9 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. “The big joke on democracy,” he observed, “is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.”

      for - Project 2025 - Trump - Hitler - Atlantic article - quote - Joseph Goebbels - quote - The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction" - Not actually from Joseph Goebbels. He said something similiar though: - We enter the Reichstag to arm ourselves with democracy’s weapons. If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem... We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we.

      to - misquote - Joseph Goebbels - weakness of democracy - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikiquote.org%2Fwiki%2FJoseph_Goebbels&group=world

    1. The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction. Appears to actually be written by Hans Schwarz van Berk in a chapter introduction for a 1935 compilation of Der Angriff articles by Goebbels

      for - quote - misquote - Joseph Goebbels - weakness of democracy

    2. We enter the Reichstag to arm ourselves with democracy’s weapons. If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem... We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we.

      for - quote - Joseph Goebbels - weakness of democracy - We enter the Reichstag to arm ourselves with democracy’s weapons. - If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem... - We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. - We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we.

  2. Nov 2024
    1. what the defeat of Harris shows about the US is this people like everywhere else want a real alternative to business as usual and if there is no authentic left option people vote for a fascist instead it's happened again and again in history

      for - key insight - quote - Why Harris lost US election - no perceived genuine alternative to BAU - Roger Hallam - from - Medium article - An Emerging Third Option: Reclaiming Democracy from Dark Money & Dark Tech Seven Observations On 2024 and What’s Next - Otto Scharmer - terminology - Status Quoism

      key insight - quote - Why Harris lost US election - no perceived genuine alternative to BAU - Roger Hallam - (see below) - What the defeat of Harris shows about the US is this. People like everywhere else want a real alternative and - If there is no authentic left option, people vote for a fascist instead. - It happens again and again in history

      from - Medium article - An Emerging Third Option: Reclaiming Democracy from Dark Money & Dark Tech Seven Observations On 2024 and What’s Next - Otto Scharmer - terminology - Status Quoism - https://hyp.is/Mxp1GqtFEe-pKzNGX6BrhQ/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b

  3. Dec 2023
    1. its design as by its original destination, the car is a luxury good. And luxury, in essence, cannot be democratized: if everyone has access to luxury, no one benefits from it; on the contrary: everyone cheats, frustrates and dispossesses others and is cheated, frustrated and dispossessed by them.
      • for: quote - luxury cannot be democratized, 1% - democracy, elites - democracy, adjacency - luxury - democracy, luxury is not democratic, luxury is inequality, Andre Gorz, Terrestrial website, adjancency - luxury - democracy, quote luxury

      • quote

        • ... By its design as by its original destination, the car is a luxury good. And luxury, in essence, cannot be democratized: if everyone has access to luxury, no one benefits from it; on the contrary: everyone cheats, frustrates and dispossesses others and is cheated, frustrated and dispossessed by them.
      • author: Andre Gorz
      • date: Sept. 25, 2023
      • publication: Terrestrial

      • comment

        • insightful comment reveals an adjacency between luxury and democracy that is obvious in hindsight, but missed seeing in foresight!
      • adjacency between:

        • luxury
        • democracy
      • adjacency statement
        • luxury is, by definition a premium artefact so by definition is beyond the reach of most people. It is therefore un-democratic by design.
  4. Aug 2023
    1. We are in the midst of a remarkable social and civic experiment: democracy by device
      • for: democracy - by device, quote, quote - Barry Chudakov, quote - democracy by device
      • quote
        • We are in the midst of a remarkable social and civic experiment, democracy by device
      • author: Barry Chudakov
    1. In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013, we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
      • for: search engine manipulation effect, SEME, voting, voting - bias, voting - manipulation, voting - search engine bias, democracy - search engine bias, quote, quote - Robert Epstein, quote - search engine bias, stats, stats - tilting elections
      • paraphrase
      • quote
        • In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013,
        • we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
        • 2015 PNAS research on SEME
          • http://www.pnas.org/content/112/33/E4512.full.pdf?with-ds=yes&ref=hackernoon.com
          • stats begin
          • search results favoring one candidate
          • could easily shift the opinions and voting preferences of real voters in real elections by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups
          • with virtually no one knowing they had been manipulated.
          • stats end
          • Worse still, the few people who had noticed that we were showing them biased search results
          • generally shifted even farther in the direction of the bias,
          • so being able to spot favoritism in search results is no protection against it.
          • stats begin
          • Google’s search engine 
            • with or without any deliberate planning by Google employees 
          • was currently determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the world’s national elections.
          • This is because Google’s search engine lacks an equal-time rule,
            • so it virtually always favors one candidate over another, and that in turn shifts the preferences of undecided voters.
          • Because many elections are very close, shifting the preferences of undecided voters can easily tip the outcome.
          • stats end
    1. At the same time, our whole sense of community has been lost as the requirement of modern societies rely on us living in anonymous neighbourhoods with people we don’t know or share much of anything in common. Who are these representatives presuming to represent anymore anyway?
  5. Jun 2022
    1. O sir, we should have fine times, indeed, if, to punish tyrants, it were only sufficient to assemble the people! Your arms, wherewith you could defend yourselves, are gone; and you have no longer an aristocratical, no longer a democratical spirit. Did you ever read of any revolution in a nation, brought about by the punishment of those in power, inflicted by those who had no power at all? You read of a riot act in a country which is called one of the freest in the world, where a few neighbors cannot assemble without the risk of being shot by a hired soldiery, the engines of despotism. We may see such an act in America.

      Oh the ironies of this as he was talking about a small proportion of the population at the time, a large swath of which (namely enslaved persons with no power) had no arms to protect themselves against him.

      His definition of "freemen" was painfully limiting for someone speaking about freedom in such lofty terms.