43 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. In the context of transformative transdisciplinary research, such reflexive processes are meant to open-up epistemic and solution spaces that elevate marginalized perspectives and challenge the status quo.

      for - adjacency - reflexive processes elevate marginalized perspectives and challenge status quo - diversity of Indyweb perspectival knowing - mitigates progress traps that emerge from myopism - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10

    2. avigating the diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives of researchers and participants in transdisciplinary processes raises challenges

      for - adjacency - challenges of harmonizing multiple perspectives - SRG complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - embedded in Indyweb - intrinsic perspectival knowing - facilitates high resolution perspectival complementarity - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10

    3. Transdisciplinary sustainability science is increasingly applied to study transformative change. Yet, transdisciplinary research involves diverse actors who hold contrasting and sometimes conflicting perspectives and worldviews. Reflexivity is cited as a crucial capacity for navigating the resulting challenges

      for - adjacency - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept spaces - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10

      adjacency - between - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered, interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept space - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - adjacency relationship - This paper is interesting from the perspective of development of the Indyweb because there, - the people-centered, interpersonal information architecture intrinsically explicates perspectival knowing and life-situatedness - Indyweb can embed an affordance that is a meta function applied to an indyvidual's mindplex that - surfaces and aspectualizes the perspective and worldview salient to the research - The granular information that embeds an indyvidual's perspectives and worldviews is already there in the indyvidual's rich mindplex

    1. was sitting with a climate denier, a collapsist, a deep adaptationist, and an impact investor. You can say a greenwasher if you want to be mean about it. Anyway, they were talking peacefully and respectfully, and I thought, "Wow, this is more than what I thought. This is not just money. This is, there's community there

      for - open space for perspectival knowing - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2

  2. Nov 2024
    1. for - fascism, polarization and climate crisis - interventions - love and listening strategy for climate crisis - Roger Hallam - Trump winning US election - is an opportunity - Roger Hallam - perspectival knowing - Deep Humanity - mini assemblies - Roger Hallam - listening - fascism - social intervention - from - Illuminem article - Proximity: The antidote to fascism - Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjorkskov - on horizontal and vertical decision-making

      Summary - Roger Hallam advocates for a new strategy for the rise of fascism, populism, polarization and the climate crisis - love - He believes that we need a new social strategy based on love, on reaching out to the other side with compassion and listening to them - He cites numerous research studies that show that this can be transformative, for instance, citing pyschologist Carl Rogers - SRG complexity mapping tool, Deep Humanity and Indyweb could be synergistic to this program because both depend on: - diversity and - perspectival knowing

      from - Illuminem article - Proximity: The antidote to fascism - Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjorkskov on horizontal and vertical decision-making - https://hyp.is/0Tv_Rqr3Ee-_-X8fKkCfpg/illuminem.com/illuminemvoices/proximity-the-antidote-to-fascism - Medium article - An Emerging Third Option: Reclaiming Democracy from Dark Money & Dark Tech Seven Observations On 2024 and What’s Next - Otto Scharmer - cutting across political lines / https://hyp.is/exS8dKtNEe-pfz-IhQFiZA/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b

    1. soul

      for - perspectival knowing - the word "soul"

      perspectival knowing - the word "soul" - This word means different things to different people - To an aetheist, it may be off-putting - To a believer of one specific spiritual practice, it may mean something unique to that practice - Churchill already warned us earlier that he is employing Buddhist language to represent more universal ideas - This could even interpreted to mean beyond spiritual context

  3. Sep 2024
    1. are you familiar with the concept of hyper object

      for - Indyweb dev - tracking the evolution of individual / collective learning of social learning - hyperobject -example of - perspectival knowing - conversation - Micheal Levin - Jordan Hall

      Comment - Both Jordan Hall and I are familiar with the concept of hyperobject but in this part of the conversation, Jordan introduced the idea to Micheal for the first time - This illustrates to me that truism that our perspectival knowledge of reality is unique - Our individual meaningverses and lebenswelt are uniquely located and situated in life - And whenever a multi meaningverse events, the ensuing conversation is collectively - consciousness expanding - expanding the - semantic fingerprint and - symmathesetic fingerprint - of all conversants

  4. Aug 2024
    1. I'm building towards an argument here because I think that Maps into something that goes with your butterfly that human beings do and this is La Paul and transformative experience human beings go through these profound changes and right and so she gives she does the gunan experiment of people offering to turn you into a vampire which is very much like your butterfly example

      for - participatory knowing - perspectival knowing - caterpillar butterfly transformation - Gunan experiment - vampire transformation - John Vervaeke - Michael Levin

      insight - adjacency - caterpillar butterfly transformation - human transformation - John provides a nice adjacency / insight here, comparing human transformation as similar in kind and different by degree to Levin's caterpillar butterfly transformation - In Indyweb terminology, we are constantly creating new selves and leaving trails of our old selves behind, all to be recorded in our mindplex - This is none other than the teachings of many ancient spiritual traditions which hold that the human being is a constantly changing process, not a static thing

    1. when we ask these huge metaphysical questions and we all forget that we were one's children and that we may have been experiencing this in a very very different way

      for - perspectival knowing - children - analytic idealism

  5. Jul 2024
    1. All around you as you read this essay, billions of molecules are chaotically bouncing into each other as they move at hundreds of metres per second

      for - perspectival knowing - umwelt - perspectival knowing

      perspectival knowing - Again, this may be considered "true" from one perspective, but not recognized from another - What meaning does it have to someone whose worldview is highly religious? - What meaning does it have to a tick, whose umwelt doesn't even allow it to recognize human word symbols in any meaningful way?

    2. We now know that the world has existed for billions of years,

      for - perspectival knowing - example - age of the world - number of galaxies

      perspectival knowing - example - age of the world - number of galaxies - This may be truth for one person, but not another - Our writing reveals our perspectives, and also determines who will or will not resonate with it

    3. I am writing this story from a particular time and place, and the story I am telling is limited by my cultural and experiential background.

      for - perspectival knowing - example

    1. I sort of take the easy way out and say well I know Earth history so maybe I'm 00:32:53 helping people by uh understanding the science of this stuff

      for - educator - polycrisis - individual action - levers - climate and earth history specialists help with education

      educator - earth climate history specialist can help with education about the past to help understand what we face in the present

      climate education - low impact due to - ignoring perspectival knowing - and salience landscapes - It may help to look at the problem of education through the lens of Michael Levin's multi-scale competency architecture - https://hyp.is/FFxzRL2nEe6ghzeLcJGM7A/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10167196/ - Applied to cognitive and cultural evolution within the lifetime of a single individual (human) - The salience landscape of an individual can vary depending on their educational and cultural background - There are multiple categories of concepts, each with their own degree of salience: - immediate phenomenological experience - high salience - second hand, linguistically communicated experience - moderate and dependent on source - scientific reported phenomena - moderate, high or low, dependent on source and cultural / educational background - second hand, linguistically communicated experience - low, moderate or high, dependent on source and cultural / educational background - A key observation is that humans are evolved to detect specific environmental cue but miss many others - The rate of cultural evolution is so rapid that our biologically adapted processes cannot adapt quickly enough to the rapid cultural changes, resulting in the experience of "hyperobjects" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=+hyperobject - education that is done haphazardly and in an adhoc manner will fail to discriminate between this large variety of salience landscape, with the overall impact of low educational impact

    1. myths are not necessarily untrue they're usually 00:03:33 partly true the danger lies in the part that isn't true and um so it it's partly true we have

      for - quote - myths - Ronald Wright - adjacency - myths - perspectival knowing - emptiness - progress trap

      Quote - Myths - Ronald Wright - (see below) - Myths are not necessarily untrue. They're usually partly true. The danger lies in the part that isn't true.

      Comment. - What a great little sentence! - From this perspective, so many things that people claim as "true" are actually myths.

      adjacency - between - myths - progress traps - perspectival knowing - emptiness - adjacency relationship - Myths emerge out of perspectival knowing of reality (Vervaeke) - The emptiness of reality is in stark contrast to reductionist thinking which is always relatively incomplete in comparison - This leads to the emergence of progress traps

  6. Jun 2024
    1. that's why it's called combining because you as a reader are combining um just like you do when you listen to a piece of music

      for - book - Combining - rationale of title

      book - Combining - rationale of title - The person who buys the book interacts with it in a unique way - based on their unique lebenswelt, meaningverse and perspectival knowing of reality

  7. May 2024
    1. There's so many different worlds So many different suns 00:02:58 And we have just one world But we live in different ones

      for - Indyweb - connecting the multimeaningverse - multimeaningverse - lebenswelt - perspectival knowing - quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - private inner world / public outer world - self other gestalt - adjacency - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - Deep Humanity salience landscape - John Vervaeke

      quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - (See quote below)

      • There's so many different worlds
      • So many different suns
      • And we have just one world
      • But we live in different ones

      adjacency - between - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - John Vervaeke - salience landscape - Deep Humanity - meaningverse - multimeaningverse - adjacency relationship - This verse is so beautiful in summarizing the human condition - We each have our own unique lifeworld, what Edmund Husserl called "Lebenswelt" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=lebenswelt - The self / other gestalt has its two poles, each belonging to two complimentary worlds: - The self has a private inner space only accessible to the individual organism - At the same time, the individual self phenomenologically experiences other living organisms, both of the same and different species - Different individual organisms can share a common public space, which for humans is navigated using the instrument of language - Deep Humanity defines the words - "meaningverse" - the individuals world of meaning - "multi-meaningverse" - the shared meaning of many individuals converging their respective individual meaningverses together - The song employs these verses to articulate the complimentary and sometimes contradictory-appearing worlds of the private-inner ad the public-outer - The semantic fingerprint of each word in an individual's vocabulary is unique to that individual as a function of - varying enculturation and social conditioning - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=semantic+fingerprint - and all these different perspectives - something cognitive scientist John Vervaeke calls "perspectival knowing" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=John+Vervaeke - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=perspectival+knowing - can lead to what we call in Indyweb / Deep Humanity terminology "salience mismatch" (ie. misunderstanding) - derived from John Vervaeke's popularization of the term "salience landscape" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=salience+landscape - War, hatred, crime and violence are all extreme forms of othering which emerge when we fail to understand the nature of the self/other and individual/collective gestalt

  8. Mar 2024
  9. Feb 2024
  10. Oct 2023
    1. in every one of those cases what he's getting is a peak outside of the is-ness the patterns of of communication and and 01:20:32 and society that we've become so accustomed to that we don't question anymore and we can't see it anymore so if you look from other cultures if you look from other other organisms if you look through the perceptions of 01:20:46 other people who aren't seeing it the way you're seeing it you have a tiny opportunity to rip a little hole
      • for: perspectival knowing, situatedness, othering, othering -perspectival knowing

      • paraphrase

        • we are often so trapped within our own perspectival knowing at many levels:
          • as child,
          • as adult
          • as any category
          • as human, etc
      • comment

        • our inability for deep empathy is tethered to our inability to escape the orbit of our perspectival knowing
        • processes that can help us with deeper empathy can mitigate destructive othering
    2. I'm saying these 00:55:43 things and they're Landing in you but that doesn't mean I'm saying what I'm saying it means that the way that it's Landing in you and taking shape and finding form and moving as a Crooked Tree is different than every single person 00:55:58 here
      • for: Deep Humanity, perspectival knowing
    1. it's hard to people to understand that you can be victim and perpetrator at the 00:35:03 same time it's a very simple fact impossible to accept for most people either you're a victim or you're perpetrator there is no other but no usually we are both you know from the level of individuals how we behave in 00:35:17 our family to the level of entire nations we are usually both and and and of course perhaps one issue is that we don't feel like that as individuals we don't feel that we have the full responsibility for our state so there's 00:35:28 a sort of strange problem here too which is that you feel as an individual that you're a victim and you feel distance from your state
      • for: victim AND perpetrator, situatedness, perspectival knowing, AND, not OR, abused-abuser cycle, individual /collective gestalt, Hamas Israel war 2023

      • quote

        • It's hard for people to understand that you can be victim and perpetrator at the same time
        • It's a very simple fact impossible to accept for most people
      • author: Yuval Noah Harari
      • date: Sept 2023
    1. an open problem really is and a 00:44:38 really good question is how we are defining a word and the unit the unit of analysis and so at the moment we are using our human discretion to to determine this in many cases like where 00:44:52 does a single Beluga call start and end um we're limited by our own perceptual abilities and what we can hear and and see in a spectrogram and so that does leave some room for error
      • for: perspectival knowing, example - perspectival knowing, situatedness, example - situatedness, interspecies communication - perspectival knowing

      • comment

        • situated within our own species, we are interpreting the signs from other species from OUR HUMAN PERSPECTIVE
        • this requires deep unpacking and brings up deep philosophical questions about what it means to be a species X
        • what's it like to be a bat? Unless we have the bat's physiology, neural structure, etc, how could we ever know how to interpret how a bat experiences reality?
      • reference

  11. Sep 2023
    1. Our choice to fail over the last 30 years has brought us to this position. And a way out of that, a way out of the Marshall Plan, is to say we can have these negative emissions 00:34:42 I think we need to say that, okay that's one way out of it – if they work. Another way out of it is the Marshall Plan. And so we need to open that that dialogue up. but we've... in effect, I think the IAMs have closed that dialogue,. Which is one of the reasons, going back to... It would be interesting to see other parts of the world looking at this, because, I would have a guess, when we say 'that's not feasible', many people elsewhere in the world are saying 'well of course it's feasible, we've been doing... we've been living like that for years!'
      • for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - Kevin Anderson - Marshall plan, discussion - Johan Rockstrom / Kevin Anderson, perspectival knowing

      • quote

        • Our choice to fail over the last 30 years has brought us to this position.
        • And a way out of that, a way out of the Marshall Plan, is to say we can have these negative emissions
        • I think we need to say that, okay that's one way out of it – if they work.
        • Another way out of it is the Marshall Plan.
        • And so we need to open that that dialogue up. but we've... in effect, I think the IAMs have closed that dialogue,.
        • Which is one of the reasons, going back to... It would be interesting to see other parts of the world looking at this, because, I would have a guess,
          • when we say 'that's not feasible', many people elsewhere in the world are saying 'well of course it's feasible, we've been doing... we've been living like that for years!'
      • comment

        • In rebuttal to Johan's perspective on Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs),
          • Kevin is addressing the issue of perspectival knowing, and
          • its implications on what solutions we entertain as a global society.
        • The example he cites is Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) illustrates two major perspectives:
          • Johan includes NETs as he see's that without them, the transition goes from manageable to unmanageable
          • Kevin questions the inclusion of the NETs as potentially shutting down discussion about what Johan would consider an unmanageable situation
        • Kevin brings up a valid point for inclusion of other voices, especially those indigenous ones who are still institutionally marginalized not only in economic and cultural spaces, but also academic and intellectual ones.
        • The decolonization of academia takes on a concrete form here. Both the global and local south have lived under severe economic repression for centuries. Anderson's contention is that making do with less is something that billions of people have had to contend with for centuries as a social norm forced upon them by colonialist then post colonialist institutions.
        • Inclusivity of a greater diversity of voices does play an important role in shaping the future direction of humanity.
        • We should be having an open discussion about a Marshall plan and should not be afraid to go there.
          • We had it in WWII, which, while more direct threat, is not as great as the threat of climate change on all life on earth in a slightly greater time scale.
        • The global and local south has a lot to teach the global and local north. For this great transition of humanity to occur likely simultaneously requires
          • radical amounts of resource transfer from the global / local north to the global / local south,and
          • radical degrowth
  12. Aug 2023
    1. pupil shape is a powerful indicator of what role an animal plays in its ecosystem
      • for: umwelt, symbiocene, perspectival knowing
      • comment
        • the experience of reality of other living beings
    1. Everything I'm saying to you right now is literally meaningless. (Laughter) 00:03:11 You're creating the meaning and projecting it onto me. And what's true for objects is true for other people. While you can measure their "what" and their "when," you can never measure their "why." So we color other people. We project a meaning onto them based on our biases and our experience.
      • for: projection, biases, bias, perspectival knowing, indyweb, tacit to explicit, explication, misunderstanding
      • comment
        • The "why" is invisible.
        • It is the thoughts in the private worlds of the other.
        • It is only our explication through language or other means that makes public our private world
        • We construct meaning in the world.
        • Our meaningverse is our construction. BUT it is a cultural construction,
          • it was constructed by all the meaning learned from others, especially beginning with the most significant other, our mother.
  13. Jul 2023
    1. “If we want to continue to enjoy our rivers ‐ to swim in them, walk beside them, even drink their water ‐ we have to adopt the non‐dual perspective. We have to meditate on being the rivers so that we can experience within ourselves the fears and hopes of the rivers. If we cannot feel the rivers, the mountains, the air, the animals, and other people from within their own perspective, the rivers will die and we will lose our chance for peace”
      • quote
        • “If we want to continue to enjoy our rivers ‐ to swim in them,
          • walk beside them,
          • even drink their water ‐ we have to adopt the non‐dual perspective.
        • We have to meditate on being the rivers so that we can experience within ourselves the fears and hopes of the rivers.
        • If we cannot feel
          • the rivers,
          • the mountains,
          • the air,
          • the animals, and
          • other people
        • from within their own perspective,
        • the rivers will die and we will lose our chance for peace”
      • comment
        • Thich Nhat Hahn's quote reflects
          • perspectival knowing
          • situatedness
          • dissolving dualistic barriers to achieve nondual integration and empathy
      • Author
        • Thich Nhat Hahn
  14. Feb 2023
    1. all the data about how people how much 00:30:19 people ask for the values become creates a ranking of values according to the culture to the people so if you're from korea from taiwan from uk 00:30:32 from from italy uh it's different and so this is a periodic table of values where the values are organized in a hierarchy based on how people collect them 00:30:44 and and and then the values become of course words and this is a calligraphy of values that result from the process of using eeg
      • values from different culture are displayed via eeg

      -Comment - this display would make an excellent BEing journey to explore perspectival knowing, situatedness and the misunderstandings that emerge from different ways of seeing the world, different meanings attached to the same words, and different saliencies and priorities

  15. Jan 2023
    1. Beware the person, party, or project that claims to be the incarnation of the common good. The common good is imminent within the polis in all its possibility, but it is never the embodiment of any one version of the polis. That way of thinking, always tempting, often deployed, never ends well. The common good is not something extra added on to what other practices of right recognition provide for a society. Instead, the common good shifts the frame and changes the subject of political life from the declarative as is to the subjunctive as if—the corrected fullness of equality, justice, and interdependent mutuality that are already but not yet.

      !- comment : Deep Humanity multi-meaningverse / situatedness and perspectival knowing - One perspective cannot rule all - By definition, an individual is one person, as soon as there are two, there are at least two perspectives - We are the entanglement of the similar and the different; if we did not share fundamental human traits, we could not communicate, and yet, being nurtured in unique lifeworlds, we are so distinct - the intersection of these two opposing qualities is the inherent contradiction of our human nature

  16. Jul 2022
    1. In summary, X, Y and Z clearly occupy entirely different positions in the social fabric andeach experiences life entirely differently. They live with entirely different sets of constraints andopportunities and consequently face different challenges both psychologically and in their interactionswith the rest of the world. And yet, all three of them suffer from a cognitive dissonance between theirindividual drives and dispositions and the demands of the social roles they feel obliged to play.

      !- example ; lebenswelt, lebenslage, multi-meaningverse, perspectival knowing, situatedness

      !- key insight : social dissonance between their aspirations and demand of social roles they feel compelled to obey.

    2. examining the options available to individual persons weighing a decision vis-a-vis theirperceived socio-symbolically cohered contour. For that, let us look at a few concrete examples.

      !- example: governance decision based on perceived contours of social system * The following three examples give good demonstration of this. * These three examples are good for use in Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity workshops to demonstrate multi-meaningverse, perspectival knowing, situatedness, Lebenswelt, Lebenslage

    1. there's a crucial distinction between what barney called three and four that's what uh captured me so 01:08:55 if you take the mind as fundamental as existing the only existing thing where where the the movie of the world is reflected into i am not happy 01:09:08 my my culture uh rejects then as a useless point of view to do science that's what but there is an alternative much more interesting and i find much more 01:09:21 deep in which which i read in a garage you know which is what uh barry seems to be is calling the fourth alternative in which the mind is not the fundamental thing in which everything is it's 01:09:32 reflected it's just one part of this uh uh uh interdependence now namely it's not the things that not intrinsic existence but mind has intrinsic existence that's not the 01:09:45 the the there's a more interesting answer namely that mind itself has no intrinsic uh uh existence uh and so it's just uh uh 01:09:57 it has an existence but is is it of course it's an existence my mind exists and i exist but uh and and and and if i think in terms of groups to say i mean all sentience being or all 01:10:10 human beings whatever um together uh which is an ideal also some some some some western philosophy that you know um it's collectively that through language and 01:10:22 that would create a vision of the world but i want to think of this as one aspect of the ensemble of things which is existence where uh uh nothing of that has um 01:10:36 uh has intrinsic existence so i want to think about my mind it's my brain my sensation my all my my my love people loving me the the image that people have of me my instead of the set 01:10:48 of processes uh uh which part of the world and it seems to me that the belgian allows me to think at me as part of the world at the same sense of the same ground as the world being 01:11:01 reflected in my consciousness without having to choose one of the two perspective to be the true one the intrinsic existence um 01:11:12 all all perspectives are uh uh empty they're all good but they are um they are not the the one on which the rest is ground they 01:11:24 each of one i can understand dependently on something else so marios you read a a verse or two from the third chapter of nagarjuna and uh let me comment on that

      Carlo points out the view he now holds, influenced by Nagarjuna's philosophy, that the mind exists, but does not intrinsically exist.

      So he argues on one (conventional) level, his mind and all other minds exist.

      Agreeing with Barry's fourth suggested alternative. The mind is not the fundamental thing, but is just ONE PART of this interdependency. Each view, whether of any human or even non-human is empty but conventional exists in interdependence of many causes and conditions.

      From Stop Reset Go perspective and the Indyweb, a web3 technology that can embody each indivdiual's perspectival knowing through the establishment of their the individuals unique and privately owned data repository can enhance the discovery of the process of emptiness. How? By theoretically having all one's (digital) interactions of the world, one can begin to see in granular detail how one learns about the world and begin to sense the flow of the mind. Through repeated use of the Indyweb and witnessing how one forms new ideas or reforms old ones, the indyvidual becomes increasingly aware of oneself as a process, not a thing. Furthermore, one begins to see self knowledge as hopelessly entangled with cultural and social learning. One begins to sense the 4Ps of propositional, perspectival, participatory and procedural learning, also entangled with each other and with individual/social learning.

      https://docdrop.org/video/Gyx5tyFttfA/#annotations:vkOUgv8rEeypE39kg2ckCw https://hyp.is/go?

      Quick John Varvaeke interview on 4P: url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FERdJDVdbkcY%2F&group=world

      One especially begins to sense perspectival knowing and situatedness and that causes and conditions unique to one's own worldview constructs one's relative reality.

    1. so that's me trying to do a synoptic integration of all of the four e-cognitive science and trying to get it 00:00:12 into a form that i think would help make make sense to people of the of cognition and also in a form that's helpful to get them to see what's what we're talking about when i'm talking about the meaning 00:00:25 that's at stake in the meaning crisis because it's not sort of just semantic meaning

      John explains how the 4 P's originated as a way to summarize and present in a palatable way of presenting the cognitive science “4E” approach to cognition - that cognition does not occur solely in the head, but is also embodied, embedded, enacted, or extended by way of extra-cranial processes and structures.

    1. First we have to understand that the opposites need each other, revolve around each other, actually make one complete dynamic. Form is on the left and emptiness is on the right of the chart.  Form needs emptiness and emptiness needs form. They are actually not separated but intellectually we conceive them as separate and opposite.

      Explanation of Trungpa Rinpoche's Diamond Sliver

      Form and Emptiness need each other to exist and be understood. Let's unpack this. All forms can be broken down further and further into smaller and smaller bits...in the quantum mechanical limits, into emptiness. At the micro level, it is so tiny, it is no longer recognizable as form. And all this quantum mechanical soup is what makes up all forms.

      So the above is a statement using science, one perspective, which is also a position so also incomplete.It (science) is also propositional.

    1. okay so imagine a person learns a lot about  hammers and becomes very skillful with using one   00:02:38 this is useful but is every problem a nail  we might need another kind of knowing that   sees the situation we find ourselves in  and knows what skills are appropriate   John Vervaeke calls this perspectival knowing  it's not about knowing the truth or knowing how to   enact something it's knowing how to perceive the  world how to take it all in from our perspective   and with this we will know how things feel  and we can appreciate then what really matters   00:03:04 or sense what is needed in the situation it's not  just thinking about our perspective but really   inhabiting it getting a taste for how things  appear to us the result of perspectival knowing is   presence and with presence we also appreciate  the limits of our perspective and the value of   other perspectives we become more aware we see how  things fit together we put things in perspective   we become perceptive

      Third P: Perspectival knowing....being aware of our situatedness, can empathize, put ourselves in other shoes.

    1. Understanding our situatedness, blowing up assumptionsWhat are the things your brain has been conditioned to believe as “true”? What should you re-examine, pull apart and re-assemble with intention?

      Title: Understanding our situatedness, blowing up assumptions What are the things your brain has been conditioned to believe as “true”? What should you re-examine, pull apart and re-assemble with intention? Author: Laird, Katie

  17. Jun 2022
    1. if the process of seeing differently is the process of first and foremost having awareness of the fact that everything you do has an assumption 00:00:14 figure out what those are and by the way the best person to reveal your own assumptions to you is not yourself it's usually someone else hence the power of diversity the importance of diversity 00:00:26 because not only does that diversity reveal your own assumptions to you but it can also complexify your assumptions right because we know from complex systems theory that the best solution is most likely to 00:00:40 exist within a complex search space not a simple search space simply because of statistics right so whereas a simple search space is more adaptable it's more easily to adapt it's 00:00:52 less likely to contain the best solution so what we really want is a diversity of possibilities a diversity of assumptions which diverse groups for instance enable

      From a Stop Reset Go Deep Humanity perspective, social interactions with greater diversity allows multi-meaningverses to interact and the salience landscape from each conversant can interact. Since each life is unique, the diversity of perspectival knowing allows strengths to overlap weaknesses and different perspectives can yield novelty. The diversity of ideas encounter each other like diversity in a gene pool, evolving more offsprings which may randomly have greater fitness to the environment.

      Johari's window is a direct consequence of this diversity of perspectives, this converged multi-meaningverse of the Lebenswelt..

  18. Oct 2021
    1. With the aid of the concept of opposing pairs of magnetic poles, we can clearly contribute in a significant way to our expression and understanding of basic relationships in the overall magnetic field. We are proposing to look at soma and significance in a similar way. That is to say, we regard them as two aspects introduced at an arbitrary conceptual cut in the flow of the field of reality as a whole. These aspects are distinguished only in thought, but this distinction helps us to express and understand the whole flow of reality.

      When Bohm writes "These aspects are distinguished only in thought, but this distinction helps us to express and understand the whole flow of reality", it reveals the true nature of words. Their only ever revealing aspects of the whole. They are NOT the whole.Hence, as linguistic animals, we are constantly dissecting parts of the whole of reality.

      Deep Humanity open-source praxis linguistic BEing journeys can be designed to reveal this ubiquitious aspectualizing nature of language to help us all better understand what we are as linguistic beings.