5 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. I feel like sharing with you some of my observations as a frame analyst, as someone who analyzes semantic frames and how they structure a discourse to, in this case, to disempower us and keep us embedded within a conversation that is primarily about the actions of corporations and nation-states and that disengages us from direct grassroots action and taking power into our own hands

      for - adjacency / validation - for justifying Tipping Point Festival - TPF - bottom up, grassroots direct action Vs - top down, corporate, policy action - Joe Brewer - framing analysis - using cognitive linguistics

      adjacency / validation - between - ustifying Tipping Point Festival - TPF - - bottom up, grassroots direct action<br /> - top down, corporate, policy action<br /> - Joe Brewer - framing analysis - cognitive linguistics - adjacency relationship - We need both bottom up and top down section, but Joe's framing analysis provides an explanation why there isn't more bottom up direct action - It requires a lot of skill to find the leverage points as well as the weakness of people power is lack of money - To awaken the sleeping giant off the commons is the purpose of the Typing Point Festival (TPF)

  2. May 2024
    1. for - post comment - Linked I - Daniel Schmachtenberger - why good people comply with evil - direct citizen action - networked commons

      summary - A great short video that is a teaser to a longer podcast conversation on the topic of confirmation bias, and recognizing it to empower citizens during this time of rapid whole system change.

  3. Jun 2023
    1. Die Libération fast die Hauptthesen des Buchs how to blow up a pipeline von Andreas Malm zusammen. In dem Beschluss, Les Soulèvements de la terre aufzulösen, wird auf dieses Buch verwiesen. Malm hält unter bestimmten Umständen Gewalt gegen Sachen für legitim oder sogar notwendig wobei es sich dabei aber immer um materielle Objekte handelt, die direkt zur Schädigung anderer, etwa durch enorme Emissionen, beitragen. https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/que-dit-le-livre-comment-saboter-un-pipeline-cite-dans-le-decret-de-dissolution-des-soulevements-de-la-terre-20230623_4MW7TTALUFFTJFMF7UPKYRULA4/

  4. Jan 2023
    1. I still recall as a child being very impressed by an interview withthe Sufi writer Idries Shah, who remarked how curious it was that somany intelligent and decent human beings in Europe and Americaspent so much of their time in protest marches chanting the namesand waving pictures of people that they hated (“Hey hey, LBJ, howmany kids did you kill today?”). Didn’t they realize, he remarked, howincredibly gratifying that was to the politicians they weredenouncing? It was remarks like that, I think, that eventually causedme to reject a politics of protest and embrace one of direct action.

      Reject politics of protest and embrace one of direct action.

      Graeber provides in interesting example here of why direct action is more important than protest. This seems particularly apt for Donald Trump who seems only to want attention of any sort as long as it's directed at him.

  5. Feb 2021
    1. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue.

      How it works - what it seeks to accomplish.