5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Asimov’s Foundation series, which is fascinating because of the spoiler that you first need planetary scale populations to model the future, but then a mutant mule appears who can change behavior and must be opposed by Second Foundation operators leveraging his own emotions against him to get the project back on track

      Asimov in his fiction was fascinated by the advent of statistics, so let's not read things into it wrt predicting futures. We know that's not what statistics do, and still are committed to the waving of invisible hands like it's the 18th century. Connecting this to memetics is likely a fruitless path.

  2. May 2022
  3. Jan 2022
    1. I could quote Luhmann on this as well, who thought that "without writing one cannot think," But there is nothing peculiarly "Luhmannian" about this idea. Isaac Asimov is said to have said "Writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers." And, to give one other example, E. B. White (of "Strunk and White" fame) claimed that "writing is one way to go about thinking." In other words, writing is thinking. And since I do almost all my significant writing in ConnectedText these days, it might be called my "writing environment."

      Various quotes along the lines of "writing is thinking".

      What is the equivalent in oral societies? Memory is thinking?

  4. Sep 2021
    1. Asimov, for the uninitiated, is one of the most important figures in science fiction and is often regarded as one of the “big three” authors, along with Robert A Heinlein and Arthur C Clarke. Together they helped bring about the so-called “golden age” of science fiction in the mid-20th century.

      About Isaac Asimov. He is credited with helping bring about the “golden age” of science fiction in the mid-20th century.

  5. May 2017
    1. How do we reassert humanity’s moral compass over these alien algorithms? We may need to develop a version of Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics” for algorithms.

      A proposed solution to bad effects of info algorithms.