77 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Ain't it possible that every message I send or forward will just be replaced to the outbox and will be send by Thunderbird in the background ? I really hate it that every message sends itself away, running on top of all other windows, and it makes me wait till it has been sent from reading my other messages...
    1. Compacting folders does nothing for me -- I don't know why. I compacted them today for the first time in about a year, and the folder size remained unchanged. I don't generally delete emails, so that's likely why, but that doesn't mean I need to keep local copies of 12.5GB of emails.
  2. Jan 2024
  3. Nov 2023
    1. The problem is that when I want to create OAuth client ID in google, it does not accept ".test" domain for "Authorized redirect URIs". It says: Invalid Redirect: must end with a public top-level domain (such as .com or .org). Invalid Redirect: domain must be added to the authorized domains list before submitting. While it accepts .test domain for "Authorized JavaScript origins" part! I saw most of the tutorials when using socialite and google api they set these in google console. http://localhost:8000 and http://localhost:8000/callback/google and google accepts them without problem with domain and generate the key and secret but I am not using mamp and I am going to continue with valet. I would be so thankful if you guide me about what is the alternative domain for .test which works fine in valet and also google accepts it?
  4. Jul 2023
  5. Jan 2023
  6. Dec 2022
    1. When configuring SMTP settings in an after_initialize block, the settings aren't picked up by ActionMailer. This leads to runtime errors, since ActionMailer tries the default settings.
  7. Nov 2022
    1. I've developed additional perspective on this issue - I have DNS settings in my hosts file that are what resolve the visits to localhost, but also preserve the subdomain in the request (this latter point is important because Rails path helpers care which subdomain is being requested) To sum up the scope of the problem as it stands now - I need a way within Heroku/Capybara system tests to both route requests to localhost, but also maintain the subdomain information of the request. I've been able to accomplish one or the other, but haven't found a configuration that provides both yet.
    1. The Console now supports redeclaration of const statement, in addition to the existing let and class redeclarations. The inability to redeclare was a common annoyance for web developers who use the Console to experiment with new JavaScript code.
    1. Check the "Auto-open DevTools for popups".

      Without this feature, when a pop-up opens without DevTools open, if it redirects, it will be too late to open DevTools and see the redirect logged...

      There is still a problem though: If the pop-up window closes, so does that DevTools. So you can't see logs or network logs (redierects) that happened right before it closed...

  8. Sep 2022
    1. it's syntactically correct, but it will check that none parameters are valid, just because additionalProperties work at siblings level, and no enter inside of allOf

      JSON Schema: problem: can't use additionalProperties with allOf to make a union

  9. Aug 2022
    1. My main issue with mint was having to correct transactions multiple times. Do it one day, do it again the next, then it finally sticks.
    1. How do I turn off the requirement to have a lock screen?Today, I'm suddenly unable to use any Google related apps on my phone, because I am now REQUIRED to set up a lock screen on my phone. I get that you want to be super-secure for businesses using enterprise devices. I am not a business. I'm some guy who just happens to have a domain name. My only "employee" is me. I have a two email addresses: My real first name, and the shorter version that most people call me. I do NOT want a lock screen on my phone. I don't want to be forced to give myself permission to use apps on my phone. Why am I now required to add all this bull$%^? Nobody is hacking my interwebs. Give me a f#$%^& break! I don't need a lock screen. I've been using this account for everything (gmail, youtube, etc) for over five years now. I'm not interested in deleting it and going back to my gmail.com account. I'm also not interested in being forced to click multiple times just to use my phone. Let me disable it.So, how do I turn this garbage off?
  10. Jul 2022
    1. Rails 3 seems is ignoring my rescue_from handler so I cannot test my redirect below.

      I have similar problem too

      404 errors raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound to the test

  11. May 2022
    1. I spent some time trying to figure out why I was receiving: GetProj4StringSPI: Cannot find SRID (4326) in spatial_ref_sys From my tests. Of course SELECT * FROM spatial_ref_sys returned 0 rows.

      I had this problem too

  12. Nov 2021
    1. Could someone guide me how to set up chromedriver with selenium using chromium flatpak properly? I can't seem to find any tutorial doing it like this... I never had issues with chromedriver using the "old" sudo apt way and I also got it working using snapd. But since I am using Pop!_OS I'd like to just use flatpaks if there is no sudo apt repo.
  13. Oct 2021
    1. The issue seems to be that when there are multiple layouts configured, VS Code sets as key layout the first value for layout form setxkbmap -query, ignoring the current layout. If I switch to be en,de then VS Code uses the EN layout, as it is the first in the list. It would be handy if VS Code could use the current layout instead of the first from the list.
  14. Sep 2021
    1. if you have 3 windows of the same web browser application running, Alt+Tab won’t let you switch between those windows
    1. WARNING in ./app/javascript/components/ComponentLibrary/Docs/Intro.md Module parse failed: Unexpected character '#' (1:0) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
    1. Usually you get this error if you change your password by some other means which fails to update the password for the keyring.
  15. Aug 2021
    1. But for this approach we fear the performance impact of creating iframes via JavaScript -- the html iframe would be rendered and loaded before the script would even start to execute.
    1. The problem is that, with the literal types, the includes call now gives a type error: // Error: Argument of type number is not assignable to 1 | 2 | 3 if(!legalValues.includes(userValue)) { throw new Error("..."); }
  16. Jun 2021
    1. As you can see Rails already adds error messages from associated models and doing it wrongly: Merging together errors from different models under same has_many association. :"employments.company"=>["can't be blank"] And this is wrong.
    2. I have been waiting for a solution for this quite a while now.
  17. May 2021
    1. This looks cool but right now, let's say i have an external api which depends on users cookies, the cookies only gets send through internal sk endpoints while ssr even if its the same domain. Couldn't we pass the 'server' request to the serverFetch hook? I would currently have to patch package svelte kit to pass request headers to the external api or create an sk endpoint which proxies the request.
  18. Apr 2021
    1. I have a 2 radio buttons with the same id and label, only different values, (true, false)....anything I can do to choose false?

      If you just do find_field(radio_input_name) you end up with

         Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible field "name" that is not disabled
  19. Mar 2021
    1. It does this by creating links to specially crafted URLs using custom schemes (ie. "txmt", "subl", "mvim"). I prefer to use standard CLI vim in iTerm.

      I have similar problem: want to use regular vim in tilix terminal

    1. Some research led me to the --remote-tab switch that allows to open files as tabs in currently open Vim processes but it seemed to work only with the graphical interface (gvim) and not with the console (vim). But as I made some tests I found this can work with the vim in console mode

      That's what I thought too (that it was only available with gvim, which I don't want to use).

      But I get this error when I try it with regular vim:

      $ vim --servername local
      VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Apr 15 2020 06:40:31)
      Unknown option argument: "--servername"
    1. when the link of accessing a workspace appear I only get the popup: "Open xdg-open?" and then nothing happens.

      Though in my case it is clicking an mvim:// link from better_errors

    1. Tried to buy keyg at its 90% off sales price but no matter what payment method I choose I keep getting a "Due to processing fees the minimum amount is 100 cents."I'm trying to figure out if there is any way around this, and if not then why can you list a game at a price below $1 if it isn't actually possible for it to be bought at said price?
    1. What is the point of avoiding the semicolon in concat_javascript_sources

      For how detailed and insightful his analysis was -- which didn't elaborate or even touch on his not understanding the reason for adding the semicolon -- it sure appeared like he knew what it was for. Otherwise, the whole issue would/should have been about how he didn't understand that, not on how to keep adding the semicolon but do so in a faster way!

      Then again, this comment from 3 months afterwards, indicates he may not think they are even necessary: https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/388#issuecomment-252417741

      Anyway, just in case he really didn't know, the comment shortly below partly answers the question:

      Since the common problem with concatenating JavaScript files is the lack of semicolons, automatically adding one (that, like Sam said, will then be removed by the minifier if it's unnecessary) seems on the surface to be a perfectly fine speed optimization.

      This also alludes to the problem: https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/388#issuecomment-257312994

      But the explicit answer/explanation to this question still remains unspoken: because if you don't add them between concatenated files -- as I discovered just to day -- you will run into this error:

         (intermediate value)(...) is not a function
             at something.source.js:1

      , apparently because when it concatenated those 2 files together, it tried to evaluate it as:

           // other.js
         (function() {
           // something.js

      It makes sense that a ; is needed.

    1. Shogi is a classic game. I know many people who want to play Shogi, but the Kanji on the pieces makes it too hard to master. I have designed this Shogi with icons so anybody can learn it easily.
  20. Feb 2021
    1. You use grid-area, so the place for the side nav is allocated at start. If you hide (or even delete) the side nav, that won't change anything about this. You have to do a little trick: Set the width for the first column to 0 and change the grid-gap because otherwise you will have a (not needed) gap at the left.
  21. Jan 2021
    1. So, what I've discovered in a meanwhile. It was an ubuntu-docker issue. Recently I upgraded my ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04. This change seems to be incompatible with the docker version I had, 1.11.0.
    1. Situation: you have a single line of text in a flex child element. You don’t want that text to wrap, you want it truncated with ellipsis (or fall back to just hiding the overflow). But the worst happens. The unthinkable! The layout breaks and forces the entire flex parent element too wide. Flexbox is supposed to be helping make layout easier!
    1. Basically the typescript compiler emits no code for interfaces, so webpack can not find them in the compiled module; except when a module consists of only interfaces. In that case the module will end up completely empty and then webpack will not investigate the exports.
    1. You may find that your application requires a layout that differs slightly from your regular application layout to support one particular controller. Rather than repeating the main layout and editing it, you can accomplish this by using nested layouts (sometimes called sub-templates).
  22. Nov 2020
    1. If I understand the problem correctly, just changing the imports to point to svelte/internal isn't enough because they could still point to different packages depending on how your components are bundled. It solved your specific issue, but if you had two completely unrelated Svelte components compiled to vanilla javascript bundled with Svelte, you'd still hit issues with mismatching current_component when using slots or callbacks.
    2. It sounds like another case of multiple svelte/internal modules? I think we need to look into reworking how svelte/internal keeps track of the current component since it breaks when mixing components not bundled with the app. It sounds like we need to find a way to pass Svelte's internal runtime state when instantiating components, since slots and callbacks end up mixing different svelte/internal together.
    1. It is impossible to rebuild the base from the Dockerfile as the 3rd party dependencies have changed significantly since 8 months ago when the base was last built. The tags for my base image have been overwritten and I can only restore them from a descendant image. With Docker 1.8 I simply pulled the descendant image, tagged the base layer and I was done. With Docker 1.10+ I'd need to save, then manually construct the base image descriptor and reload it. Doable but sad that it's far more complex.
    2. Unfortunately, this image was built months ago. No one has the build any more. We are left with a descendant image that has all the original content but on lower layers.