24 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Royal Quiet De Luxe Magic Margin Stuck Won't Slide Clean Flush Restore Operation of Typewriter by [[Phoenix Typewriter]]

      50+ year old oil can cause parts of a typewriter to seize and not work properly. Hitting it with some heavy degreaser (lacquer thinner, mineral spirits, etc.) and some compressed air as well as getting the parts moving will help clean these parts out.

  2. Jul 2024
  3. Jun 2024
  4. Jul 2023
    1. Margin Shopping suggestions?

      I've browsed through dozens of publishers who reprint translations of popular classics to find ones that have good broad margins to more easily be able to annotate in them. I've often considered self-publishing nice hardcover copies of out of copyright versions so that I could make nice wide margins or even interleave the books so that every other page was blank for taking notes.

      Notes on some publishers I've been contemplating:

      • The Folio Society seems to have some of the widest margins, but at a steep cost and a more limited selection.
      • Heritage Press has some good margins, but they're out of business and can be more expensive
      • Library of America has some of the larger mass-market hard cover margins with excellent quality, though their offerings are American writers only.
      • Penguin Classics seem to have some of the best margin widths for inexpensive paperbacks and has one of the widest offerings.
      • Norton Critical editions usually have reasonable paperback margins with excellent additional editorial for reasonable prices.

      Does anyone who marks up their books have particular publishers they like best for their ample margins, preferably in hard cover at a reasonable prices?

      Other than reprinting things myself, what other options are there for physical books? (For digital books, I often rely on my Kindle or I use Hypothes.is which offers endless margins digitally.)

      syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassicalEducation/comments/15clwfd/margin_shopping_suggestions/

  5. May 2023
    1. Typewriter Cleaning and Repair Basics #3 Bell Fixed

      Keep in mind that some typewriters don't have hard mechanical margin stops, but rely on the user to hear the bell to know the margin is approaching and return the line manually.

      Bell hammer mechanisms may simply need to be cleaned to get them into functioning order. Dirt and grime may prevent the hammer mechanism from having enough force to strike the bell. Beyond this replacing the spring may be necessary.

  6. Apr 2023
    1. Rebinding a book for more margin space? .t3_12noly2._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } I was thinking about cutting a book's spine and gluing the pages against bigger notebooks to get more margin space to write in with a heat erasable pen. Maybe I could combine this with antinet Zettlekasten cards somehow.That way, I can bring a chapter with me at a time more portably, and erase all the way to notes when I'm done by putting it in the oven.Thing is, I thought I'd do a search to find how someone else did this, but there's nothing on YouTube.Did I miss something?

      reply to u/After-Cell at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/12noly2/rebinding_a_book_for_more_margin_space/

      The historical practice of "interleaved books" was more popular in a bygone era. If you search you can find publishers that still make bibles this way, but it's relatively rare now.

      Given the popularity and ease of e-books and print on demand, you could relatively easily and cheaply get an e-book and reformat it at your local print shop to either print with larger margins or to add blank sheets every other page to have more room for writing your notes. For some classic texts (usually out of copyright) you can "margin shop" for publishers that leave more marginal space or find larger folio editions (The Folio Society, as an example) for your scribbles if you like.

      Writing your notes on index cards with page references is quick and simple. These also make good temporary bookmarks. Other related ideas here: https://hypothes.is/users/chrisaldrich?q=tag:%22interleaved%20books%22

      Have I just coined "margin shopping"?

  7. Aug 2021
  8. May 2021
    1. Negative values are mostly unsupported in html email. So is CSS position. For webmail at least, this is so that your email doesn't render outside of the desired window. Imagine Gmail with your CSS or email affecting the interface - they've limited the CSS you can use specifically to prevent this.
  9. Mar 2021
    1. First of all, I would say it is not good to use margin on the component’s top-level, because it breaks the isolation of components.// A React component with margin set on top-levelconst MyComponent = () => { return <div style="margin: 1rem">...</div>;};margin here is not just affecting the component itself, but also affecting other components (e.g., it is pushing off another component / element sitting next to it)If we want to place this component in a different context or layout, margin would get in the way of resuse


      • コンポーネント外の他のコンポーネントに影響を与えてしまう。(例えば、位置を変えてしまうなどの副作用)
      • 他のレイアウトやコンテキストでコンポーネントを再利用しづらくなってしまう
  10. Jan 2021
  11. Aug 2020
    1. Unfortunately, a lot of the conversation was wrought with too much dehumanisation and personal attacks that it made me question how open some of the people in the open movement are

      I'd like to know more about this ... but maybe this is not the space ...

    1. Open education comes down to one word: accountability.

      I'd push back on that .. accountability (I get what the point is here about personal responsibility) indicates data points and checklists and such ... I would hope open is more about inquiry and exploration ...

    1. the voices from the periphery

      What if, like me, they are voices considered to be in the center, assumed to be full of while privilege, not on the margins and not wanting to imagine much less create alternative, new worlds? I would argue that as an adjunct, someone over 65, and a farmer at the end of a half-mile hollar, that I am mos def on someone's damned margins. And who's to say otherwise.

      John Seely Brown even talks about how the margins of open education create their own margins:

      Open source communities have developed a well-established path by which newcomers can “learn the ropes” and become trusted members of the community through a process of legitimate peripheral participation. New members typically begin participating in an open source community by working on relatively simple, noncritical development projects such as building or improving software drivers (e.g., print drivers). As they demonstrate their ability to make useful contributions and to work in the distinctive style and sensibilities/taste of that community, they are invited to take on more central projects. Those who become the most proficient may be asked to join the inner circle of people working on the critical kernel code of the system. Today, there are about one million people engaged in developing and refining open source products, and nearly all are improving their skills by participating in and contributing to these networked communities of practice.

      (Seely Brown, John, and R. P. Adler. “Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0.” Educause Review, vol. 43, no. 1, 2008, pp. 16–20.)

    2. a central location for the production of a counter-hegemonic discourse

      So... if the margin can also be the center, then who and what is at the margin of this marginalized center? I suspect I am there. So who is at my margins and what are they countering? This map is an undiscovered territory.

  12. Jul 2018
  13. Feb 2017
    1. SVM only cares that the difference is at least 10

      The margin seems to be manually set by the creator in the loss function. In the sample code, the margin is 1-- so the incorrect class has to be scored lower than the correct class by 1.

      How is this margin determined? It seems like one would have to know the magnitude of the scores beforehand.

      Diving deeper, is the scoring magnitude always the same if the parameters are normalized by their average and scaled to be between 0 and 1? (or -1 and -1... not sure of the correct scaling implementation)

      Coming back to the topic -- is this 'minimum margin' or delta a tune-able parameter?

      What effects do we see on the model by adjusting this parameter?

      What are best and worst case scenarios of playing with this parameter?

  14. Aug 2016
    1. It is a different thing, a set of education policies, investment decisions, and IT practices that actively create and maintain class boundaries through strictures that discriminate against specific groups.

      Highlighted this in response to Jeremy's comment above about filters. Institutional practices and policies are the focus here as well as the physical infrastructure for IT, available equipment.