- Jan 2025
Modular development is a significant advantage of Angular development services. In this instance, mobile applications are separated into manageable, compact pieces. Developers may now create apps with disparate components that function as a whole. It makes debugging and development easier.
Learn how Angular can enhance your mobile app development, offering powerful features for seamless cross-platform applications. Explore the benefits of using angular for mobile app development, from scalability to easy integration with other tools, and why it’s a top choice for developers.
- Nov 2024
Best suited for deployment of trained AI models in Android and iOS operating systems, TensorFlow Lite provides customers with on-device machine learning capability through mobile-optimized pre-trained models. It’s efficient while having low latency and compatibility for multiple languages which makes it very versatile. Developers can leverage its lightweight and mobile-optimized models to provide on-device AI functionality with minimal latency when implementing TensorFlow Lite in mobile apps.
Implementing Trained AI Models in Mobile App Development is transforming app experiences by integrating machine learning into iOS and Android platforms. From AI-powered personalization to advanced analytics, trained models empower intelligent decision-making and enhanced functionality.
play.google.com play.google.com
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual to auditory - The vOICe Android app - from - search - Google - google play the vOICEe visual to auditory from - search - Google - google play the vOICEe visual to auditory - ghttps://hyp.is/KU2PuJ2PEe-XesNTfrguIQ/www.google.com/search?q=google+play+the+vOICEe+visual+to+auditory&sca_esv=53a8ca786e59126d&sxsrf=ADLYWIJoqIizFiTxAfm09a65hUuKEgKq_g:1731042142105&ei=XpstZ8-RBoSdhbIP9f3VkA4&ved=0ahUKEwjPuOK_-suJAxWETkEAHfV-FeIQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=google+play+the+vOICEe+visual+to+auditory&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiKWdvb2dsZSBwbGF5IHRoZSB2T0lDRWUgdmlzdWFsIHRvIGF1ZGl0b3J5MgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKSLZMUKgLWPtDcAF4AZABAJgB1QOgAZ5VqgEGMy0yNi40uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIfoALGVcICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFwgIOEAAYgAQYkQIYsQMYigXCAhEQABiABBiRAhixAxiDARiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIFEAAYgATCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAsICBhAAGBYYHsICCBAAGBYYChgewgIHEAAYgAQYDcICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAggQABgWGB4YD8ICBhAhGBUYCsICBBAhGAqYAwCIBgGQBgqSBwgxLjMtMjUuNaAHlZsB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
little camera on glasses and you turn it into an audio image um and there are very sophisticated examples of this now one is called The Voice v i and it's it's an app that you can just download on your phone
for - Deep Humanity - BEing journey - example - umwelt - visual to audio app - The Voice - David Eagleman - to - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - https://hyp.is/OJKKmJ1MEe-TAp_w_0SK_Q/www.google.com/search?q=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&sca_esv=6fa4053b1bfce2fa&sxsrf=ADLYWIK_UqZZZ9OCRCwH4D6FoSaykbMTpQ:1731013461104&ei=VSstZ4eCBqi8xc8P5KP_kAU&ved=0ahUKEwjHgM3Tj8uJAxUoXvEDHeTRH1IQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiO2FuZHJvaWQgYXBwICJUaGUgVm9pY2UiIHRyYW5zbGF0ZXMgaW1hZ2VzIGludG8gYXVkaW8gc2lnbmFsMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI2xdQpglYjRJwAXgCkAEAmAGZA6ABmQOqAQM0LTG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAqADwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBBAAGEeYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHBTIuNC0xoAewBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
medium.com medium.com
for - article - Medium - Translating vision into sound - A deep learning perspectiive - Viktor Toth - 21 April, 2019 - from - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - https://hyp.is/OJKKmJ1MEe-TAp_w_0SK_Q/www.google.com/search?q=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&sca_esv=6fa4053b1bfce2fa&sxsrf=ADLYWIK_UqZZZ9OCRCwH4D6FoSaykbMTpQ:1731013461104&ei=VSstZ4eCBqi8xc8P5KP_kAU&ved=0ahUKEwjHgM3Tj8uJAxUoXvEDHeTRH1IQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiO2FuZHJvaWQgYXBwICJUaGUgVm9pY2UiIHRyYW5zbGF0ZXMgaW1hZ2VzIGludG8gYXVkaW8gc2lnbmFsMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI2xdQpglYjRJwAXgCkAEAmAGZA6ABmQOqAQM0LTG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAqADwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBBAAGEeYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHBTIuNC0xoAewBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
The vOICe is the most practical and widely used, clearly demonstrated by its 100k+ downloads and around 1300 current active users on Android only.
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual-to-auditory (V2A) - Android app - The vOICe - to - Android app - The vOICe - https://hyp.is/T8YlEJ0_Ee-jKFfo0TcpWQ/medium.com/mindsoft/translating-vision-into-sound-443b7e01eced
- to - Android app - The vOICe
- from - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal
- article - Medium - Translating vision into sound - A deep learning perspectiive - Viktor Toth - 21 April, 2019
- BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual-to-auditory (V2A) - Android app - The vOICe
www.google.com www.google.com
for - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman - https://hyp.is/BHS6up09Ee-1qefERFpeQg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCvFgrpfNGM - to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019 - https://hyp.is/lQL4Yp1MEe-66-dpgenOBA/medium.com/mindsoft/translating-vision-into-sound-443b7e01eced
- from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman
- to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019
- search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal
- Sep 2024
Google’s chaos makes Apple’s control seem reasonable. I can already hear John and Seb typing: “…and this is why the EU shouldn’t turn Apple into Google.” Let’s be real—Google Play and the App Store don’t compete. They collaborate. Same rates, same model, same unchecked power. Call it a monopoly, call it a duopoly. They share the mobile market without too much crossfire: Apple takes those who can or want to pay, Google takes the rest. Google Play is not an alternative to the App Store. It’s not “Go there if you don’t like Apple.” Google Play is a very lazy, very sloppy carbon copy of the App Store. Their collaboration is not metaphorical. It goes beyond the way their shared control over the mobile app market. Apple collects privacy points, then cashes them in by making Google the default search on iPhone. A lot of that privacy-free Search money flows right back from Google to Apple. 20 Billion USD in 2022. In 2020, “Google’s payments to Apple constituted 17.5% of the iPhone maker’s operating income.” (Bloomberg) And no one really cares, as long as it’s convenient. But as a developer in Europe, we’re glad that the EU does. ↩
iAwriter pointing out that from their perspective G and A appstores don't compete but divvy things up between them. A 20B USD / 17,5% revenue deal makes it tangible. Say they appreciate the DMA because of it.
www.hiremobiledevelopers.com www.hiremobiledevelopers.com
This is a collection of excellent Kotlin App Examples. While millions of people have downloaded some of them from Google Play after being produced by prestigious corporations, others are well-liked open-source initiatives that developers find valuable.
nlnet.nl nlnet.nl
Maemo Leste is intended to be a mobile OS independent and completely separate from Android and iOS. e/OS in comparison I think is more a degoogled Android. Its origins are in a Nokia project called Maemo (never heard of it).
- Jun 2024
- openai use LiveKit to deliver realtime voice
- playground: https://cloud.livekit.io/projects/
- Feb 2024
IMS Service on Android has cutting-edge or advanced communication features. IMS Service along with VoLTE (Voice over Long-Term Evolution or Voice over LTE) ensures crystal-clear voice calls over 4G and 5G LTE. Seamless and instant connectivity is the priority that is immensed by Android IMS.
https://techwiti.com/ims-service-android/ It's a good article on IMS service android.
- Dec 2023
developers.google.com developers.google.com
A traditional account linking flow requires the user to enter their credentials in the browser. The use of App Flip defers user sign-in to your Android app, which allows you to leverage existing authorizations. If the user is signed in to your app, they don't need to re-enter their credentials to link their account.
- Aug 2023
developer.android.com developer.android.com
Starting from BOM version 2023.08.00, a dependency to "androidx.emoji2:emoji2:1.4.0" is included, which requires a compileSdk 34 or later, which then requires a Gradle plugin version that supports Sdk 34 (at the moment of writing such versions are in pre-release)
- Jul 2023
www.dtechy.com www.dtechy.com
- Apr 2023
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
medium.com medium.com
- Mar 2023
developer.android.com developer.android.com
www.droidwin.com www.droidwin.com
The benefits of getting administrative privileges over an open-source OS like Android stands aplenty. Among them, it’s the ability to flash modules and tweaks that is at the top of the priority queue, However, this is just one side of the coin. Rooting has its own downsides as well, the primary among them is the fact that SafetyNet getting triggered.
www.xda-developers.com www.xda-developers.com
Google has had the ability to harden SafetyNet checks using hardware-backed key attestation for several years now. The fact that they refrained to do so for 3 years has allowed users to enjoy root and Magisk Modules without sacrificing the ability to use banking apps. However, it seems that Magisk's ability to effectively hide the bootloader unlock status is soon coming to an end. It's a change that we've expected for years, but we're sad to see it finally go into effect.
- Dec 2022
play.google.com play.google.com
www.woshipm.com www.woshipm.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Kotlin 语言培训市场规模有多大?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Java 基础问题: 用 try{❶}catch(){❷} ❸,如果 try 中代码即 1 发生异常, 就被 2 捕获, 还能走到 3,加不加 finally 都会走到后面的代码,那 finally 还有什么用?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Android 手机系统有哪些令人难以忍受的缺点?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Android M 的 Doze 模式下第三方推送服务还能用吗?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Android 系统不释放内存吗?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
知乎和知乎日报客户端 Android 客户端设置夜间模式是怎样做到不重启 Activity 的?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Activity 源码中的「private static final boolean DEBUG_LIFECYCLE = false;」有什么作用?
Android多线程对私有属性访问为何会导致JIT unchain for all on thread 11 ?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
DPI、PPI、DP、PX 的详细计算方法及算法来源是什么?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
如何在 Android 手机上实现抓包?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
如何通俗地理解 Gradle?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
Android 架构设计的思想与原则是什么?
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
有哪些在实际 Android 项目中用到的设计模式?
developer.android.com developer.android.com
- Nov 2022
developer.android.com developer.android.com
developer.android.com developer.android.com
www.caichinger.com www.caichinger.com
Android also has a function to log all traffic into a file, which can later be copied to a computer for analysis in Wireshark.
connect the phone to the computer via USB, enable USB debugging, select the "Android Bluetooth" capture source in Wireshark, and start recording!
newer versions of Wireshark include an androiddump utility to capture Bluetooth traffic directly from Android phones. The setup couldn't be simpler: connect the phone to the computer via USB, enable USB debugging, select the "Android Bluetooth" capture source in Wireshark, and start recording!
9to5google.com 9to5google.com
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
Now I can take an article from almost anywhere on my phone (reading services like Pocket, my feed readers, or even articles within the browser themselves), click share, choose “URL Forwarder” from the top of the list, select “Hypothesize” and the piece I want to annotate magically opens up with Hypothes.is ready to go in my default browser. Huzzah!
Useful how-to for setting up Hypothes.is for mobile use on Android. Confirmed that this works on Brave mobile browser
Using "https:" also works (at least with the Brave mobile browser on Android)
www.makeuseof.com www.makeuseof.com
How to Turn Obsidian Into a Personal Kanban Organizer
Checking if Hypothesis works on Android via Brave mobile browser. Here's some LaTex being tested \(A \cup B\)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
However after doing a bit of testing I see that this character is not used to represent missing glyphs on either my Windows 7 computer or the Android phone I've tested with (Motorola Atrix).
- Oct 2022
simplephone.tech simplephone.tech
On the other end, there was The Good Phone Foundation, a not-for-profit organization founded with a mission to create an open, transparent, and secure mobile ecosystem outside of Big Tech’s reach, who just released their own Android-based mobile OS and were looking for apps to rely on. They contacted me, and after a couple of calls, we realized that partnering up on the smartphone makes a lot of sense for both of us. So, here we are, introducing you to our brand new Simple Phone. Only having control over both software and hardware ensures the ultimate privacy and security. The target audience consists of more privacy-oriented people that do not want to be tracked or rely on big corporations, Google Play, etc. It focuses on people who just want to get things done in a simple way without having to keep closing ads and wondering what does the system do in the background. Not to mention consistency again as the core apps are developed by us. Hope you will like it just like we do 🙂
Simple Phone's effort to release its own mobile OS is promising for ordinary users. Because Simple Mobile Tools represents a full suite of basic Android applications, in can, ideally, provide a privacy-friendly and user-friendly alternative to stock Android by providing a unified suite of apps. /e/ OS (aka Murena) is attempting something similar, but its app collection is not quite as unified as the Simple Mobile suite.
apkfab.com apkfab.com
play.google.com play.google.com
- Sep 2022
www.luluboxapk.com www.luluboxapk.com
Lulubox apk, the best Android app for getting free skins Lulubox is an app that enables features of popular games using unlimited skins. This free Android application is compatible with the latest Android versions. With this Lulubox apk, you are allowed to install the latest version of Lulubox with the latest skins updates on any Android device that runs Android 4.4 or later. List of games compatible with Lulubox 6.6.2 Fortnight, Pubg Mobile, PUBG: NEW STATE, 8 Ball Pool, Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Mini Militia, Free Fire, Carrom Pool, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, Ludo king, PUBG MOBILE: Aftermath, Dream League Soccer 2021, and many more. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How does Lulubox works? Lulubox is a third-party application that injects skins. When someone requests skins while playing a game, it sends required skins for the game and enables features of the game even premium features. All you need to do is just download Lulubox apk and install it on your device. It automatically installs all of the available skins locally on your device. This would help to load skins faster than loading from a cloud service.
Lulubox is the best tool to get skins for Android games
- Aug 2022
```css .body, .wrapper { / Break the flow / position: absolute; top: 0px;
/ Give them all the available space / width: 100%; height: 100%;
/ Remove the margins if any / margin: 0;
/ Allow them to scroll down the document / overflow-y: hidden; } ```
web.dev web.dev
support.google.com support.google.com
How do I turn off the requirement to have a lock screen?Today, I'm suddenly unable to use any Google related apps on my phone, because I am now REQUIRED to set up a lock screen on my phone. I get that you want to be super-secure for businesses using enterprise devices. I am not a business. I'm some guy who just happens to have a domain name. My only "employee" is me. I have a two email addresses: My real first name, and the shorter version that most people call me. I do NOT want a lock screen on my phone. I don't want to be forced to give myself permission to use apps on my phone. Why am I now required to add all this bull$%^? Nobody is hacking my interwebs. Give me a f#$%^& break! I don't need a lock screen. I've been using this account for everything (gmail, youtube, etc) for over five years now. I'm not interested in deleting it and going back to my gmail.com account. I'm also not interested in being forced to click multiple times just to use my phone. Let me disable it.So, how do I turn this garbage off?
time.geekbang.org time.geekbang.org
public operator fun setValue(thisRef: T, property: KProperty<*>, value: V)
- Jul 2022
developers.cloudflare.com developers.cloudflare.com
- Go to Settings > Network & internet.
- Select Advanced > Private DNS.
- Select the Private DNS provider hostname option.
- Enter
and press Save.
- Jun 2022
blog.thunderbird.net blog.thunderbird.net
- May 2022
code.briarproject.org code.briarproject.org
The phone will try to go into deep sleep as soon as the screen is turned off. If it wakes up to process an interrupt then it will go back into deep sleep as soon as possible. If you come from a Linux background like me, it's hard to adjust to the idea that during normal operation, the phone is constantly dropping in and out of suspend.
- Apr 2022
ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org ar5iv.labs.arxiv.org
www.xda-developers.com www.xda-developers.com
support.google.com support.google.com
This just happened to me and it was because I was signed in to my work account at the same time. I went to "sign out all" and signed in again and they reappeared
When Android apps disappeared from my Chromebook, it was because I had added a managed account.
- Mar 2022
play.google.com play.google.com
Oh look! A native Android app for Micro.blog.
- Jan 2022
shkspr.mobi shkspr.mobi
This runs a loop 555 times. Takes a screenshot, names it for the loop number with padded zeros, taps the bottom right of the screen, then waits for a second to ensure the page has refreshed. Slow and dull, but works reliably.
Simple bash script to use via ADB to automatically scan pages:
#!/bin/bash for i in {00001..00555}; do adb exec-out screencap -p > $i.png adb shell input tap 1000 2000 sleep 1s done echo All done
- Nov 2021
midrange.tedium.co midrange.tedium.co
I have an iPad Pro, a 2018 model that I bought earlier this year because I felt that it was important to have an understanding of the iOS ecosystem even if I was using Android with my smartphone.
This is a great idea imo.
docs.keymapper.club docs.keymapper.club
- Aug 2021
www.makeuseof.com www.makeuseof.com
Check that not in cloud 1st. Can't I just delete from cloud as well?
www.makeuseof.com www.makeuseof.com
Nat's phone?
Concerning! How to prevent?
wethegeek.com wethegeek.com
temporary data & cache, SMS, text messages, photos, gallery, facial recognitions, text messages, WhatsApp, Call logs, clipboard etc.
Worth having.
- Jun 2021
flutter.dev flutter.dev
the rough equivalent to a View is a Widget
- May 2021
fabiensanglard.net fabiensanglard.net
LocationManager can provide a GPS location (lat,long) every second. Meanwhile, TelephonyManager gives the cellID=(mmc,mcc,lac,cid) the radio is currently camping on. A cellID database[1], allows to know the (lat,long) of each CellID. What is left is to draw the itinerary (in red) and, for each second, a cellID-color-coded connection to the cell.
To design such a map, one needs to use these 2 Android components:
- LocationManager - provides a GPS location (
) every second - TelephonyManager - provides a cellID=(
) the radio is currently camping on
and cellID database to know the (
) of each cell ID. - LocationManager - provides a GPS location (
developer.tizen.org developer.tizen.org
Heart Rate Monitor LED Green Sensor The Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) LED green sensor measures the amount of green light that is reflected back from a person's blood vessel. The following table lists the measurement data that the HRM LED green sensor provides.
Tizen API accessing amount of green, red, and IR light reflected from a blood vessel
www.androidauthority.com www.androidauthority.com
Wear OS is a smartwatch operating system created and maintained by Google. It was announced on March 18, 2014 as Android Wear, only to be rebranded as Wear OS on March 15, 2018. Wear OS is an Android-based operating system that receives semi-regular feature and security updates, just like the version of Android that powers billions of smartphones around the world.
Wear OS description
developers.google.com developers.google.com
The Google Fit APIs for Android are part of Google Play services. The Google Fit APIs are supported on Android 4.1 (API level 16) and higher. Using these APIs, your app can do the following: Read near-real-time and historic data, including data from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. Record activities. Associate data with a session. Set fitness goals.
Google Fit API for Android allows raw data access!!!
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
The PPG data were collected with Huawei Watch 2
Study that used Huawei Watch 2 PPG sensor to measure stress levels
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Depends on vendor, it would be possible to access the raw ppg signal of wear os sensor, should you have access to sensor hardware driver. Some researchers did analysed PPG raw signal from Huawei watch 2 and here is the paper.
android /wear OS allows for raw PPG data access, but need drivers...
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Use Samsung's SDK and it will give you the raw values (values range from 0 to ~64600 if I remember correctly).
Reading raw PPG data for 'Android Wear'.
pub.dev pub.dev
A Flutter plugin to access the PPG sensor.
Assists with accessing PPG data for android watches
- Apr 2021
www.raywenderlich.com www.raywenderlich.com
GitHub Actions is GitHub’s platform for automation workflows. A workflow is a sequence of jobs that can run either in series or in parallel. A job usually contains more than one step, where each step is a self-contained function. To learn more about GitHub Actions, go through the tutorial on Continuous Integration for Android.
Brief description on what GitHub Actions is.
gist.github.com gist.github.com
Set this up on my phone today. Seems to work solidly and actually be a bit of fun.
- Mar 2021
blog.cryptographyengineering.com blog.cryptographyengineering.com
On the other hand, you might notice that this is a pretty goddamn low standard. In other words, in 2016 Android is still struggling to deploy encryption that achieves (lock screen) security that Apple figured out six years ago. And they’re not even getting it right. That doesn’t bode well for the long term security of Android users.
Compare Android (full-disk) vs Apple (file-based) encryption strategies.
www.ubuntupit.com www.ubuntupit.com
Covers all linux emulators.
raccoon.onyxbits.de raccoon.onyxbits.de
A java downloader that just works (unlike
- Feb 2021
developer.android.com developer.android.com
An intent filter is an expression in an app's manifest file that specifies the type of intents that the component would like to receive. For instance, by declaring an intent filter for an activity, you make it possible for other apps to directly start your activity with a certain kind of intent. Likewise, if you do not declare any intent filters for an activity, then it can be started only with an explicit intent.
Implicit intents do not name a specific component, but instead declare a general action to perform, which allows a component from another app to handle it. For example, if you want to show the user a location on a map, you can use an implicit intent to request that another capable app show a specified location on a map.
Explicit intents specify which application will satisfy the intent, by supplying either the target app's package name or a fully-qualified component class name. You'll typically use an explicit intent to start a component in your own app, because you know the class name of the activity or service you want to start.
- Jan 2021
In this article, learn how to create a streaming service like Netflix and how to launch a streaming service with unique features.
framework7.io framework7.io
Open About Popover
I have to say, I like how it looks in their Apple and Desktop preview better than the Android/Material preview. I wish they had the arrow in Android Material too.
But on https://sveltematerialui.com/demo/menu-surface it doesn't bother me quite as much...
- Dec 2020
Learn how to create a streaming service like Netflix. Explore how to start streaming service with unique features.
mac.eltima.com mac.eltima.com
How do I transfer photos from Android to Mac?
Nice app to transfer photos from Android to Mac
- Nov 2020
letsencrypt.org letsencrypt.org
It’s quite a bind. We’re committed to everybody on the planet having secure and privacy-respecting communications. And we know that the people most affected by the Android update problem are those we most want to help - people who may not be able to buy a new phone every four years. Unfortunately, we don’t expect the Android usage numbers to change much prior to ISRG Root X1’s expiration. By raising awareness of this change now, we hope to help our community to find the best path forward.
Android, the ever growing, ever rotting eldritch horror. A horror mash up of ill-supported buy-once dispose-after consumerized devices and advanced internet connected computer. All with locked bootloaders, to insure you are indeed stuck, saddled with whatever level of support the device maker feels fit to give you.
- Oct 2020
www.healthlinetalk.com www.healthlinetalk.com
Through the telemedicine app, you can quickly get service from a doctor without walk away from one step from home. Here are the best telemedicine apps, which have been getting the best ratings, reviews, and overall reliability through users.
- Sep 2020
www.techiepixel.com www.techiepixel.com
Let’s take a look at some facts and figures related to iOS vs. Android, which can help you choose one of two operating systems:
Learn How To Unlock Bootloader in Xiaomi Devices.
Want to unlock the bootloader of any Xiaomi device. Xiaomi is a Company that provides protected and secure phones. So, that’s why it is more difficult to unlock the bootloader in Xiaomi Devices than any other company’s phones.
- Aug 2020
www.techiepixel.com www.techiepixel.com
Do you want to interact with your audience live, as well as record the interaction, and also broadcast it on social media altogether? Well, this is possible with Live Streaming.
www.bebee.com www.bebee.com
To the fact, 77% of the users will stop using an app within 3 days of its download. Only those apps will survive who have soothing mobile usability and UX/UI designs.
developer.android.com developer.android.com
The Google Play In-App Review API lets you prompt users to submit Play Store ratings and reviews without the inconvenience of leaving your app or game.
- Jul 2020
epjdatascience.springeropen.com epjdatascience.springeropen.com
Fatehkia, M., Tingzon, I., Orden, A., Sy, S., Sekara, V., Garcia-Herranz, M., & Weber, I. (2020). Mapping socioeconomic indicators using social media advertising data. EPJ Data Science, 9(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjds/s13688-020-00235-w
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
So, what makes an app success or failure? The most common answer that we can give for it is the development of an application.
- Jun 2020
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
The security feature in Android 11 is a long overdue crackdown on this permission abuse.
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
However, when you use an SD card as internal storage, Android formats the SD card in such a way that no other device can read it. Android also expects the adopted SD card to always be present, and won’t work quite right if you remove it.
www.vingle.net www.vingle.net