20 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Undocumented Hypothes.is Badge API (used by Chrome extension):

      ```python """ Return the number of public annotations on a given page.

      This is for the number that's displayed on the Chrome extension's badge.

      Certain pages are blocklisted so that the badge never shows a number on those pages. The Chrome extension is oblivious to this, we just tell it that there are 0 annotations. """ ```

      https://hypothes.is/api/badge?uri=* same as https://hypothes.is/api/search?limit=0&uri=*.

    1. Add a new, undocumented separate_replies=True option to the search API. If separate_replies=True option is _not_ given to the search API, then it reverts to its previous behaviour: _do_ include replies in the "rows" list returned. This is the same behaviour that the search API had befor: it returns both top-level annotations and replies in the one "rows" list, but without any guarantee that if some annotations/replies from a given thread are in the list then all annotations/replies from that thread will be in it. If separate_replies=True _is_ given then the API follows the new behaviour: "rows" contains top-level annotations only, and a separate "replies" list containing all replies to the annotations in rows is also inserted into the result.
  2. Feb 2023
  3. Nov 2022
  4. Aug 2022
    1. yaml definitions: Annotation: type: object required: - user - uri properties: id: type: string description: Unique ID for this Annotation. uri: type: string description: URI which is the target of this Annotation. target: type: array items: - type: object properties: scope: type: array items: - type: string selector: type: array items: - type: object properties: type: description: Type of Selector--see Web Annotation Data Model. type: string source: type: string user: type: string description: User URI in the form of an `acct` prefixed URI. document: type: object description: Target document metadata schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DocumentMetadata' permissions: type: object description: Permissions for this Annotation. created: type: string format: date-time updated: type: string format: date-time AnnotationList: type: object properties: total: type: number rows: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Annotation' DocumentMetadata: type: object properties: eprints: type: object title: type: string twitter: type: object properties: image:src: type: array items: type: string title: type: array items: type: string description: type: array items: type: string card: type: array items: type: string site: type: array items: type: string dc: type: object favicon: type: string prism: type: object highwire: type: object link: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string facebook: type: object properties: site_name: type: array items: type: string description: type: array items: type: string title: type: array items: type: string url: type: array items: type: string image: type: array items: type: string type: type: array items: type: string

  5. May 2022
  6. Feb 2022
    1. annotations

      is there a way to extract highlighted text in a webpage?

  7. Jan 2022
  8. Oct 2021
  9. www.programmableweb.com www.programmableweb.com
    1. Hypothesis REST API

      The Hypothesis API integrates annotations into web services. Available to send HTTP requests and JSON responses, it aims to be useful for researchers, scientists, and educators.

    1. Using the Hypothesis API

      What might it take to demo a Jamstack approach to connecting Airtable to Hypothesis with serverless functions in Netlify?

  10. Jun 2019
    1. URIs are split on characters `#+/:=?.-` into their keywords.

      split chars used for uri.parts parameter

  11. Jun 2017
    1. retrieves the JSON data

      Step 2: Grabs the data from the URL...

    2. generates a well-formed search URL

      Step 1: Creates a URL to be looked at by another fuction/method

    3. To enhance that process, you could add the appropriate path to the output file name in this script, and write a shell script that runs this script and then commits/pushes to GitHub, and then schedule that script to run at regular intervals from your computer/server. I'm going to look into adding that functionality to this script, but it's not ready yet.
    1. # search for all annotations with the tag IndieEdTech and return them in json format. s = searchurl(tag = 'IndieEdTech') l = retrievelist(s) # print the title of each article annotated. for entry in l: e = Annotation(entry) print(e.title)

      I don't get it. Is this all I need to put into a Jupyter Notebook?

    2. given the annotation's API URL

      Is this specific to an annotation? Yes, I guess.

  12. Jun 2016