900 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. from 6–15% in some landscapes (eg, riparian ecosystems, agricultural landscapes with high crop diversity) to 50% in others (eg, in sloping landscapes, or landscapes where erosion or natural hazards are frequent).

      for - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum varies depending on specific local context

    2. The exact area, quality, and spatial configuration required varies by contribution and location, and thus could not be estimated on a global scale, necessitating local translation, assessment of local context, demand for specific NCP, and application of best practices.

      for earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - only local translation is possible

    3. 10% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 is a sharper threshold, below which evidence suggests that many NCP would almost no longer be provided.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems -absolute minimum of 10% - below this, many of Nature's contribution to people would no longer be provided

    4. safe boundary of at least 20–25% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 in human-modified lands (ie, urban and agro-ecosystems) is needed to support both Earth-system NCP and local NCP, in addition to the functions provided by largely intact lands.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum of 20 to 25% natural / semi-natural habitat per square kilometer

    5. human-modified ecosystems, we systematically analysed six critical NCP at local scales

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales

      stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales - pollination pest and disease control - water-quality regulation - soil protection - natural hazards mitigation - recreation

    6. We capture the main components by identifying safe boundaries for two complementary and synthetic measures of biodiversity: the area of largely intact natural ecosystems, and the functional integrity of ecosystems heavily modified by human pressures.

      for - biodiversity - safe earth system boundaries - 2 measures - intact natural ecosystems - ecosystems modified by human pressures - question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales

      question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales - As ecologist David Suzuki often says, economy depends on ecology, not the other way around - Is there quantification at different potential tipping points for extinction for biodiversity at different scales and localities?

  2. Sep 2024
    1. The loss of the tail is inferred to have occurred around 25 million years ago when the hominoid lineage diverged from the ancient Old World monkeys (Fig. 1a), leaving only 3–5 caudal vertebrae to form the coccyx, or tailbone, in modern humans14.

      for - human evolution - loss of tail approximately 25 million years ago - identified genomic mechanism leading to loss of tail and human bipedalism - human ancestors - up to 60 Ma years ago

    1. our love of freedom is is one of the ways that we as apparently limited beings return naturally to our original condition

      for - comparison - Rupert Spira - limited human being striving for return to natural condition - Dasietz Suzuki - The elbow does not bend backwards - insight - freedom is our natural state - because in our contracted human form - we desire to return to our original expansive form - Rupert Spira comment - As Dasietz Suzuki observed, within the limitations of our form, there is a freedom - After listening for a 2nd or 3rd time, I noted something I missed on the 1st listening. A metaphor helps - My nickname reflects this desire to return to the original expansiveness. "Bottled up" and existing in a "contracted" human form, - we possess a natural desire to expand out of the contracted human form back into its original, primordial expansive state - This is indicated by our innate desire for freedom

    2. we're not called to like everybody but we are called to love everybody i i have a a practice um and it involves taking the image of two people one whom i love deeply and who i like deeply and i take my son for instance that i love him that i feel one with him goes without saying but i also like him very much i then take a second image of someone who i dislike intensely vladimir putin

      for - BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira

      BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira

      adjacency - between - Rupert Spira's exercise to identify the Common Human Denominator (CHD) of the sacred in both - abused-abuser relationship - adjacency relationship - Rupert's exercise can lead to compassion if we study the abused-abuser relationship deeply and bring it to bear - The coexistence of - the feeling of anger arising from the suffering the abuser causes - the feeling of sadness arising from the suffering the abuser has suffered earlier in life - creates a mixture of feelings in the same person - Also can help to think of the mechanism by which the abused-abuser cycle continually becomes reconstructed and perpetuated in the world

      reference - untreated childhood abuse of children - they can grow up to become dictators - such as Putin, Trump and Kim Jong Un - https://hyp.is/LOhh4mqvEe-mU3_0EcDYiQ/acestoohigh.com/2022/03/02/how-vladimir-putins-childhood-is-affecting-us-all/

    1. Already with the idea that the universe wants to do exactly what we want to do, which is to know ourselves. You think about it. The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself when you have it

      for - quote - The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself - Federico Faggin - Deep Humanity - Know thyself

      quote - The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself - Federico Faggin - (see below) - Already with the idea that the universe wants to do EXACTLY what WE want to do, - which is to KNOW OURSELVES - You think about it - The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself when you have it

    2. Technology, great technology can continue, but we better we better think about who are who we are. And especially this technology can will allow people to see that the purpose of life is not the survival of the fittest, but it is to cooperate together, to know each other. And that is what we have ahead of us. If we want to have a better planet, we better learn how to cooperate instead of competing.

      for - quote - Federico Faggin

      quote - we better learn how to cooperate - Federico Faggin - (see below) - Technology, great technology can continue, but we better think about who we are. - And especially this technology can will allow people to see that - the purpose of life is not the survival of the fittest, but it is - to cooperate together, - to know each other. - And that is what we have ahead of us. - If we want to have a better planet, - we better learn how to cooperate instead of competing

      • This is perhaps one of the most important messages from this talk
      • Technology alone cannot save us,
        • FF advocates that the human inner transformation is equally if not more important than any kind of technological transformation
        • Indeed, from the Deep Humanity, Stop Reset Go perspective,
          • the efficacy of collective Human Inner Transformation (HIT) is intimately linked to
          • the efficacy of Social Outer Transformation (SOT)
  3. Aug 2024
    1. I think what needs to be done is a clean separation from this discussion of human which can mean some kind of psycholog psychobiological Psychosocial biological entity

      for - human being as - psycho-bio-social-entity

    1. ultimately dissociation doesn't really happen it's um it's a model i think it's a an accurate a very useful model but the best way i can i can describe this is using the analogy of going to a 3d imax cinema

      for - metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - localize Rupert Spira - terminology - dissociate - Bernado Kastrup - terminology - localize and contract - Rupert Spira - universal consciousness contracts to finite human consciousness - question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup

      metaphor - analogy - dissociation - Bernardo Kastrup - to - 3D imax cinema - Rupert Spira - At 3d Imax cinema, we wear a pair of special glasses - that make the otherwise fuzzy image to acquire a 3rd dimension - In the same way, our raw universal consciousness is like the fuzzy pattern we see on the 3d Imax screen when we DON'T have any special glasses on - When we perceive and think, it is like putting on the 3D glasses in the Imax theatre and suddenly we see objects with great clarity - Spira talks about universal consciousness "localizing" within its own activity - in the form of a finite mind of a human being

      question - meaning of dissociate - Bernardo Kastrup - Does Kastrup mean that we infinite / universal consciousness dissociates from itself into the finite human consciousness? - answer - It appears so, as at time 45:50, Spira summarizes Kastrup's views on dissociation

    2. when consciousness puts on the glasses of a finite mind a human mind it puts on the glasses that consist of thinking and perceiving it is that activity which seems to localize consciousness within itself as a separate subject of experience from whose perspective it views its own activity as the outside universe

      for - key insight - universal consciousness contracts to localized human consciousness - experiences its own activity as the outside universe - Rupert Spira

    3. don't do this experiment philosophically do it experientially it's like undressing at night we take off everything that can be taken off

      for BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira

      BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira - metaphor - Like taking all our clothes off when we are preparing for bedtime

      comment - self knowledge exercise - Rupert Spira - This exercise makes me think of my own thoughts around discovering or rather, rediscovering one's true nature - If we are to discuss the "greater self" from whence we came, then it's tantamount to discovering - the nature nature within - human nature - So anything that is recognized as human nature, cannot be the ground state - The ground state must go beyond anything that depends on the human body - Thoughts and perceptions are mediated by brains and sense organs, both depend on the human body and so - are dependent on human nature - Self knowledge is unmediated and directly experienced - It has the quality of the ground state within us, the nature part of our human nature

    4. reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them

      for - quotation - Rupert Spira - reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them

      quotation - Rupert Spira - reality lies behind the multiplicity and diversity of appearances and is concealed by them - A subset of this claim is that the same universal consciousness is in the multiplicity and diversity of appearances of human INTERbeCOMings

    1. Salesman documents the work of a group of door-to-door Bible salesmen in New England and Florida. Deeper down, the film is a dissection of the degenerative and devastating effects of capitalism on small towns and individuals, but more than any political statement the film is about normal people in all their ugliness and truthfulness.

      see also: Barnouw, Erik (1993), Documentary a History of the Non-fiction Film (PDF), New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 241–242, retrieved March 30, 2020

    1. Needs better sourcing, but

      Henry Dreyfuss added crinkle paint to his Royal Quiet De Luxe typewriter design to diffuse reflected light so that typists who worked at their machines all day wouldn't have headaches from the glare reflecting off the fronts of their machines.

    1. 17:24 "Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature. The quaint old forms — elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest — will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial — but democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit."<br /> -- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958)

      aka: soft power. psychowar. aggressive exploitation of human stupidity.

      we have two worlds: public and private = day and night.<br /> everything in public life is optimized for idiots = neurotics = socialists and nationalists.<br /> smart people are forced to hide in private life = psychotics = communists and fascists.<br /> the basis for this division are personality types, which are inborn and stable for life.<br /> this means, idiots are physically trapped in their stupidity (in plato's cave),<br /> and all forms of "education" can only hide that stupidity.<br /> idiots are physically blind to conspiracies, high-level organized crime, slavery.<br /> so the challenge is to find a better symbiosis between stupid and smart people.

    1. “Building housing in existing communities is one of our best climate solutions, and paving over 17,000 acres of non-irrigated farmland is not,

      for - sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - California Forever - intentional community - green debate

      sustainable building - building reuse vs new build - which is better? - Study by Preservation Green Lab in 2012 concluded that in most cases, reusing existing buildings is far lower carbon footprint than building new - Research study shows that we cannot expand human activity into intact nature any longer if we are to stay within planetary boundaries - Rockstrom - https://hyp.is/0dbJ4FQSEe-QxY8q4Y3yvw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaboF3vAsZs

    1. we go from not  understanding it to apathy in the span of an afternoon which is another issue. Um, so so  what should we do?

      for - question - planetary emergency - ignorance or apathy - what should we do?

      question - planetary emergency - ignorance or apathy - what should we do? - Johan Rockstrom advocates for three simultaneous internventions that must be executed in order to achieve the following impacts: - Legally binding global governance regimes must be implemented: immediately - Paris Agreement - biodiversity agreements - Internalize all externalities - Implement a global price on carbon emissions of at least 100 USD / ton - Stop all expansion of human activity into intact nature

    2. there are other tipping  points, like for example, lakes. that can flip over from, you  know, oxygen rich, fish rich, clear water lakes into these murky,  algal bloom dominated, anoxic states, dead states, based on nutrient loading  and overfishing, and that is a Oh, not from climate or temperature. Not anything, no, has  nothing to do with climate or temperature, it's just a, mismanagement,

      for - other types of tipping points - not climate but human mismanagement of resources

    1. this propaganda plays on psychological structure and if you're able to fish into that you're able to exploit those irrational Tendencies

      for - climate crisis propaganda - human psychology used to exploit irrational tendencies of people to delay climate action

    1. the latest trend in investment to fight online rumors, which is far too focused on technological fixes for what is fundamentally a human problem.

      Often, because misinformation is spread using technological means, we focus on using technology to dampen the spread of rumors. The root of the problem is really a human one, however, so it may help significantly to focus efforts on that locus.

      Link to Swift quote about lies and truth: https://hypothes.is/a/Ys0x_m65Ee6GOPtD0OROJw

    1. we are slower we are irrational we are imperfect we are drifting away we are forgetting stuff we are making mistakes but we are learning from our failures we get support from our from our friends from our from our colleagues and we are understanding and instead of just analyzing the world and this is giving us the ultimate cognitive Edge

      for - key insight - human vs artificial intelligence - humans will create the best ideas

      key insight - human vs artificial intelligence - humans will create the best ideas - why? - because we are - slower - imperfect - less rational - drifting away - forgetting - and we learn from the mistakes we make and from different perspectives shared with us

    2. how long did it take you to understand the word brexit

      for - neuroscience - human abilities - example Brexit and variations

    3. human beings are good at getting distracted at mentally drifting away doing something else and thereby thereby understanding the world and give meaning to stuff

      for - neuroscience - human understanding - what makes us excel? - forgetting and getting distracted!

    4. usually it sticks you you know that moment you know that aha moment when you say ah I got it I understood it and suddenly from one second to the next your your way of thinking completely changes and this is the main difference in our world

      for - human learning - key feature - evolutionary nature - indyweb - key feature - evolutionary nature of learning

    5. human beings don't do that we understand that the chair is not a specifically shaped object but something you consider and once you understood that concept that principle you see chairs everywhere you can create completely new chairs

      for - comparison - human vs artificial intelligence

      question - comparison - human vs artificial intelligence - Can't an AI also consider things we sit on to then generalize their classifcation algorithm?

    6. the brain is Islam Islam is it is lousy and it is selfish and still it is working yeah look around you working brains wherever you look and the reason for this is that we totally think differently than any kind of digital and computer system you know of and many Engineers from the AI field haven't figured out that massive difference that massive difference yet

      for - comparison - brain vs machine intelligence

      comparison - brain vs machine intelligence - the brain is inferior to machine in many ways - many times slower - much less accurate - network of neurons is mostly isolated in its own local environment, not connected to a global network like the internet - Yet, it is able to perform extraordinary things in spite of that - It is able to create meaning out of sensory inputs - Can we really say that a machine can do this?

    7. this blue ball with three stumps a chair or this strange design object here because you can sit on it and what you see here is the difference the main difference between the computer world and the brainworld

      for - comparison - brain vs machine intelligence - comparison - human intelligence vs artificial intelligence

      comparison - human intelligence vs artificial intelligence - AI depends on feeding the AI system with huge datasets that it can - analyze and make correlations and - perform big data analysis - Humans don't operate the same way

    1. for - climate crisis - psychology - wrong approach

      summary - Climate scientist professor Mojib Latif explores why our best efforts at rapid intervention to deal with the climate crisis are failing - Near the end of the program, he interviews professor Henning Beck, a neuroscientist who suggests that human brains have evolved to be rewarded for securing more. - Dopamine is released when we get more and we have not designed our intervention strategies aligned with this basic property of our brains

  4. Jul 2024
    1. Culturally, we in the West, at least, have inherited a tradition of human exceptionalism rooted in the idea that human beings, uniquely, are made in God’s image and, as the Bible says, are meant to ‘have dominion … over all the earth’.

      for - human exceptionalism - example - the bible

    1. it might help people live more meaningful lives, by feeling a sense of connection to the greater whole of the human species, and allowing this connection to guide their lives.

      for - more meaningful lives from connecting to the greater whole of the human species - n other words - experience the sacred

    1. 26:30 Brings up progress traps of this new technology


      question How do we shift our (human being's) relationship with the rest of nature


      metaphor - interspecies communications - AI can be compared to a new scientific instrument that extends our ability to see - We may discover that humanity is not the center of the universe


      Question - Dr Doolittle question - Will we be able to talk to the animals? - Wittgenstein said no - Human Umwelt is different from others - but it may very well happen


      species have culture - Marine mammals enact behavior similar to humans

      • Unknown unknowns will likely move to known unknowns and to some known knowns


      citizen science bioacoustic projects - audio moth - sound invisible to humans - ultrasonic sound - intrasonic sound - example - Amazonian river turtles have been found to have hundreds of unique vocalizations to call their baby turtles to safety out in the ocean


      ocean habitat for whales - they can communicate across the entire ocean of the earth - They tell of a story of a whale in Bermuda can communicate with a whale in Ireland


      progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - examples - examples - poachers or eco tourism can misuse


      progress trap - AI for interspecies communications - policy


      whale protection technology - Kim Davies - University of New Brunswick - aquatic drones - drones triangulate whales - ships must not get near 1,000 km of whales to avoid collision - Canadian government fines are up to 250,000 dollars for violating


      environmental regulation - overhaul for the next century - instead of - treatment, we now have the data tools for - prevention

      56:40 - ecological relationship - pollinators and plants have co-evolved


      AI for interspecies communication - example - human cultural evolution controlling evolution of life on earth

    1. for - progress trap - AI -

      article details - title - Hollow, world! (Part 1 of 5) - author - James Allen - date - 10 July, 2024 - publication - substack - self link - https://allenj.substack.com/p/hollow-world-part-1-of-5

      summary James Allen provides an insightful description of ultra-anthropomorphic AI, AI that attempts to simulate an entire, whole human being.

      In short, he points out the fundamental distinction between the real experience of another human being, and a simulation of one. In so doing, he gets to the heart of what it is to be human.

      An AI is a simulation of a human being. No matter how realistic it's responses and actions, it is not evolved out of biology. I have no doubts that scientists are hard at work trying to make a biological AI. The distinction becomes fuzzier then.

      Current AI cannot possibly simulate the experience of being in a fragile and mortal body and all that this entails. If an AI robot says it understands joy or pain, that statement isn't built on the combined exteroception and interoception of being in a biological body, rather, it is based on many linguistic statements it has assimilated.

    1. Global industrialized world is doing today on the planet is that it's just so far out of equilibrium and so beyond um the Al operation of the 00:50:27 carbon cycle that it's just completely it's impossible that it will that it will persist um very far into the future

      for - climate crisis - reflections - perspectives - human vs deep time

      adjacency - between - climate crisis - different perspectives - human vs - deep time - adjacency relationship - Our global industrialized world is perturbing the carbon cycle so far out of equilibrium that the status quo civilization cannot persist very far into the future<br /> - the earth system has been through many such perturbations and it ALWAYS self corrects - Even the most extreme climate events earth has ever experienced are called transient because they are still relatively short in geological time - In the long term, the planet will restore equilibrium no matter how much extreme the perturbations human civilization creates in the next few centuries - In the long term, the earth is going to be fine - Homo sapien is just one of millions of species, most of which have gone extinct - We should NOT feel we are exceptional - We are comparing different timescales: - human lifetimes are measured in a hundred years - earth system time scales are measured in millions of years - even if there were another mass extinction event, on a geological time scale of tens of million years a new biosphere will regenerate and the ocean chemistry will be restored - Here we have an interesting intersectionality of different timescales. - paleontologists provide a deep time perspective - while we humans live in a timescale of no greater than 100 years - our bodies cannot directly sense change in deep time - therefore, any scientific information about deep time will need to go through our cognitive system - Our body is not evolutionarily designed to biologically respond to information on a deep-time timescale - It may be beneficial to help us see from a deep-time perspective to appreciate the geological-scale changes we are responsible for

    2. in completely hijacking the the global car carbon cycle now you know the temperature 00:42:19 of the planet in in the future and the pH of the oceans and the oxygen levels in uh the oceans is no longer you know determined 00:42:32 by Earth system processes like it has been for all of Earth history it is um fundamentally rooted through human institutions

      for - quote - carbon cycle - hijacked by political institutions and business

      quote - carbon cycle - hijacked by political and business institutions - (see below) - In completely hijacking the global car carbon cycle now - the temperature of the planet - the pH of the oceans and - the oxygen levels in the oceans - are no longer determined by Earth system processes like it has been for all of Earth history - it is fundamentally rooted in human institutions - There really isn't any disentangling the the science from the the political

      adjacency - between - carbon cycle - human processes - politics and business - adjacency relationship - The carbon cycle is no longer controlled by earth system processes, - as it has been for billions of years, - but rather by human processes of politics and business

    3. I don't think humans are going extinct anytime soon um but I do think 00:36:25 the global Industrial you know networked societies might be a lot more fragile

      for - Climate change impacts - human extinction - don't think so - paleontological evidence shows that humans are a resilient species

      Climate change impacts - human extinction - don't think so - paleontological evidence shows that humans are a resilient species - ice ages are really extreme events that humans have survived - Before entering the holocene interglacial period we have been in for the past 10,000 years, the exit from the previous Ice Age took approximately 10,000 years and - there was 400 feet of sea level rise - North America was covered with an Antarctica's equivalence of ice thickness - there was a quarter less vegetation a on the planet - it was dusty and miserable living conditions - There have been dozens of these natural climate oscillations over the past two and a half million years and humans are about 5 to 6 million years old, so have survived all of these - Sometimes in really particularly harsh climate swings,<br /> - speciations of new hominids will appear along with - new tools in the record or - evidence that there's been better control over fire - Humans are resilient and super adaptable - We've lived and adapted to the conditions on all the continents - We will make it through, but modern, industrialized, global society likely won't

  5. Jun 2024
    1. Raw facts are useless for college-level essay questions.

      How does this fare with Indian Education System in High School? The mainstream boards like CBSE and ICSE emphasise rote learning instead.

      But even if you have to memorise raw facts, note-taking is prolly not the best way to go.

    1. AGI level factories are going to shift from going to human run to AI directed using human physical labor soon to be fully being run by swarms of human level robots

      for - progress trap - AI and human enslavement?

      progress trap - human enslavement? - Isn't what the speaker is talking about here is that - AI will be the masters and - humans will become slaves?

    2. you're going to have like 100 million more AI research and they're going to be working at 100 times what 00:27:31 you are

      for - stats - comparison of cognitive powers - AGI AI agents vs human researcher

      stats - comparison of cognitive powers - AGI AI agents vs human researcher - 100 million AGI AI researchers - each AGI AI researcher is 100x more efficient that its equivalent human AI researcher - total productivity increase = 100 million x 100 = 10 billion human AI researchers! Wow!

    3. perhaps 100 million human researcher equivalents running day and night t

      for - stats - AI evolution - equivalent of 100 million human researchers working 24/7

      stats - AI evolution - equivalent of 100 million human researchers working 24/7 - By 2027, the industry's aim is to have tens of millions of GPU training clusters, running - millions of copies of automated AI researchers, or the equivalent of - 100 million human AI researchers working 24/7

    1. I certainly think 00:05:50 it's our symbolic abilities that have gotten us here tremendous capacities

      for - answer - Planet Critical podcast - Terrence Deacon - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why? - human symbolic abilities - mass collaboration

      answer - Planet Critical podcast - Terrence Deacon - We're in existential crisis - but difficult to convey to most people - why? - Our symbolic abilities have given us tremendous capacities - Over the past two thousand years, - our ability to communicate - has allowed us to create amazing technologies - Example: James Web telescope - millions of hours of human thought - thousands of people collaborating - now we an look back billions of years - We are no longer isolated minds - Our symbolic capacity allows us to - share thoughts, - collectively plan futures - unlike any other species

    1. what's the point what am i g to get out of this it's the same question actually

      for - question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - adjacency - what's the point? - what's in it for me? - human attention - progress traps

      question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - When these questions pop up, - it can be a good opportunity to engage the other in deeper dialogue to reveal deeper complexity

      adjacency - between - questions - what's in it for me? - what's the point? - human attention - progress trap - complexity - emptiness - adjacency relationship - These questions come up a lot - and they indicate a normative human tendency: - When we focus attention on what we consider salient in our dynamic, constructed salience landscape - at the same time it defocuses our attention from the rest of the field the salient feature occurs within - In this sense, overemphasize on these questions could reveal a dependency on oversimplification - of the complexity inherent all every life situation - Remember that emptiness, with its pillars of - intertwingledness and - change - pervades everything, everywhere and everytime - and such continuous oversimplification is tantamount to - ignoring the empty nature of reality and - leads to progress traps

    2. if we just had a big enough spreadsheet we could get the data in and then we could get you know something like AI or some you know some other computational 00:12:32 process in to help us deal with all this complexity because our little brains can't handle it and my feeling about this is that 00:12:44 actually no

      for - adjacency - AI - Nora Bateson - solving wicked problems - no - Human Intelligence - HI - yes - @gyuri

  6. May 2024
    1. “Both the optimist and the pessimist contribute to society: the optimist invents the airplane, and the pessimist invents the parachute.”
    2. maybe understanding AI will help us understand ourselves

      Because we'd need to find the values that guide us to make AI better.

      It's something like: $$\text{Self-awareness} \propto \text{Fulfillment of goals}$$

    3. Humane Values: “What are humane values, anyway?” (a problem for philosophy & ethics) The Technical Alignment Problem: “How can we make AI robustly serve any intended goal at all?” (a problem for computer scientists - surprisingly, still unsolved!)

      Interesting. For me, humane values would be doing the right thing and helping people. I think Stoic philosophy resembles "humane values" in my regard.

    4. A human may or may not be humane

      Strongly Agree

    1. found something extremely interesting that certain proteins had evolved by an almost legol like 00:54:01 recombination of components that had already been tested and tried to make a new very interesting legol like object which is a new protein

      for - follow up - 2001 human genome Nature paper - proteins synthesized by higher level processes, not just genes - 2001 Nature paper on human genome project

      to - 2001 human genome project Nature paper - https://hyp.is/KMjUJBYFEe-U9JdKN9-cVw/www.nature.com/articles/35057062

    2. it had to give us something which all the other 00:11:37 organisms didn't have which was a cell that was different a mind that was different that gave us agency but denied it to other organisms and that unfortunately I think 00:11:50 persisted

      for - quote - human agency - Ray Noble

      quote - (see below)

      • It had to give us something which all the other organisms didn't have which was
        • a cell that was different
        • a mind that was different
      • that gave us agency
        • but denied it to other organisms
        • and that unfortunately I think persisted
    1. if you could correct this Gene would we have the future reassured and we can then avoid all of these diseases I very much doubt it and I think it's very dangerous 00:23:49 because

      for - adjacency - progress trap - Crispr - gene therapy - Denis Noble - human genome project

      adjacency - between - human genome project - gene therapy - Crispr - progress trap - adjacency relationship - The idea that we can find specific causal relationships between genes and disease and use gene therapy to cure disease, - an envisioned goal of the human genome project - can be very dangerous because - usually one gene collaborates with many other genes to bring about an effect - If we don't know all the relationships, we can bring about a progress trap

    2. if I met a robot that looked very much like a beautiful girl and everything went fine together with her and me but

      for - comparison - human vs AI robot - Denis Noble

    1. I wouldn't focus too much on "posted only after human review" - it's worth noting that's that's worth nothing. We literally just saw a case of obviously riduculous AI images in a scientific paper breezing through peer review with noone caring, so quality will necessarily go down because Brandolini's law combined with AI is the death sentence for communities like SE and I doubt they'll employ people to review content from the money they'll make
    1. George Monbiot zur Entscheidung Sunaks, die Öl- und Gasproduktion in der Nordsee zu maximieren. Er spricht vom pollution paradox: Die Firmen, die dem Planeten am meisten schaden, haben die triftigsten Gründe, in Politik und Desinformation zu investieren. Indiz für Desinformation sei der Rückgriff auf CCS. Die Konservativen erhalten große Spenden von der Fossilindustrie. Sunak hat verschuldet, dass der CO<sub>2</sub>-Preis in Uk nur noch halb so hoch ist wie in der EU. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/01/rishi-sunak-north-sea-planet-climate-crisis-plutocrats

  7. Apr 2024
    1. Cohen, Rachel M. “What the Supreme Court Case on Tent Encampments Could Mean for Homeless People.” Vox, April 21, 2024. https://www.vox.com/scotus/24123323/grants-pass-scotus-supreme-court-homeless-tent-encampments.

    2. The city council president said Grants Pass’s goal was to “make it uncomfortable enough for them in our city so they will want to move on down the road.”

      Why is it that so many of Americans' gut reactions is to "kick the can down the road" rather than to solve the underlying problems?

    1. each bird interacts only with its seven closest neighbors.

      adjacency - between - starling murmuration discovery of seven closest neighbors - cosmolocal impacts - cascading social tipping points - SIMPOL / SIMACT - adjacency statement - Could this finding of starling murmuration behavior also apply to collective human behavior, especially social tipping points?

    2. human murmurations - from - LinkedIn post - https://hyp.is/xHpumACHEe-9MfvNBLN4Cg/www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7183258116195561472/ - then Youtube search for " starling murmurations Italy" - - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-GZV2Af5Fyo

      • Stimulated by the Linked In post that came across my feed this morning and exploring adjacencies with my Living Cities Earth peers, Paul Hawken's book came to mind:
        • Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
      • and began googling to explore the adjacencies between

      adjacency - between - sparling murmurations - human murmurations - human potential - emergent collective whole system change

    1. One transaction at a time would generallynot lead either to much work or muchbusiness, and besides, a transaction cannot always be completedwhile you wait. The consequence is that we arrive at a num-ber of transactions going on simultaneously. When we nowreach the stage of too much work, then we must find waysand means to supplement our energy. Thus we arrive at amultitude of transactions by means of concerted action.

      While using different verbiage, Kaiser is talking about the idea of information overload here and providing the means to tame it by appropriately breaking it up into pieces upon which we might better apply our energies to turn it into something.

    1. But I, for mere suspicion in that kind,Will do as if for surety. He holds me well

      In this case, Iago is describing the effect and power he holds on others, by spreading suspicion. Could it be that he himself is entranced by the workings of suspicion, played by some external force? His power seems to work against him!



  8. Mar 2024
    1. for - kinship - history of human kinship - evolution - extended to nuclear family

      paper details - title: Family Institution and Modernization: A Sociological Perspective - author: Ilori Oladapo Mayowa - date: 2019

      summary - A paper that describes the evolution of human kinship from extended familly to nuclear family in modernity.

    1. for - adjacency - liberalism - ubiquity - invisibility - polycrisis - climate change - climate crisis - book - Liberalism and the Challenge of Climate Change

      summary - This is an insightful interview with Dr. Christopher Shaw as he discusses his book, Liberalism and the Challenge of Climate Change.

      adjacency - between - liberalism - ubiquity - invisibility - polycrisis - metaphor - fish in water, fish in the ocean - adjacency statement - Above all, this book points out that - liberalism is an idea that is - so ubiquitous and j - which everyone without exception is profoundly steeped within that, - like fish in water, a medium that is everywhere, the medium becomes invisible. - At the heart of - modernity's culture wars and - political polarization, - there is a kind of false dichotomy between - liberals and - conservatives, - as both are steeped in the worldview of liberalism - From the Stop Reset Go perspective, - Dr. Shaw's thesis aligns with - the Stop Reset Go Deep Humanity open source praxis, - whose essence is precisely to facilitate helping individuals to understand the powerful connection between - ubiquity and - invisibility. - via Common Human Denominators (CHD)

    2. there's the famous quote from David Foster Wallace about you know the story about the two fish

      metaphor - liberalism and fish in the water - Christopher illustrates the relationship that often persists between - something that is ubiquitous and - its invisibility - He attributes this to David Foster Wallace's metaphoric story of - two young fish swimming in a body of water and - a school of older fish come by and ask them "how's the water?" - to which they respond "what's water?"

      adjacency - between - ubiquity - invisibility - liberalism - the unintended consequences of liberalism - adjacency statement - An idea such as liberalism is so fundamental in the fabric of modernity that - everyone takes it for granted and - subsequently, it fades into invisibility - The main challenge of something that is invisible is that - if we cannot see it, - then we cannot really deal with it if there are any problems with it

      adjacency - between - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators (CHD) - ubiquity - invisibility - adjacency statement - This often-cited metaphor also lies at the heart of Deep Humanity, - an open source praxis that also lay at the heart of Stop Reset Go, developed precisely to deal with - tacit awareness, - hidden assumptions - deeply held and unquestioned beliefs and - ubiquitous ideas that become invisible - In fact, the Common Human Denominators (CHD) of Deep Humanity - is precisely that set of ideas that are - ubiquitously known by all humans - to such an extent that their value becomes invisible - and their appreciation thereby lost - Deep Humanity's purpose is to recover this lost appreciation in order to facilitate a sufficiently powerful collective transition out of our current poly-meta-perma-crisis

    1. 12:00 assassinations of many african leaders. Muammar Gaddafi, patrice lumumba of congo, sir abubakar tafawa balewa of nigeria, thomas sankara... history is repeating itself, only the actors are changing. -- 50 years ago, the empire called this "war on communism", nowadays the empire calls this "war on terror" or "war on nationalism" or "fighting for democracy" or "fighting for freedom"... and the empire will ALWAYS find useful idiots to fight for these lies, because human stupidity is the most stable resource of all, human stupidity is infinite.

      The great Alexander's empire collapsed,<br /> the empire of the ancient Romans<br /> and the empire of Napoleon fell into ruins,<br /> they were built on the power of weapons.

      But the Empire of New Rome<br /> has existed for almost 1500 years<br /> and will last for who knows how long,<br /> because it rests on the most solid foundation:<br /> the stupidity of humans.

      -- Otto von Corvin

  9. Feb 2024
    1. “How do you like it?” he asked the serving-man.“Roses occasionally suffer from black spot.”“These roses are guaranteed free from any imperfections.”“It is always advisable to purchase goods with guarantees, even if they cost slightly more.”

      Humans reject any imperfection, even if it means, in this case, a more artificial rose. The last sentence could be a subtle commentary on human nature and our pursuit of both perfection and security. 

    1. for best results pipe rg --json output to delta: this avoids parsing ambiguities that are inevitable with the output of git grep and grep
    1. "..man's task, is...to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious...As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence" Carl Jung

    1. for - adjacency - microscopic biology - macroscopic ecology - multi-scale competency architecture - Michael Levin - Jonas Wickman - micro-to-macro

      paper details - title - Eco-evolutionary emergence of macroecological scaling in plankton communities - author - Jonas Wickman - Elena Litchman - date - feb 15, 2024 - publication - Science VOL. 383, NO. 6684

      reference - https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk6901

      summary - This is a very interesting finding that links rules in the micro world to behavior in the macro. - It is relevant to Michael Levin's research on multi-scale competency architecture

      question - how would this impact the micro relations between - the microscopic world of humans - the normal macroscopic world of humans

    1. Each operator, though initially hired asa temp, and, in some cases, no more than high-school-educated, isthe survivor of a rigorous two-week training program. (Most hiresdo not make it through training.)

      Observation in 1994 of short term training of high school graduates for specific tasks which seems to hold true of similar customer service reps in 2024 based on anecdotal evidence of a friend who does customer service training.

    1. He was an early ecologicalactivist, warning against human-induced climate change before anyone else,and publishing in 1864 Man and Nature: or, Physical Geography as Modifiedby Human Action.

      Cross reference The Parrot and the Igloo.

    2. Dr Minor would read a text not for its meaning but for its words. It wasa novel approach to the task – the equivalent of cutting up a book word byword, and then placing each in an alphabetical list which helped the editorsquickly find quotations. Just as Google today ‘reads’ text as a series of wordsor symbols that are searchable and discoverable, so with Dr Minor. A manualundertaking of this kind was laborious – he was basically working as acomputer would work – but it probably resulted in a higher percentage of hisquotations making it to the Dictionary page than those of other contributors.
  10. Jan 2024
    1. Moravec’s view is that the robots will eventually suc-ceed us—that humans clearly face extinction.

      Joy contends that one of Hans Moravec's views in his book Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind is that robots will push the human species into extinction in much the same way that early North American placental species eliminated the South American marsupials.

    2. The systems involvedare complex, involving interaction among and feedback between manyparts. Any changes to such a system will cascade in ways that are diffi-cult to predict; this is especially true when human actions are involved.

      Perhaps the evolution to solve AI-resistance (mentioned in https://hypothes.is/a/-JjZurr3Ee6EtG8G_Sbt8Q) won't be done at the level of the individual human genome, but will be done at the human society level genome.

      Political groups of people have an internal memetic genome which can evolve and change over time much more quickly than the individual human's genes would work.

    1. by far the most illuminating to me is the idea that mental causation works from virtual futures towards the past 00:33:17 whereas physical causation works from the past towards the future and these two streams of causation sort of overlap in the present

      for - comparison - mental vs physical causation - adjacency - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence - Sheldrake's mental vs physical causation

      key insight - comparison - mental vs physical causation - mental causation works from virtual futures to past - physical causation works from past to future - this is an interesting way of seeing things

      adjacency - between - direction of mental vs physical causation - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence (adopting WIlliam James's idea) and cognition and cognitive light cones of living organisms:: - having a goal - having autonomy and agency to reach that goal - adjacency statement - Levin adopts a definition of cognition from scientific predecessors that relate to goal activity. - When an organism chooses one specific behavioral trajectory over all other possible ones in order to reach a goal - this is none other than choosing a virtual future that projects back to the present - In our species, innovation and design is based on this future-to-present backwards projection

    1. the contents of your mind, your self model, your model of the outside world, where the boundary between you and the outside world is- so where do you end and the outside world begins- all of these things are constantly being constructed 00:00:36 and created.

      for - quote - Michael Levin - quote - Human INTERBeCOMing

      • quote
        • ()
          • the contents of your mind,
          • your self model,
          • your model of the outside world,
          • where the boundary between you and the outside world is
            • so where do you end and the outside world begins
        • all of these things are constantly being constructed and created.

      validation for - Human INTERBeCOMing - Levin validates Deep Humanity redefinition of human being to human INTERbeCOMing, as a verb, and ongoing evolutionary process rather than a fixed, static object

    1. Die Schneedecken sind in einigen Regionen bder Nordhalbkugel wir den Alpen zwischen 1981 und 2020 pro Jahrzehnt um 10 bis 20% zurückgegangen. Eine Studie Leistung zum ersten Mal nach, dass dieser Prozess, auf die anthropogene globale Erhitzung zurückzuführen ist. Der Prozess wird sich fortsetzen und möglicherweise inGegenden, in denen die Flüsse bisher in großem Ausmaß von Schnee gespeist wurden, zu Trockenheit führen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000202524/fehlender-schnee-geht-auf-menschengemachten-klimawandel-zurueck

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06794-y

  11. Dec 2023
    1. if 00:36:19 you really want to make a change you cannot do it as an isolated individual the superpower of our spe is not individual genius it's the 00:36:30 ability to cooperate in large numbers so if you want to really change something join an organization or start an organization but 50 people who cooperate as part of a community of an 00:36:44 organization of a team they can make a much much bigger change than 500 isolated individuals
      • for: leverage point - collaboration, human superpower - collaboration, quote - collaboration, quote - cooperation

      • quote the superpower of our species is not individual genius, it's the ability to cooperate in large numbers.

      • author: Yval Noah Harari
      • date: 2023
    2. the question is often do people acknowledge that say the basic rules of their society were created out of the human imagination or are there some kind 00:15:49 of objective thing that came from outside let's say from God you look for instance at the history of slavery so you know the 10 Commandments in the in the 10th commandment there is an 00:16:02 endorsement of slavery the 10th commandment says that you should not covet your neighbor's H uh wife or ox or field or 00:16:14 slaves implying that there is nothing wrong with holding slaves it's only wrong if you CET your neighbor's slaves then God is angry with you now because the Ten Commandments uh don't 00:16:27 acknowledge that they were created by humans they don't have any mechanism to amend them and therefore we still have the tenth commandment and nobody has the power to change the to to strike out 00:16:40 slavery from The Ten Commandments now the US Constitution in contrast as everybody points out it was written partly by slaveholders and also endorses 00:16:52 slavery but the genius of the American Founders The Genius of the American institution is that it acknowledges its own that it's the result of of of human 00:17:05 creation it starts with with the people not with I am your God and therefore it includes a mechanism to amend itself
      • for: insight - holy vs human scriptures

      • comment

        • Harari touches on an important point here. If some edict is interpreted as written by "God", then it is very difficult or impossible to amend.
        • In contrast, human scriptures such as a country's constitution, a scientific law, rules of a sport, engagement rules of the stock market or an economic system are all created by humans and can be amended
        • Why is gay marriage so volatile a subject? It's because there is one interpretation that holy scripture only condones relationships between a man and a woman.
    1. there's this broader issue of of being able to get inside other people's heads as we're driving down the road all the time we're looking at other 00:48:05 people and because we have very advanced theories of mind
      • for: comparison - AI - HI - example - driving, comparison - artificial i human intelligence - example - driving
    2. in my view the biggest the most dangerous phenomenon on the human on our planet is uh human stupidity it's not artificial intelligence
      • for: meme - human stupidity is more dangerous than artificial intelligence

      • meme: human stupidity is more dangerous than artificial intelligence

      • author:Nikola Danaylov
      • date: 2021
    1. Australian Princeton philosopher Peter Singer has 00:42:22 talked about the the broadening radius of our moral uh of our moral scope but those we include within our moral Community uh potentially to include 00:42:35 biota and animals for instance outside the human community
      • for: expanded sense of community, beyond the human morall community, animal communication, earth species protect
    1. naturalism, paradise on earth, relations... i heard some fuzzy attempts to approach these topics.<br /> in my work, i propose a mathematcally-exact system, to describe and predict human relations,<br /> in a culture, that also works in a post-collapse world, in small groups of 150 people. book:<br /> pallas. who are my friends. group composition by personality type.<br /> github .com /milahu /alchi

  12. Nov 2023
      • for: enthnography - Jarawa, African-Asian tribe, Alexandre Dereims, human origins - Jawara, anthropology - Jarawa, Andaman archipelago

      • summary

        • An extraordinary film by filmmaker Alexandre Dereims about the isolated Jawara people, believed to be one of the first peoples to migrate out of Africa and who landed in an island off the coast of India. Their way of life has not changed for tens of thousands of years but unfortunately, is being quickly eroded by the influences of modernity.
        • This film documents the life of this ancient tribe, who until recently lived in complete isolation from modernity. Dereims illegally entered the territory to film the Jawara tribe and give them a voice in the context of the Indian governments continual exploitation of the tribe for tourism and their agenda to confiscate their land for modern development.
        • The film is a realtime record of how rapidly colonialism and the transformation of takes place. We hear the voices of the Jawara as they speak of the incremental exploitation and corruption of the modern world on their people. When we see this, we realize how little has changed since the 14th century when global colonialism began.
        • Instead of preserving the Jawara to have a living reminder of our ancient past and the wonder of human evolution, we myopically exploit them. What a sad commentary on humanity.
      • new trailmark: deeper reflections

        • this trailmark is used to capture deeper reflections not captured in the initial annotation
        • this often occurs for me there next day after a night's sleep.
        • I believe it happens because the intuitive gut feeling that initially attracted me to the story is not so easily accessible. It could be complex, entangled and difficult to articulate and/or subconscious
      • deeper reflections

        • our own process of cultural construction
          • the living Jawara are so valuable ethnographically and anthropologically because they are living, breathing examples of how culture constructs us -
        • adjacency between - Jawara people - Ronald Wright's computer analogy for modern humans
          • Cumulative Cultural Evolution (CCE)
            • Deep Humanity
          • adjacency statement
            • The comparison between the cultural differences between the Jawara people and we modernly enculturated humans is striking. Perhaps not as striking as feral children but still striking. It shows us how easily we ourselves could have such a different experience of life and Worldview if we were born into the Jawara tribe today.
            • As Ronald Wright noted, there is likely no difference between the human mental capacity of our 50,000 year old ancestors and ourselves
            • The significance of their existence is living proof of CCE, a profound Deep Humanity teaching about how we humans construct the meaningverse and symbolosphere so critical to intertwingled individual and collective experience of reality
            • The Jawara and other isolated ingenious progress should be treated with the greatest respect and esteem for being the living examples of our cultural evolution that teaches us the deepest lessons of what we are as humans and how culture profoundly shapes us
            • At a minimum, all the tourists the the Indian government have allowed to visit them, as well as the tourist operators should have mandatory Deep Humanity training before being allowed any contact with them in order to preserve their dignity
            • striping away all the amenities of modern life, we can see how happy they Jawara people are with so little
            • this is a lesson on recognising the wonder of simply being alive, an invaluable Deep. Humanity lesson
    1. the increasing number of tourists is starting to make them feel like exhibits in a zoo
      • for: human exploitation, treating humans like animals in a zoo

      • example - human exploitation - Jawara

        • These images parading the Jawara like curiosity items remind one of centuries earlier when European colonizers treated the people they enslaved as curiosity items - like animals in a zoo
        • Zoo's are themselves an icon that represents the distorted anthropogenic perspective and relationship of modern humans to the rest of the biome.
    2. there are armed poachers who shoot at us they steal they kill our pigs we think about it all the time 00:06:53 after the wild pigs it's deer their numbers have decreased dramatically since the poachers forced the jarrow to hunt for them wild game is being sold illegally on the 00:07:12 indian market
      • for: cultural destruction - Jawara - poachers, modernity - disruption of ecological cycle, example - ecosystem disruption

      • comment

      • example: ecosystem disruption
      • example: human cultural ecosystem in balance
      • the uncontrolled influence of the outside world always follows. Governments are too shortsighted to understand that this always happens and feel they can control the situation. They cannot. Greed breeds resourcefulness
        • In a matter of years, poachers have disrupted the Jawara's traditional diet, forcing them to overhunt deer and disrupt the entire ecological cycle that existed up until then.It's an example of how modernity ruthlessly and rapidly disrupts ecosystems. In this case, ecosystems where humans have integrated in a balanced way.
    1. How will people build professional callouses if the early work that may be viewed as mundane essentials are taken over by AI systems? Do we risk living in the age of the last masters, the age of the last experts?

      Professional callouses

      This is a paragraph too far. There are many unnecessary "callouses" that have been removed from work, and we are better for it. Should we go back to the "computers" of the 1950s and 1960s...women whose jobs were to make mathematical calculations?

      As technology advances, there are actions that are "pushed down the complexity stack" of what is assumed to exist and can be counted on.

      • for: microbiome, gut health, MET in Individuality - microbiome, complexity - human microbiome, fermentation - health
    1. there's a microbe in the mouth called fusobacterium nucleotide it over proliferates it's okay to have normally but it over proliferates when 01:28:39 you have bleeding gums gingivitis or periodontitis where it then enters the bloodstream this is called translocation and colonize the colon and the evidence is very good it is a principal cause of 01:28:52 colon cancer colon cancer starts in the mouth incredibly and doesn't get there by swallowing gets her through the bloodstream translocation
      • for:holistic medicine - example - oral microbiome and colon cancer, oral microbiome - colon cancer, bleeding gums - colon cancer, gingivitus - colon cancer, periodontitis - colon cancer, bloodstream translocation, complexity - example - human body - colon cancer - oral microbiome

      • comment

        • colon cancer starts in the mouth!
      • references

        • Oral-Intestinal Microbiota in Colorectal Cancer: Inflammation and Immunosuppression (2022)

          • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824753/
          • Abstract
            • It is widely recognized that microbial disorders are involved in the pathogenesis of many malignant tumors.
            • The oral and intestinal tract are two of the overriding microbial habitats in the human body. Although they are anatomically and physiologically continuous, belonging to the openings at both ends of the digestive tract, the oral and intestinal microbiome do not cross talk with each other due to a variety of reasons, including
              • intestinal microbial colonization resistance and
              • chemical barriers in the upper digestive tract.
            • However, this balance can be upset in certain circumstances, such as
              • disruption of colonization resistance of gut microbes,
              • intestinal inflammation, and
              • disruption of the digestive tract chemical barrier.
            • Evidence is now accruing to suggest that the oral microbiome can colonize the gut, leading to dysregulation of the gut microbes.
            • Furthermore, the oral-gut microbes create an
              • intestinal inflammatory and
              • immunosuppressive microenvironment
            • conducive to
              • tumorigenesis and
              • progression of colorectal cancer (CRC).
            • Here, we review
              • the oral to intestinal microbial transmission and
              • the inflammatory and immunosuppressive microenvironment, induced by oral-gut axis microbes in the gut.
            • A superior comprehension of the contribution of the oral-intestinal microbes to CRC provides new insights into the prevention and treatment of CRC in the future.
        • Insights into oral microbiome and colorectal cancer – on the way of searching new perspectives (2023)

          • https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2023.1159822/full
          • Abstract
            • Microbiome is a keystone polymicrobial community that coexist with human body in a beneficial relationship.
            • These microorganisms enable the human body to maintain homeostasis and take part in mechanisms of defense against infection and in the absorption of nutrients.
            • Even though microbiome is involved in physiologic processes that are beneficial to host health, it may also cause serious detrimental issues.
            • Additionally, it has been proven that bacteria can migrate to other human body compartments and colonize them even although significant structural differences with the area of origin exist.
            • Such migrations have been clearly observed when the causes of genesis and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) have been investigated.
            • It has been demonstrated that the oral microbiome is capable of penetrating into the large intestine and cause impairments leading to dysbiosis and stimulation of cancerogenic processes.
            • The main actors of such events seem to be oral pathogenic bacteria belonging to the red and orange complex (regarding classification of bacteria in the context of periodontal diseases), such as
              • Porphyromonas gingivalis and
              • Fusobacterium nucleatum respectively,
            • which are characterized by significant amount of cancerogenic virulence factors.
            • Further examination of oral microbiome and its impact on CRC may be crucial on early detection of this disease and would allow its use as a precise non-invasive biomarker.
    1. Die englische Regierung hat in der letzten Oktoberwoche 27 Lizenzen zur Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee vergeben. George Monbiot konfrontiert diese Entscheidung mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen zum sechsten Massenaussterben und dem drohenden Zusammenbruch lebensunterstützender Systeme des Planeten https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/31/flickering-earth-systems-warning-act-now-rishi-sunak-north-sea

    1. Jedes Zehntel Grad weiterer Temperaturerhöhung drängt 140 Millionen Menschen - vor allem in ärmeren Regionen - aus der sogenannten Klimatische, in der Menschen gut leben können. Forschende haben genau berechnet, wie viele Menschen bei verschiedenen Klimaszenarien in so heißen Gebieten leben würden, dass sie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Emigration gezwungen werden. Bei dem derzeit wahrscheinlichen 2,7 Grad-Szenario für 2100 wären das bis 2030 ca 2 Milliarden Menschen, bei einem 1,5 Gra-Pfad 400 Millionen. Auch in den nicht ganz so heißen Gebieten wird die Zahl der Extremwetterereignisse weiter zunehmen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/22/global-heating-human-climate-niche

    1. From this self-critical and controlled reasoning which is applied objectively andmethodically to the world, it makes sure to construct an "objectivity" which transcends the
      • for: adjacency - objectivity - imputation of the other

      • adjacency between

        • objectivity
        • imputation of the other
      • adjacency statement
        • there is a subtle assumption behind objectivity, namely that at least one other consciousness exists which can experience something the phenomena in a sufficiently similar way.
        • this is not a trivial assumption. Consider Thomas Nagel's "What is it like to be a bat?" Another human subject is typically required when "objectivity" is invoked. Certainly a bat could not experience the same phenomena objectively!
        • This also begs the question: to what extent can another human experience the phenomena the same way? We are assuming that two human beings who agree on the objectivity of a fact know what it is like to be the other in some salient way.
  13. Oct 2023
    1. However, recentresearch shows that people do not always engage with explainability tools enough to help improvedecision making. The assumption that people will engage with recommendations and explanationshas proven to be unfounded


    1. natural parental authority and the rights of mothers.

      this is interesting cos not only does he include the personal into the political which seems a bit contradictory, but also in his awful state of nature i would argue that women still occupy similar roles so what does this have to do with his perfect society?

    2. desires for the greater good.

      does this really fit with previous assertions of self-interest. what research did this guy do?

    3. moral system proposed by Hobbes

      moral system based upon human nature what now??

    4. reason and the pursuit of peace

      colonial perception of human nature based on reason and rationality.

    5. cooperation between people can only happen if it is in their self-interest
    6. ception of the world is influenced by physical stimuli and that there is no universal or objective experience of things.Our responses to the world are unique to us and influenced by how our bodies react to stimuli.Hobbes believed that all human actions are driven by our passions and desires.

      he does acknowledge the influence of other things on us so it is kind of convincing

    1. I 00:47:39 haven't heard any suggestion from anywhere in the world uh for a better order than the besmed liberal order which is based again on the very basic 00:47:52 understanding that all humans share the the same basic experiences and therefore we all share some common interests that the pain of as it's 00:48:05 biological that pain and and and despair and sadness they are the same in Israelis and Palestinians in Russians in ukrainians and this simple realization is the basis for the liberal Glo Global 00:48:18 Order
      • global liberal order, common human denominators, CHD, adjacency, adjancency - global liberal order - common human denominators - Deep Humanity, Yuval Noah Harari

      • adjacency

        • between
          • global liberal order
          • common human denominators (CHD)
          • Deep Humanity
      • adjacency statement
        • Yuval raised an interesting perspective I've never thought about with respect to the global liberal order
        • He points out that the essence of the global liberal order is that all humans share fundamental features
        • This aligns with Deep Humanity's Common Human Denominators (CHD)
        • The name 'global liberal order' has come to have a polarizing impact (liberals vs conservatives).
        • As pointed out in other places, liberal and conservative polarization is inherently partial truths and unreal abstractions.
          • Most human beings are both liberal AND conservative
        • Given the intractability of the problem, humanity is insufficient to deal with it
          • Nonlinear, alternative ways may have better success, including Deep Humanity, that looks at the Common Human Denominators as the foundational layer we all share as humans