6 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. This “heat dome” phrase is not a common phrase within the scientific community
      • for: definition, definition - heat dome, Pacific Northwest heatwave
      • paraphrase

        • This event was widely described in the media as a “heat dome”, wherein
          • subsidence/adiabatic warming,
          • “trapped air”, and
          • sensible heating
        • are the dominant mechanisms driving the anomalous heat.
        • This conceptual model ignores the role of upstream diabatic heating,
          • which our analysis
        • shows is a significant heat source.
        • This “heat dome” phrase is not a common phrase within the scientific community
      • comment

        • the authors do not refer to this event as a heat dome, as is popularly used in the media because diabatic heating was involved
  2. Jul 2023
    1. Der vergangene Juni war der heisseste seit dem Beginn globaler Temperaturaufzeichnungen 1850, wie die Daten der amerikanischen Wetterbehörde NOAA zeigen. Europäischen Copernicus-Daten zufolge waren die beiden ersten Juliwochen mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit die wärmsten der aufgezeichneten menschlichen Geschichte. Der Hitzedom, der die Temperaturen über Mexiko und den südlichen USA in die Höhe treibt, wurde ersten wissenschaftlichen Einschätzungen zufolge durch die globlale Erhitzung 5mal wahrscheinlicher und ca 2.8° wärmer. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/20/climate/hottest-june-in-history-noaa.html

  3. Jun 2023
    1. Prof Kris Ebi from the University of Washington started off the third day of the conference with a presentation on heatwaves and early action plans. She pointed to the 2021 Pacific north-west “heat dome” event, which resulted in around 800 excess deaths and was later found to be a 1-in-10,000 year event. The rarity of that event means, in effect, “these people died because of climate change,” Ebi said. She added: “Every heat-related death is preventable.”

      I hadn't realised the attribution was so clear like this. Wow.

  4. Jul 2021