- Jan 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Antarktis erwärmt sich deutlich schneller als in den bisherigen Klimamodellen angenommen - die Westantarktis doppelt so schnell wie der globale Durchschnitt. Das könnte die Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels erheblich beschleunigen. Eine Untersuchung von Eisbohrkernen belegt das bisher nur vermutete Phänomen der Menschen gemachten "arktischen Verstärkung" in der Südhemisphäre.
- Nov 2023
science.orf.at science.orf.at
- Oct 2023
Envisioning the next wave of emergent AI
Are we stretching too far by saying that AI are currently emergent? Isn't this like saying that card indexes of the early 20th century are computers. In reality they were data storage and the "computing" took place when humans did the actual data processing/thinking to come up with new results.
Emergence would seem to actually be the point which comes about when the AI takes its own output and continues processing (successfully) on it.
- Sep 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
franklin.library.upenn.edu franklin.library.upenn.edu
Attended live on 2023-09-07
9th-century copy of Boethius's Latin translation of Aristotle's De interpretatione, referred to in the manuscript as Periermenias, with the shorter of two commentaries that Boethius wrote on that work. Replacement leaves added in the 11th century to the beginning (f. 1-4) and end (f. 45-64) of the manuscript, in addition to providing the beginning and end of the Boethius (which is probably lacking 2 gatherings between extant gatherings 6 and 7), include the Periermeniae attributed to Apuleius in the medieval period, a poem by Decimus Magnus Ausonius on the seven days of Creation, a sample letter of a monk to an abbot with interlinear and marginal glosses, and other miscellaneous verses, definitions, and excerpts. Dot Porter, University of Pennsylvania, has determined that two groups of leaves are misbound; leaves 5-12 (the original order appears to have been 5, 9, 10, 6, 7, 11, 12, 8) and leaves 53-64 (the original order of the leaves appears to have been 61, 62, 53-60, 63, 64).
Envisioning the next wave of emergent AIAn experimental Future Trends Forum workshop event
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
R.U.R.: Rossum’s Universal Robots, drama in three acts by Karel Čapek, published in 1920 and performed in 1921. This cautionary play, for which Čapek invented the word robot (derived from the Czech word for forced labour), involves a scientist named Rossum who discovers the secret of creating humanlike machines. He establishes a factory to produce and distribute these mechanisms worldwide. Another scientist decides to make the robots more human, which he does by gradually adding such traits as the capacity to feel pain. Years later, the robots, who were created to serve humans, have come to dominate them completely.