24 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. fortunately this is perfectly possible within existing company law by taking the concept the properties in law of legal personhood to their fullest extent

      for - regenerative company - principle 1 of 8 - agency-based instead of ownership-based - implementation - via leveraging full extent of legal personhood

      Comment - Graham points out an interesting insight, that organisations are given legal personhood status -namely, we test a group of people as a person itself - This reminds me of Michael Levin's Multi Scale Competency Architecture

  2. Nov 2024
    1. participation in Pride marches blurs the lines between public and private spaces.

      sexuality tied to gender-based categories so inclusion of sexuality feminises soldiers, challenges traditional liberal distinction between public and private. performance taken out context, homosocial institution- gay people can be disrupted

    1. and its management in state-buildin
    2. worshiped Pan Hu, a legendary figure, as part of their New Year's celebrations.

      more detailed, specific on beliefs

    3. he treatment is anecdotal
    4. "Miao albums" that were compiled by officials responsible for governing frontier areas during the late Yongzheng or early Qianlong periods. These albums contained illustrations and texts describing the customs and practices of different ethnic minority groups in southwest China.
    5. Qing Imperial Illustrations of Tributary Peoples was based on direct observation,
    6. China saw a rise in ethnographic representation of different peoples, including the development of a systematic ethnography of ethnic minority groups.
  3. Oct 2024
    1. Ein internationales Team von Forschenden kommt in einer zusammenfassenden Arbeit zu dem Ergebnis, dass das Erdsystem in die neue Epoche des Anthropozän eingetreten ist. Dafür sei vor allem das Energieungleichgewicht durch Treibhausgase verantwortlich. Das Anthropzän werde wesentlich länger dauern als.das. Holozän, in dem stabile.Umweltbedingungen die.Entwicklung der menschlichen Zivilisation begünstigten https://science.orf.at/stories/3227245/

      Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818124002157?via%3Dihub

    1. Zhang Qian's journey provided the Chinese with valuable information about the lands and peoples of Central Asia, and his report to Emperor Wudi helped to establish trade networks between China and Central Asia.
    2. diplomatic mission to the Yuezhi nomads in modern-day Uzbekistan, led by an official named Zhang Qian. Zhang Qian's journey was a significant one, as it marked the beginning of Chinese travel to Central Asia.
    3. Chinese princesses were sent to marry the Xiongnu leaders as part of the treaty agreement.
    4. Peace and Friendship" accords, established a framework for relations between the Chinese and the Xiongnu that lasted for about 150 years.
    5. he first emperor of the Han dynasty, Liu Bang, was a former official who had once been in charge of policing a section of the imperial highway system.


    6. imperial courier network

      imperial tribute system motivated travel for other purposes as the infrastructure was there

    7. The construction of a network of five great tree-lined 'fast roads' that converged on his capital at Xianyang linked the city to the eastern, southern, and northern regions of the empire.
    8. The Chinese took an important lead in promoting travel, with formal state policy involved in promoting travel
  4. Aug 2024
  5. Apr 2024
  6. Sep 2023
    1. Das Meeeis um die Antarktis bedeckt in diesem September so wenig Ozean Fläche wie in keinem September der Messgeschichte. Im September erreicht es seine maximale Ausdehnung. In diesem diesem Jahr liegt sie 1,75 Millionen Quadratmeter Kilometer unter dem langjährigen Durchschnitt und eine Million Quadratmeter unter dem bisher niedrigsten September-Maximum. Im Februar wurde auch bei der geringsten Ausdehnung des antarktischen Meereises ein Rekord verzeichnet. Ob und wie diese Entwicklung mit der globalen Erhitzung zusammenhängt ist noch unklar. Die obersten 300 m des Ozeans um die Antarktis sind deutlich wärmer als früher. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/26/antarctic-sea-ice-shrinks-to-lowest-annual-maximum-level-on-record-data-shows

  7. Jun 2023
  8. Apr 2021
  9. Dec 2017