- Apr 2022
Besides published articles, Google Scholar might also pick up preprints as well as “low-quality theses and dissertations”, Tay says. Even so, “you get some gems you might not have seen”, he says. (Scopus, a competing literature database maintained by the Amsterdam-based publisher Elsevier, began incorporating preprints earlier this year, a spokesperson says. But it does not index theses and dissertations. “There will be titles that do not meet the Scopus standards but are covered by Google Scholar,” he says.)
Scopus primarily covers regularly published journals with ISSN numbers and began including preprints in 2021, while Google Scholar has a broader net that also includes theses, dissertations, preprints, and books.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Chawla, D. S. (2021). Hundreds of ‘predatory’ journals indexed on leading scholarly database. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-00239-0
sms.hypotheses.org sms.hypotheses.org
- Nov 2021
ingin menembus jurnal terindeks scopus maka naskah yang akan kita kirim tersebut sumber variabel utamanya juga dari jurnal scopus jadi maksud saya
Pernyataan ini sangat tidak ilmiah, walaupun dapat dibuktikan secara statistik.
Kalau ini dijadikan persyaratan (baik untuk penulis dari negara manapun, tidak hanya Indonesia), maka akan terjadi keruntuhan budaya akademik, karena sitiran hanya akan ditentukan oleh terbit di mana, bukan karena isinya apa dan bagaimana.
- May 2020
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Facemasks, Hand Hygiene, and Influenza among Young Adults: A Randomized Intervention Trial
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029744 OA
www-bmj-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-bmj-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Facemasks for the prevention of infection in healthcare and community settings
jtd.amegroups.com jtd.amegroups.com
Assessment of a respiratory face mask for capturing air pollutants and pathogens including human influenza and rhinoviruses
doi: 10.21037/jtd.2018.03.103
iopscience-iop-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 iopscience-iop-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Nanofibers in face masks and respirators to provide better protection
bmcinfectdis-biomedcentral-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 bmcinfectdis-biomedcentral-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers
www-cambridge-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-cambridge-org.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Respiratory viruses on personal protective equipment and bodies of healthcare workers
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Wearing face masks in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic: altruism and solidarity
www-sciencedirect-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-sciencedirect-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Helmet Modification to PPE With 3D Printing During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Duke University Medical Center: A Novel Technique
link-springer-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 link-springer-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Simple Economical Solution for Personal Protection Equipment (Face Mask/Shield) for Health Care Staff During COVID 19
www-sciencedirect-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-sciencedirect-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
A reality check on the use of face masks during the COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The role of community-wide wearing of face mask for control of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic due to SARS-CoV-2
www-scopus-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-scopus-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Strategies to control and prevent novel coronavirus 2019: A quick overview
DOI: 10.22442/jlumhs.201910651 OA
www-scopus-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-scopus-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Covid-19 and face masks – to use or not to use!
ISSN: 09717587 solo abstract
www-sciencedirect-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-sciencedirect-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Rational use of face masks in the COVID-19 pandemic
www-scopus-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443 www-scopus-com.pbidi.unam.mx:2443
Custom-made 3D-printed face masks in case of pandemic crisis situations with a lack of commercially available FFP2/3 masks
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2020.03.015 OA
- Jun 2018
www.escienceediting.org www.escienceediting.org
The mean proportional difference in the citation frequency between Scopus and Google Scholar was 14.71%
Apakah perbedaan ini tergolong kecil atau tidak signifikan? Bila hasil ini konsisten pada berbagai kasus, apakah kemudian untuk alasan ekonomis, cukupkah bagi kita di masa mendatang untuk kemudian mendasarkan diri ke GS saja?
Citation performance of Indonesian scholarly journals indexed in Scopus from Scopus and Google Scholar
Salam dan terima kasih untuk Tim Penulis.
Secara umum artikel ini patut dihargai, karena penulis telah meluangkan waktu dan tenaga untuk menuangkan hasil penjaringan informasi sitasi dari Google Scholar (GS) dan Scopus yang telah diagregasi SINTA.
Artikel ini bersifat deskriptif, yang mana artikel jenis ini sering terlupakan, padahal fakta-fakta menarik akan muncul setelah data dan grafik terpampang rapih dalam bentuk artikel. Semoga artikel ini dapat menggugah banyak pendapat yang bersifat argumentatif yang kemudian dapat melahirkan artikel-artikel baru.
Perkenankan saya meninggalkan beberapa catatan untuk artikel ibu dan bapak ini.
- Feb 2018
nazroel.id nazroel.id
Lalu mengapa jurnal terindeks scopus dapat dikatakan sebagai jurnal bereputasi?
Terima kasih telah membagikan artikel ini. Pertanyaan saya, mengikuti alur kerja Scopus, bukankah alur itu bisa dibuat oleh kita dengan memanfaatkan reviewer jurnal independen yang juga orang Indonesia?
- Jun 2017
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Althoughit cannot be taken for granted that the publication lists on RIDare error-free, these lists will probably be more reliable thantheautomatically generated lists (by Elsevier).
Seems like a list which is automatically populated and then edited by an researcher would be better than one manually created. I don't think there's any factual basis for this claim.