2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
one of the 00:10:51 things is that our brains were set up for dealing with about a hundred people at a time living by our wits hunting and gathering and dying in the same world we 00:11:03 were born into for hundreds of thousands of years there's no concept of progress in our genes we just don't have it but like all animals we have an enormous set 00:11:17 of genetic apparatus to make us good copers anything happens to us we can find a way of being resilient about it and adapting to it we're copers and 00:11:29 adapters and so when we come up against difficulties our tendency is to cope with these difficulties it's like working for a company go into a company 00:11:42 and the company seems sort of screwed up maybe you can quit you can cope but your chances of actually changing the company are very low because nobody will listen 00:11:56 to reason right that is not what the company is there for they are there for their a task this is something that engelbart the inventor of the mouse pointed out years ago that companies are 00:12:10 devoted to their area a task which is what they think they were about most companies do not have a very good be process which is supposed to look at the 00:12:21 a tasks and make them more efficient but almost no companies have a see process which questions the tasks are our goals still reasonable our processes still reasonable that's the last thing it gets 00:12:35 question
!- applies to : climate change - many are adopting and trying to take a coping strategy instead of one of fundamental change - if coping is the only strategy, it becomes a failing one when whole system change is required
- Jun 2020
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
Long read: Cultural evolution, Covid-19, and preparing for what’s next. (2020, April 22). LSE Business Review. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2020/04/22/long-read-cultural-evolution-covid-19-and-preparing-for-whats-next/
- government
- preparation
- lang:en
- challenge
- decision making
- COVID-19
- future
- conflict
- behavioral science
- climate change
- collectivist
- problem
- society
- causal understanding
- solution
- threat
- disease
- adaptation
- is:webpage
- cooperation
- collective behavior
- cultural evolution
- behavioral change