- Oct 2022
catalog.huntington.org catalog.huntington.org
It is possible this Miscellany collection was assembled by Schutz as part of his own research as an historian, as well as the letters and documents collected as autographs for his interest as a collector;
Is it possible that this miscellany collection is of a zettelkasten nature?
Found via a search of the Huntington Library for Frederic L. Paxson's zettelkasten
The pencilled dots in the margin of many books in the Codrington Library at All Souls are certain evidence that A.L. Rowse was there before you.
Local file Local file
By teaching them all to read, we have left them atthe mercy of the printed word.
Knowing how to read without the associated apparatus of the trivium, leaves people open to believing just about anything. You can read words, but knowing what to do with those words, endow them with meaning, and reason with them. (summarization)
Oral cultures with knowledge systems engrained into them would likely have included trivium-esque structures to allow their users to not only better remember to to better think and argue.
- Sep 2022
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
Brown, Peter C., Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Belknap Press, 2014. https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674729018
- Feb 2021
cherrycreekschools.instructure.com cherrycreekschools.instructure.com
I find it crazy that the school lost 100 students weekly.
- Oct 2017
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com新しいタブ1