9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. My son is roughly a year old, which means he is starting to walk. He still can’t make it across the room, but he can take a few steps. He has a peculiar habit of eating bananas while standing. This usually means he holds a large chunk of banana in one hand while using the other to hold on to the table. Sometimes, overcome by banana-eating euphoria, he will let go of the table he’s using for stability, and he’ll just stand. Then he notices what he has done, and he promptly falls down. It is reckless to attribute complex thoughts to a developing child, but it seems like he is able to stand until he remembers that he can’t. It’s like his conscious thoughts are preventing him from walking around the room.

      Reminds me of Dragon Ball's concept of Ultra-Instinct, where the best way to fight is to rely on complete intuition and let go of all thought.

  2. Sep 2022
    1. How to identify a gut instinctThe best advice I ever got on how to trust my gut and intuition was given to me by a psychotherapist years ago. She suggested whenever I have a gut instinct — good or bad — I should first rate the intensity of my emotions from 1 to 10. If they are on the lower end of the spectrum, I’m more inclined to trust my gut. Emotions — like anger, fear or insecurity — are different from Feelings, because they are usually in reaction to something external and feel like a laser that you want to point at people or things. Feelings — like profound sadness and love — are more of a state of being, and Intuition is an inner knowing. So whenever I have to distinguish one from the other, I first start by rating my emotions. — CD

      Claudia Dawson writes about before going with a gut instinct to rate ones intensity of emotions, and then trusting ones gut more if those emotions are less intensive. This is building a reflective loop into it, without doing away with the instinctive response. Vgl how I ask Y to rate from 1-10 when she feels pain (which she now does by herself too), to better understand her.

  3. May 2021
    1. In reality there was no escape. Even the one plan that was practicable, suicide, they had no intention of carrying out. To hang on from day to day and from week to week, spinning out a present that had no future, seemed an unconquerable instinct, just as one's lungs will always draw the next breath so long as there is air available.

      impulse to live

    2. Not merely the love of one person but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire: that was the force that would tear the Party to pieces.
  4. Feb 2021
    1. multiple learned and generalized affectional responses are formed.

      Love can be instinctual but is it a learned behavior if the affectional response is towards someone that you share at least one intimate moment?

  5. Mar 2017
    1. school sweater

      Symbolises civilising structures that demand conformity and adherence to strict dress codes.

  6. Oct 2015
    1. “If I could take German property without sitting down with them for even a minute but go in with jeeps and machine guns,” said David Ben-Gurion, “I would do that.

      Why is it that humans tend to turn to violence to get what they want? Is this a primal instinct still influencing our interpersonal communications with others? Or is it something taught to us as we grow up and witness what is effective in our world? Is violence an effective way of getting what one wants?

  7. Jun 2015
    1. our lack of hardwired patterns of behavior

      This passage reminds me of Lyotard's introduction to The Inhuman, and this Onion article.

  8. Sep 2013
    1. two kinds of instinct

      sadism (component instinct of sexuality, alloy b/t love and destruction) and masochism (union between INWARD destructiveness and sexuality)