157 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
  2. Aug 2023
    1. We need mass innovation in design of social tools that help us bridge fragmentation and polarization, bring diversity into our media landscapes and help find common ground between disparate groups. With these as conscious design goals, technology could be a powerful positive force for civic change. If we don’t take this challenge seriously and assume that we’re stuck with mass-market tools, we won’t see positive civic outcomes from technological tools.”
      • for: quote, quote - Ethan Zuckerman, quote - fragmentation and polarization, Indyweb - support, MIT Center for Civic Media, Global Voices
      • quote
        • We need mass innovation in design of social tools that help us
          • bridge fragmentation and polarization,
          • bring diversity into our media landscapes and
          • help find common ground between disparate groups.
        • With these as conscious design goals,
          • technology could be a powerful positive force for civic change.
        • If we don’t take this challenge seriously and assume that we’re stuck with mass-market tools,
          • we won’t see positive civic outcomes from technological tools.”
      • author
        • Ethan Zuckerman
          • director of MIT’s Center for Civic Media and
          • co-founder of Global Voices
  3. Apr 2023
    1. Oakeshott saw educationas part of the ‘conversation of mankind’, wherein teachers induct their studentsinto that conversation by teaching them how to participate in the dialogue—howto hear the ‘voices’ of previous generations while cultivating their own uniquevoices.

      How did Michael Oakeshott's philosophy overlap with the idea of the 'Great Conversation' or 20th century movement of Adler's Great Books of the Western World.

      How does it influence the idea of "having conversations with the text" in the annotation space?

  4. Nov 2022
    1. 11/30 Youth Collaborative

      I went through some of the pieces in the collection. It is important to give a platform to the voices that are missing from the conversation usually.

      Just a few similar initiatives that you might want to check out:

      Storycorps - people can record their stories via an app

      Project Voice - spoken word poetry

      Living Library - sharing one's story

      Freedom Writers - book and curriculum based on real-life stories

  5. Oct 2022
  6. Sep 2022
    1. All five moves focus on the necessity of incorporating outside voicesinto a student’s own writings,

      I can't help but think about the older practice of writing texts as dialogues.

    2. Harris further illustrates hisown idea of voices adding to an author’s text; each chapter contains multiple “intertexts,”which are small graphics with citation references to outside materials addressed nearby inthe text. These intertexts reinforce the practice of adding voices to the author’s docu-ment. These illustrations are effective; essentially, Harris is reflecting and modeling thepractice.

      I quite like the idea of intertexts, which have the feeling of annotating one's own published work with the annotations of others. A sort of reverse annotation. Newspapers and magazines often feature pull quotes to draw in the reader, but why not have them as additional voices annotating one's stories or arguments.

      This could certainly be done without repeating the quote twice within the piece.

  7. Jun 2022
    1. https://hybridpedagogy.org/ethical-online-learning/

      An interesting perspective on ethical and supportive online learning. More questions and explorations than answers, but then framing is a majority of the battle.

      I'm generally in agreement with much of the discussion here.

      This was a fabulous piece for "thinking against". Thanks Sean Michael Morris, and Lora Taub.

      I definitely got far more out of it by reading and annotating than I ever would in its original keynote presentation version.

    2. Collegial pedagogy in online learning is about creating conditions for learners to bring their voices fully into the conversations that matter most to them. Conditions that lift up students as agents, as readers of their world, imagining their world as if it could be otherwise.
    3. granting pedagogical privilege to an edtech that convinces us the pedagogical arc of the universe bends towards analytics, assessment, and grading—these silence student voices by omitting them.
    4. But systems of schooling and educational institutions–and much of online learning– are organized in ways that deny their voices matter. My role is to resist those systems and structures to reclaim the spaces of teaching and learning as voice affirming. Voice amplifying.

      Modeling annotation and note taking can allow students to see that their voices matter in conversation with the "greats" of knowledge. We can and should question authority. Even if one's internal voice questions as one reads, that might be enough, but modeling active reading and note taking can better underline and empower these modes of thought.

      There are certainly currents within American culture that we can and should question authority.

      Sadly some parts of conservative American culture are reverting back to paternalized power structures of "do as I say and not as I do" which leads to hypocrisy and erosion of society.

      Education can be used as a means of overcoming this, though it requires preventing the conservative right from eroding this away from the inside by removing books and certain thought from the education process that prevents this. Extreme examples of this are Warren Jeff's control of religion, education, and social life within his Mormon sect.

      Link to: - Lawrence Principe examples of the power establishment in Western classical education being questioned. Aristotle wasn't always right. The entire history of Western science is about questioning the status quo. (How can we center this practice not only in science, but within the humanities?)

      My evolving definition of active reading now explicitly includes the ideas of annotating the text, having a direct written conversation with it, questioning it, and expanding upon it. I'm not sure I may have included some or all of these in it before. This is what "reading with a pen in hand" (or digital annotation tool) should entail. What other pieces am I missing here which might also be included?

    1. the human brain is an energy hog like and you can learn a lot about a lot of our uh biases and problems from the kinds of shortcuts that the brain takes 00:06:41 in the name of energy conservation well it looks like estimating group consensus is one of those shortcuts right because all it's equal your brain tends to assume that the loudest voices repeated 00:06:53 the most are the majority and and i think about that i think wow that doesn't seem like a good a good shortcut at all but i guess if you go back and f through evolution and when most of our time was spent and like 00:07:05 seeing like the dumbar number kind of you know groups it probably it obviously had to work well enough right to just be here with us but now when you think about with social media 00:07:18 and these massive imaginary communities like nations where you're never going to meet more than a tiny tiny percentage of the people in your group that shortcut becomes problematic um and 00:07:31 we can talk about it like i mean social media in particular makes it very very easy to distort perceived group consensus

      This is the key problem that makes current social media dangerous, it can be easily gamed due to this evolutionary shortcut of the brain, the fast system of biases aka Daniel Kahneman's research.

  8. Oct 2021
  9. Nov 2020
    1. Wikipedia is a story of success, and its long-term contributors are volunteers who have created the most valuable resource for learning we have ever encountered. However, our communities are not yet representative of the diversity of the world. They neither reflect the diversity of people working with knowledge, nor the diversity of knowledge to be shared. We also lack diversity amongst positions of responsibility. Among the common causes for the gender gap and other gaps in diversity in content and contributors is the lack of a safe and inclusive environment. This lack in the current culture of many Wikimedia projects limits the work and participation of existing communities and is a barrier for new people to join, including women, LGBTQ+, indigenous communities, and other underrepresented groups.

      Referencia a Gender y a Women

    1. We will continually improve the design of our platforms to be inclusive and to enable everyone — irrespective of gender, culture, age, technological background or skills, or physical abilities — to enjoy a positive experience during both consumption and contribution to knowledge throughout the Wikimedia ecosystem.

      Referencia a Gender

  10. Sep 2020
    1. I’m re-assessing how often I help out well-established men suddenly interested in my insights and contact book. It’s ridiculous how many ‘and I truly mean them well’s I cut out of this piece, but I really do, while also realizing I help them because they ask, or because other people ask for them. And that coffee, those introductions, that talk I gave and so much more of my attention and care—it needs to go instead to activists I know and care about but who would never presume to ask. Sometimes the prodigal daughter has her regrets, too.

      We all need to do a better job of amplifying the voices that have been marginalized for too long.

  11. Jul 2020
  12. Feb 2019
    1. She brielly mentions delivery, calling it "Pronunciation" and claiming that women have an advantage over men here, in that their voices arc naturally more plcusing and better suited lo the mostly private occasions on which Astell imagines women will speak

      An interesting flip on the "shrill" description of women's voices.

  13. Jul 2018
  14. course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com
    1. It crept onward among ruinous houses and over the twinkling river.

      This melancholy passage was imbued with active voices for what we often would consider as still objects. For instance, the hallstand 'received' the weight of the coat, the sight of the streets 'thronged' with buyers, and here, the train 'crept' onward. These active voices were extremely vivid and characterized Joyce's writing style.

  15. Feb 2017
  16. Dec 2016
    1. Skill Trees

      No representation of skill trees captures the concept completely, but what I hope is evident on this page is that any Badge, with its related Playlist, should be connected to other Badges and Playlists that come before (in this case, above) it, and it should be one of a few available choices (represented in this case by other Badges and Playlists on the same row), and that it leads to other Badges and Playlists (below it), and that what comes next has choices as well.

  17. Nov 2016
  18. Oct 2016
  19. teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
    1. (And I Tiresias have foresuffered all Enacted on this same divan or bed; I who have sat by Thebes below the wall And walked among the lowest of the dead.)

      In this instance of voice, Tiresias becomes the speaker of the poem. It is contained within parenthesis, which gives it a far away or dreamy quality. This fits with the idea/feel of a prophecy, and Tiresias is a Seer. The voice is prophetic, all-knowing, and because it deals with the future, the voice is bending the idea of time.

    2. “You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!”

      This instance of voice (its address of reader) makes one not only look at the voices within the text of the poem and the speaker of the poem but also the literal voice of the reader of the poem who reads aloud and addresses OTHER readers of the poem, which adds a layer of depth to the poem and to the motif of voice that wasn't as present before.

    3. Why do you never speak. Speak.

      I find this ironic because the passage ties to chess and the person who the narrator is talking to is concentrating but they can't understand that. They are begging for conversation in a game that literally is suppose to be silent because of focus and strategy.

    4. Frisch weht der Wind                       Der Heimat zu                       Mein Irisch Kind,                       Wo weilest du?

      Freshly the wind blows The homeland to My Irish, child, Where are you now?

    5. Oed’ und leer das Meer.

      Dull and empty the sea.

    6. hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!”

      hypocrite reader!-my similar,-my brother!"

    7. Et O ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!

      O and the voices of children singing in the dome!

    8. DA


    9. DA


    10. DA


    11. Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina

      Then he hid himself in the fire that refines

    12. Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie

      The Prince of Aquitaine to the round abolished

    13. Shantih

      Shanti means "Peace" in Hindi.

    14. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch.

      Am not a Russian, stem(tribe)' from Lithuania, genuine German.

    15. Quando fiam uti chelidon

      Translates to: “When shall I be as the swallow?” This is referring to Philomela (daughter of Pandion, King of Athens). In the story, she was transformed into a nightingale or something like that.

    16. Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.

      Datta: give/giving

      Dayadhvam: compassion/be compassionate

      Damyata: control/self-control

    17. DA

      "Da" in German is similar to the English word "there." It is also used to mean "being present," not just as a location pointer. It was originally "there" as in "not here" but as all words' meanings morph over time, it can now also mean "then." So "Da" as a word occupies a space and a time.

    18. O you

      This feels like a direct address to the reader. It feels didactic and adds to the overall sense of a religious sermon or teaching that comes from the section as a whole. It implicates the reader in the poem and asks the reader to address their own mortality.

    19. Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.

      This line is taken from Hamlet. Ophelia speaks it to Gertrude and Claudius while she grieves (and sings) for the death of her father. This line is interesting to think about in that context, especially when you consider the tragic/unfair fate Shakespeare writes for Ophelia and the larger issue of gender in Hamlet. Does this relate to Lil?

  20. May 2016
    1. Researching the chosen issue

      Although there is much more that is possible in connecting youth in the middle of their research process, our experience of having students post at many and early stages of their inquiry/research process is invaluable!

  21. Mar 2016
    1. Plantains are higher in starch than bananas, low in sugar and is similar to a potato in texture. Plantains have similar nutritive value as fresh bananas plus vitamin A, and are an excellent source of carbohydrates, according to the University of Florida Extension. Plantains are also a good source of vitamin C and are low in sodium and calories.

      Plantains are high in starch and low in sugar, but they are just as good for you as bananas, plus they are healthier! I love them!

    2. Green plantains taste more like a potato with a starchy texture. Because of this, plantains are not suitable for eating raw unless they're very ripe,

      Plantains look like bananas, but they are more like potatoes. They are starchy, and like a potato, you would want to cook them first. I love cooking plantains!

    1. Beyond

      So there's more to it than building things and surviving? A student who plays minecraft told me today that he thinks you actually do learn what you are simulating in the game. "Like when you build a garden, you learn how to farm," he told me. Hmmmm.

  22. Feb 2016
    1. With more than 18 million downloads to date, Minecraft is the best-selling computer game of all time; the game’s free-form structure has made it popular with kids and adults alike. But little by little, teachers, parents, and students have discovered that the game can be used for educational purposes, too.

      18 million downloads. This is a popular game. Parents, teachers, and students are using the game for educational purposes. This surprises me because I never though a game would help kids.

  23. Jan 2016
    1. President Obama will deliver his final State of the Union address on January 12, 2016 at 9PM ET. Watch as he reflects on the road we've traveled in the last seven years.

      Join teachers and students from around the country to annotate Obama's last State of the Union address on Tuesday at 9PM. Join Jeremy Dean, as he leads an "annotatathon" -- one of many we hope to see during this electoral season, as part of the Letters to the Next President project, co-sponsored by the NWP and WQED. Keep your eye out for the link to the transcript of the speech then join us on hypothes.is to annotate it live -- or later this week. Have your students join us live or later in the week as well!

  24. Dec 2015
    1. Life expectancy is how long a person is expected to live. It is based on many factors such as country and life style including smoking, diet, and exercise.

      I see in the sentence is different ways that can cut your life short by doing different things.What makes this sentence important is that it states different thing that you can stop in order to live longer *This connects to me cause i could take this and adjust people lives by telling them what can you the fastest

  25. Nov 2015
    1. maternal lamentation

      Maternal lamentation could mean several different things depending on what reader is receiving it. It could be earthly, national, biblical even. Alexandre Hogue’s “Mother Earth Laid Bare” Firstly, as case of it being earthly, the world herself could be murmuring a sorrow for her children. Yet, the children of Earth are plenty more vocal than her. Why does she only murmur her lamentations, while they lie in agony, crying their pains? Why is she not in equal pain to the voices of the grass or of the nightingale? And, why is she so wracked with guilt, or sorrow, that she can only lament? Is it her own inaction at the force of a drought? WWI Secondly, in the context of the time this poem was written, maternal lamentation could also be speaking of Mother Country and the effects World War I had on both the land and the people. The personification of all earthly living things (grass, bats, birds) could be giving voice to all that perished. In the face of such loss, could it be that every little thing reminds survivors of the horrors of war? Then, in surviving, they can only lament and murmur against this. As is in the line 101, where the desert is filled and surrounded by " inviolable" voices of tragedy. MARY Lastly, maternal lamentation could refer to Virgin Mary's upset at her son's death. This seems most plausible, especially considering the general plot of rebirth and renew in spring and rains. In line 360, the stanza before this quote, the narrator ruminates, "Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count, there are only you and I together." With religion in mind, it seems the other walking beside them would be Jesus. If this is the case, the ending of the poem could be about human kind's capability to be redeemed.

    2. Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata

      Song: Maithreem Bhajat (Song meaning: Wiki)

      The three D's (Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata), in Sanskrit, mean giving, compassion, and self-control. The title of this section is "What the Thunder Said." The thunder is telling the reader something, perhaps it is this: follow the guidelines of the three D's and redemption will come. These commanded virtues, juxtaposed with the rain that will surely come once the thunder has said what it came to say, seem to offer reprieve from the harshness of the previous sections of the poem. Either it's the calm before the storm or Eliot is giving the reader a chance at peace. In fact, shanti, in Indian, means bliss or peace, so perhaps it is bliss that will come. Either way, ending the poem in this way, using non-English, non-European language is very interesting. Eliot is giving voice to the other, yet it is still un-translated. Is there a reason why Eliot chose to not translate or elaborate these phrases from Hinduism? Indra is the Hindu thunder deity, he is an amalgam of Eastern and Western traditions, as he is modeled from Western gods, like Thor. In the same breath, Eliot is giving us what the thunder is saying, but deeper context still. After all, the sound of thunder only precedes the wash of rains.

      So, to end the poem, Eliot gives three more Hindi prayers: Peace, Peace, Peace. And like that, whether soldiers from The Great War or survivors in its wake, beauty may come and bliss may be found. I think at this point, perhaps Eliot has renounced Christian faith or is open to others. This is shown throughout the poem, but in particular, lines 386-7, "Over the tumbled graves, about the chapel/There is the empty chapel, only the wind’s home." There is nothing in it for him, only graves to remind him of tragedy. Eliot may not only be giving voice to the other, but also becoming the other. We see right from the beginning, with the Greek, Latin, other languages throughout the poem, that Eliot is not translating these words, but he is heralding his own otherness by bringing these words to light. He's made them important. By ending the poem this way, I think Eliot is asserting these prayers seriously, with strictness and belief. Our Lady of the Conception of the Capuchins Bliss transcends awareness.

    3. Only a cock stood on the roof-tree Co co rico co co rico

      Image Description The rooster like the singing grass can be represented as a sign that the rain is coming to the land. Usually, the sound of a rooster indicates an awakening due to the sunrise coming up. But, in this case the rooster can be signaling the plants to awaken and be aware that the rain is approaching to rejuvenate them. Not only could the rooster be signaling the plants, but also it could be letting the people know of the arrival of the rain. The people probably have been desperate for the rain to come and to hear the rooster’s calls lets them know that the rain is going to bring a fresh beginning to their land. The rooster is like a messenger that sends a message through its calls. The call of the rooster in this case instead of being a call of a new day is the call of new life being brought to this dry land.

      In lines 100-103 of the poem, it mentions Philomel who is transformed into a nightingale in Greek mythology and that she cries in the desert with the words "Jug, Jug" while the world continues. This situation is similar to the instance with the rooster since both birds are singing in an area that is dry. In addition, both birds are singing while activity is happening in the dry places with the rooster singing while the thunder and rain is affecting the drought stricken land and the nightingale singing while life is continuing in the desert area. It could be that both of these birds are singing to symbolize some activity in their area whether it be the weather or daily life.

    4. In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing

      Image Description The grass singing is an example of a form of anthropomorphism. Eliot could be using the grass as a sign that the rain needed by the land is coming. Grass also represents growth and in this context the rain will be able to provide the land with the water needed for the plants to grow. With plants being a form of life, the grass can sort of represent life in a way. Grass needs water to survive so the singing can be the grass's way of feeling joyful and relieved that the rain is finally coming. Another interpretation the grass can represent is the present and the past. With the sign of rain, the land will be filled with new life in the form of healthier plants so the past of the drought can be forgotten and washed away by the rain. Along with the sound of the grass being a form of anthropomorphism, the sounds can also relate to nature with the sounds coming from the animals or other natural phenomenons. The grass could be a motif to provide a natural imagery to the poem along with the rain and thunder.

      In the poem, line 353 says, "And dry grass singing", which comes before the line that mentions grass singing in the moonlight. This could also serve as evidence that the rain has come and made the grass moist and wet which resulted in the grass possibly "singing" due to being given growth and life again.

      Usually the growth of plants is known to happen during the springtime. In the poem, line 327 says "Of thunder of spring over distant mountains", which suggests that the season is springtime in this poem. In addition, line 355 of the poem says "Where the hermit-thrush sings in the pine trees", which most likely indicates springtime due to birds mostly singing during the spring. Overall, with the spring season the grass is singing to welcome their new growth.

    1. Four-fifths of the city lay submerged as residents frantically signaled for help from their rooftops and thousands were stranded at the Superdome, a congregation of the desperate and poor.

      It's hard to remember how much of New Orleans was devastated and for how long.

  26. Oct 2015
    1. If there were water  345 And no rock If there were rock And also water And water A spring  350 A pool among the rock If there were the sound of water only Not the cicada And dry grass singing But sound of water over a rock  355 Where the hermit-thrush sings in the pine trees Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop But there is no water

      Earth screams for water. While certain motifs such as water and nature coincide with the following lines, voices come into the picture as well. To provide an image of what the thunder says in this stanza, Before After depicts a powerful comparison between the past and present. Mother nature uses their voice in the Waste Land to communicate their own pain and slow but impactful decay to the reader.

      In an article I found online (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/21/science/climate-change-intensifies-california-drought-scientists-say.html?_r=0) the writer claims, “Rising temperatures dry the soil faster and cause more rapid evaporation from streams and reservoirs, so they did not need any research to tell them that the drought was probably worse because of the warming trend over the past century.” While the sound of water makes a sound similar to line 357 “drop drop drip drop”, the Waste Land T.S. Eliot describes ironically has no water at all. As a result, thunder communicates the possible outcomes of what rain or water can bring. An emphasis on rain from thunder allows for rebirth and rejuvenation. As temperatures continue to rise like the article mentions, the earth and thunder scream at the top of their lungs for the attention they deserve. While their cries remain unheard, the drought continues to worsen.

      However, weather manages to break promises and still brings no water to bear. The thunder lies, in a similar notion to a weather man incorrectly describing the weather. Image Description Without rain, this allows for no chance of rebirth or rejuvenation. The thunder continues to lie, in order to encapsulate the "dry, sterile" the world is currently living in.

    2. “My feet are at Moorgate, and my heart Under my feet. After the event He wept. He promised ‘a new start.’ I made no comment. What should I resent?”

      Often times people are quick to speak up about the betrayal that they’ve endured from those who have wronged them, but sometimes silence, or the lack of voice sends a greater message. In the stanza just before this one, the girl has been sexually assaulted and she now finds herself stuck as she mentions her heart is under her feet. Moorgate is one of the gates in London that leads to Moorfields- where one of the first hydrogen balloon flights took off in England (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Map_1682_Bethlem_in_Moorfields.jpg).

      At a place that represents the ability to ascend above the ground, the fact that her heart is under her feet represents a loss of power and innocence. Her assaulter tries to reconcile and to convince her of new beginnings, which parallels the new beginnings of Moorfields as the first site of hydrogen balloon flight, but instead of responding, she stays quiet. Her silence and her decision to keep her voice to herself even though she was assaulted emphasizes the significance of how much she was influenced by the event. No matter where she is, even in such a prominent location of change and new beginnings, the change that transforms her from an innocent young girl to a victim cries far greater without her even needing to raise her voice.

    3. “What is that noise?”                       The wind under the door. “What is that noise now? What is the wind doing?”                       Nothing again nothing.  120                                               “Do You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember Nothing?”

      T.S. Eliot’s , “the Wasteland” is a true representation of the modernist movement. It is fragmented and anti-realist style drawing from the power of natural forces. Eliot discusses fire, thunder and water as prevailing entities that have a hold on life. However Eliot also makes references to wind, they are few and far between but are consistently referenced to be silent or nonexistent throughout the poem.

      The wind is an invisible subject, and seemingly keeps bugging or reminding the speaker of something unpleasant much like a ghost. In a critique of the piece, it is stated, “Most words for spirit, ghost or mind and soul have evolved from words that once meant only wind or breath”(Brooker). http://bit.ly/1OUJsDt

      The wind can be perceived to be the voice of an agent of fate or God. However the disillusion that “the wind” is doing nothing, saying nothing can infer the speaker’s disbelief in higher beings, that he takes the wind to be literal wind. For example, “There is the empty chapel, only the wind’s home.”

      Image Description

      The speaker believes that the chapel is empty of a divine influence. It reveals the speaker has presumably lost faith in God and purpose. As Vanessa says in her post, this poem reflects , “the effects World War I had on both the land and the people”. That after such loss and tragedy the idea of God and Fate seems to be an empty voice, an empty idea and belief system that left a generation abandoned.

      Image Description

  27. teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
    1. “My feet are at Moorgate, and my heart Under my feet. After the event He wept. He promised a ‘new start.’ I made no comment. What should I resent?”

      Often times people are quick to speak up about the betrayal that they’ve endured from those who have wronged them, but sometimes silence, or the lack of voice sends a greater message. In the stanza just before this one, the girl has been sexually assaulted and she now finds herself stuck as she mentions her heart is under her feet. Moorgate is one of the gates in London that leads to Moorfields- where one of the first hydrogen balloon flights took off in England (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Map_1682_Bethlem_in_Moorfields.jpg).

      At a place that represents the ability to ascend above the ground, the fact that her heart is under her feet represents a loss of power and innocence. Her assaulter tries to reconcile and to convince her of new beginnings, which parallels the new beginnings of Moorfields as the first site of hydrogen balloon flight, but instead of responding, she stays quiet. Her silence and her decision to keep her voice to herself even though she was assaulted emphasizes the significance of how much she was influenced by the event. No matter where she is, even in such a prominent location of change and new beginnings, the change that transforms her from an innocent young girl to a victim cries far greater without her even needing to raise her voice.


      The epigraph following the tribute to Pound is interesting and provoking (if you know Greek and Latin of course). Eliot is not only hinting at the poem's content from the outset, but he's only doing so for the educated (ironic, because he sort of jabs at the societal gap which resulted from modernization). The reference is to an old Greek story about Sibyl of Cumae who requested immortality from Apollo in exchange for her love to him. She was granted her wish, but it didn't exactly turn out the way she expected. She lived and lived and lived, eventually wishing only to die. She was caged and exhibited at a feast where she was questioned what she wanted: I wish only to die. This "voice" projects a foreboding sense over the poem and prepares us for the doom and gloom to come. Eliot may have felt that society is hanging in a "cage". Have Americans been granted their "wish" for modernity but at an expense? Eliot's description mirrors that of Williams Carlos William's "To Elsie" in that both portray modern society as a wasteland. WCW writes "As if the Earth under our feet were an excrement of some sky and we degraded prisoners destined to hunger until we eat filth".

    3. The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king So rudely forced

      The Greek myth of Philomela depicts an Athenian princess who transforms into a nightingale after being raped and mutilated by her brother-in-law. She has been exiled, literally dehumanized, her speech suppressed, but is supposedly redeemed with her sorrowful song which "filled all the desert with inviolable voice," reminding the world of her unjust fate.

    4. London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down

      This line could relate to the earlier reference of London in Part 1 of the poem. Or, it can relate to the rain falling in the land based on the context of the drought.

      Overall, Elliot could be bringing past to present with the past t being the drought and the present being the thunder that came. Or it can also be life and death, with drought being an representation of the land dying and the thunder being the life that brings the land back to normal.

    5. Damyata: The boat responded

      I'm am still not sure about the significance of the boat. But, this line could refer to the late response of the thunder to the drought.

    6. Dayadhvam: I have heard the key

      The key could be the rooster and that it has informed the thunder to come and help the land be free of the drought.

    7. Datta: what have we given?

      This line could refer to the rain not coming sooner. Maybe, in away the thunder is feeling guilt for not giving rain to this land in a time when it was really needed.

    8. Co co rico co co rico

      The sound of the rooster can be seen as a symbol of awakening. But in this instance, this awakening is about the upcoming rain. So, the rooster is giving the signal that rain is indeed coming to this land.

    9. the grass is singing

      The grass singing could be an indicator that the rain is coming. Since the rain is much needed, Elliot could be signifying relief and joy through the singing of the grass with the coming of the rain.

    10. And voices singing out of empty cisterns

      These voices seem to be coming from people who are craving water, since this poem is talking about a place with no water. There could be a drought going on and these people need the water really bad. Therefore, the voices could be out of desperation.

    11. singing
    12. fiddled whisper music on those strings
    13. What the Thunder Said

      The natural world deciding to make its opinion known

    14. frosty silence
    15. shouting and the crying
    16. Then spoke the thunder DA Datta: what have we given?
    17. Picked his bones in whispers.

      This tone is rather foreboding as he continues to age and awaits death within the current.

    18. I can sometimes hear Beside a public bar in Lower Thames Street, The pleasant whining of a mandoline And a clatter and a chatter from within
    19. Et O ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!   Twit twit twit Jug jug jug jug jug jug
    20. Et O ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!   Twit twit twit Jug jug jug jug jug jug
    21. I didn’t mince my words, I said to her myself, HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME
    22. “What shall I do now? What shall I do?” “I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street “With my hair down, so. What shall we do tomorrow? “What shall we ever do?”
    23. “Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?”
    24.   “What is that noise?”                           The wind under the door.
    25. hushing the room enclosed.

      Do their voices hold this much power?

    26. “Jug Jug” to dirty ears.

      Those with clean ears don't have to deal with these voices.

    27. the nightingale Filled all the desert with inviolable voice

      Why it implied that his voice is never broken?

    28. “Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?”

      lack of communication between wife and disabled husband

    29. What the Thunder Said
    30. nightingale Filled all the desert with inviolable voice
    31. Shantih     shantih     shantih

      What is making this sound?

    32. London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina Quando fiam uti chelidon—O swallow swallow Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie

      London Bridge is being sung in English and another language.

    33. DA Datta: what have we given?

      The thunder is talking?

    34. Co co rico co co rico

      Sound of a rooster

    35. Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop

      Sound of water or raindrops

    36. “Trams and dusty trees. Highbury bore me. Richmond and Kew Undid me. By Richmond I raised my knees Supine on the floor of a narrow canoe.”

      Someone reciting a poem?

    37. Burning burning burning burning

      Why is burning repeated?

    38. la la

      Someone is singing?

    39. Weialala leia                                  Wallala leialala

      Another strange noise

    40. “This music crept by me upon the waters”

      Who is saying this quote?

    41. “Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over.”

      Quote from the woman.

    42. Tereu

      Another sound?

    43. Twit twit twit Jug jug jug jug jug jug

      Mysterious sounds

    44. Et O ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!

      What language is this?

    45. Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.

      Why is the person repeating "Goonight"?


      Words from the narrator

    47. “What shall I do now? What shall I do?”

      Another mysterious quote

    48. “What is that noise?”

      who is saying this quote?

    49. “My nerves are bad tonight. Yes, bad. Stay with me. “Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak.   “What are you thinking of? What thinking? What? “I never know what you are thinking. Think.”

      This whole line is a quote, so it is someone's voice.

    50. “Jug Jug”

      Who says this?



    1. After the frosty silence in the gardens After the agony in stony places The shouting and the crying

      Eliot pairs the frosty silence with the gardens. Gardens, though they are natural, are a place where nature is manipulated by man. The voices of shouting and crying are is response from being controlled by society. This is similar to Frost's The Road Less Traveled.

    2. Picked his bones in whispers.

      Whispers have the connotation of intimacy and closeness but the action of picking reflects a harvest of sorts. Is the death a harvest of bones?

  28. Aug 2015
    1. As of 2013, there were nearly 100,000 fewer black residents than in 2000, their absences falling equally across income levels. The white population decreased by about 11,000, but it is wealthier.

      Perhaps New Orleans is a global symbol of what Naomi Klein has called Disaster Apartheid Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

    2. American dysfunction and government negligence

      "Bush doesn't care about Black people," made clear the neglect that we felt immediately, but it was only later the I became aware of the years of incompetence and broken systems that led to the storm surge doing so much damage. Immediately -- and for me to this day -- New Orleans was a symbol of carbon corporate power. Where is BP in this sentence in the Times?

  29. May 2015
    1. 63 percent in 2008 to 90 percent in 2014

      While this is a decent amount of increase, it is still way too low. This school, along with many others, need a lot of help with their graduation rates.

  30. Apr 2015
    1. W h e n   n o n v i o l e n c e   i s   p r e a c h e d   a s   a n   a t t e m p t   t o   e v a d e   t h e   r e p e r c u s s i o n s   o f p o l i t i c a l   b r u t a l i t y ,   i t   b e t r a y s   i t s e l f .   W h e n   n o n v i o l e n c e   b e g i n s   h a l f w a y   t h r o u g h t h e   w a r   w i t h   t h e   a g g r e s s o r   c a l l i n g   t i m e   o u t ,   i t   e x p o s e s   i t s e l f   a s   a   r u s e .   W h e n n o n v i o l e n c e   i s   p r e a c h e d   b y   t h e   r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s   o f   t h e   s t a t e ,   w h i l e   t h e   s t a t e d o l e s   o u t   h e a p s   o f   v i o l e n c e   t o   i t s   c i t i z e n s ,   i t   r e v e a l s   i t s e l f   t o   b e   a   c o n .   A n d n o n e   o f   t h i s   c a n   m e a n   t h a t   r i o t i n g   o r   v i o l e n c e   i s   " c o r r e c t "   o r   " w i s e , "   a n y   m o r e t h a n   a   f o r e s t   f i r e   c a n   b e   " c o r r e c t "   o r   " w i s e . "   W i s d o m   i s n ' t   t h e   p o i n t   t o n i g h t . D i s r e s p e c t   i s .   I n   t h i s   c a s e ,   d i s r e s p e c t   f o r   t h e   h o l l o w   l a w   a n d   f a i l e d   o r d e r   t h a t s o   r e g u l a r l y   d i s r e s p e c t s   t h e   c o m m u n i t y .

      The power of this concluding paragraph says it all! Wow. And it's not just cops who show this disrespect.

    2. T h e r e   w a s   n o

      This parallel list, with the devastating quotations interspersed is powerful indeed!

    3. a d m i r a t i o n   a n d   r e s p e c t

      I wonder how many cops even seek to receive admiration and respect. I agree that fear and caution are a much less human level of respect, but how do we move from a culture where only the lower levels of safety are sought or given?

    4. i n t u i t i v e l y

      What this means is that there is a gap between what people feel on their gut level (or whatever you want to call it and what they are willing to act upon on an intellectual and political level. Intuitions can be true, but isn't it important to help people move from the intuitive levels of understanding to more committed levels that will lead to more sustained political action and change?

    5. m y s t e r i o u s l y   i n   s o m e   b a c k   a l l e y

      Seems to me like we need to value the lives lost mysteriously in back alleys too, no?

    1. certain roadblocks can make it difficult

      These roadblocks are usually imposed by home problems, that pertain with parents. There should be no way that parents hurt their kids at a good future, and the 2 parties should be separated.

    2. The value of a high school diploma is increasing at a faster rate than ever. When students are left degree-less and have no options to get to college without a GED, many are hurt and can seriously effect your paycheck in the future.

    1. r e m a i n s u n c e r t a i n

      One could also describe this as "contested." "Remains uncertain" already feels like the authors are moving toward an inevitable certainty of using nuclear power. Or am I being paranoid?

    1. soldiers, Shia militia forces, Sunni tribal fighters and members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corp

      Coalition of enemies!

    2. ISIS control

      It's odd to think how little territory is actually controlled by ISIS, at least in the area of Tikrit.

    1. Mr. Sadr’s loyalists had sat out recent battles after he said he was “freezing” their participation, in part because of allegations of atrocities committed by Shiite militias in Diyala and Anbar Provinces after driving out Islamic State militants.

      Okay, so it's paragraphs like this that make me want to throw up my hands. Check out what is being said here. First, who is Sadr? "Sadr is one of the most influential religious and political figures in the country," according to Wikipedia. And he is sitting this one out. Why? Because forces who are supposed to his allies, the Shiite militias. Sadr is also a Shiite, I think. But after defeating ISIS, they kill the people who live there? I think I remember something like this being reported on Democracy Now. So yeah, what kind of unity is this? Sounds like mad confusion! Here's a Human Rights Report.

    2. but

      So what's the truth? Do Shiites slaughter Sunnis when they get a chance to or not? This article leaves me more confused than when I started.

    3. Qaeda-linked Sunni

      And the Sunnis are connected to Qaeda?

    4. whose numbers are much greater than that of the regular armed forces,

      Oh, so the Peace Brigades aren't the official troops, but they vastly outnumber the government's soldiers, and without them, nothing happens. I get it.

    5. Iraqi government troops

      So Mr. Sadr's Peace Brigrades aren't the official government troops of Iraq? Makes you want to give up on ever understanding this stuff.

    6. Peace Brigades

      That's some name for militias of soldiers!

    7. Sunni militia

      So this is implying that the Sunnis and the Shiites, from the above paragraph are working together with the Islamic government. Is that the case or is this a small exception tot the rule of not working togeter?

    8. 700 fighters

      700 in a force of 30,000? Seems like this could only be symbolic.

    9. share a measure of credit for an expected victory and to position themselves

      This makes it sound like some sort of game.

    10. called for unity

      If you have to call for unity, it's implied that you don't have it currently. Also later in this same paragraph. It feels chaotic and splintered to refer to fighters as a "faction" -- faction of what? I assume a faction of the Iraqi government forces.

    1. One man, Khalid, said that gunmen cam

      gunmen have been taking people from their house and kidnapping them , some of them never return home some of them return but dead .

    2. Mosul is largely

      ISIS have put a lot of car bombs an trap to the Islamic state , to kill and eliminate people in from he Islamic state , the recorded them and puts the up in the internet so the whole world can see what they are doing .

    3. The group has made t

      the group Isis has been taking a lot of cities in Iraq , but at the same time the Syrian state have been bombarding their owns cities killing civilians in every part of the country .

    4. The Islamic State has used similar

      some of the militant fighters are taking over cities over this year ,and when something happen the police work is the minimal over the cities, They castigated and murdered mes if they see them taking a shower in the rivers because women can see them

    5. Electricity has been cut off

      Things in the Islamic state aren't going really well , they don't even have electricity or even have good water , food is to expensive and the taxes are going way up .

  31. Mar 2015
    1. porque era muy triste el cuento y me gusto mucho.

      I'd love to know why you enjoyed a sad story.

    2. su cuarto se quedo hay toda la noche sin hacer ningun tipo de ruido la abuela iba se ponia alado de la puerta pero no pudo escuchar nada

      esta parte es importante porque la buela quería sabe lo que estaba siendo isaac pero no escuchaba na.

    3. padre hijo perdoname por todo no soy el mejor padre del mundo pero hice lo que pude , hijo sigue tu camino se que sera un camino solitario pero conoceras cosas maravillosas y alguien contara tu legado te amo " en ese mismo momento cerro los ojos como si el ya supiera que no tenia tiempo y queria solo decir sus ultimas palabras , isaac salio de la casa corriendo y pidio ayuda para sacarlo al papa

      esta parte es importante porque el padre isaac se puso tan feliz que sero los ojo y se murio y le dijo a isaac que siguiera su camino que él es joven.

    4. arriba , subio y encontro a un hombre que se quedo palido cuando lo vio y le dijo " isaac eres tu " respondio y dijo " si , y quien eres tu " el hombre le dijo " Soy tu padre"

      esta parte es importante porque isaac el control a su padre y también porque isaac quería sabe la la verdad.

    5. una caja sucia y mal oliente la queria botar pero la curiosidad no lo dejo , luego la saco de hay y la abrio adentro encontro algo que le cambio la vida , vio fotos se sus padres y cartas que ellos escribian

      esta parte es importante porque isaac jayo cartas y foto que sus padres le escribieron y esto se eso cambió su vida y estaba enojado con su abuela.

    6. an tenía que salir a trabajar todos los días para tener dinero para la comida, era muy difícil po

      esta parte es importante porque juan tenía que sali todos los días para ganar dinero y también para compra comida.

    7. En la casa había muchas cosas que hacer, Juan tenía que salir a trabajar todos los días para tener dinero

      esta parte es importante por que juan ternia

    8. nació Valentina una linda hija que ellos no esperaban tener, a la cual llegaron a amar mucho .

      esta parte es importante porque ellos no esperaban una hija. Cuando nació Valentina era una sorpresa para ellos pero la recibieron con mucho amor. Estaban felix.

    1. 51-year-old Korean woman

      This makes me wonder how complicated this story is, with biases and struggle all over the place.

    1. And when I kick it flows, But you already know, And then you will see that you’re ready to go And that’s how you know that you’re ready to go and you see that I be, the one that can flow, yo!

      I like how the final four lines, all of which start with "and," make connections between the reader and you, showing how we know about each other and motivate each other.

    1. hard and endlessly

      One of the problems is that teachers burn out after their first few years of hard and endless works.

    1. Why are they “cool” and I am “weird”?

      I think we all feel this way at times. I wonder why it overwhelms us sometimes, makes us angry at other times, and we just brush it off still other times.