- Jan 2025
www.meaningcrisis.co www.meaningcrisis.co
Sacredness puts us into contact with the Numinous, which basically exposes us to what is horrifying. At least at the limits of us, because it has an aspect of awe with a little bit more which is to remind us - humiliation in the original sense of the word - to keep us, to give us humility to remember that as we are feeling that sense of expansiveness with awe that we are precisely, ultimately, limited creatures
for - adjacency - coexistence of the infinite and the finite - Daisetz Suzuki and the Zen Koan "The elbow does not bend backwards" - Meaning crisis episode 35 - The Symbol, Sacredness, and the Sacred - John Vervaeke
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
grammar is incredibly powerful, because grammar is this one component of language which takes this finite vocabulary that all of us have and allows us to convey an infinite amount of information, an infinite amount of ideas. It's the way in which you can put things together in order to convey anything you want to
for - the power of grammar - infinite permutations if meaning using a finite set of symbols - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan
www.ordinarymind.com www.ordinarymind.com
When D. T. Suzuki came to this country later, he said he had a great realization contemplating the Japanese expression, “The elbow does not bend backwards.” The idea is that the elbow only bends inward, bends one way. Is that a limitation of the elbow? Is it a defect? That a really good elbow would bend both ways? Is it a design flaw that we’re stuck with? Instead, it’s a matter of seeing the particular irony in what we would think of as a limitation rather, as a definition, a part of what we intrinsically are, and freedom is not a question of being able to do something, to do anything whatsoever, but to fully function within our design and our capacity.
for - quote - The Elbow does not bend backwards - Dasietz Suzuki - contradiction - the finite and infinite in one being - meme - to be or not to be, that is the question - to be AND not to be, that is the answer
quote - The Elbow does not bend backwards - Dasietz Suzuki - Barry Magid - When D. T. Suzuki came to this country later, he said he had a great realization contemplating the Japanese expression, “The elbow does not bend backwards.” - The idea is that the elbow only bends inward, bends one way. Is that a limitation of the elbow? Is it a defect? That a really good elbow would bend both ways? Is it a design flaw that we’re stuck with? Instead, - it’s a matter of seeing the particular irony in - what we would think of as a limitation rather, as a definition, a part of what we intrinsically are, and - freedom is not a question of being able to do something, to do anything whatsoever, - but to fully function within our design and our capacity. - The full freedom of the functioning of the elbow takes place in bending inward, not outward.
comment - the contradiction of our life is that - the infinite and the finite exist in the same mortal coil - this consciousness which is capable of unlimited imagination - is housed in a fragile, time-limited body - Yet all life exists in the concrete form of living / dying individual's housed in bounded, albeit dynamic bodies - Each of us takes on a unique and specific morphological form, determined by the genetic material passed on to us intergenerationally - Each individual belongs to a unique species, a unique replicable template that is unique - And yet, all life derives from the same reality - So each species, and all individuals belonging to each species, have unique bounded bodies - While that universal wisdom articulates itself uniquely in each species and each individual of a species, it is nonetheless a universal wisdom behind it all - So the elbow does not bend backwards in the human - and the wings flutter only one way in birds - and the fins only project one way in fish - etc, etc.... - Can we trace ourselves from the perceived limited - all the way back to the unlimited infinite? - To be or not to be, that is the question - To be AND not to be, that is the answer
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
in the ultimate analysis i think it is the impulse in us to revert to our natural state it is the impulse of a finite mind to divest itself of its limitations and revert to its natural condition of infinite consciousness
for - quote - claim - natural impulse of finite minds - to revert from finite mind back to infinite consciousness - Rupert Spira
when infinite consciousness localizes itself in the form of each of our finite minds and becomes entangled with the content of experience it overlooks the knowing of itself in favor of its knowledge of objective experience and therefore the finite mind has to perform this activity of reflecting back on itself in order to arrive at the recognition i am pure consciousness
for - duality - infinite consciousness - mistaking itself for finite counsciousness - entangled with the content of experience - Rupert Spira
duality - infinite consciousness - mistaking itself for finite counsciousness - entangled with the content of experience - Rupert Spira - What does this really mean? - What does it mean to be entangled? - What does it take to get dis-entangled? - It would seem that falling into suffering through unbalanced - self-identify and - self cherishing - is what he is getting at
john smith and king lear analogy
for - metaphor - John Smith (actor) - King Lear - Rupert Spira
metaphor - John Smith (actor) - King Lear - Rupert Spira - This is an interesting thought experiment - In the metaphor, the infinite consciousness is like John Smith and the finite human consciousness is like King Lear - The universal consciousness is playing the role of the finite consciousness but loses itself in the role - Spira says: - just as the only consciousness in each of our finite minds is universal consciousness nevertheless - King Lear doesn't know that - King Lear believes i am King Lear, a temporary finite separate person - just like our finite minds don't on the whole know that their reality is infinite consciousness<br /> - So although - the only person present in King Lear is John Smith and - John Smith knows himself just by being himself in the form of King Lear<br /> - he overlooks that knowledge and therefore as King Lear - he has to self-reflect on himself in order to arrive at the experience i am John Smith - What is the relationship between the infinite vs the finite consciousness within the same human? - This reminds me of Dasietz Suzuki's koan that surfaced at the time of his Satori experience - that the elbow does not bend backwards. - Within the bounds of the finite is the infinite
ultimately dissociation doesn't really happen it's um it's a model i think it's a an accurate a very useful model but the best way i can i can describe this is using the analogy of going to a 3d imax cinema
for - metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - localize Rupert Spira - terminology - dissociate - Bernado Kastrup - terminology - localize and contract - Rupert Spira - universal consciousness contracts to finite human consciousness - question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup
metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - Rupert Spira - At 3d Imax cinema, we wear a pair of special glasses - that make the otherwise fuzzy image to acquire a 3rd dimension - In the same way, our raw universal consciousness is like the fuzzy pattern we see on the 3d Imax screen when we DON'T have any special glasses on - When we perceive and think, it is like putting on the 3D glasses in the Imax theatre and suddenly we see objects with great clarity - Spira talks about universal consciousness "localizing" within its own activity - in the form of a finite mind of a human being
question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup - Does Kastrup mean that we infinite / universal consciousness dissociates from itself into the finite human consciousness? - answer - It appears so, as at time 45:50, Spira summarizes Kastrup's views on dissociation
- metaphor - John Smith (actor) - King Lear - Rupert Spira
- terminology - localize and contract - Rupert Spira
- terminology - dissociate - Bernado Kastrup
- uote - claim - natural impulse of finite minds - to revert from finite mind back to infinite consciousness - Rupert Spira
- universal consciousness contracts to finite human consciousness
- question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup
- Dasietz Suzuki - The elbows does not bend backwards - relation of the infinite to the finite
- duality - infinite consciousness - mistaking itself for finite counsciousness - entangled with the content of experience - Rupert Spira
- metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - localize Rupert Spira
- Jul 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Jan 2024
Local file Local file
a special case of Hasse’s theorem, due to Gauss, which de-scribes the number of points on an elliptic curve defined over a finite field.
- Jul 2023
canadiancor.com canadiancor.com
The concept of the purity of science should be abandoned.
- for: progress trap, abstraction
- comment
- we do not recognize the power of abstraction
- through it, we begin to construct Indra's Net of Jewels, one jewel (idea) at a time
- but each jewel (idea) that we construct is just a little knowledge, and as Dan observes, a little knowledge, compared to the endless knowledge reflected in any jewel is dangerous.
- this then, is our dangerous predicament - we base technology on incomplete jewels of Indra's net
- as we know from mathematics, when the finite meets the infinite, it can never win
- comment
- for: progress trap, abstraction
kortina.nyc kortina.nyc
finite time singularity
finite time singularity
- when the mathematical solution to the growth equation becomes infinitely large at some finite time
- this is also salient for the accumulation of unresolved progress traps
- the Anthropocene can perhaps be viewed as the occurence of finite time singularities due to unresolved problems arising from progress traps that innovation is too slow to solve
- West // Scale: The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms…j
- good exerpts from the book
- Mar 2023
blog.cmpxchg8b.com blog.cmpxchg8b.com
We have a finite pool of good will with which we can advocate for the implementation of new security technologies. If we spend all that good will on irritating attackers, then by the time we’re ready to actually implement a solution, developers are not going to be interested.
- Nov 2022
www.nateliason.com www.nateliason.com
A good summary of James Carse's book "Finite and Infinite Games"
- Oct 2022
www.cs.cmu.edu www.cs.cmu.edu
You are all computer scientists. You know what FINITE AUTOMATA can do. You know what TURING MACHINES can do. For example, Finite Automata can add but not multiply. Turing Machines can compute any computable function. Turing machines are incredibly more powerful than Finite Automata. Yet the only difference between a FA and a TM is that the TM, unlike the FA, has paper and pencil. Think about it. It tells you something about the power of writing. Without writing, you are reduced to a finite automaton. With writing you have the extraordinary power of a Turing machine.
- Aug 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
at I call the game of school.
You and everybody else. I also call these learners 'strategic students'.
- Mar 2022
www.newsletter.rikagoldberg.com www.newsletter.rikagoldberg.com
Like computers, the human brain also builds up garbage that needs to be recycled, because memory space is finite, not infinite.
Example of a writer thinking that the human memory is more finite than is probably the case.
- Sep 2021
roambrain.com roambrain.com
Investing, in simplest terms, is taking one finite resource and trying to allocate it to maximize for an ideal outcome. Whether you’re allocating money, time, energy, or attention. Everyone is an allocator of something. Investing is an opportunity to evaluate what you believe. To gain conviction. And then to act on that conviction.
Trying to hit bullseye, getting the grand reward. Using the information at hand to act on what's best.
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Since about 70% of water delivered from the Colorado River goes to growing crops, not to people in cities, the next step will likely be to demand large-scale reductions for farmers and ranchers across millions of acres of land, forcing wrenching choices about which crops to grow and for whom — an omen that many of America’s food-generating regions might ultimately have to shift someplace else as the climate warms.
Deep Concept: The US Government, in the 1960's/70's provided a crystal ball glimpse into the future by defining climate change (man-made global warming) as a national security concern. Various reports warned of "exponential" growth (population) and related man-made factors (technology etc.) that would contribute to climate change and specifically discussed the possibility of irreconcilable damage to "finite" natural resources.
The Uncomfortable Truth is the Difficult and Unpopular Decisions are Now Unavoidable.
Topic is relevant across a span of global issues. Natural resources are Finite.....period! Timely decisions are critical to insure intelligent use of resources. DENIAL is the enemy and 800lb gorilla in the room. Neoliberisim and social dysfunction feed on any cognitive dissonance and poop it out as "crap". True believers of American Capitalism (yes there is a difference) have become "cult-like" and drink the fluid of the cult to the very end, human consequence is of no concern.
Point being: Reality is always elusive within a cult controlled (authoritative) mindset. Cult members are weak sheep, incapable of individual logic/reason. Authority can not be challenged. -- Denial, a human defense mechanism has been and is the common denominator in all personal and global conflict. Denial can be traced throughout modern history and rears its ugly head whenever the stakes are high.