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  1. Jul 2024
    1. There is a law somewhere that says that when one person is thoroughlysmitten with the other, the other must unavoidably be smitten as well. Amorch’a null’amato amar perdona.

      Hahaha this is what I was looking for

      could it also show narcissus, a reflection, love is seeing oneself in the other and being thoroughly okay with oneself that all identity comes loose and having and being are simply one and the same thing?

    2. Hesaw through everybody, but he saw through them precisely because the firstthing he looked for in people was the very thing he had seen in himself andmay not have wished others to see

      Does this support the idea of Narcissus? Yes, it means he sees his own reflection in others and understands others only because he knows himself. Demonstrates maturity

    3. I always tried to keep him within my field of vision. I never let him driftaway from me except when he wasn’t with me. And when he wasn’t withme, I didn’t much care what he did so long as he remained the exact sameperson with others as he was with me. Don’t let him be someone else whenhe’s away. Don’t let him be someone I’ve never seen before. Don’t let himhave a life other than the life I know he has with us, with me

      Perhaps this goes to show how he sees Oliver as himself. Thus proving his hypothesis on the "Twisted Skein of Desire" where to be and to have are the same things, but on opposite sides of the river.

      And his insecurity blooming from not knowing who Oliver is when he's gone reflects his insecurity in not fully defining himself. It shows his immaturity and instability

    1. Like Narcissus, each perceives the signs given by the other, but they cannot be sure exactly howto interpret those signs because they do not have any opportunity to talk about the significance oftheir gestures unless they find themselves in a private place. Narcissus notes that his reflection’sgestures mirror his own, but Elio and Oliver do not seem to realize that their signs of love arealmost exactly the same until they have the opportunity to speak about those signs. Nevertheless,in either case, it is the words that are missing: Narcissus needs his reflection to confirm withwords his suspicion that the reflection loves him back, just as Elio and Oliver both need spokenconsent from the other before pursuing their desire for each other.

      Both of them echo each other's signs, and Elio does not understand himself enough to recognise his own reflection, projecting the same signs of affection he himself is giving off.

      However, I disagree with the words argument. In my interpretation, words serves to confound the confession and true expression of identity, and what often gives it all away is the body. Just as the knight fuddles with words. Instead, Elio finds himself unable to refute the meaning his bodily expression brings.

    2. Now Elio stares intently at Oliver,but is “fleeing” with the same gesture, playing both the role of the pursuer and the pursued lover.Narcissus, in the same way, conveys both signs of pursuing and being pursued with his gestures,as the reflection of his attempts to court his reflection look to him like gestures appropriate forone being courted

      Important quotation because this is the point of Gianelle's articulation about the references to Narcissus. It is that they have contradictory (quite literally opposite: pursuer and pursued) roles in their dynamic, and that hints to a flexible and fluid and contradictory identity

  2. Jun 2024
    1. because I wanted to see if her arousal took thesame turns as mine, so that I might trace mine on hers and see which of thetwo was the genuine article.

      Is he looking towards others to figure out how he feels, what is real and what is not, what is right or wrong? In some way he is also trying to see himself in her, just as narcissus does. And he does this to know himself, which was his main goal anyway



  3. Mar 2024
    1. To fall in love with what she feared to look on?

      Is she a mirror of Brabantio's own fears, and ideals, and therefore so appeals to him -- he compliments what he sees in Desdemona that resembles him, himself.

  4. Aug 2021
  5. Feb 2019
    1. archaeologists announced they had uncovered a remarkably well-preserved fresco depicting his story: The hunter who fell in love with his reflection in a pool.

      Need to go back to Pompeii when it is less crowded so I can enjoy it more.