7 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. locally-based staff and carries out its programs in conjunction with local partners. Teams of international instructors and volunteers support the programs through projects year-round.

      So many good features in your project!

      Employing local staff that know the setting and can be role models for the kids.

      Supporting mentoring by volunteers to scale.

      Working with bodies to get a visceral experience that change is possible.

      Mentoring in groups to build a community.

      Spotlighting diversity and building bridges beyond the local community.

      Some related resources: Ballet dancer from Kibera

      Fighting poverty and gang violence in Rio's favelas with ballet

    1. 11/30 Youth Collaborative

      I went through some of the pieces in the collection. It is important to give a platform to the voices that are missing from the conversation usually.

      Just a few similar initiatives that you might want to check out:

      Storycorps - people can record their stories via an app

      Project Voice - spoken word poetry

      Living Library - sharing one's story

      Freedom Writers - book and curriculum based on real-life stories

  2. May 2021
    1. However, since we’re using tables purely for structural purposes, we need screen readers to ignore those tables. This is where ARIA roles can help us out. By applying the role="presentation" attribute to a table, we can instruct the screen reader to skip over those elements and move straight into the content.
  3. Oct 2020
  4. react-spectrum.adobe.com react-spectrum.adobe.com
    1. Sometimes you might need to use an element other than a native <button>. useButton supports this via the elementType prop. When used with an element other than a native button, useButton automatically applies the necessary ARIA roles and attributes to ensure that the element is exposed to assistive technology as a button.
  5. Sep 2020
    1. I’ve added my test results per browser below. In each of them, our <ul> gets the correct role without display: contents, but once the property is set, it loses its role.