28 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Dec 2024
    1. for - decolonisation - colonialism - legacy of - 140 year anniversary of the dark milestone of the Berlin Africa conference which began a new cycle of horror and institutionalised plundering and dehumanisation of Africa - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18

      // - summary - Reading this story has reminded me of a Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity / Tipping Point Festival project idea - cosmolocal bottom up movement that creates a community-to-community sister city coupling for development between communities of global / local North and global / local South

  3. Feb 2024
    1. word-wrap

      Cette propriété n'est plus présente dans la documentation fournie par Mozilla, elle a été remplacée par la propriété overflow-wrap dont elle partage les même valeurs. Bien que son remplacement soit effectif, sa syntaxe reste tout de même acceptée par le CSS Working Group à des fins de rétrocompatibilité.

  4. Nov 2023
  5. Jan 2023
    1. For some scholars, it is critical thatthis new Warburg obsessively kept tabs on antisemitic incidents on the Easternfront, scribbling down aphorisms and thoughts on scraps of paper and storingthem in Zettelkasten that are now searchable.

      Apparently Aby Warburg "obsessively kept" notes on antisemitic incidents on the Eastern front in his zettelkasten.

      This piece looks at Warburg's Jewish identity as supported or not by the contents of his zettelkasten, thus placing it in the use of zettelkasten or card index as autobiography.

      Might one's notes reflect who they were as a means of creating both their identity while alive as well as revealing it once they've passed on? Might the use of historical method provide its own historical method to be taken up on a meta basis after one's death?

  6. Sep 2022
    1. In the two first cases the expediency of a divisionof labour does not come in question. But take thethird case. A man of abihty discovers that thedocuments which are necessary for the treatmentof a point of history are in a very bad conditionthey are scattered, corrupt, and untrustworthy. Hemust take his choice ; either he must abandon thesubject, having no taste for the mechanical opera-tions which he knows to be necessary, but which,as he foresees, would absorb the whole of his energy ;or else he resolves to enter upon the preparatorycritical work, without concealing from himself thatin all probability he will never have time to utilisethe materials he has verified, and that he will there-fore be working for those who will come after him.



  7. Jul 2022
    1. If you do not have an iOS device or a machine running OS X to open your IMOVIEMOBILE file, you can still access its contents. First, copy the IMOVIEMOBILE file, rename the file extension to "zip", decompress the file, and the project content will be in a folder called "Assets." You can then open the original content in a video editing program.

      It's not rational, but I'd like to note how angy I am with myself in retrospect for not looking this up before. I have literally given up on old project files because I assumed the video was unretrievable and then... I just did this on my iPad in a matter of seconds lol.

  8. Jun 2022
    1. The paradox of hoarding isthat no matter how much we collect and accumulate, it’s neverenough.

      How is the paradox of hoarding related to the collector's fallacy?

      Regardless of how much you collect, you can't take it with you. So what's the value? - Having and using it to sustain you while you're alive. - Combining it in creative ways to leave behind new ideas and new innovations for those who follow you. - others?

  9. Mar 2022
    1. NVIDIA periodically drops older cards off of its support matrix for NVENC/NVDEC, even if they do have the required hardware. This makes it appear, at first glance to current information sources, that Kepler GPUs do not support NVENC, so we responded as such.
  10. Nov 2021
    1. ʰᵉʳᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈʳʸʷᵃˡˡ ʷᵉᵇˢᶤᵗᵉ ᵉᵃˢᵗᵉʳ ᵉᵍᵍˢ

      Please be warned: a friend noticed some very insensitive language I had forgotten about entirely. I've chosen to leave it since this website should not be surfaced in any discovery engines beyond NeoCities... Hoping that isn't a stupid idea.

  11. Oct 2021
    1. "The story of the American college is largely the story of the rise of the slave economy in the Atlantic world," says Craig Steven Wilder, a historian at MIT and author of "Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America's Universities."

      In this way, the past seeps into the present. This is a literal example of the legacy of structural inequality.

  12. May 2021
  13. Feb 2021
    1. This version makes the new client that was added in version 2.6+ the default client, and removes the legacy client. All previously deprecated functionality has been removed (since version 2.5, see below).
  14. Nov 2020
    1. If you know me, you know I always say that computer networking is a miracle that only holds together by duct tape, prayers of engineers, and dumb luck.

      where-in the author argues that devices should be kept off the internet & should not have their own internet addresses. which, is, well, conventional & safe, yes. but i tire of this stalemate. i very much would like devices to be connectable.

      yes you need dual rules. alas, the legacy world haunts us.

    1. On a user-defined bridge network, containers can resolve each other by name or alias.But, The containers on the default bridge network can only access each other by IP addresses, unless you use the --link option, which is considered legacy.
  15. Oct 2020
    1. Whilst Svelte is a web-project, it should work on the web. The web is unfortunately still plagued by garbage like (Legacy) Edge and IE.
  16. Sep 2020
    1. In my opinion, because Webpack was one of the first bundlers, is heavily packed with features, and has to support swathes of legacy code and legacy module systems, it can make configuring Webpack cumbersome and challenging to use. Over the years, I’ve written package managers, compilers, and bundlers, and I still find configuring Webpack to be messy and unintuitive.
  17. Nov 2019
  18. Jan 2019
    1. Labels like this don't help the student, they only help the evaluation staff. I'm not sure what the best solution is for indicating someone's literacy on a form so others are aware when teaching the student but labeling a student with 'low' anything is going to have negative connotations that endure.

  19. Mar 2017
    1. seismic trail

      Industry blazed a trail, rather physically, across the North. Big oil companies came in, ran tests, drilled wherever they pleased, and left scars on the fragile landscape. Before they could drill though, they had to find out where the oil was and to do so, seismic crews would do a survey of the area using what is called the single line method. “This method required the use of several tracked vehicles in a caravan, setting off blasts and collecting the data from them, and gashing vast stretches of the Arctic landscape” (114). These trails are what Berger is referring to and they are very much still visible today, decades after being created. The seismic testing left an impact on the physical substrate and the vegetation growing on it. The trails “are physical legacies of the ways multinational oil companies, governmental policies, and geological science combined to enroll Arctic nature into global energy economies. To those who know their full history, though, they are also a reminder of how ecological disturbance became a focal point for scientific and Inuit activism in the 1960s and 1970s” (115). As Berger goes on to say, the land itself could be, and was, taken from the native people and they are reminded every day of that when they see these trails.

      Annotation drawn from Stuhl, Andrew. Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016. For aerial images and more information on seismic trails visit: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/arctic/seismic.html

  20. Nov 2015