144 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Nov 2024
    1. those with a card index or zettelkasten-based reading and note making practice will realize that they’re probably automatically following the advice

      Note making does create space for reflection, is the thinking. But even before notes, annotation does too.

      n:: notes as thinking vgl 'writing is thinking' annotation as thinking vs conversation, conversation as thinking through expression

  3. Aug 2024
    1. By doing away with deliberation, a cornerstone of liberal democratic politics, right wing populism seems to have found the key to success in our fast paced society. For an increasingly large number of voters, time to think or reflect seems to be nothing more than a hindrance to effective decision making, and it is this line of thought that is swelling the ranks of the far right.
  4. Jul 2024
    1. Today while listening to the song I am reminded, through reflection, upon the fact that it takes quite some self-awareness and intellectual humility to prevent the rigorous defense of uneducated opinion, especially in online intellectual communities.

      "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -- Confucius

      Something that intellectuals must be aware of. We must be flexible in opinion and not defend that which we actually have no knowledge of.

      We can debate for Socratic sakes; to deepen our understanding, but not to persuade... Pitfall is one might come to believe beyond doubts that which one debates for.

      Key is to becoming more aware of our debate behavior and stop ourselves when we realize we can't actually prove that which we think.

      This is especially critical for someone in position of teacher or great advisor; he who is looken up to. People are easier to take their opinion for granted based on "authority". As an ethical intellectual we must not abuse this, either on purpose or by accident. With great power comes great responsibility.

    1. There is a law somewhere that says that when one person is thoroughlysmitten with the other, the other must unavoidably be smitten as well. Amorch’a null’amato amar perdona.

      Hahaha this is what I was looking for

      could it also show narcissus, a reflection, love is seeing oneself in the other and being thoroughly okay with oneself that all identity comes loose and having and being are simply one and the same thing?

    1. ( ~10:00 )

      After relevance comes the awareness stage (you become aware of your mistakes)...

      Making mistakes raises your awareness about how you do the skill and ensures you improve on it. By just doing theory you can't learn from mistakes and you can't possibly read up on EVERYTHING.

      Reflective process is necessary. Kolb's. Experiment.

    1. The world today is often characterized by a fast-paced, reactive culture. The song encourages a more thoughtful, deliberate approach to life. Patience allows us to step back, reflect, and make informed decisions instead of impulsively reacting to situations.

      System 1 vs. System 2

      Counteract the dopamine-dependent short-attention-spanned culture of today. Stop. Take time to think. Reflect. Go away from the devices. Perform analog note-making. Slow down.

  5. Jun 2024
    1. Promethean devide

      seemingly more often labelled as Promethean gap

    2. Research into the digitalization of educational practice, however,has so far widely reproduced the logic of bisected learning. Whenlearning is articulated as an activity of the learners, the focusis only on the how of learning and on questions regarding theperformative, operational, and organizational dimensions of theact of learning.

      These are some concrete assumptions that could be interesting to challenge, e.g. in DigiPro.

    3. a perspective of creating and shapingalternative technological forms of life, based on principles ofequality, generalization, and care, as decolonial politics of matter

      Papadopoulus highlights as an example of decolonial politics of matter the Free Software movement.

    4. so that thelearning activity can unfold as unhindered as possible

      This is an interesting perspective, as it hints at a view of learning content as fundamentally tied to, yet separated from, the operative aspect of learning. The learning content unfolds naturally, given the right circumstances. The goal of digital technologies for learning is reducing this hindrance more than is otherwise possible.

    5. HartmutRosa therefore sees teachers as setting the tone, as a tuning forkthat sets learners in motion in relation to the world. “Unlockingsections of the world,” he explains, “getting things to speakwhich were previously mute does not happen by itself. In fact,it depends decisively on the teacher

      this conception of teachers as a sort of tuning fork might be relevant for a new understanding of digital technologies. One could say that the ideal of a worlding, digital technology is to serve as such a tuning fork, to broaden horizons and incite curiosity.

    6. learning interests

      Learning interests are of central importance, as they are what determine whether the learning content is fulfilling to the learner. If content and method are determined from the outside, the content aspect of learning will mostly be incidental, as the interests of the learner and the learning content coincidentally match.

    7. unclear how longthey will last and what will ultimately come out of them

      mention of the unique temporal quality of the content related aspect of learning.

    8. It gathers students and teacherstogether, around the table, rather than committing them tosecure isolation.

      It could be said of Hypothes.is that it creates digital spaces of mutual production of knowledge. It connects students rather than isolate them.

    9. Ingold describes this process of entering into an exchange withthe section of the world to which the learning action relates ascorrespondence, and he sees it as the decisive moment of attentionand world-disclosing.

      Here again, the importance of context and limits into which affinitive attention can expand is emphasized. It seems also to be suggested that the section of the world relating to the learning action can take any form, such as YouTube videos, ChatGPT, professionals on the subject, friends, Hypothes.is and so on.

    10. Here I intend to withdraw my intention as far as possible, withoutgiving it up, and to let it rest in such a way that the matter-inherent reference connections can come into their own with mein an undisturbed way. It is a certain kind of concentration, inwhich I do not concentrate on anything in particular, but keepexternal disturbances, irrelevant thoughts, distractions as far awayfrom me as possible, and try to empty my head to such an extentthat a certain context of experience can come into play within me.

      Here, the key component of affinitive attention is explained to be relevancy. This is in direct opposition to the kind of affinitive movement you might find on Wikipedia, where each link to a mentioned keyword can only take you into a different context, as articles aren't meant to explain each other. This is also a strength of Scholia and Hypothes.is.

    11. affinitive attention isan approach that does not exclude, but rather includes, a“letting-go” of material as well as linguistic references tocontexts of meaning, a “leaning back,” gaining an overview,a “distributive” (as opposed to “fixating”) consideration, thelifting of fixations and restrictions by looking at the “whole,”thereby allowing oneself to be guided by “kinships,” beingcarried on from one reference to the next in the networks of

      Affinitive attention is the context oriented learning stance. "Letting go of linguistic references to context" likely refers to the paradox of trying to understand a context by having it explained. Contexts are understood more based on emotions and intuition than definitions, operations and logic. Affinitive attention can be compared to abductive reasoning, letting understanding come from intuitive, contextual connections between concepts. Conclusions arrived at in this way is sometimes referred to as "valid guesses".

    12. that digital technologies, ofall things, would represent such an Elysian province

      FastGPT was asked the following:

      which poetic significance might be hinted at in the phrase "provinces that are free of 48 The Politics of Digitalization self-contradiction and dialectics, and that digital technologies, of all things, would represent such an Elysian province"?

      The response was this:

      The phrase "provinces that are free of self-contradiction and dialectics" suggests territories or domains that are not subject to internal conflicts or opposing forces. The reference to such provinces as "Elysian" evokes the Greek mythological conception of Elysium as a paradise or ideal place of contentment. Seen in this light, describing digital technologies as representing "such an Elysian province" portrays them as seemingly offering a harmonious, contradiction-free realm. However, the passage may also hint that this portrayal is overly simplistic or even illusory, since all human creations and systems are subject to tensions between opposing elements or the potential for unintended consequences over time.¹

      ¹ [PDF] Reading Contemporary Performance | TDM CoLLab 2020

  6. May 2024
    1. that is, shaped by dominant sets of values and interests, andthen acting (however subtly) to perpetuate the dominance ofthose values and interests.

      These values and interests might be best described as those of the private sector and the profit motive. The teaching management platform Moodle seems to follow this trend as the interactivity of the platform is largely controlled by the teacher. This is one way that capitalism enforces bisected learning, and it is also an example of how bisected learning and capitalism are indirect contradiction to explorative learning and free knowledge.

    2. and that in turn at least presumesthat I can see where there is something to learn for me.

      This might also be understood in the sense that you can't learn anything from a text that you don't have any expectations for. If you don't have some idea about the conclusions that are going to be drawn, there are no concepts in your mind that I improved changed or created.

    3. Collaborative online learning is more aboutcooperation than collaboration.

      Interesting distinction!<br /> Collaboration versus Cooperation, and the more specific collaborative learning versus cooperative learning.

    4. the term informationwould also be misleading

      Probably¹ the argument here is that words placed into sentences are merely building blocks for information - i.e. they can contain information but can also lack information, and ChatGPT by design lumps together pieces of information through non-rational means: It hallucinates.

      ¹ The source Bender, 2023 is behind a paywall, so only guessing here.

    5. a special doing of ChatGPT

      Right: This is something specific to ChatGPT - not general for digitalization.

    6. The process of learning, he argues, is not based on just puttingtogether the separate elements of subject matter and method buton experience as a whole that is constantly in flux. “Experience,”he explains, “is not a combination of mind and world, subjectand object, method and subject matter, but is a single continuousinteraction of a great diversity (literally countless) of energies”(1916/2008, p. 147). Consequently, Dewey fiercely criticizes the“evils in education that flow from the isolation of method fromsubject matter”

      This is the precisely the conclusion you would draw on learning if you were to analyse the process of learning dialectically. This conclusion also stands in direct opposition to the dominant narrative and method of approximating knowledge by splitting up the whole into smaller and smaller isolated pieces

    7. worlding practice

      Constructivist thinking, introduced by Heidegger, according to UBC blog post, but by some scolars attributed to the book When Species Meet by Donna Haraway.

    8. To give this process a name, I build onthe multiple world-exploring movements of the octopus with itstentacles, as well as on Donna Haraway’s concept of tentacularthinking (2016, pp. 30–57) and call it the tentacular learningmovement of learners

      Ok, so this theory explicitly, as here baptized, belongs to Ernst Schraube.

    9. Learning content requires active engagement,and as it becomes more complex, it requires collaboration anddialogue with others

      Tools supportive of this stimulate social interaction rather than isolation.

  7. Mar 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240307125758/https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/what-is-the-dominant-emotion-in-400-years-of-womens-diaries-180983834/

      Women's diaries from 17th till now have frustration as recurring theme, analysis shows. Not a big surprise. I think journaling often is emerging when frustration rears its head. And women have had ages of deeply systemic reasons to be very frustrated by.

      I've only ever journaled when there was something wrong with me or my context, when I was frustrated, sad, depressed etc. Perhaps except for those who treat their being as action research and make daily notes for later data mining, or those in a public role journaling to maintain first hand observations before spin gets invovled (keep a journal is a sound advice for anyone getting politically active).

  8. Feb 2024
    1. Because meditation involves consistent self-focus and the ability to zero in on your own mental states, it might also hone our self-appraisal abilities.

      Meditation is a complete detachment from exterior judgements. It is basically making your own mind a blank slate. It frees one from all the chatter that usually plagues one's mind. This is a great way to practice self-reflection.

    2. an internal tribunal that rules on the soundness of our mental representations, such as a memory or judgment.

      Our own self-awareness serves as an inner courtroom regarding our own judgements, opinions and memories. The judge of this court is one's self. The persecuted is one's self as well. We mandate our own inner court orders. Who better than ourselves is there to offer one's self proper insight?

    1. Because meditationinvolves consistent self-focus and the ability to zero inon your own mental states, it might also hone our self-appraisal abilities.

      Meditation is a complete detachment from exterior judgements. It is basically making your own mind a blank slate. It frees one from all the chatter that usually plagues one's mind. This is a great way to practice self-reflection.

    2. an internal tribunal that rules onthe soundness of our mental representations, suchas a memory or judgment.

      Our own self-awareness serves as an inner courtroom regarding our own judgements, opinions and memories. The judge of this court is one's self. The persecuted is one's self as well. We mandate our own inner court orders. Who better than ourselves is there to offer one's self proper insight?

  9. Sep 2023
  10. Aug 2023
    1. The fourth step is to Apply the Reflection. Adjust behavior based on reflection. We improve not for validation, we improve for ourselves (stoic philosophy)

      Document the journey in for example a journal. Make a comparison between what would be done in the past and what will be done in the future.

      Data collection. Measurement.

      Marginal Gains. It's sort of a daily continous Kolb's cycle but in a more lightweight form. I can already see the power in this. Absolute gem.

      Could also be overwhelming if applied to a lot. therefore, use the power law and focus on what is essential to life change. (thanks Dr. Benjamin Hardy.)

    2. The third step is to Reflect and think into the future. Extract meaning and lessons from the failure. Think about opportunities.

      Reflection increases confidence. Kolb's can help with this a lot.

      1. In the morning, prepare for the struggles of the day, by mentioning the possibilities.
      2. Write for oneself.
      3. Repeat what is most important.
      4. Process stress on paper, in a healthy and good way. (If need be, continue this in a Kolb's session; not in the video)
      5. Copy favorite quotes.
      6. Ask the tough questions, and answer them truthfully. (As Dr. Hardy says: "All progress starts by telling the truth") Remember Socrates.
      7. Review the day and the actions. Examine. "The unexamined life is not worth living."
  11. Jul 2023
    1. The four primary questions to ask yourself for a 100x 10-year vision:

      1. What is the commitment I desire to have?
      2. What are my hindrances (goal-conflicting actions or inactions)? -- Past-Based Actions/Behaviors
      3. What are my hidden commitments of my former self? (things that might've helped my past self but are not as helpful right now.) -- Past-Based Commitments/Identities
      4. What are my limiting beliefs or assumptions toward achieving this goal? -- Past-based Beliefs

      Step 1 is to fill out these questions. Step 2 is to go backwards, and start identifying what is necessary, so what are the necessary beliefs to achieve this goal, what commitments must I make and thus what actions must I take?

  12. Jun 2023
    1. Something to introduce into your yearly review is to reflect on the period and find out what your 10x cycles were.

      A 10x mindset is defined by letting go of the 80% that isn't useful, and focusing on the 20% that is essential while building 80% new skills or standards that benefit your purpose. A lot of true progress requires sacrifice (stripping down that which is not beneficial or essential).

      Related to what Mihaly Csikszentmihaliy, author of Flow, calls the Ulterior purpose, where the purpose serves as a big filter to focus on what actually matters. Antonin Sertillanges gives a similar account in The Intellectual Life

      The solid maxim: Big change requires great sacrifice.""

      Likely, identifying the essential 20% (and the 80% to learn) requires a lot of introspection and reflection. Something that will help significantly is Kolb's.

    1. One) Successful men realize that the most important decision in their life is the woman they choose, because outside of work, this is what they'll be spending most time on. The woman must understand the man's grand ambition, and support them with it. (Cf. Flow & The Intellectual Life as well). Women should be chosen on personality, not looks. Looks fade (attraction as well), personality "stays".

      Two) Everyone deserves an opinion but not everyone deserves a say. Charlie Munger sums this up right: "I don't ever allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do." Or Marcus Aurelius, who says: "The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." In short: Only state your opinion when you can back it up!; knowledge and experience. The same goes for judging opinion (and advice) from others.

      Three) Successful people buy assets when the money is enough. Assets > Luxury. (See also: Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki). Only buy glamor and other "interests" once your assets are there to secure your financial success.

      Four) Be pragmatic. Do what's practical, not what is "sexy". Notice inefficiencies and solve them. The entrepreneurial mindset.

      Five) The morning sets the tone for the rest of the days. Time is subjective, waking up early doesn't matter as much as waking up later. It depends on the person. Someone who wakes up at 10am can be as successful as someone who wakes up at 6am. Instead, what defines success, is a highly effective morning routine.

      Six) The less you talk, the more you listen. Talking less means less mistakes. In addition, the less you talk, the more people will listen when you do speak. It puts extra weight on your message. Listening means analysis and learning.

      Seven) Pick the right opportunity at the right time. Pick the right vehicle. Do the right things in the right order! The advice "don't do what someone says, do what they do" is bullshit, as you can't do what someone is able to do after ten years of experience.

      Eight) Discipline > Motivation. Motivation, like Dr. Sung says, fluctuates and is multifactorial dependent... When you are lead by motivation you will not be as productive. Don't rely on chance. Rely on what is stable.

      Nine) Once a good career has been made, buy A1 assets and hold on to them to secure a financially successful future.

      Ten) Just because you won, you are not a winner. Being a winner is a continuous process, it means always learning and reflecting as well as introspecting. Don't overvalue individual wins but do celebrate them when appropriate.

      Eleven) Build good relationships with the banks early on. At times you need loans to fund certain ventures, when having a good relation with them, this will be significantly easier. Understand finance as early as possible. Read finance books.

      Twelve) Keep the circle small. Acquintances can be many, but real close relationships should be kept small. Choose your friends wisely. "You become the average of the five people you spend most time with." Privacy is important. Only tell the most deep secrets to the Inner Circle, to avoid overcomplication.

      Thirteen) Assume that everything is your fault. Responsibility. It leads to learning. It requires reflection and introspection. It leads to Dr. Benjamin Hardy's statement: "Nothing happens to you, everything happens for you."

      Fourteen) Work like new money, but act like your old money. Combine the hunger of the new with the wisdom of the old.

      Fifteen) Assume that you can't change the world, but slightly influence it. It prevents disappointments and gives a right mindset. Do everything (that has your ambition) with an insane drive. Aim to hit the stars. To become the best of the best.

      Sixteen) Private victories lead to public victories. The solid maxim is the following: "The bigger the public victory, the more private victories went into it." Work in private. Social media doesn't need to known the struggle. Let your results talk for you. This is also why you should never compare yourself to others, but rather to your own past self.

      Seventeen) After extreme experience, the most complicated task will look elegant and effortless. Unconscious competence.

    1. Reflection adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, methods and extensions. Additionally, they offers ways to retrieve doc comments for functions, classes and methods.
    1. For example, I might join a coaching program with the idea of trying it out, but not really sure if I can do it. Then when things start to get hard or overwhelming … I might be looking for the exit door, or hiding so I don’t have to be embarrassed. This is being halfway in, with an eye on the exit. Another example: I commit to meditating every day. Then when I’m meditating, instead of being fully in the meditation, maybe I’m waiting for it to be over, or giving myself reasons I should end early. Then two days into it, maybe I really don’t feel like it, so I skip it. Then I find reasons to keep skipping it. This is even less than halfway in.

      If I am being fully honest, I recognize myself in this with some aspects of my life, such as social things. I often find excuses as to why it's a positive thing to not do something. At times I might be right, but the underlying mindset is an issue.

      Though to be honest, this has been going better since I've committed to learning.

    2. Here’s how you might practice: Notice the places where you’re looking to get out, to exit. Where are you only half committed? Notice how this impacts your life, the people you’re in relationship with, and what you care about. Notice the fears that stop you from being all in, that keep you looking for the exit. Can you be with these fears, as sensation in the body? Notice what you want to do from those fears — run, hide, eject someone from your life, make them feel bad, justify why you should quit, etc etc. Can you hold these with love, as something sacred you’ve created to protect yourself? When the fears show up, try to catch yourself. Notice what you want to do, and recognize that this is just a safety mechanism. Breathe. Be with the fear. Give yourself love. Continue to love yourself, the other person. The more breath, presence and love, the more spaciousness you’ll find. Then see what else might be created, if you don’t run for safety. From love.

      Basically: Kolb's on it.

  13. Mar 2023
  14. Dec 2022
    1. Sometimes, dedicating time to activities that fulfill a value reveals surprising truths, such as that a value is not as significant as you once thought. Giving time to our perceived priorities helps us learn about ourselves.

      Insight comes from doing.

  15. Oct 2022
    1. An adviser should have their students explicitly practice decisions 25 and 26, test their solutions, and try to come up with the ways their decisions could fail, including alternative conclusions that are not the findings that they were hoping for. Thinking of such failure modes is something that even many experienced physicists are not very good at, but our research has shown that it can be readily learned with practice.

      To help fight cognitive bias, one should actively think about potential failure modes of one's decisions and think about alternative conclusions which aren't part of the findings one might have hoped for. Watching out for these can dramatically help increase solution spaces and be on the watch out for innovative alternate or even better solutions.

    2. The third and probably most serious difficulty in making good reflective decisions is confirmation bias.

      Confirmation bias can be detrimental when making solid reflective decisions.

    3. To be a successful physicist requires mastering how to make all 29 decisions, but the reflection decisions (decisions 23–26) are arguably the most difficult to learn.

      Of the 29 problem solving decisions identified as important the three "reflection decisions" (23-26 in the list) may be the most difficult to learn as they require metacognition and self-evaluation.

    1. Thinking is a simultaneous struggle for conceptualorder and empirical comprehensiveness. You must notclose it up too soon---or you will fail to see all that youshould; you cannot leave it open forever----or you yourselfwill burst. It is this dilemma that makes reflection, onthose rare occasions when it is more or less successful, themost passionate endeavor of which a man is capable



  16. Sep 2022
    1. How to identify a gut instinctThe best advice I ever got on how to trust my gut and intuition was given to me by a psychotherapist years ago. She suggested whenever I have a gut instinct — good or bad — I should first rate the intensity of my emotions from 1 to 10. If they are on the lower end of the spectrum, I’m more inclined to trust my gut. Emotions — like anger, fear or insecurity — are different from Feelings, because they are usually in reaction to something external and feel like a laser that you want to point at people or things. Feelings — like profound sadness and love — are more of a state of being, and Intuition is an inner knowing. So whenever I have to distinguish one from the other, I first start by rating my emotions. — CD

      Claudia Dawson writes about before going with a gut instinct to rate ones intensity of emotions, and then trusting ones gut more if those emotions are less intensive. This is building a reflective loop into it, without doing away with the instinctive response. Vgl how I ask Y to rate from 1-10 when she feels pain (which she now does by herself too), to better understand her.

  17. Jul 2022
  18. Apr 2022
    1. If the right environment is created, both high performing and low performing students are able to reflect on and articulate their opinions about their experience and the outcomes of their learning

  19. Jan 2022
    1. “How might gay people who are seeking spiritual support, instead of rushing toward new opportunities and avoiding fights, be better served by disrupting the groups they’re already in?”

      Found Reflections

      • Like #Lit/poetry/found, this is #my/thinking/reflection/found
    1. 在寫論文時才會發現自己有很多容易忽略的小錯誤,例如單複數、主謂一致等,明白自己在語句結構上有許多需要加強的地方。
    2. 首次寫大篇幅的英文文章,連貫性也待加強
    3. 在選詞上一開始會有過於主觀或是太日常的詞彙出現,降低了論文
    4. 預期寒假能將St. Martin’s這本閱讀一次,希望能改善自己在寫作方面的缺失
    5. 課上多次強調Plagiarism, quotation, paraphrasing的差別,也在課程中了解到Quotation和Paraphrasing的使用方法與時機,明辨這三種的區別在往後無論是報告、中英論文或是撰寫任何的文章都十分重要,畢竟學術不端是一件嚴重且不道德的事,須極力避免。
    6. 後來藉由Reading note的方式,發現能讓閱讀後的記憶持續更久,忘記時也能藉由筆記迅速找到需要的資訊
    7. 文章篇幅長就比較容易有看了就忘的情況,常常一個段落要重複看幾次才能掌握其中的訊息,抑或是在文獻綜述階段閱讀的參考文獻等到要實際寫論文時記憶已經模糊
    8. 看這類句子先看動詞部分,能夠更理解句子的主要意思而非糾結於專業單字上,閱讀速度也有所提升
    9. 在大學以前所閱讀的英文文章大多是考試時的短文抑或是詞彙較日常的小說,而學術型論文中有大量不同專業領域的單字,若還是保持著以往邊看邊查單字的的習慣,閱讀速度則大幅降低,也比較難記住文章的重點內容
    10. coherence and cohesion
    11. When I can write research articles in the professional field, only imitation and learning are also not enough and I’m required to have my innovative ideas.
    12. And I should also read more and write more to become a fluent speaker of English, which may be rather important in my academic career. In this course, I deeply realized that reading and writing are organically combined, and both are indispensable.
    13. I guess it is reflected in my familiarity with the process of writing RA and a better understanding of the norms of doing research
    14. It also reminds me that the literature review part of RA is quite important
    15. Diversified and appropriate research methods are what I consider significant and require special attention and future efforts.
    16. The “academic flavor” tastes different from our daily communication and literary works. I can still remember I used the word “at the first brush” in my RA, however, this word is an informal expression. I was advised to remove the word. What I learned is that the words in the paper need to be formal and rigorous to give the paper an academic flavor.
    17. When revising the APA style, I can be quite irritable and overwhelmed. But I am gradually aware that the reference in research articles is quite important, which can’t be ignored. In other words, we should always try to be cautious, making our articles detailed, precise and evidence-based
    18. online tools, such as COCA and CoBuild
    19. inserting various types of figures and tables into text in a standard way
    20. establishing and occupying a niche
    21. the internal mechanism of research articles
  20. Nov 2021
  21. Sep 2021
    1. We can die by it, if not live by love,          And if unfit for tombs and hearse Our legend be, it will be fit for verse;

      "We can die by it, if no live by love" is Donne professing to the reader that life without his lover is not worth it, similarly to Shakespeare's tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet." After this, Donne predicts the success of his poem saying he will be remembered for his "verse" or poems like this one. What does Donne's "prediction" say about him as a writer?

    2.   The phœnix riddle hath more wit                 By us; we two being one, are it.

      John Donne writes a similar extended metaphor in his poem "The Flea," to highlight the union he has with his love interests. Instead of a Phoenix representing their unity, Donne uses a far less appealing comparison, a Flea. Despite this clear difference, both poems focus on the idea of becoming "one" through physical and emotional connection, followed by a shared "death" (orgasm).

  22. Aug 2021
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypomnema

      Hypomnema (Greek. ὑπόμνημα, plural ὑπομνήματα, hypomnemata), also spelled hupomnema, is a Greek word with several translations into English including a reminder, a note, a public record, a commentary, an anecdotal record, a draft, a copy, and other variations on those terms.

      Compare and contrast the idea of this with the concept of the commonplace book. There's also a tie in with the idea of memory, particularly for meditation.

      There's also the idea here of keeping a note of something to be fixed or remedied and which needs follow up or reflection.

  23. Jul 2021
    1. Tracy noted Leslie was not conducting her reflection in a vacuum; rather, Leslie wrote to Tracy.

      Interesting observation. Connects to the earlier comment about vulnerability and trust but I'm really interested in how reflections change when they are addressed to someone.

  24. May 2021
  25. Mar 2021
    1. “As humans we resist change,” says Twitter and Square’s Dorsey. “It’s scary and something we can’t necessarily control. You hear that Twitter is important or Facebook is important or HTML5 is important, but how do you actually begin? There’s no easy way. It’s not fun to be self-reflective or self-aware. “In many cases it means we have to do more work,” he adds. “So we have to do more work.”
    1. When discussing the topic of digital citizenship, digital health, digital safety or whatever it may be called in your school or district there are certain universal themes that seem to surface and be at the heart of the issue.  Whether it is through topics of cyberbullying, viewing (or posting) inappropriate content, or plagiarism these and other topics of concern that are discussed most among parents and educators. This section geared towards the “social” element defines the general topic of digital citizenship and its main elements of discussion.  Humans are social by nature.  People choosing to group with others like themselves in cities, states, and countries.  As members of a community we tend to connect with those like us. This can be the difficult aspect of trying to interact with others online, everyone is given the opportunity to join this thing called the Internet and even though we try and stay with those most like us, it is almost impossible not to bump into others that want to try and change our minds, our beliefs.

      In reflection, it’s astounding to have read how much we take for granted when it comes to digital access and privacy issues of this digital age. By taking a more proactive stance in the responsibility, continuous awareness and education of social, ethical laws and access related to digital use would ensure a continued lineage of digital citizens around the world in this era and beyond.

  26. Feb 2021
  27. Jan 2021
    1. Long before there was the Internet, there was the commonplace book — a creative and intellectual ledger of fragmentary inspirations, which a writer would collect from other books and copy into a notebook, often alongside his or her reflections and riffs. These borrowed ideas are in dialogue with the writer’s own imagination and foment it into original thinking. Over long enough a period of time — years, decades, often a lifetime — the commonplace book, while composed primarily of copied passages, comes to radiate the singular sensibility of its keeper: beliefs are refined, ideas incubated, intellectual fixations fleshed out, and the outlines of a personhood revealed. (Brain Pickings is, in an unshakable sense, a commonplace book.)
  28. Oct 2020
    1. 1. The Omniscience Flaw:Reflection in practice requires teachers to effectively address whatever provokes them in the moment, yet sometimes the challenges that require action are not the ones teachers see or hear. For example, while working with a small group or helping an individual student, teachers may miss off-task students in other corners of the classroom. To maximize reflection in practice, teachers need extraordinary, all-knowing powers. While many teachers have superhero-like qualities, omniscience is not one of them.2. The Symptom-Treatment Flaw:Another inadequacy of situational thinking is that it does not provide time for the consideration of root causes. Because teachers must react in the moment, the critical pause required to conduct an “act of search or investigation” is not possible (Dewey, 1910).3. The Recollection Flaw:Reflection on practice relies on the accuracy of memory. Educators must recall the details of prior lessons to maximize their diagnosis, but those details often fade in memory. Reflection is best when specific, yet memory can only deliver an adumbrated version of what happened in any given hour.

      Structured self-reflection play an important role in self reflection. The three common flaws in self-reflection allow instructors to analyze specific challenges. Using this method of analysis offers teachers the opportunity for self-reflection and correction. Rating: 8/10

    1. Adapting adult learning theory to support innovative, advanced, online learning - WVMD Model

      This article details how to build an innovative online learning environment using methods based on influential adult learning theories. These theories include Social Development Theory, Behaviorism, Critical Reflection and Nurturing the Soul. 10/10, many theories throughly discussed.

    1. Motivating reflection habits and raising employee awareness of learning

      Michele Rigolizzo, & Zhu Zhu. (2020). Motivating reflection habits and raising employee awareness of learning. Evidence-Based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 8(2), 161–175. https://doi.org/10.1108/EBHRM-11-2019-0102


      PurposeWhile research has shown reflection is a valuable part of individual learning, developing reflection habits has remained notoriously difficult, particularly for working adults. We explore whether an intervention of being able to review previous reflections will affect employee engagement in future reflection activities and raise their awareness of learning opportunities at work.Design/methodology/approachWe conducted a large-scale field experiment, including 136 employees from an international bank in Europe, in which participants were asked to reflect twice a week for eight weeks. Participants were randomly assigned to either a group that was given access to their previous reflections, or a group that was not.FindingsWe found that individuals who were able to see their previous reflections wrote significantly more subsequent reflections than the other group. In addition, those who could see their previous reflections used more words related to learning and cognition.Practical implicationsOften employees may feel they are only learning when they attend formal trainings. However, this paper provides concrete guidance for how human resources management (HRM) managers can boost employees’ informal learning and awareness of the learning opportunities inherent in challenging work.Originality/valueThis study furthers research on using HRM interventions to facilitate informal learning activities, in particular, methods to motivate systematic reflections and raising awareness of learning opportunities. Our findings suggest that developing habits of reflection and improving awareness of learning opportunities encompasses more than simply writing reflections, but should include processing previous writings.

  29. Aug 2020
  30. Jul 2020
  31. Jun 2020
  32. Apr 2020
  33. Nov 2019
    1. The text documents a year-long research project into experiential learning in teacher professional development. Teachers participated in experiential learning themselves to then begin to implement it into their own classrooms to serve their students. By and large, teachers were receptive, had misconceptions addressed, changed their practices with their colleagues and students to develop more engaging and active classrooms. Essentially, a shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning was achieved in small increments by using experiential learning and reflection to facilitate teacher growth thereby creating new pathways for student learning. Given the nature of the traditional methods predominantly used, this study seems to reflect some elements of transformative learning in which teacher conventions and ideas were challenged and adjusted through heterogenous groups and personal reflection. Rating: 9/10

  34. Aug 2019
    1. 'My advisor wants me to use Anselm Strauss's concept of "negotiations".' Such approaches preclude ideas from emerging as you code events.

      nice slight at one of her past mentors

  35. Jul 2019
  36. uofstthomasmn-my.sharepoint.com uofstthomasmn-my.sharepoint.com
    1. Close and hyperreading operate synergistically when hyperreading is used to identify passages or to home in on a few texts of interest, whereupon close reading takes over.

      the method in my own research - there are far too many youtube comments for anyone to possibly analyse manually, so machine reading will be used to choose the most popular comments and analyse those as examples of common practices in the community

    2. Obviously, few scholars in the humanities have the time—or the expertise—to backtrack through cited studies and evaluate them for correctness and replicability.

      if scholars don't, then how are the general public expected to practice this for news items, or amateurish information sources?

    3. very short forms such as tweets that encourage distracted forms of reading

      but now threads of tweets are a regular practice - in which the author instead is required to write a concise series of paragraphs (or even a concise single tweet), which spark further conversations. admittedly they can be difficult to follow, since an infinite amount of threads can come from a single tweet.

    4. “harrison Bergeron,”

      a story I read in secondary school, but do not remember close reading. I believe it was merely an example of a short story, rather than an exercise in considering implications of political landscapes and dangers of totalitarianism.

    5. The research shows that Web pages are typically read in an F pattern

      which likely determines ad placement

    6. the text is an alibi for ideological formations that are subtextual.

      this can be applied to online discourse now that there are significant bodies of textual introspective thought and cultural critique in public online spaces.

    7. While literary studies continues to teach close reading to students, it does less well in exploiting the trend toward the digital.

      and continues to do so, as I've experienced up to college level, and my younger siblings experience as they near the end of primary school. one could argue they're not yet at the age where this is a priority - but encouraging them to read novels at their level is near impossible when they have access to the internet near constantly. I did not consider myself an active reader at that age, having read only a handful of novels by the time I entered secondary school, and only a few more by the time I entered college, but I'm always shocked when I see how reluctant they are to read for fun.

    8. The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future,

      I wonder how prolific these opinions still are today in teaching professionals who discount online, self-directed learning habits of children as a form of learning, rather than embracing the habits as aids to institutional learning.

    9. No Child Left Behind

      questionably successful to begin with?

    10. people read less print, and they read print less well.

      is this consistent across cultures? are there potential influences from school funding on performance? is this still true today, now that online novels, newspapers and academic journals are more commonplace?

  37. Apr 2019
  38. Mar 2019
    1. Using Web 2.0 to teach Web 2.0: A case study in aligningteaching, learning and assessment with professionalpractice

      Research article. Discussed the use of web 2.0 including blogs, wikis, and social media as a method of information sharing that is impacting education through teaching and learning management. The work suggests that learning outcomes, activities, and assessment have to be in alignment to create effective learning experiences and uses a case study within an information management program in which students use various web 2.0 tools and document their use .

    1. This online journal article is a reflective piece about mobile learning for teachers. It appears to be connected to the work of Argyris and Schon (reflection in action) and it appears that they argue that adoption of mobile learning for teachers is not occurring at a fast pace. While disappointing, the article appears useful. rating 5/5

  39. Feb 2019
  40. Jan 2019
    1. Reflective design, like reflection-in-action, advocates practicing research and design concomitantly, and not only as separate disciplines. We also subscribe to a view of reflection as a fully engaged interaction and not a detached assessment. Finally, we draw from the observation that reflection is often triggered by an element of surprise, where someone moves from knowing-in-action, operating within the status quo, to reflection-in-action, puzzling out what to do next or why the status quo has been disrupted

      Influences from reflection-in-action for reflective design values/methods.

    2. In this effort, reflection-in-action provides a ground for uniting theory and practice; whereas theory presents a view of the world in general principles and abstract problem spaces, practice involves both building within these generalities and breaking them down.

      A more improvisational, intuitive and visceral process of rethinking/challenging the initial design frame.

      Popular with HCI and CSCW designers

  41. Oct 2018
    1. Dasein is inclined to fall back upon its world (the world in which it is) and to interpret itself in terms of that world by its reflected light

      Heidegger: "reflected light" of the world ||

  42. Sep 2018
  43. Aug 2018
    1. Blog tools are designed as publishing tools; they do not support iterative thinking the way paper notebooks do.

      This statement seems to be fixed in traditional, old-school blogging (one idea = one post) and doesn't consider other forms that adapt/extend other ways to represent temporality/change/iteration.

      As one example, live-blogging techniques which incorporate rapid updating of new information through chronological mini-posts, manual time-stamping of new material, etc. Also. plug-ins that allow annotation, image uploads, Google Docs with version control, etc.

      Also, WP post/page formatting options with HTML, typography, etc., can augment re-ordering of information to designate change.

    2. This is related to the fact that biology researchers are in a creative process and reflect on their decisions in order to explore new leads or justify their decisions. Paper laboratory notebooks show this temporality ofthoughts.

      The iterative self-reflection process described in biology research seems relatively undeveloped in DHN work. I don't know that I've seen much negotiation/reflection/critical analysis take place between the moment the data is collected by volunteers and the maps/viz/data/after-action reports created after the fact by the Core Team.

      Perhaps that's a missing element that should be more deeply explored in thinking about data having both a time attribute and being in a state of change? Is there a needed intermediate validation step between data cleaning and creating a data analysis product.

  44. Sep 2017
    1. Computers that are “awake”

      Saying that computers are "awake," creates a relationship between deception and consciousness. When computers are turned on, one may personify them to be "awake," but they are not actually conscious; they are deceptively "waking up." This mirrors how the author sees human beings and technology, as one in the same.

  45. May 2017
    1. Summary: I really like this source because it provides amore in-depth analysis of Fake News Stories than my first article does. This source, just like the other ones I am showing for my annotated bibliography are all educational. (I think going over this again is not imperative.) Assessment: Everything I highlighted in yellow is something I believe might be more tricky to teach/talk to students with Disabilities about. This does not mean they are bad (they are actually great ideas to take in) I just have to think about how one can teach that information. What I highlighted in blue are tips the author said that I really appreciated and believe that a lot of people do not think about. I think people who are educated in a way about the fact that Fake News is out there would like this source. I see people who activley share Fake News everyday and there is no way this source would get them to see that all the news they know of is Fake. They would get really angry. That is why me educating my students about Fake News is so important! I think tis source seems less biased because in "Does teh story attach a generic enemy?" it includes the both the Liberal and Conservative side. Being liberal myself, I have been awre of mostly only Conservative Fake News that attacks liberals. Reflection: This source is a great addition for me because it gives me a more detailed lense through which to examine Fake News. It talks about points that rely on one's emotion as well as the actual writing. It gets to points that may are really important and go beyond the surface of a Fake News article.

  46. Mar 2017
    1. On my farm I see the hope of a rainy August. I see all kinds of forbs for my sheep to eat. Deep rooted docks and Queen Anne’s lace, plaintain weed and hop clover and red clover and white clover. Fescue and chicory. It is a meadow fit for a ruminant. Usually it is pith dry. Sometimes the fallen and broken branches get trampled further by our sheep and as they walk through they sound like marimbas being janked around by a hyperactive eight year old. Yes, this August is rare. I hope that #ccourses is a rainy August.

      This is a rainy April.

      I am taking the time to read closely.

    1. making them known to persons who are absent" (I underscore this value of ab-sence, which, if submitted to renewed question-ing, will risk introducing a certain break in the ho-mogeneity of the system)

      Connection from my very first micro-response, this notion of absence and distance is interesting with writing that is intended to reflect back at you, as with Athanasius' journals or the shaman walls of Rickert

    1. If reflection is not a regular part of your classroom culture, then implementing the flipped classroom will not be as effective

      How is it going to be helpful? What is its relevance?

  47. Jun 2016
    1. Next steps

      As this is the "REFLECTION" part, I suggest we could ask to "create a lesson on TED ED (ed.ted.com)".

      The lesson (public link) will be the evidence supporting the issuing of a badge.

      This is an idea we launched last year at TEDx Bologna 2015, when I spoke about Open Badges. The process is described here: https://blog.bestr.it/en/2015/10/30/become-tedxbologna-thinker

  48. Jan 2016
  49. Aug 2015
    1. Quantitative data and analysis

      Artefact visible on actual webpage.

    2. Even though I'm unlikely to write anything similar for my thesis, this new expertise should allow me to better introduce Rasch measurement to other researchers and practitioners, which I very much hope to do in the near future.

      6. Creating: What should I do next?

    3. My supervisor's comment about unpacking dense information such as in tables and diagrams is one that I take to heart also (they are not devices for 'saying' a lot without saying much at all!) His comment about mixing the two approaches taught me something new. Clearly, reading dozens of theoretical literatures is no substitute for actual experience. Overall, I see this as an experimental paper of sorts for me. While my supervisor commented some time later that this paper still remained within my comfort zone, I feel that it gave me an opportunity to stretch myself writing a technical paper, while extending existing knowledge further.

      5. Evaluating: How well did I do?

    4. I have since made more determined attempts (perhaps not always successful) to 'synthesise and evaluate'; this requires real depth of knowledge and true familiarity that only time can provide, I now realise.

      6. Creating: What should I do next?

    5. His suggestion that I relate Rasch to more commonly known statistical methods makes a lot of sense -- except that my knowledge of these methods is limited. Outside of the most common and basic methods taught in quant courses, my statistical knowledge is very testing-centred.I found my supervisor's comments easier to take on board, probably because his expectations (as a language tester) were different from my lecturer's (as a corpus linguist).

      5. Evaluating: How well did I do?

    6. Writing the paper was nonetheless very rewarding, both intellectually and practically. I have had to explain to colleagues previously why Rasch was preferred over Classical Test Theory, but was never able to do so satisfactorily.

      2. Understanding: What was important about it?

    7. The year after I handed in this assignment, I took Statistics for Language Testing, and my understanding of Rasch came in very useful then too. I have no doubt that I will have opportunities to apply Rasch in future research, if I continue working in this field.

      3. Applying: Where could I use this again?

    8. Reading my paper again now, with other assignments I have since written in mind, I see that I did well in making sure I had a title and clear section headings. I was also able to paraphrase complicated concepts (relatively) simply and clearly, even though my lecturer felt it was still too jargon-laden.

      4. Analysing: Do I see any patterns in what I did?

    9. This assignment was the first I handed in for my PhD coursework. When I was planning my assignment, I already knew that my research would be mostly, if not completely, qualitative, so this was not an assignment that could contribute towards my thesis. I therefore decided to work on a topic that was of more personal interest. As a student of language assessment, I had always felt that my understanding of Rasch measurement was lacking. I asked my lecturer if I could write about reliability and that seemed acceptable to him (then).It took quite a lot of time to write this paper, from looking for relevant books and articles to the actual writing. While I'm reasonably comfortable with quantitative methods, I have never received actual training in statistics, so the more mathematical materials, such as formulas, were intimidating. Different writers seemed to put things differently, so I often had to look for third or more sources of information to confirm my understanding. A lot of rereading was called for. I had to ensure that I did not get things wrong when paraphrasing. 

      1. Remembering: What did I do? Image Description

  50. Jul 2015
    1. Whether or not you take a constructivist view of education, feedback on performance is inevitably seen as a crucial component of the process. However, experience shows that students (and academic staff) often struggle with feedback, which all too often fails to translate into feed-forward actions leading to educational gains. Problems get worse as student cohort sizes increase. By building on the well-established principle of separating marks from feedback and by using a social network approach to amplify peer discussion of assessed tasks, this paper describes an efficient system for interactive student feedback. Although the majority of students remain passive recipients in this system, they are still exposed to deeper reflection on assessed tasks than in traditional one-to-one feedback processes.
  51. Feb 2015
    1. Hispanic culture

      Mention of culture!

    2. As art is a very applicable manner of expressing oneself, the work by Alejandro Diaz and ADAL that I explored was very personal, poignant, and had extreme societal-implications.

      Some notes.

  52. Jan 2014
    1. Socrates was concerned with reflective thought: the ability to think deeply about things, to question and examine every statement. He thought that reading was experiential, that it would not lead to reflection.