- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
The blockchain, as universal ledger, creates a vast capacity for translocal coordination
for - progress trap - blockchain - one unintended consequence is that it is very energy inefficient - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we just included some of the artwork from the book. This is by Patrick Cruz was a mexican artist, activist, organizer and he's just riffing on this term that we use in the book, which is re characterizing, you know, the Anthropocene or the color Yuga. This period we're in as the age of consequence.
for - Mexican artist Patrick Cruz - redefining - anthropocene - to age of consequence - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy
- Jul 2024
It’s also worth pointing out that an unfriendly unsubscribe experience is also a major driver of spam complaints. Half of U.S. consumers say they’ve reported a brand’s emails as spam because they couldn’t easily opt out, according to our Adapting to Consumers’ New Definition of Spam report. So putting up opt-out barriers not only jeopardizes your legal compliance but can also hurt your deliverability as well.
wordtothewise.com wordtothewise.com
This behaviour may affect one-click unsubscribe links. If clicking the link in an email automatically processes the unsubscribe, then Barracuda may unsubscribe users without their knowledge.
This behaviour may affect opt-in confirmation links.
- Sep 2023
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
After CNN’s reporting, Musk reversed course, tweeting “the hell with it … we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”
for: progress trap, unintended consequence, unintended consequence - Elon Musk, progress trap - Elon Musk - comment - the US military, Ukraine military have to deal with the unintended consequence of a vital communication system that can be turned off without notice or warning - what if Putin calls up Musk and says to him: - If you don't turn the Starlink off when Ukraine tries to mount major attack on Crimea, I will launch my nukes - What will Musk do then?
“How am I in this war?” Musk asks Isaacson. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”
- for: progress trap, unintended consequence, playing God, Elon Musk - Starlink - Ukraine, Elon Musk- Crimea, Elon Musk - nuclear war, quote, quote - Elon Musk - nuclear war - starlink - crimea
- quote
- How am I in this war?
- Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars.
- It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.
- author: Elon Musk
- comment
- the Tech genius could not predict the progress trap of starlink being used by the Ukrainian army to send submarine drones to blow up Russian ships
- so he was forced into a position of playing God
As Ukrainian submarine drones strapped with explosives approached the Russian fleet, they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly,” Isaacson writes. Musk’s decision, which left Ukrainian officials begging him to turn the satellites back on, was driven by an acute fear that Russia would respond to a Ukrainian attack on Crimea with nuclear weapons
for: progress trap, unintended consequences, nuclear war, Elon Musk - Ukraine, playing God
- Here, Elon Musk demonstrates how the most powerful technological leaders are themselves unable to predict the unintended consequences of progress.
- This story exposes the power that no tech titan is immune to
- making one dimensional decisions based on high dimensional information whose salient relationships can not be predicted ahead of time.
- The dilemma of power - it is opaque and puts the fate of humanity in the decision of a few God-like individuals
- Do 8 billion people really trust one man to decide the fate of civilization?
- And yet, this is the kind of world that those in power continue to reify by consolidating their positions
- The myth of dictators wanting to hold onto power at all costs goes beyond the sphere of politics
- progress trap
- Starlink - nuclear war
- quote
- Elon Musk - Nuclear war
- Elon Musk Starlink - Crimea - Nuclear war
- unintended consequence
- playing God
- Progress trap
- unintended consequence - Elon Musk
- Elon Musk - Ukraine - nuclear war
- Elon Musk - Starlink - Ukraine
- quote - Elon Musk - nuclear war - starlink - crimea
- progress trap - Elon Musk
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
Technology and social innovation intended to overcome the negatives of the digital age will likely cause additional negative consequences. Examples include: the decentralized web, end-to-end encryption, AI and machine learning, social media.
- for: progress trap, quote, quote - progress trap, unintended consequence, quotation - unintended consequence
- quote
- Technology and social innovation intended to overcome the negatives of the digital age
- will likely cause additional negative consequences. Examples include:
- the decentralized web,
- end-to-end encryption,
- AI and machine learning,
- social media.
- will likely cause additional negative consequences. Examples include:
- Technology and social innovation intended to overcome the negatives of the digital age
- author: Larry Masinter -internet pioneer, formerly with Adobe, AT&T Labs and Xerox PARC, who helped create internet and web standards with IETF and W3C
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
Technological change is an accelerant and acts on the social ills like pouring gasoline on a fire
- for: quote, quote - Stowe Boyd, quote - progress trap, quote - unintended consequences, unintended consequences, progress trap, cultural evolution, technology - futures, futures - technology, progress trap
- quote:
- Technological change is an accelerant and acts on the social ills like pouring gasoline on a fire
- author: Sowe Boyd
- consulting futurist on technological evolution and the future of work
- paraphrase
- In an uncontrolled hyper-capitalist society,
- the explosion in technologies over the past 30 years has only
- widened inequality,
- concentrated wealth and
- led to greater social division.
- And it is speeding up with the rise of artificial intelligence,
- which like globalization has destabilized Western industrial economies while admittedly pulling hundreds of millions elsewhere out of poverty.
- the explosion in technologies over the past 30 years has only
- And the boiling exhaust of this set of forces is pushing the planet into a climate catastrophe. -The world is as unready for hundreds of millions of climate refugees as it was for the plague.
- However, some variant of social media will likely form the context for the rise of a global movement to stop the madness
- which I call the Human Spring
- which will be more like
- Occupy or
- the Yellow Vests
- than traditional politics.
- I anticipate a grassroots movement
- characterized by
- general strikes,
- political action,
- protest and
- widespread disruption of the economy
- that will confront the economic and political system of the West.
- characterized by
- Lead by the young,
ultimately this will lead to large-scale political reforms, such as
- universal health care,
- direct democracy,
- a new set of rights for individuals and
- a large set of checks on the power of
- corporations and
- political parties.
- For example,
- eliminating corporate contributions to political campaigns,
- countering monopolies and
- effectively accounting for economic externalities, like carbon.
- In an uncontrolled hyper-capitalist society,
with new technologies come new crimes and criminals – opportunities for all!
-for: quote, quote - Jennifer Jarratt, quote - progress trap, progress trap, unintended consequences, technology - unintended consequences, quote - unintended consequences, cultural evolution, technology - futures, futures - technology, progress trap - quote: with new technologies come new crimes and criminals – opportunities for all! - author: Jennifer Jarratt - co-principal of Leading Futurists LLC
What won’t change is people’s tendency toward gossip, tribalism driven by gossip and the ability of anybody to inform anybody else about anything, including wrongly. The only places where news won’t skew fake will be localities in the natural world. That’s where the digital and the physical connect best. Also expect the internet to break into pieces, with the U.S., Europe and China becoming increasingly isolated by different value systems and governance approaches toward networks and what runs on them.
- for: progress trap, unintended consequence, unintended consequence - digital technology, quote, quote - progress trap, quote - Doc Searls
- quote
- What won’t change is people’s tendency toward gossip,
- tribalism driven by gossip and the ability of anybody to inform anybody else about anything,
- including wrongly.
- tribalism driven by gossip and the ability of anybody to inform anybody else about anything,
- The only places where news won’t skew fake will be localities in the natural world.
- That’s where the digital and the physical connect best.
- Also expect the internet to break into pieces, with
- the U.S.,
- Europe and
- China
- becoming increasingly isolated by different value systems and governance approaches toward
- networks and
- what runs on them.
- What won’t change is people’s tendency toward gossip,
I see no reason to think that the current situation will change: Tech will cause problems that require innovative solutions and tech will be part of those solutions. Machine learning (ML) is right now an example of this
- for: progress trap, unintended consequence, unintended consequence - digital technology, quote, quote - progress trap, quote - David Weinberger
- quote: I see no reason to think that the current situation will change:
- Tech will cause problems that require innovative solutions and
- tech will be part of those solutions.
- Machine learning (ML) is right now an example of this
- author: David Weinberger
- senior researcher at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Can our fundamental human need for close community be restored or will we become more isolated, anxious and susceptible to manipulation?
- for: progress trap, unintended consequence, unintended consequence - digital technology, quote, quote - progress trap, quote - Jonathan Grudin
- quote: Can our fundamental human need for close community be restored or
- will we become more isolated, anxious and susceptible to manipulation?
- author: Jonathan Grudin
- principal researcher, Microsoft
- progress trap
- Harvard
- unintended consequences - digital technology
- definition - the Human Spring
- Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
- Stowe Boyd
- definition
- unintended consequence
- quote - Stowe Boyd
- quote - technology futures
- progress traps - digital technology
- Jennifer Jarratt
- unintended consequence - technology
- The Linux Journal
- quote Doc Searls
- Leading Futurists LLC
- quote - Jonathan Grudin
- Microsoft Research
- futures - technology
- quote - digital technology
- quote - unintended consequences
- quote - David Weinberger
- technology - unintended consequences
- quote
- quote - progress trap
- Progress trap
- progress trap - digital technology
- the Human Spring
- Jun 2023
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
illusion of independence 01:02:25 part of what it is to be a self part of what it is to me this underlying transcendent atman is to be independent of the world standing against it acting on it but not being acted on by it 01:02:39 taking it as object but always being subject and so we get this illusion of independence and of transcendental freedom that really mistakes who we are and gives us very strange moral 01:02:51 attitudes of praise and blame and anger and pride and so forth
Third consequence : illusion of independence - we are always the subject, never the object
self-alienation that is if i think that i'm a self but i'm really a person that i really don't know who i am just as if i thought that a dollar had 01:02:13 its value intrinsically in the value of the paper and the ink i wouldn't understand anything about finance currency or purchases
Second consequence : self alienation self
self-centeredness once i think that i'm a self then i think that i've got a very different relation to me than i have to anybody else that is the relation of 01:01:46 identity and i think that i occupy a very special place in the moral universe namely the center of it where i have a very special concern for me and only an indirect concern for others
!- first consequence : self centeredness
- Aug 2022
www.sueddeutsche.de www.sueddeutsche.de
Zeitung, S. (2021, December 1). Sieben weitere bestätigte Omikron-Fälle in Hessen. Süddeutsche.de. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/gesundheit-frankfurt-am-main-sieben-weitere-bestaetigte-omikron-faelle-in-hessen-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-211201-99-218296
- Omicron
- lang:en
- Hessen
- Germany
- effectiveness
- COVID-19
- vaccine
- consequence
- serious concern
- is:news
- 7 cases
www.independentsage.org www.independentsage.org
EMERGENCY STATEMENT ON OMICRON: 15 DECEMBER 2021 | Independent SAGE. (2021, December 15). https://www.independentsage.org/emergency-statement-on-omicron-15-december-2021/
gidmk.medium.com gidmk.medium.com
Gideon, M.-K. (2022, February 23). Has Covid-19 Been Worse Than the 1918 Influenza Pandemic? Medium. https://gidmk.medium.com/has-covid-19-been-worse-than-the-1918-influenza-pandemic-1c3362f01bcc
Gallagher, J. (2021, November 14). Covid vaccine ‘waning immunity’: How worried should I be? BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59260294
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Šrol, J., Cavojova, V., & Mikušková, E. B. (2021). Social consequences of COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs: Evidence from two studies in Slovakia. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y4svc
- Apr 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Chawla, D. S. (2021). Hundreds of ‘predatory’ journals indexed on leading scholarly database. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-00239-0
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Greg Kelly. (2021, July 2). As a pediatrician I’m going on record saying that allowing kids to be freely infected with a novel disease that has unknown long term consequences is the worst idea of 2021 despite being a pretty crowded field so far #COVID19 [Tweet]. @drgregkelly. https://twitter.com/drgregkelly/status/1411083905034117120
- Jan 2022
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Should bad science be censored on social media? (2022, January 19). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60036861
- Nov 2021
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Hillson, K., Clemens, S. C., Madhi, S. A., Voysey, M., Pollard, A. J., & Minassian, A. M. (2021). Fertility rates and birth outcomes after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccination. The Lancet, 398(10312), 1683–1684. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02282-0
Leder, J., Schütz, A., & Pastukhov, A. (Sasha). (2021). Keeping the kids home: Increasing concern for others in times of crisis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6s28u
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Manoochehri, M., Šrol, J., Asl, F. A., Mehdinasab, M., & Akhoundi, Z. (2021). Association of Mental Fatigue due to Long-term Restrictive Measures with Reasoning: A COVID-19 Study. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4yme9
- Oct 2021
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
News ·, M. C. · C. (2021, September 21). Misinformation on Reddit has become unmanageable, Alberta moderators say | CBC News. CBC. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/misinformation-alberta-reddit-unmanageable-moderators-1.6179120
Inasaridze, K. (2021). Therapy of depression by the method of behavioral activation. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rfq79
tnicholsmd.medium.com tnicholsmd.medium.com
Nichols, T. (2021, July 19). COVID Isn’t Over, And Why That Will Impact Everyone. Medium. https://tnicholsmd.medium.com/covid-isnt-over-and-why-that-will-impact-everyone-ce94766669df
- Sep 2021
www.vox.com www.vox.com
This is the other huge important theme, which is that technology alone does not lead to a better world. It can only lead to a better world in the context of good moral and social systems. One thing that I do deeply believe is that our scientific and material technology has raced ahead of our moral and social technology. We need some catch-up growth in moral and social technology.
There is another even greater theme this article has not touched on, progress traps. Climate change is a direct result of the unintended consequences of progress, a pretty major impact.
- Aug 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Rella, S. A., Kulikova, Y. A., Dermitzakis, E. T., & Kondrashov, F. A. (2021). Rates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and vaccination impact the fate of vaccine-resistant strains. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 15729. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-95025-3
- Jul 2021
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Kraemer, M. U. G., Hill, V., Ruis, C., Dellicour, S., Bajaj, S., McCrone, J. T., Baele, G., Parag, K. V., Battle, A. L., Gutierrez, B., Jackson, B., Colquhoun, R., O’Toole, Á., Klein, B., Vespignani, A., Consortium‡, T. C.-19 G. U. (CoG-U., Volz, E., Faria, N. R., Aanensen, D., … Pybus, O. G. (2021). Spatiotemporal invasion dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 emergence. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abj0113
- Jun 2021
graphql-ruby.org graphql-ruby.org
In mutations, when errors happen, the other fields may return nil. So, if those other fields have null: false, but they return nil, the GraphQL will panic and remove the whole mutation from the response, including the errors!
github.com github.com
My 3 projects were using your lib and got broken thanks to the renaming.
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Osmanov, I. M., Spiridonova, E., Bobkova, P., Gamirova, A., Shikhaleva, A., Andreeva, M., Blyuss, O., El-Taravi, Y., DunnGalvin, A., Comberiati, P., Peroni, D. G., Apfelbacher, C., Genuneit, J., Mazankova, L., Miroshina, A., Chistyakova, E., Samitova, E., Borzakova, S., Bondarenko, E., … Sechenov StopCOVID Research Team. (2021). Risk factors for long covid in previously hospitalised children using the ISARIC Global follow-up protocol: A prospective cohort study [Preprint]. Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.26.21256110
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Briggs, A., & Vassall, A. (2021). Count the cost of disability caused by COVID-19. Nature, 593(7860), 502–505. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01392-2
- May 2021
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
Of course, if you're too successful with migrating all your clients and friends to your friendly small provider it grows into a big provider and needs to hire cheap first level support to deal with all the customers ;-)
github.com github.com
If your python3 executable is named "python" instead of "python3" (this particularly appears to affect a number of Windows users), then you'll also need to modify the first line of git-filter-repo to replace "python3" with "python".
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Franceschini, C., Musetti, A., Zenesini, C., Palagini, L., Pelosi, A., Quattropani, M. C., Lenzo, V., Freda, M. F., Lemmo, D., Vegni, E., Borghi, L., Saita, E., Cattivelli, R., De Gennaro, L., Plazzi, G., Riemann, D., & Castelnuovo, G. (2020). Poor quality of sleep and its consequences on mental health during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ah6j3
- Apr 2021
linusakesson.net linusakesson.net
Also you will not be able to run any iOS apps anymore obviously.
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
As of Jan 1, 2021 many countries now require KS creators to show Shipping AND VAT/Fees/Taxes on Kickstarter Rewards - not just 1 price for "shipping". So we will do that in our Pledge Manager, after the campaign. Yea, we know...this sucks and is against everything Kickstarter used to be about (the world now views KS as a store, not as a creative platform sending rewards to backers for helping bring the vision to life)
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Kidman, R., Margolis, R., Smith-Greenaway, E., & Verdery, A. M. (2021). Estimates and Projections of COVID-19 and Parental Death in the US. JAMA Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.0161
- Mar 2021
the-pastry-box-project.net the-pastry-box-project.net
A Low Bar to Entry, and then What?There is an interesting tension between making something accessible and making it boring. Lowering the barrier of entry is a good thing, but if all you do is low-bar stuff, you end up losing the people again that you managed to attract. There needs to be a path forward beyond the entry level.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Isch, C., Beltran, D. G., Ayers, J., Alcock, J., Cronk, L., Hurmuz-Sklias, H., Tidball, K. G., Horn, A. V., Todd, P. M., & Aktipis, A. (2021). What predicts attitudes about mask wearing? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jvspx
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Betsch, C., Böhm, R., & Korn, L. (2013). Inviting free-riders or appealing to prosocial behavior? Game-theoretical reflections on communicating herd immunity in vaccine advocacy. Health Psychology: Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 32(9), 978–985. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0031590
- Feb 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Druckman, J. N., Klar, S., Krupnikov, Y., Levendusky, M., & Ryan, J. B. (2021). Affective polarization, local contexts and public opinion in America. Nature Human Behaviour, 5(1), 28–38. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-020-01012-5
Seitz, B. M., Aktipis, A., Buss, D. M., Alcock, J., Bloom, P., Gelfand, M., Harris, S., Lieberman, D., Horowitz, B. N., Pinker, S., Wilson, D. S., & Haselton, M. G. (2020). The pandemic exposes human nature: 10 evolutionary insights. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(45), 27767–27776. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2009787117
twitter.com twitter.com
Maryanne Garry 🐑🇳🇿. (2020, December 12). A person with the virus who, say, has lunch with friends is a witness to an event in which the virus was possibly transmitted, and a suspect who might have transmitted it to others. Our new paper in PoPS @lorraine_hope @rachelz @drayeshaverrall and Jamie Robertson https://t.co/FoOlx78HB2 [Tweet]. @drlambchop. https://twitter.com/drlambchop/status/1337676716936896512
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Aknin, L., Neve, J.-E. D., Dunn, E., Fancourt, D., Goldberg, E., Helliwell, J., Jones, S. P., Karam, E., Layard, R., Lyubomirsky, S., Rzepa, A., Saxena, S., Thornton, E., VanderWeele, T., Whillans, A., Zaki, J., Caman, O. K., & Amour, Y. B. (2021). A Review and Response to the Early Mental Health and Neurological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zw93g
www.ruby-toolbox.com www.ruby-toolbox.com
Unfortunately the widespread adoption of this practice led to a huge number of orphaned gems that usually have only a single or at most a handful of releases. Additionally these forked gems often retained their upstream github source code url, so on the Ruby Toolbox these forks receive a high popularity ranking.
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
The JavaBean spec designers threw the getter/setter idiom into the picture because they thought it would be an easy way to quickly make a bean—something you can do while you're learning how to do it right. Unfortunately, nobody did that.Accessors were created solely as a way to tag certain properties so a UI-builder program or equivalent could identify them. You aren't supposed to call these methods yourself. They exist for an automated tool to use.
www.conversioner.com www.conversioner.com
These two mistakes, especially the second one, plant worries in your customers mind before they’ve even had time to think of them.
Stop warning people – no contract, no obligations, cancel anytime – companies can’t resist saying this on every pricing page but by using negative words they’re just putting ideas into people’s heads.
Moore, S., Hill, E. M., Tildesley, M. J., Dyson, L., & Keeling, M. J. (2021). Vaccination and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions: When can the UK relax about COVID-19? MedRxiv, 2020.12.27.20248896. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.12.27.20248896
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you teach your users to trust that URL bar is supposed to not change when they click links (e.g. your site uses a big iframe with all the actual content), then the users will not notice anything in the future either in case of actual security vulnerability.
- Jan 2021
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
Situation: you have a single line of text in a flex child element. You don’t want that text to wrap, you want it truncated with ellipsis (or fall back to just hiding the overflow). But the worst happens. The unthinkable! The layout breaks and forces the entire flex parent element too wide. Flexbox is supposed to be helping make layout easier!
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
I found that snap can cause lots of issues. I installed keepass using snap, and it installed as a sandboxed app. Very nice for security you would think. Well, a short while later, after 3 upgrades to keepass, it deleted the oldest snap container, which just happened to contain my password file. So secure that even you can't use your passwords now!
Why did I put the kdb in the snap file system? Because the app is sandboxed, so I had no choice.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
Adding layer of settings and complexity for the end user might also bring bad practices to keep a comfortable use of app’s by installing snap without confinement…
- Dec 2020
web.archive.org web.archive.org
"There's no law," Rahad Naif said. "It's up to them. It's arbitrary."
ICRC's decision to reduce its Baghdad staff, because of the bombing of its headquarters, may limit its ability to visit detention sites.
rationalizing lack of agency as a consequence of resistance
no response has been received
has not yet been received, actors asking for a response
- Nov 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Mulukom, V. van, Pummerer, L., Alper, S., Bai, (Max) Hui, Cavojova, V., Farias, J. E. M., Kay, C. S., Lazarevic, L., Lobato, E. J. C., Marinthe, G., Banai, I. P., Šrol, J., & Zezelj, I. (2020). Antecedents and consequences of COVID-19 conspiracy theories: A rapid review of the evidence. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u8yah
- Oct 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
COVID-19: The 9/11 Moment for Global Public Health? Dr. Richard Horton and Clive Cookson. (2020, September 1). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97iJIwBQ5qE&feature=youtu.be
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Long covid: Diagnosis, management, prognosis. (2020, September 4). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTrIl52jV0s&feature=emb_logo
metascience.com metascience.com
Fiona Fidler: Misinterpretations of evidence, and worse misinterpretations of evidence (Video). (n.d.). Metascience.com. Retrieved 29 October 2020, from https://metascience.com/events/metascience-2019-symposium/fiona-fidler-misinterpretations-of-evidence/
github.com github.com
`Module ${a.id} may be unable to evaluate without ${b.id}, but is included first due to a cyclical dependency. Consider swapping the import statements in ${parent} to ensure correct ordering`
We have identified some of the specific software causing this excessive traffic and have been in contact with the parties responsible to explain how their product or service is essentially creating a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack against W3C.
One of the primary tasks of engineers is to minimize complexity. JSX changes such a fundamental part (syntax and semantics of the language) that the complexity bubbles up to everything it touches. Pretty much every pipeline tool I've had to work with has become far more complex than necessary because of JSX. It affects AST parsers, it affects linters, it affects code coverage, it affects build systems. That tons and tons of additional code that I now need to wade through and mentally parse and ignore whenever I need to debug or want to contribute to a library that adds JSX support.
- mentally filter/ignore
- high-cost changes
- engineering (general)
- semantics (of programming language)
- unintended consequence
- fundamental
- infectious problem
- primary task/job/responsibility
- implementation complexity
- for-reaching consequences
- too complicated
- can't keep entire system in your mind at once (software development) (scope too large)
- avoid complexity
- syntax
- complexity
- engineers
- the cost of changing something
- mental bandwidth
- Sep 2020
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
Unfortunately, this only worked because of a feature called import elision. When TypeScript outputs JavaScript files, it sees that Options is only used as a type, and it automatically drops its import. The resulting output looks kind of like this:
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The automatic install of peer dependencies was explicitly removed with npm 3, as it cause more problems than it tried to solve.
engineering.mixmax.com engineering.mixmax.com
There'll be no more warnings. But if you open bundle.js, you'll see something shocking: it contains the entirety of React and React DOM. That's 7000 LoC!
This occurs because, with the configuration above, React is no longer an external dependency: you've directed Rollup to bundle it alongside your application's local JavaScript. But there are critical differences between your application's JS and React's.
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Alfred Russel Wallace, who came up with the idea of natural selection independently of Charles Darwin, was an implacable opponent of the smallpox vaccine during the late 19th Century
Being an anti-vaxxer makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint.
Fixing any disease that could kill an individual before his/her childbearing age is only helping weaknesses (diseases) propagate in the human populous.
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- implication
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Meanwhile, ObamaCare penalties and onerous rules have forced many companies to lay off workers or cut hours to turn full-time employees into part-timers. Small-business owners should not have to make their hiring decisions based upon tens of thousands of pages of regulations in the Affordable Care Act.
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