- Dec 2021
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
to become co-creators of knowledge
Many examples of open pedagogy can fit here! For example, see the Deltia Project a citizen science project from NC State University, shared at OERcamp 2021.
See "https://sched.co/rYTm"
We have connected a citizen science project (go.ncsu.edu/delftia) to several undergraduate and graduate courses through the use of public student projects shared openly. As part of courses assignments, students create and use OERs made by peers to learn about the microbes around us and technologies to improve sustainability and biotechnologies.
- Sep 2021
wordpress.kpu.ca wordpress.kpu.ca
Open Pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning, and Appreciative Inquiry
Although I'm not teaching at the moment, I have collaborated on some Open Pedagogy activities, most fulsomely on what we've been calling "Open Learning Experience Bingo", a tool you can use to think about the "openness" of educational activities. I also gave a lightning talk about the bingo if you'd rather watch than read.
Do other readers have examples of open, UDL, or — new to me — appreciative inquiry practices they've been experimenting with or thinking about?
- Aug 2021
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
the abuse of students
In a capitalist society
Would a genuine open pedagogy, a world of open culture, remix, etc. need plagiarism detection software?
- Mar 2021
wordpress.kpu.ca wordpress.kpu.ca
all members contributed content that ensured the course incorporated principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL); diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); Indigenous pedagogies; and open pedagogy.
Inclusive from the start
- Nov 2020
www.tonybates.ca www.tonybates.ca
open access to courses or programs that are not for formal credit, although it may be possible to acquire badges or certificates for successful completion. MOOCs are a good example;
This reminded me of when the pandemic started where there were videos and posts about free courses to take. It enabled students to put something more to their resume.
- Nov 2019
opencontent.org opencontent.org
Because you didn’t change the instructional design of the book in any way
But by changing the license you now enable the book to be remixed and adapted to the needs of the students: an open license enables open pedagogy.
- Oct 2019
opencontent.org opencontent.org
Whose money? Important to determine whether the student or the institution is the winner here. Are we increasing access to high quality resources? I think the answer is yes, but I think it also bears thinking about.
Another type of savings to consider: the technical debt that students of all ages incur when they encounter a new technology that may or may not be well supported. If OER is trapped inside proprietary technologies with unique logins, it's worth considering how many of those resources we ask students to grapple with over the course of a degree.
- Jul 2018
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
I’ve started off with a slightly different approach that each student should start of with a space of their own to manage and consider the implications of becoming the owner of their own story.
The idea that owning a domain changes the act of learning is essential to Open Pedagogy
- Mar 2018
That is, we should not conflate Freire-as-historical figure with Freire-as-metaphor. As Susan Jarrett explains, metaphors as “figures of substitution” sometimes obscure the fact that “standing in for another” obviates the particulars that metaphor is intended to represent
Reification, of many kinds, is a major problem in academic uses of language.
critical pedagogy only offers “a way to see themselves as something other than the mindless functionaries of the state apparatus responsible for tidying the prose of the next generation of bureaucrats”
As the Republicans dismantle governments' bureaucratic structures and corporations continue to increase offshore management, administration of universities will be the only place for college graduates to find work.
- Nov 2017
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
A growing number of scholars have demonstrated how student writing and the student experience can be positively enhanced when carried out on collaborative or public-facing digital platforms rather than learning management system
like OpenPedagogy? . . . a movement that grows out of but exceeds OER . . .
- Oct 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
we might think about Open Pedagogy as an access-oriented commitment to learner-driven education AND as a process of designing architectures and using tools for learning that enable students to shape the public knowledge commons of which they are a part.
This could maybe be something like a definition of open pedagogy, from these authors? Recognizing that any definition is not comprehensive and thoughts about these issues are in flux.
Embedded in the social justice commitment to making college affordable for all students is a related belief that knowledge should not be an elite domain.
I really like this point, that knowledge creation is a social justice issue. The next sentence really drives it home and makes a lot of sense to me.
If we merge OER advocacy with the kinds of pedagogical approaches that focus on collaboration, connection, diversity, democracy, and critical assessments of educational tools and structures, we can begin to understand the breadth and power of Open Pedagogy as a guiding praxis
Okay, well, maybe this answers my previous question ... ;)
First, we want to recognize that Open Pedagogy shares common investments with many other historical and contemporary schools of pedagogy.
I have often wondered about this--a number of things that many of us are excited about re: open pedagogy are also part of other pedagogical theories. So I wonder: what is "open pedagogy" adding to the other views? What does "open" bring that the others don't?
We hope that this chapter will inspire those of us in education to focus our critical and aspirational lenses on larger questions about the ideology embedded within our educational systems and the ways in which pedagogy impacts these systems. At the same time we hope to provide some tools and techniques to those who want to build a more empowering, collaborative, and just architecture for learning.
I might reverse the priority of these: for me, OEP is first a worthy learning practice, and second a practice that can question and evolve ideology. Does the latter grow out of the former?
“Open Pedagogy,” as we engage with it, is a site of praxis, a place where theories about learning, teaching, technology, and social justice enter into a conversation with each other and inform the development of educational practices and structures.
defining open pedagogy
Although providing a framing definition might be the obvious place to start, we want to resist that for just a moment to ask a set of related questions
This is a best practice: before we define terms, let's clarify goals.
openedgroup.org openedgroup.org
OER-Enabled Pedagogy is the set of teaching and learning practices only practical in the context of the 5R permissions characteristic of open educational resources. Some people – but not all – use the terms “open pedagogy” or “open educational practices” synonymously.
OER-enabled pedagogy is the OEG's preferred name for what other's might call "open pedagogy" or "open educational practices". David Wiley blogs about this specific naming.
- Jul 2017
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
This is, fundamentally, about the dream of a public learning commons, where learners are empowered to shape the world as they encounter it.
On open enabling the public learning commons.
Knowledge consumption and knowledge creation are not separate but parallel processes, as knowledge is co-constructed, contextualized, cumulative, iterative, and recursive.
Education as the consumption AND creation of knowledge.
So one key component of Open Pedagogy might be that it sees access, broadly writ, as fundamental to learning and to teaching, and agency as an important way of broadening that access.
- agency leads to + access
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
as soon as it is a choice between awesome and open, I will choose awesome every time
awesome vs open
- Mar 2017
www.hastac.org www.hastac.org
massive, open, online course
use this as a timeline event?
educon21.wikispaces.com educon21.wikispaces.com
Advocacy and use of free and/or open source tools and software wherever possible and beneficial to student learning;Integration of free and open content and media in teaching and learning;Promotion of copyleft content licenses for student content production and publication;Facilitation of student understanding regarding copyright law (e.g., fair use/fair dealing, copyleft/copyright);Facilitation and scaffolding of student personal learning networks for collaborative and sustained learning;Development of learning environments that are reflective, responsive, student-centred, and that incorporate a diverse array of instructional and learning strategies;Modeling of openness, transparency, connectedness, and responsible copyright/copyleft use and licensing; and,Advocacy for the participation and development of collaborative gift cultures in education and society.
Couros model of open pedagogy
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
Nomadic Learners: The nthLearners
interesting metaphor for open here
net.educause.edu net.educause.edu
For two decades or more, we have experienced a steady, global Kerosion of appropriated state support. In the 1970s, state general revenue appropriations covered 85% of the core academic costs (faculty salaries, operating costs of academic units, core adminis-tration). Today, they cover about a third, and the share falls every year. There have been huge rises in tuition and fees, with no
cite this for the failing social compact and the importance of open
Establishing a New Compact
Can open be the new compact?
Over time, these qualities drove American society to redefine the goal of higher education, which became, in Kerr’s words, “to serve less the perpetuation of an elite class and more the creation of a relatively classless society, with the doors of opportunity open to all through education.
open was the original goal of land grant institutions.
Permeable Boundaries
permeable boundaries and identities. Is permutation an important metaphor?
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
Open education is the combination of open licensing and web-based social media. It brings some fundamental challenges to the way we think about higher education and the institutional arrangements in which it is organized (Katz, 2008; Liyoshi & Kumar, 2008).1
This seems to be one of the oldest defintions I could find
The building blocks provided by the OER movement, along with e-Science and e-Humanities and the resources of the Web 2.0, are creating the conditions for the emergence of new kinds of open participatory learning ecosystems
John Seely Brown suggested open pedagogy would emerge.
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
open planning open products open post-hoc
woodward describng #thoughtvectors
Open pedagogy could be considered as a blend of strategies, technologies, and networked communities that make the process and products of education more transparent, understandable, and available to all the people involved.
Tom Woodward defintion
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
aul Stacey (2013) makes th
Be as open as poissble, use modern online learnign pedagogies Use OER peer tp peer over self study use social learning leverage massive participation
oerresearchhub.files.wordpress.com oerresearchhub.files.wordpress.com
Remix is part of open pedagogy
There is an insight here with pedagogy. Not sure what. As we use open pedagogy we oursleves become more open. Maybe part of the them that open is really a journey and state of mind.
40.9%ofallformallearnersinoursampleconsiderthatOERhaveapositiveimpact in helping them complete their course of stud
Open pedagogy may have positive results for learners.
nextthought.com nextthought.com
unmeasurable outcome
I think this has more to do with the domian rather than the nature of open learning. I coudl have open learning in basic physics where mroe traditional models of measurement coul;d track progress.
open = creativity
Is this a benifit or a quality. Chick and egg?
open = expansion
maybe networked , rather than expansion. I find students need many scaffolds of community to start.
open = agency
A key principle is agency. Though could be combined with choice.
www.tonybates.ca www.tonybates.ca
Open’ course designs
Yes we can (and shoudld) openly license our course work but what in our couse design must shitf when working in the open?
www.tonybates.ca www.tonybates.ca
Open education can take a number of forms:
All of the descritpions of open pedagogy seem to put the openness on the content and artifacts and not in the learner.
opencontent.org opencontent.org
only possible in the context of the free access and 4R permissions
This sets up a binary. You can not be "open"unless you are fully open? What does that mean when I draft a document on Google Docs? I have granualr control over permissions but someone own's my data. Is it open? Must learning occur on on a FOSS (free and open source software) to be considered part of open pedagogy?
- Dec 2016
drive.google.com drive.google.comLayout 11
So life long learning can only happen in "the open?" Seems like Hegarty is describing their ideal arc rather than the arc-of-life learning.
I also wonder when we stop describing learning and we are just talking about being a human. Is there a difference?
rampages.us rampages.us
Hyperlinking is how the workflow of most classes built on open pedagogy work. Usually students run their own blog and then syndicate to some course hub,
Domain of One’s Own
Essential in development of open pedagogy. Really inseparable. It is the tool of the action, and the activity lead to the evolution of the tool.
opencontent.org opencontent.org
assignment, you should also provide a detailed description of how the assignment will be graded
Not necessary in truest sense. Look at Rhizo14 and Rhizo15 for great learning with no direction and no assignment.
Reciprocal Teaching = 0.74
Reciprocal teaching has always focused on strategy instruction what I see is more a strategy exchange in open pedagogy. There is a collective toolbox and some people hold more parts than others.
Organizing and Transforming
This is much smaller than remixing. Though in many ways a summary is a remix. Still I wonder if the effet size would hold as the degrees of freedom of the derivative work grow.
Teacher Clarity
What does teacher clarity mean when the community is the teacher which is often the model found in open pedagogy?
Does a non-derivative license by definition make something open or less open?
Worked Examples
This is critical. In most fluent of open pedagogy spaces participants are there to create what they believe is the highest expression of art in their domain.
John Hattie’s book Visible Learning
Hattie's work is also very influential in my world view. In fact it forms the background to all the facilitating I do around teacher observation. Yet Open Pedagogy speaks to so much more than efficacy. In many ways it isn't always as efficient, yet the messness is where real learnign occurs.
When I think about Open Pedagogy I am also drawn to Friere:
David Wiley
David as written a lot about Open Pedagogy. Explore his stuff.
What is Open Pedagogy?
Open is both an attitude and a continuum. Together they make open a journey. When it comes to open pedagogy we are now simply referring to the map and the compass. Some paths are well carved but others are still left unexplored.
- Jul 2016
verysmallkitchen.com verysmallkitchen.com
series of radical educational paperbacks, published by Penguin in the series Penguin Education Specials in the 1970’s. These included: Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Opprressed ; Paul Goodman Compulsory Miseducation; Ivan Illich De-Schooling Society; Everett Reimer School is Dead.
- Jun 2016
opencontent.org opencontent.org
talking about open pedagogy as the “second power of open.”
There are clear signs that some move towards Open Pedagogy is in fact happening. At SALTISE, last week, @Downes made it quite clear that Open Education is about openness, not merely about cost.
talking about open pedagogy as the “second power of open.”