11 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Mar 2024
    1. ProslaveryGeorgians were not above accusing Oglethorpe of running a prisoncolony.50

      My early memory of Georgia history in 4th grade (1984) was that Georgia was founded "as a penal colony".

  3. Apr 2020
    1. Bacterial species develops the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and resistance to disinfectants, antiseptics, and antibiotics in 6 to 12 hours. The biofilm then develops into mature colonies in 2 to 4 days
  4. Mar 2020
    1. selected after transformation and used to inoculate liquid cultures

      Would the variability be the same if the colonies were picked from a streaked plate (from glycerol stock) instead of a transformation plate?

      I would expect the glycerol stock method to have more variability, but it would be good to test

  5. Oct 2018
  6. allred720fa18.commons.gc.cuny.edu allred720fa18.commons.gc.cuny.edu
    1. Benito Cereno–Don Benito Cereno–a sounding name. One, too, at that period, not unknown, in the surname, to super-cargoes and sea captains trading along the Spanish Main,

      The Spanish Main comprised all colonial properties of Spain in the Americas.

  7. Sep 2015
    1. II. Slavery and the Making of Race

      Week 6 Video Lecture

      Study Questions for this section:

      What change occurs in the 1660s that dramatically affects the nature of slavery?

      What was the Middle Passage?

      How does the idea of race evolve with the evolution of slavery?

    2. Parliament sought to bind the colonies more closely to England, and deny other European nations, especially the Dutch, from interfering with its American possessions.

      Could the colonies have declined to take part in these acts or did they feel they needed to keep close ties with England?

    1. Nathan Cole, The Spiritual Travels of Nathan Cole, 1761.

      Study Question:

      Do you think the scene that Cole describes is related or similar to more current day religious practice?

      How does Cole come to see himself being “saved”? Is it related to a particular church or church authority? How might Cole’s experience be a threat to established church authorities?

      In the 1730s and 1740s many rural folk rejected the enlightened and rational religion that came from the cosmopolitan pulpits and port cities of British North America. Instead, they were attracted to the evangelical religious movement that became known as the Great Awakening. The English Methodist George Whitefield and other itinerant ministers ignited this popular movement with their speaking tours of the colonies. In this account farmer Nathan Cole described hearing the news of Whitefield’s approach to his Connecticut town, as fields emptied and the populace converged: “I saw no man at work in his field, but all seemed to be gone. ” Like many others during the Great Awakening, Cole achieved an eventual conversion by focusing not on intellectual issues but on emotional experience. Cole took away an egalitarian message about the spiritual equality of all before God, a message that confronted established authorities.

    1. IV. Pursuing Political, Religious and Individual Freedom

      Week 7 Video Lecture

      Study Questions for this section:

      What were the three different colonial political structures and how did they function?

      How did the elected assemblies differ from Parliament in England?

      How did changes in marriage, print and religion affect the colonists ideas about their obligations to authority?

    1. First Hand Accounts Case Study

      Study Questions:

      How do these descriptions of the “Middle Passage” from slave narratives confirm your understanding of the previous readings of this week?

      How do these conditions lead to rebellion?

  8. Aug 2015