- Jan 2025
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ein von 1000 Wissenschaftler:innen unterzeichnetes Papier, das sich für den Konsum vom Fleisch ausspricht, ist das Ergebnis einer PR- und Lobbying-Aktion der Fleischindustrie. Es diente der Beeinflussung der EU-Kommission. Der EU-Agrarkommissar übernahm die Argumentation. Offenbar ist es mit Hilfe der sogenannten Dublin Declaration, die von Fachleuten als wenig qualitätvoll beurteilt wird, gelungen, die EU-Kommission von ihrer ursprünglichen Absicht, Einschränkungen bei der Fleisch- und Milchproduktion zu vertreten, abzubringen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/27/revealed-industry-figures-declaration-scientists-backing-meat-eating
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Finanzausschuss des amerikanischen Senats hat über einen Bericht zur Klima-Desinformation durch die Öl- und Gasbranche debattiert. Der Bericht führt detailliert auf, wie die Öffentlichkeit über Jahrzehnte manipuliert wurde. Inzwischen hätten „Täuschung, Desinformation und Doppelzüngigkeit“ die Klimaleugnung abgelöst. In der Debatte verwendeten republikanische Senatoren die traditionelle Rhetorik der Klimaleugnung. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/may/01/big-oil-danger-disinformation-fossil-fuels
Bericht; https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fossil_fuel_report1.pdf
- actor: American Petroleum Institute
- expert: Geoffrey Supran
- 2024-05-01
- event: Debate about climate disinformation in the US senate April 2024
- institution: Center for Climate Integrity
- NGO: Climate Defiance
- country: USA
- actor: Republican Party
- expert: Kert Davies
- disinformation
- report: Denial, Disinformation and Doublespeak
- Apr 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Extremer Regen hat in Pakistan und Afghanistan mindestens 135 Todesfälle verursacht und große Flächen bebauten Landes zerstört. Vorausgegangen war eine lange Periode ungewöhnlicher Trockenheit. Die Regenfälle wurden von demselben Wettersystem verursacht, das kurz zuvor Überflutungen in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Oman verursacht hatte.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Auch Südasien ist in diesem Frühjahr von einer extremen Hitzewelle betroffen. In der Hauptstadt von Bangladesch, Dacca, liegen die Temperaturen vier bis fünf Grad über dem Durchschnitt der letzten 30 Jahre https://www.liberation.fr/international/asie-pacifique/canicule-en-thailande-bangladesh-et-philippines-ecoles-fermees-et-habitants-confines-face-au-risque-pour-la-sante-20240424_DIHTSR3AUZFMLHABN45WTQFFB4/
- Feb 2024
docs.google.com docs.google.com
José de Escandón
- Dec 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- event: COP28
- 2023-08-17
- NGO: Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit
- process: methane reduction
- actor: Adnoc
- NGO: Leave It in the Ground Initiative
- NGO: Oil Change International
- expert: Gareth Redmond-King
- actor: Sultan Al Jaber
- country: UAE
- expert: Kjell Kühne
- topic: Methane emissions
- expert: David Tong
- Adnoc
- Sep 2023
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die EU hat seit 1995 1500 Milliarden Euro in der Straßennetz investiert 66% mehr als in das Eisenbahnnetz. Während das Autobahnnetz um 60% ausgebaut wurde, wurde das Eisenbahnnetz um 6,5% reduziert. Die Treibhausgasemissionen des Verkehrs wuchsen zwischen 1995 und 2019 um 15%. Die Zahlen stammen aus einer umfassenden Studie zur Entwicklung der europäischen Verkehrsinfrastruktur vielleicht aber doch Infrastruktur oder, die von Greenpeace in Auftrag gegeben wurde
- institution: T3 Transportation Think Tank
- expert: Federico Spadini
- institution: Wuppertal Institut
- NGO: Greenpeace
- 2023-09-19
- country: EU
- study: Development of Transport Infrastructure in Europe
repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/09/19/news/greenpeace_trasporti_europa_autostrade_treni-415017423/ -
- Jul 2023
Die Unterstützung der deutschen Bevölkerung für die Ziele der Klimabewegung hat sich, einer Umfrage im Auftrag des Vereins More in Common zufolge, in den vergangenen beiden Jahren halbiert. Nur noch 34% unterstützen danach die Ziele der Bewegung. Nur 8% haben Verständnis für die Protestformen der letzten Generation. https://taz.de/Umfrage-zu-Klimaaktivisten/!5951393/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
Lots of controversy over this music video this past week or so.
In addition to some of the double entendre meanings of "we take care of our own", I'm most appalled about the tacit support of the mythology that small towns are "good" and large cities are "bad" (or otherwise scary, crime-ridden, or dangerous).
What are the crime statistics per capita about the safety of small versus large?
Availability bias of violence and crime in the big cities are overly sampled by most media (newspapers, radio, and television). This video plays heavily into this bias.
There's also an opposing availability bias going on with respect to the positive aspects of small communities "taking care of their own" when in general, from an institutional perspective small towns are patently not taking care of each other or when they do its very selective and/or in-crowd based rather than across the board.
Note also that all the news clips and chyrons are from Fox News in this piece.
Alternately where are the musicians singing about and focusing on the positive aspects of cities and their cultures.
- Mar 2022
Wanta JampijinpaPatrick, a Warlpiri Elder, teaches that north corresponds to ‘Law’,south to ‘ceremony’, west to ‘language’ and east to ‘skin’. ‘Country’lies at the intersection of these directions, at the centre of thecompass: Westerners conceptualise it as ‘here’.
In Warlpiri, the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west associatively correspond with the ideas of "Law", "ceremony", "skin", and "language" respectively. The idea of "Country" lies at the center of these directions in a space that Westerners would describe as "here".
This directional set up underlines the value of each of the related concepts and provides pride of place to "Country" and one's being "in Country".
Compare these with the Japanese pattern of こ (ko), そ (so), あ (a), ど (do) which describe a location with respect to the speaker.
Western readers should notice here, that the author centers the name and position of the origin of this knowledge at the start of the sentence. While it is associated with him, it is also certainly associated with all his preceding ancestors and Elders who passed this information down.
One might suspect that this practice isn't as common with base-level cultural knowledge, but that it becomes more important at succeeding levels of intimate area-based restricted knowledge. Placing the origin of the knowledge here at a more basic level of knowledge may help to instruct Western readers slowly and more surely understand how this foreign culture works.
How closely does this practice generally look like the Western idea of citing one's sources which only evolved slowly over history and became more common with the flood of information in the 1500s?
- Aug 2021
forum.artofmemory.com forum.artofmemory.com
I would have seen memory palaces as a simplified version of songlines, but my Indigenous colleague has now pointed out that sometimes songlines are taught before the person goes on Country - that’s how they navigated: teach the songlines and you can then travel knowing where food sources and waterholes are. So my theory is falling down already. But the songline always involves movement (not always dance), song, narrative and a mesh of genres of information.
Verification of the anecdotal evidence I mentioned before. Teaching of songlines without actually being on Country.
- May 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Generally, these laws apply to any service targeting residents of the region, which effectively means that they may apply to your business whether it’s located in the region or not.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Generally, such legislations apply to any service targeting residents of the region, which effectively means that they may apply to your business whether it’s located in the region or not
These rules usually apply to any company selling to EU residents but may vary for international sellers on a case-by-case basis. It is worth noting, however, that in recent cases US courts have chosen to uphold the applicable EU law.