13 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Aug 2022
  3. Sep 2020
    1. make on-street parking expensive (to reflect its real costs) and to make transit cheap or free. The way we price transit, and don’t price private car storage in the public realm, is evidence of “Asphalt Socialism“–subsidies for cars and driving, and high prices and penalties for those who take transit.

      Socialism for the oligarchs, the pointy end of capitalism for everyone else.

    2. the only places where transit really works well in the United States are in the areas where cities charge for parking.  When street parking is free, people own cars and drive, depriving transit systems of customers and revenue, and skewing the transit ridership to the dispossessed and powerless.

      Though NYC has probably the most comprehensive transit capabilities in the US, and it somehow fails to charge for parking permits. Surprisingly, SF appears to be the "big winner" here, $12/month for a parking permit and $81/month for a Muni pass. (However, in these pandemic times, I wonder how much buying monthly passes has decreased. And for a compact city, so much SF stuff still assumes you have a car.)

      Also of note: huge swaths of SF are SFH yet still have (one-car) garages so you don't have to park your (first) car on the street. Compare how many cars per household in SF, in the Bay Area, and contrast with NYC.

    3. on most streets, in most cities — including, bizarrely New York City — street parking is completely unpriced almost everywhere.  In effect, the prices shown for parking in Goodman’s sample overstate what city’s actually charge for parking: it’s mostly zero.

      $70 for a monthly transit pass vs. $2.25 for a monthly parking permit. I wonder what the price for a monthly parking permit averages out to among the cities that DO charge.

  4. Dec 2019
  5. Sep 2018
    1. With evopark, the entire parking process runs without cash or contact. The parking time is recorded digitally. Billing is convenient and collected at the end of the month. Another advantage: With the app you also keep the parking time always in view. If you would like to use the new offer, you can register online at http://www.evopark.de/ . The personal parking card comes within a few working days by mail.

      Evopark - Smart Parking

  6. Aug 2018
    1. Fast and easy to shop or to go to the city center? This works very easy in Hamburg. With the Park and Joy app, drivers can quickly find, book and pay for free parking spaces - all via smartphone. Parking has never been so much fun!

      Park and Joy

    1. Discover cashless, ticketless and hassle-free on-street parking with ParkNow in Berlin. The digital parking service ParkNow can be used in the extended inner city area of Berlin. A detailed overview of all parking zones can be obtained from our overview map. In the marked parking zones you can start and end your parking via app and save yourself the annoying way to the parking meter as well as the search for change. No more unnecessary parking fees thanks to minute-accurate billing and start / stop function. The billing occures convenient at the end of the month via direct debit, PayPal or credit card. The advantages of mobile parking with ParkNow in Berlin: Parking tickets are a thing of the past No more searching for small change and ticketing problems Accurate billing Comfortable payment at the end of the month Parking in Berlin was never that easy

      ParkNow - Berlin

    1. Athens Digital Lab is seeking digital ideas that change the city and invites individuals, groups and new technology enthusiasts to submit their proposals addressing the real needs of the city that can evolve into advanced Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for smart cities. Proposals are requested to cover the following themes: Cleaning, Parking, Green Management, Public Space Management, Vehicle Fleet Management, Open Theme.
  7. May 2017