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  1. Aug 2024
    1. ccording to Freud, condensation and displacement are thetwo fundamental principles that determine the activity of theunconscious. They are at work in all the formations of the un-conscious (the symptom, slips of the tongue, etc.), though Freuddescribed them chiefly in relation to dreams. Condensation refersto the fact that one simple dream image can represent severalassociative chains at the same time. So, for example, it oftenhappens that a certain figure in a dream turns out on closeranalysis to represent several persons. I dream about my brother,but in the course of the analysis it turns

      Can be connected to Convergent and divergent (and induction and deduction). Condensation is the idea of the dream presenting after it has been condensed or converged, and displacement refers to the idea of disparate clues all pointing to a common theme and meaning.

    1. 11:00 Convergent tasks as open and creative, more suitable in like the afternoon and evening, whereas convergent tasks narrow down and are more focused, more so in the morning (this obviously depends on factors like chronobiology and so on)

      Also think of it as execution vs strategy

  2. Jun 2023
    1. When I create a new note, I write and link it as usual. Then I call up a saved search in The Archive via shortcut. I then go through the notes of my favorites and see if the fresh note is usable for one of my favorites. In doing so, I make an effort to find a connection. This effort trains my divergent thinking. Afterward, I try to understand the nature of the connection from the fresh piece of paper. In this way, I train my convergent thinking.

      Sascha's process of incoporating the problems into the ZK workflow

  3. Jun 2022
    1. To solve creative problems with TRIZ, there are three elements you need to know: It’s been solved before.There are consistent patterns of solutions.Solving contradictions creates breakthrough innovation
    2. TRIZ (a Russian acronym for the ‘Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”). Through TRIZ, Altshuller was now able to demonstrate the science behind creative innovation, not only paving the way for new breakthroughs in technology but establishing a framework of immense value to countless other fields.
  4. Feb 2021
  5. Jun 2020
  6. Apr 2016