- Oct 2024
coop.logwirecloud.com coop.logwirecloud.com
ann1 test changed
- Dec 2023
Local file Local file
ChatGPT - "YOUR_API_KEY 需要替换成您的 Hypothesis API 密钥。 uri 设置为 http://baidu.com。 text 是您的标注文本。 tags 是标注的标签,可以根据需要自定义。 permissions 字段定义了谁可以读" https://chat.openai.com/c/54c15002-3e29-4f35-9c9d-cf2f1cb53041#:~:text=YOUR_API_KEY%20%E9%9C%80%E8%A6%81,%E5%8F%AF%E4%BB%A5%E8%AF%BB
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
✅ Task - "In daily life, we often forget important information and feel overwhelmed. Is there a simple and intuitive method to help us manage our lives?
Hand it over to "TickTick" 👇" https://help.ticktick.com/articles/7055782436621254656#:~:text=In%20daily%20life,over%20to%20%22TickTick%22%20%F0%9F%91%87
Hypothesis - "your_email@hypothes.is"], "update": ["acct:your_email@hypothes.is"], " https://hypothes.is/users/taklele#:~:text=your_email%40hypothes.is%22%5D%2C%20%22update%22%3A%20%5B%22acct%3Ayour_email%40hypothes.is%22%5D%2C
curl -X POST https://api.hypothes.is/api/annotations \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "uri": "http://example.com", "text": "这是一个标注的示例文本。", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"], "permissions": { "read": ["group:world"], "admin": ["acct:your_email@hypothes.is"], "update": ["acct:your_email@hypothes.is"], "delete": ["acct:your_email@hypothes.is"] } }'
jjdmmsks jdjmdmd jdjmd
- Sep 2023
drive.google.com drive.google.comview1
other words, the appropriate policyintent, for the most part, exists. Weprovide a set of recommendations forhow the DST can facilitate alignmentand coordination across national policy:(1) Coordinate across the ninedepartments to extend, deepen andalign the focus of existing policyinstruments in o
A third one annotating
- Aug 2023
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
he success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14- 18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on
This is standard BS. Add some meat markup
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
during bachelors was on Solar Rooftop System, solar panels optimized to capture maximum sunlight to generate electricity, the success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14-18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on engineering projects motivated me to enter the field of informationtechnology, and I was drawn to an opportunity to work for
This is stardard BS. Add some meat markup
during bachelors was on Solar Rooftop System, solar panels optimized to capture maximum sunlight to generate electricity, the success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14-18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on engineering projects motivated me to enter the field of informationtechnology, and I was drawn to an opportunity to work for
This is stardard BS. Add some meat markup
during bachelors was on Solar Rooftop System, solar panels optimized to capture maximum sunlight to generate electricity, the success of this project resulted in a significant increase in electricity generation of 14-18%. This intersection of programming, the data generated in the electrical systems, and the experience gathered from hands-on engineering projects motivated me to enter the field of informationtechnology, and I was drawn to an opportunity to work for
This is stardard BS. Add some meat markup
This is stardard BS. Add some meat markup
analysis and visualization, enabling me to effectively analyse massive volumes of transactional data and generate detailed reports for
This is stardard BS. Add some meat markup
analysis and visualization, enabling me to effectively analyse massive volumes of transactional data and generate detailed reports for
This is stardard BS. Add some meat markup
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
exactly as created, regardless of fonts, software, and operating systems
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
exactly as created, regardless of fonts, software, and operating systems
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
createanyai-my.sharepoint.com createanyai-my.sharepoint.com
exactly as created, regardless of fonts, software, and operating systems
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
exactly as created, regardless of fonts, software, and operating systems
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
exactly as created, regardless of fonts, software, and operating systems
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
, zzzzz. And more text. And more
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
, zzzzz. And more text. And more
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
blackboard.umaryland.edu blackboard.umaryland.edu
produce the same PDF with a
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
produce the same PDF with a
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
selected text (i.e. the quote)
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
link.storjshare.io link.storjshare.io
produce the same PDF with a
30 chars preceding the quote body of annotation 30 chars following the quote, can include markup
Local file Local file
Local file Local file
- Jul 2023
Local file Local fileCASAD2
- Jun 2023
Local file Local file
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
- Feb 2022
outline.com outline.com
- Sep 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
start annotating
- Aug 2021
Local file Local file
- Jul 2021
leananki.com leananki.com
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
Local file Local file
- Jun 2021
Local file Local file
Dissecting liabilities
- Apr 2021
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
- Nov 2020
Local file Local file
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
github.com github.com
body of annotation
body of annotation
body of annotation
body of annotation
body of annotation
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation
selected text (i.e. the quote)
body of annotation, can include markup
- Jul 2020
Local file Local file
userstand user perceptions
test 852
userstand user perceptions
test 825
userstand user perceptions
test 825
userstand user perceptions
test 814
userstand user perceptions
test 814
userstand user perceptions
test 814
body of annotation, can include markup
Local file Local file
body of annotation, can include markup
www.toptal.com www.toptal.com
test tags
- Apr 2020
the way in which most people use visual interfaces.
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
e "Select an active
esspp-stag.literatumonline.com esspp-stag.literatumonline.com
Pellentesque ac felis non eros dictum auctor condimentum non arcu. Nam elementum mauris et viverra tempor. Pellentesque faucibus ut nunc quis efficitur. Curabitur vel erat maximus, ultricies ex eget, tempus erat. Praesent id nisi vel ipsum ultricies sodales nec id mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin porta, lorem quis varius gravida, leo sapien porttitor quam, id accumsan sapien metus nec nisi. Fusce euismod iaculis quam quis scelerisque. Donec facilisis nisl vel sem dapibus, necPellentesque ac felis non eros dictum auctor condimentum non arcu. Nam elementum mauris et viverra tempor. Pellentesque faucibus ut nunc quis efficitur. Curabitur vel erat maximus, ultricies ex eget, tempus erat. Praesent id nisi vel ipsum ultricies sodales nec id mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin porta, lorem quis varius gravida, leo sapien porttitor quam, id accumsan sapien metus nec nisi. Fusce euismod iaculis quam quis scelerisque. Donec facilisis nisl vel sem dapibus, necPellentesque ac felis non eros dictum auctor condimentum non arcu. Nam elementum mauris et viverra tempor. Pellentesque faucibus ut nunc quis efficitur. Curabitur vel erat maximus, ultricies ex eget, tempus erat. Praesent id nisi vel ipsum ultricies sodales nec id mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin porta, lorem quis varius gravida, leo sapien porttitor quam, id accumsan sapien metus nec nisi. Fusce euismod iaculis quam quis scelerisque. Donec facilisis nisl vel sem dapibus, necPellentesque ac felis non eros dictum auctor condimentum non arcu. Nam elementum mauris et viverra tempor. Pellentesque faucibus ut nunc quis efficitur. Curabitur vel erat maximus, ultricies ex eget, tempus erat. Praesent id nisi vel ipsum ultricies sodales nec id mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin porta, lorem quis varius gravida, leo sapien porttitor quam, id accumsan sapien metus nec nisi. Fusce euismod iaculis quam quis scelerisque. Donec facilisis nisl vel sem dapibus, necPellentesque ac felis non eros dictum auctor condimentum non arcu. Nam elementum mauris et viverra tempor. Pellentesque faucibus ut nunc quis efficitur. Curabitur vel erat maximus, ultricies ex eget, tempus erat. Praesent id nisi vel ipsum ultricies sodales nec id mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin porta, lorem quis varius gravida, leo sapien porttitor quam, id accumsan sapien metus nec nisi. Fusce euismod iaculis quam quis scelerisque. Donec facilisis nisl vel sem dapibus, necPellentesque ac felis non eros dictum auctor condimentum non arcu. Nam elementum mauris et viverra tempor. Pellentesque faucibus ut nunc quis efficitur. Curabitur vel erat maximus, ultricies ex eget, tempus erat. Praesent id nisi vel ipsum ultricies sodales nec id mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin porta, lorem quis varius gravida, leo sapien porttitor quam, id accumsan sapien metus nec nisi. Fusce euismod iaculis quam quis scelerisque. Donec facilisis nisl vel sem dapibus, necPellentesque ac felis non eros dictum auctor condimentum non arcu. Nam elementum mauris et viverra tempor. Pellentesque faucibus ut nunc quis efficitur. Curabitur vel erat maximus, ultricies ex eget, tempus erat. Praesent id nisi vel ipsum ultricies sodales nec id mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin porta, lorem quis varius gravida, leo sapien porttitor quam, id accumsan sapien metus nec nisi. Fusce euismod iaculis quam quis scelerisque. Donec facilisis nisl vel sem dapibus, nec
new annotation with tags
- Jul 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
some notes
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
ports many programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users with plugins, typically community-built a
test annot
- May 2019
- Mar 2019
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
apparent means of adding custom search engines, at least at the first glance, search engine list doesn't ha
- Sep 2018
www.in.gr test
- May 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
This is a note
- Mar 2018
docs.google.com docs.google.com
- Oct 2017
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
The purpose of this study was to identify IC characteristics and compare these with screen-detected cancers (SCs) and cancers in non-participants (NPCs) over the same time period.
Like this.
- Aug 2017
www.hongkiat.com www.hongkiat.com
Web Annotation and Markup
Add something
docs.google.com docs.google.com
test comment
- Jul 2017
www.whitstillman.org www.whitstillman.org
Stephen Holden in the New York Times
Testing a public annotation.
Aujourd’hui, parmi les 7 milliards et quelque d’individus qui forment l’humanité, on compte : davantage de téléphones portables que d’humains, près de trois milliards d’internautes échangeant quotidiennement deux cents milliards de courriels, un milliard de touristes par an, trois milliards et demi de passagers aériens, sept cents millions de personnes ayant franchi les portes d’une enseigne Ikea en 2012, six cent quarante millions d’individus désireux en 2012 de migrer de manière permanente (soit près d’un humain sur dix), environ deux cent quarante millions d’immigrés en 2015 (qui formeraient, s’ils étaient réunis, le cinquième pays le plus peuplé au monde), 65 millions de déracinés, quatre millions d’étudiants internationaux. À qui on peut ajouter : un million de kilomètres de câbles sous-marins par lesquels transite l’ensemble de nos données, près de cent mille vols commerciaux sillonnant chaque jour le ciel, près de dix milliards de tonnes de biens déchargés dans les ports par une flotte maritime mondiale elle-même estimée à près de 90.000 navires, plus d’un milliard de voitures sur les routes de la planète, et près de mille satellites en orbite autour du globe. C’est bien ainsi que les idées, les services, les marchandises et les êtres circulent, phénomène qui porte le nom de mondialisation, et que l’historien Fernand Braudel fait remonter au 15esiècle.
Tout ça est un test.
- Jun 2017
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Therefore, the find-ings are expected to have both scientific and technological significance in preparing LM-particle mixtures with enhanced properties or even new features
Make a note.
- May 2016
englishteststore.net englishteststore.net
Free English
docs.angularjs.org docs.angularjs.org
Hyper link1
www.asp.net www.asp.net
ASP.NET Web Deployment
- Apr 2016
docs.annotatorjs.org docs.annotatorjs.org
By default, the module will set up
test comment 2
ovides just one possible c
test coment
- Nov 2015
www.plosone.org www.plosone.org
At least 626 southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) calves died at the Península Valdéscalving ground, Argentina, between 2003 and 2014. Intense gull harassment may have con-tributed to these deaths
Write something here that I feel passionately about.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In interviews with his biographer, Mr. Bush said that Mr. Cheney had built “his own empire” and asserted too much “hard-line” influence within George W. Bush’s White House in pushing for the use of force around the world. Mr. Rumsfeld, the elder Mr. Bush said
Like this.
- Oct 2015
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
- Sep 2015
test.langsci-press.org test.langsci-press.org
- Aug 2015
think350.org think350.org
This is Jeb, testing the Hypothesis "app" for ANNOTATING ANY webpage ingl PDFs?????
- Jul 2015
consilience.com consilience.com
my comment
- Apr 2015
test.langsci-press.org test.langsci-press.org
abstractionist approach
comment on abstractionist approach
- Mar 2014
www.usenix.org www.usenix.org
outh American tribes. I
this is a comment
- Aug 2013
www.ravellaw.com www.ravellaw.com
86 Ohio L. Abs. 513, 16 Ohio Op. 2d 384, 84 A.L.R.2d 933
This is an annotation.