotion processing.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Sharninghausen et al use a generic screening platform to search for short (5 amino acid) degrons that function in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of budding yeast. The screen did indeed identify a number of sequences which increased the rate of degradation of their test proteins. Although the effect of the single degron was rather modest the authors could show that by mutimerising the sequence (4x) they obtained degrons that functioned fairly efficiently. Further characterisation indicated that the degrons only functioned when placed at the N-terminus of the target protein and, were dependent on both the proteasome and the segregase Cdc48 (p97) for degradation. The authors also demonstrated that degradation was via the ERAD pathway.


      In general, the data presented is supportive of the conclusions drawn and the authors have thus identified a sequence that can be appended onto other ER targeted proteins to mediate their degradation within the lumen of the ER. How useful this will be to the community remains to be seen.


      While the observation that such mutimerised sequences can act as degrons is an interesting curiosity, it is not clear that such sequences function in vivo. In fact the DegV1 sequence used throughout the paper is not present in any yeast or fungal proteins and the fact that it has to be located at the N-terminus of the protein to induce degradation is at odds with the idea that proteins to be degraded need to be unfolded. Thus, the role of such sequences in vivo is questionable.

      Comments on revised manuscript:

      Although the role of such degron sequences remains to be determined in vivo, it is clear that the authors have developed a tool that could be useful to the scientific community. The specific points raised were appropriately addressed by the authors.

    1. Reviewer 2 (Public Review):

      Accumulating data suggests that the presence of immune cell infiltrates in the meninges of the multiple sclerosis brain contributes to the tissue damage in the underlying cortical grey matter by the release of inflammatory and cytotoxic factors that diffuse into the brain parenchyma. However, little is known about the identity and direct and indirect effects of these mediators at a molecular level. This study addresses the vital link between an adaptive immune response in the CSF space and the molecular mechanisms of tissue damage that drive clinical progression. In this short report the authors use a spatial transcriptomics approach using Visium Gene Expression technology from 10x Genomics, to identify gene expression signatures in the meninges and the underlying brain parenchyma, and their interrelationship, in the PLP-induced EAE model of MS in the SJL mouse. MRI imaging using a high field strength (11.7T) scanner was used to identify areas of meningeal infiltration for further study. They report, as might be expected, the upregulation of genes associated with the complement cascade, immune cell infiltration, antigen presentation, and astrocyte activation. Pathway analysis revealed the presence of TNF, JAK-STAT and NFkB signaling, amongst others, close to sites of meningeal inflammation in the EAE animals, although the spatial resolution is insufficient to indicate whether this is in the meninges, grey matter, or both.

      UMAP clustering illuminated a major distinct cluster of upregulated genes in the meninges and smaller clusters associated with the grey matter parenchyma underlying the infiltrates. The meningeal cluster contained genes associated with immune cell functions and interactions, cytokine production, and action. The parenchymal clusters included genes and pathways related to glial activation, but also adaptive/B-cell mediated immunity and antigen presentation. This again suggests a technical inability to resolve fully between the compartments as immune cells do not penetrate the pial surface in this model or in MS. Finally, a trajectory analysis based on distance from the meningeal gene cluster successfully demonstrated descending and ascending gradients of gene expression, in particular a decline in pathway enrichment for immune processes with distance from the meninges.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the present study, Gardeux et al provide a web-based tool for curated association mapping results from DRP studies. The tool lets users view association results for phenotypes and compare mean phenotype ~ phenotype correlations between studies. In the manuscript, the authors provide several example utilities associated with this new resource, including pan-study summary statistics for sex, traits, and loci. They highlight cross-trait correlations by comparing studies focused on longevity with phenotypes such as oxphos and activity. Strengths: -Considerable efforts were dedicated toward curating the many DRG studies provided. -Available tools to query large DRP studies are sparse and so new tools present appeal Weaknesses: The creation of a tool to query these studies for a more detailed understanding of physiologic outcomes seems underdeveloped. These could be improved by enabling usages such as more comprehensive queries of meta-analyses, molecular information to investigate given genes or pathways, and links to other information such as in mouse rat or human associations.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work tests the hypothesis that water coordination in WNK kinases is linked to allosteric control of activity. It is proposed that dimeric WNK is inactive and bound to some conserved water molecules, and that monomerization/activation involves departure of these waters. New data here include a crystal structure of monomeric WNK1 which shows missing waters compared to the dimeric structure, in support of the hypothesis. Mutant proteins of a different isozyme (WNK3) designed to disrupt water coordination were produced, and activity and quaternary structure were measured.

      Comments on latest version:

      The authors have largely addressed my concerns by making sure collection of mutants analyzed for autophosphorylation in Figure 6 are consistent with the measurement of osmotic sensitivity in Figure 7. The other changes in response to reviews have made a stronger manuscript in my opinion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Drawing from tools of synthetic biology, Mihajlovic et al. use a cleverly designed experimental system to dissect Ohno's hypothesis, which describes the evolution of functional novelty on the gene-level through the process of duplication & divergence.<br /> Ohno's original idea posits that the redundancy gained from having two copies of the same gene allows one of them to freely evolve a new function. To directly test this, the authors make use of a fluorescent protein with two emission maxima, which allows to apply different selection regimes (e.g. selection for green AND blue, or, for green NOT blue). To achieve this feat without being distracted by more complex evolutionary dynamics caused by the frequent recombination between duplicates, the authors employ a well-controlled synthetic system to prevent recombination: Duplicates are placed on a plasmid as indirect repeats in a recombination-deficient strain of E.coli. The authors implement their directed evolution approach through in vitro mutagenesis and selection using fluorescent-activated cell sorting. Their in-depth analysis of evolved mutants in single-copy versus double-copy genotypes provides clear evidence for Ohno's postulate that redundant copies experience relaxed purifying selection. In contrast to Ohno's original postulate, however, the authors go on to show that this does not in fact lead to more rapid phenotypic evolution, but rather, the rapid inactivation of one of the copies.


      This paper contributes with great experimental detail to an area where the literature predominantly leans on genomics data. Through the use of a carefully-designed, well-controlled synthetic system the authors are able to directly determine the phenotype & genotype of all individuals in their evolving populations and compare differences between genotypes with a single or double copy of coGFP. With it they find clear evidence for what critics of Ohno's original model have termed "Ohno's dilemma", the rapid non-functionalization by predominantly deleterious mutations.

      Including an expressed but non-functional coGFP in (phenotypically) single copy genotypes provides an especially thoughtful control that allows determining a baseline dN/dS ratio in the absence of selection. All in all the study is an exciting example of how the clever use of synthetic biology can lead to new insights.


      In the revised version of the paper, the authors now discuss one potential weakness of their study, which is tied to its biggest strength (as often in experimental biology there is a trade-off between 'resolution' and 'realism').<br /> The experimental set-up leaves out an important component of the evolutionary process in order to disentangle dosage effects from other effects that carrying two copies might have on their evolution. Specifically, by employing a recombination-deficient strain and constructing their duplicates as inverted repeats their experimental design completely abolishes recombination between the two copies. This was pointed out in my first review to be problematic for two reasons:

      (i) In nature, new duplicates do not arise as inverted, but rather as direct (tandem) repeats and - as the authors correctly point out - these are very unstable, due to the fact that repeated DNA is prone to recA-dependent homologous recombination (which arise orders of magnitude more frequently than point mutations).

      (ii) This instability often leads to further amplification of the duplicates under dosage selection both in the lab and in the wild (e.g. Andersson & Hughes, Annu. Rev. Genet. 2009), and would presumably also be an outcome under the current experimental set-up if it was not prevented from happening?

      In their revised version, the authors now address this point and with much clarity explain why their experimental system is so powerful to study the fate of a gene duplicate, not despite lacking recombination, but *because* it lacks recombination.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study investigated the role of the Caspar (Casp) gene, a Drosophila homolog of human Fas-associated factor-1. It revealed that maternal loss of Casp led to centrosomal and cytoskeletal abnormalities during nuclear cycles in Drosophila early embryogenesis, resulting in defective gastrulation. Moreover, Casp regulates PGC numbers, likely by regulating the levels of Smaug and then Oskar. They demonstrate that Casp protein levels are linearly correlated to the PGC number. The partner protein TER94, an ER protein, shows similar but slightly distinct phenotypes. Based on the deletion mutant analysis, TER94 seems functionally relevant for the observed Casp phenotype. Additionally, it is likely involved in regulating protein degradation during PGC specification.


      This paper uncovers a new function of the Casper (Casp) gene, previously known for its role in immune response regulation and NF-kB signaling inhibition. This new function includes nuclear division and PGC formation in early fly embryos. The findings provide crucial insights into how this pathway contributes to the proper establishment of both somatic cells and the germline, particularly in the context of early embryogenesis. This research is therefore of significant interest to cell and developmental biologists.

      Future Research:

      While this study has made significant strides in understanding the role of the Casp gene in early embryogenesis, the functional relationships among molecules shown here (Casp, TER94, Osk) and other genes previously known to regulate these processes remain unclear. This underscores the need for future studies to delve deeper into these relationships and their implications.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors have collected a significant amount of data from the literature on the flow regimes associated with microorganisms whose propulsion is achieved through the action of cilia or flagella, with particular interest in the competition between sessile and motile lifestyles. They then use several distinct hydrodynamic models for the cilia-driven flows to quantify the nutrient uptake and clearance rate, reported as a function of the Peclet number. Among the interesting conclusions the authors draw concerns the question of whether, for certain ciliates, there is a clear difference in nutrient uptake rates in the sessile versus motile forms. The authors show that this is not the case, thereby suggesting that the evolutionary pressure associated with such a difference is not present. The analysis also includes numerical calculations of the uptake rate for spherical swimmers in the regime of large Peclet numbers, where the authors note an enhancement due to advection-generated thinning of the solutal boundary layer around the organism.


      In addressing the whole range of organism sizes and Peclet numbers the authors have achieved an important broad perspective on the problem of nutrient uptake of ciliates, with implications for understanding evolutionary driving forces toward particular lifestyles (e.g. sessile versus motile).

    1. Reviewer #4 (Public review):


      Wilmes and colleagues develop a model for the computation of uncertainty modulated prediction errors based on an experimentally inspired cortical circuit model for predictive processing. Predictive processing is a promising theory of cortical function. An essential aspect of the model is the idea of precision weighting of prediction errors. There is ample experimental evidence for prediction error responses in cortex. However, a central prediction of the theory is that these prediction error responses are regulated by the uncertainty of the input. Testing this idea experimentally has been difficult due to a lack of concrete models. This work provides one such model and makes experimentally testable predictions.


      The model proposed is novel and well-implemented. It has sufficient biological accuracy to make useful and testable predictions.


      One key idea the model hinges on is that stimulus uncertainty is encoded in the firing rate of parvalbumin positive interneurons. This assumption, however, is rather speculative and there is no direct evidence for this.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, Nguyen et al. showed that cat saliva can robustly induce freezing behavior in mice. This effect is mediated through accessory olfactory system as it requires physical contact and is abolished in Trp2 KO mice. The authors further showed that V2R-A4 cluster is responsive to cat saliva. Lastly, they demonstrated c-Fos induction in AOB and VMHdm/c by the cat saliva. The c-Fos level in the VMHdm/c is correlated with freezing response.


      The study opens an interesting direction. It reveals the potential neural circuit for detecting cat saliva and driving defense behavior in mice. The behavior results and the critical role of accessory olfactory system in detecting cat saliva are clear and convincing.


      The findings are relatively preliminary. The identities of the receptor and the ligand in the cat saliva that induces the behavior remain unclear. The identity of VMH cells that are activated by the cat saliva remains unclear. There is a lack of targeted functional manipulation to demonstrate the role of V2R-A4 or VMH cells in the behavioral response to the cat saliva.

      Here are some specific comments:

      (1) This result suggests that V2R-A4 may be the dominant VR for mice to detect cat saliva. Future studies should determine the identity of the receptor and the ligand in the cat saliva. Additionally, the functional importance of V2R-A4 remains unclear. It is important to knockout the receptor and test changes in cat saliva-induced freezing.

      (2) AOB does not project to VMH directly. Other known important nodes for the predator defense circuit includes MeApv, BNST, PMd, AHN and PAG. It will be helpful to provide c-Fos data in those regions (especially MEA and BNST as they are between AOB and VMH) to provide a complete picture regarding how the brain process cat saliva to induce the behavior change.

      (3) It is interesting that activation level difference in the VNO by old and fresh cat saliva does not transfer to AOB. It could be informative to examine correlation between VNO and AOB p6/c-Fos cell number and AOB and VMH c-Fos cell number across animals to understand whether the activation level across those regions are related. If they are not correlated, it could be helpful to add a discussion regarding potential reasons, e.g. neuromodulatory inputs to the AOB.

      (4) Please indicate n in all figure plots and specify what individual dots means. In Figure 4h, there are 7 dots in old saliva group, presumably indicating 7 animals. In Figure 6b, there appear to be more than 7 dots for old cat saliva group. Are there more than 7 animals? If so, why are they not included in Figure 4h? If not, what does each dot mean? Note that each dot should represent independent sample. One animal should not contribute more than one dot.

      (5) The identification of a cluster of VMHdm cells uniquely activated by fresh cat saliva urine is interesting. It will be important to identify the molecular handle of the cells to facilitate further investigation. This could be achieved using either activity dependent RNAseq or double in situ of saliva-induced c-Fos and candidate genes (candidate gene may be identified based on the known gene expression pattern).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Schwintek et al. investigated whether a geological setting of a rock pore with water inflow on one end and gas passing over the opening of the pore on the other end could create a non-equilibrium system that sustains nucleic acid reactions under mild conditions. The evaporation of water as the gas passes over it concentrates the solutes at the boundary of evaporation, while the gas flux induces momentum transfer that creates currents in the water that push the concentrated molecules back into the bulk solution. This leads to the creation of steady-state regions of differential salt and macromolecule concentrations that can be used to manipulate nucleic acids. First, the authors showed that fluorescent bead behavior in this system closely matched their fluid dynamic simulations. With that validation in hand, the authors next showed that fluorescently labeled DNA behaved according to their theory as well. Using these insights, the authors performed a FRET experiment that clearly demonstrated the hybridization of two DNA strands as they passed through the high Mg++ concentration zone, and, conversely, the dissociation of the strands as they passed through the low Mg++ concentration zone. This isothermal hybridization and dissociation of DNA strands allowed the authors to perform an isothermal DNA amplification using a DNA polymerase enzyme. Crucially, the isothermal DNA amplification required the presence of the gas flux and could not be recapitulated using a system that was at equilibrium. These experiments advance our understanding of the geological settings that could support nucleic acid reactions that were key to the origin of life.

      The presented data compellingly supports the conclusions made by the authors. To increase the relevance of the work for the origin of life field, the following experiments are suggested:

      (1) While the central premise of this work is that RNA degradation presents a risk for strand separation strategies relying on elevated temperatures, all of the work is performed using DNA as the nucleic acid model. I understand the convenience of using DNA, especially in the latter replication experiment, but I think that at least the FRET experiments could be performed using RNA instead of DNA.

      (2) Additionally, showing that RNA does not degrade under the conditions employed by the authors (I am particularly worried about the high Mg++ zones created by the flux) would further strengthen the already very strong and compelling work.

      (3) Finally, I am curious whether the authors have considered designing a simulation or experiment that uses the imidazole- or 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate-activated ribonucleotides. For instance, a fully paired RNA duplex and a fluorescently-labeled primer could be incubated in the presence of activated ribonucleotides +/- flux and subsequently analyzed by gel electrophoresis to determine how much primer extension has occurred. The reason for this suggestion is that, due to the slow kinetics of chemical primer extension, the reannealing of the fully complementary strands as they pass through the high Mg++ zone, which is required for primer extension, may outcompete the primer extension reaction. In the case of the DNA polymerase, the enzymatic catalysis likely outcompetes the reannealing, but this may not recapitulate the uncatalyzed chemical reaction.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The current study by Lejeune et al. investigates factors that allow for persistent MRSA infection in the GI tract. They developed an intriguing model of intestinal MRSA infection that does not use the traditional antibiotic approach, thereby allowing for a more natural infection that includes the normal intestinal microbiota. This model is more akin to what might be expected to be observed in a healthy human host. They find that biological sex plays a clear role in bacterial persistence during infection but only in mice bred at an NYU Facility and not those acquired from Jackson Labs. This clearly indicates a role for the intestinal microbiome in affecting female bacterial persistence but not male persistence which was unaffected by the origin of the mice and thus the microbiome. Through a series of clever microbiome-specific transfer experiments, they determine that the NYU-specific microbiome plays a role in this sexual dimorphism but is not solely responsible. Additional experiments indicate that Th17 cells, estrogen, and neutrophils also participate in the resistance to persistent infection. Notably, they assess the role of sex chromosomes (X/Y) using the established four core genotype model and find that these chromosomes appear to play little role in bacterial persistence.

      Overall, the paper nicely adds to the growing body of literature investigating how biological sex impacts the immune system and the burden of infectious disease. The conclusions are mostly supported by the data although there are some aspects of the data that could be better addressed and clarified.

      (1) There is something of a disconnect between the initial microbiome data and the later data that analyzes sex hormones and chromosomes. While there are clearly differences in microbial species across the two sites (NYU and JAX) how these bacterial species might directly interact with immune cells to induce female-specific responses is left unexplored. At the very least it would help to try and link these two distinct pieces of data to try and inform the reader how the microbiome is regulating the sex-specific response. Indeed, the reader is left with no clear exploration of the microbiota's role in the persistence of the infection and thus is left wanting.

      (2) While the authors make a reasonable case that Th17 T cells are important for controlling infection (using RORgt knockout mice that cannot produce Th17 cells), it is not clear how these cells even arise during infection since the authors make most of the observations 2 days post-infection which is longer before a normal adaptive immune response would be expected to arise. The authors acknowledge this, but their explanation is incomplete. The increase in Th17 cells they observe is predicated on mitogenic stimulation, so they are not specific (at least in this study) for MRSA. It would be helpful to see a specific restimulation of these cells with MRSA antigens to determine if there are pre-existing, cross-reactive Th17 cells specific for MRSA and microbiota species which could then link these two as mentioned above.

      (3) The ovariectomy experiment demonstrates a role for ovarian hormones; however, it lacks a control of adding back ovarian hormones (or at least estrogen) so it is not entirely obvious what is causing the persistence in this experiment. This is especially important considering the experiments demonstrating no role for sex chromosomes thus demonstrating that hormonal effects are highly important. Here it leaves the reader without a conclusive outcome as to the exact hormonal mechanism.

      (4) The discussion is underdeveloped and is mostly a rehash of the results. It would greatly enhance the manuscript if the authors would more carefully place the results in the context of the current state of the field including a more enhanced discussion of the role of estrogen, microbiome, and T cells and how the field might predict these all interact and how they might be interacting in the current study as well.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors aimed to determine whether goal-directed and cue-driven attentional strategies (goal- and sign-tracking phenotypes) were associated with variation in cued motor responses and dorsomedial striatal (DMS) glutamate transmission. They used a treadmill task in which cues indicated whether rats should turn or stop to receive a reward. They collected and analyzed several behavioral measures related to task performance with a focus on turns (performance, latency, duration) for which there are more measures than for stops. First, they established that goal-trackers perform better than sign-trackers in post-criterion turn performance (cued turns completed) and turn initiation. They used glutamate sensors to measure glutamate transmission in DMS. They performed analyses on glutamate traces that suggest phasic glutamate DMS dynamics to cues were primarily associated with successful turn performance and were more characteristic of goal-trackers (ie. rats with "goal-directed" attentional strategy). Smaller and more frequent DMS glutamate peaks were associated with other task events, cued misses (missed turns), cued stops, and reward delivery and were more characteristic of sign-trackers (i.e. rats with "cue-driven" attentional strategies). Consistent with the reported glutamate findings, chemogenetic inhibition of prelimbic-DMS glutamate transmission had an effect on goal-trackers' turn performance without affecting sign-trackers' performance in the treadmill task.


      The power of the sign- and goal-tracking model to account for neurobiological and behavioral variability is critically important to the field's understanding of the heterogeneity of the brain in health and disease. The approach and methodology are sound in their contribution to this important effort.

      The authors establish behavioral differences, measure a neurobiological correlate of relevance, and then manipulate that correlate in a broader circuitry and show a causal role in behavior that is consistent with neurobiological measurements and phenotypic differences.

      Sophisticated analyses provide a compelling description of the authors' observations.


      It is challenging to assess what is considered the "n" in each analysis (trial, session, rat, trace (averaged across a session or single trial)). Representative glutamate traces (n = 5 traces (out of hundreds of recorded traces)) are used to illustrate a central finding, while more conventional trial-averaged population activity traces are not presented or analyzed. The latter would provide much-needed support for the reported findings and conclusions. Digging deeper into the methods, results, and figure legends, provides some answers to the reader, but much can be done to clarify what each data point represents and, in particular, how each rat contributes to a reported finding (ie. single trial-averaged trace per session for multiple sessions, or dozens of single traces across multiple sessions).

      Representative traces should in theory be consistent with population averages within phenotype, and if not, discussion of such inconsistencies would enrich the conclusions drawn from the study. In particular, population traces of the phasic cue response in GT may resemble the representative peak examples, while smaller irregular peaks of ST may be missed in a population average (averaged prolonged elevation) and could serve as a rationale for more sophisticated analyses of peak probability presented subsequently.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript describes an interesting observation and provides initial steps towards understanding the underlying molecular mechanism.

      The manuscript describes that the majority of non-tumorigenic mammary gland epithelial cells (MCF-10A) in suspension initiate entosis. A smaller fraction of cells form a single giant unilocular vacuole (hereafter referred to as a GUVac). GUVac appeared to be empty and did not contain invading (entotic) cells. The formation of GUVac could be promoted by disrupting actin polymerisation with LatB and CytoD. The formation of GUVacs correlated with resistance to anoikis. GUVac formation was detected in several other epithelial cells from secretory tissues.

      The authors then use electron microscopy and super-resolution imaging to describe the biogenesis of GUVac. They find that GUVac formation is initiated by a micropinocytosis-like phenomenon (that is independent of actin polymerisation). This process leads to the formation of large plasma membrane invaginations, that pinch off from the PM to form larger vesicles that fuse with each other into GUVacs.

      Inhibition of actin polymerisation in suspended MCF-10a leads to the recruitment of Septin 6 to the PM via its amphipathic helix. Treatment with FCF (a septin polymerisation inhibitor) blocked GUVac biogenesis, as did pharmacological inhibition of dynamin-mediated membrane fission. The fusion of these vesicles in GUVacs required (perhaps not surprisingly) PI3P.


      The authors have made an interesting and potentially important observation. They describe the formation of an endo-lysosomal organelle (a giant unilocular vacuole - GUVac) in suspended epithelial cells and correlate the formation of GUVacs with resistance to aniokis.

      Comments on revised version:

      Additional experiments, including a better characterization of GUVac biogenesis, as well as knockdown and knock out of class II PI3Kα (PI3K-C2α) or class III PI3K (VPS34), have improved the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this report Abidi et al. use an antibody against Jag2, a Notch1 ligand, to inhibit its activity in skin. A single dose of this treatment leads to an impairment of sebocyte differentiation and an accumulation of basal sebocytes. Consistently Notch1 activity, measured as cleaved form of the Notch1 intracellular domain, is detected in basal sebocytes together with the expression of Jag2. Interestingly the phenotype caused by the antibody treatment is reversible.


      The quality of the histological data with a clear phenotype, together with the quantification represents a solid base for the authors claims.<br /> This work identifies that the ligand Jag2 is the Notch1 ligand required for sebocyte differentiation.<br /> From a therapeutic point of view, it is interesting that the treatment with the anti-Jag2 is reversible.


      The authors use a single approach to support their claims.<br /> Future in vitro studies will be needed to understand how Notch signaling induces sebocyte differentiation (i.e. a cell-autonomous mechanism, a mechanism based on cell competition, etc.).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors identify a novel protein, FipA, which facilitates recruitment of FlhF to the membrane at the cell pole together with the known recruitment factor HupB. This finding is key to understanding the mechanism of polar localization. By comparing the role of FipA in polar flagellum assembly in three different species from Vibrio, Shewanella and Pseudomonas, they discover that, while FipA is required in all three systems, evolution has brought different nuances that open avenues for further discoveries.


      The discovery of a novel factor for polar flagellum development. A significant contribution to our understanding of flagellar evolution. The solid nature and flow of the experimental work.


      All my concerns have been addressed. I find no weaknesses. A nice, solid piece of work.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Zeng et al. investigated the role of LDH in determining the metabolic fate of pyruvate in HeLa and 4T1 cells. To do this, three broad perturbations were applied: knockout of two LDH isoforms (LDH-A and LDH-B), titration with a non-competitive LDH inhibitor (GNE-140), and exposure to either normoxic (21% O2) or hypoxic (1% O2) conditions. They show that knockout of either LDH isoform alone, though reducing both protein level and enzyme activity, has virtually no effect on either the incorporation of a stable 13C-label from a 13C6-glucose into any glycolytic or TCA cycle intermediate, nor on the measured intracellular concentrations of any glycolytic intermediate (Figure 2). The only apparent exception to this was the NADH/NAD+ ratio, measured as the ratio of F420/F480 emitted from a fluorescent tag (SoNar).

      The addition of a chemical inhibitor, on the other hand, did lead to changes in glycolytic flux, the concentrations of glycolytic intermediates, and in the NADH/NAD+ ratio (Figure 3). Notably, this was most evident in the LDH-B-knockout, in agreement with the increased sensitivity of LDH-A to GNE-140 (Figure 2). In the LDH-B-knockout, increasing concentrations of GNE-140 increased the NADH/NAD+ ratio, reduced glucose uptake, and lactate production, and led to an accumulation of glycolytic intermediates immediately upstream of GAPDH (GA3P, DHAP, and FBP) and a decrease in the product of GAPDH (3PG). They continue to show that this effect is even stronger in cells exposed to hypoxic conditions (Figure 4). They propose that a shift to thermodynamic unfavourability, initiated by an increased NADH/NAD+ ratio inhibiting GAPDH explains the cascade, calculating ΔG values that become progressively more endergonic at increasing inhibitor concentrations.

      Then - in two separate experiments - the authors track the incorporation of 13C into the intermediates of the TCA cycle from a 13C6-glucose and a 13C5-glutamine. They use the proportion of labelled intermediates as a proxy for how much pyruvate enters the TCA cycle (Figure 5). They conclude that the inhibition of LDH decreases fermentation, but also the TCA cycle and OXPHOS flux - and hence the flux of pyruvate to all of those pathways. Finally, they characterise the production of ATP from respiratory or fermentative routes, the concentration of a number of cofactors (ATP, ADP, AMP, NAD(P)H, NAD(P)+, and GSH/GSSG), the cell count, and cell viability under four conditions: with and without the highest inhibitor concentration, and at norm- and hypoxia. From this, they conclude that the inhibition of LDH inhibits the glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and OXPHOS simultaneously (Figure 7).


      The authors present an impressively detailed set of measurements under a variety of conditions. It is clear that a huge effort was made to characterise the steady-state properties (metabolite concentrations, fluxes) as well as the partitioning of pyruvate between fermentation as opposed to the TCA cycle and OXPHOS.

      A couple of intermediary conclusions are well supported, with the hypothesis underlying the next measurement clearly following. For instance, the authors refer to literature reports that LDH activity is highly redundant in cancer cells (lines 108 - 144). They prove this point convincingly in Figure 1, showing that both the A- and B-isoforms of LDH can be knocked out without any noticeable changes in specific glucose consumption or lactate production flux, or, for that matter, in the rate at which any of the pathway intermediates are produced. Pyruvate incorporation into the TCA cycle and the oxygen consumption rate are also shown to be unaffected.

      They checked the specificity of the inhibitor and found good agreement between the inhibitory capacity of GNE-140 on the two isoforms of LDH and the glycolytic flux (lines 229 - 243). The authors also provide a logical interpretation of the first couple of consequences following LDH inhibition: an increased NADH/NAD+ ratio leading to the inhibition of GAPDH, causing upstream accumulations and downstream metabolite decreases (lines 348 - 355).


      Despite the inarguable comprehensiveness of the data set, a number of conceptual shortcomings afflict the manuscript. First and foremost, reasoning is often not pursued to a logical conclusion. For instance, the accumulation of intermediates upstream of GAPDH is proffered as an explanation for the decreased flux through glycolysis. However, in Figure 3C it is clear that there is no accumulation of the intermediates upstream of PFK. It is unclear, therefore, how this traffic jam is propagated back to a decrease in glucose uptake. A possible explanation might lie with hexokinase and the decrease in ATP (and constant ADP) demonstrated in Figure 6B, but this link is not made.

      The obvious link between the NADH/NAD+ ratio and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is also never addressed, a mechanism that might explain how the pyruvate incorporation into the TCA cycle is impaired by the inhibition of LDH (the observation with which they start their discussion, lines 511 - 514).

      It was furthermore puzzling how the ΔG, calculated with intracellular metabolite concentrations (Figures 3 and 4) could be endergonic (positive) for PGAM at all conditions (also normoxic and without inhibitor). This would mean that under the conditions assayed, glycolysis would never flow completely forward. How any lactate or pyruvate is produced from glucose, is then unexplained.

      Finally, the interpretation of the label incorporation data is rather unconvincing. The authors observe an increasing labelled fraction of TCA cycle intermediates as a function of increasing inhibitor concentration. Strangely, they conclude that less labelled pyruvate enters the TCA cycle while simultaneously less labelled intermediates exit the TCA cycle pool, leading to increased labelling of this pool. The reasoning that they present for this (decreased m2 fraction as a function of DHE-140 concentration) is by no means a consistent or striking feature of their titration data and comes across as rather unconvincing. Yet they treat this anomaly as resolved in the discussion that follows.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors are trying to test the hypothesis that ATP bursts are the predominant driver of antibiotic lethality of Mycobacteria.


      This reviewer has not identified any significant strengths of the paper in its current form.


      A major weakness is that M. smegmatis has a doubling time of three hours and the authors are trying to conclude that their data would reflect the physiology of M. tuberculossi which has a doubling time of 24 hours. Moreover, the authors try to compare OD measurements with CFU counts and thus observe great variabilities.

      If the authors had evidence to support the conclusion that ATP burst is the predominant driver of antibiotic lethality in mycobacteria then this paper would be highly significant. However, with the way the paper is written, it is impossible to make this conclusion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, the authors investigate the role of caspases in neuronal modulation through non-lethal activation. They analyze proximal proteins of executioner caspases using a variety of techniques, including TurboID and a newly developed monitoring system based on Gal4 manipulation, called MASCaT. They demonstrate that overexpression of Fas3G promotes the non-lethal activation of caspase Dronc in olfactory receptor neurons. In addition, they investigate the regulatory mechanisms of non-lethal function of caspase by performing a comprehensive analysis of proximal proteins of executioner caspase Drice. It is important to point out that the authors use an array of techniques from western blot to behavioral experiments and also that the generated several reagents, from fly lines to antibodies.

      This is an interesting work that would appeal to readers of multiple disciplines. As a whole these findings suggest that overexpression of Fas3G enhances a non-lethal caspase activation in ORNs, providing a novel experimental model that will allow for exploration of molecular processes that facilitate caspase activation without leading to cell death.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The compass network is a higher-order circuit in insects that integrates sensory cues, like the angle of polarized light, with self-motion information to estimate the animal's angular position in space. This paper by Rother et al. uses share electrode recordings to measure intracellular voltage activity from individual compass neurons while polarization patterns are presented to the bee. They present patterns that rotate with variable speed or simulate the sensory experience created by a flight trajectory. The authors discover that at low rotational speeds, TL neuron responses diverge from the tuning expected from a systematic synaptic delay, suggesting that recent experience (history) impacts TL responses. A population model of 180 TL neurons is then used to argue that having cells that are impacted by spiking history could be advantageous for estimating heading. The model activity showed an anticipation of polarization angle for rapid turns that followed prolonged straight flights or turns in the opposite direction. The model also had reduced spiking activity during translational straight flight.


      One strength of this paper is that it focuses on a question that is underexplored in the field: How does the compass network handle the processing delay caused by multi-synaptic relay from the DRA to the sensory input neurons (TL) to the compass network why the insect is turning rapidly and thus sampling distinct polarization angles in rapid succession? Another strength is the fact that they were able to present neurons with both simulated naturalistic polarization patterns that could occur during flight and synthetic stimuli with a range of rotational velocities. This provides an important data set where these responses can be compared. Another strength is the exploration of how adding a history term to a model of a population of TL neurons can lead to the population coding of polarization angle to vary in how delayed it is from changes to the sensory stimuli. They find that angular coding is more anticipatory (shorter delay) following prolonged periods of fixating a single angle, such as what occurs during translation movement, or following turns in the opposite direction of the current turn.


      A challenge for this experimental approach is the relatively low power for data sets in some of the experimental conditions. Low throughput is expected for this experimental approach, as intracellular recordings are a challenging and time-consuming method. A weakness of the manuscript in its current form is that the data from all cells that were able to be recorded is not always presented or quantified. For example, only a single neuron example is used to show the impact of history on preferred polarization and how this tuning varied with rotation velocity. This is also true for the claim that TL3 neurons exhibit post-inhibitory excitation and post-excitatory inhibition. Another concern is regarding the use of the term "spiking-history" as potentially confusing to readers who might assume this process is cell intrinsic. The authors presented data shows evidence of an effect of stimulus history on the responses of the neurons. However as the authors describe in the discussion this current data set does not distinguish between an effect that occurs in the recorded neurons (e.g. an effect of intrinsic excitability) vs adaptation elsewhere in the circuit or DRA photoreceptors. A final challenge for this approach, shared with other studies that measure neural responses from an insect fixed in place, is that it assumes that these TL neurons are purely sensory and that their response properties (or those upstream of them) do not change when the bee performs a motor action or maneuver. This caveat should be considered when interpreting these data, however these data still represent novel information and important progress in exploring this question.

    1. RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-141031-2

      DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2024.09.008

      Resource: (ZFIN Cat# ZDB-GENO-141031-2,RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-141031-2)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-141031-2

      What is this?

    2. RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-071003-2

      DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2024.09.008

      Resource: (ZFIN Cat# ZDB-GENO-071003-2,RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-071003-2)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-GENO-071003-2

      What is this?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors combined time-lapse microscopy with biophysical modeling to study the mechanisms and timescales of gliding and reversals in filamentous cyanobacterium Fluctiforma draycotensis. They observed the highly coordinated behavior of protein complexes moving in a helical fashion on cells' surfaces and along individual filaments as well as their de-coordination, which induces buckling in long filaments.


      The authors provided concrete experimental evidence of cellular coordination and de-coordination of motility between cells along individual filaments. The evidence is comprised of individual trajectories of filaments that glide and reverse on surfaces as well as the helical trajectories of membrane-bound protein complexes that move on individual filaments and are implicated in generating propulsive forces.


      The biophysical model is one-dimensional and thus does not capture the buckling observed in long filaments. I expect that the buckling contains useful information since it reflects the competition between bending rigidity, the speed at which cell synchronization occurs, and the strength of the propulsion forces.

      Future directions:

      The study highlights the need to identify molecular and mechanical signaling pathways of cellular coordination. In analogy to the many works on the mechanisms and functions of multi-ciliary coordination, elucidating coordination in cyanobacteria may reveal a variety of dynamic strategies in different filamentous cyanobacteria.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Boocock and colleagues present an approach whereby eQTL analysis can be carried out by scRNA-Seq alone, in a one-pot-shot experiment, due to genotypes being able to be inferred from SNPs identified in RNA-Seq reads. This approach obviates the need to isolate individual spores, genotype them separately by low-coverage sequencing, and then perform RNA-Seq on each spore separately. This is a substantial advance and opens up the possibility to straightforwardly identify eQTLs over many conditions in a cost-efficient manner. Overall, I found the paper to be well-written and well-motivated, and have no issues with either the methodological/analytical approach (though eQTL analysis is not my expertise), or with the manuscript's conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Using the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system (STNS), the authors present an interesting study wherein the contribution of the Ih current to temperature-induced changes in the frequency of a rhythmically active neural circuit is evaluated. Ih is a hyperpolarization-activated cation current that depolarizes neurons. Under normal conditions, increasing the temperature of the STNS increases the frequency of the spontaneously active pyloric rhythm. Notably, under normal conditions, as temperature systematically increases, the concomitant increase in pyloric frequency is smooth (i.e., monotonic). By contrast, blocking Ih with extracellular cesium produces temperature-induced pyloric frequency changes that follow a characteristic sawtooth response (i.e., non-monotonic). That is, in cesium, increasing temperature initially results in a transient drop in pyloric frequency that then stabilizes at a higher frequency. Thus, the authors conclude that Ih establishes a mechanism that ensures smooth changes in neural network frequency during environmental disturbances, a feature that likely bestows advantages to the animal's function.

      The study describes several surprising and interesting findings. In general, the study's primary observation of the cesium-induced sawtooth response is remarkable. To my knowledge, this type of response has not yet been described in neurobiological systems, and I suspect that the unexpected response will be of interest to many readers.

      At first glance, I had some concerns regarding the use of extracellular cesium to understand network phenomena. Yes, extracellular cesium blocks Ih. But extracellular cesium has also been shown to block astrocytic potassium channels, at least in mammalian systems (i.e., K-IR, PMID: 10601465), and such a blockade can elevate extracellular potassium. I was heartened to see that the authors acknowledge the non-specificity of cesium (lines 320-325) and I agree with the authors' contention that "a first approximation most of the effects seen here can likely be attributed to Cs+ block of Ih". Upon reflecting on the potential confound, I was also reassured to see that extracellular cesium alone does not in fact increase pyloric frequency, an effect that might be expected if cesium indirectly raises [K+]outside. If the authors agree, then I suggest including that point in their discussion.

      In summary, the authors present a solid investigation of a surprising biological phenomenon. In general, my comments are fairly minor. Thanks for contributing an interesting study.


      A major strength of the study is the identification of an ionic conductance that mediates stable, monotonic changes in oscillatory frequency that accompany changes in the environment (i.e., temperature).


      A potential experimental concern stems from the use of extracellular cesium to attribute network effects specifically to Ih. Previous work has shown that extracellular cesium also blocks inward-rectifier potassium channels expressed by astrocytes, and that such blockade may also elevate extracellular potassium, an action that generally depolarizes neurons. Notably, the authors address this potential concern in the discussion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Sharma et al. demonstrated that Ly6G+ granulocytes (Gra cells) serve as the primary reservoirs for intracellular Mtb in infected wild-type mice and that excessive infiltration of these cells is associated with severe bacteremia in genetically susceptible IFNγ-/- mice. Notably, neutralizing IL-17 or inhibiting COX2 reversed the excessive infiltration of Ly6G+Gra cells, mitigated the associated pathology, and improved survival in these susceptible mice. Additionally, Ly6G+Gra cells were identified as a major source of IL-17 in both wild-type and IFNγ-/- mice. Inhibition of RORγt or COX2 further reduced the intracellular bacterial burden in Ly6G+Gra cells and improved lung pathology.

      Of particular interest, COX2 inhibition in wild-type mice also enhanced the efficacy of the BCG vaccine by targeting the Ly6G+Gra-resident Mtb population.


      The experimental results showing improved BCG-mediated protective immunity through targeting IL-17-producing Ly6G+ cells and COX2 are compelling and will likely generate significant interest in the field. Overall, this study presents important findings, suggesting that the IL-17-COX2 axis could be a critical target for designing innovative vaccination strategies for TB.


      However, I have the following concerns regarding some of the conclusions drawn from the experiments, which require additional experimental evidence to support and strengthen the overall study.

      Major Concerns:

      (1) Ly6G+ Granulocytes as a Source of IL-17: The authors assert that Ly6G+ granulocytes are the major source of IL-17 in wild-type and IFN-γ KO mice based on colocalization studies of Ly6G and IL-17. In Figure 3D, they report approximately 500 Ly6G+ cells expressing IL-17 in the Mtb-infected WT lung. Are these low numbers sufficient to drive inflammatory pathology? Additionally, have the authors evaluated these numbers in IFN-γ KO mice?

      (2) Role of IL-17-Producing Ly6G Granulocytes in Pathology: The authors suggest that IL-17-producing Ly6G granulocytes drive pathology in WT and IFN-γ KO mice. However, the data presented only demonstrate an association between IL-17+ Ly6G cells and disease pathology. To strengthen their conclusion, the authors should deplete neutrophils in these mice to show that IL-17 expression, and consequently the pathology, is reduced.

      (3) IL-17 Secretion by Mtb-Infected Neutrophils: Do Mtb-infected neutrophils secrete IL-17 into the supernatants? This would serve as confirmation of neutrophil-derived IL-17. Additionally, are Ly6G+ cells producing IL-17 and serving as pathogenic agents exclusively in vivo? The authors should provide comments on this.

      (4) Characterization of IL-17-Producing Ly6G+ Granulocytes: Are the IL-17-producing Ly6G+ granulocytes a mixed population of neutrophils and eosinophils, or are they exclusively neutrophils? Sorting these cells followed by Giemsa or eosin staining could clarify this.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Homan et al. examined the effect of macrophage- or Kupffer cell-specific C3aR1 KO on MASLD/MASH-related metabolic or liver phenotypes.


      Established macrophage- or Kupffer cell-specific C3aR1 KO mice.


      Lack of in-depth study; flaws in comparisons between KC-specific C3aR1KO and WT in the context of MASLD/MASH, because MASLD/MASH WT mice likely have a low abundance of C3aR1 on KCs.

      Homan et al. reported a set of observation data from macrophage or Kupffer cell-specific C3aR1KO mice. Several questions and concerns as follows could challenge the conclusions of this study:

      (1) As C3aR1 is robustly repressed in MASLD or MASH liver, GAN feeding likely reduced C3aR1 abundance in the liver of WT mice. Thus, it is not surprising that there were no significant differences in liver phenotypes between WT vs. C3aR1KO mice after prolonged GAN diet feeding. It would give more significance to the study if restoring C3aR1 abundance in KCs in the context of MASLD/MASH.

      (2) Would C3aR1KO mice develop liver abnormalities after a short period of GAN diet feeding?

      (3) What would be the liver macrophage phenotypes in WT vs C3aR1KO mice after GAN feeding?

      (4) In Fig 1D, >25wks GAN feeding had minimal effects on female body weight gain. These GAN-fed female mice also develop NASLD/MASH liver abnormalities?

      (5) Would C3aR1KO result in differences in liver phenotypes, including macrophage population/activation, liver inflammation, lipogenesis, in lean mice?

      (6) The authors should provide more information regarding the generation of KC-specific C3aR1KO. Which Cre mice were used to breed with C3aR1 flox mice?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, Cai and colleagues investigate how one component of the m6A methyltransferase complex, the WTAP protein, responds to IFNb stimulation. They find that viral infection or IFNb stimulation induces the transition of WTAP from aggregates to liquid droplets through dephosphorylation by PPP4. This process affects the m6A modification levels of ISG mRNAs and modulates their stability. In addition, the WTAP droplets interact with the transcription factor STAT1 to recruit the methyltransferase complex to ISG promoters and enhance m6A modification during transcription. The investigation dives into a previously unexplored area of how viral infection or IFNb stimulation affects m6A modification on ISGs. The observation that WTAP undergoes a phase transition is significant in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying m6A's function in immunity. However, there are still key gaps that should be addressed to fully accept the model presented.

      Major points:

      (1) More detailed analyses on the effects of WTAP sgRNA on the m6A modification of ISGs:<br /> a. A comprehensive summary of the ISGs, including the percentage of ISGs that are m6A-modified.<br /> b. The distribution of m6A modification across the ISGs.<br /> c. A comparison of the m6A modification distribution in ISGs with non-ISGs.

      In addition, since the authors propose a novel mechanism where the interaction between phosphorylated STAT1 and WTAP directs the MTC to the promoter regions of ISGs to facilitate co-transcriptional m6A modification, it is critical to analyze whether the m6A modification distribution holds true in the data.

      (2) Since a key part of the model includes the cytosol-localized STAT1 protein undergoing phosphorylation to translocate to the nucleus to mediate gene expression, the authors should focus on the interaction between phosphorylated STAT1 and WTAP in Figure 4, rather than the unphosphorylated STAT1. Only phosphorylated STAT1 localizes to the nucleus, so the presence of pSTAT1 in the immunoprecipitate is critical for establishing a functional link between STAT1 activation and its interaction with WTAP.

      (3) The authors should include pSTAT1 ChIP-seq and WTAP ChIP-seq on IFNb-treated samples in Figure 5 to allow for a comprehensive and unbiased genomic analysis for comparing the overlaps of peaks from both ChIP-seq datasets. These results should further support their hypothesis that WTAP interacts with pSTAT1 to enhance m6A modifications on ISGs.

      Minor points:

      (1) Since IFNb is primarily known for modulating biological processes through gene transcription, it would be informative if the authors discussed the mechanism of how IFNb would induce the interaction between WTAP and PPP4.

      (2) The authors should include mCherry alone controls in Figure 1D to demonstrate that mCherry does not contribute to the phase separation of WTAP. Does mCherry have or lack a PLD?

      (3) The authors should clarify the immunoprecipitation assays in the methods. For example, the labeling in Figure 2A suggests that antibodies against WTAP and pan-p were used for two immunoprecipitations. Is that accurate?

      (4) The authors should include overall m6A modification levels quantified of GFPsgRNA and WTAPsgRNA cells, either by mass spectrometry (preferably) or dot blot.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript is about using different analytical approaches to allow ancestry adjustments to GWAS analyses amongst admixed populations. This work is a follow-on from the recently published ITHGC multi-population GWAS (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.84394), with a focus on the admixed South African populations. Ancestry adjustment models detected a peak of SNPs in the class II HLA DPB1, distinct from the class II HLA DQA1 loci significant in the ITHGC analysis.


      Excellent demonstration of GWAS analytical pipelines in highly admixed populations. Further confirmation of the importance of the HLA class II locus in genetic susceptibility to TB.


      Limited novelty compared to the group's previous existing publications and the body of work linking HLA class II alleles with TB susceptibility in South Africa or other African populations. This work includes only ~100 new cases and controls from what has already been published. High-resolution HLA typing has detected significant signals in both the DQA1 and DPB1 regions identified by the larger ITHGC and in this GWAS analysis respectively (Chihab L et al. HLA. 2023 Feb; 101(2): 124-137).

      Despite the availability of strong methods for imputing HLA from GWAS data (Karnes J et Plos One 2017), the authors did not confirm with HLA typing the importance of their SNP peak in the class II region. This would have supported the importance of this ancestry adjustment versus prior ITHGC analysis.

      The populations consider active TB and healthy controls (from high-burden presumed exposed communities) and do not provide QFT or other data to identify latent TB infection.

      Important methodological points for clarification and for readers to be aware of when reading this paper:

      (1) One of the reasons cited for the lack of African ancestry-specific associations or suggestive peaks in the ITHGC study was the small African sample size. The current association test includes a larger African cohort and yields a near-genome-wide significant threshold in the HLA-DPB1 gene originating from the KhoeSan ancestry. The investigation is needed as to whether the increase in power is due to increased African samples and not necessarily the use of the LAAA model as stated on lines 295 and 296?

      (2) In line 256, the number of SNPs included in the LAAA analysis was 784,557 autosomal markers; the number of SNPs after quality control of the imputed dataset was 7,510,051 SNPs (line 142). It is not clear how or why ~90% of the SNPs were removed. This needs clarification.

      (3) The authors have used the significance threshold estimated by the STEAM p-value < 2.5x10-6 in the LAAA analysis. Grinde et al. (2019 implemented their significance threshold estimation approach tailored to admixture mapping (local ancestry (LA) model), where there is a reduction in testing burden. The authors should justify why this threshold would apply to the LAAA model (a joint genotype and ancestry approach).

      (4) Batch effect screening and correction (line 174) is a quality control check. This section is discussed after global and local ancestry inferences in the methods. Was this QC step conducted after the inferencing? If so, the authors should justify how the removed SNPs due to the batch effect did not affect the global and local ancestry inferences or should order the methods section correctly to avoid confusion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Piersma et al. continue to work on deciphering the role and function of Ly49 NK cell receptors. This manuscript shows that a single inhibitory Ly49 receptor is sufficient to license NK cells and eliminate MHC-I-deficient target cells in mice. In short, they refined the mouse model ∆Ly49-1 (Parikh et al., 2020) into the Ly49KO model in which all Ly49 genes are disrupted. Using this model, they confirmed that NK cells from Ly49KO mice cannot be licensed, produce lower levels of IFN-gamma, and cannot reject MHC-I-deficient cells. To study the effect of a single Ly49 receptor in the function of NK cells, the authors backcrossed Ly49KO mice to H-2Dd transgenic KODO (D8-KODO) Ly49A knock-in mice in which a single inhibitory Ly49A receptor that recognizes H-2Dd ligands is expressed. By doing so, they demonstrate that a single inhibitory Ly49 receptor expressed by all NK cells is sufficient for licensing and missing-self killing.

      While the results of the study are largely consistent with the conclusions, it is important to address some discrepancies. For instance, in the title of Figure 1, the authors state that NK cells in Ly49KO mice compared to WT mice have a less mature phenotype , which is not consistent with the corresponding text in the Results section (lines 170-171) that states there is no difference in maturation. These differences are not evident in Figure 1, panel D. It is crucial to acknowledge these inconsistencies to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the research findings.

      In the legend of Figure 2. the text related to panel C indicates the use of dyes to label the splenocytes, and CFSE, CTV, and CTFR were mentioned. However, only CTV and CTFR are shown on the plots and mentioned in the corresponding text in the Results section. Similarly, in the legend of Figure 4, which is related to panel C, the authors write that splenocytes were differentially labeled with CFSE and CTV as indicated; however, in Figure 4, C and the Results section text, there is no mention of CFSE.

      The authors should clarify why they assume that KLRG1 expression is influenced by the expression of inhibitory Ly49 receptors and not by manipulations on chromosome 6, where the genes for both KLRG1 and Ly49 receptors are located. However, a better explanation for the possible influence of other inhibitory NK cell receptors still needs to be included. In the study by Zhang et al. (doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13032-5 the authors showed the synergized regulation of NK cell education by the NKG2A receptor and the specific Ly49 family members. Although in this study, Piersma and colleagues show the control of MHC-I deficient cells by Ly49A+ NKG2A-NK cells in Figure 4., this receptor is not mentioned in the Results or in the Discussion section, so its role in this story needs to be clarified. Therefore, the reader would benefit from more information regarding NKG2A receptor and NKG2A+/- populations in their results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors utilized a "ligand-first" targeted covalent inhibition approach to design potent inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) based on a known non-covalent primary sulfonamide scaffold. The novelty of their approach lies in their use of a protected pre(pro?)-vinylsulfone as a precursor to the common vinylsulfone covalent warhead to target a nonstandard His residue in the active site of CAIX. In addition to a biochemical assessment of their inhibitors, they showed that their compounds compete with a known probe on the surface of HeLa cells.


      The authors use a protected warhead for what would typically be considered an "especially hot" or even "undevelopable" vinylsulfone electrophile. This would be the first report of doing so making it a novel targeted covalent inhibition approach specifically with vinylsulfones.

      The authors used a number of orthogonal biochemical and biophysical methods including intact MS, 2D NMR, x-ray crystallography, and an enzymatic stopped-flow setup to confirm the covalency of their compounds and even demonstrate that this novel pre-vinylsulfone is activated in the presence of CAIX. In addition, they included a number of compelling analogs of their inhibitors as negative controls that address hypotheses specific to the mechanism of activation and inhibition.

      The authors employed an assay that allows them to assess target engagement of their compounds with the target on the surface of cells and a fluorescent probe which is generally a critical tool to be used in tandem with phenotypic cellular assays.


      While the authors show that the pre-vinyl moiety is shown biochemically to be transformed into the vinylsulfone, they do not show what the fate of this -SO2CH2CH2OCOR group is in a cellular context. Does the pre-vinylsulfone in fact need to be in the active site of CAIX on the surface of the cell to be activated or is the vinylsulfone revealed prior to target engagement?

      I appreciate the authors acknowledging the limitations of using an assay such as thermal shift to derive an apparent binding affinity, however, it is not entirely convincing and leaves a gap in our understanding of what is happening biochemically with these inhibitors, especially given the two-step inhibitory mechanism. It is very difficult to properly understand the activity of these inhibitors without a more comprehensive evaluation of kinact and Ki parameters. This can then bring into question how selective these compounds actually are for CAIX over other carbonic anhydrases.

      The authors did not provide any cellular data beyond target engagement with a previously characterized competitive fluorescent probe. It would be critical to know the cytotoxicity profile of these compounds or even how they affect the biology of interest regarding CAIX activity if the intention is to use these compounds in the future as chemical probes to assess CAIX activity in the context of tumor metastasis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In this study, a methodology called QSPACE is developed and presented. It integrates structural information for a specific organism, here E. coli. The process entails the gathering of individual structures, including oligomeric information/stoichiometry, the incorporation of data on transmembrane regions, and the utilization of the resulting dataset for the analysis of mutation effects and the allocation of proteomes.

      This work aims high, setting an ambitious goal of modeling the quaternary structure of a proteome. The method could be applied to other organisms in the future and has value in that respect. At the same time, the work tries to cover (too?) much ground and some of the results/analyses don't measure up. There are indeed a number of shortcomings and/or inconsistencies in the results presented. The comments below will help improve the work and its usefulness.

      (1) It is described that "QSPACE then finds the 3D coordinate file (i.e. "structure") that best reflects the user-defined (input #2) multi-subunit protein assembly". What is meant by "best reflects"? What if two different structures with the same stoichiometry are available? Which one is picked?

      (2) There appears to be a significant under-estimation of oligomer formation: it is reported that "31% (1,334/4,309) of E. coli genes participate in 1,047 oligomeric complexes, 667 genes are annotated as monomers, and 2,308 genes are not included". However, it is generally observed that ~50% of E coli genes form homo-oligomers (see PMID 10940245 or more recently 38325366), and adding hetero-oligomers on top of that should increase the fraction of oligomers further. In that respect, the estimate forming the basis of this work (31% of genes participating in oligomeric complexes) seems incorrect. It is unclear why the authors did not identify more proteins as adopting a quaternary structure. It is generally hard to grasp details of the dataset, for example, the simple statistic of how many genes participate in homo- versus hetero- oligomer. Such information is partially presented in panels 2c & 2d, but it is very small and hard to see (I would suggest removing the structures of the ABC transporters to make space to present this with more detail).

      (3) There are a number of misleading statements/overstatements that I encourage the authors to revise. For example (not exhaustive):<br /> "to our knowledge this result is the most advanced genome-scale structural representation of the E. coli proteome and de facto represents a major advancement in genome annotation."<br /> "angstrom-level subcellular compartmentalization" - Can we really talk about sub-atomic precision when even side chains can move by several angstroms?<br /> "we provide a global accounting of all functionally important regions" - "all" is not justified<br /> "Incorporated into genome-scale models that compute protein expression" - what does that mean? There are gene expression & protein abundance datasets, why is the "compute" necessary?<br /> "Likewise, sequence-based prediction software (e.g., DeepTMHMM49) and structure-based prediction software (e.g., OPM50) are agnostic to membrane orientation and can also generate erroneous results" - what does "erroenous results" mean in this context? Those tools are not supposed to predict orientation.

      (4) What was the benchmark used to estimate the accuracy of orientation assignments?

      (5) It is not clear why structural information is required to calculate the volume taken up by different proteins across the proteome. For each protein, the expression level (copy number) is expected to have a significant effect, but I'm unsure of why oligomerization is considered key here. It will modulate the volume exclusion associated with interface contact areas, but isn't this negligible compared to other factors, in particular expression?

      (6) Models aiming at predicting deleterious effects of mutations typically use sequence conservation, but I do not see such information used in Figure 4. Assessing the added value of structural information should include such evolutionary information (residue-level sequence conservation) in the baseline.

      (7) The "proteome allocation" analysis is presented as an important result, but I did not find details of equations used to conduct this analysis. I assume that "proteome allocation" is based solely on expression, and that "cell volume" uses structural information on top of it. There is a significant difference between "proteome allocation" and "cell volume" as reflected in the proteomaps shown in panels 4e & 4f, but there is no explanation for it. Are the proteins' identities the same in these two panels? Were only proteins counted or was RNA considered as well? Clarifications are needed for RNA, for example, how were volumes calculated in structures containing RNAs? Datasets used to derive these maps should also be provided to enable reproducing them.

      (8) I did not see that the structures generated are available - they should be deposited on a permanent repository with a DOI.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors aimed to elucidate the role of Ctla-4 in maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis by using a novel Ctla-4-deficient zebrafish model. This study addresses the challenge of linking CTLA-4 to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) due to the early lethality of CTLA-4 knockout mice. Four lines of evidence were shown to show that Ctla-4-deficient zebrafish exhibited hallmarks of IBD in mammals:<br /> (1) impaired epithelial integrity and infiltration of inflammatory cells;<br /> (2) enrichment of inflammation-related pathways and the imbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines;<br /> (3) abnormal composition of immune cell populations; and<br /> (4) reduced diversity and altered microbiota composition. By employing various molecular and cellular analyses, the authors established ctla-4-deficient zebrafish as a convincing model of human IBD.


      The characterization of the mutant phenotype is very thorough, from anatomical to histological and molecular levels. The finding effectively established ctla-4 mutants as a novel zebrafish model for investigating human IBD. Evidence from the histopathological and transcriptome analysis was very strong and supported a severe interruption of immune system homeostasis in the zebrafish intestine. Additional characterization using sCtla-4-Ig further probed the molecular mechanism of the inflammatory response and provided a potential treatment plan for targeting Ctla-4 in IBD models.


      Since CTLA-4 is one of the most well-established immune checkpoint molecules, it is not clear whether the ctla-4 mutant zebrafish exhibits inflammatory phenotypes in other tissues than the intestine. Although the evidence for intestinal phenotypes is clear and similar to human IBD, it can be ambiguous whether the mutant is a specific model for IBD, or abnormal immune response in general.

      To probe the molecular mechanism of Ctla-4, the authors used a spectrum of antibodies that target Ctla-4 or its receptors. The phenotype assayed was lymphocyte proliferation, while it was the composition rather than the number of in immune cell number that was observed to be different in the scRNASeq assay. Although sCtla-4 has an effect of alleviating the IBD-like phenotypes, I found this explanation a bit oversimplified.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      In this manuscript, the authors investigate the optical properties of brochosomes produced by leafhoppers. They hypothesize that brochosomes reduce light reflection on the leafhopper's body surface, aiding in predator avoidance. Their hypothesis is supported by experiments involving jumping spiders. Additionally, the authors employ a variety of techniques including micro-UV-Vis spectroscopy, electron microscopy, transcriptome and proteome analysis, and bioassays. This study is highly interesting, and the experimental data is well-organized and logically presented.


      The use of brochosomes as a camouflage coating has been hypothesized since 1936 (R.B. Swain, Entomol. News 47, 264-266, 1936) with evidence demonstrated by similar synthetic brochosome systems in a number of recent studies (S. Yang, et al. Nat. Commun. 8:1285, 2017; L. Wang, et al., PNAS. 121: e2312700121, 2024). However, direct biological evidence or relevant field studies have been lacking to directly support the hypothesis that brochosomes are used for camouflage. This work provides the first biological evidence demonstrating that natural brochosomes can be used as a camouflage coating to reduce the leafhoppers' observability of their predators. The design of the experiments is novel.


      (1) The observation that brochosome coatings become sparse after 25 days in both male and female leafhoppers, resulting in increased predation by jumping spiders, is intriguing. However, since leafhoppers consistently secrete and groom brochosomes, it would be beneficial to explore why brochosomes become significantly less dense after 25 days.

      (2) The authors demonstrate that brochosome coatings reduce UV (specular) reflection compared to surfaces without brochosomes, which can be attributed to the rough geometry of brochosomes as discussed in the literature. However, it would be valuable to investigate whether the proteins forming the brochosomes are also UV absorbing.

      (3) The experiments with jumping spiders show that brochosomes help leafhoppers avoid predators to some extent. It would be beneficial for the authors to elaborate on the exact mechanism behind this camouflage effect. Specifically, why does reduced UV reflection aid in predator avoidance? If predators are sensitive to UV light, how does the reduced UV reflectance specifically contribute to evasion?

      (4) An important reference regarding the moth-eye effect is missing. Please consider including the following paper: Clapham, P. B., and M. C. Hutley. "Reduction of lens reflection by the 'Moth Eye' principle." Nature 244: 281-282 (1973).

      (5) The introduction should be revised to accurately reflect the related contributions in literature. Specifically, the novelty of this work lies in the demonstration of the camouflage effect of brochosomes using jumping spiders, which is verified for the first time in leafhoppers. However, the proposed use of brochosome powder for camouflage was first described by R.B. Swain (R.B. Swain, Notes on the oviposition and life history of the leafhopper Oncometopta undata Fabr. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), Entomol. News. 47: 264-266 (1936)). Recently, the antireflective and potential camouflage functions of brochosomes were further studied by Yang et al. based on synthetic brochosomes and simulated vision techniques (S. Yang, et al. "Ultra-antireflective synthetic brochosomes." Nature Communications 8: 1285 (2017)). Later, Lei et al. demonstrated the antireflective properties of natural brochosomes in 2020 (C.-W. Lei, et al., "Leafhopper wing-inspired broadband omnidirectional antireflective embroidered ball-like structure arrays using a nonlithography-based methodology." Langmuir 36: 5296-5302 (2020)). Very recently, Wang et al. successfully fabricated synthetic brochosomes with precise geometry akin to those natural ones, and further elucidated the antireflective mechanisms based on the brochosome geometry and their role in reducing the observability of leafhoppers to their predators (L. Wang et al. "Geometric design of antireflective leafhopper brochosomes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121: e2312700121 (2024))

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors report that Arabidopsis short HSFs S-HsfA2, S-HsfA4c, and S-HsfB1 confer extreme heat. They have truncated DNA binding domains that bind to a new heat-regulated element. Considering Short HSFA2, the authors have highlighted the molecular mechanism by which S-HSFs prevent HSR hyperactivation via negative regulation of HSP17.6B. The S-HsfA2 protein binds to the DNA binding domain of HsfA2, thus preventing its binding to HSEs, eventually attenuating HsfA2-activated HSP17.6B promoter activity. This report adds insights to our understanding of heat tolerance and plant growth.


      (1) The manuscript represents ample experiments to support the claim.<br /> (2) The manuscript covers a robust number of experiments and provides specific figures and graphs in support of their claim.<br /> (3) The authors have chosen a topic to focus on stress tolerance in a changing environment.


      (1) One s-HsfA2 represents all the other s-Hsfs; S-HsfA4c, and S-HsfB1. s-Hsfs can be functionally different. Regulation may be positive or negative. Maybe the other s-hsfs may positively regulate for height and be suppressed by the activity of other s-hsfs.

      (2) Previous reports on gene regulations by hsfs can highlight the mechanism.

      (3) The Materials and Methods section could be rearranged so that it is based on the correct flow of the procedure performed by the authors.

      (4) Graphical representation could explain the days after sowing data, to provide information regarding plant growth.

      (5) Clear images concerning GFP and RFP data could be used.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, authors have hypothesized that mitochondrial injury in HIE is caused by OXPHOS-uncoupling, which is the cause of secondary energy failure in HI. In addition, therapeutic hypothermia rescues secondary energy failure. The methodologies used are state-of-the art and include PAM technique in live animal , bioenergetic studies in the isolated mitochondria, and others.


      The study is comprehensive and impressive. The article is well written and statistical analyses are appropriate.


      (1) The manuscript does not discuss the limitation of this animal model study in view of the clinical scenario of neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.

      (2) I see many studies on Pubmed on bioenergetics and HI. Hence, it is unclear what is novel and what is known.

      (3) What are the limitations of ex-vivo mitochondrial studies?

      (4) PAM technique limits the resolution of the image beyond 500-750 micron depth. Assessing basal ganglia may not be possible with this approach.

      (5) Hypothermia in present study reduces the brain temperature from 37 to 29-32 degree centigrade. In clinical set up, head temp is reduced to 33-34.5 in neonatal hypoxia ischemia. Hence a drop in temperature to 29 degrees is much lower relative to the clinical practice. How the present study with greater drop in head temperature can be interpreted for understanding the pathophysiology of therapeutic hypothermia in neonatal HIE. Moreover, in HIE model using higher temperature of 37 and dropping to 29 seems to be much different than the clinical scenario. Please discuss.

      (6) NMR was assessed ex-vivo. How does it relate to in vivo assessment. Infants admitted in Neonatal intensive Care Unit, frequently get MRI with spectroscopy. How do the MRS findings in human newborns with HIE correlate with the ex-vivo evaluation of metabolites.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors utilize a new technique to measure mitochondrial respiration from frozen tissue extracts, which goes around the historical problem of purifying mitochondria prior to analysis, a process that requires a fair amount of time and cannot be easily scaled up.


      A comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial respiration across tissues, sexes, and two different ages provides foundational knowledge needed in the field.


      While many of the findings are mostly descriptive, this paper provides a large amount of data for the community and can be used as a reference for further studies. As the authors suggest, this is a new atlas of mitochondrial function in mouse. The inclusion of a middle aged time point and a slightly older young point (3-6 months) would be beneficial to the study.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Bomba-Warczak et al. applied multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry (MIMS) analysis to identify the long-lived proteins in mouse ovaries during reproductive aging, and found some proteins related to cytoskeletal and mitochondrial dynamics persisting for 10 months.


      The manuscript provides a useful dataset about protein turnover during ovarian aging in mice.


      The study is pretty descriptive and short of further new findings based on the dataset. In addition, some results such as the numbers of follicles and ovulated oocytes in aged mice are not consistent with the published literature.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors did not fully address my previous concerns, especially regarding the verification of the identified proteins, and follow-up functional experiments. In addition, it is still unacceptable for me that the number of ovulated oocytes in mice at 6 months of age is only one third of young mice (10 vs 30; Fig. S1E). The most of published literature show that mice at 12 months of age still have ~10 ovulated oocytes. Moreover, based on the follicle counting method used in the present study (Fig. S1D), there are no antral follicles observed in mice at 6 months and 10 months of age, which is not reasonable.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study takes advantage of multiple methodological advances to perform layer-specific staining of cortical neurons and tracking of their axons to identify the pattern of their projections. This publication offers a mesoscale view of the projection patterns of neurons in the whisker primary and secondary somatosensory cortex. The authors report that, consistent with the literature, the pattern of projection is highly different across cortical layers and subtype, with targets being located around the whole brain. This was tested across 6 different mouse types that expressed a marker in layer 2/3, layer 4, layers 5 (3 sub-types) and layer 6.

      Looking more closely to the projections from primary somatosensory cortex into the primary motor cortex, they found that there was a significant spatial clustering of projections from topographically separated neurons across the primary somatosensory cortex. This was true for neurons with cell bodies located across all tested layers/types.


      This study successfully looks at the relevant scale to study projection patterns, which is the whole brain. This is acheived thanks to an ambitious combination of mouse lines, immuno-histochemistry, imaging and image processing, which results in a standardized histological pipeline that processes the whole-brain projection patterns of layer-selected neurons of the primary and secondary somatosensory cortex.<br /> This standardization means that comparisons between cell-types projection patterns are possible and that both the large scale structure of the pattern and the minute details of the intra-areas pattern are available.<br /> This reference dataset and the corresponding analysis code are made available to the research community.


      One major question raised by this dataset is the risk of missing axons during the post-processing step. Following the previous review round, my concerns have been addressed regarding this point.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This study assess the subcellular distribution of a major G protein subunit (Gβ1) when expressed at an endogenous level in a well-studied model cell system (293 cells). The approach elegantly extends a gene editing strategy described by Leonetti's group and combines it with a FRET-based proximity assay to detect the presence of endogenously tagged Gβ1 on membrane compartments of 293 cells. The authors achieve their goal, and the data are convincing and interesting. The authors do a nice job of integrating their results with previous work in the field. The methods are now sufficiently well-described to enable other investigators to apply or adapt them in future studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In the manuscript by Rincon-Torroella et al, the authors evaluated the therapeutic potential of ME3BP-7, a microencapsulated formulation of 3BP which specifically target MCT-1 high tumor cells, in pancreatic cancer models. The authors showed that, compared to 3BP, ME3BP-7 exhibited much enhanced stability in serum. In addition, the authors confirmed the specificity of ME3BP-7 toward MCT-1 high tumor cells and demonstrated the in vivo anti-tumor effect of ME3BP-7 in orthotopic xenograft of human PDAC cell line and PDAC PDX model.


      (1) The study convincingly demonstrated the superior stability of ME3BP-7 in serum.<br /> (2) the specificity of ME3BP-7 and 3BP toward MCT-1 high PDAC cells was clearly demonstrated with CRISPR-mediated knockout experiments.<br /> (3) The advantage of ME3BP-7 over 3BP under in vivo situation is highlighted in the revised manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Utilizing transgene expression of Wnd in sensory neurons in Drosophila, the authors found that Wnd is enriched in axonal terminals. This enrichment could be blocked by preventing palmitoylation or inhibiting Rab1 or Rab11 activity. Indeed, subsequent experiments showed that inhibiting Wnd can prevent toxicity by Rab11 loss of function.


      This paper evaluates in detail Wnd location in sensory neurons, and identifies a novel genetic interaction between Rab11 and Wnd that affects Wnd cellular distribution.


      The authors report low endogenous expression of wnd, and expressing mutant hiw or overexpressing wnd is necessary to see axonal terminal enrichment. It is unclear if this overexpression model (which is known to promote synaptic overgrowth) would be relevant to normal physiology.

      Palmitoylation of the Wnd orthologue DLK in sensory neurons has previously been identified as important for DLK trafficking in a cell culture model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Fargeot et al. investigated the relative importance of genetic and species diversity on ecosystem function and examined whether this relationship varies within or between trophic-level responses. To do so, they conducted a well-designed field survey measuring species diversity at 3 trophic levels (primary producers [trees], primary consumers [macroinvertebrate shredders], and secondary consumers [fishes]), genetic diversity in a dominant species within each of these 3 trophic levels and 7 ecosystem functions across 52 riverine sites in southern France. They show that the effect of genetic and species diversity on ecosystem functions are similar in magnitude, but when examining within-trophic level responses, operate in different directions: genetic diversity having a positive effect and species diversity a negative one. This data adds to growing evidence from manipulated experiments that both species and genetic diversity can impact ecosystem function and builds upon this by showing these effects can be observed in nature.


      The study design has resulted in a robust dataset to ask questions about the relative importance of genetic and species diversity of ecosystem function across and within trophic levels.

      Overall, their data supports their conclusions - at least within the system that they are studying - but as mentioned below, it is unclear from this study how general these conclusions would be.


      (1) While a robust dataset, the authors only show the data output from the SEM (i.e., effect size for each individual diversity type per trophic level (6) on each ecosystem function (7)), instead of showing much of the individual data. Although the summary SEM results are interesting and informative, I find that a weakness of this approach is that it is unclear how environmental factors (which were included but not discussed in the results) nor levels of diversity were correlated across sites. As species and genetic diversity are often correlated but also can have reciprocal feedbacks on each other (e.g., Vellend 2005), there may be constraints that underpin why the authors observed positive effects of one type of diversity (genetic) when negative effects of the other (species). It may have also been informative to run SEM with links between levels of diversity. By focusing only on the summary of SEM data, the authors may be reducing the strength of their field dataset and ability to draw inferences from multiple questions and understand specific study-system responses.

      (2) My understanding of SEM is it gives outputs of the strength/significance of each pathway/relationship and if so, it isn't clear why this wasn't used and instead, confidence intervals of Z scores to determine which individual BEFs were significant. In addition, an inclusion of the 7 SEM pathway outputs would have been useful to include in an appendix.

      (3) I don't fully agree with the authors calling this a meta-analysis as it is this a single study of multiple sites within a single region and a specific time point, and not a collection of multiple studies or ecosystems conducted by multiple authors. Moreso, the authors are using meta-analysis summary metrics to evaluate their data. The authors tend to focus on these patterns as general trends, but as the data is all from this riverine system this study could have benefited from focusing on what was going on in this system to underpin these patterns. I'd argue more data is needed to know whether across sites and ecosystems, species diversity and genetic diversity have opposite effects on ecosystem function within trophic levels.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The focus of this manuscript was to investigate whether Kv1.8 channels, which have previously been suggested to be expressed in type I hair cells of the mammalian vestibular system, are responsible for the potassium conductance gK,L. This is an important study because gK,L is known to be crucial for the function of type I hair cells, but the channel identity has been a matter of debate for the past 20 years. The authors have addressed this research topic by primarily investigating the electrophysiological properties of the vestibular hair cells from Kv1.8 knockout mice. Interestingly, gK,L was completely abolished in Kv1.8-deficient mice, in agreement with the hypothesis put forward by the authors based on the literature. The surprising observation was that in the absence of Kv1.8 potassium channels, the outward potassium current in type II hair cells was also largely reduced. Type II hair cells express the largely inactivating potassium conductance g,K,A, but not gK,L. The authors concluded that heteromultimerization of non-inactivating Kv1.8 and the inactivating Kv1.4 subunits could be responsible for the inactivating gK,A. Overall, the manuscript is very well written and most of the conclusions are supported by the experimental work. The figures are well described, and the statistical analysis is robust.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Vicaro et al. aimed to quantify and characterize mosaic mutations in human sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain samples. They focused on three broad classes of brain cells, neurons that express the marker NeuN, microglia that express the marker PU.1, and double-negative cells that presumably comprise all other brain cell types, including astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, and endothelial cells. The authors find an enrichment of potentially pathogenic somatic mutations in AD microglia compared to controls, with MAPK pathway genes being particularly enriched for somatic mutations in those cells. The authors report a striking enrichment for mutations in the gene CBL and use in vitro functional assays to show that these mutations indeed induce MAPK pathway activation.

      The current state of the AD and somatic mutation fields puts this work into context. First, AD is a devastating disease whose prevalence is only increasing as the population of the U.S. is aging, necessitating the investigation of novel features of AD to identify new therapeutic opportunities. Second, microglia have recently come into focus as important players in AD pathogenesis. Many AD risk genes are selectively expressed in microglia, and microglia from AD brain samples show a distinct transcriptional profile indicating an inflammatory phenotype. The authors' previous work shows that a genetic mouse model of mosaic BRAF activation in macrophages (including microglia) displays a neurodegenerative phenotype similar to AD (Mass et al., 2017, doi:10.1038/nature23672). Third, new technological developments have allowed for identifying mosaic mutations present in only a small fraction of or even single cells. Together, these data form a rationale for studying mosaic mutations in microglia in AD. In light of the authors' findings regarding MAPK pathway gene somatic mutations, it is also important to note that MAPK has previously been implicated in AD neuroinflammation in the literature.


      The study demonstrated several strengths. Firstly, the authors used two methods to identify mosaic mutations: 1) deep (~1,100x) DNA sequencing of a targeted panel of >700 genes they hypothesized might, if mutated somatically, play a role in AD, and 2) deep (400x) whole-exome sequencing (WES) to identify clonal mosaics outside of those genes. A second strength is the agreement between these experiments, where WES found many variants identified in the panel experiment, and both experiments revealed somatic mutations in MAPK pathway genes. Third, the authors demonstrated in several in vitro systems that many mutations they identified in MAPK genes activate MAPK signaling. Finally, the authors showed that in some human brain samples, single-cell gene expression analysis revealed that cells bearing a mosaic MAPK pathway mutation displayed dysregulated inflammatory signaling and dysregulation in other pathways. This single-cell analysis was in agreement with their in vitro analyses.


      The study also showed some weaknesses. The sample size (45 AD donors and 44 controls) is small, reflected in the relatively modest effect sizes and p-values observed. This weakness is partially ameliorated by the authors' extensive molecular and functional validation of mutation candidates. Secondly, as the authors point out, this study cannot conclude whether microglial mosaic mutations cause AD or are an effect of AD. Future studies may shed more light on this important question.

      Conclusions and Impact:

      Considering the study's aims, strengths, and weaknesses, I conclude that the authors achieved their goal of characterizing the role of mosaic mutations in human AD. Their data strongly suggest that mosaic MAPK mutations in microglia are associated with AD. The impacts of this study remain to be seen, but they could include attempts to target CBL or other mutated genes in the treatment of AD. This work also suggests a similar approach to identifying potentially causative somatic mutations in other neurodegenerative diseases.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript examines how humans walk over uneven terrain and use vision to decide where to step. There is a huge lack of evidence about this because the vast majority of locomotion studies have focused on steady, well-controlled conditions, and not on decisions made in the real world. The author team has already made great advances in this topic by pioneering gaze recordings during locomotion, but there has been no practical way to map the gaze targets, specifically the 3D terrain features in naturalistic environments. The team has now developed a way to integrate such measurements along with gaze and step tracking. This allows quantitative evaluation of the proposed trade-offs between stepping vertically onto vs. stepping around obstacles, along with how far people look to decide where to step. The team also introduces several new analysis techniques to accompany these measurements. They use machine learning techniques to examine whether retinocentric depth helps predict footholds and develop simulations to assess possible alternative footholds and walking paths. The technical achievement is impressive.

      This study addresses several real-world questions not normally examined in the laboratory. First, do humans elect to walk around steeper footholds rather than over them? Second, is there a quantifiable benefit to walking around, such as allowing for a flatter path? Third, does visual depth of terrain contribute to selection of footholds? Fourth, are there scale effects, where for example a tall adult can easily walk over an obstacle that a toddler must walk around. One might superficially answer yes to all of these questions, but it is highly nontrival to answer them quantitatively. As for the conclusions, my feelings are mixed. I find strengths in answers to two of the questions, and weaknesses in the other two.


      I consider the evidence strongest for the first of the main questions. The results show subjects walking with more laterally deviating paths, measured by a quantity called "tortuosity," when the direct straight-ahead paths appear to have steeper ups and downs (Fig. 9). The measure of straight-ahead steepness is fairly complicated (discussed below), but is shown to be well correlated with tortuosity, effectively predicting when subjects will not walk straight ahead.

      There is also good evidence for the third question, showing that retinocentric depth is predictive of chosen footholds. Retinocentric depth was computed by a series of steps, starting with scene capture to determine a 3D terrain mesh, projecting that mesh into the eye's perspective, and then discarding all but the depth information. This highly involved process is only the beginning, because the depth was then used to train a neural network classifier with chosen footholds. That network was found to predict footholds better than chance, using a test set independent from the training set, each using half the recorded data. The results are strong and are best interpreted along with a previous study (Bonnen et al. 2021) showing that subjects gaze nearer ahead on rougher terrain, and slightly more so when binocular vision was disrupted. Depth information seems important for foothold selection.

      As an aside, humans presumably also select footholds and estimate depth from a number of monocular visual cues, such as shading, shadows, color, and self-motion information. Interestingly, the terrain mesh and depth data here were computed from monocular images, suggesting that monocular vision can in principle be predictive of both depth and footholds. Binocular human vision presumably improves on monocular depth estimation, and so it would be interesting to see whether binocular scene cameras would predict footholds better. In an earlier review, I had suggested other avenues for exploration, but these are not weaknesses so much as opportunities not yet taken. I believe much could be learned from deeper analysis of the neural network, and future experiments using variations of this technique.

      There is much to be appreciated about this study. I was impressed by the overarching outlook and ambitiousness of the team. They seek to understand human decision-making in real-world locomotion tasks, a topic of obvious relevance to the human condition but not often examined in research. The field has been biased toward well-controlled, laboratory studies, which have undeniable scientific advantages but are also quite different from the real world. The present study discards all of the usual advantages of the laboratory, yet still finds a way to explore real-world behaviors in a quantitative manner. It is an exciting and forward-thinking approach, used to tackle an ecologically relevant question.

      I also appreciate the numerous technical challenges of this study. The state of the art in real-world locomotion studies has largely been limited to kinematic motion capture. This team managed to collect and analyze an unprecedented, one-of-a-kind dataset. They applied a number of non-trivial methods to assess retinocentric depth, simulate would-be walking paths and steepness, and predict footholds from neural network. Any of these could and probably will merit individual papers, and to assemble them all at once is quite beyond other studies I am aware of. I hope this study will spur more inquiries of this type, leveraging mobile electronics and modern machine learning techniques to answer questions that were previously only addressable qualitatively.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although I am highly enthusiastic about this study, I was not entirely convinced by the evidence for the second and fourth questions. Some of this is because I was confused by aspects of the analysis, limiting my understanding of the evidence. But I also question some of the basic conclusions, whether the authors indeed proved that (from Abstract, emphasis mine) "[walkers] change direction TO AVOID taking steeper steps that involve large height changes, instead of [sic] choosing more circuitous, RELATIVELY FLAT paths." (I interpret the "of" as a typo that should have been omitted.) I think it is more objective to say, "walkers changed direction more when straight-ahead paths seemed to have steeper height changes."

      I say "seemed" because it is unknown whether humans would have experienced greater height changes if they walked straight ahead (the second main question). The comparison shown is between human tortuous paths taken and simulated straight-ahead paths never experienced by human. Ignoring questions about the simulations for now (discussed below), it is not an apples-to-apples comparison, say between the tortuous paths humans preferred and straight-ahead paths they didn't. The authors determined a measure of steepness, "straight path slope" (Fig. 9), that predicts when humans circuitously, but that is the same as the steepness that humans would actually experience if they had walked straight ahead. That could have been measured with an appropriate control condition, for example asking subjects to walk as straight ahead as they can manage. That also would have eliminated the need for simulations, because the slope of each step actually taken could simply have been measured and compared between conditions. Instead, two different kinds of simulations are compared, where steeper paths are fully simulated, and the circuitous paths are partially simulated but partially based on data. It seems that every fifth circuitous step coincides with a human foothold, but the intervening ones are somewhat random. I don't find this especially strong evidence that the chosen paths were indeed relatively flatter. I would prefer to be convinced by hard data than by unequal simulations.

      I also have trouble accepting "TO AVOID" because it implies a degree of intent not evident in the data. I suppose conscious intent could be assessed subjectively by questionnaire, but I don't know how unconscious intent could be tested objectively. I believe my suggested interpretation above is better supported by evidence.

      My limited acceptance is due in part to confusion about the simulations. I was especially confused about the connection between feasible steps drawn from the distribution in Figure 7, and the histograms of Figure 8. The feasible steps have clear peaks near zero slope, unity step length, and zero step direction (let's call them Flat). If 5-step simulations of Figure 8 draw from that distribution, why is there zero probability for the 0-3 deg bin (which is within {plus minus}3 deg due to absolute values)? It seems to me that Flat steps were eminently available, so why were they completely avoided? It seems that the simulations were probabilistic (and not just figurative) random walks, which implies they should have had about the same mean as Figure 7 but a wider variance, and then passed through absolute value. They look like something else that I cannot understand. This is important because the RELATIVELY FLAT conclusion is based on the chosen walks apparently being skewed flatter than random simulated walks. I have trouble accepting those distributions because Flat steps were unaccountably never taken by either simulation or human. (This issue is less concerning for Figure 9, because one can accept that some simulation measure is predictive of tortuosity even if the measure is hard to understand.)

      I was also confused why Figure 7 distances and directions are nearly normally distributed and not more uniform. The methods only mention constraints to eliminate steps, which to me suggests a truncated uniform distribution. It is not clear to me why the terrain should have a high peak at unity step length, which implies that the only feasible footholds were almost exclusively straight ahead and one step length away. It is possible that the "feasible" footholds are themselves drawn from a "likely" normal distribution, perhaps based on level walking data. It could be argued that simulated steps should be performed by drawing from typical step distributions for level ground, eliminating non-viable footholds, and then repeating that across multiple steps. That would explain the normality, but it is not stated in the Methods, and even if they were "feasible and likely" it would not explain the distributions of Figure 8.

      I had some misgivings about the fourth question, where Figure 10 suggests that shorter subjects had greater correlation between straight-path slope and tortuosity than taller ones, who tended to walk straighter ahead. I agree with the authors' rebuttal to my previous review that "the data are the data" but I still have doubts. Now supplied as suggested by another reviewer, Figure 18 provides more detail of the underlying data, with considerably lower correlations. I now suspect that Figure 10 benefits from some statistical artifacts due to binning and other operations, and the weaker correlations of Fig. 18A are closer to reality. I am rather suspicious of correlations of correlations (Figure 18B), which lose some statistical grounding because the second correlation treats all data on equal footing, effectively whitewashing the first correlations of their varying significance (p-values 0.008 to 1e-9).

      Furthermore, I am also unsure about Figure 10's comparison of tortuosity vs. straight path slope against leg length. Both tortuosity and straight path slope are already effectively dimensionless and therefore already seem to eliminate scale. It is my understanding that the simulated paths were recomputed for each subject's parameters, and the horizontal axis, slope, is already an angular measure that should affect short and tall people similarly. Shouldn't all subjects equally avoid steep angles, regardless of their dimensional height? If there is indeed a scale effect, then I would expect it to be demonstrated with a dimensional measure (vertical axis) that depends on leg length.

      I certainly agree with the hypothetical prior that tall adults walk straight over obstacles that shorter adults (or children) walk around. But I feel that simpler tests would better evidence, perhaps in future work. Did shorter subjects walk with greater tortuosity than taller ones on the same terrain? Did shorter subjects take relatively more steps even after normalizing for leg length? A possible comparison would be (number of steps)*(leg length)/(start to end distance). I feel that the evidence from this study is not that strong.

      Although it is a strength of this study that so much can be learned from pure observation, that does not mean controlled conditions are not scientifically helpful. As mentioned earlier, a helpful control could have been to ask subjects to walk straighter but less preferred paths on the same terrain, treating human paths as an independent variable. Another would be to treat terrain as an independent variable, by using level ground and intermediate terrain conditions. This would make it easier to test whether taller subjects walk straighter ahead on more uneven terrain than shorter subjects. Indeed, the data set already includes some patches of flatter terrain, not included here. Additional and simpler tests might be possible based on existing data.


      This is an ambitious undertaking, presenting a wealth of unprecedented data to quantitatively test basic ecological questions that have long been unanswered. There are a number of considerable strengths that merit appreciation, especially the ability to quantitatively predict when humans will walk more circuitously. The weaknesses are about limitations in the conclusions that can be drawn thus far rather than the correctness of the study. I consider this to be a first step that will hopefully enable and inspire a long line of future work that will address these questions more in depth.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors had two aims in this study. First, to develop a tool that lets them quantify the synaptic strength and sign of upstream neurons in a large network of cultured neurons. Second, they aimed at disentangling the contributions of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to spike generation.

      For the quantification of synaptic currents, their methods allows them to quantify excitatory and inhibitory currents simultaneously, as the sign of the current is determined by the neuron identity in the high-density extracellular recording. They further made sure that their method works for nonstationary firing rates, and they did a simulation to characterize what kind of connections their analysis does not capture. They assume that dendritic integration is linear, which is reasonable for synaptic currents measured using voltage-clamp.

      As suggested in a previous review, they have partitioned the explained variance into frequency bands and are able to account for most of the variance in the 3-200Hz range of expected synaptic activity.

      For the contributions of excitation and inhibition to neuronal spiking, the authors found a clear reduction of inhibitory inputs and increase of excitation associated with spiking when averaging across many spikes. And interestingly, the inhibition shows a reversal right after a spike and the timescale is faster during higher network activity. These findings provide further support that their method is working. In the revised version the authors now also provide an analysis of which synaptic event is associated with postsynaptic spiking. The large datasets from this study are well-suited to examining these points.

      For the first part, the authors achieved their goal in developing a tool to study synaptic inputs driving subthreshold activity at the soma and characterizing such connections. For the second part, they found an effect of EPSCs on firing, and in the revision they have quantified its relevance.

      With the availability of Neuropixels probes, there is certainly use for their tool in in vivo applications, and their statistical analysis provides a reference for future studies.<br /> The relevance of excitatory and inhibitory currents on spiking has now been examined in the updated version of the manuscript.

      In the following, there is a suggestion on improving Figure 6. Many other suggestions for Fig 6 and 7 have been taken up in the revision and it is OK to consider this as future work:

      Figure 6B is useful, but could be done better: The autocovariance of a shotnoise process is a convolution of the autocovariance of the underlying point process and the autocovariance of the EPSC kernel. So one would want to separate those to obtain a better temporal resolution. But a shotnoise process has well defined peaks, and the time of these local maxima can be estimated quite precisely. Now if I would do a peak triggered average instead of the full convolution, I would do half of the deconvolution and obtain a temporally asymmetric curve of what is expected to happen around an EPSC. Importantly, one could directly see expected excitation after inhibition or expected inhibition after excitation, and this visualization could be much better and more intuitive compared to panel 6E.

      As a suggestion for further analysis, though I am well aware that this is likely beyond the scope of this manuscript, I'd suggest the following analysis:<br /> I would split the data into the high and low activity states. Then I would compute the average of E/(E+I) values for spikes. Assuming that spikes tend to happen for local maxima of E/(E+I) I would find local maxima for periods without spikes such that their average is equal to the value for actual spikes. Finally, I would test for a systematic difference in either excitation or inhibition.<br /> If there is no difference, you can make the claim that synaptic input does not guarantee a spike, and compare it to a global average of E/(E+I).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The study presents valuable findings on self-citation rates in the field of Neuroscience, shedding light on potential strategic manipulation of citation metrics by first authors, regional variations in citation practices across continents, gender differences in early-career self-citation rates, and the influence of research specialization on self-citation rates in different subfields of Neuroscience. While some of the evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, some of the analysis seems incomplete and would benefit from more rigorous approaches.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Berrocal et al. asks if shared bursting kinetics, as observed for various developmental genes in animals, hint towards a shared molecular mechanism or result from natural selection favoring such a strategy. Transcription happens in bursts. While transcriptional output can be modulated by altering various properties of bursting, certain strategies are observed more widely. As the authors noted, recent experimental studies have found that even-skipped enhancers control transcriptional output by changing burst frequency and amplitude while burst duration remains largely constant. The authors compared the kinetics of transcriptional bursting between endogenous and ectopic gene expression patterns. It is argued that since enhancers act under different regulatory inputs in ectopically expressed genes, adaptation would lead to diverse bursting strategies as compared to endogenous gene expression patterns. To achieve this goal, the authors generated ectopic even-skipped transcription patterns in fruit fly embryos. The key finding is that bursting strategies are similar in endogenous and ectopic even-skipped expression. According to the authors, the findings favor the presence of a unified molecular mechanism shaping even-skipped bursting strategies. This is an important piece of work. Everything has been carried out in a systematic fashion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The paper by Giese and coworkers is quite an intense reading. The manuscript is packed with data pertaining to very different aspects of MET apparatus function, scales, and events. I have to praise the team that combined molecular genetics, biochemistry, NMR, microscopy, functional physiology, in-vivo tests for vestibulo-ocular reflexes, and other tests for vestibular dysfunction with molecular modeling and simulations. The authors nicely show the way CIBs are associated with TMCs to form functional MET channels. The authors clarify the specificity of associations and elucidate the functional effects of the absence of specific CIBs and their partial redundancy.

      Comments on revised version:

      I appreciate the author's effort to address my comments. The revised paper 'Complexes of vertebrate TMC1/2 and CIB2/3 proteins 1 form hair-cell mechanotransduction cation channels' by Giese and coworkers is definitely cleaner but remains a compendium of related but very uneven parts. By saying 'uneven,' I mean that the grounding of the experimental and computational parts is different, and the firmness of conclusions, respectively, is not matched.

      My conclusion is that this is a great collaborative project. However, in its present form, different components pull the emphasis in several directions with little cross-talk. It is worth splitting into two papers.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Marylin Alves de Almeida et al. developed a novel mouse cross via conditionally depleting functional SMN protein in the liver (AlbCre/+;Smn2B/F7). This mouse model retains a proportion of SMN in the liver, which better recapitulates SMN deficiency observed in SMA patients and allows further investigation into liver-specific SMN deficiency and its systemic impact. They show that AlbCre/+;Smn2B/F7 mice do not develop an apparent SMA phenotype as mice did not develop motor neuron death, neuromuscular pathology or muscle atrophy, which is observed in the Smn2B/- controls. Nonetheless, at P19, these mice develop mild liver steatosis, and interestingly, this conditional depletion of SMN in the liver impacts cells in the pancreas.


      The current model has clearly delineated the apparent metabolic perturbations which involve a significantly increased lipid accumulation in the liver and pancreatic cell defects in AlbCre/+;Smn2B/F7 mice at P19. Standard methods like H&E and Oil Red-O staining show that in AlbCre/+;Smn2B/F7 mice, their livers closely mimic the livers of Smn2B/- mice, which have the full body knockout of SMN protein. Unlike previous work, this liver-specific conditional depletion of SMN is superior in that it is not lethal to the mouse, which allows an opportunity to investigate the long-term effects of liver-specific SMN on the pathology of SMA.

      Weaknesses: Given that SMA often involves fatty liver, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, using the current mouse model, the authors could have explored the long-term effects of liver-specific depletion of SMN on metabolic phenotypes beyond P19, as well as systemic effects like glucose homeostasis. Given that the authors also report pancreatic cell defects, the long-term effect on insulin secretion and resistance could be further explored. The mechanistic link between a liver-specific SMN depletion and apparent pancreatic cell defects is also unclear.


      This current work explores a novel mouse cross in order to specifically deplete liver SMN using an Albumin-Cre driver line. This provides insight into the contribution of liver-specific SMN protein to the pathology of SMA, which is relevant for understanding metabolic perturbations in SMA patients. Nonetheless, given that SMA in patients involve a systemic deletion or mutation of the SMN gene, the authors could emphasize the utility of this liver-specific mouse model, as opposed to using in vitro models, which have been recently reported (Leow et al, 2024, JCI). Authors should also discuss why a mild metabolic phenotype is observed in this current mouse model, as opposed to other SMA mouse models described in literature.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, Lamba and colleagues suggest a molecular mechanism to explain cell heterogeneity in cell specification during pre-implantation development. They show that embryo polarization is asynchronous. They propose that reduced CARM1 activity and upregulation of its substrate BAF155 promote early polarization and trophectoderm specification.


      The authors use appropriate and validated methodology to address their scientific questions. They also report excellent live imaging. Most of the data are accompanied by careful quantifications.


      I think this manuscript requires some more quantification, increased number of embryos in their evaluations and clearly stating the number of embryos evaluated per experiments.

      Here are some points:

      (1) It should be clearly stated in all figure legends and in the text how many cells from how many embryos were analyzed.

      (2) I think that the number of embryos sometimes are too low. These are mouse embryos easily accessible and the methods used are well established in this lab, so the authors should make an effort to have at least 10/15 embryos per experiment. For example "In agreement with this, hybridization chain reaction (HCR) RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization of early 8-cell stage embryos revealed that the number of CDX2 mRNA puncta was higher in polarized blastomeres with a PARD6-positive apical domain than in unpolarized blastomeres, for 5 out of 6 embryos with EP cells (Figure 3A, B)".. or the data for Figure 4, we know how many cells but now how many embryos.

      (3) It would be useful to see in Figure 4 an example of asymmetric cell division as done for symmetric cell division in panel 4B. This could really help the reader to understand how the authors assessed this.

      (4) Figure 5C there is a big disproportion of the number of EP and LP identified. Could the authors increase the number of embryos quantified and see if they can increase EP numbers?

      (5) Could the authors give more details about how they mount the embryos for live imaging? With agarose or another technique? In which dishes? Overlaid with how much medium and oil? This could help other labs that want to replicate the live imaging in their labs. Also, was it a z-stack analysis? If yes, how many um per stack? Ideally, if they also know the laser power used (at least a range) it would be extremely useful.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The paper by Zhang et al. has two parts.

      The first one presents a comprehensive study of the nucleosome pKs, including their shifts from reference values in solution. They also explore changes in the protonation states of the histone residue in response to the formation of various nucleosome complexes, including higher-order nucleosome structures. The overall conclusion is that pH-induced changes in histone residue protonation states modulate nucleosome surface electrostatic potentials, and influence nucleosome-partner protein interactions. Proton uptake or release often accompanied by nucleosome-partner protein interactions affects their binding processes.

      In the second part, the authors study the effect of 1266 recurrent histone cancer mutations on the nucleosome surface electrostatics: they show a significant subset of these has a major effect on the nucleosome-partner interactions, with the potential to regulate nucleosome self-association, thereby affecting higher-order chromatin structures.


      The main strengths of this work are its technical rigor, comprehensive nature, and novelty of several of its aspects. For example, I am not aware of another work that analyzed pK shifts in the nucleosome in such level of detail, and on for so many different structures. The same for pK shifts upon nucleosome-partner binding. The analysis of pK shifts in nucleosome-nucleosome binding is likely completely new. The authors use an established methodology, check it against experiment at least in some instances, and, very importantly, base their conclusions on many different structures. The specific pK-related numbers they report are believable.

      Regarding the second part of the work: the specific connection made between a subset of cancer-associated mutations and the major electrostatic changes in the nucleosome is novel and should be of interest to a broad community. The authors conclude that cancer mutations can also regulate nucleosome self-association, modulating the organization and dynamics of higher-order chromatin structures.

      The detailed and comprehensive analysis of the cancer-associated mutations, including their partitioning into multiple relevant categories, is of value in its own right.


      The main weakness of the first (pK-related) part of this work is the lack of relevance to specific conditions in most living cells of higher eukaryotes. The problem is that the nucleosome resides in the nucleus, where the pH is very tightly controlled, and for good reasons. See e.g. Casey, J., Grinstein, S., and Orlowski, J. ``Sensors and regulators of intracellular pH." Nature Rev. Mol. Cell. Biology. (2009). Parker, M. D., and Boron, W. F. ``The divergence, actions, roles, and relatives of sodium-coupled bicarbonate transporters.", Physiol. Rev. (2013). While intracellular pH does deviate from about 7.2, the naturally occurring deviations are only of the order of 0.3 pH units. In that respect, what the authors call "physiological" range of 6.5 to 7.5 is still too broad, let alone the "slightly basic (pH 5 to 6.5) or ``slightly acidic" (pH 7.5 to 9) conditions, as defined by the authors. It is hard to imagine a situation where intra-nuclear pH changes from e.g. "slightly acidic" to neutral in a live cell nucleus.

      This said, there is nothing wrong with studying the response of the nucleosome structures to these large variations of pH, which can be reproduced in-vitro. It is the relevance of the findings to in-vivo conditions that are highly questionable.

      The second part of the work - the effect of cancer mutations - is free from this major defect. In the opinion of this reviewer, it can (and should) stand on its feet, as a separate work.

      However, the lack of specific, testable (preferably quantitative) biologically relevant predictions is a weakness of both parts. For example, in "Discussion" the authors state that "Histone ionizable residues are highly sensitive to cellular pH fluctuations, leading to changes in their protonation states and consequent alterations in nucleosome surface electrostatic potentials and interactions." This statement is certainly true, based on what is already known about the effect of pH on protein-DNA (or protein-protein) association, from previous works. But what are the specific predictions here?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with a wide spectrum of genetic and age-related diseases. Healthy mitochondria form a dynamic reticular network and constantly fuse, divide, and move. In contrast, dysfunctional mitochondria have altered dynamic properties resulting in fragmentation of the network and more static mitochondria. It has recently been reported that different types of mitochondrial stress or dysfunction activate kinases that control the integrated stress response, including HRI, PERK, and GCN2. Kinase activity results in decreased global translation and increased transcription of stress response genes via ATF4, including genes that encode mitochondrial protein chaperones and proteases (HSP70 and LON). In addition, the ISR kinases regulate other mitochondrial functions including mitochondrial morphology, phospholipid composition, inner membrane organization, and respiratory chain activity. Increased mitochondrial connectivity may be a protective mechanism that could be initiated by pharmacological activation of ISR kinases, as was recently demonstrated for GCN2.

      A small molecule screening platform was used to identify nucleoside mimetic compounds that activate HRI. These compounds promote mitochondrial elongation and protect against acute mitochondrial fragmentation induced by a calcium ionophore. Mitochondrial connectivity is also increased in patient cells with a dominant mutation in MFN2 by treatment with the compounds.


      (1) The screen leverages a well-characterized reporter of the ISR: translation of ATF4-FLuc is activated in response to ER stress or mitochondrial stress. Nucleoside mimetic compounds were screened for activation of the reporter, which resulted in the identification of nine hits. The two most efficacious dose-response tests were chosen for further analysis (0357 and 3610). The authors clearly state that the compounds have low potency. These compounds were specific to the ISR and did not activate the unfolded protein response or the heat shock response. Kinases activated in the ISR were systematically depleted by CRISPRi revealing that the compounds activate HRI.

      (2) The status of the mitochondrial network was assessed with an Imaris analysis pipeline and attributes such as length, sphericity, and ellipsoid principal axis length were quantified. The characteristics of the mitochondrial network in cells treated with the compounds were consistent with increased connectivity. Rigorous controls were included. These changes were attenuated with pharmacological inhibition of the ISR.

      (3) Treatment of cells with the calcium ionophore results in rapid mitochondrial fragmentation. This was diminished by pre-treatment with 0357 or 3610 and control treatment with thapsigargin and halofuginone

      (4) Pathogenic mutations in MFN2 result in the neurodegenerative disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome Type 2A (CMT2A). Patient cells that express Mfn2-D414V possess fragmented mitochondrial networks and treatment with 0357 or 3610 increased mitochondrial connectivity in these cells.


      The weakness is the limited analysis of cellular changes following treatment with the compounds.

      (1) Unclear how 0357 or 3610 alter other aspects of cellular physiology. While this would be satisfying to know, it may be that the authors determined that broad, unbiased experiments such as RNAseq or proteomic analysis are not justified due to the limited translational potential of these specific compounds.

      (2) There are many changes in Mfn2-D414V patient cells including reduced respiratory capacity, reduced mtDNA copy number, and fewer mitochondrial-ER contact sites. These experiments are relatively narrow in scope and quantifying more than mitochondrial structure would reveal if the compounds improve mitochondrial function, as is predicted by their model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This work by Dong and colleagues investigates the directed migration of tracheal stem cells in Drosophila pupae, essential for tissue homeostasis. These cells, found in two nearby groups, migrate unidirectionally along the dorsal trunk towards the posterior to replenish degenerating branches that disperse the FGF mitogen. The authors show that inter-organ communication between tracheal stem cells and the neighboring fat body controls this directionality. They propose that the fat body-derived cytokine Upd2 induces JAK/STAT signaling in tracheal progenitors, maintaining their directional migration. Disruption of Upd2 production or JAK/STAT signaling results in erratic, bidirectional migration. Additionally, JAK/STAT signaling promotes the expression of planar cell polarity genes, leading to asymmetric localization of Fat in progenitor cells. The study also indicates that Upd2 transport depends on Rab5- and Rab7-mediated endocytic sorting and Lbm-dependent vesicle trafficking. This research addresses inter-organ communication and vesicular transport in the disciplined migration of tracheal progenitors.


      This manuscript presents extensive and varied experimental data to show a link between Upd2-JAK/STAT signaling and tracheal progenitor cell migration. The authors provide convincing evidence that the fat body, located near the trachea, secretes vesicles containing the Upd2 cytokine. These vesicles reach tracheal progenitors and activate the JAK-STAT pathway, which is necessary for their polarized migration. Using ChIP-seq, GFP-protein trap lines of planar cell polarity genes, and RNAi experiments, the authors demonstrate that STAT92E likely regulates the transcription of planar cell polarity genes and some apicobasal cell polarity genes in tracheal stem cells, which seem to be necessary for unidirectional migration.


      Directional migration of tracheal progenitors is only partially compromised, with some cells migrating anteriorly and others maintaining their posterior migration.<br /> Additionally, the authors do not examine the potential phenotypic consequences of this defective migration.

      It is not clear whether the number of tracheal progenitors remains unchanged in the different genetic conditions. If there are more cells, this could affect their localization rather than migration and may change the proposed interpretation of the data.

      Upd2 transport by vesicles is not convincingly shown.

      Data presentation is confusing and incomplete.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript presents a new approach for non-invasive, MRI-based measurements of cerebral blood volume (CBV). Here, the authors use ferumoxytol, a high-contrast agent, and apply specific sequences to infer CBV. The authors then move to statistically compare measured regional CBV with the known distribution of different types of neurons, markers of metabolic load, and others. While the presented methodology captures an estimated 30% of the vasculature, the authors corroborated previous findings regarding the lack of vascular compartmentalization around functional neuronal units in the primary visual cortex.


      Non-invasive methodology geared to map vascular properties in vivo.

      Implementation of a highly sensitive approach for measuring blood volume.

      Ability to map vascular structural and functional vascular metrics to other types of published data.


      The key issue here is the underlying assumption about the appropriate spatial sampling frequency needed to capture the architecture of the brain vasculature. Namely, ~7 penetrating vessels / mm2 as derived from Weber et al 2008 (Cer Cor). The cited work begins by characterizing the spacing of penetrating arteries and ascending veins using a vascular cast of 7 monkeys (Macaca mulatta, same as in the current paper). The ~7 penetrating vessels / mm2 are computed by dividing the total number of identified vessels by the area imaged. The problem here is that all measurements were made in a "non-volumetric" manner and only in V1. Extrapolating from here to the entire brain seems like an over-assumption, particularly given the region-dependent heterogeneity that the current paper reports.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study by Sánchez-León and colleagues, the authors attempted to determine the influence of neuronal orientation on the efficacy of cerebellar tDCS in modulating neural activity. To do this, the authors made recordings from Purkinje cells, the primary output neurons of the cerebellar cortex, and determined the inter-dependency between the orientation of these cells and the changes in their firing rate during cerebellar tDCS application.


      (1) A major strength is the in vivo nature of this study. Being able to simultaneously record neural activity and apply exogenous electrical current to the brain during both an anesthetized state and during wakefulness in these animals provides important insight into the physiological underpinnings of tDCS.

      (2) The authors provide evidence that tDCS can modulate neural activity in multiple cell types. For example, there is a similar pattern of modulation in Purkinje cells and non-Purkinje cells (excitatory and inhibitory interneurons). Together, these data provide wholistic insight into how tDCS can affect activity across different populations of cells, which has important implications for basic neuroscience, but also clinical populations where there may be non-uniform or staged effects of neurological disease on these various cell types.

      (3) There is a systematic investigation into the effects of tDCS on neural activity across multiple regions of the cerebellum. The authors demonstrate that the pattern of modulation is dependent on the target region. These findings have important implications for determining the expected neuromodulatory effects of tDCS when applying this technique over different target regions non-invasively in animals and humans.


      (1) In the introduction, there is a lack of context regarding why neuronal orientation might be a critical factor influencing the responsiveness to tDCS. The authors allude to in vitro studies that have shown neuronal orientation to be relevant for the effects of tDCS on neural activity but do not expand on why this might be the case. These points could be better understood by informing the reader about the uniformity/non-uniformity of the induced electric field by tDCS. In addition, there is a lack of an a priori hypothesis. For example, would the authors have expected that neuronal orientation parallel or perpendicular to the electrical field to be related to the effects of tDCS on neural activity?

      (2) It is unclear how specific stimulation parameters were determined. First, how were the tDCS intensities used in the present experiments determined/selected, and how does the relative strength of this induced electric field equate to the intensities used non-invasively during tDCS experiments in humans? Second, there is also a fundamental difference in the pattern of application used here (e.g., 15 s pulses separated by 10 s of no stimulation) compared to human studies (e.g., 10-20 min of constant stimulation).

      (3) In their first experiment, the authors measure the electric field strength at increasing depths during increasing stimulation intensities. However, it appears that an alternating current rather than a direct current, which is usually employed in tDCS protocols, was used. There is a lack of rationale regarding why the alternating current was used for this component. Typically, this technique is more commonly used for entraining/boosting neural oscillations compared to studies using tDCS which aim to increase or decrease neural activity in general.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors aimed to investigate how noradrenergic and glucocorticoid activity after retrieval influence subsequent memory recall with a 24-hour interval, by using a controlled three-day fMRI study involving pharmacological manipulation. They found that noradrenergic activity after retrieval selectively impairs subsequent memory recall, depending on hippocampal and cortical reactivation during retrieval.

      Overall, there are several significant strengths of this well-written manuscript.


      (1) The study is methodologically rigorous, employing a well-structured three-day experimental design that includes fMRI imaging, pharmacological interventions, and controlled memory tests.

      (2) The use of pharmacological agents (i.e., hydrocortisone and yohimbine) to manipulate glucocorticoid and noradrenergic activity is a significant strength.

      (3) The clear distinction between online and offline neural reactivation using MVPA and RSA approaches provides valuable insights into how memory dynamics are influenced by noradrenergic and glucocorticoid activity distinctly.


      (1) One potential limitation is the reliance on distinct pharmacodynamics of hydrocortisone and yohimbine, which may complicate the interpretation of the results.

      (2) Another point related above, individual differences in pharmacological responses, physiological and cortisol measures may contribute to memory recall on Day 3.

      (3) Median-splitting approach for reaction times and hippocampal activity should better be justified.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Feddersen & Bramkamp determined important characteristics of how MinD protein binds/dissociates to/from the membrane, and dimerizes in relation to its ATPase activity. The presented data clearly shows the differences in function of MinD homologs from B. subtilis and E. coli.


      The work presents well-executed experiments that lead to interesting conclusions and a new model of how Min system works during B. subtilis mid-cell division. Importantly, this model is supported by in vitro characterization of well-chosen mutants in the functional domains of MinD. Outstandingly, most of the in vitro data are confirmed by single-molecule localization microscopy.


      The authors immobilized liposomes, for which they used E. coli total lipids, to measure ATPase activity and liposome association and dissociation of B. subtilis MinD. For these experiments would be more suitable to use B. subtilis total lipids as more biologically relevant data could be gained.

      Although the work is in detail and nicely compares the function of B. subtilis Min system with E. coli Min system, it lacks the comparison of the Min system function in other rod-shaped Gram-positive bacteria. I would suggest including in the Discussion the complexity of other Min systems. Especially, this complexity is seen in other rod-shaped and spore formers such as Clostridial species in which one of these Min systems or both are present, an oscillating E. coli Min system type and more static as in B. subtilis.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper evaluates the effect of COVID-19 booster vaccination on reinfection in Shanghai, China among individuals who received primary COVID-19 vaccination followed by initial infection, during an Omicron wave.


      A large database is collated from electronic vaccination and infection records. Nearly 200,000 individuals are included in the analysis and 24% became reinfected.


      The authors have revised the manuscript and have provided satisfactory responses to my prior comments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript reports analyses of fMRI data from infants and toddlers watching naturalistic movies. Visual areas in the infant brain show distinct functions, consistent with previous studies using resting state and awake task-based infant fMRI. The pattern of activity in visual regions contains some features predicted by the regions' retinotopic responses. The revised version of the manuscript provides additional validation of the methodology and clarifies the claims. As a result, the data provide clear support for the claims.


      The authors have collected a unique dataset: the same individual infants both watched naturalistic animations and a specific retinotopy task. Using these data positions the authors show that activity evoked by movies, in infants' visual areas, is correlated with the regions' retinopic response. The revised manuscript validates this methodology, using adult data. The revised manuscript also shows that an infant's movie-watching data is not sufficient or optimal to predict their visual areas' retinotopic responses; anatomical alignment with a group of previous participants provides more accurate prediction of a new participant's retinotopic response.


      A key step in the analysis of the movie-watching data is the selection of independent components of the movie evoked response, by a trained researcher, that resemble retinotopic spatial patterns. While the researcher is unlikely to be biased by this infant's own retinotopy , as the authors argue, the researcher is actively looking for ICs that resemble average patterns of retinotopic response. So, how likely is it that ICs that resemble retinotopic organization arise by chance (i.e. in noise) in infant fMRI data? I do not see an analysis that addresses this question. With apologies if I missed it.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The metastasis poses a significant challenge in cancer treatment. During the transition from non-invasive cells to invasive metastasis cells, cancer cells usually experience mechanical stress due to a crowded cellular environment. The molecular mechanisms underlying mechanical signaling during this transition remain largely elusive. In this work, the authors utilize an in vitro cell culture system and advanced imaging techniques to investigate how non-invasive and invasive cells respond to cell crowding, respectively.


      The results clearly show that pre-malignant cells exhibit a more pronounced reduction in cell volume and are more prone to spreading compared to non-invasive cells. Furthermore, the study identifies that TRPV4, a calcium channel, relocates to the plasma membrane both in vitro and in vivo (patient samples). Activation and inhibition of the TRPV4 channel can modulate the cell volume and cell mobility. These results unveil a novel mechanism of mechanical sensing in cancer cells, potentially offering new avenues for therapeutic intervention targeting cancer metastasis by modulating TRPV4 activity. This is a very comprehensive study, and the data presented in the paper are clear and convincing. The study represents a very important advance in our understanding of the mechanical biology of cancer.


      However, I do think that there are several additional experiments that could strengthen the conclusions of this work. A critical limitation is the absence of genetic ablation of the TRPV4 gene to confirm its essential role in the response to cell crowding.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      This manuscript reports a series of studies that sought to identify a biological basis for morphine-induced social deficits. This goal has important translational implications and is, at present, incompletely understood in the field. The extant literature points to changes in periventricular CRF and oxytocin neurons as critical substrates for morphine to alter social behavior. The experiments utilize mice, administered morphine prior to a sociability assay. Both male and female mice show reduced sociability in this procedure. Pretreatment with the CRF1 receptor antagonist, antalarmin, clearly abolished the morphine effect in males, and the data are compelling. Consistently, CRF1-/- male mice appeared to be spared of the effect of morphine (while wild-type and het mice had reduced sociability). The same experiment was reported as non-feasible in females due to the effect of dose on exploratory behavior per se. Seeking a neural correlate of the behavioral pharmacology, acute cell-attached recordings of PVN neurons were made in acute slices from mice pretreated with morphine or anatalarmin. Morphine increased firing frequencies, and both antalarmin and CRF1-/- mice were spared of this effect. Increasing confidence that this is a CRF1 mediated effect, there is a gene deletion dose effect where het's had an intermediate response to morphine. In general, these experiments are well-designed and sufficiently powered to support the authors' inferences. A final experiment repeated the cell-attached recordings with later immunohistochemical verification of the recorded cells as oxytocin or vasopressin positive. Here the data are more nuanced. The majority of sampled cells were positive for both oxytocin and vasopressin, in cells obtained from males, morphine pretreatment increased firing in this population and was CRF1 dependent, however in females the effect of morphine was more modest without sensitivity to CRF1. Given that only ~8 cells were only immunoreactive for oxytocin, it may be premature to attribute the changes in behavior and physiology strictly to oxytocinergic neurons. In sum, the data provide convincing behavioral pharmacological evidence and a regional (and possibly cellular) correlation of these effects suggesting that morphine leads to sociality deficits via CRF interacting with oxytocin in the hypothalamus. While this hypothesis remains plausible, the current data do not go so far as directly testing this mechanism in a site or cell-specific way. With regard to the presentation of these data and their interpretation, the manuscript does not sufficiently draw a clear link between mu-opioid receptors, their action on CRF neurons of the PVN, and the synaptic connectivity to oxytocin neurons. Importantly, sex, cell, and site-specific variations in the CRF are well established (see Valentino & Bangasser) yet these are not reviewed nor are hypotheses regarding sex differences articulated at the outset. The manuscript would have more impact on the field if the implications of the sex-specific effects evident here were incorporated into a larger literature.

      With regards to the model proposed in the discussion, it seems that there is an assumption that ip morphine or antalarmin have specific effects on the PVN and that these mediate behavior - but this is impossible to assume and there are many meaningful alternatives (for example, both MOR and CRF modulation of the raphe or accumbens are worth exploration). While it is up to the authors to conduct additional studies, a demonstration that the physiology findings are in fact specific to the PVN would greatly increase confidence that the pharmacology is localized here. Similarly, direct infusion of antalarmin to the PVN, or cell-specific manipulation of OT neurons (OT-cre mice with inhibitory dreadds) combined with morphine pre-exposure would really tie the correlative data together for a strong mechanistic interpretation.

      Because the work is framed as informing a clinical problem, the discussion might have increased impact if the authors describe how the acute effects of CRF1 antagonists and morphine might change as a result of repeated use or withdrawal.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper identifies a novel SARS-CoV-2 epitope that measures host-virus interactions that have clinical correlations and can act as a signature of infection. In doing so, the authors present a novel structure-driven epitope profiling pipeline that allows them to rapidly iterate through multiple possible peptide epitope candidates for directly measuring host-virus binding. With this approach, the authors identify an IgM antibody response driven by the N-terminus of the Membrane protein of SARS-CoV-2, and demonstrate that epitope is directly correlative with cell-level measurements of infection, and can even act as a clinical signature of infection. The findings are significant to those interested in epitope identification and present a unique step forward for incorporating structural data in an iterative screening approach. The study itself presents some unique connections between the models presented, the IgM being generated, and clinical outcomes, but the claim that these IgM levels are indicative of anything more than past infection will require further detailed analysis.


      (1) The methodological approach presented in this study is incredibly powerful and shows major promise to identify other peptide epitopes of proteins for antibody profiling. The simplicity of the methodological approach to string together established protocols and measurements offers a unique elegant promise that this is a generalizable method to many other systems and disease contexts.

      (2) The clever use of a SASA metric to study and identify each of the major components demonstrates how structural information is a powerful way to approach identifying and nominating candidate peptides.

      (3) This paper spans an exciting range of structural data to clinical-derived measurements, demonstrating the powerful possibilities that can arise from connecting structural biophysical data to clinical measurements to build generalized pipelines or models


      (1) While the authors use SASA as a great way to screen peptides based on the presumption that SASA can act as a measure of the stability of protein folding, there are many caveats that may come with this measurement that can reduce generalizability. Assessing SASA per residue is a high variance metric that requires many additional layers of further analysis to make inferences about peptide stability. Further, since proteins are inherently dynamic, alternative configurations may yield fluctuating SASA values that inherently bias and introduce noise into the results. It would be useful to compare these SASA metrics for peptides to other structural measures often associated with protein stability used in the literature, such as Radius of Gyration, Hydrodynamic Radius, Secondary Structure degree, etc.

      (2) In Figure 3G, the author put forth that IgM ELISA results and whole spike IgG correlate with one another. While it is clear that IgM for M1 and IgM for spike S1' subunit both correlate similarly to whole spike IgG levels, the correlation in both cases is incredibly weak, with whole spike IgG fluctuating widely across a narrow range of IgM for M1 values. This interpretation is also contradicted by 3G's best-fit lines that would have a large residual value to the data. Lastly, the Pearson correlation values for both correlations are misleading here as Pearson correlation indicates the strength and direction of two linear variables. This means that any dataset will inherently have a Pearson r value of ~0.40 but one may not be predictive of the other. It would be better for the authors to instead use measures such as Spearman R or additional statistical analysis like histogramming to demonstrate this coupling.

      (3) It is not clear from the text if the authors are the first to use LASSO models to correlate IgM levels with infection scores in patients. LASSO-based logistic regressions are powerful tools used widely in statistical approaches to measure the association between two variables. However, there is a lack of citations indicating that the authors' approach is based on previous efforts and matches the best practice in generating these models on clinical data. It would be useful to add citations to indicate that this approach is following established statistical best practices in line with the field. If the use of the LASSO approach is novel, it would be key to mention this and highlight why the authors feel a LASSO model is the appropriate approach here.

      (4) The authors demonstrate in Figure 5 that their IgM levels are very clearly correlative with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and provides another avenue for the detection of prior infections. However, these claims are extended to compare to direct symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and quality of life. Specifically, the authors claim that IgM persistence is correlated with lower quality of life and stress-indicative symptoms. However, Figure 5D contradicts this, highlighting that both persistent and non-persistent IgM groups have similar trends and patterns in fatigue, depression, and quality of life. The authors should reexamine this interpretation of their data, and revisit if there are alternative analyses that may indicate where persistent and non-persistent IgM groups separate.

      (5) One under-discussed component of this paper is the potential for sequence variation impacting IgM generation and detection. With resistance being a consistent issue amongst infectious diseases and immune evasion, it may be useful to discuss the possible sequence variance seen in the M protein sequence of M1, as well as to see if the IgM levels induced upon M1 presentation can be separated out from their existing analyses (it may not be!). Regardless, it would be useful for the authors to consider the potential for sequence variation in the M1 peptide and its downstream effects.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public review):

      Since its first experimental report in 2017 (Patel et al. Science 2017), there have been several studies on the phenomenon in which ATP functions as a biological hydrotrope of protein aggregates. In this manuscript, by conducting molecular dynamics simulations of three different proteins, Trp-cage, Abeta40 monomer, and Abeta40 dimer at concentrations of ATP (0.1, 0.5 M), which are higher than those at cellular condition (a few mM), Sarkar et al. find that the amphiphilic nature of ATP, arising from its molecular structure consisting of phosphate group (PG), sugar ring, and aromatic base, enables it to interact with proteins in a protein-specific manner and prevents their aggregation and solubilize if they aggregate. The authors also point out that in comparison with NaXS, which is the traditional chemical hydrotrope, ATP is more efficient in solubilizing protein aggregates because of its amphiphilic nature.

      Trp-cage, featured with hydrophobic core in its native state, is denatured at high ATP concentration. The authors show that the aromatic base group (purine group) of ATP is responsible for inducing the denaturation of helical motif in the native state.

      For Abeta40, which can be classified as an IDP with charged residues, it is shown that ATP disrupts the salt bridge (D23-K28) required for the stability of beta-turn formation.

      By showing that ATP can disassemble preformed protein oligomers (Abeta40 dimer), the authors suggest that ATP is "potent enough to disassemble existing protein droplets, maintaining proper cellular homeostasis," and enhancing solubility.

      Overall, the message of the paper is clear and straightforward to follow. In addition to the previous studies in the literature on this subject. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 31, 11982-11993; J. Phys. Chem. B 2022, 126, 42, 8486-8494; J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125, 28, 7717-7731; J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124, 1, 210-223), the study, which tested using MD simulations whether ATP is a solubilizer of protein aggregates, deserves some attention from the community and is worth publishing.


      My only major concern is that the simulations were performed at unusually high ATP concentrations (100 and 500 mM of ATP), whereas the real cellular concentration of ATP is 1-5 mM.

      I was wondering if there is any report on a titration curve of protein aggregates against ATP, and what is the transition mid-point of ATP-induced solubility of protein aggregates. For instance, urea or GdmCl have long been known as the non-specific denaturants of proteins, and it has been well experimented that their transition mid-points of protein unfolding are in the range of ~(1 - 6) M depending on the proteins.

      The authors responded to my comment on ATP concentration that because of the computational issue in all-atom simulations, they had no option but to employ mM-protein concentrations instead of micromolar concentrations, thus requiring 1000-folds higher ATP concentration, which is at least in accordance with the protein/ATP stoichiometry. However, I believe this is an issue common to all the researchers conducting MD simulations. Even if the system is in the same stoichiometric ratio, it is never clear to me (is it still dilute enough?) whether the mechanism of solubilization of aggregate at 1000 fold higher concentration of ATP remains identical to the actual process.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors generated analogs consisting of modified neurotensin (NT) peptides capable of binding to low density lipoprotein (LDL) and NT receptors. Their lead analog was further evaluated for additional validation as a novel therapeutic. The putative mechanism of action for NT in its antiseizure activity is hypothermia, and as therapeutic hypothermia has been demonstrated in epilepsy, NT analogs may confer antiseizure activity and avoid the negative effects of induced hypothermia.


      The authors demonstrate an innovative approach, i.e. using LDLR as a means of transport into the brain, that may extend to other compounds. They systematically validate their approach and its potential through binding, brain penetration, in vivo antiseizure efficacy, and neuroprotection studies.


      Tolerability studies are warranted, given the mechanism of action and the potential narrow therapeutic index. In vivo studies were used to assess efficacy of the peptide conjugate analogs in the mouse KA model. However, it would be beneficial to have shown tolerability in naïve animals to better understand the therapeutic potential of this approach.

      Mice may be particularly sensitive to hypothermia. It would be beneficial to show similar effects in a rat model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Based on reviewer feedback, Das and Menon have made several modifications to their manuscript, including a revised Introduction with a reframed motivation (now more oriented around the role of tripartite network in memory operations), new control analyses (as requested by Reviewers, including an updated and more appropriate baseline period and a control region, the IFG), an assessment of narrowband phase synchronization (as requested), as well as updates for clarity throughout the Methods section.

      While I believe the authors have been responsive to reviewer feedback, and these modifications do enhance the manuscript, I have a few suggestions for how these new analyses could be made more statistically robust and better contextualized against the main findings of the manuscript. I continue to have some reservations about a tendency for their data to be overinterpreted, and for conclusions to be drawn more strongly than the data actually warrant.

      (1) Clarifying the new control analyses. The authors have been responsive to our feedback and implemented several new analyses. The use of a pre-task baseline period and a control brain region (IFG) definitively help to contextualize their results, and the findings shown in the revision do suggest that (1) relative to a pre-task baseline, directed interactions from the AI are stronger and (2) relative to a nearby region, the IFG, the AI exhibits greater outward-directed influence.

      However, it is difficult to draw strong quantitative conclusions from the analyses as presented, because they do not directly statistically contrast the effect in question (directed interactions with the FPN and DMN) between two conditions (e.g. during baseline vs. during memory encoding/retrieval). As I understand it, in their main figures the authors ask, "Is there statistically greater influence from the AI to the DMN/FPN in one direction versus another?" And in the AI they show greater "outward" PTE than "inward" PTE from other networks during encoding/retrieval. The balance of directed information favors an outward influence from the AI to DMN/FPN.

      But in their new analyses, they simply show that the degree of "outward" PTE is greater during task relative to baseline in (almost) all tasks. I believe a more appropriately matched analysis would be to quantify the inward/outward balance during task states, quantify the inward/outward balance during rest states, and then directly statistically compare the two. It could be that the relative balance of directed information flow is non-significantly changed between task and rest states, which would be important to know.

      Likewise, a similar principle applies to their IFG analysis. They show that the IFG tends to have an "inward" balance of influence from the DMN/FPN (the opposite of the AIs effect), but this does not directly answer whether the AI occupies a statistically unique position in terms of the magnitude of its influence on other regions. More appropriate, as I suggest above, would be to quantify the relative balance inward/outward influence, both for the IFG and the AI, and then directly compare those two quantities. (Given the inversion of the direction of effect, this is likely to be a significant result, but I think it deserves a careful approach regardless.)

      (2) Consider additional control regions. The authors justify their choice of IFG as a control region very well. In my original comments, I perhaps should have been more clear that the most compelling control analyses here would be to subject every region of the brain outside these networks (with good coverage) to the same analysis, quantify the degree of inward/outward balance, and then see how the magnitude of the AI effect stacks up against all possible other options. If the assertion is that the AI plays a uniquely important role in these memory processes, showing how its influence stacks up against all possible "competitors" would be a very compelling demonstration of their argument.

      (3) Reporting of successful vs. unsuccessful memory results. I apologize if I was not clear in my original comment (2.7, pg. 13 of the response document) regarding successful vs. unsuccessful memory. The fact that no significant difference was found in PTE between successful/unsuccessful memory is a very important finding that adds valuable context to the rest of the manuscript. I believe it deserves a figure, at least in the Supplement, so that readers can visualize the extent of the effect in successful/unsuccessful trials. This is especially important now that the manuscript has been reframed to focus more directly on claims regarding episodic memory processing; if that is indeed the focus, and their central analysis does not show a significant effect conditionalized on the success of memory encoding/retrieval, it is important that readers can see these data directly.

      (4) Claims regarding causal relationships in the brain. I understand that the authors have defined "causal" in a specific way in the context of their manuscript; I do believe that as a matter of clear and transparent scientific communication, the authors nonetheless bear a responsibility to appreciate how this word may be erroneously interpreted/overinterpreted and I would urge further review of the manuscript to tone down claims of causality. Reflective of this, I was very surprised that even as both reviewers remarked on the need to use the word "causal" with extreme caution, the authors added it to the title in their revised manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper from the Barford lab describes medium/high-resolution cryo-EM structures of three versions of the S. cerevisiae anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C):

      (1) the recombinant apo complex purified from insect cells,

      (2) the apo complex phosphorylated in vitro by cyclin-dependent kinase, and

      (3) an active APC/C-Cdh1-substrate ternary complex.

      The focus of the paper is on comparing similarities and differences between S. cerevisiae and human APC/C structures, mechanisms of activation by coactivator, and regulation by phosphorylation. The authors find that the overall structures of S. cerevisiae and human APC/C are remarkably similar, including the binding sites and orientation for the substrate-recruiting coactivator, Cdh1. In addition, the mechanism of Cdh1 inhibition by phosphorylation appears conserved across kingdoms. However, key differences were also observed that reveal divergence in APC/C mechanisms that are important for researchers in this field to know. Specifically, the mechanism of APC/C-Cdc20 activation by mitotic phosphorylation appears to be different, due to the absence of the key Apc1 autoinhibition loop in the S. cerevisiae complex. In addition, the conformational activation of human APC/C by coactivator binding was not observed in the S. cerevisiae complex, implying that stimulation of E2 binding must occur via a different mechanism in this species.


      Consistent with the numerous prior cryo-EM structures of human APC/C from the Barford lab, the technical quality of the structure models is a major strength of this work. In addition, the detailed comparison of similarities and differences between the two species will be a very valuable resource for the scientific community. The manuscript is written very well and allows readers lacking expertise in cryo-EM to understand the important aspects of the conservation of APC/C structure and mechanism across kingdoms.


      The lack of experimentation in this work to test some of the putative differences in APC/C mechanism (e.g. stimulation of E2 binding by coactivator and stimulation of activity by mitotic phosphorylation) could be considered a weakness. Nonetheless, the authors do a nice job explaining how the structure interpretations imply these differences likely exist, and this work sets the stage nicely for future studies to understand these differences at a mechanistic level. There is enough value in having the S. cerevisiae structure models and the comparison to the human structures, without any additional experimentation.

      The validation of APC/C phosphorylation in the unphosphorylated and hyperphosphorylated states is not very robust. Given the lack of significant effects of phosphorylation on APC/C structure observed here (compared to the human complex), this becomes important. A list of phosphorylation sites identified by mass spec before and after in vitro phosphorylation is provided but lacks quantitative information. This list indicates that a significant number of phosphorylation sites are detected in the purified APC/C prior to reaction with purified kinases. Many more sites are detected after in vitro kinase reaction, but it isn't clear how extensively any of the sites are modified. There is reason for caution then, in accepting the conclusions that structures of unphosphorylated and hyperphosphorylated APC/C from S. cerevisiae are nearly identical.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors fully addressed my concerns and made appropriate changes in the manuscript. The quality of the manuscript is now significantly improved.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In their manuscript, Lin et al. present a comprehensive single-cell analysis of tea plant roots. They measured the transcriptomes of 10,435 cells from tea plant root tips, leading to the identification and annotation of 8 distinct cell clusters using marker genes. Through this dataset, they delved into the cell-type-specific expression profiles of genes crucial for the biosynthesis, transport, and storage of theanine, revealing potential multicellular compartmentalization in theanine biosynthesis pathways. Furthermore, their findings highlight CsLBD37 as a novel transcription factor with dual regulatory roles in both theanine biosynthesis and lateral root development.


      This manuscript provides the first single-cell dataset analysis of roots of the tea plants. It also enables detailed analysis of the specific expression patterns of the gene involved in theanine biosynthesis. Some of these gene expression patterns in roots were further validated through in-situ RT-PCR. Additionally, a novel TF gene CsLBD37's role in regulating theanine biosynthesis was identified through their analysis.


      The revised manuscript has addressed the concerns raised during the initial review.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This study by Sun et al. presents a role for the S. pombe MAP kinase Pmk1 in the activation of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) via controlling the protein levels of APC/C activator Cdc20 (Slp1 in S. pombe). The data presented in the manuscript is thorough and convincing. The authors have shown that Pmk1 binds and phosphorylates Slp1, promoting its ubiquitination and subsequent degradation. Since Cdc20 is an activator of APC/C, which promotes anaphase entry, constitutive Pmk1 activation leads to an increased percentage of metaphase-arrested cells. The authors have used genetic and environmental stress conditions to modulate MAP kinase signalling and demonstrate their effect on APC/C activation. This work provides evidence for the role of MAP kinases in cell cycle regulation in S. pombe and opens avenues for exploration of similar regulation in other eukaryotes.


      The authors have done a very comprehensive experimental analysis to support their hypothesis. The data is well represented, and including a model in every figure summarizes the data well.


      As mentioned in the comments, the manuscript does not establish that MAP kinase activity leads to genome stability when cells are subjected to genotoxic stressors. That would establish the importance of this pathway for checkpoint activation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors show that A. japonicus calcitonins (AjCT1 and AjCT2) activate not only the calcitonin/calcitonin-like receptor but also activate the two PDF receptors, ex vivo. They also explore secondary messenger pathways that are recruited following receptor activation. They determine the source of CT1 and CT2 using qPCR and in situ hybridization and finally test the effects of these peptides on tissue contractions, feeding, and growth. This study provides solid evidence that CT1 and CT2 act as ligands for calcitonin receptors; however, evidence supporting cross-talk between CT peptides and PDF receptors is only based on ex vivo experiments.


      This is the first study to report the pharmacological characterization of CT receptors in an echinoderm. Multiple lines of evidence in cell culture (receptor internalization and secondary messenger pathways) support this conclusion.


      The authors claim that A. japonicus CTs activate "PDF" receptors and suggest that this cross-talk is evolutionarily ancient since a similar phenomenon also exists in the fly Drosophila melanogaster. These conclusions are not fully supported for several reasons. The authors perform phylogenetic analysis to show that the two "PDF" receptors form an independent clade. This clade is sister to the clade comprising CT receptors. This phylogenetic analysis suffers from several issues. Firstly, the phylogenies lack bootstrap support. Secondly, the resolution of the phylogeny is poor because representative members from diverse phyla have not been included. For instance, insect or other protostomian PDF receptors have not been included so how can the authors distinguish between "PDF" receptors or another group of CT receptors? Thirdly, no in vivo evidence has been presented to support that CT can activate "PDF" receptors in vivo.

      The source of CT which mediates the effects on longitudinal muscles and intestine is unclear. Is it autocrine or paracrine signaling by CT from the same tissue or is it long-range hormonal signaling?

      Pharmacology experiments showing the effects of CT1 and CT2 on ACh-induced contractions were performed. Sample traces have been provided but no traces with ACh alone have been included. How long do ACh-induced contractions persist? These controls are necessary to differentiate between the eventual decay of ACh effects and relaxation induced by CT1 and CT2. The traces also do not reflect the results portrayed in dose-response curves. For instance, in Figure 6B, maximum relaxation is reported for 10-6M. Yet, the trace hardly shows any difference before and after the addition of 10-6M peptide. The maximum effect in the trace appears to be after the addition of 10-8M peptide.

      I am unsure how differences in wet mass indicate feeding and growth differences since no justification has been provided. Couldn't wet mass also be influenced by differences in osmotic balance, a key function of calcitonin-like peptides in protostomian invertebrates? The statistical comparisons have not been included in Figure 7B.

      While the authors succeeded in knocking down CT, the physiological effects of reduced CT signaling were not examined.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The study by VanBelzen et. al. compares chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq) and chromatin endogenous cleavage sequencing (ChEC-seq2) to examine RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) binding patterns in yeast. While ChIP-seq shows RNAPII enrichment mainly over transcribed regions, ChEC-seq2 highlights RNAPII binding at promoters and upstream activating sequences (UASs), suggesting it captures distinct RNAPII populations that the authors speculate are linked more tightly to active transcription. The authors develop a stochastic model for RNAPII kinetics using ChEC-seq2 data, revealing insights into transcription regulation and the role of the nuclear pore complex in stabilizing promoter-associated RNAPII. The study suggests that ChEC-seq2 identifies regulatory events that ChIP-seq may overlook.


      (1) This is a carefully crafted study that adds significantly to existing literature in this area. Transgenic MNase fusions with endogenous Rpb1 and Rpb3 subunits were carefully performed, and complemented by fusions with several additional proteins that help the authors to dissect the transcription cycle. Both the S. cerevisiae lines and the sequencing data are likely to be of significant use to the community.

      (2) The validation of ChEC-seq2 and its comparison with ChIP-seq is highly valuable technical information for the community.

      (3) The kinetic modeling appears to be thoughtfully done.


      (1) The term "nascent transcription" is all too often used interchangeably for NET-seq, PRO-seq, 4sU-seq, and other assays that often provide different types of information. The authors should make it clear their use of the term refers to SLAM-seq data.

      (2) The authors do not perform any comparison to run-on (PRO-seq) data. My impression is that the distribution of PRO-seq signal in S. cerevisiae agrees better with the distribution the authors observe by ChIP-seq. PRO-seq only captures RNAPII that is engaged and actively transcribing. If PRO-seq does indeed provide a similar profile as ChIP-seq, wouldn't this indicate that the high frequency of association between RNAPII and either the promoter or UAS reflects RNAPII that has not yet started transcription elongation? Perhaps this could help sort out what types of activities are occurring at the UAS (which does not appear to require a full PIC) or at the promoter (which does)?

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the current manuscript Li et al., study the preservation of the regional identity during the process of astrocyte generation from pluripotent stem cells. More precisely, this work investigates if neural progenitor cells patterned for the ventral midbrain give rise to astrocytes with conserved regional specification, which could reflect the astrocytic heterogeneity in the brain. To this end, the authors utilized a previously generated reporter iPSC line in which the expression of introduced blue fluorescence protein (BFP) is subjacent to the activation of LMXA1, a ventral midbrain floor plate marker. The study reports that following a defined patterning protocol based on SHH and FGF8, over 90% of d19 cells, corresponding to a neural progenitor stage, acquired the midbrain floor plate identity. However, during the subsequent astrogenic induction and glial progenitor expansion, this identity is gradually lost, supposedly due to the growth advantage of cells deriving from the residual LMX1A- neural progenitors. Contrariwise, if the LMX1A+ progenitors were purified, regional identity would be maintained throughout the astrocytic generation and incur an early astrogenic switch and maturation of derived astrocytes. By using single-cell RNA sequencing, the authors further identified distinct transcriptomic signatures on the astrocytic progeny of LMX1A- and LMX1A- progenitors.

      Strengths and weaknesses:

      (1) The main model utilized was engineered from the KOLF2 human iPSC line into an elegant LMX1A-reporter line based on the expression of BFP. This results in an attractive model for studies tracing the fate of LMX1A cells. However, consideration should be given to the fact that the parental line, exhibits a splice disruption in the COL3A1 gene encoding type III collagen (Pantazis 2022, doi:10.1016/j.stem.2022.11.004 ), which has been identified as being enriched in certain ventral astrocytic populations (Bradley 2019, doi:10.1242/dev.170910).

      (2) The authors argue that the depletion of BFP seen in the unsorted population immediately after the onset of astrogenic induction is due to the growth advantage of the derivatives of the residual LMX1A- population. However, no objective data supporting this idea is provided, and one could also hypothesize that the residual LMX1A- cells could affect the overall LMX1A expression in the culture through negative paracrine regulation. Therefore, cell cycle or proliferation studies of these cells are needed to prove the authors' assumption. Furthermore, on line 124 it is stated that: "Interestingly, the sorted BFP+ cells exhibited similar population growth rate to that of unsorted cultures...". In the face of the suggested growth disadvantage of those cells, this statement needs clarification.

      (3) Regarding the fidelity of the model system, it is not clear to me how the TagBFP expression was detected in the BFP+ population supposedly in d87 and d136 pooled astrocytes (Fig S6C) while no LMX1A expression was observed in the same cells (Fig S6F).

      (4) The generated single-cell RNASeq dataset is extremely valuable. However, given the number of conditions included in this study (i.e. early vs late astrocytes, BFP+ vs BFP-, sorted vs unsorted, plus non-patterned and neuronal samples) the resulting analysis lacks detail. For instance, from a developmental perspective and to better grasp the functional significance of astrocytic heterogeneity, it would be interesting to map the identified clusters to early vs late populations and to the BFP status. Moreover, although comprehensive, Figure S7 is complex to understand given that citations rather than the reference populations are depicted.

      (5) Do the authors have any consideration regarding the morphology of the astrocytes obtained in this study? None of the late astrocyte images depict a prototypical stellate morphology, which is reported in many other studies involving the generation of iPSC-derived astrocytes and which is associated with the maturity status of the cell.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The manuscript by García-Vázquez et al identifies the G2 and S phases expressed protein 1(GTSE1) as a substrate of the CycD-CDK4/6 complex. CycD-CDK4/6 is a key regulator of the G1/S cell cycle restriction point, which commits cells to enter a new cell cycle. This kinase is also an important therapeutic cancer target by approved drugs including Palbocyclib. Identification of substrates of CycD-CDK4/6 can therefore provide insights into cell cycle regulation and the mechanism of action of cancer therapeutics. A previous study identified GTSE1 as a target of CycB-Cdk1 but this appears to be the first study to address the phosphorylation of the protein by Cdk4/6.

      The authors identified GTSE1 by mining an existing proteomic dataset that is elevated in AMBRA1 knockout cells. The AMBRA1 complex normally targets D cyclins for degradation. From this list, they then identified proteins that contain a CDK4/6 consensus phosphorylation site and were responsive to treatment with Palbocyclib.

      The authors show CycD-CDK4/6 overexpression induces a shift in GTSE1 on phostag gels that can be reversed by Palbocyclib. In vitro kinase assays also showed phosphorylation by CDK4. The phosphorylation sites were then identified by mutagenizing the predicted sites and phostag got to see which eliminated the shift.

      The authors go on to show that phosphorylation of GTSE1 affects the steady state level of the protein. Moreover, they show that expression and phosphorylation of GTSE1 confer a growth advantage on tumor cells and correlate with poor prognosis in patients.


      The biochemical and mutagenesis evidence presented convincingly show that the GTSE1 protein is indeed a target of the CycD-CDK4 kinase. The follow-up experiments begin to show that the phosphorylation state of the protein affects function and has an impact on patient outcomes.


      It is not clear at which stage in the cell cycle GTSE1 is being phosphorylated and how this is affecting the cell cycle. Considering that the protein is also phosphorylated during mitosis by CycB-Cdk1, it is unclear which phosphorylation events may be regulating the protein.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This manuscript by Hosack and Arce-McShane examines the directional tuning of neurons in macaque primary motor (MIo) and somatosensory (SIo) cortex. The neural basis of tongue control is far less studied than, for example, forelimb movements, partly because the tongue's kinematics and kinetics are difficult to measure. A major technical advantage of this study is using biplanar video-radiography, processed with modern motion tracking analysis software, to track the movement of the tongue inside the oral cavity. Compared to prior work, the behaviors are more naturalistic behaviors (feeding and licking water from one of three spouts), although the animals were still head-fixed.

      The study's main findings are that:

      • A majority of neurons in MIo and a (somewhat smaller) percentage of SIo modulated their firing rates during tongue movements, with different modulations depending on the direction of movement (i.e., exhibited directional tuning). Examining the statistics of tuning across neurons, there was anisotropy (e.g., more neurons preferring anterior movement) and a lateral bias in which tongue direction neurons preferred that was consistent with the innervation patterns of tongue control muscles (although with some inconsistency between monkeys).

      • Consistent with this encoding, tongue position could be decoded with moderate accuracy even from small ensembles of ~28 neurons.

      • There were differences observed in the proportion and extent of directional tuning between the feeding and licking behaviors, with stronger tuning overall during licking. This potentially suggests behavioral context-dependent encoding.

      • The authors then went one step further and used a bilateral nerve block to the sensory inputs (trigeminal nerve) from the tongue. This impaired the precision of tongue movements and resulted in an apparent reduction and change in neural tuning in Mio and SIo.


      The data are difficult to obtain and appear to have been rigorously measured, and provide a valuable contribution to this under-explored subfield of sensorimotor neuroscience. The analyses adopt well-established methods, especially from the arm motor control literature, and represent a natural starting point for characterizing tongue 3D direction tuning.


      There are alternative explanations for some of the interpretations, but those interpretations are described in a way that clearly distinguishes results from interpretations, and readers can make their own assessments. Some of these limitations are described in more detail below.

      One weakness of the current study is that there is substantial variability in results between monkeys, and that only one session of data per monkey/condition is analyzed (8 sessions total). This raises the concern that the results could be idiosyncratic. The Methods mention that other datasets were collected, but not analyzed because the imaging pre-processing is very labor-intensive. While I recognize that time is precious, I do think in this case the manuscript would be substantially strengthened by showing that the results are similar on other sessions.

      This study focuses on describing directional tuning using the preferred direction (PD) / cosine tuning model popularized by Georgopoulous and colleagues for understanding neural control of arm reaching in the 1980s. This is a reasonable starting point and a decent first-order description of neural tuning. However, the arm motor control field has moved far past that viewpoint, and in some ways, an over-fixation on static representational encoding models and PDs held that field back for many years. The manuscript benefits from drawing the readers' attention (perhaps in their Discussion) that PDs are a very simple starting point for characterizing how cortical activity relates to kinematics, but that there is likely much richer population-level dynamical structure and that a more mechanistic, control-focused analytical framework may be fruitful. A good review of this evolution in the arm field can be found in Vyas S, Golub MD, Sussillo D, Shenoy K. 2020. Computation Through Neural Population Dynamics. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 43(1):249-75

      Can the authors explain (or at least speculate) why there was such a large difference in behavioral effect due to nerve block between the two monkeys (Figure 7)?

      Do the analyses showing a decrease in tuning after nerve block take into account the changes (and sometimes reduction in variability) of the kinematics between these conditions? In other words, if you subsampled trials to have similar distributions of kinematics between Control and Block conditions, does the effect hold true? The extreme scenario to illustrate my concern is that if Block conditions resulted in all identical movements (which of course they don't), the tuning analysis would find no tuned neurons. The lack of change in decoding accuracy is another yellow flag that there may be a methodological explanation for the decreased tuning result.

      The manuscript states that "Our results suggest that the somatosensory cortex may be less involved than the motor areas during feeding, possibly because it is a more ingrained and stereotyped behavior as opposed to tongue protrusion or drinking tasks". Could an alternative explanation be more statistical/technical in nature: that during feeding, there will be more variability in exactly what somatosensation afferent signals are being received from trial to trial (because slight differences in kinematics can have large differences in exactly where the tongue is and the where/when/how of what parts of it are touching other parts of the oral cavity)? This variability could "smear out" the apparent tuning using these types of trial-averaged analyses. Given how important proprioception and somatosensation are for not biting the tongue or choking, the speculation that somatosensory cortical activity is suppressed during feedback is very counter-intuitive to this reviewer.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      In recent years, lots of researchers tried to explore the existence of new acetyltransferase and deacetylase by using specific antibody enrichment technologies and high resolution mass spectrometry. Here is an example for this effort. Yuqian Wang et al. studied a novel Zn2+- and NAD+-independent KDAC protein, AhCobQ, in Aeromonas hydrophila. They studied the biological function of AhCobQ by using biochemistry method and MS identification technology to confirm it. These results extended our understanding of the regulatory mechanism of bacterial lysine acetylation modifications. However, I find this conclusion is a little speculative, and unfortunately, it also doesn't totally support the conclusion as the authors provided.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This revised article has characterized the mouse Schlemm's canal expression profile using a comprehensive approach based on sorted SEC, LEC, and BEC total RNA-Seq, scRNA-Seq, and snRNA-Seq to enrich the selection of SECs. The revised study has successfully profiled genome-wide gene expression using sorted SECs, demonstrating that SECs have a closer similarity to LECs than BECs. The combined scRNA- and snRNA-Seq data with deep coverage of gene expression led to the successful identification of many novel biomarkers for inner wall SECs, outer wall SECs, collector channel ECs, and pericytes. In addition, the study also identified two novel states of inner wall SECs separated by new markers. The study provides significant novel information about the biology and expression profile of SECs in the inner and outer walls. It is of great significance to have this novel, convincing, and comprehensive study led by leading researchers published in this journal. The revision has improved the clarity and significance of the study with more details.


      This is a comprehensive study using various data to support the expression characterization of mouse SECs. First, the study profiled genome-wide expression using sorted SECs, LECs, and BECs from the same tissue/organ to identify the similarities and differences among the three types of cells. Second, snRNA-Seq was applied to enrich the number of SECs from mouse ocular tissues significantly. Increased sampling of SECs and other cells led to more comprehensive coverage and characterization of cells, including pericytes. Third, the combined scRNA- and snRNA-Seq data analyses increase the power to further characterize the subtle differences within SECs, leading to identifying the expression markers of Inner and Outer wall SECs, collector channel ECs, and distal region cells. Fourth, the identified unique markers were validated for RNA and protein expression in mouse ocular tissues. Fifth, the study explored how the IOP- and glaucoma-associated genes are expressed in the ScRNA- and snRNA-Seq data, providing potential connections of these GWAS genes with IOP and glaucoma. Sixth, the initial pathway and network analyses generated exciting hypotheses that could be tested in other independent studies.


      The authors have addressed most of the previous comments by adding more details about the protocol and additional discussions. Several comments requiring additional experimental data have been addressed as future directions, such as protein validation, RNA expression validation in human samples, and GWAS-identified IOP genes.

      Comments on the latest version:

      The authors have addressed previous comments responsively. The authors have suggested several experiments to be completed in the future since these could be time-consuming with human samples. The revised article is with better clarity and clearer significance. No additional comments.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      kTMP is a novel method of stimulating the brain using electromagnetic fields. It has potential benefits over existing technology because it is a safe and easy technology. It explores a range of brain frequencies that has not been explored in depth before (2-5kHz) and thus offers new opportunities.


      This work relied on standard methods and was carefully and conservatively performed.


      There were few weaknesses. The sham condition was prepared as well as could be done, but sham is always challenging in a treatment with sound and sensation, and with knowledgeable operators. New technology, also, is very exciting to subjects and it is difficult to achieve a natural experiment. These difficulties are related to the technology, however, and not to the execution of these experiments..

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors carried out the current studies with the justification that the biochemical mechanisms that lead to alcohol addiction are incompletely understood. The topic and question addressed here are impactful and indeed deserve further research. To this end, a metabolomics approach toward investigating the metabolic effects of alcohol use disorder and the effect of alcohol withdrawal in AUD subjects is valuable. However, this work is primarily descriptive in nature, and these data alone do not meet the stated goal of investigating biochemical mechanisms of alcohol addiction. The current work's most significant limitation is the cross-sectional study design, though inadequate description and citation of the underlying methodological approaches also hampers interest.

      Most of the data are cross-sectional in study design, i.e., alcohol use disorder vs controls. However, it is well established that there is a high degree of interpersonal variation with metabolism, and further, there is somewhat high intra-personal variation in metabolism over time. This means that the relatively small cohort of subjects is unlikely to just reflect the broader condition of interest (AUD/withdrawal). The authors report a comparison of a later time-point after alcohol withdrawal (T2) vs the AUD condition. Nonetheless, without replicate time points from the control subjects it is difficult to assess how much of these changes are due to withdrawal vs the intra-personal variation described above. Overall, insufficient experimental context exists to interpret these findings into a biological understanding. For example, while several metabolites are linked with AUD and associated with microbiome or host metabolism based on existing literature, it is unclear from the current study what function these changes have concerning AUD, if any. The authors also argue that alcohol withdrawal shifts the AUD plasma metabolic fingerprint towards healthy controls (line 153). However, this is hard to assess based on the provided plots since the direction of change of the orange data subset considers AUD T2 vs. T1. In contrast, AUD T2 vs. Control would represent the claimed shift. To substantiate these claims, the authors would better support their argument by showing this comparison in all experimental groups (including control subjects) in their multi-dimensional model (e.g., PCA). The authors attempt to extend the significance of their findings by assessing post-mortem brain tissues from AUD subjects; however, the finding that many of the metabolites changed in T2/T1 are also found in AUD brain tissues is interesting but does not strongly support the authors' claims that these metabolites are markers of AUD (line 173). Concerning the plasma cohort itself, it is unclear how the authors assessed for compliance with alcohol withdrawal or whether the subjects' blood-alcohol levels were independently verified.

      The second area of concern is the lack of description of the analytical methodology, the lack of metabolite identification validation evidence, and related statistical questions. The authors cite reference #59 regarding the general methodology. However, this reference from their group is a tutorial/review/protocol focused resource paper and it needs to be clarified how specific critical steps were actually applied to the current plasma study samples, given the range of descriptions provided in the citations. The authors report a variety of interesting metabolites, including their primary fragment intensities, which is appreciated (Supp Table 3), but no MS2 matching scores are provided for level 2 or 3 hits. Further, level 1 hits under their definition are validated by an in-house standard, but not supporting data are provided other than this categorization. Finally, a common risk in such descriptive studies is finding spurious associations, especially considering the many factors as described in the current work. These include AUD, depression, anxiety, craving, withdrawal, etc. The authors describe the use of BH correction for multiple-hypothesis testing. Still, this approach only accounts for the many possible metabolite association tests within each comparison (such as metabolites vs. depression) and does not account for the multi-variate comparisons to the many behavior/clinical factors described above. The authors should employ one of several common strategies, such as linear mixed effects models for these types of multi-variate assessments.

      Revised Review after Resubmission:

      I thank the authors for their responses and revisions to the figures and data and their clarifications of their results and study goals. However, based on this updated information, it is now more apparent that the paper falls into the common trap of descriptive studies where insufficient experimental design was considered to test the association in question robustly. Further, follow-up initiatives are lacking to test the findings by other experimental means. Despite the authors' responses, the paper still fails to convert or interpret the metabolomics findings into any new biological understanding or meaningfully testable hypotheses, and the results remain descriptive in nature with significant caveats.

      The authors clarify that their study's "goal was not to investigate the biochemical mechanisms of AUD but how metabolomics could contribute to the psychological alterations of AUD." However, the 2nd sentence of the abstract remains as follows: "The biochemical mechanisms that lead to this disorder are not yet fully understood, and in this respect, metabolomics represents a promising approach to decipher metabolic events related to AUD."This leads the reader to conclude that the purpose of the current study is to use metabolomics to address this gap, despite their later clarification. In the revised response, the authors walk back their claims of these goals, yet the manuscript text and data is largely unchanged in the revision. The serious caveats pointed out by several reviewers concerning the study as reported significantly reduces the utility of the described findings for the broader scientific community, and the authors largely downplay these limitations without addressing the underlying issues.

      The authors also clarified in their response that the study's key purpose of the study is to assess "correlations between the blood metabolome and psychological symptoms developed in AUD patients." This goal is dubious as the vast majority of metabolites are not psychoactive, and it is implausible that the metabolome would affect mental state or vice versa. More biological frameworks and citations are needed for this paradigm. The soundness of the goal is further questioned by the study's simplistic design and the authors' admission that "In this discovery-based approach, the aim was to discover potential candidates linked with psychological symptoms for subsequent work to evaluate causality." Yet, the authors side-step the point about the risk of finding spurious associations and decline to control this risk using widely-accepted approaches such as multi-variate correction, instead continuing to use only BH correction for multiple hypothesis testing. The reviewers previously pointed out that BH correction only accounts for the many possible metabolite association tests within each comparison (such as metabolites vs depression). However, it does not account for the multi-variate comparisons to the many behavior/clinical factors. This issue is ignored in the response because the study's goal is hypothesis generating. Instead, the authors focused their responses on the issue of causality which was not the central point of the criticism.

      Further, the authors employ mainly systemic plasma analyses unlikely to reflect brain biochemistry. The authors deny that the purpose of including the post-mortem brain tissue data was to demonstrate that "metabolites significantly correlated with the psychological symptoms - and present in the central nervous system (frontal cortex or CSF) - are "markers of AUD," yet if this is not the goal, the structure of the experiment, and the value of these data, is unclear. Another reviewer pointed out that it is difficult to control cross-sectional post-mortem tissue due to a lack of suitable controls, and the authors again side-step the question by citing the lack of suitable controls and the impossibility of "healthy controls" in post-mortem samples. This is true, but this lack of technical feasibility and the confounding factor of CVD/lipid metabolism does not justify the weak experimental design in this respect. Therefore, it remains unclear what can be understood from these data, given the limitations.

      Finally, the authors acknowledge the limitation in their revision that they did not assess a second-time point in the control cohort of samples which could have been used to tease apart intra-personal variation from AUD-associated changes during alcohol-abstinence. Unfortunately, this is not a small caveat to simply acknowledge in the discussion section; it severely limits the interpretation and utility of the reported data more broadly, and the authors do not address this underlying problem.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      This research provides compelling and detailed evidence showing that aging influences intrinsic membrane properties of peripheral sympathetic motor neurons, which become hyperexcitable. The authors found that sympathetic motor neurons from old mice exhibit increased firing rates (spontaneous and evoked), more depolarized membrane resting potential, and increased rheobase. Furthermore, the study investigates cellular mechanisms underlying age-associated hyperexcitability and shows solid evidence supporting that a decreased activity of KCNQ2/3 channels during aging is a major contributor to the increased excitability of sympathetic old neurons. The conclusions of this paper are supported by the data.


      Detailed and rigorous analysis of electrical responses of peripheral sympathetic motor neurons using electrophysiology (perforated patch and whole-cell recordings). The study identifies a decreased KCNQ2/3 current as a cellular mechanism behind age-induced hyperexcitability in sympathetic motor neurons.


      The revised version of the manuscript has addressed all my concerns.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The study explores a new strategy of lysin-derived antimicrobial peptide-primed screening to find peptidoglycan hydrolases from bacterial proteomes. Using this strategy authors identified five peptidoglycan hydrolases from A. baumannii. They further tested their antimicrobial activities on various Gram positive and Gram-negative pathogens.


      Overall, the study is good and adds new members to the peptidoglycan hydrolases family. The authors also show that these lysins have bactericidal activities against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The crystal structure data is good, reveals different thermostablility to the peptidoglycan hydrolases. Structural data also reveals that PhAb10 and PHAb11 form thermostable dimer and data is corroborated by generating variant protein defective in supporting intermolecular bond pairs. The mice bacterial infection shows promise for the use of these hydrolases as antimicrobial agents.


      While the authors have employed various mechanisms to justify their findings, some aspects are still unclear. Only CFU has been used to test bactericidal activity. This should also be corroborated by live/dead assay. Moreover, SEM or TEM analysis would reveal the effect of these peptidoglycan hydrolases on Gram-negative /Gram-positive cell envelopes. The authors claim that these hydrolases are similar to T4 lysozyme, but they have not correlated their findings with already published findings on T4 lysozyme. T4 lysozyme has C-terminal amphipathic helix with antimicrobial properties. Moreover, heat, denatured lysozyme also shows enhanced bactericidal activity due to the formation of hydrophobic dimeric forms, which are inserted in the membrane. Authors also observe that heat denatured PHAb10 and PHAb11 have bactericidal activity but no enzymatic activity. These findings should be corroborated by studying the effect of these holoenzymes/ truncated peptides on bacterial cell membranes. Also, a quantitative peptidoglycan cleavage assay should be performed in addition to halo assay. Including these details would make the work more comprehensive.

      Revised version: The authors have addressed most of the questions in the revised version of the paper.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      In this study, the authors aimed to delineate the antimicrobial activity of linalool and tried to investigate the mode of action of linalool against S. parasitica infection. One of the main focuses of this work was to identify the in vitro and in vivo mechanisms associated with the protective role of linalool against S. parasitica infection.


      (1) The authors have used a variety of techniques to prove their hypothesis.

      (2) An adequate number of replicates were used in their studies.

      (3) Their findings showed a protective role of linalool against oomycetes and makes it an attractive future antibiotic in the aquaculture industry.


      There are several weaknesses in this manuscript.

      (1) The authors have taken for granted that the readers already know the experiments/assays used in the manuscript. There was not enough explanation for the figures as well as figure legends.

      (2) The authors missed adding the serial numbers to the references.

      (3) The introduction section does not provide adequate rationale for their work, rather it is focused more on the assays done.

      (4) Full forms are missing in many places (both in the text and figure legends), also the resolution of the figures is not good. In some figures, the font size is too small.

      (5) There is much mislabeling of the figure panels in the main text. A detailed explanation of why and how they did the experiments and how the results were interpreted is missing.

      (6) There is not enough experimental data to support their hypothesis on the mechanism of action of linalool. Most of the data comes from pathway analysis, and experimental validation is missing.

      Overall, the conclusions drawn by the authors are partially justified by the data. Importantly, this paper has discovered the novelty of the compound linalool as a potent antimicrobial agent and might open up future possibilities to use this compound in the aquaculture industry.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      The authors presented evidence from various in vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrating the mutual interaction between CCL5 and astrocytic miR-342-5p in the ipsilateral core of cerebral ischemia. However, miR-342-5p was downregulated only late after MCAO (D3-7). Additionally, this downregulation was observed not only in the ipsilateral core but also in the ipsilateral penumbra and contralateral sides. Therefore, it is not convincing that the upregulation of CCL5 in the ipsilateral core at later time points (D3 and D7) is attributable to the decreased expression of miR-342-5p. In particular, infarct injury was already evident within a short time period (say 24 h) following MCAO.

      (1) The temporal and spatial expression patterns of miR-324-5p do not match those of CCL-5, especially at D1 and D3 (see Figure 1C, 1D). Despite the inverse relationship between miR-324-5p and CCL-5 expression at D7 after MCAO, what was the purpose of administering miR-324-5p agomir (or antagomir) at D1 post-MCAO? If the connection cannot be clearly established, the conclusion reached at the end will be difficult to accept.

      (2) Would administering miR-342-5p or anti-CCL5 at later time points (e.g., after D3) reduce infarct size or improve functional recovery? If this is not the case, the effect of CCL5 on neuronal cell damage (infarct size formation) must occur within a very short time after MCAO. Additionally, if the increased CCL5 expression is due to the downregulation of miR-342-5p, its impact would likely be less significant.

      (3) While the study offers valuable insights into the roles of CCL5 and its connection with the regulation of miR-342-5p (though this connection is somewhat weak), it is recommended that the authors explore potential translational applications of these findings.

      Overall, given the experimental designs and results, it is difficult to support the conclusions drawn in the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The paper aims to investigate the synergies between desiccation chaperones and small molecule cosolutes, and describe its mechanistic basis. The paper reports that IDP chaperones have stronger synergies with the cosolutes they coexist with, and in one case suggests that this is related to oligomerization propensity of the IDP.


      The authors have done a good job improving the paper. The study uses a lot of orthogonal methods and the experiments are technically well done. They are addressing a new question that has not really been addressed previously.


      The conclusions are still based on a few examples and only partial correlations. However, this is now acknowledged by the authors and the conclusions are presented with appropriate caveats.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):

      Sztangierska et al. have investigated the impact of the nucleotide exchange (NEF) factor Hsp110 on the Hsp70-dependent dissolution of amorphous aggregates in the presence of representative members of two classes of J-domain protein.<br /> The authors find that the nucleotide exchange factor of the Hsp110 family, sse1, stimulates the disaggregation activity of yeast Hsp70, ssa1, in particular in the presence of the J-domain protein sis1. Linking chaperone-substrate interactions as determined by biolayer interferometry (BLI) to activity assays, they show that sse1 facilitates the loading of more ssa1 onto the aggregate substrate and propose that this is due to active remodelling of the protein aggregate which exposes more chaperone binding sites and thus facilitates reactivation. This study highlights two important facets of Hsp70 biology: different Hsp70 functions rely on the functional cooperation of specific co-chaperone combinations and the stoichiometry of the different players of the Hsp70 system is an important parameter in tuning Hsp70 chaperone activity.


      The manuscript presents a systematic analysis of the functional cooperation of sse1 with a class B J-domain protein sis1 in the disaggregation of two different model aggregate substrates, allowing the authors to draw more general conclusions about Hsp70 disaggregation activity.

      The authors can pinpoint the role of sse1 to the initial remodeling of aggregates, rather than the later stages of refolding, highlighting the functional specificity of Hsp70 co-chaperones.

      They demonstrate the competitive nature of binding to ssa1 between sse1 and sis1 which can explain the poisoning of Hsp70 chaperone activities observed at high NEF concentrations.


      While structural requirements have been identified that allow sse1, in cooperation with sis1, to facilitates the loading of Hsp70 on the amorphous aggregate substrate, how this is achieved on a mechanistic level remains an open question.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors present a method that allows for the identification and localization of molecular machinery at chemical synapses in unstained, unfixed native brain tissue slices. They believe that this approach will provide a 3D structural basis for understanding different mechanisms of synaptic transmission, plasticity, and development. To achieve this, the group used genetically engineered mouse lines and generated thin brain slices that underwent high-pressure freezing (HPF) and focused ion beam (FIB) milling. Utilizing cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) and integrating it with cryo-fluorescence microscopy, they achieved micrometer resolution in identifying the glutamatergic synapses along with nanometer resolution to locate AMPA receptors GluA2-subunits using Fab-AuNP conjugates. The findings are summarized with detailed examples of successfully prepared substrates for cryo-ET, specific morphological identification and localization, and the detailed structural organization of excitatory synapses, including synaptic vesicle clusters close to the postsynaptic density and in the cleft.


      The study advances previous work that used cultured neurons or synaptosomes. Combining cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) with fluorescence-guided targeting and labeling with Fab-AuNP conjugates enabled the study of synapses and molecular structures in their native environment without chemical fixation or staining. This preserves their near-native state, offering high specificity and resolution. The methods developed are mostly generalizable, allowing adaptation for identifying and localizing other key molecules at glutamatergic synapses and potentially useful for studying a variety of synapses and cellular structures beyond the scope of this research.


      The preparation and imaging techniques are complex and require highly specialized equipment and expertise, potentially limiting their accessibility and widespread adoption.

      Additionally, the methods might need further modifications/tweaks to study other types of synapses or molecular structures effectively.

      The reliance on genetically engineered mouse lines and monoclonal, high-affinity antibodies/Fab fragments to specifically label receptors/proteins would limit the wider employment of these methods.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      Yang and colleagues developed a new in vitro blood-brain barrier model that is relatively simple yet outperforms previous models. By incorporating a neuroblastoma cell line, they demonstrated increased electrical resistance and decreased permeability to small molecules


      The authors initially elucidated the soluble mediator responsible for enhancing endothelial functionality, namely GDNF. Subsequently, they elucidated the mechanisms by which GDNF upregulates the expression of VE-cadherin and Claudin-5. They further validated these findings in vivo, and demonstrated predictive value for molecular permeability as well. The study is meticulously conducted and easily comprehensible. The conclusions are firmly supported by the data, and the objectives are successfully achieved. This research is poised to advance future investigations in BBB permeability, leakage, dysfunction, disease modeling, and drug delivery, particularly in high-throughput experiments. I anticipate an enthusiastic reception from the community interested in this area. While other studies have produced similar results with tri-cultures (PMID: 25630899), this study notably enhances electrical resistance compared to previous attempts.


      The power of this system lies in its simplicity, which is enough to study BBB permeability. However, it also lacks some other important cell-cell interactions such as those involving pericytes. Nonetheless, this is still a valuable tool for high throughput screening.

      As with many other similar systems, it has lower TEER values compared to the in vivo counterpart, this is an issue that researchers in the field will have to address in future studies

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      The authors investigated if obesity is associated with elevated working memory deficits. Prior theorizing would suggest that individuals with a higher BMI would be worse at working memory updating, potentially due to impaired dopaminergic signaling in the striatum. However, the authors find that higher BMI was associated with worse working memory performance, irrespective of having to ignore or update new information. To further explore the putative dopaminergic mechanisms, participants are stratified according to genetic polymorphisms in COMT, Taq1A, DARPP and C957T and the ratio of the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, all implicated in dopamine-signaling. They find that carrying specific alleles of Taq1A and DARPP, but not of COMT and C957T, mitigated the otherwise negative relationship between BMI and working memory for updating, but not for maintenance.

      The authors put forward several possible mechanistic explanations of these observations, including imbalances in the striatal go/no-go dopamine pathways. However, only future, more direct measures of dopamine signaling can provide a confirmation of these hypotheses.


      Differentiating between working memory maintenance (ignoring) and updating is a powerful way to get a deeper insight into specific working memory deficits in individuals with obesity. This way of assessing working memory could potentially be applied to various populations at risk for cognitive or working memory deficits.

      By pooling data from three studies, the authors reached a relatively large sample of 320 participants, which enables the assessment of more subtle effects on working memory, including the differentiation between updating and ignoring.

      Working memory gating has long implicated striatal dopamine signaling. This paper shows that a specific combination of a high BMI and specific dopamine-related genotypes can selectively moderate working memory updating. More insight into how these risk factors interact can ultimately lead to more tailor-made treatments.


      The introduction mentions that specific alleles can alter dopamine signaling in various ways. However, the authors are less clear on how they expect these alterations to subsequently affect working memory updating and maintenance in the current study. While I understand that the complexity of these mechanisms might make it challenging to form specific predictions, it would be helpful if the authors acknowledged this uncertainty and clarified that their analyses are exploratory in nature, and they will therefore refrain from any directional hypotheses regarding the genotypes.

      The majority of participants seems to fall within the normal BMI-range, whereas the interaction between BMI and genetic variations or amino acid ratio particularly surfaces at higher BMI. As genetic variations are usually associated with small effect sizes, the effective sample size, although large for a behavioral analysis only, might have been too small to detect meaningful effects of particular alleles of COMT and C957T.

      The relationships between genetic variations, BMI and specific disturbances in dopamine signaling are complex, as compensating mechanisms might be at play to mitigate any detrimental effects. Future studies that apply more direct measures or manipulations of dopaminergic processes could therefore aid in mechanistically explaining the results.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors aim to demonstrate that cardiac glycosides restore autophagy flux in an iPSC-derived mDA neuronal model of WDR45 deficiency. They established a patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neuronal model and performed a medium-throughput drug screen using high-content imaging-based IF analysis. Several compounds were identified that ameliorate disease-specific phenotypes in vitro.


      This manuscript engaged in an important topic and yielded some interesting data.